Ep. 700: Where you vote yes on prop 404
Ep. 700: Where you vote yes on prop 404

Ep. 700: Where you vote yes on prop 404

-- -- Everybody it's what is it. Choose again yeah yeah you November 2. November 2 it's election gamble's name on -- you it -- to show where. You vote yes on prop 404. He believes -- you know I shouldn't gonna go back to -- Can build. We mine for hours and not that it really matters. It. Style solid lead leaning. Left. You know voting for the -- government. No no I'm Mac I'm not a New York resident. And means they can't vote or governor's willingness he's -- -- be governor Cuomo yet. Starting soon. You know how Dino has -- oh definitely not. Watching all these commercials four -- the -- -- -- the World Series and that does -- exactly like Oswald. I've got my eyes and I. -- -- print it out like I'm sure you guys are sick of election coverage but there's a guy that the Republican nominee for governor is. I mean call -- -- now. Is known for outrageous statements over the last couple months and I think last we made fun of him a couple weeks ago or. I guess switching his position on and he -- in my mind. -- was -- was a rabbi involved but yes this guy looks exactly like -- bubble -- TV it is going. To take but he -- see a picture of him -- looks just like the payment. There's not quite elegant long -- -- he is click on it after they had a picture up on the video right now if you're watching. His dark eyes and it didn't -- and his eyebrows and super compact. And any. -- a New York resident either instantly California we as voters yeah I still have not. Change -- the. Elegant jury -- that's where you want. I'm just getting -- yet but. I am I am voting today for. Do. That -- yeah I have. There's that. -- well you know. It's important I know we've we to -- it's not necessarily. It within -- -- per view it go and vote and at least personal beef from -- -- -- take the time to understand the issues yet make it doesn't matter whether you vote. Make sure that you actually understand what the guy that you're voting for. Actually is advocating yet so if you wanna get rid of Social Security that's fine. This make sure experts is that you understand the ramifications of that -- -- -- that you know or or or everything yeah. And you can vote all day today but if you don't know where your nearest polling station if you can actually go. Q this Google Maps app it's pretty cool have you seen with some I I heard about it -- I actually haven't seen it and you might want to sign out real quick. -- -- -- Got good look -- dot com. And -- you -- find out where -- to the nearest polling station is by typing in your home address partners show you all of the different locations around. -- -- -- This active. Though that there is addressed to CNET when he's please GDP actually went stickers and you can email us. Or not enough -- -- -- self addressed stamped envelope. When he he's 28 and you can actually see our. Nearest polling location and yet that's the book is huge hotel prince George hotel on what is -- that's this a couple of blocks away yeah that's a block away that easy. So -- go to NASA who about catching my residency to -- CNET. That we would -- might have had CNET. Polling stations in house in a lot of offices. That's a possibility. Yeah it definitely go -- -- vote today if you cool so. I think we're all still reeling from Jeff's wedding yeah yeah actually this is kind of things I want -- -- -- and we'll leave today outlook in the office yet and Justin has something hadn't. I haven't seen in literally. Hi I'm here -- back. Created. Photos of the -- you've seen it all below like this. Okay he actually has developed. Film yet from Jeff's wedding I laughed at him to. I don't you pulled out my camera at just -- was funny too like Mike my girlfriend. Picked up the camera was like where the hell that you like where -- Olivia. Screams yeah. The left foot away from our days old time staring into it yeah in nearly know there's a viewfinder season. I'm Chinese looked. -- -- The wedding we give me crap about bringing it ran at 35 millimeter point and shoot camera because you know we were seen added you'd think that -- -- -- and we have the latest technology. -- special occasions like weddings or whatever it's nice to actually have. Photos men and I do you -- how do. Quality photos from the wedding says. We developed a few when he and we do a little slide -- in the audience who got a couple pictures to Athens rather hand me my girlfriend. Not all that really -- of these -- Until Diana was -- -- pinch and squeeze. I -- that's dollar. I bet a thousand mark yeah. -- and how much okay so how much it costs. For you to get actual film developed these days because yet I was joking but I didn't realize -- use it every Duane -- in the city can develop this. Yeah this is late you know you've got the drive twenty miles and get to it. Looks kind of funny because between me that I went to around the corner from all -- try to get photos developed their accounts asking -- how much for 24 exposures. To get those -- -- and the guy's like once again. Now how would cost us try to get a price it's like oh no we don't do developing we don't do well -- here it's all digital. -- actually to go around the corner and it's eleven dollars per 24 exposure to film a little lamb how well it yet but bucks more if you want them scanned and emailed to you as well. I don't do that they can do that myself at the office here that -- let's get them printed so that that's like fifty. Just again development I was I remotely getting huge prints made -- single like four by six reference writes on the need five dollars Diana. You don't need some money for taking all those random snapshots as merely a when I did try to stop her with my hand in front of the camera from taking it is the -- -- -- -- Yeah now that every time you took -- they are literally a dollar per. I bullets snapping pictures. This is going crazy -- they -- a little digital camera experience now you're. -- -- because you were at CNET news and skin and and easily and cost five dollars extra five dollars extra yeah I -- my question is like wasn't -- really. -- got all the pictures that you develop -- going to be good the beauty of digital cameras that you -- check it right away afterward. You could take another one if you need to but I mean a lot of them didn't turn out very well. You know a lot of lot of my friends who still do film photography -- because they like the thrill of not you you know. Not knowing and finding something -- -- finding a really cool shot. But at the same time. It was a once in a lifetime way. -- and relay your finger was okay the -- until. Three days later that happen again that's -- understated you can take pictures of -- -- The building -- all the whole thing but that's the as. Soon as you look and you know the would you call it about it he's -- developer processor possibly in just the guy look in the guy's -- simulate within. He's gonna shut it in the computer like it's a ten gigabyte -- -- Real goal that's. -- -- But I am well good politics it let's get into a few stories. Adding you'd like had -- heard about this actually it's a neat guy guys you need me yeah that's. I had only -- what is kept coming back for. Aero bar -- he's a local -- here in New York City. He's been doing these really cool public installations and yet the technological twist on it that I think is. Relative to the show check this out it's called dead drops and what he's doing is he's integrating USB. Drives into random parks the city. And so you know places -- developed with the -- going -- actually insert that USB key into the cement. So when it dries you'll have a public USB key that you can go and upload whatever you wanted to. So the idea is that he's putting these into random parts of city. Right and any way to go and plug their laptop. Into the wall. And you and I'm guessing the ideas that you files there are the people -- now how loses any different. Then and protect the unprotected sex cult like -- how. You can risk their -- they exactly the same thing if -- Right how terrible -- you make a game he's a big sticking out of a wall right ray and I'm. You know decided to interface that they downloaded great regret it you wouldn't -- yeah. Via outlook it -- -- -- I that it didn't. US and I -- now you're definitely get -- cats they he had an uncertainty of letting you pick. Worse but it's -- it's -- on the Internet definitely. I'm looking at it on like -- that reminds -- of something I cannot say on the show okay. Involving a wall all and I -- and probably -- -- out of -- It's gonna be going on for a little Wozniak if you did wanna put depiction of your -- love that five. Yeah. That these five locations I think 873 avenue and -- -- -- -- in new museum -- the corner from my house union square. But yeah you're right well -- and I can only imagine horrible -- -- -- -- But not only that we're -- about like we can't even get rid of conflict here here -- -- yeah. Yeah after a record breaking -- All -- -- little case is now happy Conficker virus. Actually you know it's is I just don't really and I go back to the -- -- don't see the difference in right now if you're. I guess in the alternative lifestyle -- -- finally you don't care about your. Your body slash computer died how yeah I mean maybe this -- actually say something about the Internet that when people are anonymous there always gonna do -- really bad things yeah yeah I mean I expect like the first thing to be loaded on the USP. Maybe to be something useful -- but it. As soon as that's done is just gonna be like yeah like I imagine you go into the device right now and changing all the file names to -- I like check -- picture of my group that yeah. Yeah. I could imagine you're gonna go. -- Oh man I. -- -- -- It's mark this -- the he forced banter between. If all of you in the chatroom -- so I figured I -- -- -- -- I'm totally get. I sit I was gonna be on the show the elderly and it -- you -- -- yeah -- tell you there was -- forced anything. Viewers simply talking about. Things like in devices sticking out of walls -- that you were supposed to -- It sounds dirty. It's out public art project by -- -- okay yeah. Hear about this US the -- has been -- you bring USB ports into random parts of the city where public for the public to go and upload whatever but answers -- Crunch yeah yeah it would by now. -- Would you. I guess like -- connect your computer to in human. Know. I think maybe my mom would yeah people. Or like one -- my parents -- has every time she sees an ad pops up telling -- -- when the car she's like hey. -- we. -- -- Don't click on that to me yeah. So. That's probably I can imagine a lot of pain -- -- -- -- -- probably get very excited about that it's just that and use -- these days ago. I can imagine someone putting up a sign over -- use the thing sticking -- -- waltzing like. Connect here for a million dollars or. Like free software I -- at the time of your life. That shattered escalated. That that bar in the the west village and forget what it's called that you go into telephone Booth and then yet. You of the -- again. Yeah. I like the what is it called -- that's just the -- -- front. You go to a phone Booth you pick up the phone. And and on the el you whether or not you can come in and then a secret door opens right yup -- -- -- obviously. Location called script does and which do is go into -- restaurant and they only serve hot dogs but on the side there's a phone Booth. And if you go to the phone Booth there's actually entrance to a bar at secret -- They could only get in through the phone Booth and you call him open the door there but because these greet you before they -- you it. -- like if you don't realize -- not exactly banality actually Carolina turned away. That's probably a result of the blocks truthful but because it when knows about it yet super crowded round right well I was -- -- was from personal experience now yeah. -- nowadays there. I got it turned -- I don't get. Distance here you. Can you -- that -- all guy. I thought I had the same people that operate that bar actually operate the the U -- -- -- yet. Well anyways if you wanna go and check out one of these USB ports you can do that Mozilla looks like yet sort of looks like it's literally just sticking out of a brick building -- -- it's just a USB ports your connection just by itself and I. Story geysers on yet believe so yeah here it is funky that it actually has -- locations if you wanna go and -- -- -- -- -- it -- let's take a little break right now. -- leave. Got some commercials and other stuff we've got to play in a bit. We'll see you guys on the other side if -- can ever find the right button press you. This is the floor home phone or an American actors the show where we -- -- It's good -- and yeah. Yeah yeah. It's can I get this thing to write that way -- Jeff is in here. Story of a -- -- Apple. We actually had a really instinct hold back. This is really weird as on this computer and it's only certain things will play eighties and he give notepad and I've learned all those rules it. -- -- -- Eight he rejoined right now pages in the area everything that you -- -- -- I don't like are you gonna play the voicemail they cut him often dealing basically. And real. Yeah. I think I'm gonna move the mouse over to its is that for call back this registry to get a shot and exactly -- -- -- I can probably pull this up right now ideas and it won't. What I'm doing and I'll okay an oddity though on the flow Floyd Jeffrey here he would -- all of -- -- there's no question about that so this guy actually had really just implement. Had I actually got to work that they've been there and hey this is Anthony in San Francisco and you're listening to the 404 -- great -- -- clay US probably -- -- Wow I. What show that was a little while ago a lot ambiance and -- -- that I liked it. I feel that it's quintessential form for you -- -- -- printed out at church to it to make their phone. Zero -- -- -- that was it. Is Anthony in San Francisco and -- listened to the forum for -- great -- -- -- US all the baby. -- -- -- -- Your partner. It's doing right. -- Peter Parker like. Where it decently and I don't know it's the guys on the social network. That's crap yeah. I -- Eduardo from the -- yes yeah yes he's gonna be -- him how they can reboot it's like okay I can understand rebooting that. From way back from way back with -- That's superhero movie that no one knew about. Years ago they have full -- -- -- costs and again you know or elect has is that. How the whole thing how -- accused in Dunst until B -- -- them like well if they're saying it generated. Back. That are already passed out. Who's next -- agent lots and -- I heard that is I cannot stand. Don't know it yet you really don't like these in the girl with the -- lines -- it's still hot thing time. She's gonna be someone else in the in the franchise but that was in here was when it makes sense yes -- right hand everything in but I didn't know yet I don't think this Shiite she she she mentioned the -- that she's playing on there as -- -- monologue but right. I don't know maybe it was paying attention and -- it -- yeah I'm looking at the news here and yet that is confirmed our runs the program was found your green again. Camera and mine. Field -- -- The -- -- -- Yeah like yeah. -- -- But yeah didn't yeah. Not make me -- Yeah like yeah. Die and -- we'll just listen and you can and it's now. -- president okay yes. You really have to we're gonna post stills and that's. If you're if you're only listen please go to the home Horton ticket to thank our content and watch the video we -- action network Justin yeah. I think you're gonna be responsible for huge bump in our -- They argued that. No alternate on the Internet. Alright guys do that people are gonna go right out of the -- Who agree with the I'm it is what happens when -- here -- -- light -- it's all back home. Wow. I think I get your -- -- good in my my back to yellow. -- and adjust your monitor it's -- that I am actually. Just -- and the reason why it works is because what they group the background behind you is completely black and white and your shirt is pretty new Tory yeah -- You literally literally look like -- Why I'm green here yellow that's so I go I cultural podcast on time and -- are well -- -- what -- -- one email I don't think we have any voice -- It -- the well -- aside from the the call back I will Yeshiva actually listen to yesterday's episode and -- is really really nice email. So I'll read option says congratulations Jeff I held late here's all morning listening to you guys reminiscent of the wedding. But when Wilson called sweet -- that but and it made me cry. I have certainly units we didn't the clintons goes on and says he sounds as -- as you guys meet him out to be. -- is you are all incredibly lucky to be part with a degree in loving family. My boss walked into my keep asking why Alex crying -- yet banks on my dad ha ha I writers you're exaggerating you in the in the water you know and we were -- -- we -- talking from the heart and and she knew that never happens in the definitely favor that slowly especially when jets that you and -- may not know the hardest -- I don't that's. Jeff is true that scared her. Art let's we'll keep on keep. Then coming in that's the -- that's the full four at cnet.com. Sending your voicemail video voice and video is lacking has lately indefinitely and you guys do that yeah yeah people if they're already YouTube videos of their phone or -- are like FaceBook it is -- the study did you -- -- -- yet been great every year the video. Yeah yeah yeah we're we're leading the the -- the the battle in podcasts with invading there's two video -- We're we're getting pretty good let's get some sort of get a few minutes here we have about 67 minutes we have in this let's talk about. What FaceBook can tell us about rate cuts until you know we always talk about this -- that -- that -- cupid story about stuff white people really like. And to this is more information that. Folks have gleaned from FaceBook and this actually this came from it can't talk from a -- he -- analysts are. And here's what he says through crap about. Breakups and seasonal apparently had a great season he got ups and downs the biggest -- it's right before spring break. Got a -- bring great people wanna get the party. Most the break -- are announced on -- And people like to start the summer being single. And it's kind of sad is a big -- break up to right before Christmas and holidays. Home to -- says people -- -- people don't wanna spend money on gifts right for the. There -- -- that they just wanna -- it up for a new you can. -- -- -- -- on news and explain to is that study could be gathered from disks. It could be -- a totally legit surveyor could just be a person with a ton of friends that. Like monitored -- FaceBook profile -- was like and I mean both would be equally widget yeah there's no way you can monitor relationships like that yet and have alone. It's just like his a couple of days ago when my buddies on FaceBook but over the top to bottom user relationship from -- -- Three or four weeks and then you put that these but can you respond -- you just get out of a relationship. They were like twenty comments and people. Explain and please explain under public law. What wait what happened what I don't want to -- they still care and how are so forthcoming of that he had it's like will actually mean you think yeah Israeli daily news that on based on their own law of the nation the open up to point out -- millennia. -- you know sometimes it's people that you wouldn't. You wouldn't expect the people that are pretty private in person right on their their page tonight -- -- -- it -- well. Although my private life he hit me. Don't want I I often see is actually -- I feel like -- Right after you break up someone. -- the only thing UN -- like feel better. Rather like is -- it is using never a good thing you can. Be by itself -- yes yes so like you you reach out and you're like hey I'm single. And all your friends come of the what works and -- To receive your girl yeah attractive than all your guy friends it's -- your best friend the world. -- hey come on over for coffee -- he's gonna talk. -- -- -- -- I feel like 23 days afterwards -- -- you're backing might be your normal thinking mode. Like correct and I really just tell everybody is I'm single now. I for some reason I don't know why but there's thirty comments on here and explained. Which she did give me -- who she kids you know probable like it there's always that sort of this is like the -- to FaceBook. -- -- or withdrawal. Right afterwards and he got to decide whether or not to keep and that person on these oh yeah. He status update your data you know you should -- -- -- not retroactively and Elizabeth that changed where it -- break up with excellent these but they can't see years. -- -- really some of your pictures well that's right. And really recent games which is probably a good thing you know on it and -- -- I don't think that's very help. The stockings and -- use -- Going to pictures. Yeah I'm relationships. I think I've talked about this before on the show yeah I just pretty much block that person -- -- and -- like me and that they. You know. When I was younger and people will be like. Older people come to me and would say hey you -- of its own so you should just drop the money your life like that was for me really pessimistic. And the older -- get them on my damn that was so true I should have done that light years. -- not so much for me employed yeah that's not public yeah I know got a couple young with young listeners that's a nice best advice if you ever break but somewhat. Just drop it. Hopefully they get you've got a long life. Relationships. Of many girls -- guys to be dating -- they're just dropped just in general just the end just -- -- -- -- for me. And you're on I'm terrible on FaceBook I don't and it anymore. I'm sorry I -- now the idea that and I. But I and a good deal on a really contribute to my -- I don't really -- -- -- that's -- but he's -- use -- to maintain connections with people that actually -- so you know sometimes people from. More formal and you know like we know you drag so I don't -- them. But it just weeds out all of -- knowing. Comments on on your feed right. People don't really known and respected because and -- -- getting engaged with them again. CNET drama new life but I can snag is that comes down is being Facebook's now equipment device and trying to do is -- be picky but I don't -- it sucked into it. Use my best advice for FaceBook. You must give likes to receive -- -- -- little units are very generous -- -- like I am I. -- -- -- -- Okay well you know. -- yeah you gotta like a lot of things in. The -- Britain and it just keeps it simple so I like this. Another thing about this graphic and sort of like I guess that explains. It would be. There's always that person when you go home for Christmas. Who's just constantly bomb. What do you mean okay thank you go Hamachi haven't seen your fit friends and family to your very closest friends -- and there's that one guy who -- girl. Who's like out of -- -- experience. In this kind of explained what -- -- -- eagle back and hang out with it just -- the Stanley that you you can't -- what they're not unity you know what I'm -- but there's one -- guy like during the holidays. -- I go home and close the -- and play video games for. You're saying you know you saying you but I'm excluding last year I think it'll fit it's. So -- -- is the one I'm referring to I'll have to. That -- I bet you know they're thinking -- the holiday is the one thing that this graph makes me feel better about is that the lowest. Point in all break -- throughout the year is Christmas and all of breaking up -- their girlfriend or boyfriend on Christmas so you think you've seen it yet you just wait people -- -- and -- -- -- about a month to get some bad news come and hit. No word on Christmas Eve the and all of -- to slowly slopes up towards Valentine's Day I mean we all know how expensive that is this is like most guys -- I can't afford to spend 2000 dollars drag and recession -- what. You think the people would want to be single during. Summer but that does explain the slight bump right you can see where with the spring break. And you'll -- hook up with someone over spring break for the summer. That's true that's that's but there still is a slight a slight bump in -- to our gamer would you don't see the tiny outline that represents me how. Actually -- underneath the grassy can't see it. And we'll send in -- relationship FaceBook advice to the full four. We gotta go right now I'm Wilson tang -- and I'm Justin -- it's the floor for -- everyone have fun and today I will vote -- -- vote on -- --

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