Ep. 1549: Bartz puts $10 million in the swear jar
Ep. 1549: Bartz puts $10 million in the swear jar

Ep. 1549: Bartz puts $10 million in the swear jar

Today it's Friday September ninth 2011 my name Steven beach of I -- Bryan song and -- Hollywood Bob and a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode 1549. Cool I feel like I should warn you guys at the top of the show and I'm not gonna be here -- next week. So they zeal really about about so for the last few weeks of this oh million -- here on the last week and our diet who's -- -- on the show when you're done yet to be -- -- in a bad idea that's -- in a way that can be to -- we got it again I'll hold it down will be mobile again and again I just wonder warning -- time I will be overseas and act. I'm having little -- -- need to. So it. It's being -- is as a time -- it's a fair warning -- -- -- -- Though she's coming back. Again she's coming back don't -- she's not going to -- and -- -- economy back -- any Denmark. Okay that's not do it. Denmark Denmark don't translate that differently not -- bear Dunbar. The development and another I just I just sent out there. -- with reference after. OK so moving on this weekend. As I am search and that you heard beacon that is blanketing the news coverage is everywhere averages every actually got a press releases that do you have 9/11 GT which actually found an attack. However it's it's all over the place and in fact in this is actually think really cool FaceBook in collaboration with the national September 11 memorial and museum. We'll ask members to update their profile photos or dedicate their status is in remembrance of people who -- actually killed on September oh yeah this is. Actually really cool was unfortunately -- just pretty hard to find I tried -- for 9/11 and and then I went through another link and it's under -- nonprofit section of apps we have the link in our show notes directly you guys wanna go to this page. What's cool there's a few options you can -- one of them is you can choose to download or save an image which is like a black backed out of the 9/11 to change your profile pictured on -- them. But then another one that's really cool below it is that you can randomly. Dedicate a post on your wall -- one of the victims of 9/11. So little randomly bring up a name that you -- -- dedicated to -- to you as old if you have a specific individual. You'd like to honor you can choose up person's name from illicit database of the victims as well -- -- have I think it's actually pretty cool so. I really wished and I really wish there was more visible because you have to search for or -- to know linked. It was you -- it's not promoted anywhere. Even when you search for 9/11 you think -- maybe would show up it it doesn't. And if they'll deny I had -- good of nonprofit FaceBook apps and then apparently showed really know its its not gonna so hopefully by early. If people start accessing this. Then their friends will see it and they'll jump on board -- The it's it was and it doesn't sound like it's. Three others that and there's the memorial applicants yet unusable I'm sure -- -- I'm sure that in two things will probably happen when the people will be. Putting that -- the shadows of daily use this to do this is -- And then they may promote it a little bit more -- hopeful in fact Apple actually have this conversation of my brother accidentally. We have the full line I can't believe it's been ten years and we'll revisit our station I remember I was Allison in my apartment at like early in the morning was around 7 in the morning yoga principles like do. And I remember going -- yeah I remember completely alien as -- HD video. As -- for HD video is via. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Like tower has fallen and then hitting snooze and then having this weird like. Seems weird and then the phone -- right after that nemesis like wake up and turn -- And a. So if there's any way that we can honor 9/11 you know in some smaller for those of -- -- Don't even have any really direct relation of a lot of people have a few degrees supper mission to someone or people that -- involved in 9/11 then this is just a great -- using face. But to be able to do that -- what I really like about this that honors victims instead of kind of just that talking about being in an and the negative parts of it it's just like. It remembers the actual people -- -- I I appreciate and I think that's standard so the group or the organization that's. Reading this FaceBook app you can also check out their site more 911. Or 9/11 -- memorial -- -- -- -- Definitely do -- add on to the rest of the tech news today we carry on Microsoft's. At a cloud age. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I actually did and still shake my head and enjoying it right now a little. And it any way for a few hours last night millions of Hotmail users and other Microsoft online services were unable to access or use. Their accounts which lets you. The. That was about three hours three hours and according to Microsoft. It was they. Pinned it on a DNS issue. -- was sorry and they finally were able to flip that switch fix it and show recovery but for three hours those services -- we've seen this through. Through the past year year and a half of these cloud services going down -- it. It's always like ray when maybe nothing has happened in the clouds someone's goes down -- -- remember that this -- stuff still no matter what there's nothing that can be a 100% reliable. -- in the cloud. And -- haven't -- them off and when it's like your business I mean you know your business in your. And people want -- this is -- the -- 65 is like there answer to Google's docs and everything like that Google's suite we. -- also went into another name Oxford hours and now the nightmare that it was about an hour they Google docs was down but it felt like longer I mean it's. It really it was kind of wake up call it and it certainly around our office has we all used were paralyzed were paralyzed its true and -- -- I mean both verb to these two things happened have been a couple of days every time something like -- happened there's a bunch of stories that are like. Does this is visit for the cloud to kind of -- like living in earthquake country Writely to have a little earthquake and then you go and update your supply box or -- -- think I like. Should be working offline a little bit more to that it was -- it was on deadline you know a lot of people are and it's. When you start to it it is notable I think because it shows how quickly people started to rely on and how intensely were like. Like -- must cut -- and social media exploded when this went down -- everyone throws their gripes I camp I'll leave it it's like. You're in. -- It's not your computer it's sometimes it -- From the club and the relentless was that -- edit notes and it certainly gives it -- -- in the cloud shuts down. It's cloudy in -- Okay so sprint is hoping to you would distinguish itself from all of that carriers that are starting to -- hopefully we'll be offering iPhone five. In the future one of the ways according to people familiar with the matter that they have to stand up in the app on iPad is that they may offer unlimited data service -- this is. Crazy and. Now all yes I know all the skeptics instantly are like. Although one -- wonder how long that's gonna last insurer may be -- won't last for like in my last for a year but it is a differentiator that they're trying to throughout on the table because now. All these other carriers who you are not if you're not grandfathered into the -- limited data plans. There -- they're saying those down so is this. I don't know if I already grandfathered I don't think I'd jump -- -- my service was so horrible like maybe if you're an eighteen teaser you might consider. I'm considering we -- you might consider you'd actually consider it ram but other than that that seems to me. I doubt be the only group that would seriously consider jumping over -- sprint. For -- limited data and those who are still grandfathered in earth or grandfather answer is they don't like and still get -- -- data. Yeah -- so I -- I think that makes perfect that well and if those plans are cheaper. Then that might be a -- as well I mean it's always it's hard to get anybody to switch from a grandfathered plan that's good but I think there are -- you know they. The carriers find so many ways to screw you out of your old plans. And update you on a new contract with a new plan that I thought there enough unhappy people out there that they would. Get fired up about that. Sprint also said in this is this is true I mean it's a competitive disadvantage now if you don't have the iPhone. Yeah right that gap between what others carriers are doing in -- doing. Is huge if you don't have the iPhone and sell the -- -- got at least close that gap or keep it from where it from growing anymore right now. Yeah absolutely and if they have it and have a slight difference -- -- implement a data plan I think that's an open panning back definitely. Interesting story about Google's as they got purchased yesterday because we talked a little bit about whether Google is just trying to poke -- the Department of Justice in the eyeball or light. But is making itself a bigger and bigger antitrust target. Now there are reports that Google bought it for. Less than 66 million dollars is a magic number turns out because -- -- under 66 million dollars a more. There is an FTC antitrust review that's automatically triggered by a name. It looks like -- my if if it's. It's worth more if -- over 69 -- -- assignment if it's over 66 million dollars but they're deal. Might have been or probably was under 66 million dollars and to avoid that little FTC -- lever although. Techcrunch point out that a few years ago the I was trying to shop itself around for 200 million dollars. And that they ended up getting to 66 million because the reviews space is so crowded mountain which is damaged in but also very funny it's like I did I only -- 9999. Dollars and. -- -- -- All day well -- and. Well played Google less well played. Carol Bartz. Who it now emerges may have. Cost herself ten million dollars over severance package are referring to her former board members -- offices and saying that -- after in the fourth. At random in -- -- packet -- -- According to these sources right in her contract I guess she's not allowed to say any disparaging remarks back. And I should -- -- if you loosely defined -- fists as disparaging remark which can be. Shannon. And if they really wanna fall through it and and use all its varieties and -- -- apps. And then maybe maybe you're not gonna get that's Italy dollars in May be emulated for job pretty soon I mean will see this -- -- site you know this is according to a source who has knowledge about the contact it is very common now. Very common in -- standard for big contracts to include non disparagement clause and that is and that is the reason. That you never hear somebody say. I was fired over the phone. And there He says and asked me over and meet him in -- it's sort of like. It does it eat you start to wonder and of -- -- every version of responsiveness which is half the people saying that often -- -- you kind of need that money in you know the trees to be known. And then -- the people -- -- the -- should not. -- and somewhere in the middle illustrates the let people know the truth. You know looking yes but go with grace and I think as -- -- -- -- -- and I like -- to do it. But I'm not manatee like the screaming baby blanket ten million dollar party now there really no really lady. An -- -- that put ten million dollars in the swear -- Wales where they are Greg my tech that into the title field -- And then when we come back Apple win big -- and -- The 3-D S is flying off the shelves now touchpad style and of course computer that. -- Coal fired from pop out and bit block Joseph blow -- You're watching CNET podcasts and it's currently being quail get. -- -- -- -- -- -- Recently its user -- you. I was -- -- like what's going on here. Any labeled identified as -- on right off the -- Any military because I'm like what's your real does someone go about what -- -- Now with -- that was very impressive 1000 nerd points user seriously -- American -- parts -- again because I. -- guys back to stories Apple wins again in Germany with the Galaxy Tab template one injunction. Upheld the -- -- regional -- once again upheld the preliminary injunction against the Galaxy Tab Timbaland. It's based on you know the idea that they copied the design in Apple's images that they submitted to the -- -- the scene even though they're not. -- -- way on this is. Only this injunctions only -- in Germany right now. Because Samsung. Korean parent company also has offices based out in Germany. But in other countries in the region of the European nations they canceled the Simpson ten point one. Get a preliminary injunction stays in force -- -- either overturned by the higher regional court in a fast track appeals proceeding. Or by a lower regional court at the end of the full blown -- proceeding that they'll probably take about a year if it has to do the lower court process that can be awhile. If the outcome is that the preliminary injunction was properly granted then it would be permanent. If not then Apple would have to pay Simpson for damages but about laminated -- a year. And it even if their intentions are returned in a year hopefully it's faster acted otherwise. And does can be set Netflix is -- -- just cross the border impeccably ten point one somewhere else via. This -- like a capital from California and org and buy cars in the field -- they -- -- -- idea I go to or you can get off I mean like if you guys really need a computer I'm not talking to people out this room but in this room. You know like it -- again no sales tax bring you back the duties. Deaths. It's. I. Line political do you travel where I think it's an education discount and an attack hours in a game now now let's negotiate what can you do to me now now and I talk in my computer I know for those you in love with the idea of the HP touch -- and what it knows -- -- release -- second batch. A lot of people were complain about why do you wanna get on because I was going trees about the -- that's at a reasonable what if there are people working on getting Android on the touch -- This is a reason why you might want to get one for 99 bucks what if you could run a full Android. Offering -- on there. Well looks like the touch Droid team that was supporting the Google a -- on the tablet has decided to call it quits -- according to report. On touch -- related web page. It's the group has been disbanded we have seen videos of Android at least booting up on a -- bad but you wouldn't be able to use the controls. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I know -- -- Africa. The must've -- in infighting I think it's really hard it sounds like -- -- -- -- teams say that they're pretty close to releasing a fully functional version but they have said via. They -- the only major component still missing as Wi-Fi support. And they plan to offer a dual boot solution so there may still be problems but it surprising that. That that happened by the way thank you with 200. -- it take -- fifteen in the chat room for for sending us a Wall Street Journal article saying. That Google reportedly paid a 125 million dollars for the got according to sort of person familiar with the matter so. It's still cloudy. In there He cloudy day at a Philippine. Do better. Not cloudy from bird Twitter. The sun is shining -- -- Twitter which boasted today on its blog that it has 100. Million users. Now 100 million active users more than half of them some of the static throughout their more than half -- log in -- Twitter each day. For many though getting the most of Twitter isn't only about reading and 40% of our active users simply decide in. To listen and stock that later pretty positive spin to put on all the -- -- -- is looking right now is saying much -- be -- hater but. 40% of them are -- thanks for letting us know. And noticed it wasn't that whole thing where when there is allegedly you know Newt Gingrich you had amassed a large modalities of like. Thirty or 40% of the callers were totally fake accounts -- So that would actually reflected the -- The number that -- is the right out here 40% over active users simply sign on Miller. The -- -- as strong. They do say though they have they have other kind of interesting nugget in Manila in their blog post about how. 35 global heads of state is Twitter as a primary way to contribute with their constituencies. Including Julie engine deal lard in Australia and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner -- know enough us in Argentina. -- -- that's nowhere near my -- that. Athletes pretty active on Twitter obviously there's a lot of dumb things there and that's a Canadian they definitely not that that's ironic that that. Humanitarian is a net present entertainers 87% of billboards -- many musicians. Are active on Twitter and reporters major newsrooms use it's actually supplement the reporting efforts and things have been broken later. You know sometimes we put in -- gates before the actual stories posted about a story absolutely it's now and it's inching -- pathetic that there. I -- -- nine time for quick and. So exciting for everyone that's been dying to have flash in one way -- perform. Adobe release flash media server four point five and what it does is it supports Apple's Iowa's mobile operating system. Analysts broadcasters. Are people of video content stream flash based video. Through Apple's HTTP live streaming format. So this won't support flash -- games are animations and advertisements but at least for a lot of the content you guys are looking at. You get your flash videos. -- -- -- that's an all we care about I hate it when I get that link acute check out this and then that. Sorry about you know so my lady friends they just don't like the iPad to the tent shop on. I know what that's like the number one reason why they heat right yes actually I -- I gave up on that -- and handed it over to the child and there it is three little words or lack banana republic dot com -- -- -- So is this gonna save an -- public. The worst offender because not only is -- flash its JavaScript into the public enough that some solid JavaScript support but think inadvertently slips an important iPad and that's line. That's me dead to me -- -- basically a child's toy. It's a dinosaur train delivery mechanism at my house. But we didn't and you're still using it and and I -- intensive meat animals in -- last mile. So -- and I've tried -- that I I would evaluating. And have for you yeah actually ask anyone who is trying to put words with friends at me because -- have forfeited every one of my games that I only ever played on the iPad haven't. Only to get your iPhone five -- -- -- accurate. The touch pad at the touch -- halo has is touching other consumer electronics now that Nintendo has priced -- slashed the price of the Nintendo three BS. From 229 dollars 269. Dollars. Turns out people want it I'd like -- So the three yes I still don't. Think it's really that compelling with a three yes it's the three content no one no one is still coming on board like they're still having trouble bytes. You know lower the price means little sexy especially for the -- season the bump the sales up the -- 260% and a significant number. That's serious business and it and it just it goes to show I mean we know that and that's. Eric academy but we know -- the economy is killing people right now and all that really matters is price people are so price conscious. You did you hear even though this is and -- -- policy -- it. That Nintendo also -- release there's leaks of an add on to add a second idea analog controller which control yet another controller which kind of admits of the fact that their design. From the start. Are already failed them Littleton interests in his late and so it's like you put on this chunky shell gas they how embarrassing. On Nintendo -- I think that -- first mobile flop. -- a little bit via flop may be a little bit strong but not a success router access they were disciplined personal display -- All right also guys even when you know what's been going on with the windows eight blog -- keep on kind of throwing out a -- each week this time. The -- -- to how it delivers super fast boot times and when does 88 seconds not from hibernation. Or from shut down. Eight seconds. From off to on so -- with -- -- that's good stuff and you feel like second only to price in the world. -- -- -- -- any of windows if windows can improve it's been a real. Until Tim could trying to make a positive impression that Apple and house where -- is just entries in new program for matching charitable donations. Made by Apple in place for up to 101000 dollars a year commanders say. -- CBS. Let's do that I don't look awesome that is awesome its you know it's one of the ways he's put his stamp on the company jobs Steve Jobs has been criticized for. Eliminate at least programs within the company although He has done plenty of private donations that are very public but this this is nights. Yeah it's already like you know it's it's like this is how we're gonna move for in this is kind of how you know feel good about working here -- donating and wouldn't take it to its -- 101000 dollars a year per employee and dollar dollar death. Remarkable. I love that I think every company should do that -- Which company -- RI on the list and done the gadget that you can't ignore right now I'm stoked. About this and sat in the same time. Our guys Nike and collaboration. With Michael J. Fox in the parkinson's research foundation they. They put out. The back to the future to. -- -- -- out work that connected into the -- -- -- death so take this out a year ago Nike had secured a patent for self timed releases. A year ago and everyone got what are they gonna do with this and everyone thought when this was previewed yesterday that they were gonna implement the -- tying issue. Into the -- Macs. Well they did and but the -- upon auction. To donate to the charity. And there -- only releasing what 1500 choose a name under fifty per day for ten days. Auctions. Are expensive in Kenya then there's the coding -- there's -- LED there's only he's an issue with how. I think they like and they look just like this do. They look a rumor that they were going to make issue and -- didn't and now it's finally landed yet just doesn't have a cell type places that's fine it's still it's collected and with -- You know it even though they would look ugly with someone wearing jeans I don't care -- show mad props like mad -- you but. Yesterday I was I waited for this that I wanted to get a -- -- issue -- mean and no one. If you're size laments that one of homes sold for at least was -- up to some 5000 dollars and right now they're averaging they're average Jeannie little -- -- 5006000. Dollars a pair so there is a lottery to people lettering and a donate to the cause and not let any of us get a chance to even -- touch one. -- all. It's so sad. I -- I actually really wanted to get these from her brother that He would like Hewlett everytime a new pair of ninety years came out He was the guy that happened like this would be perfect like that I'll be real I'm willing to spend like over 500 dollars and -- but I that's I -- competitive with what's going on and now seriously -- seriously moral. Some time ago that came into -- -- fifty. Ma thank you listen and may not know listen to me you can't take I can't take them. I don't Somali. Defense. Look at. A leg of the work -- like Norton. -- means the Motley Fool ammonia -- -- -- -- area were making Republicans in congress to let other people. That's a good idea -- -- we have to be -- Okay -- you thought it's time. Or in my a segment which these guys have kindly given to me called Stephen's -- voicemail of the -- I'm scared. I noticed I am always and others and Iceland and that I missile comes to us from Alan Gustafson. I hope -- -- 10%. Anyway He is upset that we are going weekly and -- in this this great video and I have to do like a play by play because He doesn't really talk in the in the video which is very visual well but He is expressing his sadness for. -- well going weekly self. Here it is the he's sitting there is applicants into the -- Israel bombed out. -- -- -- -- -- -- It's pretty Oslo on. Of the baggage handling the most expressive guy apparently isn't -- leg man. Wow that's graduate overtime knows that's hilarious yet. -- radio listeners are you gonna have the second sorry ideally you should really take that as it is perfect -- off the deep. The -- science. Half and science and and then again very easy for young people as a good news and and of of the -- and that is outstanding and well done -- I don't comedic assist active Apple. Thanks to Allah is great well that Colin we still a video game that's when I paranoia aren't -- outstanding. At that -- And then our second video -- -- of the -- we all saw. -- you can blame us for any inappropriate that's contained herein. It's like half half message half little bump become an idea about via. It comes. Louis arena. So I just started watching -- well about a week ago. Now are currently. To bring maximum abandonment issues from when it's full price for my touch pad He should. And anyway. Here's the popularity and can't find a decent phone and keeps getting at all by some random friend Jesus. -- -- -- bleached Mohawk which the school just stay -- -- compliance. And don't forget the -- and teacher. Salary. He has a name. And Dana Stevens without even email actually would not exist -- -- arms that is that hurts me to the their heads on spikes collar around -- -- that look like umbilical are again. While. -- other terms like had a temperature and Eden. Any day now. On a day -- we get some emails that -- -- -- air from Illinois says ABO well I use Yahoo! all the time. -- user homepage for -- primary source of news headlines in in -- articles to read. I have to Yahoo! email accounts that are used regularly LC use Yahoo!'s fantasy football as well I have nothing against Yahoo! and have no plan to change anytime soon. I have nothing against Gmail -- for the Yahoo! email interface of Regina is hands down it's a little more colorful. Specially. With the -- and made like six months ago to the interface that I just changed to. Five days ago I have a Gmail account but for the sole purpose of syncing my contacts in making purchases -- the Android market on my Droid two. That is when I can't just wait and get the app for free on Amazon because all upside by end up being for free at their two later. The problem -- of the show. They're out there the written Yahoo! finance -- there and -- is infecting Carol march and -- Irritants -- honestly I love Carol Bartz -- things is exactly what Yahoo! needed -- a totally agree she is involved. She isn't afraid to speak your mind and I assume -- -- -- this approach in the actual business side of Yahoo! I think she was doing exactly what she needed to. Hopefully send and another -- company and kick ass against Yang and Yahoo!. Idea. Carol Bartz or rim CEO -- yes so many says -- You're welcome -- -- welcome Adobe suite. Are right this one comes to us from Scott in England -- -- -- just a comment on your story yesterday on Apple not a -- try to block sites is in the -- in the -- and DNS. I am blind and I'm a blind Mac but -- -- we have no choice but to use safari as the in the Firefox or Chrome have been enabled to work with Apple's built in screen reader voice over. Well I think it's reprehensible. That Apple's not updated safari some of us are stuck using it because the other guys will not make the browsers accessible. Even though they've had constant -- from the blind community. Love the show. I had no idea that's that's a good point that's a minus one for everyone involved and on the other browser makers and even worse. For. Apple not to be updating -- Interest and support your people seriously router attendant says now that Molly is used him agreed to reference and be allowed that was ridiculous or Communists and -- and I think -- -- -- We've -- in and I understand what's this. Mark its body gets worst as -- -- the humorous now -- -- due to agree reference on the -- -- you can no longer deny being all Apple all the time. Okay mean -- get because agreed to most famous painting is the son of man arguably his most famous as the -- amendments is the picture of the -- -- -- it. The dude with the bowler hat and that Apple on partners. Not rim shot and an Apple I can't believe the buzz crew missed an opportunity to rip by the -- reported that mean Robert avenue mount Adams saint. I can't play the -- -- missed an opportunity to riff on the cop who reported about the -- search by the Apple brown shirts in the name. Field. You see when it comes to dealing with the house of magic even the cops don't get no respect -- be. Noble -- to -- the double benefit but it wasn't problem your thing -- yeah it's big and that's your thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Wellington. And on yeah okay here we go -- -- -- comes from Tom and lead not Tommy Lee. From Australia hey buzz -- I guess Intel myself as a computer -- success story I met my now fiance on an online dating site and during our core chips I impress her by not only Google in her. But it also -- running searches in social networks and online direct mail databases. For our second date. I picked her up at -- place without her even -- giving me the address that's right I already had her current and last five home addresses. From my searches -- We now live together but when we're apart we track each other using Google Latitude if I get home early I tracked her position -- -- can have her dinner -- exactly as she walks in the -- I guess this is the lighter side of location tracking. It helps us feel closer together and then again we're both major hazards. All my god so that FEMA today's computer that is basically like dating in the modern -- -- and location based. -- -- -- -- -- Has no idea that -- -- that scare her at all and apparently not that it's a remarkable -- that it didn't get her she was like. Opens the door had no idea who's -- oh my gosh I can't believe you do -- inserts the public mail addresses and went to the right one and I'm here now and I love you. That's amazing. That's that's a little disturbing but they you know I worked out working for them you know -- the -- -- sometimes disturbing works I have to admit that I wouldn't respect -- and very much I give them my address -- me for directions when you. If you gave them -- let's -- -- give -- my addresses and -- -- like how to get there. Would have seriously what if you live in a tricky spot ability optics so there are people get it and -- but if I know that like TBS -- a hard time finding my house. Then yet and I would take GPS have arts and. But still figured out -- -- Be a man be a man and Enron in Japan and -- a story and that is not his own story but -- came from the Google blog and He said Netflix so nerdy. It's actually remarkable. And it is yet and it continues our theme of love the modern -- and so on the official Google -- president. Story Ari was wanting to propose to his -- -- and I knew I wanted to do something meaningful and yes a little over the top. -- I decided to put my software engineering skills to work to create the ultimate romantic scavenger hunt. On the road to the big question I wanted her to visit places -- New York City that were filled with memories of our relationship. My plan was to construct a map further out and get my girlfriend from one destination the next all with the element of surprise Google Maps gave me the tools -- needed. To make the magic happen. I use my maps my maps to my maps feature. To plan out the route from the Trader Joe's where we shop on the upper west side to magnolia bakery where we spent our part of our first date. The Hudson bar and lounge where we enjoyed -- night attempting to Carnegie Hall where a UN surprise me a ticket to Beethoven concert. All the way to the lighthouse and Roosevelt Island where we went on her second date I secretly coordinated with her manager -- -- and Nexus One pre loaded with Google Maps for mobile. A camera and instructions to go to the first location. I had a friend stationed at each of the six locations before the final stop to give her rose. Take a picture of her with a roses and make sure she checked in with Google Maps meanwhile I anxiously awaited her arrival. At the Roosevelt Island right. -- -- -- -- -- Again I think reducing. Its -- honest with you that it's absolutely awesome for those -- you are basically like how did the modern -- -- -- I if if your -- -- I mean I I that is kind of maternal I have to say that this is certain this was kinda similar to my thirtieth birthday what was and what happened and I. I admire -- union planned a whole. Date led a GPS -- -- -- being rented a car and then I had it GPS device and I had to get him multiple ordinance and every time I got there like there is a friend Aaron -- mom all sizes and then -- deny another yeah this is like eleven the decades -- this -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- time they're not a rarity. -- -- -- -- -- I did when the thing now that we're now. And -- all right also -- are those of you that are curious we we did wanna throw a little news here today -- like I wonder some crazy love crazy story now. OK cupid is integrated location based eating into their -- less an Android apps. So now He can you know. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Which is previously only openly gay community also opened up their own app for called blender -- which is for everybody as well. The location -- thing is -- this is movement. And then there is also. -- in June apparently some bars are using facial recognition technology to well you who is in the bar and their gender breakdown. And there's discuss -- sister -- asked and then there's discussion that as the official recognition tech gets better I think someone might even -- celebs and and search for it now. That -- -- there. Gannett it's basically -- me like a hot people -- next. -- will do facial and body regulate it'll -- it'll. Use recognition to determine how many attractive people there are at the bar and any given time. Whatever are -- in a bar it's going off the charts. That. Million -- have a system to handle this that don't you recognize that bar scanner pinging. I figured it didn't start -- called -- tap. -- in the text and cameras -- -- more importantly it will create an -- -- you know create -- it'll tell you how many. Girls and Amber's got -- that's important on its own -- -- -- -- -- -- but -- -- its actual if you live in man -- it's gonna be like. Twenty guys and one girl many of the editor -- very -- either don't. -- -- -- at a San Jose man Jose people I know it's. That the population of guys and girls is ridiculous. I had no idea yet and that it's a target rich environment -- It's a target rich target rich environment like for growth I don't than the girls that live in the dead -- in there they complain about the selection of guys -- Michael. Look you look at what to look it up right now. Anyways that's a personal story that I don't again clearly clearly okay guys -- -- we need we want more personal computer love story's not about last year but about you guys so -- -- -- courage you yes we know we had a little history before we. With one of us but we -- it. Move past that and have you guys send your own stories and you know friends personal stories so courageous person yet does that that -- expect. Although I like this I like this little and you know diversion into. Cool ways to use tech and you know that's and the computer let him -- but we'd -- mostly -- is giving advice to mean anything. This is that we do this idea. -- -- -- -- At that it's Friday out get out of here -- -- did good and -- alright guys. To -- our show notes -- below that cnet.com also you can call us right where the chemicals are also planning and its excellent 6638. -- -- CNET and you can email us. At buzz at cnet.com. It's even more -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Alright guys this Friday have a great weekend and we will see does the end we think it's time. -- Even if other. I don't.

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