Ep. 1363: Break the touch barrier
Ep. 1363: Break the touch barrier

Ep. 1363: Break the touch barrier

Today it's Friday December 3 -- 2010 and -- themselves. -- all their friends I'm Brian's. I am Molly Wood and welcome about in a podcast of indeterminate length. -- episode 1363. And golly miss Molly which feels like a really good time that -- as the person that's over painless. -- line fabulous news -- Have -- I urgently need the live we have a little something in our chat -- mama I chatroom mama -- You got us in the best to keep it that it hit yet it never watched the ship that. At cnet.com plus live I encourage you to join us indictment in the chat just one day -- -- -- like -- think a little while work. The you can see the magic that is our live chat room which is off them and the magic of our -- -- -- -- who is really like at this show -- in her capacity it. Amazing so it tells you when the show designed to -- and detect and decode -- begin immediately and that the little unity and I and a -- -- shows coming up -- hundreds of Atlantic Amara you know that well yeah you know enough not to mention she's actually pretty. And she's the perfect. And you hear the announcement that that that you like the medium accurately. In case -- It's also continuing have a little -- coming your way so if you don't get it you need to tell us but. We like to take care of you because you take care of the earth. Think you think you ramping up -- Ebert that Britain icon that -- -- -- -- -- And it went insulin in a continent as beautiful suite is just urge -- if the. Right now at the -- is now BT rudeness. I'll poverty with the united but I did not do that. BT -- he needed. Water. -- have been all. About Canada haven't done about it. And I knew it our let's get -- -- -- okay cell Wiki leaks follow up I got -- day at certain about me down. Sort of -- Billick with a wickedly thing is turning into a free speech issue after all of the latest reports are that senator Joe Lieberman. Who is just on a rampage about this whole thing. Pressured Amazon to take down Wiki leaks to drop the hosting contract Amazon's actually denying that. But there is a blog called tableau software they do visualization. Of things and on the web and they did and -- -- of what was in. The Wiki leaks cable they put up a post that said. We were in fact asked by Joe Lieberman and the department of -- -- -- to take down these visualization so we did. And then and then it since then Joe Lieberman has now introduced anti Wiki leaks legislation that would make it a federal crime to publish the name. Of a US intelligence source. That's involved in any of these deliberations. A lot of that all cables our showcase or revealed. -- named the political leaders that -- It in -- leaders that there were involved in and they did apparently we can we did retract them or redact some names and they were also were planning on releasing more documents that they were still -- -- To remove names -- would. The because the information -- to classified or to import that they didn't want to detect those people or basically exploit oust them -- public. But -- if this is the part where it's starting to become it's one of those things where you know. You may or may not approve of what we can lead with Unix did and I think that it was in -- unnecessary. An extreme what they released however. No one has been accused of a crime. At a not even accused of a crime much less convicted of a crime in the back -- -- US -- a US senator. Is throwing its weight around to -- -- and and getting web companies -- censor themselves. Is extremely disturbing in anybody's hosted on -- an Amazon I think. Now has some cause for concern and it's just not. I think that passing laws that further restrict free speech in terms of naming US intelligence sources or whatever -- have really far reaching. Effect on legitimate journalism certainly get a little words and -- spot. And also when you say it's a free speech -- some of that the data -- visualization right -- broke down the different regions or areas that the cables came from. You could -- actually -- and treated the same data fizzles visualization based off of the publicly released with -- and post them anywhere. Joe Lieberman sought out tableau software and told to take it down but anyone could have put that together -- anyone -- based -- -- -- -- -- -- So for him to try and -- alarm them via. And -- take it out and they re and and they obliged then it. And that's what's interesting is that and the response and their comments has been pretty negative people are not in favor of their decision to take down the information in -- saying let the says. You know you're you're saying that you it was your fair use or your terms of service in terms of use on the site. Rules and you -- you -- to this pressure because of that but. They're basically saying. That the commentators are saying -- you heard one politician grandstanding and you came immediately -- and that is definitely disturbing Amazon has since released a statement that we give that. The supposition that Lieberman had pressured Amazon to take on their site was just being repeated -- fact and then all of a sudden Amazon put out a statement a statement that said. That there were reports that this government inquiry prompted them not -- -- sitting on anything that's inaccurate. They said they were also reports that it was prompted by -- -- DD OS attacks that too is an accurate. And then they said basically that it was in terms of. Their -- are all video. Which. -- -- -- Apparently no one other issue that would -- is also facing is that they're trying to find a home online Newton. After the US company every DNS dot net. -- it withdrew their domain name in -- -- because they also host other domain names. They said they were getting hit so hard that was affecting the service that potentially to -- other 500000 customers still Wiki leaks is now. Trying to find a place to live they I think they try to start up. On the at in that went in Sweden -- utterly -- pirate mania was domain Wiki leaks that CH. But they're trying to find a place -- still live now -- and everyone's -- of Tennessee away from them like a -- -- Via it is pretty interesting people have press and but everyone is saying that pressure appears to have been applied to close the Wiki leaks domain name. And I I hate it I hate I hate to be in this position but I think now it is starting to become. The -- of relatively serious repeat concern -- in the back is like the cannot. But this is what happens at that speech happens -- you -- -- chase people off line. And it is pretty -- I think that that the response and we actually had a comment to that effect yesterday. That said like the government response is getting is the most disturbing part and it is in rapidly becoming an even more disturbing -- Like the intimidation the pressure and the potential laws like the laws are just gonna. Have you know they're gonna have a host of unintended consequences no pun intended that are just added that. It's a -- -- it didn't had a crazy out there. And is again the Wiki -- all out -- We can -- -- thinking. -- from the Wiki leaks phone that actually when we come back Google planning stronger copyright protection and why you're gonna honey get the big LP plan. Molly Wood and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help -- that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift giver as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact when he. Send us an email right now holiday helped -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right right. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash live. Welcome back about -- everybody Google is planning -- stronger copyright protections. On the kind of -- about portable point of how they're gonna change how they deal with copyright policy now this is -- in steam because. When nick if you think about they acquired YouTube -- -- was one of probably the largest copyright offenders at the time. And now they are YouTube itself you know has definitely worked with the -- to deal with. But is it when people request to take down content that they act on it -- Google's because of helpings of a bald. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So one of them. Is -- gonna acts. With in 24 hours to take down or for copyright takedown request the lock times than has been a little longer -- -- gonna make it easy. To -- so basically the rights holders studios. The content provider content creators. There also gonna prevent terms that are specifically with. Remain piracy terms from showing up in the search bar auto completes a lot times. When something is hot or popular if you type in that what will notice that some like. Maybe if you're -- type an avatar it won't show up like -- avatar BitTorrent or avatar -- or even like that life or yeah yeah yeah and liked it -- They're also they also -- I don't know how this is -- be -- implemented but they can improve their AdSense. Antipiracy. Review. On to prevent web pages that provide it -- materials. I don't know if that someone is that based on user requests. Telling them or the companies are saying you know the stuff has all these Gucci bags and leave the time. They're not gonna show up in their in their ad -- an alternate try an experiment to make authorized PV content more readily accessible search results. So if you're looking for an MP3 for example you could get an -- previous MP3 or legit content -- Via -- it's -- like they'll be using idioms he takedown procedures that they'll be using the same procedure but they'll be trying to be faster and more responsive about it it's interesting timing because of course that happens as Google is trying really hard to. Make deals with being rights holders -- things like Google TV and even as they're building -- YouTube and in a building out YouTube into much more of kind of a lean back experience looked like a lot more TV in them movie content so it's sort of like. This feels like at an Overture kind of -- an olive branch if you will have the rights holders of but -- It's interesting because they have been in spite personalized mean I think that the Google Viacom one billion dollar lawsuit might still be going on. And it's I wonder if that -- -- are gonna say. You know where were you three years ago the players capital or hair now -- -- the -- -- -- -- but I -- that -- -- -- before. But also we've seen in this in the past few weeks the DMC is coming out strong recently. And so this is -- scanner. -- to help the relationship out and Google does want I ideally you'd think as you've seen YouTube of all they're trying to make it more of -- legitimate platform. For content delivery. I -- I made out of exit the -- like the domain -- -- and and didn't like what we talked about if the government decides that it has the right to take and domains that. May or may not be pointing to use pirated content. That definitely includes Google and I think that that I think that 82. -- -- -- -- -- Government was probably is having a chilling effect -- if it's starting to worry people. And companies like Google or our Phil McKinney to start making noise about being in compliance with me because let's be honest we're setting up a little bit and back and intellectual property please state around here. If it. Is that it in my opinion -- it in your humble opinion. Verizon has announced it will offer -- no contract LTE rate plan options in addition to the post paid LT pricing insisting. It'll cost the same as the post paid offering like they'll still be fifty dollars month for five gigs of data or eighty dollars a month pretending that data. They're just won't mean a contract and -- the devices will be and subsequent. Yet it and like we said yesterday the only to the vice they have will be like modems that the LG PL 600 little modem cards and the -- -- -- -- So if you. -- -- The thing about it is okay so PC magazine kind of did a little story of how effective in. -- well performing in that LT network is as they did some tests and essentially. Because. It's so good you could potentially blow through your monthly data cap. -- thirty few minutes. As though they were able to get max out at point one megabit per second. If you're downloading by -- that speed it would take you 32 minutes -- arm clearly the network. Is performing great but these plans that they have in place are really gonna try and prevent. Users from saint you know what I'm gonna cut all the cables at home the you know that day obviously -- -- All they are tailoring it so that. You know the mobile users gonna use that but they can't they can't use it as a replacement. And I think definitely that the rate let's be honest the caps are way too -- like five gigs. Four of for a network that is -- fast isn't a good solid people your laptops and my -- I mean it's really. It makes there I mean obviously they have to have some caps in place and as more people get on these LT networks that still small they're -- be. A little overwhelmed any probably united we -- -- those speed. Forever as in -- a lot of people's -- to get on their belt like it is interesting that they have. Basically you know 21 century speeds with -- 1990s. And in November at their data amount -- -- upgraded everything except there except there actual plan -- -- Yeah -- did at the same time they also it would be at. Let's say it would be bad for them is if carelessly with an all -- -- -- -- and every one swarmed onto it and the network came out to a crawl. That would be bad for them so you they also -- out anyway I mean I don't noble I don't. Because it. It -- just. -- -- -- still -- with portrayal and even ended in iChat it was named you know that can keep an iPod from clogging the wireless. Data -- if you use data you weren't -- consumer of the technology that is available T -- streaming media. He downloading podcasts you're getting your email link you you up with technological device. That allows you to do you all of this great stuff right like the live in the future. With all of the the tools at your disposal and that if you actually make use of those who -- and it and become part of the technological revolution. Then these why -- these -- Network builders like your beacon well I don't need -- I would agree it would be -- Part of -- I am part I believe I did I -- for. Okay I get my but I think there are definitely people that are more -- data -- -- than others you not be a jerk like what I don't understand of -- You're you're yes you are in -- -- easiest well -- like all data hogs pay for it then. They're doing is fine but like you've got to it have to be reasonably priced and realistic like if you're offering a four -- wireless network that. Enables. More data consumption and then you can't be like and by the way it's fifty dollars. For a pathetic five gigs of data which I know perfectly well you're gonna use and 32 -- it. Now the project well they they did leave it open that had. Data pricing and plans could evolve over time and they probably the Albanian nation prior art of all pretty -- -- also in the cold rolled Android gingerbread U I gets exposed this is actually released before. The Thanksgiving break but -- literally cut jumped on this over at China's website they have it showcase in a live movie and video. Of the new interface on the of for Google in gingerbread 2.3. There's also teach us a lot cleaner a lot oh that's I think that's about the oh you know it I think got this -- is it if -- little further deliberate. There -- give further -- -- about like the one minute. There you go up like a lot of the -- like the iPhone interface amazing -- -- but he if -- look at the pictures in the show notes. -- -- -- The animations and also that the interface is a lot cleaner rounded edges -- smoother it doesn't look -- like a ninety's windows this. -- the seven inch -- On and -- without the skins -- sometimes that really. -- -- -- And -- chunky as -- that -- battles a billion billion effect. For the first time we now know the name or at least the FBI believes. They have targeted the man who is behind mega. 13 of all the spam in the world. -- -- convicted spammers. Leaked his name to investigators. He paid 23 year old from Moscow named or leg -- -- -- idea anybody the first all that last name is probably. Or if he was here in the US I'd be able to figure out enabling link though it's the not too many nickel in. And an I don't know how continental in the going though. But is apparently the first person to be named in conjunction with campers and creation of -- to be okay this is what's crazy FBI and investigators. Connect the collecting its financial records so these are nearly 500000. Dollars over a period of six months via. Just running the spam -- our luggage disguised killer that's crazy its funny alien like of the richest person in the world. And he is the reason they got responsible for all the fake Rolex and Viagra -- yet. Clearly -- him my general writers they didn't think -- if the gyro to help. -- that you placebo. A look at a work in pretty good for me and. No no and it -- -- -- Sifting -- PR IS senator Ted and. Nine good story of the -- post about Netflix -- they report is making an aggressive play for in season episodes of hit TV shows. -- -- Hello but they're they're willing to pay the company is apparently in talks with -- -- access to those current episodes of primetime shows and is willing to pay between 70000. And a 100000. Dollars per -- in her. Episode though this is really interesting because a case they recently. Won a deal with NBC to stream Saturday -- -- that night after and this has always been. I've always wondered will Netflix make the jump to try and get content immediately like Hulu right now. As a -- but then everyone so mad about whose model and it's so frustrating. And of Netflix really -- in this mean they could potentially. Be -- Hulu killer if -- financially committed to doing this and you know they don't. Look they even just targeted like the hottest shows initially just to get people into it can -- be all right they don't have to get the entire you know all the TV shows yet. But wow and they -- they're not gonna be that the NBC -- full moon will also but Saturday -- is NBC and you're -- will block the deal. Through its own little wanna -- everybody is cooled and toward Hulu and Hulu barely has that -- the prime time shows. At that that the same time -- hasn't you know just for five of them. And they're short term and if if and I think they've just been negotiating various rights agreement and if Netflix is just gonna wait and they unilaterally. We got a ton of money. And we're willing to throw them around like we are willing to actually due to invest in the user base that we've built exactly -- -- and a novel the -- and also get some -- like a ridiculous amount of cold hard cash that's interesting yet. I mean Netflix -- As far as I'm concerned Netflix right now doing everything right in the sense that they are really. Finding a way to become your streaming home even if you haven't bottom that way -- -- -- it's not free but. People have already been willing to pay for and they are -- it's not like Hulu which was green wants to charge that the very it's an interesting approach that's all -- Unconfirmed. But did she did she. -- -- dish out some quick hits he said. Samsung -- the top spot in US Android phones from Motorola. So the company sponsor for 32 point 1% of all Android phones sold and that surpassed our friends of Motorola now with the -- This kind of makes sense to me just because Samsung's galaxy S line and all of their -- of the general they have -- -- in the Motorola -- was really like championed by the Droid. All we can only help Verizon alive. Samsung on every carrier. And the -- are pretty much only -- residents I think it is similar with the iPhone like their you know the hundred that market -- and explode I think they were on marketers. Living social has confirmed that Amazon invested a 175. Million dollars and it living social. Is basically. Similar in some ways to group -- right it's like a local shopping service. And it am teams did suggest more more than everybody is trying to get into that local shopping and and coupons. Space. I think there is report somewhere that said. Group on. Makes -- like 79% of that market -- -- social like 8% 8% in but. But they were like second place and that's why Amazon to suspend 135 million dollars and analyze and think billion dollars since the gap. EBay is also getting in this buying Milo dot com for semi by -- the local shopping site Milo. Search engines let's find out what's like in sought after local stores and eBay tended to be a lot more localized which is the direction there are things going out there -- All politics is local bands and then. Good news from the -- world today and the Xbox minding trial that we talked about yesterday which was. Flimsy at best and terrifying at worst has been tossed out of -- court the prosecutors have dismiss the indictment. Mainly because it look like let's see all the witnesses were totally sketchy. And that case was thinner than it. Walpole and that is that you are okay and that's often develop going to be terror and equipment and -- came -- it hooked it. -- carriers are also finally -- in -- subsidized I pads we talked about that mean you few weeks ago but they're here now with two year contract so. The iPad now -- subsidize internationally also of Japan recently started the released the first subsidized iPad so. It's committed I -- fanatics -- CNET here in the second gen. I wonder rapidly with the there was -- the same thing whether -- second gen is gonna come ready to say that I would think people got to get home. I thought hey there how there happened -- you know with an on time the other and the client that's a -- yesterday let's let's talk about content. There have been bubbling reports that there might be a little bit of a death -- issue with the HT CHD seven which is like -- and their flagship phones. And apparently it's gotten widespread enough that HTC. Issued a response. And they basically said. It is inevitable they actually this is a direct quote it is inevitable that a phone signal strength will weaken a little when covered in its entirety by a user's palm or fingers. We test all of -- from the sensibly and are confident that under normal circumstances reception strength and performance we more than sufficient for the -- -- -- -- network coverage is also adequate. Very similar to an Apple the same time which is basically like. -- -- -- -- So there's no right -- -- -- those ACC gonna do their own smear campaign against five other phone manufactures showing that a weak spot on their phones I don't think so. I don't think so. I doubt it now now I don't I don't think that I was they did test does but they do you have just is that I. Actually it almost anybody could -- be a community -- do that. But yet there's no it at least and they're holding you're trying they -- then there may -- -- And in -- holy crap dot com. We love the connect. Off I -- knew that every week we showcase new connect tag as it's freaking ridiculous Symantec hacks are not that we connect -- -- maybe. -- -- -- -- make round but I'm not technically is. Advancement GAT remember -- okay so optical camouflage with connect -- -- this is sweet check out the video clip of you guys have a -- essentially the camera. Maps or takes an image of your room but because the contract your body with all those little green dot and everything it gives you dislike for editor -- the and -- -- I G. Well only limited to the predator Leo it's become it's so what's gonna happen here is the predator concerns of people -- -- -- -- -- it's really like amazing your watch it blasts. Fall if you're listening to it. A witness warrants it distorts the room in its delicate through glass or water. If you believe I don't know that shows that -- Hope your dream you dream you're agreed -- shows but yet and it packs are uneasy. This -- is making -- live are. Can you imagine likely implemented dynamic -- get. This into a game like. You play a predator game an adults and I don't -- -- go to hell yeah like you like that you need here and -- likely to Arnold clinical. The halo has dual -- again did you you can only go into actual OpenId you're playing halo with a -- system this is grid. This like double rainbow protectors. Prevent -- like don't pick -- a little. -- -- -- -- -- -- I. We'll have only called -- and my. -- -- And they think okay. Thank. Goodness -- Its price. Yeah. News. It's -- of the world's hottest chili -- not in fact Brian Tong and. The -- well I think you let the world. Hit the world's hottest chili pepper has been officially recognized after Israeli ground hilariously enough -- -- snow covered greenhouse the northwestern England. While -- its Ohio we'll kill you. His god now with his -- have hyper -- up piper that's what it's called rates -- -- -- 1359000. Scope the scale I don't know what that is but it measures -- by the presence of the chemical compound cap isn't yet. The most popular Chile by comparison how opinion -- 2500. To -- the -- and this. Raid one million and that 359000. I don't think you wanna test that -- -- another -- -- I don't even think you can touch it. It's painful to eat it in concert told that -- all the way down -- that lasted an -- and you just don't want to talk to anyone or do anything that makes you feel great. It makes you feel great like -- -- I get it guys didn't into the arena like elected I. He put it -- my about all I had identified said irons. That -- -- great ebony -- While that talking on the -- prank ever seen you give someone that I got my power. The it either doesn't happen each and things commencement -- brutal and it also though. We have yet we are happy and really important -- Thank goodness congress has come to our rescue. On the -- so important issue of the volume of TV commercials which I grant you are annoying but nevertheless really. The TSA will still be molesting your children but -- But the house has passed the TV commercial volume control bill. The problem the problem has dated back to the 1960s but after the president signs this bill. Broadcasters will be subject to regulations of the advanced television systems committee on what is too loud. And we -- a year. You should start to notice the difference commercials will no longer forced you to turn on the TV volume during breaks -- regular programming. Although I wanted to be clear and -- the TSA will -- be groupings. -- that he -- at the -- but our long national nightmare as red king says is over. I but you gotta admit -- while I'm -- is hell and only. I'm sick Helen its ability yet so later -- it's almost as annoying at them and government agents having -- hand down my pants. Almost gradually eroding more and more of my federal civil liberties okay feedback -- -- -- the other government protecting your rights and not be annoyed. And voice mails today -- What an edited they -- think you think -- is our a number got a pretty awesome call actually taken us to -- about how we need to be way more fired up about -- now commitment. It boat crew is due to the micro biologist poignant I'm amazed and under what I how underwhelmed you work -- an -- that NASA discovery. I mean on the micro guys expecting to be into it on the break it down for why you should be and burst on the X files the first -- that they found -- alien life. Alternate -- and a chemistry. Not too different to what they actually found at NASA. Second just about everything you've seen on CSI -- been made possible by heat stable -- rates found in extreme files. Where they'll find in this great personal file don't be bombed at -- pot that at all. At eight he's right now that's pretty great audio dvd of microbiology at the animals off the -- maverick. Today I think we've laid it down because he wanted to see a real -- but if you do listen I thought we were actually pretty stoked about it -- -- take a while. We were eager to Atlanta -- and that we like Albert killing at the end but now it's completely insane and that when you did the whole metal analogy that the guy wrote about how would be like as in a pile Madeleine -- Adapting and a -- Linkedin and integrate -- gravel and nobody's there have been living thing yeah that's that effect via nano speaker who -- -- -- -- to actuary by. Into the micro announces that and and our next caller had been -- in the what. Went. The and on the I'll -- it. -- -- Fleetboston and escalated production -- -- decision quite the opposite -- But -- here in about the Michael Jackson. You'd be available on pain gone and -- -- -- -- is -- and that's that is if they -- the old days. 3-D remember when you look. If there is ethics they tell themselves. -- That there would. Bit they -- -- know -- this -- ping pong nine. The spring if they couldn't -- that -- that you think and that's the problem with -- That's one of many problems being. I'm here emails by that they did not comment -- email -- David developer in Toronto wrote in -- that a quick update from your podcast a few weeks ago regarding Faith -- -- -- -- selling the white iPhone gets. I immediately went to the site. And ordered a -- -- -- now down but he says Dave says. I got -- -- two days ago and -- union who watched the video on the iPhone port take apart and I am now the owner. -- -- -- -- I have to say the best thing about having a -- up on iPhone or. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Here's the U just wouldn't -- so Antarctic -- -- on holidays even. I had a friend who was on the -- London -- the sky and -- sort of kind of -- looked at him and then me. Look back each other anyway the two got all of its popular -- about it and -- -- -- it connection on the -- -- She went on their -- people found the guy. Singling out her -- there that are creating and eventually and got married so there's a -- the story -- connections at work -- earth. -- -- -- Okay Steve also first of all but I wasn't like try to be like now you -- it doesn't exist I think I haven't heard a story I'm all about love. LO VE two people finding -- soul -- whenever there. An Italian giant ignored even serious you are so dog and I accidentally you you you all -- there are you heard it avenues like. There's never been and I did I'd say that I ended up. Don't put words in -- -- I tolerate another email that might support evidence that Steve mentioned as well as windows and actually -- -- flat out with Canada and who stood okay episodes from -- so. I think I have a pot. We'll -- -- success story Bryant in the I think the virtual bulletin board you talked about yesterday was kind of -- there is this girl her name was Molly. I think you know her. Even though we've never met I've seen around and listen through speak and it turns out I have some weird things in common with their. I agree that sold -- the key pieces of from pet cemetery was totally the scariest character ever portrayed -- -- I also have an Apple -- version and raise the Samsung epic even though I bought an -- I was -- have a multimedia journalist if you consider -- awesome mini -- mix tapes as such. The list continues auditing and is we have components in Tulsa Oklahoma -- I'm and a bold though -- involved old -- will it be and -- connection and the festering Wilson -- accountancy. However we have several more -- connector and -- Friday we accident -- you know. -- -- -- It's now twelve years later and we're married. Still yet it works sometimes Dan writes in and talked about our eyes -- Halloween edition of missed connections and that the -- we're going to add that addresses Matthew -- -- Which -- them. He's like -- controversial guy that wears the dollar signs in its of the question -- -- -- those guys up on an Nvidia and I crazy added portable White House they like you can get money through multiple grants totally. I -- exactly so this guy played that character all night long -- -- really memorable than about a week later their documents in tech and they're looking at the Craigslist missed connections and churn out there as opposed searching or. -- -- -- -- As a guru -- how to respond in character. After that they can -- an email on FaceBook and -- -- understand never broke character but Beverly although let's be fair this is not a -- -- because he says. They eventually decided to meet up. And then when he went commuters he saw her from a distance and an emergency department. All. Which is that -- a due date -- that a little refinements in accessory. Yet he stayed away in character the whole time poll hold on hold on hold on. The class like that being said I must agree you with Bryant missed connections are doomed to failure are at least an awkward she could eat out. Not I actually don't really gonna go back -- none I want people to find love our I have the one marriage and then now. I I have another success story since removing. Are relevant. Martin up in north Europe -- to my cousin met her husband as drizzle of an email -- intended to send to some other girl a bit capability email address. They have now been married for years that -- Beautiful boys that so often lately not a -- and that's -- -- connect will play out that's crazy -- that's awesome and now we got like -- yet about them but these ones we ran a year. Are the winners. Quite literally -- yeah -- humans and what they once used the public oh yeah yeah Oprah -- -- -- I like to give you all good things we like to -- you'll get things my friends that will be they have these awesome leather. Cases for the iPad you guys may not have iPad -- -- -- but whatever the thing that I like about this is on the bottom edge -- velcro so what happens when you. -- here and you push it it doesn't slip. Every other case slips away so I have them in white. I have -- it. Black I have an -- so -- we're gonna reach out you guys that we read your emails. Tell us which color you want to send us your camera sinister address and you guys get hooked up with the little -- leather case Patrick Fuller the words believe. His musical. Yeah yeah I yet apt theme. We take ten KF I L and we got. Thirty yesterday I've made -- pull it off handed comment about men in the components and how they gonna -- didn't and -- get with lit areas. Even healthful. From Richard who wants to us some advice from me -- yeah it says listen -- here's the thing you are a rich and educated women. No I did not get the memo about being rich. Because of this the onus is on -- to risk rejection and find a man. Women have demanded equal rights but with equal -- -- equal responsibility women have to share more in initiating romantic relationship and risking personal. Rejected when you say that you want amend term as they approach you I'm -- the needs not -- Any man. You mean a particular man. -- properly request that you smile touched him and -- a -- area I most men will understand -- you are interested. Women with the same level of beauty and social standing of men have more people romantically interested them in them that men. -- it helps to remember that women -- men picked. A woman but you have to -- -- man by perhaps smiling at him and being the first to break the -- -- the ball of them in the man's court to pick you. Advanced power to pick is useless unless they woman chooses him first please remember that it's hard for men have gotten this -- they were part -- -- and please remember that it is hard for a man to have competence to approach to -- until he has stacked his paper money chatter has a nice had an entertaining but. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Finally other -- except in -- women do not married now and educationally. Or monitor okay. Not only isn't the most up to me -- -- ever but it is led CEO I think a new and hopefully. Turning frequently recurring segment here that's on both that we are calling Brian Tong. -- So if you guys would clearly have either advice or questions and want us to offer you advice. We're gonna put it into Friday's shows Friday issues Friday showed her crap on Friday computer -- I'm sure love secular gonna give you relationship and about ways that only paddy -- I'll be done -- it's evolving technology because we know how things have evolved Alex with FaceBook and social media like etiquette and how do you actually get some attention now is it okay to like. Get to know someone over like. I chatter now like the -- gonna have a little fun on Friday online dating all that it. It but I got what would be the proper way for me in the technological world to break the test -- did I -- that's. Did that's the title that -- the and often written by Richard you you know you're so analytical about this. I idea from my own personal experiences actually like this that is -- -- -- Guide we'll break the taxpayers. You know that the gaming is like when the -- -- -- -- the shoulder or she touches your I like when the girl like touch and the guys -- like laughing like. I don't like -- lost me. She wants me. What about what about the independent women think but okay I am Rich's music that don't -- -- amazing independent -- amazing let's let's not play that down but. You know guys always ailment but -- like oh I want an independent it. I wanted and a woman and what they gallon. They can't handle an independent want it like 95%. To do it's -- handle an independent wanted though and not an -- and if you really want it fellas. And you don't want someone who just gonna stay at home and -- Berea. -- -- -- you really want that you need to utility company demand that's -- But I love a woman that's independent -- -- really good. And I'll pay my -- bill and my gas bills and Byron. And Matt its computer leopard -- -- and I. And that's our show well you don't I wonder if could. So what I really hope people that we're serious we actually do you wanna like now -- -- I don't -- near leveling please email us your leg. 21 century -- -- -- exactly exactly and we will be it will be real. We fully develop the computer only. If you want to read over -- email -- yourself 150 times like added because the color is not them. You can find that -- all of the northerly of the -- we talked -- -- -- below that cnet.com you can email us but at cnet.com. -- -- one and it's excellent 6638. Followed on Twitter Molly Wood is me Brian underscored tying him up the NG three -- And. Have a -- -- -- -- really I hope your missed connection doesn't involve -- TSA that down. -- loan -- After residents having a good game he got have a Grammy.

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