Ep. 1428: Jailbreak Geohotz
Ep. 1428: Jailbreak Geohotz

Ep. 1428: Jailbreak Geohotz

Today's Thursday march 17. When the eleventh. And -- either console I'm Brian stop I'm Donald bell time Hollywood talking about Allah in its iPad and it definitely an episode 1428. And happy and everyone there who want to get an idea that day and global Internet. Who -- wearing green right now ball -- during handling I'm agreeing -- on -- agreeing. Jack had nothing green on to -- attention Leo and that's -- So Donnelly of the letter mentioning that we have pinch me now -- -- no -- involvement today. -- page and what I mean that really would make you happy. And we'll DC what we've -- -- south by south was that it than you might want. No lie I went to the entry now and if anything the Internet that advocates. Out of it definitely lately too much I'm not gonna -- it not gonna -- -- We got a special -- -- into the shower and Leonid show the world premiere of -- up it up throughout the video and. I spent ten hours cheating on Saturday and -- that -- for video production on its -- again. -- Own -- only able -- -- if you're gonna like it I'm Brian Tong -- -- teacher. Everybody everyone just crazy things of these shows so exactly but first let's get to the new -- We'll need a little like Irish -- here and there there. Did you know drinking but it you know at a later Saturday with yeah well I -- on the -- product. It has a shot valley got a rate no one product an engine. At that Time Warner has this really cool amazing off them live TV iPad app. That like practically crash the entire nineteen store when it was put up into the App Store. And it almost immediately not only did have server problems and crashes but it almost immediately came under fire from a bunch of cable content providers who -- like. I'm sorry you're streaming or shows where no accident that that this is that the U renegotiated Alice who'll -- -- ID the media over your iPad everywhere every channel yet. Will you have what -- was essentially is the application allows you to watch some of Time Warner's lineup. In the hole in your home page where you are plugged in or connected to that local now we're -- now. It doesn't -- be conjure your home your you know you're residents but what it was as companies like Viacom and Disney and discovery like what the heck -- doing why are you showing this this is not in the agreements. Now we've had so they say. But their agreement doesn't cover -- distribution and I'm sure when an executive first heard that. Time -- is making all of our channels available on an iPad. They all assume that. Anywhere we go we could see it on the iPad I'm sure that's the conclusion they traditionally first -- I -- -- it -- go there to answer that they you know how they roll experts think so what happened is they made a -- a big brouhaha then because of you know their complaint no one now which. Is what we expect from the content providers why are they going to on something as small of this. Why would they not complain about it break we get an amazing gift from Time Warner 32 channels and this is not like -- channels were -- -- Disney stuff lifetime for those who like -- discovery. And TV Nickelodeon Comedy Central BET -- one of my -- spike VH one but these are all channels that people watts they're not they're not the bottom of the barrel -- say. But they they were mad about it so Time Warner actually after that weather was in response to the cable operators -- content operators -- providers. Of complain about they cut the number of channels in half removing stuff from Disney and stuff from discovery. Although they say that it wasn't because of the complaints. That's it it's okay right he didn't he say that they say it was due to problems are indicating -- surge -- users who were attempting to access the contents of their -- their. They're basically staying. That they -- unable. Technically speaking to deliver all of these channeled to them so many people who want to watch them. However if you do look at that list because it includes Disney. Which is Oliver iTunes because include Viacom who did anybody at the got of that -- -- -- -- premiere on a million dollars. It includes Fox's content in basically the only channels that remained. Where Time Warner networks like CNN -- a -- land. Some of discovery's content also NBC universal networks who didn't complain like -- CNBC and. On the iPad if anyone's should be pissed off about it is that means Time Warner reckon there that the epic killing someone like putting in an extra like cable connection in the bedroom or something where they might have the iPad. The use in the house. That they would be watching and their primary television it's really. It's very interesting because on the one hand it it. The whole idea of streaming that content onto devices is potentially a little bit of it and a cable killer at least a detriment because -- the iPad is like the other -- -- -- house. But have mourners trying to say that it's a value add to purchasing their service or somebody else's but at the same time. I mean you can zip from cut off you can definitely see the content -- saying we didn't negotiate streaming rights. With us. Specific anti tablets I think the -- looking -- tablet thing in the presence total -- -- -- is that you know Lionel. This is no different than Time Warner saying you know we've got the fan. Like Comcast. And you can watch your TV anywhere or it's no different from. Time Warner thing I -- you're allowed to hook up a slingbox and you can stream you know that he did it start on your DVR to everywhere I mean it really. This is like total knee jerk fear by the -- writers and things like I doubled -- -- -- TV. It's also. I know I mean it's true that there probably aren't the only the revenue. That is being reaped by streaming this TV -- tablets is probably by Time Warner. That he doesn't like what we run -- against yourself on TV like why in -- tomorrow that happiness first. The end its -- -- I think in the overall from the consumer point of view this kind of -- Jerking people back and forth on what they can and can't get. Is -- exactly what we you know what my torrent connection has no complaints about what I can download but I anywhere at my house and I want to exactly. Yeah I mean that's the thing is like you know what. Work it out because this is what we want as consumers and and it is completely awesome to be able to do -- -- long -- in your home location I don't see the problem with that other than obviously. The cable operators do but it's it's not like we're -- watching this on the bus wherever we go. -- you know that's what makes sense and but even if we aren't we should. Find new ways that we can be able to do that and now -- pay for that if by you know to Mobil -- or whatever use the -- and my. But device on the road but to stop this from just your home -- that's ridiculous and the cable company should be scared nowadays they -- HD video out. Read on the iPad didn't get -- -- an expert 3040 bucks -- any content you can get to that device can be. You know true mirror all -- -- cheered and -- it at like 1080. You know I think it is gonna -- -- devices like bank and right on March solution for people to cut the cable. -- get the cable content on the -- That may be and I think the cable operators -- meaning they. The content provider should be working in the cable operators -- look cable operators the thing are saying is like look. We want to find a reason for people to keep cable like we wanna -- every reason we -- and that includes giving them more you know device capabilities mean Comcast is looking at doing the same thing. And potentially even making their own device you know to extend content -- -- like everybody every cable operator is -- and in this business. And the contact the writer should understand -- look. You guys go hand in hand through you have no cable channel lets people subscribe to cable so figure it like figured Alley said in figured out quickly so that consumers are just being like. I had -- and then I don't have it but I haven't ever hear me now and -- haven't. And the authentication thing is its own -- -- the fact that they couldn't authenticate means that those channels are requiring authentication like CBS for example is going to be streaming. The whole NCAA tournament. Men's college basketball tournament two portable any broadband enabled portable -- with no authentication. -- the -- that was -- in the first place means that these guys were already putting up a roadblock to consumers being able to stream. I'm -- it and you know how cable companies and operators can keep us. From to -- is allow these services to happen yeah but that's you know they want us to stick around this is like. For Time Warner -- like oh this is a huge win for us or turn off for a service that no one has right now that will make people say you maybe I'll jump over Time Warner because this -- that's how you keep people. They've definitely tried and of course you know Viacom and and and it -- comes I mean it comes down to lake where these guys. Need to understand the content everywhere as the only way we consume content everywhere you can't -- they like. Oh look I'm worried at camp -- an iPad because I am did -- And we have our own portal and that we ever -- deal with iTunes and -- -- you know we wanna put on the iPad are way. Now now anyway and allow -- right now live in -- quickly attachment payment thankfully. But could -- -- -- and Time Warner -- -- kudos for that. -- is another really innovative feature and I hope they can work it out at. Super -- Interesting story today about an Apple some testing. Of the iPhone four against Android and this woman who -- these people and Ottawa based blaze software. Did this research where they tested the iPhone four against a nexus -- over the same Wi-Fi connection to test the download -- if they. And they found that the iPhone -- lost the speed -- to Google's Android. Like 84%. Of the time. Yeah this is -- web pages they loaded they were trying to avoid. The web sites that are optimize for mobile phones because those are pretty simple basic but web pages took on an average. Two point 14 seconds the load on Android compared with 3.2 five seconds on the iPhone but. But it's very using their own entire research satellite. Do you like -- -- -- they weren't using the browser of the iPhone they're using an app that access the Internet through there and down connections and they weren't using that optimize -- -- it was an app that was emulating the -- download of these pages which you can see both ways -- one -- you can see that you know it's it's not a fair -- browser to browser but on the other hand -- kind of slap Apple for not providing that. -- that optimize Java to developers who -- in bed. The browser that the browser and efficiencies and -- -- that -- what it means is that if there are inefficiencies in the software you can see them in any other data consuming app and it isn't that far though. Yes it's fair to say that like the specific browser and website tests should be run -- the Arctic as. But like -- about optimization not industry standard and I think you can probably still expect the teeth and Sloan. Even there were recent stories that when their testing new sites running IOS four point three the related a lot of sites and web based apps and see any gain with JavaScript performance. So when you -- -- and optimization of it what Apple wants to do on the back -- -- make it happen. You know whether to this test or through their current apps you know it's at the end of the day right now it may not be the speed years. Yeah now and bottom line. Right now bottom line it doesn't sound like in the past Apple -- Natalie -- spokeswoman for Apple that despite their fundamental testing flaw that fact that -- use the proprietary -- They still only found an average of a second difference in loading webpages to -- on malaria and of have you ever experience that the second. That's -- -- -- -- -- decade when you're downloading a web page. Is all long -- like I'm sorry but it is it is noticeable differences -- -- -- and ABI and army you know there I was answer. No I mean when you mean -- -- they'll look at the second of a long time that's an -- today that moment before you go. Has gotten then you're gonna go away from -- and when you -- away from your phone instead of waiting for our side. I got. I don't have two seconds to spare but I have a second this I have an. I don't even come close. I gotta say I'm saying I'm alright at this very effectively into what page you're waiting for it alone you would notice that I can -- the right. That's the beauty of this story it's like you know that easy -- down headline Google Android. Faster and Apple wireless but it -- and it. -- an average if there -- -- and I would die out -- -- -- and Saudi kits I'll lose my Mac by the way Google had no comment as they relate. We passed the end fast -- lie in -- that's Poland. The New York Times rolled out a plan today to begin charging we've -- about -- for a long time they're their metered usage plan. That would charge most frequent users of the times website fifteen dollars a month. Hoping that of course users will papered the news. That they've been getting for real -- on the web by the way -- not -- you're -- actual website consumption rate. Yet you get twenty articles though Reagan -- beat up to twenty articles and an American and kind of put out there. Patent they'd been -- that the money rate here this is this is an interesting to see how it's gonna work I mean I know our show's gonna be affected by it many times we hit that your time is a search for article isn't it but I had -- -- -- -- through search portals you'll always be able to let's search I get five articles in full. Its infancy of this is gonna if this miles in order because there's the -- of keeping it open and free or pain for those loyal customers care about that content -- is really more engaged Michael what is that fine line of how many meat before blocking what does that. Magic number before you -- is not. And now announcements and interesting is that they're saying look we really believe that these people. Are at our most loyal consumers they care about it the most and I'm not on the one hand you could say well the Netherlands are getting your Mac on the other hand you could say they're the ones who value its so much they're willing to and it's like NPR model and -- But I almost wonder if it wouldn't be more effective. If they just. Asked for donations. You know if you like -- content if you like airtime can pay for it they only make the public radio model yet but it's a lot more -- or work you know. Pass the hat around and ask for donations and its descent some automatic robot that Nina -- -- -- -- -- from like a human behavior thing like you know when you go on the street and you get. Locked down by like you know Greenpeace -- -- -- I always feel like I'm willing to give you like a donation right now. But they want to lock into you know a monthly service to keep on -- for that content or for -- to support them because really a one time payment anyone can do. But it's not long term player -- this is -- like a monthly service. Yeah landing. Units and I -- I I want I mean there's certain iPods -- had run -- and -- really yet. I went like I think the bus I a lot of community by doing the a lot of new media people are doing their donation model that it and the digital donation model I think -- easier to. That it sustained he's -- -- like PayPal or whatever and their -- to release successfully Adam Curry has been doing it with has no -- chauffeur. A year and a half and I mean he's like what we make ridiculous thing people don't. We have -- also look at it like a pandora model where it's like you know they have their ultimate premium service to people who really really value it. They don't push people into it is because you listen to pandora. You know yeah yeah. -- -- like almost compelled just because I -- endorse a much what is it like for 99 or something to get rid of the ads yeah yeah pay for it. -- went on it and now because the services so that after easier to buy books like all the services that go against pandora asking for money kind of for -- front of runner because vehemently denied they just don't have this that and that's a different. I don't think the amount. Yet mean that we'll we'll see how this -- there's someone quoted in the story thing to do or -- year basically and authors studied -- in the newspaper business and so it certainly there's no question the last ditch effort. By the -- -- figure out some other revenue model multi core I mean who seriously still reads the paper physical paper on a consistent basis and now not even my parents. Yeah I mean I -- -- and man am I might end climate and I always -- alive when I visit mine mine analyze a Mac yet another. The paper outrage that this isn't meant as a so straight into my eyes and I -- this public and like getting it at a created every time I do like having especially like -- my -- and it -- -- that -- -- -- -- that -- We recently together you can think -- -- -- -- public -- Also plummet in -- the -- from yesterday we were talking about -- Extremely positive reviews it's been getting. I Internet Explorer windows and explore -- posted on their blog that Internet Explorer nine has now been downloaded 2.3 five million times the first point four hours of its money in a release. It's for I immediately pretty amazing that costs will -- -- -- It's amazing that. That is over although 27 dollars every second we get a poem has been on -- downloaded here not here I mean I'm not only does users' -- Has to be up at target market. The Mozilla fanned by immediately put -- an article -- they relate the left as an ingredient in it he'd be lenient than the beaten back. Dude do you noon. But that to me so that you two point nine if -- -- at. For IE nine but the Mozilla members would also like -- -- -- and in other news is that Firefox four which features the same do not track features that I. 22. Night so keep your eye out for that if you're not on the night and I know them personally -- -- all the way. -- -- -- -- -- Pilot -- quick break when we come back. More attempts to drive George hot right straight into the ground and turned him into -- smoking crater which you never crawl out. Group Latin getting a little Cuba -- Britain. And a 200 dollar -- leopard -- could -- headed your way to know independence and again it. Welcome back to -- -- -- I about it nationally for those lots and let the -- went -- street in the and -- will do anything for a teacher and I think we know that alright guys backed the new Sony winds. Just feel hot yeah Sony -- subpoena for PS3 hacker GO lots. Now his PayPal records. So federal judges -- -- given -- permission to get the PayPal records of George -- -- again they're trying to build more more evidence to see how he is tied to that they can try him over here in San Francisco. -- so not only was it the IP addresses of those who visited his website and visited his YouTube links in one -- Now they're looking at all as PayPal transactions. And it's perfectly okay. Technical audience do. Well I guess when you decided that he is the worst criminal on earth because he's jail -- nesting and possibly enabling piracy. I mean really like this is the level to which we like our crimp our actual criminals being prosecuted with that level of zeal. Because really. What -- -- -- you. Some hardware hacking. Did he do any piracy not that we know it's not like he himself was distributing pirated games by the you know truckload. He hacked the hardware. This is actually rumor flying back here and -- this is the Google employing this story goes. On and on and it gets worse and worse I have more and more pissed about it -- it how ridiculous it is outrageous. And -- -- and the history due in this this is like there ammo there is an article and I Diaz mentioned this before this article I think on. Make magazine that's all -- like that Sony's long history of screwing over like innovators and key ally yet. Think it's it's painful but it's also like it's just there -- Their do you know courts for how -- -- anything like -- that you know we love to hear like it's your -- decide but you know he's he's stuck in this legal while he's not gonna say the heat is getting -- down to the ground because. Every week we get a new headline about what they're doing against them. It's that it is really they're obviously trying to make a serious. Example went out of them. And I gotta say -- -- It really is souring I mean I've I have been sour on Sony forever WB get back from their equipment is like camping there -- so anti consumer with the stuff. And then the fact that they are pursuing this this way. And unfortunately the thing that's really scary about is that it also going to create this precedent. For demonizing. People who just do you deal breaking in tinkering with their own property would -- is that there. And it's just it's. Really. That it's relieved that we should launch -- own army of hacked aibo robots again itself. And less able they actually prevented us from doing that. That -- -- are not allowed in the software already. Sorry back and it's absolutely appalling and I I wanna find his his website where I can donate -- -- another subpoena -- the beginning on page -- -- and where they northern California. You know when I. Countdown until -- get into cache that's gonna merely enhance -- C. I'm guessing you didn't buy enough evidence -- need to look through all the IP addresses that's whether -- -- -- next level of their trying to. -- with the case that -- there were not people interacted with. Based on this -- northern California. Because I suspect they know that they don't have that strong case on the DNC -- -- -- thing because of you know that the phone exception and the fact that there's a lot of public sentiment against the idea that you can't act on hardware. So they definitely are trying to come up with them it is definitely he. Really entice people to view wide scale large scale piracy. And you know I -- that -- it and and probably you're gonna and a -- -- -- inherited. I am I feel like it might be time to start with the GO -- T shirts. -- -- -- I read geo high. There's -- serious totally at the limitless sounds that your offering some kind of hot service and an sounds on its numbers and sexual community service and -- Three of us that is not ban people have read GM. I'm gonna put you on the lower areas out -- how innocent it is just don't wanna know. -- -- I would byline make somebody cafe press store. Makes it that rookie certificate and -- -- -- the with a short sleeve that moment retina. Does it look way better on growth hopefully our saint -- -- there is actually I get it. It's like I -- -- who -- so in. In areas where arm people may not think as legitimate BitTorrent is partnering now what are Paramount Pictures to release a movie believe -- -- not first. On BitTorrent. Yeah so this is arm a horror movie called the tunnel. It's gonna receive its world premiere and instead of popping up in theaters first. They're going to on it was about like the than -- in Sydney Australia they're gonna -- -- debut online for free and then simultaneously they're gonna be released it on a physical dvd. What they're also doing to kind of enhance people actually. By the dvd is include a much of additional content bonus scenes on you know behind the scenes stuff so that if you really enjoyed the actual film then. And you really -- I wanna supported this is an. This is -- BitTorrent like we've always talked about how legitimate content does exist but when you have something like this to point that okay it could be used as a legitimate model. This this is a good thing. A community totally -- mean that is the kind of a mixed message coming from parent. -- kind -- might be but at least they're willing to try and start -- I mean it it. It doesn't have a think they're saying it doesn't have to be read at the -- The -- BitTorrent doesn't automatically equal piracy it is just a distribution -- a really good distribution are really at -- UBS and exactly and expect a lot about how it's really too bad that we -- BitTorrent technology to the extent that we have because they can really use a lot of our band with current as it. If we deployed it properly now -- use the technology for media distribution. Although any places where they try to force IPs to do you know packet -- Level filtering which I think that our government is really in favor of then they would and that blocking out perfectly legitimate distribution of new -- -- and I know this is not like. -- super blockbuster movie night but. It's a start via it is I like it. It's like one company they get there and then -- company does nominate you know -- on the downloaded via torrents just to go to the process and see what it's like. You know an intentional yeah and a lot and a prominent and then I like boy I feel like -- compared -- the real companies. That aren't using torrent properly and guitar properly there's the Ubisoft. Ubisoft started -- the holidays. They downloaded the yet contentment click the downloaded the soundtrack for FF and -- And flak that's someone uploaded to demonize. Repackaged into MP3. And then resold it. Yes so they're bundling it with their phone is basically the game look Ubisoft assassin's creed brotherhood. They are releasing like kind of -- digital deluxe edition that includes you know behind the scenes more multiplayer maps different things like that but they're also include in the videogame soundtrack. -- but -- soundtrack that -- is talking about was essentially acquired. Via torrents and the reason why they know that or why someone figured that out. It's because in the meta data and information it says it's encoded by -- RSC thirteen. Which was who is a member of the semi private BitTorrent tracker humanoid. So they included these tracks on there and then there was one missing track. In this soundtrack. And that when you look at the actual soundtrack that they include in the game. That missing track that was not part of the torrent is in here but it's not it doesn't have the labeling that showed it was included by that. BitTorrent user demands so. Even bother to change their products and -- and it malaria. But there's been -- in the funny thing is it their own content. I hope they probably couldn't let edit out of five that in the building we had this problem actually with that with chaos with. Now comes up with a -- we could get clips of the show because there's like a whole clips department and -- easily -- the profit the F the other they probably couldn't get their own content from inside is being ridiculous believes that -- -- could. -- put it. Onto the dvd -- doubling that's. -- in thing and you know whoever did that they weren't even with you know like he didn't. Have been edited and like all whatever that -- -- I don't feel that I looked out field lets you know when they loaded an -- three doppler really is completely they don't even use that -- That likely layers and I -- -- know -- I appreciate that. That resourcefulness. -- I think it's Friday if you -- out the -- -- vacationers -- to make that unite. I think if you take a few days me to acquire the tracks or recognize gay. The client right yeah exactly that is it like video mentioned they reduce the quality of the files audio files. I gave it back to be that if that is weak and the sequence at least it. I'm torn guys seriously -- I give this government Sally would give them cricket. A low group and they apparently -- don't know there's a -- line -- it apparently has held talks with banks about an IPO offering that -- sorry not an IPO offering value and I may go. Valuation -- of the people as they like do you say ATM machine. An initial public offering that would value it at as much as 25. Billion dollars. Okay coupon if you're not sell and now if you're not doing this now -- idiots. If this happens we're telling you we're gonna give you solid financial bias -- it. He walked away from six billion -- are valued around fifteen -- I put your 25. Do it because as -- single basement deals that they just announced -- That valuations are gonna go down I don't like if you're gonna do that it needs to be tomorrow if you want to wrap up outside annual -- which -- -- now because as we have been mentioned. Your business models not that hard to come by -- Sure everybody else who didn't you have the name we know you have the name where people go there's -- living social Amazon partnership yet. Do it. I don't think they're gonna get it I've really doubt because while the group -- -- for the rest of your life and that in Spain. Bloomberg business week reported that the IPL may happen this year and is unlikely to -- anger on a valuation of less than fifteen million. They tell -- about as much as 25 certainly. Fifteen billion dollars -- -- -- I don't know man. But I -- with a big deal. Right there in the wing -- -- -- promoting housing and pop it will. It's happening. Somehow somewhere in some room where they are reading in the fact that FaceBook is -- It deals -- now I see everyone on their -- like. A joint basement deals are doing -- the deals it's starting in May notice also is probably good news for everyone else who has a group unlike service. That via someone might coupons giving it could be getting up to 25 billion dollars in -- valuation not think that the halo effect of that and everyone else how -- pretty. Our aperture and an -- and everybody does say that that businesses you know here's one analyst that says -- as hot as anything -- no one knows where it can tap out. There's no reason for the -- business to be about business any time and temperature. The group definitely still has a winning model they have a lot of -- share. There you know. It they have done a good job and they probably should IPO that men with point five billion dollars -- like a -- number of not -- cricket and -- Okay but also to remove a little flicker account and Jason Horowitz the venture capitalist group that also -- funded. On companies like foursquare -- and Twitter investing 49 million dollars in headset maker. -- -- -- -- that we think there must be something on the road map that's I mean -- -- makes great headsets they also have that -- jam box thing that happens the 200 bucks. But -- -- him but -- you know he'll lead the -- will be and should see what they do with this thing and that area of surprising Google expanded social. Collaboration features in Google docs -- IA have to admit I think these are really cool changes and especially -- -- -- -- -- in a work environment and now. If there -- comments on your online documents you can get them emailed to you. And then you can reply to the email and then it will that will add a comment directly to the docket menu participant can be added. Using an app mentioned. -- Twitter so -- -- just getting way more collaborative. Excellent and -- it. And also called the is up for iPad users if you had an iPad that's basically so 2010 -- march from -- -- you can. Apple through their stores from a program that you could put your old iPad to get used. They you can donate it and it'll go to the Teach for America program. So this is -- placed them. In a core member that puts him in one of 39 urban rural regions -- the use -- for teaching. That's really good that's cool I like -- his love -- -- seriously if I was a kid and has been taught an iPad I'd pay attention kids go unchecked. -- they do it now well actually my education panel adds up at -- we talked a lot about those new models and like apps that. They're there are these unbelievably -- -- apps that can teach kids algebra and machine and a second because they've made it in -- the game five. Learning. Through these apps that make him so much more engaging and really it is really after you dial in college the teacher features not teacher here say if there isn't even for kids with special needs like they've talked about how autistic children. Have been able to completely. Being gauged by the iPad because the interface like that's that is itself they never plan that I'm sure I didn't really that moment of the presentation may -- ground management and get the leverage our sophisticated to sell your product right now as heartwarming -- that might be. I -- so manipulative. Okay well you know they I Apple did do that little drama then I would all you probably fell more Vichy inside of Apple do that. Now -- analysis yes actually that street feel way better right after it ended so emotionally manipulated another -- and natively emotionally manipulated anti Apple if you do have a general -- think you're invited to anyone -- donated this is the really that's the really good way to go food. And Google me that -- wants to point out that when we talk about these cool new collaboration features in Google docs were now big -- of Google Wave. At least that's what an idiot but now another please plain -- -- Completely and -- -- and other Google news everywhere has it that -- might launch a 200 dollar Chrome netbook. According to suppliers who informed did you times. That they're looking at a lightweight OS for their next that -- -- panic -- netbooks alive -- is it's basically come down that aren't. The it's that 200 to 250 dollars if they would be -- ten -- eleven and snow by -- really well. And that it could easily be subsidize down to zero dollars with a statement three year contract I mean they were giving away those -- -- for free -- -- -- I don't cost that much. In other portable news Samsung's MacBook Air challenger this is. The pod is a laptop at CES hands down if -- ninth series the thirteen inch. Laptop it's basically like a piece of sheet metal folded and is amazing it's actually thinner than the air price wise it'll cost sixteen. 49. With Windows 7 home premium that's -- the 120 gig model with the SSD drive the air. For that same storage capacity is 1299. Obviously there's no higher air but -- so it's gonna be a little rates here are saying. When you're -- 120 gig models. -- what's weird is that the. The I think that -- 86 got product for Apple is 59 -- with so but that's not the same rights and a -- that was known inconveniently laid out in the story. It also though has it will have a smaller eleven inch model to me those eleven into -- the total allotment. And that'll have -- -- -- 64 gigs of data which is small but I'm sure that everything in the -- the identity. But it. If you see this thing in person and its its verdict that they keep track when people said old -- -- stuff at CES you know sometimes there's not too many cool things he. But took everyone by the -- diseases and answers and they were just like. The -- we can and needs to move all that can be between heart -- week announcement comes out. I'm maybe I might be like I have on my Mac apparently big what you gonna do. It's -- It's -- civil court like the -- now. Militants and a public enemy and it and it -- they think -- federal cabinet today 250 baht. And Verizon apparently is keeping. The unlimited data plan and -- orgy aboard G phone a little -- data over anybody's that's pretty hallelujah. Pristina. Granite in a primer on Indian organism when an appetite and in nine days and that mimic -- -- -- -- once they get a second forgy. But Atlanta behind them in the network is overwhelmed. And -- four G phone those seriously -- that's. And we have. Josh hottest -- working on the route companies against me when I'm gonna do with downloading report GM it's always use and enjoy a faster three tenths metal compartment legally get back -- -- the second. -- -- -- According to -- hosted electronic. That's ten times uncle you know in an optimizer -- -- -- ten times and you're you're getting you're really whittling down in his diet sanitize downloading movies and and my iPhone -- The kind of object to the premise that it be downloading movies what about downloading MP3 songs through the music stored on the impact -- that like looking things up on apply especially okay. For me it happens a lot -- have to look up an address to someplace like that bind them -- imminent but in Alec. There are definitely times and I'm looking at data and they need that data quickly because -- again or even if you wanna use as a mobile Wi-Fi -- -- -- -- speed that'll -- I understand I don't -- commercially become much in the old man it's -- -- -- the right under your -- it's okay it's -- job until I didn't -- authority if it -- We'll get to that job on a bit too much by carriers as like that feature that's really gonna sell their product I don't know how much it really matter it's okay -- on public. We'll get -- that later that's definitely left earth the idiot you are online game. -- -- -- -- Okay this -- the best. Headline ever I love it -- that's a patent. Hewlett theoretical physicists are proposing that the Large Hadron Collider could be it. The first machine capable of causing mattered to travel -- in and it's well it's -- guys -- theory. If I actually think it's not even to period more like -- -- that -- by and let the and it's roughly drew it on a -- talking up banner. That the ninety you can they've dinosaur train my -- my four year old knows that -- -- -- because of the -- on TV doctors and dominance of night. Today at -- Weiler and treatment -- as saying that and there are. They are what are they physics professors say the theory is lob shot. But it doesn't violate any laws of physics or experimental constraints. Week so if they're correct then these little thing -- as that they it basically it requires a couple of things -- some pre requisite. Birds and the collider would have to succeed in producing -- -- both. -- -- -- They yet have had we have to get the god particle first for the right now that's like its heart is fine let though -- I commits in -- happen. So it -- that with the let's assume we -- -- -- on enterprise that. Then the scientists create predict that the -- -- production will create a second particle called higgs English. At the same time and then -- English. Should have the ability to jump into an extra dimension to -- where they can move either forward or backward in time and then reappear in the future or past. Kind of like. Neal Stephenson and but am -- -- so but here's the bad news though right is that unless you're a single you don't get the kind that's -- -- like I'm not a physicist by no means but. There -- predicting that it might treat a second particle called the single Atlantic by the Bose on -- avenue found of those on the don't know singled exits right thing at I think and a few things that before they make the votes on it goes back in time. I don't know them but there is there. Well -- and get the -- I think that could -- though is that even if you can't travel back in time you could communicate. Backing to communicate back and -- it's exactly that you can't go through Morse code essentially make changes the do a little theoretical physics reading because it -- some of the coolest like people don't think that scientists think. Seventh grade and the -- -- -- mine it is obligated literally. Brain that crushing -- -- them their theory is based on M theory which is a theory of everything. The back -- there and the residents exactly that small group of theoretical business of developers and theory to point to the point that it can accommodate basically anything. The properties of all the known sub atomic particles and forces including gravity gravity but it requires part in order for M. -- to make any -- -- solidly. It it will require ten or eleven to mess isn't that right and then a -- far. They're gonna need are there are familiar for which are all supposedly wrapped up in a tiny fabric of space and externally -- In quantum foam just. But. Eleven. I'm I'm optimistic about this I am to -- -- public in birds is the thing that he is in -- luckily the little English expert. And little messages to -- for -- you know it you know it's something else to be optimistic. The final product -- happy and -- and. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls YouTube announces next. It. Next up will be EP user base American Idol style competition. -- guys this is that what they're gonna do is basically they're gonna provide funding to up to 25 of the YouTube partners to make. Videos of themselves pocketed themselves in the camera with plenty of jump cuts. And that pretty -- so. The winners will win 35000 dollars a -- but they can then used to invest and potentially be represented as like. The next YouTube it's basically the next YouTube -- to have their own show based on how they wanna do this how they wanna push things or what what new things they wanna bring the YouTube world. -- has already happened on YouTube like it -- showcase. So what I'm saying here here's the best part at -- gains. The best part that each winner will take home three to 35000 dollars and -- -- tools or -- to produce new prodding the winners. Will also win a spot in the -- a YouTube creator camp. For one on one -- screen by industry and YouTube express. And well. -- so eat bed and -- gonna help some kids. -- that the -- -- Leon. It could it be horrible. -- -- -- A little chocolate chocolate rain that started artifact is excellent -- agency does go -- -- -- look for rainbow. Get real -- and just do it baby via live the dream just a little interest in -- but it's just I just live the dream. -- -- If you're not get -- at this point. Almost anybody with any modicum of talent is probably good enough to get on one of the forty million different talents as that are on regular -- if I'm glad. That this is what is left over for the people who are like. Literally don't tell -- -- that that. Big. It's still you know what this actually you know putting in YouTube idea -- -- this seems like. YouTube China get in on the success of the people who -- -- successful on you to have ads and apps like. Eclectic chocolate rain guy and the double rainbow -- like -- to -- anything from that readable they get that Redmond. Like that the talent pool and I hope they want out there don't they let him go but there's you know those -- like the one shot -- there's a lot of people like you know lone girl I -- -- Jumbo and the NEA he had these people that most eagle never heard of but literally get over 500000. To -- million views of any video they put out them. And so if they're trying to leverage the expertise -- Of these individuals to -- Other people how to do it but why -- those individuals wanna do that because really actually we would like you know the traffic. She then I would still like money may eighteenth six state is doing now LA it's not like George -- -- -- -- -- No you know and you may twenty million but the -- -- -- -- no I don't let the imminent behind -- line. Fans want us. Relatively that we aren't whatever. Whatever three into the lake belt and entertainment. Mapping them literally -- variant. I have put in -- -- -- -- -- but for now we'll start with feedback loop yes both -- Video on them. I David I think that they welcome back from -- -- -- -- -- your comments an episode fourteen point seven on the subject of Obama's IPs are. Which seem to make an -- -- streaming a felony. As a licensed Internet broadcaster must point out a big boob tube here I get -- -- and Brian -- -- Internet radio stations do not pay performance royalties. Buzz -- and and a that'd be the conventional terrestrial radio stations at the moment legal Internet broadcasters and the other hand him -- -- performance -- -- -- -- -- for quite some time now. As much to get them covered pandora's tale of -- recently in Internet radio's day of -- back in 2007. Can't believe Allen flipped -- prime -- -- primates were to gain or it was the -- by decompression thanks for the uses. -- It says though -- on fifth of the overall gist. Of the Obama's -- -- and streaming I'm sure she means about -- on the plethora of unlicensed radio and radio broadcasters not to -- to consumers as -- later insinuated. No fear Molly no -- going to come after air for tuning -- to some unmarked station on -- -- We keep faith love it that now yeah it until they want to -- until they feel like they want Syria did not -- -- -- And intend to count. David I stand corrected. I'm sorry I don't know everything and but we'd like to show these emails because you guys on -- CB hive mind that we all refer to. Thank -- he does they do everything. That we committed keep us in -- -- I mean seriously -- parent is. Flash David parent -- many in here. There are now that we -- -- and now. Are -- OR we cool. Article article -- lethal cool I'd definitely my Theres always that this step will split into the realm of unintended consequences and and -- kind of in and wildly impressed. Yeah -- everything thicker thank you very much -- stated and I both triggers and actually know this one comes from Tyler and lovely and cholera now. I those who love the show I -- -- opinions regarding the article. Jon Bon Jovi wrote in last week -- your times blaming Steve Jobs for -- the music industry I'll admit I'm an Apple convert but really. Is it Steve Jobs -- of the music industry is currently in the -- please just wanted to share. And we didn't talk with that we weren't here when -- -- I think it -- -- Tuesday on -- on the plain and -- couple -- -- this article -- I -- someone -- it's -- in the Sunday Times magazine. And of one of his quotes about how the industry -- -- he said kids today -- -- -- experience. A putting the headphones on turn it up to ten holding the jacket. Closing their eyes and getting lost in an album and the beauty of taking your allowance money making it's him based on the jacket. Not knowing what the record sounded like and looking at a couple still pictures and imagine -- it. High it was magical magical time room and I hate to sound like an old man now Donald bell but I am. And you mark my words in a generation from now people are gonna say what happened. Steve Jobs is personally responsible for killing the music. At least my old man has a little more template Kapanen -- by I love that you that I love that they he literally status quo with kids today here. And any questions I hate the satellite channel menu did when -- said kiss goodnight all you have it both -- is an -- you know it used to be so great when you're going to need dropped fifteen bucks on them album that you couldn't listen to it -- nine of those -- total crap. If you're lucky we got -- -- -- go by the -- and -- that uses could have gotten into an eight track apparently call and all the laser is all that I've asked -- bend over and -- earners actually -- put them if it's a really great response that from -- dot com the editor in chief Jeremy Horwitz wrote this awesome thing -- it was like you know what here's an open letter John. Jon -- on what's really killing the music business he was like it's crappy filler songs. It's the it's your sense of entitlement where you think -- -- go to a concert and just like. Have nine new songs that are awful so that you can keep -- the old songs that people actually like many talked about though how. He got 300 bucks to -- the Bon Jovi concert with his wife and then he used a bunch of different Apple products select. Download the songs to learn about them to get to know them in advance and -- used iPhoto -- upload and share our experiences. And and those songs are also relevant -- is like whereas you know otherwise. Without digital music -- by -- would have -- into obscurity years ago. It's it's a really good earth. -- I mean John bond has a plan mean there is that that whole like tactile feel I mean I I'm one who misses that I don't know about -- rate. Flipping through the lyrics like I enjoyed that and that's -- but. The music industry needed someone to -- kick him in the but. And change things in you know it's just. But the dinosaurs that had an -- of -- -- there wasn't Steve Jobs it was more like Napster did that he hadn't yet added my Internet technology has just it was -- -- -- and music which -- which is ultimately a good thing it will let these artists like everything you know survive and. Music be more accessible to more people yet. I mean you can still have the tactile experience -- not -- not talking about badly he's talking about. How he can't just put out an album full of wraps off and float on the fact that his name is Jon Bon Jovi and he can rehash. You know an old album cover and get people to buy them and on a prayer and Red -- and that right number I'm really sorry that they are however no better. The only -- you fill me up melanoma you kill me unknowingly and in an apparent -- -- I I think Steve Jobs actually helped the music industry now have saved him. Have a I didn't wanna say saved because -- -- -- might be a little if you buy yet you ability via yet. That hazards and I think I will say though devil's advocate here and not for domino in the took a totally different -- located just sent. -- the -- the iPhone and the apps in my apps -- -- much -- that is -- everything up I feel like. -- so much distracting people from the music features that are on these products that. Sometimes I wonder -- when -- pick up an iPod Touch I think about the iPod name being that when the how much like music experience isn't. The primary function -- the device anymore and I do you feel like we have. Culturally technologically. Really -- valued how cool. It is to -- of the downloads the music that -- I know that anybody in -- night it went back to blame for that merely take for granted -- if we come out like this very disposable feature. That's when it was like so cool -- -- have like 256 megabytes of storage at the center everything gets like ten years it. And your -- -- I admit though I still think it's I still absolutely love. The fact that any time any time I can go I'm actually got a song in my head I -- my phone I'd buy it -- you know I have it hooked to my account like. Purchasing music for me. I do it so much more now than I ever ever did before now and by the way -- exclusive to Wii just for input atop a stop that now like out like you to know -- That big I adore you you're the best dramatic -- gonna -- Adobe totally lost a sale because they can by Adam Lambert from X -- that. You mean just they have web sites closely -- and that was there an exclusive track on iTunes -- that you wanted as part of the album. Play and are available on Amazon's album at your whole -- I can with I don't know -- has been yes. It via Afghanistan the more than anything -- Jon Bon Jovi is really seen in this is that I'm not making as much money as I used. -- based on my sales and that's why Steve you killed my wallet that's Sony's release is at the -- when you strip all that other stuff. He does not making as much money. Which and he -- it -- if you're. If you're like concert. Tickets -- 200 back at these and that's clearly what the money anyways on the concerts and merchandise and -- And I'm sorry but not subscribe -- -- It sorry jump on item on last email. Write this with commanders say hey let's do my end June I had to said that and I live in that I think -- Japan. The -- is just north and west that took in about 106676. Miles west and south of the Fukushima. I was listening to your show and you when he talked about the public Wi-Fi here and yes it is the case that -- free public Wi-Fi is rare. However most cell -- have some basic Internet features and many people have mobile Internet connections for laptops to. When the quake hit I was not able to make phone calls but I still able to use Skype and acts as Yahoo! mail. A -- to email that my wife and with Brian that she would be and would be walking home from her office in Tokyo because my phone as many phones here. As well one -- TVS I'll -- -- with the news and information. Thank you -- for auctioning iPad I know many people here who can use all the help they can get -- Thank you millions in Japan anybody who in Japan -- is like email let's give -- and data I was getting tweets shortly. After the earthquake people thing like you're -- going on. And we're glad you're okay I've read and it just signed letter actually that's created in pop up like the first plane -- of US evacuees from Japan is coming in. And there Trace amounts of radiation. On them. Brought over from Japan is setting up that out airport alarms and O'Hare ballots that is Sally strong enough to set up signals via. And that there was an every posted three yesterday about that the consumer fifty like the fifty employees and nuclear reactor were receiving more radiation like in an hour a day and those people are heroes and -- -- -- are -- receive -- year. -- -- now this is terrible. And it's not okay frank but in good news the iPad production is up to 2000 dollars -- -- though. He's getting their -- Friday's -- at its awesome and I'm hoping that we can Mike. -- the in the original contribution there. I'd we have already having heard how the -- like more than almost tripled to almost tripled the value that I've had so that -- them. Think that's the and actively -- -- and we'll have more Le Mars CNET fundraising theft to announce soon am sending up against cell site. For CNET that can be like -- gadget drive where you can send in your old gadgets and them use them with them the -- in America now. Or on that coming and in the meantime you can read -- email click all the links to the story that we talked about today get all the way to contact us and so on that port. I'd be all that cnet.com are -- Amber's running hundreds excellent 6638 at CNET. And -- at cnet.com is our email address them and before we go stick around everybody in -- live -- and on the show for a special showing. I'm Brian Tong -- -- yeah it's our power to order our tour around. South by southwest into if you into human thought. -- -- -- -- -- got red -- Hollywood didn't and we are hearing office that -- I thought let's update you got money that the lot of action going on outside behind it inside an economic -- -- it hadn't explained that they. -- Totally weird this interactive music film festival because it's really about the party of them it's impossible to explain so parents can try to -- -- the best -- that we can't take it -- You really hear -- handler right here for the -- Analysts definitely. And he can't ignore -- the music effects and the parties that are going on but. 1% -- for the panel's next apartments what did you come here to check out I really. -- kind of just get a five whats going on get a little inspiration I thought it went really well ahead adults get lot of my iPad on the phone everything negative in August to help bring this screen burn our favorite. You guys to check out all of the latest example when you haven't seen it really it's -- -- getting. -- -- I'm ready to do anything for T -- Even get paddled here -- -- and I guess I am. But I wanna -- -- Another -- all the good. That's good. I think percent align Amazon going down Austin the sun is setting -- the show. You know all the work. Is actually about to start to look -- down in -- it's party time. More like it. 63. All that's happening here and Nintendo on the right side over here we've got like a movie screening -- Nintendo car like him karaoke lining in almost everybody can. Almost every one if you -- Kind of party marking every earmark Eminem really -- -- and I think it's got around to get. And when you don't -- -- in our our own. -- -- Actually -- -- at the -- of the parties. This is the line I'm -- him. Okay. And our Martin. -- right now. Oh my gosh what an amazing night here in -- on 63 south by southwest Lincoln. Possibly party obsolete Atlantis collapsing how we gotta go -- amber is a great yourself. What better way to go home since then you know with my lovely girl in this Molly Wood it's -- now now it. Outlets attic guideline on his name -- heading out the dog. That -- in a boat. We'll see you guys --

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