Ep. 720: Where an Angry Bird in the hand is worth two in the Hanukkah bush
Ep. 720: Where an Angry Bird in the hand is worth two in the Hanukkah bush

Ep. 720: Where an Angry Bird in the hand is worth two in the Hanukkah bush

-- -- -- That Thursday December 2. Twenties then how are you everybody's support for podcasts on Jeff Bakalar I'm -- I'm Natalie Meier and then I'm Justin new -- that there be for loop. This show where an angry bird in the hand is worth two in the -- bush. And if you're gonna. Apple and explained that provide a you have about the idea that I think it speaks for itself -- pad other and it -- you in the village for talking about Angry Birds and it is podcast -- -- the original -- mean I literally have no idea and the worst. At ADM's -- always get them rom -- them. So but what I think this means a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Is that if you are happy and application. And then you let that go for something more are usually use or lose the original thing and -- here. -- she's right she's read it regularly -- you -- on praises dot org. I -- really enough punitive but it says that the meeting is it's better to have a small real advantage than the possibility of a greater one. -- they are able thought. -- -- injury well we're gonna hand which is the falcon with a more valuable as a to have been to in the bush in the bush if you can't that's I got the college's medical. -- -- -- From people I mean -- like candy like if you have a handful -- candy and you wanna pick Atmel. My -- like where they have the -- -- dealer -- a big joke on the phrase to have that this is literally it was always like -- advertisements and I get cut up and is most certainly worth. Like. The like it I'm like you are sometimes like it takes him home to get idioms like one time somebody's like is said to me -- no man is an island -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They don't yet know well I I get them usually but I always try to save them and I always -- them wrong. And it's excessive. Kind of contention and how that might know all I'm pretty sure it's bull in the China cabinet that. I'd like to know it. Sure yeah -- Does give mistake in or I don't like what you make this mistake when they say. For all intensive purposes. Instead of for all intents and her -- is definitely intends. Exempt purpose is the brilliant then you -- that one is always new dad announced -- and T and he adds right. Up until a year ago -- pop up confusing the word out what is it irregardless -- I'd be without you nothing like that yeah if that's like you sound like President Bush. I -- Clayton called me that a -- because the and you know -- -- -- -- he magnetic -- Apple it'll attract his. We -- laughs a little like I don't know I went -- and mouth breather or itself. Would we get going on today as well he shows titled. My favorite game -- I like it's -- -- I've been playing in a lot suddenly you're really an original idea. And the you know there was. And -- is how we here. And -- -- updated it last night at least violence grade four. Now it in Hubert seasons seasons and I get really excited because those it's in their late you know hit update in my phone like C in the list and I'm like oh my god the rest of nights is gone yet turns out they're only doing one level a day until Christmas. There's Tony fat levels and -- only Omaha. -- painful thing it had failed to show you a count down of exactly how -- outlet to the next version is released right you put that on page yet it which shows exactly how addictive viewing time out when's the next release in the next movies would mean well and that's the other thing I believe it's actually line is like. It -- actually more time -- -- It's -- -- three hours the last day you know less than twelve hours I stayed up until 3 o'clock the morning waiting for the next one valued Internet. Did you think oh I was up until -- Europe anyway I was you -- just -- And I learned plan freaking men are -- part changes. -- well not the only difference now is that it's in it's in color. I mean and -- snow and you can actually the room birds and it's -- -- there's instead of like you're really. Collapsed and and and other items to break its know that he's angry -- -- -- fact cannot packages. You I don't know -- would like that would be a new bird. These great -- -- three hours and 35 minutes last night I posted that the FaceBook this morning. -- what's going. -- -- -- -- that the Internet if they aren't good idea he's there isn't about to -- -- -- he had Angry Birds -- yet. I like that I've never heard that he's got some -- -- mean yeah I have a funny I. Even the volumes and -- -- I'm proud I am at my -- it didn't even. Conan is talking about anger records audio I mean like it's it's a total cultural -- For -- of them but you can get balls they tie you do get violent directly from broken rodeo for like thirty bucks. It there -- a lot of money and Angry Birds -- -- believe is coming out next year you must hear -- -- that will be the first game actually -- -- at this. It doesn't take down in all my friends and -- -- gonna -- when those things where we talk about it that like our remember Angry Birds. -- -- -- -- -- Now -- neither I don't let it you know I feel like it a little and I like ally I can't yet that's what happening and it's totally brag but I only till I don't wanna play for the. Reason that there and and speak in India the -- I don't play because so many people talk about. And yeah we're ever looks at talking about something you kinda get sick of it -- just note that put. I mean that philosophy I understand -- league. Using the -- -- routes to our team to annually by yourself medium just worried I'm gonna get as addictive as Wilson and -- I don't -- -- -- like that only put on my commute to Wilson's that's you're used for -- -- and -- scratch him like Tyrone -- -- -- value to three hours. Was funny so last night like when the update Gaza on my -- like -- -- tweeted about it. And twenty minutes later I get a tweet it to them on the front -- of the Twitter homepage there's so many people -- -- the fact that the new Angry -- update -- So like okay I am not the only person obsessive use of which -- point its popular yet clearly didn't -- my feeling -- that he's. I -- that you -- made -- -- and a I -- that I love it here are equipped with -- -- can talk about it for more than a minute mom so this is cool Natalie told us this when she got near that and Mark Zuckerberg is going to be on sixty minutes this -- and now. And that and I -- enhancements. -- she's writing about it right now in its. I don't know -- that's the story probably. Sixteen and it only hands -- I -- I don't understand without. Another movie and he's -- Apparently he's going to be talking about the film the direction taken with these but why start with the film now -- -- -- well ahead on the road and all that of the stuff and yet it's get a good look none of -- happen. You know I don't know you and I never even -- -- A vote on mine -- -- my computer but I'll -- Republican. I'm and a sixteen minutes and I've watched every exit since nineteen well hello -- yeah I realize how old are you. Well -- yeah. Why do. They've done and courier people who -- sixty -- -- That I live sixty minute I feel like at the back -- you like Andy -- Will actually turn it off a cold cold. -- -- up the eyes of these is at this point he's just like arguing that he uses like why don't like it man oh yeah and -- Huge office in the right and I'm sure he does Warner yeah whole studio in. I don't of the studios in his office suite of offices. In its it and everything really I don't understand it for five minute he. If I'm in India today. -- you -- -- think it's funny. As I just -- icons are I fully imagine like CBS grooming yet to take over did you recover. But that's it -- is there anything that guy gonna -- They got no idea I would love to do that I received. A go here is that if -- are now. This really grinds my gear -- iron in years -- I notice I'm telling him in all that Adobe still open and went down in it okay -- comments and entertainment stories or tech story because I remember running this study in college. One of the complaints about it gets from media here it's that sixty minutes has become so much more and -- -- So much more often they'll be very -- simple yes or -- some circuit instead of an investigative piece that -- the -- -- out. You know. With the brick red or are now known who is that equipment for the -- 02 degrees -- agree that he's mean. -- -- I didn't see this it would they did like. Just about how -- is a cool guy I did feel like. He edited her eyes (%expletive). Who I should learn something isn't showing me something about the world and it totally color fully agree with you except I mean it's it's really a very physical -- and I. I think it's a matter just the changing. Once in culture. I mean like we -- got another story -- like about the being search terms and -- the number -- -- -- -- -- given all the crap that's happening in the world to -- -- Take the number one search term on -- was Kim Kardashian -- yeah she's got and then -- -- Sixty minutes as NASA pop culture fifteen minute sixty minutes is not -- that yes but they almost canceled reality very happy do nice things and and -- the flag. Indonesian -- -- in the Obama administration and I fully agree with him that's -- that Sudanese genocide -- -- -- -- reporting I really big deal an -- market and I kind of thing they have no business doing this story about how du pre -- that guy if you ask me. Okay I thought it. I don't -- on -- but. I mean you know let's be honest that audiences probably shrinking. The one that cares about these international -- those people should be caring patient -- efficiently I'm not arguing that but I'm. Saying -- so much you already yet especially during football season yet they still -- that they don't -- disease stories about Zuckerberg sure. I don't think and Wendy do technology stories for some reason they don't. Reference CNET they don't ask. Unless -- sixty minutes is aware that cnet's around I mean they did what the story they did about Internet security where they they pissed off the whole tech community. As they did a story about. -- -- -- what you do -- -- only right now and energy to indicate you know like eight. Ray yet that it's some U new way to generate power but -- like hey we've been reading about this for months. Yeah right right in they ask Marten Monica I -- while I don't -- and then now I'm -- him he'd of course but it. At the same time the tech community does seem to get a little bit perturbed and sixty minutes does these things -- relieve Japanese sellers. Well there's again no their audience. Number two. I also think. The phenomenon on sixty minutes is not just the content. I think it's sort of like you know like issued -- that release -- their looks like so popular. -- -- -- -- Comforting sort of thing that -- people really dig -- but -- its iTunes or people I just appreciate why does every now and then Sharon -- important you know Alexia who when they get. -- On Anna on six and yeah I out of all of you cry you like watching they get people yet they get there -- like the best. Rated -- right right yeah -- use for. And he's been easy in when they did -- they were the only cameras allowed in the air at. They've got an artistic and and I mean it's. That's important. Journalists and -- it is -- just get an -- in and I and another feature on Zuckerberg. Come on I feel about Zuckerberg an agent and -- Or drew degrees. I just looked up on Wikipedia they had noted in humans. -- Google GB mom still back to a Wilson's talk about Michael Jackson. Nathan what you're talking to Michael Jackson -- I'm game for Wii is already being ping ping the -- A Big Apple iTunes. And I'm Wilson was talking about most surcharges on all that easily gotten I have an island you're -- -- by the Texas on getting. -- -- -- -- You can't name them all the same David utter -- this -- Appearing as in Hong. Yet so apparently they do -- at least. Poland and -- and I don't. The story is that Apple is releasing a new Michael Jackson song but exclusively on this social network paying -- he's suffering from they -- earlier to -- -- I'm sorry -- Oklahoma -- you know I. They'll know its exploit it is they don't. Little guy's dead they're all dead nothing was about to release albums. Any past finalists among -- -- -- directors. 2000. It was invincible -- the -- And this is it this is it was supposed to be an -- -- -- yet -- -- concert plus an album in you know all this other stuff but you know who's getting the money. These keys get kids raised and have it but I can -- Adults and its credit and yet did you guys also hear that this controversy around the song they're releasing people are thinking that it's not Michael Jackson. It's people being his sister LaToya Jackson has -- -- -- -- the incidents I don't really criticism Michael Bennett visited Enceladus boys it's -- -- the that he would put out. They think that after -- to hide the record companies went back and it is with yeah because -- -- maybe maybe the hint is that the song title is called much too soon in half. And I think that's a little bizarre that he could've written a song called much too soon before his untimely. It is just and fortune game let's talk about the Chilean miners and the saw. Williams okay. -- yeah and write to him I've heard accident that -- -- it. -- and -- it's just. -- -- it and but yeah. Then okay maybe he needs you couldn't meet you and I don't it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Let me get this really Carly -- -- -- -- -- -- that I did syndicate it to the king ha ha -- Papa Papa we gotta take a break when we come back. Just is gonna tell us about his place is that Playboy hard drive -- Now we can't tell you from this yet activated devices and -- will hear all about that stick around for four after the break. The floor of the card and adapters. The show where we -- -- Hollywood and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls and we feel your emails and that's why -- -- Send us an email right now to holiday help desk at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right -- Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Back here on the world for the EU. PM. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It does. -- like the -- the current. Doesn't take ended the day. I'm okay I'm okay now I don't -- everything is getting offensive we'll. I'm gonna knock -- at -- I'm Michael Jackson joke when you're at different ethnic lines you know -- -- -- we're gonna they're listening to leave Jeff and me and you -- Richard -- Cheryl. You would now. Now I have no idea then and. NN NN NN and then. Yeah yeah and that with my -- man in death that's what they -- here and I think they keep -- -- -- shares of Microsoft. -- -- -- -- -- That's really good I like -- -- -- I did not that it -- -- your -- some general isn't. Some time now you are you are funny you've -- -- giro. Speaking of Justin. -- not only girls. -- we actually have one -- now if we don't audio with whom we do we do okay but. -- it's a -- -- one that's for Steve so they -- postpone that well that's what sort of time sensitive so I'd like to play this video was now now it's from our friend Richard in Atlanta. And it's his birthday today so let's hear what he wants. From Atlanta has so he has -- That's what -- for -- of -- hasn't been -- -- because it news reported that it. That -- the morning and a few of imclone don't want it -- happy birthday. And figure hopefully that can -- you have an invitation. Of the civil war for over a year and I -- good deal with that last time. -- Forward. -- -- that. Only it's. -- There. You can handle. Happy happy birthday and handed for and it is an excerpt we cannot watch this -- -- It is also available audio. But does not require eyes I hope I think -- his mystical beauty. He's still living. And -- friends calling it with three him -- would you -- -- thing I could kick ass because. -- may -- thought oh my god he can't call Natalie after it Columbia Allah grant that's so but that's awesome very happy birthday served. Richard burst -- on us this and is the bill. -- and -- corporate and -- year. You are let's talk about -- yes success -- I let alone before I talk but the story -- blog about this on -- -- -- I've -- blah well it can and -- we -- I want interview that there's I am gonna gonna say I'm doing it do -- the best is what. Just they've got the story yesterday it like the -- shows that. -- like that I had seen and then -- music omits label and hardly ever see anyone read about should I love. That's everything you still motivated to open them up on great ride -- life. Only yeah aren't even up for Q how are you guys tuchman in stores and oh -- you can log of my -- -- hills. But we think about it and asked him to watch the show in the time during for four he found that the thing right applications and all manner of theft and we -- -- -- and that no matter right -- about -- I'm like yeah everything is okay hard drives it might be on yeah and you can imagine is not a lot of exciting story isn't over yet. It's Elijah has anything that they're closer that's the video show -- science blog -- should just include. -- -- My review is so excited I can't really -- yes obviously guys. I'm actually happen like postpone all the work we have to -- I had already this immediately -- gonna be in my office don't bug me a some pretty cool anyway Photoshop the graphic but it is actually an lot of free time. I -- -- -- -- -- room. It's bean bag chair so it isn't 56 years -- all. They're pretty much their entire collection of magazines brawl -- to one. 2.5 inch external hard drive that's over 650 issues -- a 100000. Pages. Of Reading content for you to enjoy a for the procedure now -- -- jets PDF. I'll actually -- -- Microsoft's -- light. That's their online magazine. Software and you have to download that -- -- to -- the content the conflict like real -- -- as I and available yet as an iPad version -- the big question is how much does it costs while -- apologized three. Yet you 300 bucks which is a lot of money for two -- twenty -- the unit would like to hear you're talking about fifty years and yet. Mediocre poor or and here's -- Airbrushed goodness -- have a tasteful paint or extra space launch left her on -- can you can use -- other thing to do that like an animal. -- -- I don't know that is a thing about that I'd imagine that it probably was so funny Hindi like. Hard drive they guys down is again no -- okay now I. Do you wanna put on grading cannot and I will because you can notice the evolution of pornography. In the Playboy -- -- certain trends such in. You know we're talking to you -- not in -- event will be the place so we can reference that questions we had elected -- hello. In which is used in the community -- guess Playboy international metaphors so yeah you can actually. See yourself like a -- yet it's also critical that they they offer a separate package per decade if you only use in the -- -- from the 1970s. You can buy that separately your -- hired manager -- singer and so you -- operate it right I think it's appealing to the a big kid that grew up in the eighties like stealing his dad's -- meet -- -- only wants -- collection and reminded of that time -- life yet I just north. Get naked -- These kind of hard drives -- time -- though you can usually see when they are act as -- When you will literally on Friday Ramada that I -- to move so if your son edit -- -- -- -- What about the digital version and. High. Had been looking at I would never happen -- -- -- yes because they think about it like it back in the day when -- you know thirteen 1490 yet there was the physical act of like. Lifting up the matches or whatever -- had to do but now say. I just can't picture -- doing that same thing when the entire Internet. There's a couple of that -- couple of -- use -- You know -- when you were a kid you found that it. You Blake took photographic evidence Selig made sure that -- is no way out do there's no way when you carry. Around. Any government that I okay regardless let that I have some other questions like we have now -- is it called the Playboy drive was something not inoculate. Play well I did when I -- label logo on the top of the hard drive so I think it's supposed to be an ethnic and the Playboy brand is increasingly strong -- -- -- -- -- not -- on the bed thinking. Hustler has a great brand and make jokes but it's not just all visual point -- -- the articles that were written by prominent writers are hesitant to get -- -- -- with animals and -- Input with more than just pornographic but I mean and really when it comes down to it but the average issue these when I was going to -- camp my dad bought me like -- it's. I really excellent. -- -- which is excellent. Remember like the ratio of like just straight up photograph. Ladies to text as -- know this is so I mean you know. I get a lot regret but if you are -- and that digital you can by the flash drive which is something I know I'm gonna -- this -- -- -- -- -- Surely would be hard drive laughs yeah yeah I was never -- drive this is more targeted contents if you want porn. Delivery to you already on the USB hard drive you can get just like China and those of you can even specify what job you want to if you only want lake. Certain key yes certain brand diseases -- the -- -- -- have to get -- right -- your -- I thought I out there and if I put your name under byline are all the stories you -- Other very and -- -- just has seen in needs of porn via blogger guess what you're that guy. And it. Everybody you are him yeah it's funny it's and something like this comes up. Our copy -- emailed the link to me. -- want about -- other thing you get into YouTube pervert it well organized this thing on the pervert train because apparently in Europe. France more specifically. The needy porn channel has the added -- -- -- in the run down. Yeah. And well that they don't care like you can and -- for lake you know. Pepsi have naked ladies and gray area that you know it's -- on demand and this is on to use so wants. -- -- out here so now 3-D porn. Is -- everything. I think it is I now. I don't want you don't think I -- you don't know when there's Blu-ray -- is HDDVD. Like we we knew that the porn industry we thought maybe they wouldn't. -- -- Even ones to decide that because it was the -- industry that decided VHS -- beta Mac break I try not to be the case it if you're writing or didn't they -- kind of waiting for at the porn industry to adopt this technology -- that they would and I mean -- -- -- last week that this is the kind of angry you know one of -- -- and glasses. I don't know exactly I would imagine is dirty enough. Pre preparation work to do yet while adding that now and let alone put glances are pitching a story -- -- -- and -- within three to easily get to. Love. I think thirty point is already taking up -- -- reading a story back in June about a hustler I think putting on a parity of avatar. But is a 380 point moves ago I don't know. You don't measure -- to do with one word yes it's a few new things and has a line item. And that's it'd be a lot of Latvia emerging I'll get their point points. Oh yeah that's how they mated in the movie -- if that's that was one. Being in the movie have filled a -- -- but I am not an entity right. That's true and Sony entered the and the nominee but not. You naked the media it speaking of nudity let's talk about Kim Kardashian Wilson you've brought with them -- leader Kim Kardashian the number one. Most of search term in being for 2010 and I believe all the search results were from you gentlemen you and IP address these gorgeous so I understand yes it's the people just wanna see her naked that's almost like it. Comes down -- that it's very simple -- like I wish -- went -- high school you have. About the threat as they wanna see what she didn't program and -- I don't know I don't. Understand why people like -- isn't like Barbara Walters interview -- her something. Stop punishing it and what I really her on sixty minutes I yeah and I'm not gonna happen -- I. Just -- GB's is there. Really at the rock my entire yeah -- you're -- I think as I know it yet is that students I would be at sixty minutes good -- -- Hey I gotta get out of -- guys and thank you so much for listening to the show or watching us live -- on demand. We will see you guys tomorrow with Steve Guttenberg thank you to Natalie who Morris. They're gonna hear both C guys tomorrow its support for hi tech low brow haven't awesome Thursday we'll see --

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