Ep. 1423: No joy in Zynga-ville
Ep. 1423: No joy in Zynga-ville

Ep. 1423: No joy in Zynga-ville

It's Wednesday march ninth. When you -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I am -- let love in another plug it in Baghdad and determining that episode 142030. USC. Two public key mine -- -- Dave -- departure. Tech it tech I just yet human cells like Timothy one day it will be there like public -- -- you believe that country in element power of the -- -- flat our planet via. So that when we're gonna be if they get all of our work in prep -- for that -- -- if they get up and that's true I do you wanna do a little tiny -- will be on Friday afternoon at five I'll be moderating a panel on education might think that education crisis. -- related that's right that we had kind of -- that's when asked me to do it Samsung is is kind of putting on the panel you can sponsor panels that adds up and they -- they sponsored this panel. But it -- got from the department of education and on the gates foundation and -- and from the Grammy foundation talking about art and music in schools. So we're gonna you know. The -- education is not the moderator tool a way I get that they'll attempt by. Look out yes that you're there and I've personally I think that. That's excellent. And that of course Iraq and party a poll. And then of course. -- -- -- -- -- Yes where is Wednesday were not regain the location and and why not only can we just do it via a -- on Monday we're gonna be live streaming from these Salt Lake. A restaurant. Answer it exactly and -- to it like an hour -- -- -- we eat we will have very limited -- -- and it's not like -- media were not behind any during. That's just where we're gonna do the show we're gonna enjoy it graves and cornbread. Baked beans and hot dogs and race DA it -- and sausage. So Kennedy outdoor theater and outdoor though hopefully it doesn't rain and also only go public trust me on the plan. I know it's all you can eat that you. Half the favorite because by that is well you know -- -- had a pad that its -- credible nominee that for -- first and have like a sausage or visit certain. -- -- -- -- okay. I cannot say yes I did not see it okay I don't think it's a pretty good time that's -- -- It. That you'll be able to get a live stream show on Monday Q where were -- they were not abandoning it. Yeah and these designate later in the day so -- -- can happen is the Sunday show will be the Monday show -- And -- they were gonna record later in the day and they bring -- bad temper -- money management. And that the deal yes -- -- it -- I had barely been concentrated. Let me help get a little bit okay okay so we talked about yesterday about how FaceBook was going to jump into elite upper -- a test run with Warner Bros. -- extreme. Dark Knight. And now obviously every analyst and on the stock investor. This Canon shipped in the reaction of Howell -- that could really become a credible threat to Netflix. That thing that you look at it is obviously to test from but. Immediately after that announcement there's Netflix shareholders for a drop like 6% of Apple all jumped like like. We're like let's get this clear -- -- model yet. Was -- -- -- there is no I mean -- when you look at the business model at the moment. Sure it could evolve and this is a long tail potential you know plan -- vision for movies on basement but at the moment even Facebook's model doesn't even. If -- -- they were just an on demand video -- does even compete with Netflix -- this competes more with the Amazon's with what we see on items the you know individual purchase and rental. And it for a Netflix shareholders that have so much faith in what Netflix is doing. Netflix is on every set top box integrated TVs they have quite you know the robust and diverse business model but almost that their investors jump ship like that. I don't -- -- thing. And I'd really that was the most chicken little thing a thing of everything Mellon and I -- frankly I wished that I were allowed to buy Netflix stock. Need to get than is Letterman likes hoops aloft I was the doughnut. And the brick and embarrassing and that also. And I cannot believe that I mean okay granted I am -- this particular story that come from the Hollywood reporter it. So I don't necessarily. Expect the most high level critical -- but. The analysts. Who are staying. And putting out there in the press that FaceBook could become a credible threat to Netflix. Are from Goldman Sachs. And I'm waiting right now for you all do you remember. That it was Goldman Sachs who secretly purchased a huge stake in FaceBook and then started offering investors exclusive opportunities to invest in that in our sorry in -- -- Then started offering their investors secret opportunities to invest in -- but before they went public and then were forced to like open it up to the rest of the world and this whole big it. FaceBook investment -- But all that money was coming from Goldman Sachs which is -- now all telling people that they book. Could become a credible threat to Netflix. That's that's pretty that's pretty neat idea it's such a blatant market manipulation I can't even believe it like how -- these guys allowed to have an analyst -- -- -- If if if at. Dear every one this stink. Can you at least let FaceBook take over the world on their own damn -- -- -- -- about Johnny any need all the help they can get Molly. -- to have with my mind was blown by it. My mind without fully blown by the fact that nobody. Bothered to point out that Goldman Sachs. Might not be the mode. Trustworthy. The worst when it comes to open up opted to that they but this is how we get a bubble and that a crash and -- a disaster. -- Hubble now in addition to kind of the direction of how and no I just lets you get on -- okay now let's all right -- disrepute. How this model might -- it right we talked about how they're using FaceBook credits and when not. What is stipulations with FaceBook credits is that you can only use it for just digital bits. You can't use them for like actual physical goods that are then shipped. But what that lends itself to the fact that -- the test out this model distributing. Movies they can clearly get -- to. And in there. With the potential in the user base I mean they could have it won't happen with the next. Year I waited and -- but I'm not gonna do notes or comments and I'm not that I'm not here but. Down the road I mean they could be one of the biggest ecosystems for me -- for multi media content. Yeah absolutely I mean they evolve and they will -- trust -- guys yet they're out to make the money. And Peter -- as a great point -- -- up over all things digital thing yeah absolutely it but can compete with Netflix and every one health you. Like definitely iTunes should be concern anybody in the digital media space -- looking at it -- in thing you know these ads are taken over. And in fact -- story is not there on -- move it up I think we can safely say that FaceBook has pound one. The whole enchilada because Angry Birds plugged into. -- Angry Birds the cultural indicator that you have made it or you have been known. Like FaceBook that plots -- solar EU but honestly though little -- about like I don't know but most people having -- birds on the folder. Yet they -- of -- but none of them and that combine them. Combined forces witnesses for like desktop users and -- -- -- -- an Angry Birds during sport that is basically just like terminator. -- -- doesn't scorched earth stuff right there when it comes these sticky user engagement. Whenever. Would. Give them not important news and well I'm glad you moved it up in the -- that was really relevant is relevant and elevates it into -- that typically tends to belong in the first block of our show. The Washington Post is reporting that HP is planning made -- -- just recently made the announcement ahead of Hewlett-Packard. Leo popular. Their plan to ship PCs. All PCs with the webos would be a dual boot system. And basically the main reason for this is they wanna try to get developers on board using webos getting in the hands not that they will be NASA primarily using initially -- proposals -- You know it makes sense pack the software with all your hardware and let people play with that one -- with that. -- -- -- The patented dual boot their -- operating system with every copy of windows are on every single machine -- -- not -- tablet not just phones not just embedding and into the printers. That is saying that these guys are ready for an actual windows alternative. And that there I mean nobody. Nobody is going after developers to -- extent -- I think this is genius. Yeah and they're not gonna charge developers to you know get -- tools it's all built in so even a -- -- wanted to play with webos. And maybe even sell them on the fact that -- -- OS is worth you know dealing with bad that's also even from the consumer level. Yet now it is of the largest and only camera yet HP is the largest OEM and they basically will tell you that -- they don't get in a market -- they think they can win it or be number two app works. You know I mean and -- and now they're declaring -- -- war. And that is something we just have not seemed like nobody has tried to take on the desktop like that we've seen OEMs and manufactures put a little. Skiing over top or their own kind of boot loader operating system for you know faster access to email or whenever -- for -- -- like. Given the choice to -- that what it isn't that an Apple -- -- -- like we're offering their own operating system except that it letting people it's feeding the market and that sort of very subtle way yeah I can't say I think this is you -- that's a smart. Smarter and I am now mama at the moment from what we've heard you cannot download it's happily it's only come dual -- itself yet for now I. -- it's it's an amazing -- mark. The really like we've just been waiting to see what they were gonna do with webos and you know where they and what that -- -- gonna make any sense at all. I'm makes sense another nonetheless has now webos has a lot exciting -- going behind it does and -- people who use it absolutely love it and -- you know I'd like one -- it. And that's why -- seem so smart is to make it kind of a try out thing because everybody who uses webos seems to -- -- And to get the developers quietly back off and then they're doing the -- like XP is perfectly because everybody's all -- ecosystem Alec. Video trying to do their own tablet and phone to talk to that he talked together HP RD has at all. They already are making all of the hardware to make up that ecosystem and have to get webos heated up and the developer support. I'm done -- the next like three years from now I think OS market is gonna look really interesting. What what -- in the short term I don't necessarily know or think that people are gonna just. -- but beneath the computer just because it has -- -- on it. You know it it would be really more geared for developer who wants to tinker with -- at the moment but when we talk about the long -- -- -- this is this is a solid move on the. Fact -- that people are buying XP machines in droves just as I started the machine and then they're gonna get the chance that tends not exactly at a outfit you right out of it by itself -- -- is it like a purchasing you know tipping point. But the fact that these are are ready to -- an optional no matter what it. And at the same time that's -- that's not why they're doing -- they're not trying to do it to sell more computers now -- you know they're doing it to get that in people's hands that's pretty eventually if they can pick their customer service issues which are extremely. Problematic for them -- And it is certainly related and -- -- someone he knows firsthand over there. Yeah yeah but seriously like that's and that is the number one reason people give -- and got the one -- -- product needs it in stand behind it linked itself and quality control and furious customer service issues to work -- It simply -- And while mobile. Oh my you can from the street shelves and Dahlia. I hate I'm not imitate HP to play for real. -- -- I sales but it. Think in some public health I think in some time. Are right -- also -- I ecosystems Microsoft and rim are planning to launch. Services to compete with Apple's iTunes we all know that we've been -- to seize on these things. Our Research in Motion is partnering up with seven digital ports -- the tablet on did their base I believe in the UK. The service seven digital yet the British music service offering paper track songs. 3320. Kill bits per second bit rate now the thing about this though is that we talked about a couple shows ago the -- -- identity. With corporate users. In -- -- call right they were I couldn't name the retail chain but they were they're distributing it in regional Office Depot. -- in a mainstream consumer doesn't go to Office Depot and having them you know of for the most argument -- human not to buy it outright and not to buy a tablet computer but the throw in the music service on that. I know that still makes economic what does this. -- biggest -- at. Honestly they've just need to clarify. The value proposition of the playbook not to get to you like corporate speak but tell people what the playbook -- four. And then these services will check to make sense and be cool because that's of the heartbreaking thing about the -- -- It's really cool music subscription services I think are just totally prime. Right now to take -- that he does exactly what we've all decided we might one because digital music it's hard to manage and adding if I only have to keep on multiple places as annoying in the locker thing is -- -- -- here. -- that they can just like. If -- in the playbook and getting away from the Blackberry name it does have potential it's really have to define the target market through hell at the do. I -- with what they're doing with -- why don't why don't they just make it targeted as a consumer tablet then have their business division just pitch it to the court and on the corporate side and not. Just narrow it and say like we have to be different from the iPad. We're just a corporate tablet -- and make it doesn't make sense that. -- must feel like there's like an internal struggle between people you know there might be corporate and that consumer -- -- I think -- -- the past I have just asked the key question which is due any data Blackberry to have the playbook. And after a lot of people wonder if they're both still and I think that Blackberry like rim is either deliberately confusing Mac question because they -- -- more -- also. -- They're just really definite -- letting -- to their chief marketing you know it honestly. I'm. Pretty sure you don't know what -- -- -- But I'm not -- now I mean you don't you definitely don't need to have. A Blackberry but. It's kind of unclear you have -- Microsoft also reportedly working on a music service to compete with iTunes that is secretly dubbed Ventura. Right now. And they're saying that they remain the rumors -- that they may replace the Zune brand with this new music and video discovery and consumption. Thankful -- it will they I don't know I'm willing to implement I think again we've -- -- -- -- We don't want -- -- system. In fact we're gonna and we're getting we're gonna show our commitment to not -- market by taking a break right now and when we come back I OS or when variant. Then. -- -- news distinction. Welcome back bowlers -- buzz out loud Molly Wood announced. -- People have been spent half the people listening since he has -- -- are right hello. Back to the show Apple released scene IOS four point three officially for the iPhone. IPod Touch and iPad it was rumored I was gonna -- out yesterday it still can help before the estimated or against a march 11 deadline actually Apple -- it would be march 11 but. They've release -- officially early so. -- guys only check it out also on some of the new features the cool feature airplay access across all apps then you've got a lot of actually cool multi touch gestures that the iPad. More than anything com we talked about -- the optimization. A performance wise that I was four point three is that -- iPad sees the most can tweaks have all the devices with. The app -- the theory if you've been waiting for this is that that it that finally gives you a personal size durability and tethering that's a pretty big deal I am on eighteen he and others push notification for -- activity. Fully. -- -- How bad that is we haven't -- the word paying in at least two months I literally -- -- -- -- and I to make up what is that. Set though I -- are involved and they just -- that services. Like seriously this killer but it happens all -- it is not about being -- an art irony in this that is available agrees that today I thought I was the only been -- the -- that -- that it came out but I hear that the download is going. -- -- Yeah of the -- typically happens them right now devices that you can run Iowa's four point three check this out Apple to be in production of the white iPhone -- this month decline analysts overseas. I I I hear -- -- I don't -- in a garden island. Ill. According to you -- analyst. Jack the Greg Concord securities analyst Ming chi Kuo -- we put it earlier this -- Apple has quietly made changes to -- -- material. Without the full -- problem that was the reason why the white iphones were delayed. And then now apparently in Iran. People are all people like how can they make a white I had before a white iPhone but you have to remember that the back -- iPad is all metal. So whether they're like they're slightly if there -- but everything all this isn't so -- love you're -- and again at eleven island. Theater and music that Cooper it's it's the her whatever white -- -- will Bob believe they'll enhance the it. -- also believe these 64 gig I -- net four and bottom. Back. There's not. And dead horse stood according to -- Mikey gadget dot com ICM IC sorry and I began I know the guys who were -- Not only -- you wanna called. And spell it out loud and bullets where they have periods and one logo and then no periods we can have that. I can do this or now I'm just highlight our rights under this I -- -- -- so basically there were -- rumors I think it was it was also either in gathering is not that got the you know one of those guys they and also -- Not that it found the iPhone four that had a 64 gig hard drive and it essentially. Some of their development. Phones that are in the test verification -- means it has seen the number of the -- -- the back you'll -- like a double acts but this is a model and based on the serial number. They've been able to track. Back that'd on the existed at least around you know early 2010 so it's -- like we. These allow it -- -- we will seen a -- 64 gig iPhone but. At least they were Planar twenty idea with it and ultimately might just in out of economic costs when they can throw that's pretty -- -- out there. Or will -- -- an income -- That is one of the things that people have been wondering about next gen I hope the next -- I'm sure next -- -- have to be at the storage prices are like caller two now the idea that. We're ready for our our Apple chaser here's an Android news not. -- inherently at least one minute well known game developer is saying that they are making more money. On Android now than on IOS so that that has been that's been that long sticking point for developers write it like -- -- easier to develop for Android. There aren't as many rules for getting into the Android market. But you can make more money -- Iowa well at least now the makers of the pocket legends media memo game for I was -- -- are saying that in fact. The daily user activity on Android is more than double its level and -- and practically every measure. The game on Android is downloaded about 9000 times today on -- daily downloads and 3004000 ranged. And -- Android users who have the app -- it about three times more than their Apple counterparts and it translates into a big difference in revenue. So -- says Andrew user generate thirty to 50% more revenue than pilots users -- I think there's like some system in this game where. Essentially after certain point you in you know a lot of animals that are online you have to pay a subscription fee but this -- specifically. Charges you like not based on time but -- -- -- -- and -- like 99 cents to 199 so people are doing that the more than anything if you wanna get -- and memos do it on Android. The app -- seriously there's I mean there's no reason why you know technically they're both there both on -- like clearly that community is hanging out on Android. Yet and it may and that's actually very interesting because you you do have a national demographic crossover into Android is there really Google is reaching out to gamers. And game developers in particular. And -- I think you know -- It just pop it stands to reason that once you -- are the biggest marketshare. Operating system you're gonna start to see things like that tickle me out right now it's totally about the demographic -- -- -- really pretty pretty interesting -- that's the first -- that we have seen like tangible change in that armor yeah which is you know that they've always been able to say. No matter what happens right no matter how -- much Android has taken over no matter how annoying after a link you make more money out like are not on. Also in the mobile gaming or gaming space -- for the -- that imitation is the best form of flattery will Zynga is drop dropping on that train. They're finally for trademark on the word. Bill -- -- in Europe. Without betraying the trademark was filed. Yeah with the office for harmonization in the internal market. It's -- Any word with bill and the word with bill acknowledged there -- like I don't all a bunch of brick and towns named bill. -- bill in them and not and the -- -- -- -- No. Big you do not get it off whenever it's like -- -- -- Hiking debris -- hurt my heart a little ad campaign here is that bad maybe so what'd happen is there was a. Will argue didn't games like -- using bad not bad enough that you're basically stolen every game like directly. Into the case is barely even bothered to disguise the games good for him. When they used to be called the -- him at many of the that your strategy and then now you're gonna actually to edit trademark. The stuff. -- -- -- The nearest thing that this might actually happened in nineteen -- okay kudos to them for -- you might as well and taken it out but the worst thing. In that it may be granted. Because that's how bad the culture of ownership -- -- -- For -- whatever. Product I'm here sitting in happy -- Considering not and in a statement and Pleasantville the movie's pretty pretty vineyard is -- -- be and -- -- all so they say that this was kind of sparked because there is a company on that was. Developing a game called a bowling bill. David they field causing might have responded as with in a recent lawsuit -- build and filed a lawsuit in -- -- screw you guys. Blown -- yet some of the classification that thing is finally or -- goods and services I like the class if and when you buy clothing footwear headgear namely T shirts -- socks jackets Ville. They would prevent this is not about how does not just the name document so essentially it's not about other people not being able to -- -- -- Being Bill -- of bullying -- whenever it -- like you wouldn't socked. Jackets and -- wanted to -- -- polo shirt in hello bill all of bill -- certain bill and dean bill Sunnyvale idiotic -- store that -- or a website our web site had no can deal. Lifesaving anti aging apparatus and instruments now Nokia -- the -- -- there -- -- -- -- How -- -- of bill. The education provided training entertainment's -- -- activities entertainment services. But this is what -- the culture of ownership creates a climate in which it is. Considered perfectly acceptable to file a trademark application that would actually -- like clothing. Companies from being able to use bill which is by the way one that like the oldest topic of the world all time and I love that -- filed it -- In the UKB Gary in Europe where you -- if you just wander around the UK I think every part in villages on the. First or if there's -- surfer battle. The entire country up France. Dvd our ability -- her character guys PBR bill Nile not allowed. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's not a hard and I'm happy I hope it's just -- If you -- -- -- but I know more Margarita bill actually no I like my gosh as far as I'm concerned Margarita -- prior art. The best sold trademark applications to be dead Smallville would be got models screwed up screwed -- -- A few people. Are right. We should have gone the next section but we still have to talk about this story Amazon on this kind of been rumbling around for the past year or so but -- still potentially considering free Kendall's. For prime members. Ultimately -- their hardware it is a loss leaders to get people locked in to purchase books that's where their -- in the money. Almost gotten some looks like the video game model where they're losing money in the hardware but they're making it back on the software so. The idea is that for prime members to its only nine dollars a month and we'd love prime here we talk about all the time gap it. It would make sense. To do that it definitely -- I I don't know if they're gonna do I want the new. I mean it and get the -- been kicking around for ages now the latest is just a list basically venture capital of giving -- -- about why Amazon would likely make the move. Absolutely that is that's kind of in their -- -- -- -- Now I gotta admit to Kindle you can now that it's not -- the need -- you know Panova now that I hear the story if there's real attractions like I've kind of been on the -- of in the Kindle this for the beats the throw around -- -- the -- -- now. -- -- -- -- But I think I think they are setting nine dollars a year guys nuts and nine dollars a -- death -- ten dollars a year stopping there any good anymore than a -- Kindle -- -- a dollars a month. Kindle ever month in the middle of the month -- -- that I and it typically set. Adobe has released. Flash ten point three beta because they're not meeting that flash is not going anywhere. The name -- Changes seem to be a bunch of new audio tools for programmers -- you can use them mainly for like -- net based voice communication software in noise canceling in detection when he started to stop speaking. Things like that came out and -- nice sequel in -- but it will be. Also Chrome continues to get faster with his new updates. The latest beta version has new interface settings changes the biggest at least that you might see your might not see because it's already pretty damn -- view is that I should stop us. Chrome boasts a 66% improvement -- performance. Diploma. Even -- and -- think of it. -- -- -- and the Chrome is already pretty snappy -- 66 that's nights they've also made some interface tweak them there apparently optional as far as I can tell all they did not get rid of the -- bar. With more on the main thing we can tell you -- when -- in -- of the governor -- a -- don't know I -- on the bar. And needed at any -- ads and that Google they have a fabulous video showing you what the genes that. Is -- all like hand drawn and stuff they always do that. And you Allah and the promotion and a hand drawn up right seriously like 66%. After Netflix in my I've made my body being around the -- with current world think that I'm after is when -- -- -- -- now particulates. Okay also in some quick hits for the gaming world Microsoft's hiring engineers for the next. Xbox obviously it's still a ways away but both in the Linkedin showed that the opening other group responsible for -- mean. And delivering next generation console architectures from conception through implementation. Sex spoken like a true job posting on Linkedin how many -- -- -- get that. South -- implementation implement -- finding human defining next generation. You -- is. Take -- and plus subscription thing okay -- there's there's actually we talk there's there's something related to this you know the clout that okay we dive everything in the cloud. That's why there's a hook here -- again so -- -- -- -- plus subscription service that gives you benefits mostly like downloading software gain access to. New demos like Rican Mortal Kombat -- it played two hours last night but what they've now added on to -- subscribers is the Billy deceived. -- clouds clouds save who clocked in -- saying -- Cloud storage for your game saves so people have multiple PS threes that travel. And I kinda take my on the road he game saves go to the cloud and when -- sync up everywhere you go you have -- -- global -- well thank you also get it that's cool that's cool. No save the USB -- bring the stay put and the other console. A good thing and friends. Game that -- not. -- So knowing that they didn't have -- -- before this has we have not you'll be able to -- of the 150 megs of game progress data but the files are really small like yeah you're gonna nominate your little brother deleting your thing is that I haven't you heard the whole idea. He has -- because. And lastly -- the quake -- VMware which you know as the remote access people from -- have introduced the immediate. Announced the immediate availability of view or iPad. Which is an app that lets you connect you in control your VMware virtual windows machine which is awesome with -- based gestures on an iPad that it. This boom like I had suddenly useful for work yet. Just like that. There are other apps that allow you to do that but this is ten -- obviously when you talk about emulation especially on Mac there's VMware and parallels yet. So those of the two big hitters and the fact that this is implement with the iPad sick and that's pretty thick and -- -- is free. And the campus media that is that I -- really like the iPad just got. Fifty times more useful -- content they're obviously on that thing for me line now seriously I might I might -- back allotment of. Ireland's youth and gadget. A -- malaria thing on do you buy it today the snack. That social network access keyboard. Which is -- a keyboard -- basically or FaceBook addicts which is alive -- but it has all of these hot keys along the left side of the keyboard there's like a video that doesn't -- -- do you. And -- I didn't even know that it half the -- and. It's features like -- I don't know I mean obviously there's you know -- -- a friend or your friend -- or your calendar you can flag things. I'm try to CIO that -- look at I'm -- to see how the magic -- though because I didn't know there were hot keys to the different features of FaceBook. But I guess there are negative enough to be mapped this -- and like a lot of them have yet. I just wanna know what they -- -- -- can -- them on my regular keyboard instead of having to buy like a thirty dollar. Social network keyboard it'll make me look -- -- thinking there's some software involved in here inside keyboard I think there must be. You can like you can get a photos you can take photos renting movies as lot of things you can do it. But I don't only do I how often they don't really give I'm becoming more and more of -- but and. Oh you only you're storing it -- release are getting into deep into. -- is that -- everything. I realized I realized that I had crossed over when I decided that it was just easier to put on my pictures and it went and anywhere home -- -- don't wanna put -- on Flickr. Because link them I wanna lake I don't send out a link to them thanks -- a month but everybody and then the people who were at a party -- and I mean it's like. The whole -- this -- of a million dollars. They -- me I just well the only thing -- a site when you upload their pictures solitary game you can like. Alleys from what I know I could be told Iran but I've never been able like re download them or get high -- -- Versions of you can now actually your friends can download pirated versions of them -- the original trial OK they can actually so that people are tagging your photos can actually then download the pirated version -- -- -- is super cool. And then FaceBook has that featured at the only reason I'm okay with any of this is because they have -- feature that lets you export all your data. All of it from -- can back it up. Like if you -- -- is actually doing that making it you know. You the end. -- scarier than my prediction is the jurors did did yemenite -- -- Evidently not pretend it never misses you aren't buying any how many I know this is the robot developed by. -- and I -- game which is like you're looking at -- video right now the guy on the right. At the robot now that's the guy. But I just clone of the guy on the left the left that the real guy and -- it -- On on how it moves and it kind of goes over again and now I'm a little bit eventually -- at birth like when you -- justice is not moving. It's really come on YouTube on. Do it by doing right now you through the final high download flash or -- point three has had with the latest advanced. Technologies nobody is remarkable how the video and -- announcement that actually -- -- the you know we're if you can't yet use at any time if you look at that picture though that reader all now call. I'm Kenny Kelly kidnapped and stop blinking and it's terrifying amount eminently until we got him but it's not that I suddenly doesn't think many helplessly -- -- not -- at the real. Yeah. And. -- -- -- -- Again like anymore I cannot not think that you edit. -- -- We'll have all -- to build elegantly and analyzed literally violently and Indian Olympian. Happy -- the. Only the what do we Jesse well. Okay yesterday. -- it doesn't lose anything of the -- -- -- all. We just look at. Okay yesterday we determine that Charlie Sheen had jumped the shark he totally -- Graham Weaver lake Houston. -- done over it and then now today thank god. Someone has come up with the Charlie Sheen censoring browser plug in -- you don't have to see anymore dang title he's seen. The child tinted -- dorks with Firefox and Chrome. And it's simply blocks mentions of Charlie Sheen who leads a dime to the name -- -- these elegant as the as he can see. Things you know pound -- and tiger blind and -- an -- on all of that but that's the part. While -- It -- -- week but stray data may take one -- -- taxi -- -- to go from. Internet sensation -- Internet at home was listed -- another happy news Google is donating one point 25 million. Dollars to digitize that Nelson Mandela's archives. So -- to their preserving all his documents on. You know and showcase that I don't know if there can -- posting them online and up Adobe documents photos and multi media. From the nineteen year old Nobel Peace Prize when I really amazing there and they're basically -- you know paying -- immortalized. In the phenomenal eager and adding it'll picture of some of his course -- currently Mandela and world leaders activists family and friends. In the time leading up -- apartheid in South Africa. Good job Google also now. And a good job but Khieu -- army in this video content and even now but that for Michael John Blake I think. What -- high it sounds like this is like the best this is just the most wonderful -- at them ever they. Mapped. The numbers -- pie out to 31 digits to musical nothing -- and created. -- on what sounds like. It's just. It's like the earth and explaining in the beginning of the video Kennelly how to -- you don't care -- -- -- -- explain -- -- the -- -- -- -- -- Anti hero pilot three point one Fluor and now on -- when the real Italy is -- Mozilla's McClellan I have read about. And in reality that equipment for -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that's not militiamen. I'm not even. And I think that they have been nice if they just of the instruments move forward ahead in the video to and it's just really like -- -- I wanna see in the accordion player. A little -- get that far I game you've got bored. -- -- like thirty times. But is this all in the round basically or you like -- needed it. Okay fine this is pretty ridiculous outlook client allowing it to -- -- The -- -- that the fugitives it appears that yet. With the -- sorry guys it's it's the classic performance -- Like the way they use the pattern for the baseline fitness and ability to act and arrived at the -- phone bill. Competition. I don't remember seeing that I think I don't ever seen that in the computation. Absolutely gorgeous wonderful it out I amazing now love it. Because I saw we only got up to like the four in the round -- And down with it and didn't convince our equipment and monetize on around -- by now you go to Sony and -- was amazing -- -- -- like about bout. Four minutes into it and even of the department thing. Two minutes and once you start once you get for instrument and it just had to get incredible. It's real people -- -- -- Talented. Talented and absolutely that's really happy -- that -- Right let's get to your. We have not heard -- from our old friend here in -- line. You've got some thoughts on. And -- iPad to -- over. David -- but it dress any information happened on conclusions and an iPad cute isn't as much a leap forward from -- one as was originally -- -- during a press conference. After the release of the iPad to terrorists got a pretty excited about that changes that are a lot of and afterward while he works and about all the -- But I remember. Right before. Steve Jobs came out you guys were saying that he didn't think he would be there. He would only be there if -- needed to be. In other words you would only come out. It -- -- -- that makes something that wasn't as good look better to start looked like maybe that's what he was there after -- He is there because we needed and that's -- it's a good point it isn't -- it be interesting to see that that I mean and I've had few high is really like buying app you're going out and emulate. We think in the impact cool and everyone just thought -- -- -- likes factory like you Mike Lara looks -- much prettier -- reality it's a little you know like a cable known it's obvious how like the distortion field effect with knowledge that in day. And -- and it's like they brought him out like. Warlock in Africa -- -- knew very little there there are people like spinning in chairs and stream means. Who does that that -- Yet totally alien proximity to jobs if you don't if indeed the other relatively new to the show Ramey has been a super allowing time -- -- -- lovely he's been -- in the old days and Veronica and I had kind of voice crush on -- them and whenever he would. And humanize you might have return rate yes we -- -- a -- now we haven't on the left -- it's great to have Maggie -- -- appeared bill that talent. And then every -- probably -- like. -- enemies. It is. Okay. Sally maverick I don't think about but -- -- moving -- the email IM moment on there and how are you equipment now you can go. -- There -- -- IP lawyer -- and it doesn't want to clarify an issue you brought up on several recent shows most recently episode 1421 about the jail breaking up into the DMZ. You correctly point out that the Copyright Office has ruled that jail breaking your mobile phone is not considered illegal. What your listeners may not realize however is the exception is much more narrow than is commonly known. Specifically -- still cannot run illegally obtained apps on huge -- -- in -- Without running afoul of copyright law so while the technical act of jail breaking your own might -- legal. Going to media and getting yourself a nice -- pirate version of some app that usually cost money certainly is not legal. And while I appreciate that clarification -- I was wondering if that many people -- thought that it was legal to go get a pirated -- -- know if they thought bold that they after it out -- the benefit yeah that's not exactly exactly that that's one what's one of the perks of doing so anyway they -- -- it. Thank you Darren I write this -- co -- James the formerly civil engineer hey gang if the FAA approves the iPad as a navigation -- at. So we talked yesterday does that mean we can finally stop turning our devices off at take off and landing and that's a good point -- Is -- gonna be it has nothing to do you rule. This is when all the pilot's rating and it has nothing to do with the actual electronic actor and everything to do with the distraction factor but I'm sorry the Kindle part that via. -- -- -- You cannot say that it's okay for me is that there'd be engrossed in a book or magazine -- -- have entered my Kindle off because -- -- the lowest powered device the the world and be. I'm marine being just like everybody else on the plane is doing -- takeoff and landing like how -- -- kids -- not -- by and that is my big wreck. Turning off -- on take up as African joke. In Utah in Yorktown. Adam right then and says hey be okay so want to -- to the way to the feedback loop. That the merger between sprint and T -- T-Mobile were to happen can WS they. Would give sprint the only -- them and TDMA network in the US for my perspective this is huge yet. Because they can then carry any of the phone that either of the competitors carry. That's yellow we read this could make absolutely. Good point that simple -- that would be very sweet now I really. If we go this one's from a -- yes -- Mathias. Dear buzz -- it turns out -- the Vancouver UFO that Molly observed during understanding -- was a kite with lights attached. Andy to try that. So that whole outlook due to Leo -- -- -- very during the show our I don't know I did so just like a clip clip notes that it's yet when I was in mantra -- we were dragging along and we that's totally bizarre light in the diet I actually three -- you'll have relate them -- one but it was moving I described it then life. Ignited and I don't -- but I mean Catholic -- Where with cutting unlike error or out and a -- of past them and stop -- and upn and -- -- -- -- and -- and -- -- movement. With the really big light. And then we admit we were so flabbergasted by that we literally tried to shoot some video on it and I've seen the -- it doesn't it came out kind of weird I think we might. Maybe -- to -- to publish letters and -- It was totally -- or orbit the -- girl like. He -- Europe and Canada Pacific written check this out this article says on the article that identified it as the pilot lights described it as last month several folks reported seeing something -- in the -- Only after -- Something that danced strange to -- back and forth. And admitted they -- blasts of flowing color sort of like -- -- It in the tank and some did hook that up to an everything -- -- an event -- that of the UFO that was it wasn't it was technically. I mean some guy just connected is to -- lights and threw up on -- night. And certainly its its. Apparently it's a magnificent. Chinese made -- according to the -- herald made apparent street Albert in a triangle shapes and seven and a half feet tall. With the -- is seven and happy -- -- with a wingspan of thirteen feet so you would in fact I really liked. Although it is interesting is. Bit like McVeigh if you see it flying in and you might you're golden green pattern like a palm -- -- that might change the into an -- shower of red light instead of water and infineon adamant that the -- -- But -- mind probably the now this is pretty interesting that this could totally dig they talk about how that last month yeah but I feel totally validated. Only by the fact that a bunch of other people out idea people people. -- -- ways and now we know. But no thanks for the excellent. Pop and that's our show -- today every alignment if you would like -- it. Click on all the links and all the stories that we talked -- they are really just -- that python like 100 times like I have. Our blog is BL well that cnet.com that's where you -- show notes and all the way to contact us. And all the past episodes. If you want to contact the 100 excellent 62 victory is there -- number. Buzz at -- -- -- or email address. And the programming note tomorrow modern day its computer -- Are easy those sending your computer love questions we we have lunch because we're gonna get it yet it has been a couple weeks that we're out there is not going to be a show on Friday because we will be traveling to Austin's south by southwest we'll get a special live -- show. On Sunday night so hopefully that will make up for -- It's ideas all right C guys -- --

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