Ep. 26: Ice screens and Oprah things
Ep. 26: Ice screens and Oprah things

Ep. 26: Ice screens and Oprah things

Tuesday November 23 and let -- upgrade path -- And I'm Donald -- Mandy lover is Eric Franklin -- -- Regular -- words make it up -- Eric Franklin. -- I well I am. -- -- duty techie geeky outage Donald bell here to talk about be very cold. Nokia -- Need touch screen that makes no sense yeah with the word of again and again it must -- now I don't think -- I think I we're gonna keep all the operating here. If we could add more. Let's try to then that's okay. We have a touch screen made out of blocks of polished I -- Donald. You're crazy no. -- -- Telling real thrill I got the actual image -- think people cancers like speeding up file select elements but notes and a rear projection ice -- That has a sensor that -- -- to detect when people's hands are blocking. -- in front of the eyes and those kind in these little dancing animations. Tracking and movements. And it probably freaking cold. But this is groundbreaking technology. For. You know Antarctica. Or other areas of the world that would be too cold to support -- this is actual acts like this that -- gonna melt under high heat. -- -- -- -- An Adam. How does that uncle died from an amount since -- as an -- -- -- -- doing physics politics just a in now it's a quirky little thing but. It could be. The next level of -- sculpture. Right yeah I had years. You're projecting projection wall so far -- -- -- soda and ice sculptures made technology hey -- I think -- I don't know what god Groundhog Day probably right scenario with millions of users swans or whatever you can carve out of life the next thing you need to use interactive. All that's there. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You know I guess people outside gap left fever killing themselves had no idea when no scheme. Except -- -- get this headlining and it -- months. They're too busy making phones people don't want to buy it definitely gonna get -- on -- -- lets us know in all teases. -- down. Speaking out of phone radiation. If you are like me I had tin foil hat type we've pretty much convinced everything in the world is going -- you. Give you cancer or some kind of tumor or otherwise Killian some horrible way. There -- nothing new sealed for your unborn baby is ridiculous coming from the folks that brought you the belly band -- the -- No way for -- or nine dollars you can wrap your unborn child. In a basically with that -- -- a -- a cage for your belly that can help block out the harmful radiation. So they say that's but it's so unnecessary. And such like a plug acts Karen -- expectant mothers. Experts. Someone who is in like -- -- And like the the Berkeley -- that this is totally think the next I'm sure one out and ship of like. You love your -- -- sure why you haven't -- a cage and underbelly realize that you are grandparents drink and smoke during pregnancy in aggregate sales for outlook doesn't -- from drinking and smoking -- -- -- -- -- radiation that everyone turned out just fine. Man well even now it is that bad that this baby isn't necessarily -- -- not just I'm just here block radiation well. Yeah that year your grandparents. -- follow your logic. I understand that -- grandparents in have to grow up around like. Four G wireless technology permeating every corner of the world yes we we do have to deal that now we don't really and I -- -- -- plans. The author or. As well as a very interest -- looking face to in the pictures she doesn't seem quite -- -- enormous challenge now. She's about satellite and a little something more than the -- here I get that -- but also may be a little. Who knows if you. Think she'll do it right. I can well when I saw that picture I didn't think she was treatment that uses some -- -- -- -- doesn't look that pregnant. But her face says I'm less sure about this. You know to her boyfriend photographer who's making -- -- to do this right now lobby. What if it's just like this serve with them -- Doesn't formula confidence about this -- now say this isn't you know it. Made for women but you could use this repeated paranoid about getting mediation things from different. Appellate the -- and enter. You're -- it definitely. So anyway it has -- mediation paranoid go for -- In theory be -- and -- -- and her great coming out before he said didn't eat it. I'm trying to make it more awkward if it job a little bit -- -- saving -- on this awkwardness -- Look at our. And everybody gets -- -- now she she made everyone feel a little less awkward by announcing that her favorite most -- thing. Ever she of the youth and -- -- I added I thought of it. She's she's given hurtful or Oprah or prevent it from Oprah endorsement. To the iPad and -- -- in this shot is getting it wings which is amazing it is the Angel pad it hadn't had. Yet this -- -- obvious. -- you know well having yet. Mean -- these guys don't need to be selling. Anymore products now. -- that the only dot Oprah bump. You know they don't they don't need that but if she's like this is what you -- my hair and introduce -- as -- whole. That literally all my -- exhibit -- Yeah it's a it is going to be -- thing. For Apple they needed it man there so I wouldn't like to be there to get the free Volkswagen. With their people yeah that the NASA gave away all your favorite heading north. They got and I've had -- -- is an atlas will look more importantly -- it's a Cynthia facts on and you Volkswagen Beetle at the that's it has added a new car and -- it has been expecting that's crazy. They get to -- additional. Seriously -- the notes one -- it -- get to know you can get to get the -- has kept casting calls her a look. I guess not in the national right next year or early two years from -- I know I know. A woman who lives in -- that's been on like three times and she got me. Yeah I forget why it but while. It does not commenting on the show them around this time -- yet. It's. -- Leo oriented -- again it's that it's good news so they might be needed. Again on laws that field is the -- -- like -- Apple gets to sell more products. Now make it yet. An actual happier news -- life changing and what really should have been open his favorite thing in the world -- but. -- -- -- -- Favorite thing this VPR two robot arm one of my favorites has learned a new trick. The ability to distinguish. Empty bottles of beer from full bottles of beer. And -- actually moved in with them of the is not showing beer but that. Like acting and the full bottles -- -- seemingly. -- that point is. This is -- the next step forward in beer bot technology. Not only can they pour your beer. They can detect which will Beers on your table assuming you have many in -- and fearful states. Which ones need to be disposed of and which ones used the work doesn't seem like that -- pack and robot generals called it it's just -- -- I actually think it resisted it it it except. Eight inch 86 the bottle just slightly and they can detect from whatever force feedback is coming from the model is something in there. It's giving an element of the different in -- of -- Reaction there then and the fair idea that felt pretty interesting and I think that in -- Cantina. Robot servant. Perspective to bring out even if you take the out of the equation this is gonna be great fear your robot servant to -- to block -- -- and dispose of the appropriate. And he. -- the thing about that if -- Yeah. I'm having trouble getting kindness and I know that I've added I've. I put my stock behind -- -- The year -- now show it had gotten burned. Clunky honestly like the robot it felt like the -- -- me now. It's just so it looks like Robbie in the -- -- -- man and an entity and is pretty practical. Nifty little robot that. Anyway I mean I'm excited with the new a new era. And team of useless -- detection. -- -- With pulsating that's Netflix. Streaming only -- some box was a -- -- -- and that's on. I think Canada atom formats okay of the -- candidate -- the name of for a three million streaming live great idea offering. -- was only Jensen who doesn't have nothing to do that players -- every dvd. As I am doesn't use a dvd player. Or have a TV and on the TV and -- Subscribe to cable yeah I think is great if they could get more movies on its service -- ultimately Google does but our million dollars. And -- I think they believe. I do that one did not -- stuff that's those. It looked like we need to and the one they're bringing up thirteen dvd and -- -- RO 99 up from thirteen and went up that reduce its doesn't mention there is a. I feel like com. I feel like they would probably rather if they could just do -- -- -- and neat but who wants to send dvds and gentlemen yeah exactly. And like you to select properties of paper that it probably still a half of it's to deal with the -- from the digital and that's the that's that's the problem yes I'm sure that you know logistically speaking permission -- the means to him when you much better for them to the stream. You know and that the rights are really weird is that right -- are trying their rights as a badly over could have it for a year but -- Though on demand has to get it and can't come into contact them next I don't know -- -- -- -- it's shareware and I don't like. I'm still waiting to see you have the Hulu -- they may have started advertising and on Hulu and and it's not I mean. -- minute halo subscription and still have commercials -- weird -- -- and that it doesn't see it act as of now what it seemed like it doesn't add any actual. Different shows just -- -- back catalog all the shows they are -- seeking to have lunch that. Getting the deal -- -- this honestly been nary a dilemma for the cable cutters and people like this too is like figuring out which service actually has the show we want rain forest like -- -- not streaming or download -- these yet amid a service that will deal that value. All you want to watch. Now mad men you can get it streaming via this channel and this service or direct on -- -- this way. Well it's just not enough to each different thing if you're out what -- much. -- there's not even enough. Well there's like. Three major ones -- -- others that it back in eighty flash and cast with Comcast online streaming option it's not mean -- -- early advertised after the interests. Yeah customers' concerns and then you have never play Comcast and -- -- and who live. Sit there is night and now and none of those even offer and a big Batman so there's stuff -- funny and they -- -- -- on agency will then it also -- the -- the network station someone posted this to YouTube it'll be up for about three hours before the patent on notice -- you can watch it right now if you upgrade and a -- you know viewing until late. I mean just saying there are other methods of better than this like you know for getting -- coverage you ever heard of the. -- -- I don't know anything about that. -- I've -- I've never been this a little but that position can. You'll like. I mean like if if one service you can get you to pay twenty bucks a month to get all the shows and on all the movie you wanted. Yeah I think they'll pull out of can be that a business. And I think Comcast would have a hard time selling -- 120. Dollar package. If you -- go to Netflix or whomever or Hulu or voodoo whatever it's called that they only via services -- was -- at the idea there actually offering competition but. But then I would I give you everything that's the problem -- -- and everything but -- com Catholic yours yours is the fact that your pain for so much content you don't even watch. You know -- -- it is crazy in the fourth -- because that that you you have no interest when I get this one channel that thing is that what's gonna happen is that once these online services do you start -- Comcast out of business and the cable side of things I thought in my -- -- -- You'll have to get to -- I don't have any other options really other than getting a phone mine have to get a land -- To get the other option is -- -- more expensive option. I don't wanna have a landline. And -- -- -- forced to have an axles like home phone number to get the other Tribune review -- -- -- satellite Internet but it's not available in my neighborhood yet. So when you sought to pay for that the complete. Broadband access -- somehow that's like an extra fee on top of an additional you know -- rental fears subscription and the income taxes Internet only options than what sixty -- -- -- Don't their Internet only option and and how much does this it's that they offer free and -- has three streaming of certain shows and Infiniti offers for -- -- friends and a couple other. Shows like -- if you want and HBO content for example which I don't think Netflix has yet to -- to -- -- HBO subscriber line cable actually -- cable HBO. I don't even know if they offered as a separate. Online only -- you talk about the more I just wanna stealing it seems. That's sending me so damn angry what did you read -- Katzmaier as article actually -- that's as good quite connect to bring it back to the crave blog cuts Monday David Katzmaier. TV reviewer here for CNET has a multi. And epic piece -- on on cutting the cable and his quest to get rid of -- -- company again and go to Internet and over the air. Yeah and about the hassle having read the latest. Entry it'll make it easy is like you know what -- eventually you argue if it's it is easier for you if you haven't been the ones who are sitting right. The act that would -- the enemy he's the guy who did literally that he'd be fanatic what does it and on the TV Dell and gets his unit -- -- get it over the air liability Aaron and dvi. That I I don't have cable and I'm so happy -- -- actually I'm really I'm I'm not that big TV. You know -- and whether they I think you'll have to be. You can still be really deviant and get your fix and not have cable because of all -- streaming services because of -- he -- needs in the unique cable you can get a list of is lasting services there. Honestly there are a lot of other ways to get it and we don't it's true but let's get back to my original plan which is that he becomes the more use unique gifts this. Pieced together thing. You me all the -- parts they get that kind of right -- I'm gonna sit down I really want to watch. Now fill in the blank shell. Star -- The start Desperate Housewives. The fifth and whatever it -- you look at eight different ways or eighteen different ways that I arranged together content coming my TV would wonder why picnic at. -- that's that's that's the problem is that that's what that's that's -- a heating problem my opinion once you get it down. You -- -- down once you know where to get your TV show from. You know you -- -- -- to disable these eighteen options that I know which option I want those to who -- who Netflix -- through Apple's web. You know I don't feel like that is -- up inherent problem in. Outgoing -- -- -- it that way I feel like that's an initial problem you get over in what you get over it years it's pretty. -- -- -- -- I mean for a lot of like mainstream. Consumers getting over that initial -- on earth. Figuring out. Where you can -- -- -- is not streamlined enough yet I need somebody's streamlined and magic -- -- -- -- now they're beginning to guarantee that really good TV and -- nineties Internet TV services that they're getting there they're just not. They're not there yet. Niagara and the services are certainly not area in terms of the content of the subscription model though I have are with your money Comcast -- be like yeah Felix -- -- Amalia. Exactly everything. Anyway bring it back. I found other spelling out balance weight and informative topical and info oh my god let's bring it back if something totally multi Jose that was even -- We've completed a lot or you would say that we do we do we have an answer. Doing yes it -- -- to talk about. Hollywood and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help -- that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift giver as we take your live calls and we -- your emails and -- -- Send us an email right now holiday helped -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right right. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Volkswagen. Brazil. Has created a car for drivers under five feet tall. Called the all. Just like to meet you think it's a golf but it but the app off that would. -- -- -- you well call musical acceptable. Some. People -- made I think about two of that. It's good news for her for the little people you know because they act is actually designed for their needs in there and -- to adapt the larger -- too -- Have the panel rejected them all the difference in investment Bradley if a country where -- shrunk down exactly 30% to scale rise. And looking at the here and thinking option in America where we drive such big tall. -- TV's still. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And other countries' laws that they -- a lot smaller cars in general right there lowered the ground -- the really short. Car in the -- -- I just imagine -- agree that being -- Maybe possibly -- the concern via -- -- Giant big truck that -- -- those -- -- really high not the right see it right exactly and the other concern is at the top speed of the skies with seventeen miles per month what's that they'll be a problem and about -- those little you're not getting on top but not being able to. See it right underneath the ability going to explode here on average anyway but it's a pretty cool and you know not to make light of you know the real time I'd intended driver I would actually it would be -- try to open -- -- is that the picture isn't too happy about this -- -- -- means to -- -- -- I don't think you're getting into this are well. I don't think you want to get the -- she's a -- even. They don't neither of them very happy and Italy -- there's if there's golden -- if you think I wouldn't angry. Assessment and anyway analysts he's saying that it's -- -- saying that it looming like. Movie audiences moving on from this board. Another and -- layered look -- look. I am I'm confused the next story along and tick tock tick tock Matthew I return I -- it's -- -- -- -- -- -- Annan announced this is -- add another line I keep when I keep bringing these out keep bringing these into the fold this would the last one I'll probably do which is the iPod nano. Watch band accessory. This one it was actually created by a an individual. Kind of launch for -- -- -- kick starter funded. What he's saying it's like. The watch band that in nano watch designed deserves -- called it and watch -- have been coming out as -- -- nano accessory. Had been these kind of plastic. You know jelly bracelet kind of cheap plastic little things. He's created Q1 is like a snap in design that is. Modeled after like -- I ski like -- lock him. -- system the other one is like a -- deluxe machined aluminum. Watch piece that has like the actual -- -- over the the nano. That's the snapping and when -- I think -- and that's the tick tock. The higher end ones the lunatic. Which is like -- that name it's just an amazing little. -- these you know that you can actually set the nano so that we hit the little wake button by default it'll go to the watch screen and not -- The nano itself early and then nothing in -- -- forward and I didn't full review they had -- -- go over to did you see the business and all of this. He noticed the business on the side here yet he's either already exceeded our -- far exceeded it by name that people want this thing and lastly in a theater listings that when you get a product announcement from Mike -- or something like okay you meet them. Not. Expensive and -- -- fifty people are. Loving hands idea and wanted to do the majority of people the so he had pledged fifty or seventy dollars or more -- -- -- putting it being as. Is that after he made his goal 300. Thousand more dollars -- and it. Like people were like -- has made it is fine you the really don't use this product what are you the officer and number if you -- fifty dollars or more are you you get a nano one of -- you know. You only get that -- and tell you gets you a hundred he pledged 500 or more that's when they include the nano but each pledge amount. Includes a certain packets basically -- Selling the pledge a dollar ticket pre order you know -- -- -- -- Scott Wilson. As I mean I think in British that's an excellent excellent idea has. Was and is there isn't he says went to this -- -- like it is an excellent idea is for kick starter ideas in general is to take an Apple product and then do like a high end accessory that. Other accessory manufacturers that may be too risky to make it -- and funded this way so no cadre of all live and -- Apple designed people. Like behind it and -- need it they get the benefit from -- from being -- individual being nimble. And -- -- worry about an idea being too expensive to produce. For a company imagine it -- if it doesn't make it. You go this way. You're you're totally funded. And you get to make interest in products that would otherwise be kind of taking down violent and assign it by -- I'll -- -- bigger company and. I mean I -- still not through with the idea of having a cable connected through -- yet an -- to its still two days however my address but I really respect this is a lot I think it's a great idea that it hasn't made money. Yeah I mean he made his second on your cable -- dollars yeah you actually get an angry and agree thing to do you view which you've -- -- -- -- -- -- -- An effort tire amber to be next. Month -- At the red one as the wanna you get if you pledged partner mark a lot of ships on the -- -- country's leaders signs. But kind of comes out there will be like the new nano will break. The design will take compatibility with the watch -- -- I'm wondering is how quickly the turnaround is on the actual production once he reached that 151000 I -- he thought when he greeted -- On. The project that. As you start making then I wonder while you're waiting. Exams in each -- what we eat today or any differently soft pretzel burger. -- -- -- -- -- This is -- -- burger with -- Vermont white cheddar cheese maple pepper bacon and spicy mustard off at the world. The man now I don't think that's -- you're fat free and malicious. It looks seriously but she and -- in and built burger. But -- I'm just worried about the cultural and structural and integrity of the burger with the machine is stable -- pretzels gonna it's gonna pull apart stuff -- now Wallace saw holes that often that I did check somebody else that this is not the player -- -- -- -- -- you retarded I did check the -- outnumbered alone has. 1090. Calories it though but it is today. Act as I did like stretching out why is -- bellied man there will be an important way. -- -- that side of beef the the ground. Beef. Packed in has a thousand calories is only thing missing is impossible number of Kanye. If you count in the meeting entities. Maybe mean everything is -- about those things he really none -- -- French Fries over there to know which we're at the friendly it's worth friendly it must be neat thing. I've never -- Some kind of environments there's definitely -- -- Into the spirit of my upcoming vacation and I also include. Another item -- -- As cargo lolly -- Apple in the way we need -- -- Nintendo. Element of France I think I -- Mario lolly pop which is sold at a and her French -- tracked -- thing here and this actually but -- that's cargo wrapped and pastry in. With some -- -- to the operating in all action there as -- and -- -- -- mean. I'm excited about Africa and its prospects in my future your future in -- And now that it was at the -- alien mind ganguly who Greenland Greenland -- me mining. Green blood. That people. Are -- with green -- and they should have because -- -- our concert it. It really -- -- in -- and -- -- little -- there are other things yeah exactly. -- I mean and anyway so that you do it that's it we're moving on to the end and I it will review and a capable hands of Donald -- yes and have you one however have a happy holiday have -- -- I've been in pilot they have think this is why your fat -- while your -- eating. -- -- -- To read it did you guys ever show the chow dot com saying load the or that your. I'm -- background at that point fattening and are right and if they wanna get a hold of us I always forget the number that's why I've got rave show at cnet.com is the email or -- the call at 870. Through CNET that's the sixth street eighth.

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