Ep. 1514: The 404 crew Takes Over BOL
Ep. 1514: The 404 crew Takes Over BOL

Ep. 1514: The 404 crew Takes Over BOL

Welcome to plug them. I mean sit back. And I'm Brian Tong and public opinion polling and I'm Justin yu and this is one reason there's -- -- your site or doesn't yet if you're. -- -- sorority you are listening to V cast the host of the 414 of its appeal from the Jessica you. I am not happy about this -- I'm a little bit nervous because the last time we took over the stream on -- -- -- people were not happy. And I was there are and what really pissed I still get emails about that yeah remember that put looked you know who were the 44 guys we're gonna give our own little spin on what a buzz out loud show sort of resembles an out of via a fun time I put on my buzz out loud and I'm excited about it yeah I do now -- -- that to you and you books over the top of them I'm gonna appear more informed. So it's gonna be a great show we're gonna run through. Well on news that you have this -- during this first -- -- gonna be discussed news that's fine so and a big news of the -- please get started off. The big news of the day is that Apple is finally dropped its highly anticipated. Mac OS-X lion operating system along with that their updates to the MacBook Pro air and MacBook air and Mac mini and there is a new monitor the thunderbolt display that is actually its name and I'm sure you can guess from it. It works by connecting to the -- port on the new Mac scares. And Mac minis and MacBook pros and yet. -- worlds in which one or which ones are you not gonna buy. Well I am really shouldn't MacBook Air just couple updates on that -- supports Intel Sandy Bridge processors of its core I five and I seven. Chips which is like several generations I think it's actually -- we -- -- -- generations above the previous core two duo is on the MacBook Air. That's been long in -- people -- -- faster MacBook gears for. Ever since it's come out essentially -- and now I feel like it's at a point where people can really use it. On a daily basis read on for -- power computing in fact that the couple weeks ago we saw. Articles and specs about how launching. And running apps on a MacBook Air is in some cases fashion MacBook Pro disease -- B solid state flash drives. Okay yeah then makes sense. But I have I have to -- conversation one thing that's universal across all of latest releases is the wonderful port though that was first introduced as light peak. From Intel from Intel last year but portable is the official name for it. And it promises eighty megabytes per second of throughput -- easier -- so far in our tests we use a Pegasus drive -- -- Which only has -- -- that's in our labs to anecdotal so far we don't have the official test results but they're pretty close nobody megabytes percent I have a question. -- of -- ball -- correct me if I'm wrong today. Basic food Philadelphia tourism vehicle -- and so I gather information you can you can like daisy chain right yes so. So I remember he's yielded these -- firewire. Is -- or doesn't want that's the answer -- as honorable. It's -- it's exactly -- of the features you can. -- changed several thunderbolt devices and -- six okay hop onto an individual port and it and it does in a lot of -- clear up. The K cable clutter Rosser used to spray because even -- there on advertising and -- A show to lake thunderbolt monitors connected these chain to each other. Into regular MacBook all you need is one you can even put hard drives secure testing right into these chain and you never have to worry about hubs are reports of things. Cool so that's information on the new mechanisms and new Mac minis had overseen into account for the latest we're gonna reviews and all that jazz. Little side related to that -- minis the big news now that they've lost or super drive economic growth. You don't seem to get to know I mean that's you know it's fine I I I would like to -- the CD in there you know -- only -- that you had. You were most worried about this coming because life you want to ripping dvds for your -- we don't want to talk about what I'm talking all legitimately -- yeah -- they're all else I have their receipts for all -- yet but. I think the big deal is that you know people like oh they're losing the -- -- -- Acer's move on what Apple's doing easily. Taking unit into their own hands and they're killing off. Optical disc media and and we all see like digital media being the way -- and -- But any future people still buy it -- a lot of dvds. Yet the idea which is weird why is that weird I don't like not everyone has around my cloud and they can't afford that kind of stuff. -- gotta in the best buy check -- line to pick up the two dollar and 99 cent a usual suspects yet there's no worries check outlines how works last but it is the latest all of this speaking of dropping items. Is that the MacBook. The white plastic MacBook has been -- it's gone gone to see. Just a little clarification though. Actually I believe like educational institutions can still buy it right but Apple I think really what's the push the MacBook Air. Which starts at 999 dollars yeah now to replace -- -- rituals you know it's cool -- In fact I was talking to -- sign about this we think that it's actually agree except for student. Right yeah I guess and it will monitor and then but if -- student wants to describe they're gonna -- -- -- on morning. To get a Mac under progress or if they actually want -- store a lot of media on their -- jive SST. -- only -- -- is that I think -- like a hundred -- two entities used it yet which is you know its interest in I don't know. Let's let's go on we wanna talk about anonymous they're back in the news today. -- the FBI arrested sixteen people in relation to. The anonymous hacking investigation. People from all over the country. These hackers. What's the deal did they get the right guys I mean. This has been going on for awhile I think its its very questionable you've got anonymous obviously doesn't -- Them legit higher keepers say it's just you know it's a couple people -- -- a couple people lot of savvy people and -- -- channel if they're so -- why they get caught up. I'm series like this really puts of dark cloud over anonymous Syrian -- like these guys are like the vigilantes of our generation. And a week after they do something to get -- by the FBI. Which you know I'm gonna I'm not a significant -- they're doing with a legal program just saying here for the people who -- wish first super Euro on the Internet. This kind of you know a couple of reports related to all that it's it's just a bunch a couple of -- thirteen -- -- kids running. My thirteen year olds are not -- not don't -- -- encounters with just the budget. There's -- -- -- was reading in the news that apparently two teens were arrests in Long Island in New York now and that nobody was actually arrested known has brought in -- jail jail in Italy that so. -- suspect in an Indian on in this. Spoof their accounts and that need be -- service. Actually there is a glimmer of hope yet in the Bible as a mastermind you know evil hacker that's what I would yeah I was I would put the blame on -- my grandma. -- -- -- -- -- Next bus into so what's happened is lake couple octogenarian it's just sitting down and stable enough for you get a bunch eighty -- about eighty euros I yeah we're we're not acting are playing you know a -- yeah -- -- -- -- Playing without -- again and yet they reverend that's that they -- they'll do well. We're gonna move will move things right along a lot quicker than we do on 44 we have fun behind bore no it's -- -- you know and whatever your taste is. But -- the captain planet live action film series that is coming from the same people who brought us he magnificent transformers movies. I -- that is my quest for that how are they gonna -- the very sensitive -- -- issue I. Client has dealt with battery villages in Africa I don't know three -- all -- captain -- movies very appropriate -- now with everybody concerned about the environment -- it -- you -- -- direction anymore what you're not concerned. I was very 2000 neat thing yeah I guess we'll sort of move on now I mean you're talking at Justin timber -- -- I know you -- editor for cnet's -- constantly. Thoroughly reams of paper away. But if -- if the stories about captain planet's brought to you by the people -- transformers were thinking like Michael Bay's Steven Spielberg and executive producer Al Gore. You know and it's just a two hour movie where. America does a PowerPoint -- I check it out. I guess I'm not a bad -- when -- younger. Template or did you didn't really care we don't like to remember than -- was a -- didn't you know -- I didn't care that he wanted to save the earth in 1985 pounds look like Patrick Swayze to. I totally agree that -- yeah. -- I imagine that it's gonna be beautiful at least like watching the movie that's the best thing about transformers -- I heard that there was me transformers movie. But nobody thing is really high cinema but watching the thing it's awesome special effects I wanna -- -- -- captain planet does. Yeah commissioning its gonna feature the voices of Whoopi Goldberg Meg Ryan and Martin Sheen -- don't -- think there isn't it to know. There's that articles mentioning that -- made a cameo in the original -- taken back always right that's on the and that's their habitats anybody yet but this is the picture of captain planet. Is he wearing a half teacher yes -- -- I'll -- all that's implying that his body is blue -- so if captain I -- FaceBook -- bases that the -- yes I'm pretty -- he's -- -- -- -- -- or a -- -- global warming not a problem -- captain planet it was -- an idea what to leave the planet tears and plenty -- all these -- that -- the voices for this though when people who think they should come back -- -- totally but I -- trying to I remember what I remember the cartoon series is very. Multi cultural rights. -- -- -- -- -- a personal wheelchair lake you have when it would only really usually the case the glee. -- that's isn't something. That's just transport them right I don't work. That -- think captain planet at zesty which I think definitely appropriate thing adjective here is that once this idea -- -- I thought of Baghdad. Aspect. Also a just and you put the story in this is a really sort of odd may be counterproductive idea. Tell me about snail mailing your emailing. Oh yes so. For this and literally writing an email and outlook printing it out in -- putting in an -- buckets of this date performance art piece -- guy a named -- in cash he's from San Francisco originally from Amsterdam. This is is our project -- if you send him an email. All of this month he you'll. Put it into snail mail for -- physically rented out into the letter and nail for you for free 99 Nantucket plants and -- -- about -- I thought wow great idea yeah that's how we're gonna see -- -- So I -- yeah yeah yeah I know anything you want its on demand instant gratification if you send it. You'll mail -- I could write a -- like I. It being the Internet -- guys can make like a million dollars just because houses and it's funny I -- -- How would the reason is actually spending his own money for the postage has a -- exactly he's totally lose around 99 don't know I think he 393. I hate. -- memory and bottles and money to send -- you're stupid Anemia what's that like you is it gonna be one of those a couple of weeks ago there was a guy -- performance -- -- Apple Store yet but recording people looking it's just rather -- -- And on a -- -- Look -- and you got it got me hand written letter from any ever I don't know when I was fifteen it was -- him. Oh yeah originally scheduled Letterman -- I don't know what to do with that -- -- right arm was killing -- that can work hand already well away and so I don't hold up to. For in the -- in particular that it didn't content year old brother to help get your hands and what about those people growing up they don't need to know and writing anymore now -- just edit types I have a tenure of -- any practices is cursed by an outreach person and Indiana and tell you this she's Jihad type that they'll teach you exactly all whats that you can't write -- -- buying printed out at a time I. -- -- -- -- FEMA all the emails that I get half of it is expand bulk mail from the company other half is like hey what are you doing Medina. Ought to get sort of use email -- that I and kind of way. And yet that's true gaming yeah I am I'm emailing this guy economical warrant documents. -- -- to you. I have a lot -- greeted the children every last second of it. -- talk about this digital drug the trust behind FaceBook and Twitter. There's a certain sort of is is a comparing it to like using FaceBook to being like using heroin OxyContin I think hearing what the with the. And we're talking about article from this company dot com -- -- we're talking about the -- it's -- drug actually since I -- girls are not theoretically -- -- carry -- people have in their brain called -- -- bright and they call it the moral molecule is basically what controls of empathy. Trustee generosity -- warm fuzzy feelings. Movement until -- did Jensen know ideally yes. They can -- -- -- feelings -- these things that. How would you describe it will affect you yet and like to make you -- a can expect. But not -- anyway so this article but that's company is claiming that you more time he's been on the Internet the more trusting you become content and it's been proven because. They've been doing tests I forget what university did it but odds -- -- Claremont college men day. Tested -- oxy -- levels before they went on the Internet now and -- after David chatted with a significant other email to somebody and those levels actually -- so. On -- saying that this possibly proves that the more time you spend. Typing of people on -- room which is kind of opposite of what people say it right like it it's that you can't trust these Internet the less trusting you become and the more disconnect with actual people. We gotta wonder who's -- for the I'm a -- in Nigeria and that's true meaning it's been a little too much Simon from the computer. You're good about themselves yeah I know I mean when you guy spent a lot of time on FaceBook. You guys think that you and entrusting more of enemy we get fooled by those viral videos a La Louisiana but that's a different sort -- story I don't feel like my trust meter doesn't raise or lower -- as a result being on FaceBook or Twitter. Right I'll don't know what love is apparently an -- and introduce footnote at Sears and they even adjusting off that's -- my head when you're on Twitter. You sir take everything with agreements. In early -- you you really don't know whether or not to rested right a way. A feeling this sort as the plays into the wisdom of crowds sort of thing right -- you know if it's ten million people can't be wrong but it doesn't necessarily mean that the trust more either octopus and to a lot of different emotions so humans feel -- awareness that you know happiness I think if not. I don't know on the 44 but we have talked about how -- Based book. Twitter and all those a lot of them are really positive reinforcing the -- You'll post something share your -- breath that they -- light can brighten your entire day I'm a couple likes it the second so I'm not something that's the crap I've put them up until I feel Metafile might bankrupt I might be divorced when I'm gonna have a good day at just -- -- -- these. That happy birthday among -- yeah. Speaking of these people I don't talk to him -- -- speaking of your FaceBook status. There's an interesting article and our bodies at NPR by beaming your FaceBook status just possible. Well NPR reported on it but it was actually read it you -- social networking blog that. That actually started this so you how on FaceBook its its its way -- posting from your -- like an iPhone and Android ground. On this lets you spoof -- your status update on FaceBook has come from -- check this out. This is created by Stevens -- -- and you can choose whatever delivery method you want there's all kinds of different things like. Posting from. Google plus account or even a glade air freshening up. I -- I think -- -- something earlier a carrier pigeon. Alright you know I got from cape it to from the moon like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry lattice is basically. And I guess a sort of portal that'll just let you spoof you were. That we're area wherever you are -- the toilet might be the real -- -- Super -- -- -- -- -- toilet I'll post this to the most real one yeah. I -- it's all just and is updating his post from the toilet and no one cares stews and registry and -- -- -- that nobody did you sneak a funny one and I would like full customization I would like complete control over that text -- who creative. That's a funny little thing that to have fun we have FaceBook -- and the run down it always always play with their minds that's our -- on the fourth for a we gotta take a break when we come back there's more mobile well. We've got some stories to cover news whatever -- whatever it is they do on the show. We're gonna be doing -- and after the break -- stick around there's a lot more coming your way. Yeah. Thousands. On the familiar music world news -- add new -- and welcome back 0840 well put. Up. As are calling it. From here on out -- -- We haven't totally ruined the joke now unknown not know beaten Britain in an -- thing you know we don't do is alive that's an interest in sort of you know it's just a little bags like -- -- story -- we're preparing for this relate. Plea we've gotta read -- the -- Dallas article is delicious. Okay jobs lifted the work between -- -- it is just glove on the joke you know we don't hear those -- -- can this really tells me she really have to stigmatize. Things are respecting my condition and internal. And does. -- and I mean c'mon and you always get those giant. -- eyeglasses what are you talking about the last point when he visions -- speech output and what else we got the status speaking of -- -- -- virtual reality coming to video games again for. This is -- -- only only covered the for the company. No this is a story about Sony using a 3-D sort of headset experiment. Q I guess. Pursue. Or investigate experiment with virtual reality gaming. Until they learn from the virtual boy -- Sold not time our -- is a damaging a virtual boy yet and wearing 3-D glasses and three headset and what their with their sort of doing is they're using a prototype. A headset -- prototype. That sort of cases to. Twin OLEDE. Displays. Them okay and their Iraq in HD 3-D video you can have surround sound in the headphones. And that's sort of what they're moving along with it and and experimenting with. I think it's a totally different experience than putting on 3-D glasses. And looking at a television that's displaying 3-D -- this is sort of like. You are the television you walk around and you're in the TV world but it's that too far -- from like what we've been expecting them from science fiction. It's like the DR -- -- Herman F from a couple of years ago of course we're looking at work. I don't know you personally but. Look I I I think. The idea of virtual 3-D virtual reality to me is more appealing than slapping on glasses sitting on the couch and -- an avatar and -- I just. That's not appealing to me if you're going to force me to do 3-D which we are currently being forced there's a resistance -- -- But there is a sort of driving force. You know movies Blu-ray video Sony Sony really Sony with the previously they're forcing 3-D then -- yet. And practical application to 3-D gaming to -- -- and I've read articles but the military using and then to -- of the day I think it was Yahoo! as well that posted about both of Parkinson's disease. Using three heads -- displays to help with movement. These are really getting to a point where not I think about it -- someone with the DR 3-D helmet. And the Kinect sensor in front of them and -- you really are sort of like in that virtual environment right. Present with like a gyroscope -- beyond the tech review the -- -- there -- -- there. -- you know I just don't know how quickly people are to jump on the sort of stuff. People already have not really jumped on 3-D because of the price in fact I think -- it's a couple of weeks ago about how 3-D movies this year -- lasts so far than they have last year -- as well that's very telling I mean -- the biggest movie 3-D movie was avatar and there's no real that's gonna talk that nothing's gonna fill a Ford. 3-D film of all time for -- -- -- -- Its. -- exactly. Demolition man is a -- I don't agree that's all I wish you know kind of a few shelves -- he suggested another war like advisors as exercise and do you actually -- each of engine and it's funny because of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Google plus approaching eighteen million users good for you that's almost as much as FaceBook right up. Based at 705 I know it's a lot less -- but still eighteen million users joining Google plus I mean it's big news for Google but. Over the last couple weeks the only thing I've done is add people I like posted one won't -- honeymoon period reassert Catholic reset your phone and you'd like program ironically an idea. And I think. There's a big difference between. Signing up for Google plus and signing up for FaceBook and I'll tell you line this is my opinion is that they probably wrong. So like people are -- Google plus is pretty much a clean version of FaceBook -- because there's no you know farms -- pigs and stuff like that just wait. But I think. -- you have Gmail you pretty much are already signed effort yet heard Google plus that's like you have my mail that's again that's half the battle FaceBook you gotta sign up and do the whole registration thing Google plus. It's sorted there ready and use at the flip the switch yet if you have Gmail. So I think that eighteen million. I think it's not inflated because I'm sure it's accurate but I also think maybe it's not represented you know representative of what. Of how many active users they -- percent. On Google plus. Other I don't know what I'm doing I don't know I I honestly honey I've seen so many -- they why am -- using it yet -- any amount of users isn't necessarily mean those are active users either right I mean anytime you have an invite only subscription service. Of course -- -- to sign up for -- -- when suddenly there are some sort of the lead sort of like Hulu -- bottom of -- are hammering -- you know try to get one of these invites and make sure it's still invite only write a single place totally different I -- eighteen million they've sort of opened the doors -- but that. So that's -- that's an -- -- -- little piece there. Let's talk about T-Mobile they're offering a cheaper quote unquote value plan to those who buy phones at their full prize. So the right now the market is pretty much divided between. There's AT&T and Verizon almost even call them that the premium character carriers -- as a charge like a lot of money to do voice calls text messages and indeed -- the -- we talk about readily. How are bills -- hundred dollars every month Leeson. And -- -- -- way to meeting minutes -- data analysts think a hundred bucks and well. Jeff -- you actually have the -- -- competitors right. I guess number one competitor sprint T-Mobile on the other side now. You had a seventy dollar plan you get unlimited texts calls and heater and data and four G don't get the fortunate enough for in the -- another ten dollars. It was I don't know I think I sort of argued my way out of paying for it but he and everyone should try and do that answers what T-Mobile is trying to undercuts regret access so instead of 69 dollars and 6999. A T mobile's -- started fifteen I'm sure this -- gets a little weird. T mobile's plans are quote -- a limited. As in you can download every -- over the -- month but once you hit a certain -- are certain. Level. Of usage slate two gigabytes five gigabytes -- ten -- it throttles down. Really yes a you don't get you don't actually get the fastest speeds -- the admiral just -- -- their four G net network which supposedly make several times faster than. On their previous offer on the phone actually uses so they can get away with saying unlimited because they still are giving you. The data yeah they're just shrinking the pipe exactly so what you might I -- never actually experienced it not. Currently aware of how slow it goes. Bicycle from like running to -- and an automatic go like I think HSP a plus is a 42 -- bits per second that's their four G network now. It doesn't slow down insulate. 28 you know kill -- like modem speeds I have no idea. I'm -- just imagine going from fiber optic -- like fourteen important food and and a and a second patent right acknowledges blow my mind if your phone actually -- -- in the motor noise yet. There. -- don't post to Twitter board kids to remote. Currently -- they have plans starting at 5999. Think 7499. For five gigs and ten gigs I don't believe they've announced the price cut but with this you know cause anybody to switch. Are no I don't know I mean look switching is not as easy as it used to be or I mean ever was count cost money to switch and if I AT&T and -- buying T-Mobile would you consider getting it T-Mobile from -- Whatever is cheapest to me I think it's -- When you choose what phone you and what care you want the -- matters more so whatever phone you want that's the Cary Grant -- mean. People -- Menzies I mean mean Verizon and AT&T if I mean obviously I think they do I think. And the other thing that I want it and -- -- a future us is that there is -- nebulous idea about. What CDs have better reception for what -- brightness that's is that actual closing it does definitive I don't get it I think I get everybody -- say it like I hear people say that AT&T sucks in SF. But it's better New York I hear the opposite who live in New York that -- -- at that -- -- okay no I don't. -- cities I would test. AT&T sucks elected you Kurdish area does is -- AT&T sucks across the board what. The rest of the country that you know and that major urban city areas right but in New York we actually did some tests -- and T-Mobile is the -- that's right I was part of that is true and it expert and hadn't yet I was either grudgingly. I -- the service I pay for the -- it's one of those things like I think nationally now that T-Mobile -- considered the best care in the -- By because of that -- Being in New York nobody is on -- you can get three G and forty multi megabit per second speeds yet -- is nobody is on. Can't speak for yourself. According on the New York is not that it did for sprint I'll be honest all I wanna talk about something that's happening in China these days earlier than. The Apple news and has come out -- particularly glad to keep from crying about this story it's about our motherland and there's a lot -- apparently there are a lot to and I mean a lot of fake Apple stores across the great land of China -- gas so as the -- Chinese people in the room. And answer have you guys explain to the people -- calculate just a little bit of background there's a company I think it's KI. Care RAF curve. -- little hanging out with. Pretty much copies of the iPhone or ethnic cheap low -- -- -- likened. A phone that looks like the iPhone for less -- hundred dollars. Why would I want -- that. I mean I won't somebody's audio just wanna for the status and okay so so but this doesn't explain it was the story hours story is even worse because not only is -- fake hardware in the store. This store itself looks -- real Apple -- with literally. -- -- -- It's apples -- -- -- like it and -- this is really sad like this is a new air. To straight up copy yet it's an Apple it's as we did Apple Store and it has a -- sign on the outside the cleared. I mean they're not only in the Apple logo in there are gonna. You'd expect a curfew keep it keep your concern. Is that the company but there are a lot of people who are counting iphones is always keep it real fake yet keep it real -- -- Boca. But this is crazy the -- -- a -- -- Apple Store did you suggested this is called this is from -- mean as a province in China. But Apple has no record of -- -- native command said there's a distributor in China closely condoning but. Not anywhere where this particular -- -- how good -- popped up I know if you aren't being sued by its its word again who is funding this have helped Apple. Speed of light and at this point I'm gonna press yeah I -- want to go there -- -- cheaper. Well it's gonna be a knock off iPhone four line and knocked off -- -- you're running like it when you buy a hot Rolex or something. What's even crazier is that not only do they have fake Apple products they have. -- third party products that real Apple stores sell to -- for example check out now all they have now all those aren't real both phones. It's a slow day yet potency be beaten and beaten and I hit it I mean this is ridiculous. Should we open up our own -- is that what the system and I don't wanna automate other -- -- -- you add up the attitude. I mean I'd like literally they've got everything from teacher attempted diesels for voter and I think it's loading. Finally before we get. Get out here for the day we wanna talk about a story about people snooping on their significant others. A new study says 37% of married people say that they have that one point digital -- snooped on their spouses or significant others and a married man myself. I am not one of these people you have to go and I guess is that -- is giving me ideas you're the guy begging for multiple user login to your -- yeah so -- On anything and make a beautiful. Making your point did you realize that well okay I see how your -- You could data you'll user profiles beat you don't -- -- Except I don't wanna run into any I don't wanna run into a weird FaceBook conversation that maybe I'm taken -- -- contacts -- ending I also think anybody's -- been. Who's been any living in sort of long term relationship we've all been and -- the world. People who had been in that situation like you open a Gmail yeah -- -- me this doesn't look great. -- aspects right now up. I don't wanna bring up a skeleton in closets that don't need to come out like we have to half of it is literally people just forget the law again I mean like I know that I've -- -- -- -- -- out yet but. I didn't pull out of there and then it. Also snooping -- -- real thing digital snooping is obviously but that's how I found out Santa Claus -- -- real. I mean that's an event that goes back forever I found the presence in my -- closet and -- -- Apparently this study surveyed a thousand online individuals found that the percentage of significant others spouses and parents who admit. To do to digital snooping is significant. And at least among romantic partners that number was on the rise. Buckets and incriminate anybody by -- let's what you X relationship with -- ever snooped digitally on some new gonna within the past. Are no. Put I mean I'm telling you right now I've caught my wife looking in the text messages really doing and a okay and you wanna talk about I don't tell. Bad news then. Don't feel so strangely if you end up your phone to a significant other religion -- page generally you you hover. In what do you know want to keep them with -- I wanna open -- that -- don't want to deal with that. I don't blame them -- could download apps fear iPad I've seen a bunch of them that let you pass -- protects certain pictures and text messages so. Putting it out there if you don't like it send it back but -- Whenever I -- to -- -- break people up on the ship and -- -- We gotta get -- -- guys I hope you tolerated us on -- well thank you to Brian and not only for letting us take over while there out at comic con we apologize in advance because -- -- -- later saying sorry -- -- sorry about this. Futures are eaten and but if you like which -- heard and you'd be crazy if you didn't listen to our show every day. The 44. We broadcast live at 12 noon eastern time. Every single day Monday through Friday you can also check out our blog the full force dot cnet.com won't find anything reveal well on there. But that's okay fine. Because to podcaster allowed Coke system has aimed to podcasts are better than one of the dispute that I'd -- that on the so must picture of us on Twitter the 404 at cnet.com. Atomic spins its settlements feedback -- do. Until next time digital city going to be taking our places and be -- tomorrow. We'll see when we see it as tobacco are I'm Wilson tang and I'm Justin -- thanks for listening to -- -- well see you guys soon take care.

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