Ep. 640: Where we finally run Frash
Ep. 640: Where we finally run Frash

Ep. 640: Where we finally run Frash

Dated August ninth. 2010 -- -- 44 podcast. Million square on currency and that that's what you got here. This review on divac who a move that thing I'm Justin yu. And that's all gonna thank you very feed through this -- title. I -- the idea that it is offensive and it isn't I -- offended -- wouldn't personally who -- a live view was it not lie and -- surge. Well it wasn't lot of those acts of view this -- -- days and then shut -- for today's show where we finally run. Brash but -- that's not if you look invented by -- that the lives. Talking about. Flash on the iPhone if you if you jailbreak your phone today you can -- a new program called rational. -- Well and the world photo of them for a grade flash program called friend if you called. Right you (%expletive) like where it's spelled like flat but instead of an L they put it -- and I've never I can no -- that really are indeed do our birthday paradox. -- -- I know Wilson tells about this -- -- program before we I think well so we know a couple about two weeks ago. Yeah there was a guild -- and you're releases. They can't look below -- supposed to be retired yeah. I I thought wow I can't help but feel like Jeff had been handed yet maybe it's my application US use I somehow whether -- -- on with that comics of that theater that's that's the hacker. -- -- on the -- -- terror. Okay so comics are about 23 weeks ago released the -- break. For the iPhone you just slight if your finger in -- jailbreak the -- look same guy same team releases. The fresh at which you can step up or -- was that. -- -- -- -- I just -- my native tongue flash flood zone difference with -- guy. Well now you can actually run. Basic flash program I just hope there -- a couple Asians on the dev team know that the house. It does not. This until we do here -- granted but nobody's -- it is about this is funny when he and do you two words just think it's on. On the do with the fact that that area. Yeah it's. Dead silent event today. It's funny for years yeah meanwhile might others smells and got it Allen an oncoming year old depends on business and -- -- -- yeah I love. Oh yeah. -- you're here -- I've never said that in my whole life moved out of never know about all of my router all of the viewers of political I can see in your are violated French. Yeah I don't write on forever I -- the right and I anyway so this is how -- -- version is so it's -- so it's not an issue why Steve Jobs failing to officially supportive it's only need is for. Well I think I'm now I'm just talking dad good okay okay I want it okay -- was a war why is it not officially supported I. I don't know the details of how they got -- is done yet but keep in mind that the into -- plant from only officially got flash like two weeks ago -- Told them I'd enjoy I don't and -- -- and the deliberate decision made to not support that supported it really can. Well right now it's just -- BC and I don't know what else it can do. -- -- -- -- -- Then you would -- told -- to enter and edit basic flash for for the longest time it is there was a -- flannel what's the problem. It's a business thing what people think I'm -- it's a business and they don't want people controlling their platforms brag you know if if people can just release a single flash at that ran everywhere via then Apple loses control the platform and it's if -- -- more difficult them to and -- sure. A patsy of -- -- business decisions -- an otherwise you -- Right left Redford and anything that. I mean actually have the right here -- the bill wanna whenever you that it never -- that they would never make a -- that's broken -- it's. Critical -- actually looking at the video. -- in action on -- jail broken iPhone. They're running Holmes star runner consecrated it flash based cartoon web great all on the iPhone looks awesome that's available -- that you conflict and problems I love home -- Her own -- -- Pretty. Absolutely it was it was ruled throwback -- when these are playing this video it is I would imagine they would try to -- -- you know something else that's a little more -- old school I think that's election 2004. -- maybe that's because it can't handle big flash website like -- that -- yeah I mean like right now as far as we know can only -- -- basics. Website basic flash animations I guess homes are -- from 2000 -- music enough. So I guess it if from between last week -- this week that he really is no reason not to -- -- I mean well I gave you -- jailbreak your iPhone it is which is completely legal Chicago -- talk about as much as right you need to absolutely changed the root password. That's something that doesn't happen automatically there's guides online but if you decide to do that there's if you jailbreak your iPhone right now. And leave it at that. Conceivably get actually a lot easier for hackers to -- software and let me ask you something what is that. I mean very I don't know what they brute or what the root root passwords it's like the past the administrator password like on windows -- -- yet so you have -- a normal counts in the -- administrator grants administrator account for humans do anything. -- -- like delete every single file honored to the new local password on your phone or you talking about your -- -- -- now under the that this yet like there's a default root password that normally never gets exposed. But because you jailbreak your -- that's like enabling the administrator mode on your iPhone so I don't think they should have that built into Jill -- meet outcomes should do all you know I don't think that customer service and quality assurance and you know all that kind of stuff that -- actually writing a company -- Factors into this hacker group variety. There I think they needed it more for the press because -- -- -- they exploited security for this is the this issue and yet this is an issue that alright people have been talking about is that now that the code is out there in the wild. It's you it's too easy for summonses granite. And then raw and literally they could wipe your iPhoto -- yet I mean like this they had thought that they -- story. This is the much bigger story -- with I guarantee within a week or two there's gonna be hacks out there. On the web if you don't patch iPhone you can conceivably Y drive first wow fires -- you can then yeah this is definitely. Total lays the groundwork for the first iPhone -- all you have to do is change your -- pastors in order you can't do that he can't do that our -- -- and Alexis and things -- what are we supposed to do low right now uses the whole tight until Apple releases the good yet but we could do that although I have don't turn your phone. I don't use your phone don't on either. I mean I really think it's a bigger issue that. Really only like techie sites have really. Comment to this but rather huge. Security -- per share because only have to do is open up -- crazy draw. Crazy and then enter your phone what was the edit and economists -- and. And I imagine you can there's nothing -- -- Toronto I've. Process let's talk about. A lot of -- this forwarding Beatles book. Titled here's the real story. Far away from my -- -- and methane gas. A -- -- but that's the story from CNET UK and -- crack in your name. The hard color it. Volkswagen Beetle. It's powered on and waste a threat. -- a company called Wessex water. On the sustainable energy company what they're doing is harvesting sewage via and then putting that into a decomposition chamber which changed it into methane gas -- that is used to -- -- teach -- and I think beast and you're you know release alone we can run the whole podcast. And he always knew they I don't actually take much important really be the best of work and that higher than that although we've done it in here before. -- -- -- -- I wanna I wanna ask them in the woman in this photograph. Driving -- -- Yet check this out and could if you had to have the top down because there's no way this car would be able to be your and I'm just it is literally a sign on the side that says -- ego. Powered by your -- Old -- a designated -- receipt be related to print or yeah we hear about a vegetable oil old cause they're gonna that's both smell like franchise Mario. Have a friend for album coming right into it's not -- -- -- -- probably slow let's find it got past them hands clean you can you sort of an engine like. Extending this Bluetooth and workplace -- companies doing more green. It's put it we -- it won't -- -- you get you I don't know. Articles saying that when you drive the car actually smells like eggs oh -- so hot -- perfect yet perfectly. Thank you I don't know I -- every now and then a piece of technology comes along that is if you really just need to put a smile -- the benefit. I'm -- united green the unit to put in the know and this is brown that. Yeah yeah. Moon and this is -- that it -- you could never drive a car like to get that feeling every time some path of death around you you just freak out. Yeah I don't know why you can't handle the smell another DI okay I don't I don't mind as long as we're not any enclosed space like my office you know this I guess you put. -- -- oughta that's a studio here at the box tomorrow it is that dead in -- shoe box. This place is three times says it doesn't department did -- com. -- do I would be -- that I come ideas admitted there have been -- to relate. Physically connect -- had it was time there was a ventilation issue that's correct that's and I -- on a weird diet and Carlyle he deemed most mass exit. Speaking of people who -- true so -- -- to clear the room and not get immediate period. No one wants to hear Africa idea but they do you -- and here's that's -- -- -- -- -- Television of the net egg breakfast. Finally that them. So there's is that a pair I didn't even know this was going on that there was a classic tetris world championship. Going on in Los Angeles world -- -- I didn't realize that this was still being flavor pairings that would -- -- that it wouldn't have this kind -- going on. Over the weekend. And some guy won 101000 dollars between nine year old loan coordinator. Is now the champion of Tenet of -- Good for you. I didn't even know you can compete in -- now can -- -- did it but people compete like they played pac man for data and others like legit. Gain -- out there we can you know the people who do make money off this but -- is -- -- It's an easy game to Italy's and I think its browser and you're and that's I mean it's kind of bomber means has probably practicing for years and years and years on the counter and -- us who -- this there's nothing from -- and get home I'm. I can't imagine that the I guess the footage of the competition to be -- terribly exciting yeah yeah I mean over four lines -- A repeat customer playing tetris on the original game boy hadn't come home but I don't the only game that puts -- play for hours and hours and I just love the music. And and and and Pakistan. -- -- very good question and the answer well one thing that just as a rushing game. I believe so -- someone jacket from him tightly in canceled its Nintendo then it's like the most published game title it really is I feel it is no patent on it at this as -- patent on the word textures. Yet and just like online game is fine people but tetris is one of those games it's like deceptively easy. You know you dying is easy to play tell -- -- -- accurately. I think it how many times -- link we'd you know. Hewlett I've been ruled includes key for 45 minutes and calls and he kicks up. Super speed and I would never get past maybe level four. -- -- illicit. A silicon zoo -- you win for -- long piece though. -- And as long piece that was so funny is that that was so impressive to -- yeah -- you know the games that you really want this you know super long. United did -- and -- a city you'd see the side gutter for it but you'll always know did you like the bottom of the long pieces and they give you like that -- -- swastika or whatever. Yeah. That was the most worthless piece you'd like twelve of those and yeah can you ought to be -- you have a horizontal line to give you like. Three or four yeah that's a -- game great but it wasn't there for awhile though it they were gonna duplicate 380 tetris. I can remember seeing deemed him as -- -- -- -- like he has the original PlayStation -- that would have been a lot of fun and not someone who. Would've been like. You would have a 100 July. -- really cup. Armed there's games like at that the you have on the ideas like that came across the -- -- sort of pleased with your hand a little bit you have to control this. 3-D object known to -- -- -- And it touches -- in those games it is so easy to pick up right don't have X -- anybody a in my mind that was all about it respect that. Okay and Warren intake is they can pick as the only -- -- -- -- Complicated and all -- totally understand. What's going god forbid you more than one button to sell -- can't -- -- -- movie -- I know. Right with all the video game -- it's a note I -- I really. I think there was no one knows something is there was never looked so -- of the movie I gotta say they might have been like spin off. Or parity at that yet as I'm sure. The repair -- -- is -- would be to have attention because there's -- -- there's a video online so this couple months ago so -- -- -- -- -- way. Video game will there will -- that's stories. Toward guns and zero. Have you noticed Nintendo hasn't licensed anything out since that whole Mario Brothers. Mario revolutionary. A couple apparently they were filming the competition -- competition for a documentary that's going to be coming out later but I would like to see it live action Tron style. Movies. Though because it can what -- you guys -- the reason movies. Are -- you know like the flash that the flash the the range of fresh game of trying to not exactly the most exciting thing and -- I mean you of this thing them McMoran ten movie wasn't O'Grady there would -- -- -- -- awful that I find so amazing about this new term people are super excited but the movie sucked -- there's -- -- off was terrible. Imagine making a sequel to one of the worst movies ever. And then for no reason twenty years later everyone has inexplicably super psyched about it okay but conceptually the movie was pretty cool okay give -- that it's kind of late it's almost. The matrix expressed its -- it one -- grand theft. I want -- I got that's a little bit. When they understand -- sing Anderson maybe the idea was headed to it's time I have it and for its time it didn't have the right kind of technology to look cool yet. But I don't know if you know will but the new movie looks and -- it is a new movie it -- -- it looks super young yet. You're very well and Olivia Wilde looks slamming them and then there's like some -- you know matrix. I dread whereas they hang out. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You don't mind your body's been dead for twenty years. They're really chairman I'm glad I'll step up three now. -- -- perspective on stuff. Really good directed by needing that's right yeah yeah while he's Philippine yet still really really good really. -- -- so how did this happen we'll have Q why somehow incorporated. -- users now and asking about the content in a movie I couldn't care if it's about dancing yet who cares. What will help why did you goes. Well. And I love the whole step of that example want step up to the streets and step up 33 if they're all really really I did I did I I gotta say I've seen them and they are very very theoretical but the data gets better better music I would hope so I would ought to be -- in -- in three dimensions. I that's similar to the actually I can appreciate it's in his splashy. That even in the TV spots you can tell they're just you and those cheap three things all over this book -- -- seen on who Alex. Now the league of extraordinary dancers this well that it doesn't -- director yet but he produced a series return of pine mail from a little Indian. This is actually really really well done it like I I it's one of those things like again. Viewed from east Digg and today in high school this is -- there's no see don't -- -- into the microphone if they you're in dance and I used to -- -- and so like I can. Appreciate things like that loses its are you she'd like to -- re enter -- here is this is how you were dancing yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah. He's here religious icons you of them as Lokachokyo yeah. If we got it got -- -- -- YouTube video -- attitude to come up off the in a appetites then at two. Music. We'll floor and her captors to show where we -- zero. -- -- the year and listening to these little old war. You ever -- surely. Thing -- And Roger blocker in your house or you. I. Today the and the powers are still didn't get a cookie and. That -- things from those. Who aren't then we'll bring you yeah Andy you just -- -- -- -- -- that Kermit the Frog impression was. Pretty it was not -- Look forward we believe that there. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Wow outlook do you Kermit the Frog doing -- The wrapping them terabyte -- there by Iran -- -- yeah but I'm not. -- doesn't have that -- through a couple its emissions of that we can't unfortunately the Blackberry died. It ran out of -- mid weekends I can tactical night and died if you BB and a -- we did get them to have -- that yet. The real. I NN. Okay yeah yeah yeah yeah unlike you I don't really want to -- Is this more. Really more example. Thank you gala held on got -- -- -- after the warrior -- But I had yeah. A year ago this remark. -- One news pretty do. Rick. I its terabyte. Represented an on the 404 with every podcast making you want more. None of the all can play -- hate. As I'd be -- and on solid stage. Machines can't handle me I know you still be rocket AOL navigator and version six of -- You know -- 288 can hang with me is not the only one. The one and only magnificent. TP. Boom an -- like -- Now I ended seven. I read that and student. You're never visited the TV show. Now that they've been all of -- -- -- -- -- -- It's the -- pretty -- mark that was. Even seen the best the only thing yet Honolulu programing -- very well written all my god that's that's an argument that people listening it's too much. You actually if you history -- on the radioed -- send it once and -- keeping nations who yet or record yourself in particular is filled with did you yeah actually we have a guy who did that you wanna -- yeah oh yeah this one's. Really fly. -- -- -- Mike Virginia. Well well. You -- subject back a law beautiful for need to decrepit school on in the market that in the back the bark. -- prepared by the open up hope about the tech related there might -- public -- Eiffel for sure that. Are packing and at the -- -- indicate that by net gain -- that -- the common technique. But -- let it won't effect it. Portal shopping in total -- -- -- properties it. Well that they -- the html for the opposite machine code primary -- -- are a little bit and then that would be started it looks a lot and I in the mature and you -- -- -- -- while little -- killed. -- -- advertising with. Which will -- would begin cooperative play by occasional guest -- topic that Qaeda. Get to pick it is -- Well soon. -- well as good that was give it my face since -- He's eight gigabytes strict -- We actually articulate -- -- doesn't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Hey I heard a lot of it when heard -- -- and I -- think this guy knows what he's doing this idea he kept it real. Still. Curl your bit to yeah fifth. It's they really -- -- -- -- got nothing on this you just got a I just got served. You guys these guys I got -- -- didn't. -- -- -- Wow got a picture. It really -- clever you can come and as we. You don't need -- -- -- Jeff obviously cannot read. We thought about it. I think the best. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Why Clifford Lawson we're giving me -- did Blackberry right now read off that number. You want that number yeah you gotta get that then number what is it. Here's the number everybody make sure your view of the people were really upset when I call it the pin numbers and here's -- pin number -- Q for a -- As for five to lose that number again that number again a -- authority Q 452 US. On your Blackberry messenger is this is going on all month long and we're meeting the very best of the best -- of our Blackberry messenger comments. All the love some of hate before the black -- battery dad has taken all sorts of pictures and sending him to random people in the address I'm sure they want I apologize to anybody got wasn't that great -- men's play it. Powerful. If nobody called out -- and illuminated finally a very old woman I don't know what the deal a hollow -- That's an employee vaults -- yeah. Yeah. So anyway please do that because we're having a lot of phone is Justin handed over the weekend but couldn't figure that charged that in Finland and -- So well we'll keep you going to the street and the rest of August maybe even more yeah yeah so you can have the leopard for awhile maybe -- torch. Yeah Wednesday and I do love the way to honor -- it's only gonna say. Also one more thing -- wanted to say that we're still doing theme song and the mission's. So people have been sending us music that we've been compiling if vehemently -- in the areas. Keep it comin' yeah humiliations that we actually talked is that right now what. I wanna decide how we're going to choose -- winner. Because you know we've western we have no the time to discuss it than right now -- beyond -- on -- -- -- -- So there there may be some things in the war that we should not talk about your best data clearly I don't even know that you -- -- I don't -- You know Hillary can let's fix this a -- vote on my monitor. I'm not gonna get it but the point is that we're trying to come up with like a decent prize right okay to them yet yet. Big because like we you know make -- a lot -- -- they've been really really good that you want something like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We'll some piano and some of them have been profession recorded -- -- polls here is known than the present them images and another bad. And is given to us and just forwarded ultra. But that return to come of some -- them contests. Something beings I don't hold on yours I was let's keep in common programs you -- come in keeping -- -- be nice to have her -- vote on the though I mean this is a democracy girl. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So we'll take it under advisement yes Peru and not reveal full report contents -- it never and -- This -- kind is that it never happened yeah exactly -- it'll happen. What will actually happen is we'll find the perfect solution was in the context and beat it. -- -- reject every citizen them an email us your best submissions at the 404 at cnet.com. Are you can play a fourth of the air if you like it let's call gonna be terrible -- I don't -- yeah. So anyway at a cost of on the phone and that's what happens I can't just because somebody with a voice memo about -- and 18664014. I would be most -- -- -- -- we really appreciate that. On so we're gonna get out here in a little bit what are we have comin' up in Q this week. -- -- -- -- Do we ever print and know who you know -- things like there's no guess there's I think Caroline McCarthy's gonna -- and only has been on his Mejia blew my son David Clark. Of Tumblr okay but the street in the -- that's what he said he would love to come back so so we got to get there -- -- because -- -- In -- see there -- day or it is -- is -- back from -- -- -- on vacation so -- who is I think someone -- because I'm losing -- I'm getting an -- on Thursday is right we need some sort of female presence that'd be Natalie -- -- here for -- or jail yet some sort of woman in the studio is -- getting a little to -- the whole. -- called Ning asks -- if the studios but to pick up and got a -- of -- yeah now this is the -- podcast. -- but they'll for power so we got that comin' up also. Next week we're gonna you have even more guess that I book and utility guys so look forward to that that -- -- a fun. To be cobol can get an. This guy I don't Edward -- that he did is bedeviled him find that that I'm at today. So I'm adding that. You guys tomorrow you heard the numbers do that Blackberry mr. please get in -- the lot of fun you want instant feedback instant. Gratification they're taking in -- us. We'll see you guys tomorrow ever and -- agreed Monday I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm Wilson tang and I'm Justin -- it's the four for its high tech it's low brow. -- -- -- -- -- Today today -- that's what -- A.

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