Ep. 1394: Our new name for product reviews: Touch My Body
Ep. 1394: Our new name for product reviews: Touch My Body

Ep. 1394: Our new name for product reviews: Touch My Body

Today is Wednesday January 36. When eleven cities of results from Bryan song and Hollywood positive buzz out loud podcast it's definitely it's episode thirteen -- people -- -- -- well. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Easily tell -- only at death and how and a dividend it will get like the planet -- requests but now we decided that we're fine with that as long as. You do it iChat buddy -- -- entering Adam era the -- late seventeen -- that they take very quiet. There is a medieval England's. Unit earned our product. Not in body Kyle -- -- look like a mini does not have regarded as a member arm over there -- out your brother and I have the ultra broad. And announced apparently offended I I tell you that by way of warning that a that's the standard now and -- Brian -- is gonna be doing them all into action with people. Apple loves tasty gift -- get a little old. -- -- -- that -- And that it now I know I know. Three get to the news -- do it because the new it is not a fun need to take on the idea. The news to be fun isn't that this. Yeah -- can be funny in the department of justice and you wanna sift through everybody's personal information two years' worth every single American on the Internet. That's the plan yet they renewed their calls yesterday for legislation mandating ISPs to retain certain. Very broad right now certain customer usage data for up to two years. Via an -- -- -- this thing is -- have been waiting in the wings for awhile but. They're making another push our only other making a big push now although they haven't made a very specific -- and that kind of what's interesting. They were in testimony before congress. And they started -- -- hearing. In the house subcommittee chaired by representative James Sensenbrenner. And -- four years ago proposed. Legislation but then withdrew it and it was registration legislation called for mandatory data retention IPs and now. To fighting Internet crimes especially -- -- what they always say especially online child pornography. They say current policies that require ISPs to preserve certain some usage at the request of law enforcement is not enough. And like -- said they do they work very specific. In their request which is what makes people nervous that is -- harper at minimum. They might ask ISPs to retain just IP -- for up to two years but at maximum or a Pallet to Pallet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They're talking about retaining email. Instant messages text messages text messages felt a little update or even social interactions of regular media later -- -- uploading photos. Commenting on that being able to harvest all of the data that we deal on an everyday basis now the thing is that most people may not be aware like different ISPs there already kind of holding on target at different times some -- get rid of that after few days threats some actually hold -- for months but this would be. Pushing legislation to make it a requirement for -- -- a whole -- that for two years. Because investigators say sometimes when they've found cases or try to track and individuals because the data is gone. They get you know distracting IP address wasn't good enough they wanted more physical data. Because they a request -- -- -- we're -- all of this individual that we think is suspect who essentially getting. You know I don't know if it's supposedly a type of Warren I'm not sure but then they harvest update on that -- -- And they pursue it but. -- if that they don't have -- put in place for over two years it's harder for them to collect all information over time. Dad didn't I I first found the story today on Slashdot and that the poster ad and you know pulled out a paragraph from this story. And -- in Kenya and imagine how much information is -- by. Envelopes. And concrete wall and criminals not shouting in the street don't we can edit the real world corollary is gathers information that you can't get -- And and in fact to preserve free speech and privacy at its most fundamental level there is information that you should not be able to get -- like they're. I mean what they're talking about is -- world in which every single American citizen. The vast majority of whom are innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever will be flat out under surveillance. And have potentially their most private communications and search histories. Available to the government. Or any hacker who manages to get in or any insurance company who pays enough you know in the form of lobbying or I mean. At the slippery slope -- the chilling effect all of the like. Internet kind of cliche is -- you -- -- it that they are monumental. Yeah and they're just using the Internet -- out -- bans any. We talked about in the -- should just because the Internet exists. Doesn't mean you up to know everything about exam that's what they're trying to use an I think you put it the best I mean and these proposal let's -- -- these proposals have been kicking around since the ninety's. The idea of mandatory data retention and they haven't gone anywhere because. At least a little bit right now we do still have a concept of privacy in America but we certainly need. Quickly in the Obama administration has made some noises about it we need a digital privacy law. Though that that privacy is inch -- routed. In line as opposed to just -- up for -- the debate that you guys -- the movie enemy of the state was bad this is a whole lot worse. This is totally -- you nationality and the graphics were gonna get a positive result from being out there I doubt I'll see all the keywords you're searching for -- -- happened. -- for that. Now it's. Not good yeah so far it is just in the discussion they have you know it's never too early -- -- a little note -- congressmen. If they can say an adult and -- the main problem with it is because it's also great but they haven't. Even really define exactly what parameters -- -- gonna narrow down of what they wanna focus on. Really how law only wanna hold onto it and what specific activated so it's this'll kicking around but -- -- -- It seems like they're floating balloons and a little bit you know they're starting to kind of put the test and -- -- would happen. -- -- -- -- -- In the only -- -- Here I am not advocating violence for an animal. But actually FaceBook is is helpfully -- doing what the government would like to do. Drill bit -- improvements and and you know Adam let advertisers advertise against -- and and people do that on their own and it -- haven't been there. So FaceBook is. It's not exact. -- bringing back a beacon which was. Kind of there initiative when they had all your user activity on FaceBook. Then how -- mean advertisers essentially throw ads directly in your feeds based on your activity without you opting in or knowing about it. The -- in kind of a sheet of -- you can kind of say -- where now on advertisements will show on the sidebar. Based on some of your post now that the thing about this is it's not gonna be. Like target advertising just because he -- -- be like. -- Well it's the difference about it is that like if you did a post like I went to Starbucks which will normally show on your feed -- this time -- show on the right hand column on the -- sponsored ad which. Isn't nearly as entries of is taking like all your behavior and how you act and how you interact and then just throwing every -- -- It would like post -- in your feet. It's all about the Nike shoes. You know the old man that was. That was -- -- held this at least is based on what you post yet but it's funny because it's almost like they've done is really clever and around by adding places. -- and the ability to light. Businesses and you know we don't get -- on this -- stuff we do all day everyday and -- normal as we constantly talk about products that we like we talk about your favorite restaurant. I mean it makes perfect sense that we would share this online and in fact there really isn't anything wrong with them. Kind of I mean what they're doing I was reading your feed yeah like the latest data sniffing your -- events -- against it. -- part -- know how well I put it part of it also is the fact that because we are in its infancy earlier in the stages of -- -- people were shall try to figure out. About the -- like how much information -- -- now I feel like a lot of people are so used to give being there information something like this this type of sponsored ad. Doesn't freak people out as much as it even might have. Two years ago right now beacon was a lot more intrusive but something like this now that we're condition of how much we are willing to volunteer to -- but if we wanted. Participate in places and -- This now we're we're conditioned to it a little -- episode area you -- it's not making as much of an -- they didn't. Really officially announce it to the public they put it through like let dad the little -- I got trade magazine right -- clever. They let and I they cannot meet here in a button but you know were more to sensitize the something like this doesn't -- The only thing that is problematic I think you know big time problematic about the let me remember Gmail have been reading your mail for years now and serving up ads against your email. In -- and back. When you really get right out and think about it. Deeply disturbed because that's your email like at least this is. You know stuff that you choose to post to a public of that though it may be the only potentially kind of sticky part -- -- you can -- And that's like -- In. Just one little out of -- core I definitely there. Currently can't utterly. There I can't fundamentally -- care more about Gmail remain. -- about that and that's. Aside as any regard condition to -- that whenever you can see that Apple has gotten. In lets you care about basement cell phone I'm interested in your interest and I am not damaged and bind him and I'm curious -- -- All -- for girls to. City AM 01 of financial daily of FaceBook is planning to launch its first cell phone we've had rumors and denials them. -- confirmation no confirmation -- -- HTC is viewed on -- The tie up with a social network at mobile world congress event in Barcelona according to sources. -- expect their product suite version of Google's Android operating system -- fees -- user messages they think having an integrated it with experience on the phone. With ATC's hardware which typically has been very good yeah. So it could be -- can hear mean HC. He produced apparently entered a design draft of the phone that has the blue and white color scheme from it and the official logo on the back thick and looks surprisingly in the lockout like a light -- well that's a good thing you don't paid iPhone and putting it on there. I mean and maybe they may be they make it -- white iPhone there life on -- before the white iPhone yeah they probably will now pink unicorn -- here. I don't know what FaceBook would get out of it necessarily but I think the idea of a very socially connected phone. You know that's that's kind of where oral headed that's what became a promising it can deliver because -- wasn't service that have been used but. Depending on what this phone game. Probably were displayed check in places crystals a lot of people want a dedicated FaceBook phone literally -- -- -- -- that app is good enough we wanna -- that we monies like having it just. Everywhere integrated I don't know I got -- for a lot of people -- -- -- FaceBook is the -- Internet and it is if if that's really enough for -- and -- -- hate to admit this. It I tracked app usage on my phone. If but it probably offer -- by part number one and it is the reason that I that I like I feel my phone in leopard -- And the and even -- it. And they needed anything I need to know it's. I think people are really that addicted to a Connecticut to integrate in the parliament Ali is that applicable that that that -- the opera. Like alive and if you. Just like. Italy Alitalia every time something is added -- news bureau is gonna get you you know there's -- -- -- -- -- zero in box users whenever they see that little bubble and a number me you like half protected. To generate of that yet if they just even did a little bubble just for your news -- -- got. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I predict that if they viewed it and its -- HTC hardware which you know it will be in -- and writer whenever I think it's going to be huge huge huge and it. Well there's 600 million Pete what do I know but -- like probably -- Whatever -- -- of the eleven million. Smartphone users -- the of them at a I don't know exactly until it was smart and -- but I'm thinking and having it in use okay okay huge. -- it also apparently tried to beef up security. They've introduced two new features first is that now all of your is a connections will be over HT TPS. So secure HTTP. They. Over Wi-Fi like without fire -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So that's. Useful if you don't mind the speed -- economy cool. I'm sure that it will be -- a selection of confusing perhaps the elderly and -- -- things are about to go into what accounts that let account options security. Privacy options yeah it's like come on now and no one -- -- actually techcrunch is that they -- an on off button. Like that there political and security on up -- in the corner and if -- on -- public networking and click on media and minimum HD TVS every time I just a design -- -- -- Italian -- consider that instead -- -- is a -- Buried in your -- They would they want to not checks and a spot that. Well yeah but that and -- in that case HD TVS should be on -- yet you know. The other thing that the plan on doing -- we knew we were time that I know they have they actually cold -- had -- tested out was source authentication where essentially takes one here he uses friends. And their faces with the face recognition for you to instead of just type in their regular -- -- actually. Name who that person is because of -- -- access your account they may know your they may figure -- your -- -- but. Do they know who your friends are and. That's an equal access for all those friends of public act cat -- their profile picture or their kid. When people do that you can't make anything that can actually not but it -- -- from the galaxy because this this little photo example shows three photos -- -- OK unless someone has all cat pictures. Which there are able to know you're gonna get a couple of ultimately you know that's not all it anybody -- -- -- weird without them yeah but people to do anything. I'm also bedeviled with Paramount -- -- there are 40449. Million Smartphone users worldwide tech fell. And all end up and most of them let's see -- let's say at least may be sixty parts of them are already using the FaceBook app I'd bet that the crossover between smart and users and FaceBook is almost 100 the background and it's like that yeah okay. I am I so I chose lower because of the lot alike Mamas and pompous and how Smartphones that don't even use like -- -- the potential that they have. Well -- the promise that so many of those people -- and -- that they're not in other Catholic I -- her -- yet and they're probably not -- unfortunately from a three to deepen it in its own that I immediately look at that same kind of drawing power Apple right. But in Canada India and -- -- back to FaceBook -- packet this is timely in its announcement of the security features because apparently Mark Zuckerberg. And paid aides went packed. Yet -- -- it doesn't even really I don't know would like this weird little status. -- have that kind of baffling like. If it but needs money instead of going to the bank -- -- -- but -- users invest in FaceBook and social way. -- -- transform is looking to social business the way Nobel Prize what it. Mohamed -- described it what do you think I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg wrote that I love how her cup libel law -- they have -- -- -- -- need that deal. I mean that on only those millions and millions of skewed -- the people yeah -- But yeah everyone reacted to people -- like. And freaked out again if the campaigns and it's probably -- -- economic and social engineering your note -- If HTTP in the deep. And. And if they made enough availability click read in the corners of digging in -- the settings definitely do that if and I mean there -- listening in February should be written thing. And cute and funny though we love we love it because we talk kindly about the all the time -- -- yeah but we would like a highly encourage you to meet at a button. And on that now we're gonna take it. Quick break when we come back we're gonna talk about Twitter and FaceBook be blocked in Egypt. And they've taken off its online. Welcome back to this TV -- -- buzz out everybody. Back to the stories they have -- big -- yeah. After blocking Twitter -- if you guys are familiar with what's -- in the news on their recently Tunisian demonstrations. Against corruption and like them but the police come over and over there are now in Egypt. They're using tools such as Twitter and FaceBook to organize in now with social networking these are huge -- -- for organizing people aren't that you have to be -- word of -- Even the fan page on which is called we are all college site and it it was. -- -- the fan pages start up by a young man who has alleged Lee. On tortured and that killed by police in Alexandria during -- their protest -- and they're gonna. I don't know how to get to me that I nobody the fact you know nine over there -- as a -- I'm not seen allegedly but it's you know discuss who actually knows yet but anyways the space but then if it is that it can -- some in around 90000. Followers are also there in -- participate in organized. And demonstrations in Egypt now so -- the country itself to kind of quality C visit other countries when things get hot. They're shutting down the social networking systems. Yet they were blocking Twitter as of yesterday in Egypt and Twitter had responded regulating apparently the return to figure out. What was actually happening they have now confirmed that in that yes Twitter does appear to be blocked in Egypt and FaceBook says we are also aware of reports of disruption. To our service but we haven't seen any major changes. In traffic from each of them but they there is they're planning to hurt -- dot org. Which is -- project -- the Berkman center for Internet and society at Harvard that offers insight into what users around the world are experiencing. In terms of -- accessibility it's public and more highbrow political version of down premiered. -- -- -- -- -- I now Wheeler at about a yeah I mean if we had -- it's not -- that is. Now it fill out there's -- someone. How Philadelphia's -- and anyway -- it if you're there I know we have I mean we have listeners all over the world with an email from Iran and -- it -- an agent let us know if you're if you're in -- Disruptions in service -- Right other service news apparently Google we -- speculated on this last week. It had appeared and then disappeared as -- this option but apparently now Google -- announced that you can in fact. Port your number your existing mobile number over to over to Google Voice any existing. Google Voice user can port and number this is sleek and it's pretty awesome although as they pointed out the last time we reported that. Be careful because when you port your number you're canceling your existing service the may end up incurring an early termination -- are you are -- well so are you also. Re setting your contract sometimes when you -- number over -- canceling. Definitely actually act -- when you -- your clothing your account. -- be -- like it sounds like a really neat fun cool thing you buy in on again it was closed in particular. Thoroughly and and just be aware that you are in fact canceling your cellphone service you're happy through light but you might -- -- try it out for awhile before you make the thing. But I am that they like I've -- I have my Google with him -- the ring of ultimate and and it's Phil handy. Handy because yes I have a land -- Yet the biggest thing about his if you wanna use the Google services a lot of people they hate like why do you wanna give your another second phone -- -- your friends -- people. Now it -- all consolidate into one numbers so. Yeah it's pretty nice yet. I it in other news IDC is reporting today are based on survey of -- who Allison when he 235. Application developers. That basically developer interest in Android is nearly equal. You developer interest in -- -- And that's on the cool and they say Google's nearly caught up to Apple's Smartphone popularity and is closing the gap in tablets. And we also on how many tablets are coming out at CES. New -- that weren't so the -- -- -- IOS now where where's the interest going for and it's you know Android and IOS right up there but. Next to each other it's really interesting what I was developed what I am IDC's that is that developers are pushing tablets. To the top of their priority list -- math -- pushing the increase in interest in Mandarin because those tablet apps. How probably the best potential to be money makers for developers as opposed -- apps on Android phones which so far mainly free. The marketplace is a little bit of a math and it's just hasn't been. As lucrative even though the consumer adoption -- -- so developers we're gonna follow consumer adoption anyway but then now the tablet Android tablet market in particular is about it. Yet numbers wise the survey when it was done in September 84% respondents said they were -- in developed for iPad and 62% for Android post CES. IPad interest rose just three points while Android jumped to 74%. Wow -- also Blackberry Playbook in webos tablets 20% and 16% respectively -- -- Noll an opening theme for and toward 28% for Blackberry look -- beta early show off a webos tablet and threw itself city -- -- -- and -- I you know like me and ask them again after a very nice I hope so. I don't -- local -- and are now I just think that OS that's that's great talent battle with a little less that that is an imprint my heart. Technologist quickly also among mobile phone platforms iPhone -- at 92% of developers and we're -- it however entry interest rose. Five points to 87% so that I mean we're -- pretty much. You've unlocked them so. And what one -- interesting refrain that was after iphones the developers also and so after your iPhone which is the given -- -- -- -- go Android. Or iPad. Which is interesting because they say that upscaling apps for iPad you'd think would be conceptually easier than learning to Android but they're saying if you want pure market share. And design reuse -- go -- -- home very marriage thing. -- -- and showing some love to the windows phone seven lovers -- due to their better than expected on. Drove up -- developer interest by eight points the 36% actually that is very strong and popular interest that's -- after 38%. You know compared dilemma that sixteen in and Blackberry. You -- bucket when you present -- Symbian 12%. Understand he went out -- out like a punch in the operational. I haven't exposed -- -- that I old throwing your face. Why it took an eight out maybe a hundred went through them alright now knowing someone's -- too tasty cakes in the -- Carefully say there okay is amber and myself does not like the in the patent. I like it those letters are bright note in other quick hits inhibit the. Threats and always a dead and marry -- in the shoulder reading and in the they let them the only like a little sad. -- because I'm going to open and exposed the treatments Nacional glasses come -- now. He could get the show it didn't get to the show don't blame him blame me I -- picture -- and aliens hadn't met the enemy can now -- funny -- -- going to be out of town the next. The guys have a great show -- mean more people my lesson you know the right it's -- -- Verizon's iPhone hotspots that costs. Forty dollars a month this is in line with what Verizon has been doing with their other data plans and using the mobile hot spot -- so. I know some people like I love them -- lots but. A unit between -- wickedly -- the game before and every other content for the pricing is in the same as the tethering them options on Android phones on Verizon. Also Verizon's iPhone voice plans will start at 3999. Which is. In line with existing Verizon aren't yet and we talked about a limited data initially. And also grandfathered in if you wanna go over to the iPhone side Verizon but they're gonna stop that armed on the road and say when but probably than a month so -- Though you know nothing you don't get any special break from the app on your often interpreted in more than anybody special break is that it's on Verizon. It doesn't break in the part where it makes them -- cockpit. That -- allowed for free hey are you serious. -- and yet one thing well but they don't think it may all of a -- -- Youth. Did I looks like release dates have come out for it -- of all those tablets -- LGG slate. The Dell streak five and a vibrant forgy which is from Samsung. And those are some other phones but. Team unused T-Mobile news has been released it and of the street. Seven tablet coming up -- -- second T mobile's first four G tablet. If you're looking for Mac and I think the Motorola -- actually January 19 I get treatment. The galaxy S forgy. Which is the one -- -- -- -- they -- holding back -- rodeo update is coming out on February 23 and in the -- late. With Google tablet -- T mobile's first four G tablet with -- honeycomb money. March 20 there do you -- those sub economical man and that's I like it I'll have a tablet they thought the ads are starting to drop surprisingly -- Also you guys -- indicators of how -- the Mac App Store is pixel later when their apps has grossed a gigantic. One million dollars in rule twenty days into the -- like a photo editing type program. A home that's. That's pretty cool attitude that's that's a lot in twenty days -- thinks that the store opened so on the apps have a chance to succeed on their. Yet speaking -- making money Twitter has begun testing a self serve ad platform with advertisers and agencies that it plans. To roll out in the first half of this year media opposed dot com had a look at it in and said so basically advertisers who participate in the program have to commit to three months. And then that you can create two types of campaigns promoted tweets which. You know you know -- -- -- -- promoted Sweden and then promoted accounts which are supposed to increase the number of followers for a given account. Those basing and using a similar to Google -- words Microsoft -- senator. The advertiser who want to jump in as and her name and a date anti drug campaign and it's gonna look for the interest you basically bid on keywords and -- not. -- -- -- I wonder who's coming to even be bidding on just the beaver. I mean you may be a total random company but you've been on beaver -- -- beaver -- -- The exact. The B were not yet -- -- gadget was that was. Speaking of -- -- -- tablets. A mobile. It and now it is like -- -- from the Netherlands and even notice that. It looks like it -- is that it isn't from Kenya are to bomb -- time that. Has the first -- a get that's not the lead but it is film and a few letters with that lined the room. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That's rights ACC hot hardware if I'm actually creating interest and fewer than they do in a tablet seven inch tablet -- resolution 1024 by 600. Uneasiness Qualcomm snap dragon processor. At three G connectivity would go super three GH FDA oh well some people like called -- and whatever that might be forging and other you know depending on the back. Exactly his -- It'll have an HDMI connection a front facing camera and then a five megapixel camera on the back -- pretty much the basic. Tablet specs that we've been seeing the primary camera -- LED flash and these Americans and the thing and then it'll come with a preinstalled version of Skype to handle video. Cool and we'll be looking for that one. Also you guys -- waiting for the announcement by a way Mino from what Sony's gonna be doing tomorrow. And it's gonna kind of happen over night time for us here in the West Coast and some of -- these goes but. It's pretty much already been shown off what they're gonna be doing here Sony Ericsson's X period play their PlayStation phone. Was essentially. Given the -- hands on -- look over touch my body by engadget. A six minute video like I don't even need to see the press conference. I wouldn't change the name of our birth the media's detachment -- hopeful -- -- today and -- today the CNET TV playlist we haven't touched my body doesn't anything and that's. How does this because I -- that is viewers. And that's my body -- so what all is that we're gonna have tap that app in touch my body butter we're really going in the right direction right last week's cnet.com. Okay. Hardware. And hardware. Or inch screen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Gingerbread. Via Android gingerbread. And it's kind of -- it might be -- -- -- Indian team where it's got some interesting widget. And stuff on the home -- that got some problems with and the the -- But it sounds like it's still an early prototype unit yet they were running like then. Later -- -- at least try some like PS. I think. But they PS -- PSP games like camera but it's you know. Software that's hackable and then also like Sony and Nintendo DS games on it but it's I still like eighty I'm not gonna buy this thing but I love the idea of like -- actually did gaming console and with a phone. Well there's there's a market for that. I think it really depends on how the control Africa I can -- -- then. -- It's nice it's very PSP go wish it is his ego -- -- -- I and I think it is long past time for our happy. -- would have details on that we can totally. A leading lady got valuable -- you -- I started the trend started the trend of the the assumption that. Creative artistic types can also make some business decisions like. Classes that he -- -- the guy -- glasses you know I gotta do the hands on with those they went let's bring cameras but they're totally lame really like -- these stunner shades. It and the thing about it is they have two screens but the screens are set right below your eyes. So it's like you're wearing glasses with screens and on it takes pictures but but that's things like right here. Who wants that's weird but the heads down display. -- -- And it is a little or no Lorraine and I thought well I am treated yesterday and impact at this but it's very in the -- of lunatic that's continue. He has just become the director of creative innovation. For Intel. Now I'm gonna talk to Intel right now -- and innovation okay innovation -- sandy bridge processors what he's gonna put like a cool tattoo logo on it. You got a got to take that the image from that -- -- -- -- -- -- him its magazine. -- from him out of you know president kind of announcing it was January and they've got a public release -- and continued on up let's create delegates to be at the -- is bad. Doesn't create a look at both his suit that it has a -- -- -- creative innovation -- narrative animation. -- the position was created with Intel's initiative to connecting more devices the Internet and exploring the ways that these devices are used by an impact consumers especially. The visual aspect. Will I am work may involve working these relationships as well as working with laptops and tablet and it will good for him because he is also and this is where -- -- and. Began developing music specifically and -- And. -- there if there up. Analysts Intel's downloads and a lot of covers from the eighties and I'm just -- Lebanon's who now I'm -- -- and I don't do you don't you don't do that. I've had the time of my life they killed that song David H yeah -- you heard it cool. The Black Eyed Peas song you know I've had the time I like 89 yes yes yes the press and even though you guys over there are no come -- line. Note the president -- -- -- the biggest talent and of all the time like greatly if you are having a birthday party apartment -- does more than four people in a Starbucks line a black cat union itself has. But there and everywhere -- -- -- -- three Q what you guys have to think now. Yesterday a confessed that IA but the Sony dash I actually got -- tweets. -- -- -- -- You know use that you don't that you -- the old one and only people -- -- -- -- as -- Sony's sales -- I can tell you that's true. -- All that our good friend yelled come on I'm not it was a reason me hi my name is -- and I'm technology. Mali to -- it feeling that is simply capture -- our house the -- it was released. So. If you have a problem you can multiply it by a lot that means we have almost every gadget and command -- -- of interest to me usually. On the day it's released arrived at our. But -- set aside from the -- speakers and the unfortunate lack of new apps since its release. I've actually electrical industry next prominent and adding email and all of that other information first thing -- Mexico. -- -- -- The are I don't know if that doesn't insisted that -- you know you've had it for a little bit. And that effort needed. -- impressions you probably know how you feel about -- a few days to be -- I am pickle. I mean the biggest problems with the -- are that it's. -- -- Yet as it's as slow as it was an effort demos yes now the prototype and -- had you know software updates and spent like via the touch screen is pretty terrible. And then the device itself is slow and so all of those things like it's cool finally I get to go on line. Adult apps and configure them and many of you -- some of them on the dash for many Americans that screams of bad. Think -- like an hour getting this thing all configured in creating my channel which I know. That's -- now I -- all -- channel it's not polish. -- -- So every time it -- the inbox widget yeah it -- All the mail. Now I have anywhere between 101100. Million email messages and every year inbox -- perhaps a hundred million that's alive out -- probably yeah he'll play it at. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It could take me like thirty minutes to get to the traffic which. It's just like. That's. And on the most accurate traffic information thirty minutes is okay for me. I -- and thrown through you've been that bad touch screen but -- -- able to mean. It's -- and you can't scroll. Usually don't like this a lot -- -- -- -- -- I don't think -- enemy and don't think that that's -- enemy because you know. Now I am now I am accustomed to a good touch screen and a -- like. I mean you're right I can just scaffolding case format patents that it by the then you mean like this one then from both me. There -- spots very. But they said -- Yeah I don't mean luckily Amazon -- Robert -- that does have -- return policy and -- -- -- the deficit another they're Cuba I don't I just don't think it's not like the feeling modern technology and and other problem is that it's such a dud. That Nolan developing parts like opening up there's no new apps since -- -- there's never -- -- be easy -- A new app and there's never gonna be so there's never gonna be any hope of improvement yeah that's the problem isn't dependent -- And -- and -- -- the national let's silently they didn't pandering to be sweet. You know the -- is working on something like that a year ago but the -- bring it -- -- here. I really do think that the personal Internet viewer thing has potential I think you know we thought why does -- -- here on it and I actually. It is right here on my stand prominent McCain Mac penalty that's -- you have one but your kid dominate your personal Internet viewer. You take back your life it's his iPad did. A priority he gave him by now that we're and a -- the -- -- -- you -- -- -- anyway I don't know I don't know -- Thumbs down thumbs up those metal tone down on that doubles down on data caps do we got a lot of feedback about the Internet and I'm gonna come -- -- yeah we're part of the problem. Austrian percent of public city talk about data capture Akamai yesterday at just wanna point out forty acres people. You know that really look hard at their data and -- the agency's the six megabyte -- -- -- -- -- -- that just downloading buzz out loud it in the about a -- one point -- -- Hermann. Attempt to teach our -- -- -- every month so. For yourself or cute if he is remember that app -- but not -- -- the I slow maybe we should make the show and that she -- like Batman. It says I -- -- The video I guess that's the giant we have heard that a lot over the years they were able definitely think -- I stream I either stream or download buzz out loud and the public more than enough to -- Hold -- trapped I appreciate that you're willing to pay for that and the longer we talked -- -- cost you. What it would stage which -- like the world's longest show after. This -- -- sluggish however did we get 1394. Episodes indeterminate can you imagine how much we've got people over the years to open them. The fact we think I -- comet -- -- -- statements. And re contents of. -- contest free yep there's no that's been the Jordan from Toronto resident says after he talked about fact every two thirds of Americans lack being scientifically literate. I did some research -- Canada and I was shocked with the answer. Less then a third of Canadians approximately 20%. Are considered scientifically literate and able to carry on a conversation about trending science. Although I -- anything science related won't be turning much longer -- about 80% of us can't understand it and so I guess nothing more -- So I really like benefits they -- that sadness and you know him I missed a payment for goodness. I guess we'll have more of a North American problem -- -- educate -- systems really are going to continental updated from. Absolutely awful and other responses to our little education that are tops. Molly at times and it I loved -- -- on education episode thirteen angry I recently read some disturbing information. About college the researcher more than 2300 under grads found 45% as it should no significant improvement in the key measures of critical thinking complex reasoning and writing by the end of their sophomore years. Overall the -- -- a -- much over four years after four years 36 -- -- -- did not demonstrate. Significant improvement. Out love the show. -- -- If -- like if you don't get a good education in the lower grades and never gonna do any better. At college doesn't help. You know dime me to be honest the reason the way that called Tellme is just I got an -- her internship that's how I got into the industry but it without it I don't. I'm not saying don't go to college because you should look like you might learn something else -- likely it'll have an art marketers and are not that I did. But if you haven't already -- critical thinking complex reasoning writing home which hopefully you have apologizing and help it and that's why you know that's one likely stay on computers saying -- your your most creative now -- -- -- -- -- -- -- might teach you more book learning. But you have -- The thing is like black candidate John F protect -- you have Internet wolf from alpha the Google from out on your phone -- in it but see here the only thing that is like. -- -- in that equation is like human -- I think as I can tell you from college that you learn. About you know at that -- you like you know I mean like. Girls birds and the -- not but I'm saying inventing it and it's not the market not comment significantly different from college. She just sell them without the market to our neighborhood -- all yeah I thought any idea hipster dot com yeah you know company I mean -- island on need to know -- -- of -- -- -- of. While old. Wallow I'm making this. -- -- And you guys get a lot of young hipster bringing together at its brightness. DJ Fremont California right thing that Jennifer -- question my vision for an iPhone four. Okay again AT&T customers not -- -- -- now because the act on by the coming. But I've been a Verizon customer for many years and I'm a Mac and sick of carrying an iPod Touch and the cell phone. The iPhone four has been tested the network for eight months and it probably gonna be -- pretty solid on the iPhone five is not guaranteed to be on Verizon. -- -- is not everywhere and a new technology to both Apple and Verizon. Why not get an iPhone four on Verizon now and then in twenty to 24 months. Look for the iPhone fix that should be a silent on Amazon -- -- report. DJ -- -- do what you do. We are just looking out for you because. It just depends on what you later -- to be able to view but absolutely -- -- just one iPhone. Then. That is a really good point that the iPhone five is probably gonna be a stop gap between a true -- -- -- and so yeah that -- that is. That is very good critical thinking and complex reasoning you aren't in that 40% to regulation there's hardly any patents really. You did not write up from his phone that's for child and you just don't complain in four months. Yet but I think I'm looking out for -- informants when your handler announcement iPhone five up. When asked -- the thickness but I will say that valid license well reasoned well reasoned all right here we go this is a Twitter and FaceBook account. Counting down the remaining I PV four addresses we talked about yesterday about -- going away quick. Via an impact their latest from or hours ago it that the number of -- capable IPV -- to drop below 29 million -- it was -- nearly thirty million and that a six hour before and after six hours it drops about a million. Outs. We have 24 and fifth -- and it would Erekat called are getting -- programs that are spread. -- -- -- -- Open up the email us and tell what's going to happen when it runs out to battle -- -- alike have never been able to get a handle on and media can Google I would just assume no new website will be able to be created so we just will be able to get access -- those cool new things. -- -- -- Rob residents had ten days and days and -- -- on I I if its six -- if it's. The when I mean at the same time you've got people registering the stupidest names for sites. Like. I don't know the chat room is like cats and dogs getting along the end of days. The onion news becomes real like it in electrical but I -- it how about a -- new contests yeah -- Something and CNET thicker. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- who left on a huge role -- CNET stickers that yes the -- The little and but when I think you'd -- has at least -- cool -- that's one of the coveted big ones that it. And then like. -- Tony little and okay we'll -- with -- sticker if you come up with the funniest thing that's going to happen when I PV four. I guess -- trying to -- I can post them on our blog -- although he did not come you can call us with them which I highly -- when and it's excellent 6638. And email -- at cnet.com what do you think is going to happen. When I -- -- -- the -- It and we're now looking for serious answers because you're going to lose a lot actually want one here -- Well what answer up like really this is what might actually about it I'll Google I'll I'll take the hand -- -- -- -- And then we will will -- -- -- -- But.

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