Ep. 1456: Sony's new Taburrito: the Tech Wrap Supreme
Ep. 1456: Sony's new Taburrito: the Tech Wrap Supreme

Ep. 1456: Sony's new Taburrito: the Tech Wrap Supreme

Today is Tuesday April 26 2011 my name Steven beach of I am Bryan song and I -- Hollywood -- gonna buzz out loud in -- podcast of indeterminate length and you're watching the video check out -- like new studio decoration lo we do. You didn't know who its earnings we have mood lighting and comfy chair for guests and we have -- -- -- -- plant. You only could -- -- I love him the lights during computer level. Home movie. And we have group. And -- new insulin. I'm gonna put a little Disco ball on the top that we aren't and it outlook and only now you know that's not. Limits on how you feel it fuselage comfortable talking in the -- in. Our -- -- it comes out in a look at -- Exactly. A stimulant -- And that's perfect. And have like visual lighting effects on an audio podcast I know I can see an elected body -- -- the vast majority of the -- kidneys at the center. The benefit to users. Slim to none Clinton and benefit to us a lot but it may you know if they get to not to come over analyze stream and -- -- didn't elected and counties straight by -- into major -- the live stream and live chat today there. There are a lot of people here today there really aren't there crazy I know it's great that -- -- of Anemia will reveal numbers but let's say this is pretty high yet for a Tuesday morning thank you -- -- -- -- enough time to really get in here in Philadelphia. If give it to the plant could. Because we just don't like to -- like deities delights ambulance right yeah we did. We did it we -- does look a little camp like a little bit of a hang out afterward you know and we don't look like others then them. RS looked up to -- let -- know you can't the -- probably Charlie by the way -- Charlie -- -- selling costs. Profit Charlie. FaceBook is finally rolling out deals -- been rumored for -- -- but this -- -- group mine and living social killer. They're releasing it and I've tested -- Atlanta Austin Dallas San Diego and -- and. High end of this is scary because we had talked about plenty of times -- was the first to utter the words are applicable. Business model had -- but I got a good job mean but -- -- -- soon -- I checked it out on FaceBook also on because it's available in our area. And -- Barrett they're opening the floodgates to this function and a lot of times we've talked before about how I've I was enjoying serves as I refused foursquare -- there -- deals are relevant to me. People are going to do this that I don't know how many people you've seen on your feet RD -- and I'm subscribing to deals I just did. -- -- on the show live I really subscribe. But -- sipping the part right tell everything -- immigrant so it'll be easy to share your deals with friends you see when your friends buy into deals they also offer deals for you. This is -- this is -- that. Can pretty good I definitely am pretty I have about it fact already act you can get a private party -- dinner for up to twenty friends that -- -- mama and north that is. But it's a half off the other things that I've I've gotta do that also allow a -- different Obama I was really disappointed because here couldn't. In -- tablet -- -- but Thomas. If the comments easily now when I got lying and you don't you time -- pajamas are also a deal like the academy of sciences for this sleepover -- -- minimally. That he's so cool I'd love to do that and as -- ages six and -- -- adult supervision. And those like the kind. Law solely distilled you can be adult supervision. They say -- -- that you can get -- but deals via email but if there's a deal that's good for you it will show up in your news feed probably that they get some time in the day. Which is actually. -- not having this conversation with -- the other day about how most of those deals services right now our email based and that's a little bit like. Old fashioned feeling an animal building emails that but is FaceBook a place for shopping -- do you think at I feel like when I'm on it but it's just. Hang out if there's anybody do. You know how does he what's up like the idea of using it for shopping at kind of knew there is definitely knew but a lot of these -- that -- we've seen. -- there's a point where people start using on -- differently is that when the introduced new features. Your -- -- can you might be uncontrolled but then because you're so used to doing other normal day activities becomes part of the normalcy of that experience. So for example and we'll talk a little later. YouTube you know -- get a lot of original content and people aren't used to that yet but a lot of people go their for video. They roll out a new feature like new exclusive content and then all of a sudden -- become more comfortable -- because -- using in the first place. And I think this is gonna happen does everyone to give their credit card over to FaceBook I don't think they've built our trust or earn that trust yet. They -- how they dealt with privacy issues. Up to this point. But once a you know you have resolved it or nothing really -- -- -- people get more comfortable with it. And what did you -- doing deals and coupons. Also opens up the gates the potential gates down the road for people then start -- up because they're already know used to. Doing some sort of e-commerce on face. Yeah definitely it's. It is gonna be a little bit of a training thing and you admit I've personally and other content monitoring equipment. Credit card number you personally -- you know I don't think they have met and had -- -- privacy snafus about revealing your data kind of on purpose right -- and opting -- -- to share your photos with everyone. I haven't had the sense that -- public a bunch of accidental breaches. Up and banana other I would do it. It's also the kind of an interesting development they have introduced this new sharing feature and it's basically a share button. That lets you share stories with a small group. Which it -- of this -- the send button is what you click and then it. Lets you kind of message people with these links. But -- public -- places the like button. It it might replace like bundle what's interesting about this is so the like button is to send to every one that's when your FaceBook friends the send button. Will be you send it to specific groups say you've made because the group community feature -- growth model to -- -- so they're separate IN -- that thing that stood out to me though. Is a fact that they're introducing this new button -- we talked about how Google's trying to get plus one integrated sites but. Think about this space but now potentially occupying two. Of those buttons. -- showing how much. Power and influence that like button has worked for them. And worked for other sites but they're willing to be like okay we're going to do a second -- that is kind of like about but it's even more geared. It's more targeted to these groups and that targeting and that data and information. Is what the web sites also -- as well. And they say that -- created over fifteen million group on FaceBook I hadn't really thought about groups. The right way -- -- the meaning it is kind of cool that a year. He created a group for a family reunion right like a family group -- you're planning and -- you can send each other. Net as in that you could have posted before -- the messaging format like well here's a possible location for the family reunion but now you can actually just sort of find it and then. Click the send button you -- Sonia. Sorry about that so they would be adding that the send button will appear next to -- you that every web saying yeah a day like Digg. I had an Apple and every flight line on the web is gonna start to be half baked sweet yet. Exhausting. The the thing about when your time and how groups evolved we're -- to see though even with this and basement. Bill whole localized now localized seen. -- entire social graph group texting -- group members via so we got we got the point -- like -- throughout all of our information there. Now all revolving like I don't want everyone to know everything about me sometimes ladies sometimes adults and now we're focused agree button and they've now -- their own button. I like the grouping actually am amused at at all and it Alec and didn't really understand and -- and they initial the initial roll out was like now people are opting in and more. Crap break your opting me into groups that I don't wanna be part of but. I come to create a group that's I'm -- all pro expert today. I give my credit card numbers and -- -- -- health is the revolution baby I love those guys. Also in the news today YouTube is apparently going Hollywood for real now according to the -- dot com -- the they have an exclusive on the story. They're launching imminently. A movie on demand service that will charge users to -- mainstream Hollywood movies. -- this would be drained my dvd release time on YouTube. -- also at the same time that iTunes releases movies and of writing that -- of these other on demand services PlayStation network. Still down. Major studios including Sony Pictures entertainment Warner Bros. and universal. Are on board have license their movies for the service on independence deals like lions -- and -- -- were also on there. But this is another way that we discount -- -- of how they're changing the model and really trying to make -- it will people go there. To rent movies or will they still do the YouTube experience and then because they're there. And happen to be there and inside I'm going to rent a movie. And -- remains to be seen. And now that's gonna be interesting also it remains to be seen what YouTube will charge and YouTube by the way issued a statement after the story was published pointing out that it is rented movies for a year. But did not comment on the broader initiative that it's about to launch still -- the story. With major studios on board and the key is that you'll be able to get these idiots are these movies rental at the same time they release and other digital distribution places where it was not the case before the and it. If -- -- that dvd window. If true it would be really interesting but like you say I think is a really good question to see whether people would do I mean I don't think are gonna do -- on their computers but I think that you know this. This is the kind of service that goes hand in hand with set top boxes and multimedia enabled console like Xbox and roku and if you can just search I liked the idea that we're getting closer to the future. Where in you can just search for content. On across here bevy of Internet enabled by this I -- -- get that data may be one box instead of like that didn't but it. YouTube is you're not -- -- others make the -- and that's. I think the -- the -- managers if a lot of times -- we say you to -- off the bat we think of -- using YouTube on my computer desktop experienced this. Will play out a lot better on TV sets. The ability to rent directly or when you're on YouTube not on your computer per -- but on a TV set -- roku box out. I doubt if they build a function and Apple TV will allow YouTube to have their rentals in the YouTube -- Trust me on this -- the problem that -- have the seven different sizes and trust me on that that's probably not gonna happen but on other boxes on. You probably see it and it's it'll -- it leads to the success of content agnostic but that's acting in the or an Xbox -- Xbox -- more and more looked like a perfect one because it has all of the gaming features plus. They have been pretty open to whatever content is available whenever streaming services available that's. To me like that's the killer device and -- thing you're making a purchasing decision more kind of content within them the -- off -- Windows phone seven. Wants to get all meets you on the hole location sharing -- -- -- got a lot -- but Microsoft apparently also collects records. Of the physical locations of customers who use its mobile operating system. Yet the difference here that Microsoft has -- -- announced are claimed -- that however the location histories are not saved directly on the device. Different. From those practices of the iPhone iPad and Google devices and that's actually a pretty big that is that is I mean it it may still mean that there I think they're probably doing -- the -- that -- like Google is worth all -- is reporting back to the mother ship but they're not creating -- Hague. Super insecure log but they're not -- in a master file that can be found from someone snooping around on your computer yeah exactly. The platform windows phone seven offers plenty of location based apps than those apps require user consent. Before they begin tracking windows -- also often a common feature of a global switched. That lets you disable all location service -- that's huge the fact that that switch that says location services off -- actually means. -- -- -- -- -- With that as does not really funny thing about IOS. Where you turn off the look isn't there but it still create a polite way. The halo video. Links so funny -- -- tide turned -- but it totally didn't go off. Hell is wrong with -- Apple for crying out loud not surprisingly I think. -- -- like a cadre of people that just sit around waiting for Apple to do something that they can move into our. Although Apple has already been sued by Vikram -- poor who is the lead defendant in a new class action lawsuit. Against Apple over the location yeah also. Willing -- also a New York iPad customer they're seeking a judge's order Bahrain. Such data collection their complaint. Says that they would not have purchased these devices if they knew their data was you've been harvested like this harvested cultivated -- Don't think that's true. I -- -- I agree I think they did buy them anyway. IA and now this is it a cloudy there this is the clause of the lake of the planet although that occurred to me as consumer use. You you know what if that I bought the first iPad there was no other tablet the time anyways. He would've bought the -- attack. You just trying to make a little coin mr. DeVito and by the way sorry -- the lead plaintiff Niagara independent. But you say defendant acted highlighted blue. -- -- and -- -- -- everything -- yeah I mean the idea that we're not. Granted and I I finally put up like a manifesto blog post last night with all the epidemic thing on the shelf for a long time like that -- is the new currency. Of the web. And we're gonna get all data argument in -- minute. -- -- But. Only thing I'm gonna come you -- -- but I'll let -- at this point I think people I think everybody did have the sort of vague idea that they were being. -- like -- -- location based services are happening mechanic you know. I think -- have the third of underlying unease but it certainly wasn't enough to stop them from buying at and I would be shocked actually a -- if you -- like. Twenty people on the street. And is that Apple keeping a blog on your phone involved with -- the -- or as the term has pointed out a relatively inaccurate log of nearby Wi-Fi access point and cell towers. That they would -- like. They won't care and they -- a -- care until something happens that affects them if the the thing is there's a lot more Fear Factor or you know fear mongering and I'm going around with this and it's it's all factual evidence but. None of it has really been -- or exploited where it -- someone yet out of the pupil I mean is so with a one of the things today. I'm not gonna go into the home everybody on this show has -- what was in the -- -- but in particular on Molly rant but like. CNET news news.com. Slash Molly -- grant. That's so and unsettling in -- to go to Google. Content called welcomed an -- to -- the age of data is what I'm calling it. But I think we're starting to -- slowly some of the repercussions like. The discovery that you're being tracked even if you turn applications services that Epsilon breach which -- you know which which really -- people's. What people up to the fact that there was a company out there one of hundreds of companies that acts as literally -- data broker that is all about -- burning up. Reams of information about people that you know that handled forty billion emails a year from everybody that you shop at and that was basically totally lazy with its data. That it's you know that that. We may not be able to stop ourselves from being tracked -- we may even want it because they're made there are certain benefits like real time traffic information or super targeted advertising which actually can be useful. But the fact is yet to be active participant. In your digital self. -- like this mirror version of you exists on the web and you need to know what it's doing and what what it's saying about you just need to be aware. On your own data people own it owning a -- -- ultimately my first Molly -- blog post them here. The year I don't know about over the year but -- has been a while I did try to do more I'm trying to do more real and do more go read it with less violent. I think big break when we come back Netflix is officially huge -- Amazon is using Apple's own words against it in the App Store lawsuit and well to get an autograph -- -- -- -- Welcome back to buzz allow brands on -- in house would miss Molly Wood. Stevens beat him. Don't -- the -- like that. After I was exciting environment and and didn't like Avant. Play but I just like you guys know that there is important breaking news from Twitter now. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's not rent on -- -- adamant that have been Daniel -- to beat out 121500. Others. After -- imperative that you know anything about that is that. I wanted to run the story about the tryouts for the AFLAC duck contest they had posted it was about maybe we can happily note but -- was so absurd -- like. This is not to do it and neat thing but I'm glad that we review we we revive that idea. In a breaking news story. -- Ali and there at minimum -- yet given nothing if not immediately answered that. By the way FYI for those of you wondering what that's during Molly's -- -- about on today's show. -- -- It was his life. Islands are right up and coming up and coming up right now here Leo and that. Lakes earnings they reported their official earnings. Earnings up 80%. And the added three point six million subscribers the biggest news out this which -- which was expected as a -- from yesterday. The three point six million -- drivers slightly below three point seven analysts had predicted. But when you do the totals and add up all their subscribers in now makes them. The -- largest. Subscription based service larger than Comcast's cable. And larger than serious radio. Again larger than Comcast. Cable they have more subscribers than Comcast has paid TV since its. That's just -- -- we know it doesn't cost the same amount OK but still to hit those numbers. That Netflix knows what people -- mean they really truly meant things every year that they're making all the right moves -- -- -- -- According obligated that's -- to make that -- is like the Netflix and -- basically think whenever you hear Netflix has cued up the gonna be like Netflix does make him. Foods and how the early then it. Yeah me -- -- anyway and they're cute and they keep -- -- we we talk about how they do that acquisition for the yet BBC remake series with Kevin Spacey -- they're doing everything right they put their Netflix interface on over 250 consumer devices and something around that point and around that number. They're there and a sub -- and now because they're so big you you can see how. Much like with -- how they became -- the labels -- the content providers were almost forced. To to have partnerships with Netflix disagree because they can't they can't. Turn -- back on the now. There's nothing -- nothing underdog about Netflix at this point what -- what also is -- -- coming out of this is that. Netflix tried to downplay the threat that -- to cable providers so even as they eclipsed Comcast. They tried really hard not to portray themselves as the cord cutting option which of course they didn't write because they need to get all the licensing deals with studios. But they said. That there's more -- mending. Going and cord cutting -- that essentially you should just think of Netflix says -- TV. -- you keep keep. -- and that one. And and that at that time the DNC is like yeah that. Rerun TV -- -- the -- idea how my Star Trek period -- exactly how my old nasty my life by an you know you dear little reruns but you know we'll we'll -- it into that original content you're pretty -- not use swept out from under HBO's potential you know we're test. Exactly they did say by the way that they are gonna watch and see if that if their house of cards is successful and that if it is they might look at licensing two or three other shows that are kinda similar. But they -- they've -- I wouldn't pay that much again. -- -- I movie not in the news today Amazon is still trying to toss out that App Store trademark -- and they're actually in this is hilarious citing. Steve Jobs. Himself. And that there on defense. Yes a during a -- Apple's quarterly conference call a while ago. We had a few Destin -- to show it in case you heard mumbling that it can return to fix computers I wanted to ask you questions its -- air is so bizarre when three people -- locking in on your -- -- to -- the show well it's live but you don't do that and now -- -- pretty we've covered -- Well anyway -- -- was -- talking about. Back to -- -- back -- back here regularly scheduled programming already in -- for this message from emergency broadcasting system. Next time they do that that's on the due next on the little -- in the middle of our show you're going to hear the emergency broadcast on and I don't give it half. Because that's ridiculous. -- -- the listeners are here we go Steve Jobs. Out. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Right so we're gonna get back a little bit on tracks in reference to Amazon trying to throw up throughout -- you know. -- -- -- Apple acquitted at a recent earnings. -- console the most recent when Steve Jobs report repeatedly. Referred to. App stores in the generic sense. So he said he said it quotes there'll be at least four App Store and Android which customers must search among the by now they want and developers will need to work. Which you distribute their apps and get paid. He's used app stores again in the generic cents. You did you did he and it. Yeah and. -- -- at least at least -- are animals that by at least people are apps. Little -- while I love it I -- I hope this gets I hope this turns out berg in an economy is up here I don't think you and rights because of what the big argument against any penetrate -- filing is that it's already in wide use in a bid in such wide use that Steve Jobs and -- like. It's the only now now it's filling now -- collection I can think out to -- store that they'll -- That's pretty awesome I wonder remember when idealist view retirement said that they do you have a case for this now once the company -- already used it in a generic sense does that. Really weaken that standpoint. Now I don't know that it if it asked if it does we can. I would assume it -- I would assume and it was certainly not an Amazon -- now I don't think until today. You probably have believed -- -- had. -- at -- and says. -- -- -- -- -- Nielsen reports that Google's Android is now running 50% of new Smartphones but what's really interesting is that they reported that for the first time. Some developers. Are more interested in -- in yeah also in an Iowa ranked. A bullet it was. I believe I'm -- to -- -- and I could be around but the survey was that consumers. 31% of our -- consumers were looking to buy new smart -- For an Android device up from 26%. In the survey that was -- 2010 death thank -- sorry failure -- as reading the one thing in that thing in the it's okay in the merge broadcast than it did. The Android shares Smartphone purchases was double that of Apple's iPhone over the last six months iPhone it's -- -- 5%. Also rims Blackberry -- Blackberry lovers out there. 15%. Who who. And -- taken up just like you now. -- let's not taking -- is our broadband speeds despite the interest in earth. Like all broadband plan and the initiative -- they get the Internet faster here in America. The last three months of -- ten were good for broadband in general but unfortunately. The US still ranks embarrassingly low when it comes to broadband feet over California. Or four were right now we're fortieth fortieth in the world's if you look at and this not only that it gets a little more sat. -- some assassinate the -- -- out is that on three out of every four connections. In the US this is according to Akamai which has you know. Which they're kind of using as a reference point because there. Large coverage or you know throughout. But in the US -- of every four connections to Connie -- -- at speeds of over two. Mega bits per second -- look at the larger. Picture here if if thumb in one of the graphics. Percentage of note in different countries that users above two point -- two megabit per second. The Isle of Man. 96% Hong Kong 93 Romanian 92 social and any two Apple -- 91 Czech Republic 91. Netherlands ninety we're at 75% of users are about two mega bits per second which ranks as fortieth in the world. South Koreans -- -- not surprisingly thanks to fiber broadband penetration dominated the fastest 100 cities list. Worldwide 29 cities had average connection speeds in excess of ten megabytes per second and of -- -- Fifteen or in South Korea and fourteen were in Japan the -- -- city in Europe with content stunt -- Romania. Let you know -- -- the ten mega bits speed if you do the math. South Korea and Japan are the only cities with the average -- has been attending and -- percent. Amazing although and this -- here's where -- here's where we need to set up shop right start. Start looking on Craigslist for housing prices in the South Korean city of tiger and page on. Which are the top too fast the cities with average connection speeds of eighteen point four. And seventeen point -- megabit -- -- they are respectively they do need all that bandwidth for World of Warcraft -- I gotta say. So if I think one of the initiatives by the United States on. As a nation and as a people is if we play more World of Warcraft they will provide us with more I think -- -- infrastructure and by the way if you are. Thinking and -- that on my real estate here in the US than you wanna you wanna had -- don't know where the fastest gaming union with an average speed of seven point two megabit per second. That doesn't surprise me -- knowing what a -- them. Corporate environment -- like the -- to incorporate your written that I -- there's a lot of -- business. Business level offerings there that may be available in -- So anyway bummer news her that are able you know we're gonna go the quickest because we have happy news leaked copy. -- money is smiling -- aired grainy video and -- doesn't color. To let author's autograph U let's connect with the senior like. Like I don't know I don't know there's no explaining why I think it's a lot -- think that that you can digitally autograph a book. But at night and you can sign a booklet that islet. And it on the -- color they can take it you're not -- but this is just what those little things that is just a cool thing about what's right if -- go to a dining you've watched the -- speaking Alex I didn't. Then you -- to be like. Here's -- -- color negative -- and be like. Yeah the first. E-book signing is scheduled for May second at the Barnes and nobles in New York's upper. -- was one of the upgrades that was rolled out in the software update that we talked about like everyone talked about -- flash generated App Store -- U2 point two. -- talk about the autograph. I think that's a mean and that's awesome I think -- -- -- and John Strickland thinks that you. It that it bridges that -- of the gaps between physical and intimate that it definitely and it makes public -- things more fun optics recent wrap it. -- -- How I am I'm also pretty right up accident the next thing you can find it and it's really funny here today I -- -- I envy you don't yesterday we -- -- -- -- whether -- -- not be really nice day. They got pretty funny or -- weird. Anyway quick video connect there's a new version and quick for Android and an update to the latest -- iPhone app that lets Android. People talk iPhone people excellent and bridging that -- Also they have this cool feature that -- enables video -- -- you can't connect live you can send a video. Like a video mail and -- -- and -- they can take it out later what remembered. It's in fifteen. Skype was the one that. Acquired -- during CES -- I believe Skype but. -- and think that during CS they made the announcement but it looks -- we can add and edit independently. -- apparently still doing their thing and not really have been touched by Skype yet but there's gonna be some overlap or emerge eventually of the two services and feature -- via. The thing now and I like the fact you can can you -- -- -- talking. I'm an evening tango to try to do that -- I think -- an -- I've menu now -- avenue bring now I've been using face time does that takes time and analyzes it on one of them on time. But. And then -- they randomly -- been taught -- like sometimes accidentally upload them what web like some other weird noted there is seriously -- is that the mother coming up behind it. Well I have to find -- but it would like some other privacy concern a series. I haven't that it -- it was dealing with from 22010. Apple stealing all of -- time information. Like still pictures doesn't let me tell you -- may not be using -- time anymore if you know and I mean the -- Hey hey hey hey don't. Like eight times are not. -- deep deep play military says I think they've -- that we -- -- Dirty -- than. Thirty excited over a 35 -- the fabric can XX also apparently. Their own version of like wired and tired. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- On. Google traffic to demand that media sites is down forty per cent after Google's latest algorithm change -- -- a -- read its Writely. Lowest common denominator articles and media -- -- That's old -- thing on and off that -- wired and tired. And not let them off off. Also in other at the area you're not picking up but I found out often on this if there's not enough sample kind of boring and -- -- plug in plug -- you know I don't want you figure something out. Anyway it's also another FBA -- follow -- -- the FBI raided the apartment of an alleged -- king's -- up loader. On the and do you because of water marks that are imprinted on the actual videos our -- in the distributed. They were able to track down where it came from and look it is IP address and stormed through one other thing is if you do -- I don't know I thought this was funny though west DeSoto also recently appeared in an episode of CSI as an extra. Wall. It's interesting as an FBI -- though they really try to send a message when it's somebody who is like a sag award -- you know who was entrusted with this but that's crazy. They may make it well and then -- to bring it now because they put a watermark -- copies they've also been recently they've been. Giving them iTunes codes to get access to the movie like working with iTunes then upload previews of these copies to sag members. In. So that's also how they were able to track -- -- through the watermark and an iTunes. Tonight interest rate hikes now is not very smart what the -- with him and me. That is aimed -- yet he's never gonna do lunch in that town again. An -- week enacting Wii Fit with an article links -- as I am DB -- telling notion was an extra in CSI recently as all I was -- -- wolf and the easiest. That's what his role as -- 98 on a file loader which is his real life job. -- -- -- -- Friendster. Is apparently going to erase. All user photos blogs and more on May 31 which you might take that thing. That that means Friendster is going away for good in and I wouldn't blame you necessarily for thinking that. However. The fact is and we only know this because Steve got an email from president today back is there. The counter intuitively erasing everyone's profile because their. To read a lot Nestle what was the what the emails their what did they basically tell he's the -- that says that you're -- -- introduced in new and improved Friendster site in the coming weeks as part of this change who removed and number of social networking functions -- and Friendster. This includes your existing account profile. I thought I messages blogs and shout out however -- -- will be preserved along with their basic profile information that has shout -- -- -- puzzles we have your list of friends that we can you know. Targeted video -- and buying and -- kill everything else that your profile. -- your problem I think we're -- knew your entire profile so that we can start over. I thought it deleted it years ago I don't know what it's doing yeah that's I cease to pay that I think he got an email. The at least they do have I think that says you can click to download all your personal data so you can save and -- motor or export it. Which is useful that they're not just in -- -- -- Like ad hominem but but the fact that they're I understand too that if you're gonna go back if Friendster which. You it might want to start all over again because your profiles probably what is it eight or nine years old at this point. -- -- I remember using Friendster because it came before FaceBook and it if -- -- -- for MySpace at least I don't register before them now and it was slow as molasses. Elements of what a deeply says Friendster is the social network -- in the Philippines and and use it overseas and right so I don't understand why I get like the party -- -- -- on that why wouldn't you just say. We're going to -- lines if you want to start fresh because you're profile totally out of date will let you just -- concern over. But it's an option. As opposed to there may be at you know it's not that. It's not that -- an empty graveyard there probably are like two or three people and or the -- the entire Philippine. It's blaming the service but it is so weird it was a start that started originated out of Palo Alto remember meeting the two guys that started up way long ago. And just like a lot of things and the like and -- is really hot. In Canada. Messaging you have different apps that take on -- -- regions but. In ever sector because it was so slow everyone's like what the and they went to MySpace because it was faster can't totally that's why they like what France is gonna do now is three position itself as a social entertainment site for people to oh -- -- -- WA did you say MySpace and it will leverage it by connect an -- -- Small law but if it did is that popular or the go to in the Philippines then name -- have a place the place that yeah definitely. RA. Combined have been written yet -- fine we'll worry about that tomorrow I can't get back into. It. And gadget news today if Sony is apparently get launched tune new honeycomb tablets the Sony S one and the Sony S two. And not one of them best to. Is actually a dual screen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Oh right that's -- and I have used it yet yielding a pocket or a -- not technological burrito. Death. And how the -- it's a new category then tablet burrito. Wrapper -- -- -- -- or out of there is now there's no way damage Humana and I really -- you can't have a -- -- -- you know the thing is -- remember we were ripping on Sony for their. -- their image drawings on the napkin. -- -- -- The full did think this is six. Think about is a -- that -- was on the money yet. If this is the tablet that has -- -- of rap metal design and right. Dry your plans and that didn't you heard about it -- I actually I think design with a few pretty sweet that aren't as sic it's Tuesday I'm gonna half inch display as I love wing like Hillary don't you like to read only Andy and amber how -- -- -- tablet -- -- tablet has. Nice -- in the back italics like the Samsung -- they're very they're both very pretty -- -- -- stints at Sony. But they're likely to be gorgeous and -- says that Sony is not ready to talk prices yet. But sources back in February said they were considering a 59 -- -- people that's one while the S two would likely come in at 699 I don't know idea. If there you know what if that's true or not but. -- one features the tegra two systems on a chip a customized quick and smooth touch panel UI Cadbury ago. -- -- -- -- -- well. It's like deployed third shout out the in today's show. Show today -- -- supreme. Offered. -- I don't know your tech -- supreme treat that is there -- -- -- that continues. A lot. -- I love them both owners and only temporary that grabs a pre and how about Sony's tab -- ego. The text -- the green yes -- normally. We -- this and -- -- not -- not -- it why not that's the goal line normally we get our IP off offline Cuba. That's an angled and also -- if you don't really produced the show on the show this is a really this is a Truman and make this hostage show. Up from start to finish. You don't know what's going on -- And -- anyways you might not care about but you also might not care. Because dozen cases -- care. The white iPhone this is reported over the weekend we did yesterday so because -- kind of tired but we still need to do it the white iPhone is reportedly will be released. April 27 which is tomorrow on Wednesday and we will find out if -- -- -- cords really do exist. Today that tech unicorn is in fact galloping -- stores. Here comes that lined -- -- -- -- the river. Well well well this is volatile and updated -- -- you powered -- quite an adventure you've given the all covered in bird. Sweaty little people Lehman I'm I'm is that there is when he -- -- I'm really I don't think my gut instinct says people don't care but I don't know unit you don't underestimate the fan boy for containers don't underestimate the Timbaland on numbers -- you know. Ireland's live -- without -- -- -- and bovine tallying. -- science and yes. -- titles and final mildly dubious as science -- go. But by a fluke and scheduling NASA is planning to launch the space shuttle endeavor on its final mission. On the same day. As the royal wedding fool with that that's a huge scheduling conflict and done and this I would think audiences those two things would -- a little different. Nevertheless it's it's the last endeavor flight with the world expected to be -- and riveted. By the royal wedding and other. -- -- Is often -- a reporter of mission managers consider the wedding when setting the date for endeavour's launch NASA associate administrator for its operations. Bill Gersten Meyer said -- frank answer is now. But seriously when of the one of these things -- reliance on time and laboratory and -- I. But clearly -- what are you gonna -- under -- internal and external he had -- hotelier and that they car this morning drive and an -- purple is a -- and music but it ought to kind of annoying for -- there's a delicate balance with the you know -- -- -- -- -- we turn on NPR and like they're talking about the royal wedding because everyone bizarrely -- it's. And we're kind of like having that while we were talking about this thing and then they say that the interviewer asked. So what is because you know Charles and Camilla Charles apparently can insist on being the king we're not gonna get it passed him the what is it -- -- Kate Middleton to going to be. As williams' new wife while while she waits to eventually become queen and eliminated everything -- Well. It will be to breed. And that's that is and yet -- -- and then there's like a tiny little -- right and debris puberty as to have children. And then when the woman I -- the FriendFeed to start. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Unbelievable that pour -- -- you know what next time I'm not a bad -- in a beta myself and I Kate Middleton. Breeding cow. Well let me enough old -- -- this. Well it will be to really need. Provide -- and a lovely the richest people won't lose patience waiting for her to need to -- I can't wait for the emails from England and now I wanna -- -- got scared don't care about the right -- the Vatican backed. Okay you know a Hulu videos if they cannot but factoid that might be important people who -- -- pay attention in the space shuttle endeavor. If you didn't know the Arizona congresswoman Gabriel Giffords her husband. Is mark Kelly the commander of the endeavor mission yet been talking about that a lot will he actually take off. I'm with the endeavor and he he he is going to end his life is gonna be that -- -- ago if not narrow he plans to attend the clothes and Ottawa follow yet known and I know he does and I thought I thought she was that Casey attending -- -- always. -- -- -- -- -- -- And your righty let's that I sane I'm sorry -- -- -- -- -- of their. Aren't always so now that it's gonna be here really interesting and there's actually human interest. Instead of breeding -- -- get the wedding. -- -- -- -- -- Today and -- -- been -- and help help help how -- a little bit and -- all over the. There ain't even a map up -- here I don't beyond. Let's let's get the first one yells get there I don't care about that really it really funny story about what happens when computers set prices again -- So -- those amen Amazon algorithm price war going the wrong there's this book. Called Peter -- -- -- the making of a fly. The genetics of animal design and it was a book that wasn't that easy to acquire but what happened is two vendors. Had set their algorithms. To be priced in relationship with each other so one of them -- price to be exactly one point 27. -- 127% times the amount. Of the other -- price. Another so -- price prop -- now prompt NASA was set to be priced at nine around 99% the price of the other -- -- isolated or sorry. Board e-book when we closed up forty book -- one solar trough -- is the other seller right. Forty books -- 127%. Forty prof -- is -- 99% of brewer -- book's price. As this escalate I'm sorry this is definitely a bidding -- it became -- -- -- based on the algorithms. And the book led to a 23 point six millions -- -- list. -- -- -- -- -- Million. Dollars. That's so -- and -- and we're attempting to use algorithms to fill it -- it is out of print. Still the making -- -- fly the genetics of animal blue line. That's pretty often ditty on the -- daddy -- -- yeah I it was I know what the white board says but it was hard to explain on the label ordered. We would Elena taken while in on -- -- them -- And then of bear and other rare -- story coming from my -- today which is it. Apparently the discovery that Angry Birds is not just. Super fun addictive game but apparently. An agent human archetype. At least judging from the fact that a -- container from the Shang dynasty now showcase at the -- museum. Looks well let's just say startlingly. -- An Angry -- and there's an uncanny -- resemblance is there really is and you guys have to look at it because we don't have been quickly as well again by the big hurdle. They don't I did those islands are built -- in the show notes and it's the crew radioed I mean it really it's surprisingly angry -- to thing. It is the kind of archetype that we just fundamentally identify with and we don't even know why. -- -- and we're gonna jump over the feedback clueless. Already in the right now they just weird -- got a little rant about data and how I'm going to use that as a singular and we got a correction in the voicemail. Although not the -- you're expecting. Molly -- -- -- that data is used -- you're not using Cingular you're using what's called Mac now. In the same way to release. No water means coal. Or industry and is hot. We're not referring to water or stand at Cingular. In the old days maybe it made sense for their singular for data. Now when data is that you accurate and more -- Personally I think it -- -- usage next. Data is a lot like water it's everywhere and -- where you don't -- but chip -- Knife yes also I have a thing for -- at -- -- comments to that effect the math -- thing and I love it. Thank you for giving me the nomenclature that I needed to drive this point who. So I don't ever have the same -- are -- you -- mass now and team asked him out and done we called it. A look allotted them. All right this voice vote comes from Ben from rural Ohio he's been taken a look at unsecure networks. And the panel wants you that let you know like its Monica. Market. And -- here from. Rural Ohio. Calling in reference to a true fourteen bit I'm training to be network administrators here and local community college. We're learning about wireless -- virtually huge gaping hole think Indian security data -- -- network. -- -- trying to -- track record company unsecure Wi-Fi networks -- under normal daily. -- found an -- -- sort of let it run from home to work Tuesday. Our -- or my current 449. Access points. About half of those either admit security order -- debut EP which is almost like mr. This is a horrible epidemic and ensure it means -- need to chew and of the show. And look like I'll name -- may need this. Q and that's that's often and also a lot of unsecured access point -- positive thing but I'm just saying it is an epidemic is actually -- It had a summer break -- account the mosquito in the manually adding he's -- -- downloaded a buffer program that was of the though that was is pretty cool. -- right moving on to the emails tiebreak and connecting Molly you as -- write about eighteen T throttling Netflix. I was able to stream without interruption and a percent at six months ago this past month to see the movie stopping every few seconds to buffer that the -- but it's so bad. I had to cancel my account it's just not worth it. Who like if there's any threat to Netflix is this that I have never like this totally investigating everybody's complaint -- trying to figure out. And men -- -- be awesome if they can. Prove that they're being throttled it was Netflix also that's a while ago put out -- report of the best. Performance of its service on the different ISPs. -- I can't remember how AT&T came in but am thinking it was slow. Death our right here's another email. Hi what happened a Moby TV -- the Moby TV app. I had -- a subscription two months ago I got awards replacement on my iPhone four and restore from a back out of my old phone. Although the -- transfered it gave -- messes that I needed to repurchase the -- to an error message indicated that the app was withdrawn in favor of -- now which lacks the live channels of Moby TV. On the phone the movie -- -- I was out of luck and to try to get a refund through iTunes. AT&T is still advertising their own more expensive movie TV service to kill the iTunes app is a -- between AT&T and Apple. Will from New Haven. -- -- But I did look at everything -- are talking and it -- it seems that they Arab. Lutz. More strongly touting their platform technology and platform solutions -- they are the consumer app. But it says they still have it. So generally no no that's that's not -- -- most the name -- and a packet that doesn't move you -- It's still have not yes solstice with the complications of -- do with Sony's Munich it was a you don't know a thing and a sink or swim. And sometimes. They think sometimes they think. Jimmy -- -- we don't have a better answer B though if anybody in the tavern nose or India audience knows please email plans now. -- OW do our work for us all let me know no I mean we were we don't like them even we have insiders out there yes out the door. To rewrite it and of analysts and yesterday show had some comments regarding reasonable update of the Nook Color I got -- -- color -- an early birthday gift. And I was particularly jazzed about the addition of flash support -- -- flash seems to be practically useless. Constantly freezing or having audio and video sync issues I was able to watch yesterday show after downloading it in lower resolution. But watching the browser -- with constant issues attend other sites CBS YouTube am I missing something or is -- the normal flash Android experience. If so I gotta say am disappointed. And it. It happens a lot I'm gonna have -- on and lower -- devices like you know the net is not the most process of memory hungry. -- memory packed device and it does happen on some other devices that are still even more powerful but. It's probably gonna be that experience on your -- and I do you wanna say I'm impressed. That you downloaded our show in flash. Via the net color. I'm I'm actually might be. A one and a million. Yes I mean I think the thing about it -- though what brand that is a slow machine. And it also depends on your network connection and the combination can definitely be killer I think that's not an uncommon experience and personally -- Unfortunately -- on the note colors mailer not -- out. All Android device is -- a little mad at us but some of them are under -- in summer under powered comparatively you know like you really you're not gonna have a great video streaming it's like netbooks scenery I -- a great video streaming intently into at least a one gigahertz processors and ideally a double a -- more than. Are. Sorry but -- -- -- -- -- we still love the Nook Color as the best bang for your buck and metallic hands down. -- act and act like turn back the source from the Zulu -- barred the -- a folder commentator oh yeah. We. What happen. So and it is -- ya ya -- -- sorry you can't when he was throwing it out. It's going to Google -- say guys have followed a -- a location -- with interest and agree with -- whole heartedly but viewing this from a different perspective after BT's -- on OJ. Can you imagine how someone really wants to commit a crime all the need to do before donning their ski mask is leave their phone on the other side -- town for the duration of the crimes. Hello it's high eight a out of the back -- Bomb I never did not gonna show -- -- the good life and associate at. That Britain Hedlund and Daniel because nothing institute trivial for -- the -- out of the show ever I love this campus up Daniel in northern Kentucky ranked in and says. In regards to -- and Kentucky. Real -- and only comes from Bergen County Kentucky like real champagne only comes from champagne France other lacked direction -- you. Otherwise it is just with -- By the way -- promised I guess that -- Mac. -- that I see the reason -- but yeah I love that bank you Apple pop. And if you would like to comment on today show. Man I'm you know you wanna be a little bit little more structured tomorrow and we hope we hope of treatments are -- and is. That you all of the light -- it -- well that's. That's not -- Disney negative thing I know she's doing -- Arab. And improve fuel food can slow. You well that's cnet.com is our blog 106 on 6638. Is our phone number and buzz CNET something. Where you'll see you guys -- -- --

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