Ep. 47: Breathe into your sleeve
Ep. 47: Breathe into your sleeve

Ep. 47: Breathe into your sleeve

It is -- cute when he first and you are experiencing the wonderful. The mind altering. Crave podcast I'm Donald -- I'm Eric Franklin and the first one is. On its mind altering. Experience you -- -- history the first one is not free it's not the first one today. Is. And it's -- tobacco and is the steam -- laptop. An item we have talked about previously or at least we've previously featured on the -- of this but now is going into production is not just a one off it is not just. Sitting in -- tools -- appreciation society. Dan. Where is that go to your newspaper -- seasons adding that -- the jumping in ceremony for that involved involves a lot of and now batons and top -- OK I can do that yeah yeah yeah -- we'll talk about that later that the separate issue. This is the the data -- Steam punk laptop. And it is you can now putting a pre order for it. The parts of 5500. Dollars not inexpensive but. For -- hand hewn cabin to be and details are getting on with particular device well worth the price and will probably jump up to suddenly 500 dollars -- more. On -- animator on eBay if you and Oracle within the -- black market. Steam -- Treating society's yes bartering -- -- the barter for a lot of Jules Verne first editions or something I love the way it looks when it's closed yet that is political stuff going on here and added that the the guys making these really the doesn't. Game on the when is it like and I go gold leaf. Now in box onto it you -- I got. A little blocking key actually open it up with a got a little. Old tiny lock out articles -- them. Keys. To old -- -- as an ambulance there's a good name for that at Palo. Medical brass slot opens and closes the flight actually I USB flash drive. Brass lock key thing. Anyways for all you folks out there who bombed our. Eager to have -- as the acting different -- -- -- eager to think differently about your laptop. -- if you're crazy scheme that no actual. Ancient that's the -- you know most steam punk things don't have steam is what I mean it's not right because. I think it's they -- powered steam punk versions of the and it goes on -- though anything that's actual we'll get some locomotion to -- that should have some steam shooting right but this does not so I -- -- -- -- -- Get. Etched keyboard with -- tiny font -- This is that alternate universe where. We we we we are able to advance more quickly. Than we have but still had that kind of was -- like. Art nouveau kind of sensibility aesthetic aesthetic sensibility. Replied it's our laptops that's why I think I see this I think about that that alternate universe where that actually happened. Where their laptops in the AT and or. He's never got the art -- Time it would be cool look like he was somehow locked to only search for things from like an -- hundreds. Yeah right they can actually read any news from the present day and that's only eighteen and his news. I think someone could therefore didn't want -- -- April Fool's Day this year -- they had their news. Like restricted to a certain time period of the action. But the maker Richard. Quote -- dock. Neat brown now -- brown is making needs and he's saying it is based on a windows XP laptop. And it's going to -- it's gonna be fast enough to be able to do gaining on it and aside from the fact that it's built into this you know heavy cabinetry. You will be able filming I have some portability. -- that it's good you're gonna wanna take this action yet to land parties. And to other parties against -- as well. Pop up pop -- optional -- damn party's top. If you are. Adding not a segue into this next one. There's a room -- -- -- made out of all. Old PC like power PC cases and parts -- part of more of an artistic. Statement -- can be. Two weeks in I don't know statements like -- NYU assuming we couldn't words and artists now maybe there is no statement maybe that is statement it could be original statement. The statement to me is that it looks. Amazing and and it kind of how I'd like. At least one -- my house to be share although hopefully let the kids walk eons -- led based -- components. You know won't actually -- and my body. But there is a if you want to experience has been yourself -- -- interactive map. Of -- -- and pan around and and it. It's a little bit like the -- -- -- zooms in and it orient itself and it. It is a radical and that that's pretty cool here and do this. The Apollo like beauty and yet -- probably -- that the interactive party in alignment action within itself. -- very cool and also kind of speaks to this idea of the computer. I'm being kind of we worked into an alternate. Lansky an alternate. Device he added -- -- Take on a statement against the turn native disposable technology. And where it -- in okay. Depressed mountain -- the Hancock and the press and the steering will. This next and I actually make you happy this -- -- well as all all. By the unicorn -- mean those in happiness a minute and gently and yet. -- now eight jelly belly line of iPhone cases. That come with. Jelly bean shaped earbuds. To end -- -- smell like your favorite jelly belly flavor. I'm -- it slipped below that a favorite jelly belly flavor than what -- do. What if that scent of very -- -- jelly beans actually -- few -- yeah they like what of them aren't allergic. Colonel Lee. Unicorn he rainbow -- things like that just make you. Make you think about my little pony. You a question -- what -- did that and that might be separate disorder. Because now and I don't think there's like a my little pony the -- liberation acumen make me. Little -- are surely electric version of the iPhone if -- strawberry cheesecake Alex from -- -- Are available and I'm -- problem I'm having a returner -- A I think because it either I think that you will be having near your face -- the phone case the Alley in smelling -- achieved a lot. It might actually kinda ruin -- -- -- -- they may or you may you know over you know -- see this this kind of being tracked more uses. And -- you get because -- Melissa. And these -- It's in the -- Cheesecake Factory. No I asked them to villages very cheese he's confessed that he's infected though -- -- are gonna get that from like every other day you doing. How fat you only get for this is my question yeah not that fat and back now that I'm realizing that phones are sold separately. -- 1499. -- now if I really feel like I want to the completely -- -- -- the case. And be jelly bean shaped ear -- -- Nam if that's neat too expensive proposition mounting and because -- -- -- -- -- -- iPhone. You -- also have good -- in in there that you. Beat the 1499. So. The good news though for people who is who have a very distinct -- I based Pacific jelly belly -- that they like that is outside of the five flavors -- option here very -- makers who based every Tuesday comparing blu. If this line is successful. They beam Maine venture in two. Versions of the cases with -- Leo yeah keep hope alive. On that note -- And payment to cry. -- There were -- Dell Dell is that. In -- studio. Agave -- sciences eyes -- -- my enthusiasm. And podcasts. Which stepping back up what we are second win now and we were talking it's all about. -- OPEC is next to organ -- gadgets that are in the making. Pass and kick starter funding. You can be a part in making these next gas can be a part of the American -- giving people some money the first one is the magnetic snap stylus for iPad. It may not sound that interesting that doesn't actually having just reviewed the HT thief -- Yes the HTC evil -- four G yes both tablets that come with. Expensive and accessories -- that card don't attached to the pat at all it's relatively Tucson as -- -- just totally -- off the table this is an accessory that will. I I really wish. HTT have the time machine. You can get -- Katie made its invention and -- if the parties CPUs and rise because this is the geniuses think down. Then there's little -- do a rare earth magnets built into this little capacity of -- and that its magnetic -- right on -- the -- Matter or even through a case. Then you may have an iPad in a while -- and a strong if not do while. And while and it solves the problem keeping track of your expensive. Capacity advertisers and pretty smart he magnate. The -- screen. Well. No because I mean there's already magnets built into use yet it is mr. McCain yes of the case -- it's an awesome and I think you only charging something -- five dollars for the first 200. If you pre order this is a gallery of yet they're gonna still. Awesome pretty awesome and pretty pretty cool that this kid with holiest. -- is seventeen. And it. The ultimate that's the I mean this guy's -- -- your first and but also HTC -- elegantly howling and I can aluminum backing lines that pitted and you could magnetic and solution. Does is offer the same kind of functionality that -- and does milk is the entry and technologies in different kind of technology but -- already the fact that you could keep track of Japan and mountains and 880 dollars worth about super and share human rolls off the table right in magnetic -- You instill -- -- in new Jersey institute from Tennessee it that's the way down. -- If you are a genius -- -- -- the Apple variety. This next one will be human appear to these are a pair of -- cuff links. Made available to be wonderful eat a fruit industry's. -- not only do you get these little power button like cuff links but they -- they have but the little sleep. Mike kind of pulsating glow. Inside them and it's pretty simple things that for. 120 dollars a pair -- pricey but. In two -- uniform. You can that the plans for and then an open source so you can make your own -- while IKEA. Really the -- and Apple -- Yeah yeah the lives at the Astor -- that we've -- guarantees. We're doing. And hit my oh my -- -- -- engines. My apartment was. I'm gonna -- has. In touch and -- an estimate that up to experimenting with Mikey and mischief created go to a lead in different industries and yet. So. Yet young kick starter it is funded and is ready for you. This -- is that a pretty cool -- can actually have your cuffs yeah. Makes it look like you're mr. sleeping also. Do you wear suits that we your cuts are -- like that I 'cause that'll -- that classy. Where I have my my my my -- -- usually like a half a foot up my sleeve of my of my jacket because -- address myself rate but that's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Little button hole -- tonight and via a little flair -- -- -- SuSE -- now I've got a got a nice German. Need jacket. When Google this of German bar. Right where the German jacket after a special you get the you ordered the boot they are known to be in -- boot yet. -- As most Matthew thank you come -- -- shorts in that jacket and or -- I've made the sport -- that I -- -- -- we ever in my life and advocates have gone -- I can wear these days sport -- you're -- call myself what below the amazing man that she chose to Manny right look at this guy that's their awareness for -- from they then set it -- that it could -- these -- -- amazing they're they're pulsating with like an eerie glow the only usually find in a -- maybe you can program those opposed say no way that will actually. The ties your wife. You know so that she will do things that more than likely they'll just hit with -- mean why should be talking to her that he's now to look. We've tried doing I can simply paying the -- but however much money right now to -- you can go that's nice duties to. The and another excuse is dangerous. And to prevent yourself from drinking -- -- driving while drunk this is a breath -- -- watch. That is. In concept only not even kind of going towards finding. Let me the confidence coming from people -- flash you do actually get around me some pretty Regis and in practical watches. So this is AM. Kind of got it has that retro eighties. Casio watch styling. But de brief into the side of the final -- Hamachi had to drink and mother -- -- -- blood alcohol level -- Beyond. The -- nets yeah and whether or not you should even be talking to people via as Activision -- right. We talk to me and enjoy in our conversation. Very much so. So leaving -- you. If you're so drunk they keep you can even decipher. Did the numbers on the screen its color coded to -- got a Green yellow and red. Kind of color alert system. You tell you and has a toothbrush to content and that was that he disliked came a little into president manipulated DNA sample in the -- it's like a little cap. That pops off thinking. A crap and blow in the little okay and the fact -- -- -- And yet this person is unconscious. Thought that. It's funny -- -- drunk. Yes is a rare combination of alcoholic and you know millionaire. -- would probably step up in one order that said watch chair. -- then they have choices now. It means the game now yeah yeah well like the like the idea that the key technology why. That's -- what if you can combine the -- -- and watched. What -- who is like -- you could result your coupling. And then it would be a little color alerts who tell -- -- -- that's. -- Beijing's bondage Blackberry you coupling our yearning gently yes on style that you get your my -- me. You in some some hot chick in the quarter mile sex with -- necessarily -- you. Let's yes it's like which he has -- information you need careful. I think he can. -- -- that you're James Bond -- -- but thinks he's like he sees attendance and I would mind but I'm here my mail thinking thanks. Now it. Is doesn't does it. As it contains are the women are just as collateral. My -- -- comes territory. Lydia you know the -- of the world in on it yes lyzard cuff links now. It that's too much saying sex is -- we do it the more you think you mechanic feels like you've takeaway is that can't -- it doesn't -- all that we can't say that like we can't -- sex reaches out. Saying the word sex -- noticed Apple's take them what the girl in the quarter and keeps saying I wanna have you think it's entirely I don't watch the Chatham -- how many of them drop off with each time fan art sex -- -- about sex it is. Why -- sex a weird. Thing. The talk about it I guess it's okay it's a panel of leading that's fine but we're not getting any new -- -- leaders so so sexes are selling now he might as well not do it via earth is now -- -- really pastures at the -- but then again if we can put in the title. I might I might do great -- the via via CO. Can get through the idea it's a bit like. Yeah we'll sent out a lovely solo schooling that Yucca ridge school we'll see what -- -- say hey oh I thought podcast and a -- -- subscribe to a -- not about those two guys it says sex but it. I don't look code through here they have. Yet it also might help with the advertisement -- you know some scandals kind of one of advertising beacons. Topical nature of this podcast and how much talk about on the spot can do -- that's a lot don't -- we have come on advertisers. The we here. Vodka makers if he can't exactly. Like. Vegas -- hill. It -- -- pharmaceutical when he answers actually medicine they go. Proof that -- was phones now. I think that probably and this show -- as may be the premiere of the rest of forever. -- -- sex -- times. Out there. All right if you want to see that things that we'll be talking about next week that will not include effects. You can visit the Phoenix create laws that create that cnet.com. And we will talk you -- --

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