Ep. 48: The hug that hugs you back
Ep. 48: The hug that hugs you back

Ep. 48: The hug that hugs you back

It's Tuesday June 28 and you are experiencing. The phenomenal. Crave podcast I'm Donald -- I'm Eric Franklin. And today. We're going right to Japan which skip -- over. Any of the -- -- -- dad who brave attended the news you know. Actual practical gadgets that do that we're going right to the cutting edge right of in Japanese. University. Projects special technology division failure yet -- -- -- one is possessed can't -- that this is the a phenomenal way you can you can put electrodes. -- 28. Electrodes to be exact. On your arm. Strap them out onto your arm happen remotely triggered. And ordered to precisely. Control your hand and movement that would simulate accurate. -- he's a guitar -- instrument you are kidding me this is not exist that you can hack your hand basically what's. And have. This is not worked well since I'm actually having a hard time believing your liability -- seriously. Know this press and I -- yeah there was. I'll know this is amazing to me let this is really happening yet it doesn't work. Right now believe it does actually ended -- validate to have it is for us complain the code to. -- the -- large -- Japanese. Or tiny instrument. But it could be -- -- and implications for. Applications for guitar playing. And that there's -- little as you are -- showed that like hooked up to the USE -- -- are -- -- look in pain and in triggering all the electrodes and it kind of looks like. The loop style -- -- can't -- yeah I -- when the robot. An active Golden's yeah a little electric tendon and the idea. But it is the real -- right. You're mutate rendering environment that can't be hacked and be triggered this is this is well -- crazy. We're -- robots -- bells -- let's it was right woo -- -- silence is only -- We can't be hacked -- -- and the -- thing that could happen for this though is like. More of the epic nature of style I wanna learn how to do something right now yeah exactly it's like have the brain. Chip plugged in you yes so you could be. You -- might be sitting. Like failing everyone on the on the airplane on. Just -- Oxygen makers pumping gas supplies to the copy of the -- travelers and we ghastly picture immune to -- and and economics at the controls and -- -- Plug your finger and -- the little -- -- kingdom and Australia. Well why would you do that is -- yet of electricity in nearby no higher -- all right flying the plane right. Don't they'll build that special little. Electric. Repository of electricity into the plane they know this is possible way ray. They want anyone yet and and that is really just kind of theory that you'd actually over time. Learn these V flex designer out. Brett Wright could also have the latest councilman in my memory and treated muscles -- -- a certain way you get that perfect guitar plot however it is but every trying to learn right. But essentially it's like someone else's -- in your car. -- you -- though. -- user know if it's involuntary. No we have what is your when he when you take -- legends often used to really say that. That you know having hand hacked. You -- -- -- not being on and your own control right have a practical. Further study needs to be done right but I'm excited yes and here and now he really cause what happens when cell -- some hacker. Some hacker kid. Due to hold that your own little hacking hand device. And like hats and stuff -- -- you don't want. To be doing yet send me -- doing like the what is the halo what -- on people's heads. The bottom dragging -- people don't like in voluntarily in here is that it's like you're like chicken little it's definitely low. Well -- halo version of that you know if you if not -- bunch of heads of the current assessment of the. It really. Fidelity and does it -- -- -- right to all of you play it over or light have you like. To an inappropriate things at work in you just can't help is not backing up balls under an appropriate means you were blocked some web via the floor efforts that it -- really in a pro kids know you look ridiculous. -- the floor. Yeah but. It. If it really it's it's the perfect illustration of human being to -- You're literally now -- to meet today via the computer's control and -- the there audio -- -- -- me -- my mind how elation at edit probably Alex invested ninety's now share. Music now compilation -- one hit wonders whether. Further scare me but still awesome products -- -- Japan defense relayed. A -- jacket that lets you hug yourself finally. Love yourself this is by the same. Student team that brought us the virtual friends French kissing him and we talked about am I had little joystick in this mountain roads around -- -- made out that kind of cool or something and kind of -- -- in the culture of the -- -- Noted that this is. And equally kind of like. Perverted no no no I don't think though that perverted -- the -- applications and not realizing them -- yet this TC for some. But this is a a new medically controlled -- -- -- controlled jacket that you where are and in need go to this. Like this mannequin wearing Jack and it senses that you're squeezing it. The jacket -- -- best guys in to get back at the same idea -- can make out session with the and get through my. So that -- these like weird. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Idea indeed -- a moment. Intel and I love this project so much these guys can get to remove and concludes that quote is curtains as that this is Japan's university of electro communications. That's about wells close -- transmit the world would bring us the self. Loving the jacket. But this can be I mean hugs hugs are -- I can totally upon. And like this could be one of those things where. You -- in like an elderly home instead of -- can only do so much Wii bowling before really you know what I can really if -- hug now. For all my friends are dead right though. I just need to -- a robot shirt or in the robot can hug me back or maybe like Dayton when the winners losers and -- you -- that it -- Secret from what one of the theater owners is your mail. On stand it said this is safer -- -- this is probably -- go in the course when the robots turnaround. Honest it will be the way to crashed -- you can if you can combine this with the -- -- -- -- And we made I think this guy's argument is that it might get a special special pride data wholly -- -- -- -- news room. But critical -- says it's the future of Huntington if he is here there -- here million. But it's coming. -- feature of hugging. Is coming. -- it would be the saddest manipulate the you know that the parents indicated that would just -- Disco all of several runs in these in and daddy are just really tired of bugging. Very demanding. The -- that is -- that is sad. This is -- this is this is after your robot -- this is exactly where want to go in my host robot after. -- right Bryant too much. -- yeah that was like one too many rhymes -- It -- -- seem cool. It is seeing unintentional act in that Angel and it. The -- -- on this particular item literally. -- giant millennium falcon bean bag yes. With cute girl sitting in the middle -- she comes with. You consider a comes with your living room when the millennium while they I actually have to applaud them not just in her up like principally. That's -- that's so some restraint on their part of you know that going the usual I think -- -- like what 5678. Different -- Liz. In different Star Wars posts on crave new and different text on the podcast yeah that would say exactly it was -- has. And for them she has dark hair yeah yeah yeah she does helps is we're. Wrong. -- and it's at the bad news is that machine I crave this it is a one off. It was shop at the atom. But the Barcelona prima -- rats found that. I -- Which sounds like a weird looking meeting call anyway -- -- -- Credo and came across this minute -- in not a trade story -- admit that. It definitely something have to fill devoid -- Star Wars news. -- week to week. Podcast as well personal mission -- nothing to do with CNET -- CBS interactive drag able. Is Donald that I should really -- anything Star Trek story since we own the rights to attract me to. And next week. More Star Trek gaffe or Star -- footage who worked into create a for a bank are kept it. Yeah so your current corporate card rookie card can't. Speaking that I should actually tied this next oriented EO elderly home hugging it because this is even better -- than hug from robot. This is someone who -- 74 year old who has converted his mobility scooter. -- school. Or let the -- scored genre. -- the angels as scissors. Into a bat mobile. Yes and or something -- is wearing his bat man. In the us this this is the semi semi for -- -- very yet. In the stories coming out. -- England. So. It's pretty great and so this is the that time -- -- -- -- Madras school story yeah now that's the old what. -- these babies. And these. Comic book that -- Mobile now because it can get them back to fins on the back -- -- back I think they can't make it feel a little bit more like. There -- That man. -- the -- is taking. You know those just taking inspiration from the old. Old and the visibility into it so one with the engine and engine kind of like got some of the sixties TV -- and now -- -- at the moment I don't cost soared to sixty TV show that rather. But this and I feel like isn't quite in that. It's not -- that era but I think it's -- -- if -- -- to business hit his outfit is outfit. It's definitely all of them not really because the original mad man hood kind of -- with more -- a purple velvet. The original -- Abbott's of the series like -- TVs here okay yeah. Those kind of it was a black that's pressure yeah but -- Yet -- -- -- mean is that he's working on a follow up that will be. -- -- Thunderbird. -- -- TV series and another with the fees that then the birds get the numbers -- enough of the thunderbird spacious and be next. Mobility users alike here -- -- of the dolls these. I love. I I actually making it an artist and yeah he's -- intuitively freaked out no hurry -- I think -- -- -- to get freaked out by that they've done I think get to be serenade like uncanny valley of the right -- I IRA and through real got. Will it isn't actually raises a lot of light jet engines warming up and then we'll motions agents. Back in it though we're PP -- activism and -- slap at at and -- and on. A talented meaning. A little -- -- Americans the American is definitely enough that's. This next 1 and I am I am I flip on this one I don't know if this is super -- -- not with library Donald. And I'm gonna talk about my flip flopping. Feelings about this after -- -- All right. Here we are back crave podcast and hang on to tell you about life lapse in 99 cent app that was unveiled today. For the iPhone that basically the best time lapse photography. On the back camera guy on and you can get is optional like. -- that you wear around your neck but the phone in -- that's always facing out. You walk around and it takes like little photos yeah 32 interval right and then -- can compile compile them into these little late last movies. Console into this. The bits that elements. I kind of into I've I've always wanted something like this it if not -- just for one -- -- -- -- 99 cent price of the app share and maybe whenever I can never kind of we are apparatus necklace or apparatus or lake maybe -- could. You know yeah take like Maynard from small like MacWorld show -- share. Repurchase it. They got there and and shoot. Hopefully one of the better days of my life. Not the one where I'm just in front of my computer from which will you wooden -- now and in this example here some trip to Barcelona some things when it -- Or Lisbon Portugal. If the -- flat treatment I think is that ill at Dana let don't know it would be enticing it's the few people. At a couple people. I don't actually I prefer them to have -- their imagination. And actually get to experience the reality. That. The bad news is and this is what this article points that you look like a total tool haven't you do here you do I think Dell's efforts Nevada public comment and looked -- -- -- special felt touts. -- advertises. -- if you go on vacation with it. You've got this like -- -- mug me. Symbol right around your neck right right right and it is like the iPhone -- even your pocket after its might it is on take it from US than and -- -- Everything is I think that's you're you're telling whoever's going to my argue look. This is what you go after the -- real iPhone -- -- real phone in your pocket. Just in case you know they're gonna wolf there -- was available for that big huge target on your chest same thing -- Batman. Million the big target -- tests so that when you -- guys wanna shoot them -- -- -- -- that target his cab lines that. While I think. It there is impacting -- on the right track I think he did some kind of booby -- on this thing no pun intended. So you like some kind of like that ink exploding and -- or something like that yeah. You'd have a great story to tell yeah exploded in space the -- that really -- -- explodes outwards but yes be. And then you actually get that footage on the camera and a half. Let's do this. Which is region is like and we don't even had to -- and -- we don't have to invent the -- always do the accessory by little -- name on the -- the -- right it just has the exploding -- yes I'm sure it does me no legal fees it's a thing. If it getting that out on the market. -- I'm glad we have a program. The this next invention and I really do wish I adamant -- -- this is clearly. Going to be the future of cube shaped food. This is -- -- cube. In Australian gadget. That works like might -- agenda -- tetris. Puzzle. QQ perfectly Cuba. Some -- and whatever ingredients you combining. In the little video on it is makes a little more sense because he kind of like have a path together and -- -- spoon in their -- ingredients and then he just like. Compact it. Again like another Star Wars reference like the trash compact yeah Sheraton. Reading -- together. And made an -- bout of console. And your -- together to make the perfect little sushi -- Yeah almost like -- little sushi tell this is with more. -- -- that calorie counting pretty hard as you think and and then and that the kind of he she would likely mean that you get out of -- you feel like you should be having -- eczema. I'm really. These are restaurants is give either race and hero. Would just give you -- pile of cash is and -- -- random few clues yeah exactly. And jambalaya. I can feel like yet -- -- be your investment. A cube to cube cube -- -- Hubert. I go with you like your -- -- it yes or like -- like -- measurement. Right. That's maybe an -- Either way 191990. Remaining two enemies -- available starting July and this low price slifer. Now -- now. And -- -- as if there's like -- -- in your life. Birthday coming out that. -- unique. Tool give them you look like you'll be eating a lot of you'll look like Union County school after he uses problem. Yes there are a way around way that's what makes us all horrible human beings. We are all of us every way especially you. Yes the you're a little later C now they gave me a podcast -- well. Well. Might get exactly well yeah -- the idea for fifteen -- -- something funny. Well but not not objectionable not -- actually take -- away from yeah that's actually beat it had escaped the line. -- excellence that and you'll be joining us next week Hampshire as he discuss more news items from the excellent CNET crave blog. Until then. --

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