Ep. 1577: SOPA: it ain't over yet
Ep. 1577: SOPA: it ain't over yet

Ep. 1577: SOPA: it ain't over yet

Today is Thursday January 19 2012. My name -- -- -- I am brand saw and I am Hollywood love in a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length that is episode. Something or other you know 7715. That's my bet there is even that's not unusable among the first computer -- them I -- my pages my tabs don't load anymore they just look at me like what you want when I mean if -- like they're really they're like a really old dog and -- -- -- -- -- -- Like a -- lab already offer mean that you guys it's been a long times -- hidden in the studio d'Italia and feels like a new experience so let me tell you were haven't. A few problems with focus. Couple of problems to the -- each other. It's not out and putting it out in the room with nobody bothering us but we're gonna try we're gonna do our best to keep -- roughly contract out. We'll do our best so we wanna start things off you guys -- other tech news will deliver -- the hottest news coming out today Apple obviously had their announcements. Education related over out in New York on the big announcements -- Apple launches there iBooks to the new app that now supports digital textbooks. On this going to be a main thing them Allard a larger publishers in education are behind this like McGraw-Hill Pearson. -- Mifflin Harcourt -- or textbooks right now. IBooks -- was a free update on your iPad or your other devices you can go the textbook section. Currently the text was that they have it's about only like maybe ten to twelve there are high school. -- textbooks right now one of on this freezing kind of Trout and -- the concept I it's the life and science from national but. This is one of things that we expected to see because pretty much the story broke before the announcement even broke the -- is going to happen but. The funny thing of those same for the -- that the story kind of broke in the book a little bit in the jobs that well that just it's just I am exactly at that point yet in the book where he is talking about -- to redefine the textbook industry in about how it's an eighteen billion dollar -- market. That is right to be disrupted in -- and this seems to be the start of it. -- when you talk about it will just talk about the text looks quickly and and talk about some of the other announcements. When you talk about disruption the textbooks economy priced at 1499. And this is really where. The publishers are trying to sell these books. Directly to the student now if you talk about schools and high schools. Typically in the books when they purchased them around 75 dollars to -- lets a Sony 500 dollars but this is because they keep these books. -- around five years and so that's where the costs of investment goes also in Iraq and the -- and also I'm not -- I'm its all of its own scheme we've known it's its own schemes so. Now they're saying okay. Will sell them directly to -- student. The challenges. Students -- -- have an iPad. X ray now that's a 499 iPad will we see that price drop in the next coming months with the new announcement and maybe a smaller form factor. Probably at least a price drop. But still the entry -- the you know -- the barrier to entry is still going to be you need to own an iPad while. And then you'll probably need to own and several ipads you know -- look -- when he turned and read a blog post today saying that doubles in the hardware when it comes to this -- schools are gonna try to provide iPad nightmare. Because you know any. Piece of technology in a classroom last six to twelve months if you're lucky. Does it -- get so beat up. But I wouldn't be super and and it's not a sort of a standardized experience of that if the textbook is different on iBooks. Then it is in the classroom it's probably not gonna be accepted material for -- when they have to find a way to standardize this experience through throughout classrooms. Possibly -- will mean. Not like you alluded to a cheaper education focused version of the iPad may -- schools can buy. But on it it definitely there's a lot of hurdles to get over the best. Approach to this obviously would be to -- iBook you know textbooks that you can tell on iBooks that can also run on. And -- and Android tablet that -- Will not necessarily limited but it is yeah you know it's it's limited and -- it at its potential to me is really crippled like I hope that these are open format. The the other -- you have here when you talk about standard position is the different experience not. Every student is going to -- Democrat cash. Apple we have seen in the past they work on pilot programs with specific schools where they've acquit them. You know the entire schools with previously iBooks laptops and iPad -- -- with college partnerships but again. Disks even from my parents are both teachers okay yeah now. Apple's ushering in this new generation of teaching will talk about iTunes U and a moment and some of the other -- the iBook apps platform but. To tell it to have a teacher who's been working in the it as a teacher. Let's say we have claim teachers that are in like 20/20 five. Years of working in the street and all the -- for them to change over and try and you know my parents still are trying to learn how to program a VCR rate I have to do that. And -- you have this fragmentation. Or this split between generation only a teacher that -- has the time to invest in not only learning these digital tools. Uploading this con tent there are some that are orders -- -- teachers that are more tech savvy and others. But I would say for the most part it's like a 5050 split and even the people that are in the middle that are still kind of techie but still old school. They're probably -- leaned on their old school I don't wanna called old school tendencies on the tendencies that they've been used to using -- from a teaching experience. You can't say even as a -- professor were going and going all digital if you wanna be in my class you have to have an iPad you have to be able to the -- -- use iTunes you. Even even from that standpoint and makes it makes it -- you know. A typical situation what I -- apparently -- there's a lot of hurdles was that like you said get standard. I also really worry about the increasing that John Strickland put it perfectly and doesn't say the same thing which is I really worry about -- increasingly digital divide among students who because if it becomes a kind of thing where where a teacher or school says that give you can use that version of the -- of the book. If you have an iPad. Then you'll have rich kids in school who have maybe a more interactive textbook of more interest in learning experience. As opposed to kids who are not only lugging around like 35 report it get mechanically s.'s that you only get when you're carrying 85 pounds of books all day. In a backpack but they might have older versions -- less engaged in and suddenly you have that sort of economic divide. Dictating. That the pace of learning. Even more than already -- -- these books are only available and I've had -- and -- -- -- -- -- and -- seasonal laptop or something of bro from what I haven't tried to buy directly from mum my iTunes on my PC but from what I gather at least the -- -- is specific to iBooks and -- You know we'll see how that social CO -- -- also just that. But you wanna -- some -- -- -- say they need to open an effort laptop that users that they really don't miss -- we felt sorry for desktop users to India and they don't need to make an announcement related to that from what I saw or read so. Maybe that's summit they can easily adapt that's a mean that something where they go later on in a month like you know we're also gonna make this available to desktop users that would at least. Help to some degree but also lets us will -- counties on the other announcements that they did. Apple also announced a new iBooks author app for OS-X now you do you have be running lion to take -- -- of this. I thought this is pretty sweet this enables think of it -- to call it. Keynote slash pages. For books right so this uses the very similar to the -- lay out where you have and there's templates to -- textbooks whether it's. You know geared toward science or -- but you could also. If your programmers and -- was -- make like an elegant book. -- -- going to be able to allow you to code in JavaScript and html to create custom widgets. To interact with these -- -- I think. If you -- -- talk about something that's gonna change the game a little from a user experience and just from information books I think this iBooks author -- In offers special interest -- by you know I think about. Video game guides I think about specific. Topics that's you know a publisher who's that homered independent publisher who could really treat some amazing stuff and then you can directly publish this book to -- iTunes or sorry the iBooks store I think this is this is pretty and -- compelling -- it's just from a creative stamp -- bringing books to the -- -- consumer. Yet Amazon has something similar to self publishing but they don't have the ability to actually pageant eight as far as I know your own but to really create your own super fancy but I think that's pretty cool -- -- it you know it democratize the creation -- not just textbooks. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This I'm already looking at the sync it like this children but but I've been meaning to write for a long time to really does is -- -- -- time definitely. Take -- -- -- -- that the applicants on. Really kind of I'll tell you about one million doses is going to -- -- -- rely on. The anyway and that iTunes view becomes the I -- in -- never -- They're not gonna be good about your -- up into -- sense I haven't issued. Now get thirty I don't know I don't know cheat and it's getting at okay I'll stop the British are either it can you know it'll get sexual -- -- view becomes. An education hub. A little bit more of really -- it it is in fact exactly what name that it would be which has been with an e-book an education focused demand and on I don't wanna. I don't totally want to harsh the textbook buzz I think there are some big hurdles like do you think though that that. Is an industry that needs to be destructive exiting students are at a disadvantage because -- are booked are not up to date. I just don't know that one company. Especially company that is most famous or -- locked in to its own products. To necessarily be trusted take kind of create the revelation you know there's a lot of strings attach that -- There's also I mean sometimes you look at -- -- it also comes -- relationships and Apple has. Pretty strong solid relationships in the education market so. It's again. Just like we -- on the consumer markets and adoption thing yet if we have major universities and schools and right now the iBooks store textbooks are only four. High school level that's right we're not seen call -- global textbooks yet in those typically get. You know updated you have -- you know for people that have been in college or are in college. -- you buy a book there's a new book every year the -- is don't hold onto those books for five years you buy a new book. Every year or so it's a little different model over there but here with iTunes youth. This is going to be a service now relieve their go to hub that allows professors -- interact with their students post messages sends out assignments. And share their sold out sold by. -- multiple in Vietnam this. Again. I think it's really cool. -- -- -- they talked about universities are -- it is duke Stanford -- And others but again this is coming down to that tech divide where you still have in college. You know let's say -- someone like my liberal arts teacher and they're not going to probably be sane. You've got to use iTunes to find out everything about my class. It's like taking the analog and digital and putting all that responsibility in this two different worlds on one teacher who's already out of their minds teaching five different classes. So there there's a challenge there I like. The fact that. We're trying to do this push and it usually just education but it's what it it's gonna take a while it's gonna take a lot longer. The most of and I think people think it's not gonna happen like in a year where everything's gonna be every teachers -- -- having digital platforms and doing everything -- It's gonna take time. It's gonna take -- long -- for -- and and you know that it all happening in Apple's garden is a little unnerving to me with the -- -- not to Apple. Right now -- -- -- I don't know what it and it. We have -- occupied movement talk a lot about what happens when you turn education into a business you know and we need to and it's not as though the textbook industry has not been profiting but anybody who buys a book -- -- up. -- it's not like you buy a book and you can only use it on the textbook makers. Desk. -- there's a lot of interlocking parts there that one company wants to make money off of and I that. And and -- -- duke and Yale and Stanford poll even farther away from every -- university and -- and this is fraught. This is very -- to Mercedes-Benz. Of colleges are the ones like we're on board re where's the where's the state systems that you know the JC systems like. There -- 1% tree anyway even farther away you know its its treating and -- a -- just by looking at who's supporting this right -- -- -- it's not like Apple said -- called in Cupertino would you like to be. One of our schools. Guy one -- -- I don't feel like I know thank you where we cannot afford 3000 iPad so you know I. If they're willing to. Donate -- tell all these institutions some awesome. But I think also. Alright moving on I am pretty sure I do you know what I have to say I fell into the trap a new. That's why aren't they yesterday was open blackout day obviously have a super for -- -- participated in my own way by being at jury duty and therefore unable to published. Publisher -- even -- you were you were blocked out on the island live without from the Internet -- it to any degree of -- and then -- integrate those yesterday dislike anything they -- But good for -- -- -- so okay it was like watching an eclipse. Online like -- late Tuesday night all these sites started to go down Wikipedia. Went after a slight delays switched over to a page and informing people about so pat Craig's list went down word press take their site down although -- cheeseburger network site went down a lot of people to their personal blogs down. It was the heat it was I have to say. -- inspiring if you like a hugely. Successful. Coordinated protest. Against the stop online piracy act and -- protect innovation and piracy whatever act. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it seems to have had. An impact. Are you saying -- that the Internet the Internet community as a whole. Was able to maybe. Let these senators. See -- -- because at the hearings they heard it and hear anything from our side exactly didn't even bother to rallying supporters right up. Mark Zuckerberg yesterday formally came out against open for the first time -- that FaceBook is opposed to -- -- And then -- The senator Roy Blunt Missouri Republican said quote I am withdrawing my co sponsorship or deep protect IP act senator John Boozman. Withdrew his name as a cosponsor of protect IP senators are fleeing. Like rats from a sinking ship when it comes to their support. Of -- -- John Carter a Texas Republican listed as -- -- sponsor quote. Reserves judgment on the final bill at this point. I will not support a bill must my constituents are comfortable with its -- sponsored Tim Griffin. An Arkansas Republican it's. I was. Truly inspired and proud of that the tech industry. Overall I mean I feel like it was not just like angry blockers you know loan know -- it was like our own little Internet bring -- Is the beauty of this and I don't need to -- understated enough in the past. When there is an issue that you had with your with your senator representative. You have to write a letter or make a phone call -- how many times editing and actually see that and feel that by the time you do that the -- probably been passed. Or voted on by that time but here. They were able to see the entire collective might I think there -- something around like. It Google said there -- like something like four point five million people signed an anti so -- -- Petition and elevated like 300 people are wary of custom -- -- I know he'll participate that if you talk about some of the Twitter numbers. There are over 2.4 million so -- related tweets are eight. That's gonna catch someone's eye and someone's attention and the fact is that these senators. A thirteen Antonin. Pulled out of the support after they realized. Why do -- why do you our citizens and constituents. Feel this way they actually probably looked at the issue a little more closely instead of just listen to what they heard at their hearings or how these bills were shaped -- proposed. By that by the studios that help to treat them. Yet it was really it was pretty remarkable and then. In addition to all of the online petitions and the -- I do want to point out that the calls -- role in two to senate and house offices and I think that is just as important. Apparently the phone lines were flooding yesterday and they were getting hundreds of calls an hour from people expressing their support you know it's really -- -- -- a buddy of mine from Consumer Electronics Association told me that he was at an event. With the CEO Carey -- and he came up -- amendments and anybody guys do and a great. He is -- -- great job but -- grassroots thing yak on here that a this -- -- little this little really tiny like a no idea read a while ago and Sheridan but have no idea. No idea that look. America may have its differences greatly politically and when it comes to get you know there -- -- None of -- should be taken to mean that the people on the Internet are pro piracy were -- stealing but. No American is not about -- -- like -- -- come along. Recording industry and movie industry and you are your purely and are brazenly trying to protect your out -- motive business model. By censoring speech. Online. I have an. And I thought that was remarkable that that was such -- -- isn't easy. It was an easy call -- heat you don't get to break the Internet because you refuse to innovate -- is not happening as too far in one direction I have to -- I think in general. That's usually how America responds or when we go too far in one direction. That's that's it we recognize and we come together we make it's not -- it was great. -- were probably were going to still see these bills rear their ugly head but there there's going to be hopefully with this a new reshaping of what -- -- because. In any negotiations. If it's it's if it's too heavy on one side you. In any -- negotiating -- -- -- -- gonna have to get it we're both sides are unhappy about the final bill meaning. Everyone's not getting exactly what they want but they're getting some of those things and -- so there's going to be a way where there will be some sort of middle ground it's not gonna sway completes our side. We're so open pipe -- will not even exist. I think they will still how they will still exists in some -- should perform. But we're gonna always gonna be able to come to middle -- -- of this ridiculous bill that pretty much -- cripples and disables it when you tell people we're gonna take away some of your Internet. The zone -- why because we can. Doesn't work -- for the money to false -- -- we show this little thing to thing don't think yet totally okay synthesis of this is a little fun thing about. On the you know who who violates you know what so -- on about well we all know that Lamar Smith. Who is the author of so but. And he has his own official campaign web site and what happened is there's a background image. Lamar Smith was using -- of this kind of I don't know forest outdoors image and see someone managed to locate. The image -- find out who the original photographer was. DJ is shall. And it looks like Lamar Smith forgot to credit the author of the image in the back of his campaign web site and using. Law and. The headline copyright violator that's is the official website and copyright violator. And image take it down on it at Calabar. The -- -- like the awkward moment when you break the kind of love layered trying to force -- America although let's be fair we all know that Lamar Smith did not right now legislation the MPAA Rhode Island with yet it barely knew that it asked about his idea and asked what. There probably was even DNS and up all of their bidding and use those that acronym but like don't get cocky. You know I had ticket if I had to caution anyone at this point it would be don't get cocky because the MPA has not -- and even though the number of senators and and congress people withdrawing their support for these two bills is just like a pop up pop up taken up. The MBA. Denounced all of the blackouts in protest yesterday as quote stunts. They said it was an abuse of power they were taking swipes against Wikipedia on Twitter somebody -- -- I'd like in RA -- person on Twitter via. -- all these kids are now gonna have to do real research -- their factly. It rilya yeah -- doesn't matter these guys are not here and it. These bills are not dead and there's no question that despite its gonna continue I think that IP intellectual. Up property fights are going to characterize. The coming year and beyond and the and it's not and in fact. There's every possibility that some of these measures will be replaced with sort of quieter more dangerous -- -- -- blog this week about. And it sort of parallel efforts to. In congress to forced every -- who registers a domain anywhere. To use their real verifiable information -- so that there's no way that you can register a domain. Under fake name or with shell corporation or something like that you have to be tracked down. Personally. For every website that you create that's -- when you think about it. That is sweeping change that's a pretty dangerous precedent that's gonna take a long time -- -- people. And continuing to. My -- and expect an expensive one but. As soon as your web site is tied to you directly forget about it Wikipedia for air -- have WikiLeaks forget about any site that wants to do with a blind forget about any site that wants to. Promote dissent in hand in and dictate in a dictatorship as long as I can't control those domains and they can track -- -- to -- There's still a problem -- so it's not. Nobody nobody won anything yet it was like -- that really -- -- -- how we're happy we're happy that we all participated in this. But keep it -- battle over ranges and -- -- it's basically like keep it up. They're definitely keep it -- But it -- -- in a nova. So by Ayatollah. So I ain't all I was -- really that was an exciting day on -- I think it was really a turning point for kind of online activism like everybody was reporting on it in it was a really. It was a big deal -- itself. We're using a break and come back we actually do have more knew my -- -- filler news show talking for ruling an Allen. When we come back the death of -- childhood brands and still alive. Apparently it's like within Facebook's interest does spam. And AT&T just didn't -- and what -- this -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Alright guys look and -- the buzz out loud cnet's amazing podcast and internally you miss Molly Wood in the house. It's so we determined -- it's so we don't even know -- -- determinant it is all right Stephen beats him in the house have a right and if we ever did figure at a time than abbreviated to terminator. -- run away influence if we had little. Until I didn't Alan RI at this guy -- on this thing it is acting. That's actually more appropriate at some of only shoot me now. It. Is it is pretty nice alright guys back to stories. Couple weeks ago we talked about -- was pondering a filing for Chapter Eleven bankruptcy. That has -- now they announce it officially. Last night that it's filed for Chapter Eleven the company is hoping you know emerge from bankruptcy. In 2013. So that's about. A year and a half for so they hope to get out of there it secured 950 million dollars. In debtor in possession financing from -- group and allow them to keep operating during this restructuring period. On they've also pointed. Vice chairman -- TI consulting -- dominate. The you know -- as their chief restructuring offer officer so -- we'll see what happens they they didn't make previous you know they have been involved in previous attempts. With some of their patents. On them to children and -- -- in they have I believe they have. Since they're working on things against what HTC I think Apple's one of the people that -- claim violates on the patents that were also talks about could -- potentially just looking to. Sell their patent treasure chest as we've seen that happen with a lot of companies but. At this moment they're hoping to emerging come back in 2013. From bankruptcy -- we'll see what happens but again that we talked about couple weeks ago the. Iconic Kodak brand gatherer isn't an on Twitter at that time at -- -- -- expert. Thanks for developing this amazing camera technology and putting yourself and -- bit -- -- look at. Here's some of these numbers here if -- During this time rate they're trying they're trying to shift their over the modeled -- close thirteen manufacturing plants. 130 processing labs reducing their workforce by 47000. Employs this is since 2003 which is a gradual discount of the gradual decline and how technology has changed the games they have -- to keep up. -- -- -- -- -- Saturday not a -- -- this next -- -- news but FaceBook held an event yesterday inspire and it didn't talk about -- normalized. Graphs that all the that I -- -- they then report about that doesn't cells boring -- -- never even went yeah. That FaceBook announced sixteen new partners that have integrated their applications with open graph which is at the underlying technology that allows companies to engage in friction -- it looked friction -- sharing but I'm -- that we love that. We love that low friction with friction is what makes. Oh -- and they opened up open graph everywhere and so everyone can now engage in spamming I mean sharing could -- no seriously I think. Realize this and not me of spam that is now headed your way on a target every one starts. You know that -- and analyze ticker app that -- got a whole lot more are spent that was not gonna be going like. It's gonna up. And you know that at some points. Yes exactly. You know at some point one of these apps and -- had a deal with FaceBook -- it hasn't been changed -- -- the two things went. And embracing it creeps on over and it's not the ticker anymore needed with us they really cleared -- at this point whether all of that sharing it can happen in the ticker. Sharon vaknin had a good how to about the things to know. Before you start using FaceBook timeline -- -- these apps are all rolling out in conjunction with it with a slow and steady creep of the timeline. Into everyone's -- FaceBook experience -- big and complicated. -- -- I've noticed a lot less people posting there -- it -- since the timeline thinking about that big giant picture that I -- July 8. We'll let you guys hate that big picture idea honestly I like -- like the picture it's how well -- -- the paint is now and then is trying to load your entire got it like it's a and then when they rolled out to mobile. To put the timeline interface on the linking mobile -- And it's there tried this try to go to your own profile on your mobile app any and a half an hour later tell me what you think that it is just that takes a long. Time. Alone -- and avenues. Anyway go back to the sixty companies trip advisor Ticketmaster time you buy tickets to -- -- -- -- closing their rotten tomatoes buzz feed -- a whole long list of them that their companies that have signed up for open graph to just be aware. When you start using these apps. That there is a possibility that you might start sort of instant sharing everything you're doing and we'll probably asking for permission. To authorize the first time. But once you authorize the app it will never ask your permission again you can go in and change those settings we will have to do that yourself many. There's also succumbed to this because. Everyone's worried about how much will these things share. There's some of the apps that are going on like fab dot com they've talked about how some your purchases will be actually will be hit in. So there's certain private things for example -- dot -- cells may be somewhat intimate products that won't instantly be shared her post on your timeline or -- Which is nice -- one other thing that I found. Kind of cool -- in the same time kind of creepy is the fact that. Companies can also how -- I say this share. With in other open graph companies so they use an example where let's say your listing to Spotify. And you also are using Ticketmaster and both of those are apps are using with the open graph. Ticketmaster can tell that you're listening to a concert from let's say X actually -- -- -- -- And then tell you from the ticket -- side when Backstreet Boys concerts are going to be available in your area. That's kind of cool but then it's also kind of creepy in the same time -- it's like it's a little too much but the fact is that these apps can also talked to one another. With the open graph platform. So it's it's really up to you if you want to be involved I feel like I'm less and less involved -- FaceBook because it just gets more and more. More and more just -- beer entry -- -- just too much now. -- you -- it's too much and it's just. It's so much that it's beyond -- now such a complex system that it's beyond understanding -- cannot understand what this up is doing -- -- -- -- -- the new ticker and that mean I do right but it's sort of like. It gets more. The more and more confusing it gets to the everyday user it just becomes like who like and they just hear the sort of constant noise from background from immediately. And she -- I just think that FaceBook -- I think they're in danger of driving away their users at this point. Now -- -- a solid I'm using Google+ either but it's a sad. I don't -- I don't want all of that stuff to be there and now I'm kind of just realizing that exactly and mean I don't need -- but I don't think I don't think we're alone I I feel like there's a point where we've become a little over saturated with this whole social media generation social media. Wave and people are -- pull back a little there's still plenty people jumping online but there's a point where after you've shared so much like I don't wanna share as much anymore -- Cell Anemia and how we needed to like kids on the show and can experience that -- -- idea seriously Google+. -- it is awful it is so instead so filled -- spam and human sign on is just I mean I'm trying to use and I really want to like and there are a lot of followers there although I think the most of them are spammers and it's just it's really overwhelmed. They have got to get a handle on that because it's kind of and I'm ready isn't so it's just not as people like. Are looking for an alternative. To FaceBook Google+ -- -- the -- Google+ the nicer place to be heat. Got an alternative call your friends your real friends and mission called the text of okay it's got that directs them that I did -- on Google+ for the first time -- the Trout hang out it's like discuss somewhat. I just looked on Google+ and -- different like let's hang out. I use Google+ exclusively to just curious all the podcasts. So if you wanna -- follow me on Google+ -- -- every podcaster may be going there you go and get their health care. That's a power to -- -- system. Decrypt it. -- -- -- Read a -- in the -- does make it the kind of border -- -- but they only is it because they don't have cellphones and they can only find their friends via FaceBook. More and more I'm actually more and more I'm just using this but it like a little many linked him. Like L I can't remember that person's emails autism than an appeasement yeah -- -- -- rising ahead. It has has its uses smooth line shall we AT&T. -- They retooled their data plans to retooled and by retooled that we mean upped the pricing across the board. For data plans as they've got done away completely with unlimited plans I think even grandfathered unlimited plans -- -- are angry email about that. There's no -- I'm -- there's no change for her grandfather current customers. So if you're on an unlimited plan which is already throttled you can stay on it but if you get. A new plan -- new contract you'll go over so now. Currently could get 200 megs per month for fifteen dollars two gigs -- -- fiber or gigs for 45. All three plans are getting a five dollar price increase and -- go to 300 -- three gigs and five gigs. -- they get more expensive but you -- get more data. So. Even though I really feel for a majority of people. They don't really use 200 megs of data -- for a majority. Even 200 -- -- is not -- -- -- but not -- Wi-Fi and -- -- through the data care if my if you ask a lot of people not too many people -- our audience is different. But let's say. I don't even use 200 megs of three G data on my phone because he material were primarily on Wi-Fi unit so AT&T is saying you know what. We're gonna give you 300 megs we're gonna charge you five dollars Mor although more although again most people don't go over 200. I have to say although I preface this was saying maintained he was being evil again. They they are increasing prices but they're all the overall. Cost per byte. Across the board is lower. And they are increasing. Their data caps -- I actually think it's kind of a good thing right I mean. In the -- keep complaining that companies are doing away with unlimited data and that there throttling back at a time when -- -- using more data. AT&T at least as saying everybody's using more data so we're gonna offer -- data plan. I think this and then you can you should as a consumer you're -- -- -- brand like every consumer should track how much they actually used -- there's a very good possibility. That you only need the twenty dollar plan. I don't need 45 dollar a -- and I I guess. When I'm trying to say is that for that higher and like you said. Increase the data caps give you more or bytes. Are at a better price and -- that's for someone that uses data -- -- when old when the all my friends for the most part on the 3-D year educator whatever they're using is under 200. This is really just them -- pushing that higher so that they can make a little money and then what makes me look at it from the outside even more is that. Look AT&T said that we were going to acquire T-Mobile. And it everything would be great we're going -- you guys more services but here it's like what. A month after that whole thing fell apart and they're increasing the prices on data -- will they gotta make up for like -- that they think -- -- million billion but that's just goes and if they really if if they were really okay we would -- I feel like we -- it's not like all the other carriers are doing this right now -- AT&T is the mountainous. -- -- It's not the there was it. A pretty good tweet about the suggestion bear the name for that and if they were really feeling that if think this is the kind of thing you can only do we knew already how of I am a very dominant position in the marketplace right when its you vs Verizon -- -- -- so far behind because you're really feeling the competitive pressure. You lower price than what you try to be more competitive. I mean what AT&T could have done to win over customer goodwill to demonstrate that they are actually concerned about pricing. And a price war is raised the data limits without raising prices. -- like it is actually pretty -- So. That said though. It's not the most and reasonable thing ever heard you're getting more for your money and a fact you're getting more for your money now than you were under the previous plant it's cheaper -- if you wanna pay. Action if you if that's okay with what. You don't have to -- 45 dollars at least that's an option you know I think Verizon got rid of their lower end option is to have a fifteen dollar plan -- they don't. So there in line with -- Okay now moving on in other Smartphone carrier and now we're at it I hate -- right okay yeah yeah exactly. -- did you did you get a quick did you -- get that eighteen team message the free your data usage among the top 5% of users edit data speeds for this cycle may be reduced. Have you got that. And I brought here and he brought Toronto of the bottle -- limiting them grandfathered in the only other hosting as a limited instantly -- it's it's a it's a limit throttled it -- limit throttled exactly it's a limit throttle the data that and you and guess what we pay for that you've just been -- That's when it might my friend posted like a screen shot of that on FaceBook with that that message from eighteen to units. You just run under a few AT&T there's even. I think it's so excellent and little throttle it's just -- you plan is a new buzzword. Doesn't work. Four -- confusion. Element thought I'll tell you care about -- zero limit -- plant. It's not available indecent because it's. A -- throttle is not available to new subscribers -- -- may vary depending on your regional location at the. A new survey reveals that Apple's IOS Smartphone operating system is closing in fast on an -- and -- Don. -- it is -- and may mean it specifically. On iPhone and this is not an IOS across the board I was like. They just don't like to but I don't think -- -- -- -- with the survey was conducted my Nielsen. And found that among Americans over the last three months who bought new Smartphones. 44 and a half percent on an iPhone verses 46 point 9% who bought an Android phone held up Blackberry -- -- four point five per episode 450. Sorry four point five point nine. Windows via phone with them and the the survey stands in stark contrast to it earlier. I don't know it's still -- those brutalized -- the -- when -- -- -- the -- -- It was -- -- in the results like. It's like I doubt that -- not a good one dude we are you know they asked about it I think -- -- didn't come. -- but there was a survey taken in October just recently in October. And pulled Americans who bodies are found in the previous three months at that time 25%. Had bought an iPhone while 61%. Went with an handwritten handset so that iPhone sales. Let's not kid ourselves it's because it's on more carriers now for -- eight. Iphones are starting to creep up creep back up. Q and -- at levels. Well -- you know they have the new iPhone model that came out just before then and also they have a cheaper iPhone where you can get one for 99 dollars on -- -- even one without a you know external noise so. That's gonna make up a lot of that space -- -- -- -- get an iPhone with just a contract on it and it. Yeah I mean obviously the four S was probably the biggest driver of those numbers for sure but I mean there's no questions can be interesting because. What you just pointed out is that like there are now a lot of choices. In and market. That means choice actually is a good thing into the -- -- -- I until -- -- -- -- many. Choices. Now you have many choices of carriers many tourism actual device and exploits. And seen what take -- We'll see and then and funny news of the week it. Is that this is why the Internet as a means I love it not only did not only -- we have senators pullout from their support of -- so open and -- but yet. We can also be set on fire -- problem is -- in the middle of that exact same day right I know we're talking about a apply. Whatever its concern and then an ounce and has little trending thing this is like what problem let it that that is Rob Lowe possibly needing a little attention. Tweeter and a sex -- for like years he's created yesterday and Wednesday January 18 -- -- rumor from his quote people that. -- -- The quarterback for the Indianapolis -- was retiring. Now because the -- that as season ending neck injury. At the beginning of the CM 2011. -- and then he said and then it was like well wait I mean. That's here and usher in like I've heard that from my sources and what do you guys varied. Let lets hope my info is wrong colts fan I don't like being robbed at this time I'm hoping what are you hearing NFL. You know language DC GC and and it -- again in the Apple rumor business. I do think that that could be nuclear for a blow you really said my sources tell me. -- demanding. Father of -- and you and I laughed when he heard -- problems that ignorant will retire quote he said no he retired I think it told me. -- -- It -- is making fun of Rob -- I think is right and I think abatement should retire at every -- in his in the died nobody needs to access. Well. This is jittery tired ligament problems or industries in every of the computing load now let's let's let's this is because it's the end of the show -- a shift from tech in to spend thirty seconds while football. They're going to draft Andrew Luck exactly there's good and bad pains not to retire they need -- on the roster so that he can train and meant her -- her -- that's a -- wants to do that. That's a -- wants to do that. Pain have a very lucrative career in commercials experience -- now and -- he's very Smart and well spoken -- is gonna be a commentator accused going to be fine is not like vampire who clearly has nothing else to do you and that's why he keeps them back. -- -- -- -- -- Brett -- you know he -- planted -- he's part of the Internet generation to. Thanks emancipated patent is gonna do patent it'd be like a working retirement Mikey is gonna suit out. But he's never gonna play relate to Montana in commercials forever -- phrase you young minds in that -- and the field he's a nice man he does a lot for Big Brother. Interviewed him -- permanent and. He's really good. Also -- eight and other football news actually capitalize and other celebrity -- news well the thing about -- market he tree acidity -- in government it has Oliver Twitter -- -- markets and that he -- to could've stopped nine. Okay okay we really are you dead serious very. The idea that -- about how registered and he was like -- been on -- like horrible not funny read all of the day. Our -- Marky Mark if if if I was on that plane remember he's been held up by wires said he could in his movies that have prevented it -- -- phobia is that he would have stopped the attacks from happening here and non. -- -- analysis was to stop -- all ER is famous. I wasn't listening I don't know the contacts that could've been in joke in jest but I just. Don't say that. Those are right extremists and I doubt they have people to Dahlia and now and there now but let -- and -- Napster and I'm down. -- -- -- Actually yeah. -- -- Noble hiring down movement. All right that we talked about this earlier this email comes us from our buddy Nate Nate says high data usage alert really AT&T really. The only reason I tolerate your crappy service for so long was that I was grandfathered into an unlimited iPhone data plans so really. After my whole family has iphones on the same plan. Our volunteer contracts you now are going to start throttling our data speeds in addition to -- -- -- the data on the new lines -- real. He says really a lot. I guess so -- this -- me break my contract -- the spring and I'm sure the coverage is abysmal and the call closings but really really. She's now that it any different gadget AT&T it really puts up -- -- There's no way you're gonna get written contract over this but this may do the math -- and sometimes you save enough money by going to that because -- get the cheaper phone. Like it might be worth paying -- -- the early termination fees are pro rated so if you're close to the end of your contract Gavin -- Moving over to sprint because I only have like four months -- my contract that basically -- at a -- one payment. Did you ever did you break your contract to the iPhone not about an eBay all of that's -- that's up -- -- -- -- unless -- don't have. I want -- to -- -- little update. I -- keep Matt coming out in excess and obsolete unsavory adults cnet's -- on -- I -- -- really that it was overwhelmingly everyone is like saint. The -- prize I'm honestly -- and you an iPhone four's price -- one to galaxy Samsung nexus. Comes out on sprint specifically because they're not crippling that -- -- And that phone it. Is amazing and -- don't the two phones and honestly I'm gonna throughout the two phones -- only care about right now. I actually don't even care about the Apple Forrest is my iPhone for pretty much does doesn't much like -- but fine if you wanted the new stuff for -- -- galaxy nexus yeah those are the two. Hottest children I also think getting back to that Nielsen survey amateur status earlier so I think that a lot of Android sales at least among the kind of hero phone purchasers. Word depressed by the fact that everybody was waiting for the galaxy nexus to come out. And so I think it's possible that the Nielsen numbers could be a little more interesting in the next three -- report. The iPhone four -- had come out there is no really comparable new cool and Oregon and galaxy S or nexus was obviously. Delayed to -- to -- let the -- on the Verizon those kind of like up. Now -- -- is present -- -- it like they do. All right mixing of camera legends of late have been hearing that CNET supports so but is that true. Don't even have to adjust by this area how to answer well I actually -- tavern with asking a lot -- Because CBS. Has been listed as one of the companies that supports a CBS as a car tech company actually wouldn't be particularly surprising. Analyst Hernandez's death -- online piracy -- his super. Like -- very hard core on that Ngo and getting -- -- emails from. We do a lot so I think that CBS corporate it probably has been listed as a supporter of so I suspect that they're reconsidering because it's kind of one of those like yeah we support shopping online piracy rate. That was an easy thing to -- her -- on -- as more details come out who knows what the corporate. Stands is right now I can tell you. That CNET obviously. We don't. And yet we have been allowed to say whatever we want from deck when McCullough to our show to reporters' roundtable to you know I mean. Like most of the CNET staff has been print T outspoken against Oprah. Because were part of the technology community and kudos to CBS. For valuing what we deal. As a web site. -- -- -- -- look at the and and letting us -- -- -- maintain our editorial integrity on this matter unlike the Wall Street Journal. Which posted an op Ed that one can assume was written word for word by Rupert Murdoch oh yeah. They came out -- or are. Sofa in favor of -- -- pipe like there is. -- A Murdoch didn't -- the chance. That's that's genius I we talked about it a couple weeks ago we need to reiterate for those you that -- in here -- two weeks ago there is no way in hell that we support supper Papa ray. And -- if you wanna talk about is really quickly there's a list of a lot of these companies it's a goes even beyond. Media companies we have companies like Liz Claiborne -- reality brand jeans. These are companies who use things like counterfeit goods they're they're really there -- also has to be a distinction between. Counterfeit goods and intellectual property like clearly defined. In this open type of bills but there are companies that haven't that are not media companies that are also supporting this bill. And then you know guests until they realize the -- ramifications of it you know maybe some of them will drop -- as well. Because all of -- companies are rightly. Concerned about piracy and counterfeiting. Here it -- and so -- Nobody here is saying that everything should be free information to -- I. Don't get me wrong the entire retail industry realized decades ago that theft as the cost of doing business that is the case ray and you have to you structure your business around it. And figure out part of -- is an actuarial table kind of thing. And I think that the digital. Distribution. Industry the content industry has had a hard time figuring out that. -- when it comes to digital distribution. I'm curious about the math because I know that when I worked in retail. Loss prevention was a town and we try to keep it somewhere like under 10% mean when you think about attempt so it's a pretty hefty number I -- that's a high number yet but you know somewhere between ten to 15% specifically you know -- -- -- -- Apple stores. I -- when I was working there and in other places -- -- around ten to 15% loss prevention is factored in yet I wonder. If someone could do a breakdown. Of the millions village -- that they're losing vs what they're making because we've heard in the past movie studios and had their most successful years. Our it people are still -- and copy movies now we can't put it it's hard to put a specific number on that but I would be curious if it was around. Ten to 15% maybe twenty but I don't think it's 50% I don't think it's forty hell but it's probably more around a fifteen -- -- so it. -- -- Well and it's really really hard to do those numbers accurately yeah yeah because not everyone is creating a model for distribution that is a true alternative to buyers like we're still not all the way in -- yet. And -- -- or pirating music in droves and it -- decimate the record industry because the record industry didn't provide an alternative for almost a decade. It took them almost ten years. To stop suing people and provide an alternative to Napster when -- finally got on board with Apple. In the iTunes store no wonder. They suffered so many losses like they weren't in the store. If you couldn't give them your money to purchase a product that you want -- no wonder people found a technological solution maps that top rate and a lot of people didn't realize their breaking the law. -- really -- the only place the music online okay. -- ago yet so and -- we have true parity in terms of offerings. Both illegally legally but it's been really hard to make that argument and to be perfectly frank content industries and a lot of years -- up numbers but they've had to apologize for. Or at least had to back away from because they were found to be like patently untrue or or had zero basis in fact. They may know we don't -- the cancer know we don't. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I left. Let's wrap that there I think it's been an awesome show you guys we where we're super happy to be back and a -- is building women Maryland W that we had three shows from -- We -- we've been in -- -- for like crazy but. We appreciate you guys look the tavern come out full force again -- shown below some -- -- guys in the I think that's gonna do for today a note though a -- -- our -- before we go for those of you who come out and join us live thank you so much it's wonderful to see you all know that for years and years and years now. -- -- chat -- mama pretty much has been the queen bee of the -- CNET fans IRC channel. And -- I'm happy to report. That her home business -- their -- take it off. And they're busier than they've ever -- but -- won't -- In the chat room as much so up please take the moment take a moment come back on Thursday -- -- -- -- Arab for a while. Next we can take a moment to destructing you know that says thank you thank you thank you know we appreciate -- Almost semi we have nothing but -- -- she's about to our events. -- she came out to our buzz out loud. 200 episodes awesome -- in New York out across a -- on the network now in 2000. That so I mean she's been a huge part. -- does a -- family longtime listeners so we just appreciate. Everything he's done for us up from about our hearts out but we see nothing but the best miss -- -- and we will see you it's like she's gone. Now but you also there -- is -- and so we're here to be a -- exactly -- -- here it'll be like it again. I will see you guys next week when we will have computer love actually know the model well we -- diplomat. But I do events that I can thing. -- --

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