Ep. 1350: Must-pee TV
Ep. 1350: Must-pee TV

Ep. 1350: Must-pee TV

This Friday November 12 five cents. -- -- -- -- Brian Cooley -- Hollywood welcome to buzz out loud in a podcast of indeterminate length this episode thirteen 150. Brian Tong has been replaced by Brian Cooley just for today -- for today. Don't worry but we think we're all playing on the show people tend to expect with intake -- this pointed -- now of those another week another approach that feeds just advocates and but we think we think we think will -- -- Monday. In the news today we were expecting. Not me can now living in and do it but I OS four point to -- the software update had been expected today that was it rumor now there is the new rumor about that rumor saying that in fact Apple has delayed the release. Until November point four. Bugs on the Wi-Fi. -- your with the iPad is that right. Yeah they think there have been reports from some developers have been removed removed this one's gonna bring -- airplane among other things for the first time and multitasking. Oh that and they are also a -- Which I think is what people really want on the iPad it's also the one that -- and might be beating into port at that point but it's also the -- -- -- turn that super useful locked rotation flit into and it's now with no option to -- to. Really. -- all good negative -- and wait a minute it's gonna turn the lock rotations which to a mute switch up what does lock rotation lock him. Then software sitting near me suffered enough to go into -- -- beyond stupid. Oh and no option we already have a mute in the rocker. Oh that's amazing and now though you know multitask -- lawyer I had no idea oh yes at all. Move them politely that okay good one more reason to avoid. Being. Now that I know I thought -- had been on going back bringing an elegantly turned out he's just -- every day that's disturbing them an email Steve Jobs and that will can I just have options to make it -- White analyzing what militants grownup elegance so my buttons are. No heat that now it's gonna be immune what you get back why did they get that said it's too hard to -- the iPad completely get that feedback thing. If you're looking down on my things and it's hard for him if they wanted to be consistent experience with other are needed oh. And don't even know I know I'm getting that aren't Steve rocks again. -- I -- MacBook -- in the works with -- Yeah. Questions that you really wanna no I'm not taking it actually turns out I'm awful up on -- today. Okay I'm not taking you're -- I'm items there whatever I want yesterday we reported on yet another FaceBook event which was really boring. We've got and held today when it sounds like what it's going to be is. -- both projects titan. Another email platforms -- what that is a web based -- client access which apparently they've been unofficially referring to internally as a Gmail killer. -- -- the reason this is interesting now is because it seems to really shine a spotlight on the little light that Google and -- have been having. Harry read me -- contact bead on the contacting so it started when Google changed its AP the day or changed its terms of service to -- -- if you export. Your Gmail contacts into a service apparent that service pastor -- the -- So if I want to like. In -- -- all of my Gmail numbers aren't I in the same moment. But it has to at least allow us -- look at some -- the future to pull the same contacts over exactly and -- but does not -- Atlanta was recovered and -- you're Yahoo! or Microsoft are being -- yeah unless you're a partner but not here but not a pure consumer and out of your Google. You cannot that your email -- -- email contact out of eight. So this then that might -- to make a lot more sense now because of -- because it'll launch a web based email client and you can't import all your contacts from Gmail. -- that client is kind of -- I'm a bit meets -- your FaceBook statement at the very different universe from Austin yeah. And it's not much smaller their email universe potentially in different different popular -- from populist yeah yeah yeah I mean you're gonna wanna be able to do that though that's. And -- that there are significant is that they're going to figure this out these two companies are going to figure this out as mine whoops they're gonna come to some kind of peace -- Really yeah I think so yeah and they don't have released -- -- it. -- think and it's is at the regular world killer I hear that night but that figure this out. I don't know why there's too much to be lost by continuing this pissing match and this is not the point of there. To services is to hold -- -- -- in my increasingly. An advertising. -- I mean increasingly there really. It's starting to do the same thing where they gonna find common ground. I mean these are cute gigantic competitors right at this point -- you know I asked point. Actually spewing image -- has possibly the best idea of knowledge is that some gimmick of third party solution that may be the old anyway that's that's the most likely by far there's no way they're gonna come to agreement -- now it's just you know now -- -- nuclear ports. There and there. Soviet Russia and the United States. A hurricane significant when it's like he says this McMahon it's like Google -- Google -- to do that social networking thing yeah now -- old totally there's still that whole issue correctly assuming they even launch it forget about the contact import. Yeah well I don't need another. Place and platform for email and not within FaceBook what I also -- I don't know a lot of people FaceBook is the Internet. And you've been. The premiere email on there for him that he in the universe and policy that there is a lot of appeal to a FaceBook based email platform other totally of the people who just used the Internet for face but you know the -- -- -- for that crowd okay yeah I don't I don't see it because Facebook's not at the center of my Internet experience but -- it is at the center viewers that yes this makes total sense have a feeling. I wonder how many people think FaceBook the center of the unit for them -- -- And I think stands at a lot of people do all I mean increasingly -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- a lot of messaging -- -- -- the messaging is in good. So parts I can imagine that but the thing is. I can completely imagine what people would want to use it except I don't want them to also have my email -- -- we've already right that's giving too much mr. they've got enough they have enough. Controlled information and I'm kinda okay without but I do not want -- but having my email to him they had totally Google might imagine the Byzantine number of settings they'll create for an email. Well thank what you got and I don't -- -- -- thirty more buttons to your email start showing up in the news feed they start sewed up months news.com. You kidding I'll put it anywhere. But then you -- and then get -- -- the email address and use that as your FaceBook. Announced that. They'll all silent union imagine lingering going to be able and I -- on Monday there aren't going to be. And I have to have Molly up in a -- waiting I'm not waiting waiting -- and everybody is it now it's just a matter. The it it is interesting if this if they does build a full fledged email platform on top of the chat and Apple -- the other -- to communicate there are certainly. Millions hundreds potentially millions of people who will never again I guess I guess -- Today it's already it's what is it they said it was the biggest search engine now -- one of the bigger search engine gets display ad server on the web bigger than Yahoo! Google and Microsoft combined I have that right unbelievable for display yet. That amazing yeah. Anyway so it turns out they don't yet another picnic and -- -- -- on Monday a lot more interesting. A related story the Obama administration can come just in time is preparing it stepped up approach to policing Internet privacy when call for new laws. And the creation it actually it's sort of an Internet privacy -- And when -- -- -- cabinet position or department but doesn't matter either way it could absentee European style for the first time we don't have this kind of thing and our country. But European nations and the European Union. Have this kind of structure at a high level. And it's about time. Yet if they would -- via a total turning point in Internet policy for the US the -- administration. Typically steered away from engine but that's an odd -- recent administrations. The other -- the other right the other party. Steer away from Internet regulations out of concern for stifling innovation but but as you say I think it's time. I mean it's absolutely time we've that there have been increasing calls for things like the Internet bill of rights -- him you know consumer -- -- -- Pressure from the biggest companies in the Internet -- FaceBook Microsoft Google metal -- this. Or pretend to think it's a good idea to do it Chevron -- -- do we agree. And it so we agree we BS and though so would you get the big every of one of the big companies in the world in the Internet is going to be. We agree with their -- oh realities and cutting up the roots -- -- against -- -- saw cutting -- the timbers while they're dancing on the first floor. -- their the -- but you'll hear about the -- -- you won't hear about are those terrifying data aggregation company you have made so. Who I I suspect that's what I really be targeted here to be on and I think they're the -- I don't worry as much about FaceBook as I do about the why do I as much as or even Google as I worry about those data harvesting and sales companies. Those ones are outraged their way more terrifying and they're probably behind the scenes lobbying -- they've made god knows how much money the problem is they have -- in Google to harvest from. And FaceBook and Google aren't careful enough weathered -- and Malaysia was -- allowing one. In exactly. Yeah yeah. And the and the farm team for all of -- for misstatements. Great it's very though -- I think out of this we can probably expect a series of task forces. A lot of arguing in reactors in the nothing that actually result in anything -- -- it's cabinet level that it did then it dies at the end of an -- ministry. If it's the department then maybe you'll have some legs but does anybody have any faith in an apartment doing anything about this it has to be honestly have to go through and it's a portion of the FTC. Dead. If it's in the FCC dead so I I can I and a house is gonna play out the rest of -- and -- At least they're talking about it. -- this grades the prospect unfortunately I'm actually here's where really -- -- evidently the Interactive Advertising Bureau you know. -- though -- and -- the most targeted ads. Well let's face it every company out there including ours. -- its value on your information not on our content our confidence -- lord of picture information and incredibly -- -- artists increasingly incredibly personal and specific information you know. -- of companies are really bad about that mean most true media companies are pretty good about that but it's the social networks in the search platforms -- have been so. Egregious and at least were talking about it and it emboldens consumers to say I'm not happen and that's where realty and we'll come right that's the best part about this -- -- make consumers aware that oh it's okay to object. Let's take a quick break when we come back -- you probably want to get and then threaten to leave a job at Google. Molly -- and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact when. Send us an email right now to holiday helped -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right right. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November -- seconds at cnet.com slash live. -- few Molly Wood and -- believe it prints that look like a mirror facing a mirror olive weird while I'm awesome Leo I get the noted during the break you said it you don't. An article the primary. Normally show what -- -- on the problem improvement at the same day at the show because the stuff on prompter we just rented out. We and if there to look pretty. It. So there have been several reports of Google's extraordinary efforts to stop employees from resigning to join FaceBook and Linkedin and Twitter the latest report is. And wealthy tech -- -- that it confirmed. That if staff engineer at Google who is being heavily -- if it was offered a 3.5. -- Million dollars in restricted stock. -- -- -- The -- that's over time it's not like with hard cash or you know preempted Digg count Google. But 3.5. Million dollars and this is not just any judges in the day -- this is a -- senior engineer Harold defense staff engineer half justice theft engineer he wisely at least in this -- unlike because there was. Previously that the previous report was -- an engineer who made 150000 dollars. Turn down at 15% raise plus 500000 dollars and restricted stock and left anyway anyway. So what's FaceBook are -- now they're -- history and a half 1000001 what's going on Google. Like how bad is it either. I think yeah I think this has is what happens to companies like Google they get to the point where -- say you know what this is the great company but now because it's a great company is the time to play the -- -- got I got from him play my -- -- the right -- It's very weird they say that the aggressive -- offering is actually creating a bigger problem group that's encouraging people who don't necessarily -- want to leave. To start looking at my job right I mean literally you how. Asked -- this could do it merely indicates if this is true it's more than two instances -- we really have anecdotally here right this is where. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But it this is an interesting approach because really don't you want sort of a vibrant and competitive in Ireland I wanna go there and -- An hour and a half million and in restricted stock that'll that's a miscarriage in the -- a senior at tonight's -- -- package. But that's an excess hair like in night thank the -- and our blogger and you know blaming on that's huge. But. What might indicate that it's not such a fun place to work -- this report that Google -- the engineer. Who leaked the rays man the information about how they were all getting thousand elements is down and raises. There's gotta be some real this story I guess. This is the thing where point eight is really don't like that and -- -- perhaps in prepping with the all the people in the terms of employment it says you know you wanna read your -- anything that's sent on corporate email -- -- they you know. An internal label on -- that could be the technicality that's bad camera while also does something more going on here. There's no way that thousand dollar -- it -- than 10% raises to 23000. People was going to remain secret that's gonna leak I think it's because they leaked the memo. This yeah the actual comment of the memo right -- audio. How many what's the big deal happens is that happened in the Silicon Valley is a leak fest in that in those terms and if they go well time once people -- -- Day and be excited about -- -- Google. Why would it be a bad thing to leak that meant that word and that does not like a flood of -- -- Are you setting them with the man is he wound up a little to -- -- this would be the culture that he. Permeates the Google -- that's very well he's -- era -- -- but that's just so Steve Jobs Ian. As what that is an analyst at complete like in I mean culture of speakers if that through this comes after the top. That's -- discount it and it's a cultural thing where it's like now we just don't talk about that now that's yet you could have that your policy people do it all the time they violate policies like that especially at this level or 20000 people are involved in -- what's being leaked. This is -- cultural. Yeah someone does know we gotta make an example we -- the technical right to do real incentive to really start to suspect -- may -- it's not that -- their bad week for good at China lake. -- what is -- the lost boys island. In -- In. In -- -- you know think about thing right. Either that bitter man good man I like it -- really -- thank you go hurry -- case could catch -- Willy Wonka chocolate speculate it all seemed like okay -- -- that is very dark forever and it's very -- argue. You've had too much chocolate too much time in the Baltic it's just like -- -- gob stopper. -- -- -- Kind of interesting report today about how act Microsoft is apparently finding that forty -- 40% of Xbox Live members of the US. Are not using X -- for gaming. I wonder how many of those first -- -- surprising number. Not shocking but surprisingly strong as a media terminal and not just as a game console plus beaten and the other thing -- -- amigos are the more recent buyers that's the breakdown -- -- yeah. I'm sure most of these people. Had an Xbox a long time ago and they just don't they and how they change their behavior -- -- or are they still gaming and all the new aggregate buyers are coming with a very different behavior which will change the way that they developed yet and I know I don't see people buying this for that. Yeah I mean it's it's an expensive way to get TV over the -- well that's. I'm not the reason though that you know -- blue today who -- this year like all of sudden there's that he -- can they be exact opposite this is the first year that I've been recommending the PS3. Right and number one game console -- -- free hugs all of a sudden it's a massive media. -- media hub yet -- and indirect online media and it does -- Leo. It does what does it look at files and stuff yeah right and -- and now it's really what I can stream Netflix and -- and it's epic kind of extender -- -- raise the least interesting part of that. -- Who cares about -- right and let him live Xbox people are like I don't care and -- the database they saw that they knew that was not that -- -- -- they had to have HDDVD and that. They did I know they didn't. I'm not bad yeah a lot of talk about yeah. But I have to admit I'm kinda one of these people like I bought it for halo and then ended up using it as a dvd player and -- -- -- local media. And no I'm telling you game comes out and any kind of play again but you're not streaming anyway any -- TV that stuff in a television not really that you might even. But -- -- -- -- -- -- -- all right I think it would if you didn't. That's really interest because that's been a long road the long term goal I think of these devices along -- to make them is that Armenian team and I -- they figure that out along the way I mean they they launched with a serious gaming commission and then they said you know want a really grows -- you don't gaming has grown dramatically. Although it only to admit that and but casual gaming is getting more important than their like preparing for -- where people it's all web stuff right drivers and not yet. Now -- the got to connect that. Connect. I'm so -- I'm not element I had I know media loves an outside the little -- connect you have -- pet animal game but it doesn't work right is that we're hearing it's like. Horribly inaccurate -- it's it's. Early I have a degree. Little. -- as the group prepared written research nugget on the -- of people using Xbox. For. Streaming. To the Microsoft number implement but it was unbelievable. How here we are a billion entertainment hours a month are spent on -- boxes. -- -- That's gaming included correct. Let me see here. 42 million console sold so -- 35 countries 25 million -- members are spending forty hours per month. On the service on line goes live all meteors -- online gaming on live on live includes online multiplayer -- get so it could -- -- -- -- things -- in their -- was not just OTT and streaming video but still. Yeah lot of usage lot of usage for that device as not not as a dvd or dvd based game player. Something that has not had a lot of usage lately. Paying IT is paying. Now though it will be visited -- start politically earlier opportunity stupid bella and the show. Out of 33 stupid stories in a -- you don't get that -- -- it now. That's what ivory Twitter users can link up there -- iTunes paying accounts. So that when they are listening to being there when they like something or when they apparently can't comment on pending in a -- way which it. It's why would you edit it out on a social music network you can then tweet about it. So here's a look at the screen -- and a right -- -- my looking at here I've got my Twitter panel on the left as normal. And here's how -- shows that it shows what what am -- listening to right now is up and then people are commenting on it all the -- stuff. It's a link to it but -- so it's -- like it makes paying actors Billy -- all those sweet spam extra noisy. Wow who don't need that didn't help -- -- -- -- -- -- And then and gadget reporting they're saying it confirmed will feed horrifying that. This is my favorite through the day while my second and may record -- but anyway they can -- and akin to you. They -- that's what we're all our company Verizon active Verizon why in the hell would this be happening. If you want into a disaster like we've never seen this makes the Zuma and a home run and that I didn't look back. I'm thrilled now. No longer super cheap data and not required to have it exactly -- -- think of the Kindle they've they've been that cool they think that's what screwed it up the can was perfectly cool brands like they were cute little they're pretty good hardware. They had -- social features that they required a thirty dollar month data plan now Verizon offers. A fifteen dollar month data plan and or they're not making it mandatory for the can all the why you'd want we can without a data plan that will leverage don't get parts and it's what does Wi-Fi -- I don't know who moved them okay they describe it as enhanced feature film with -- hardware or not found another feature but the problem is -- Q3 of next year Smartphones will eclipse feature phone and sale that's less than a year away. This is the wrong device at the wrong time unless -- the front of little warehouse plus. -- -- Microsoft's favor they must be because otherwise you can the other thing about that even though can any is that this. Now we can have the -- now. Like Larry you know by the Frankenstein why -- you gonna by the stupid things never launch quiet company a lot of a lot of stupid hardware yes it does -- there's not -- it's a holiday warehouse clearance under appearance and you. That's probably when you combine without contracts that none of that messiness of volume of phone but I -- us -- a contract for them. And it's very cute and what do we don't know pricing it'll be very afford -- Now though because they were down to like 49 but I think it is Friday -- it Lola T going to be free and then they're cheap again -- -- -- through activation order sheep without. And it's a total gift it's it's a gift and inventory clearance thank you all -- I don't -- -- I'm totally violent you get everybody -- your list as a it and I just like on a -- can weirdly it's getting kind of a cult thing about it at portico chemical graphic. Our boss Scott -- has all the old tech in his office he's not like a strange collectors stuff. He needs it in but I think and you went through that think that things -- your money later. It'll be like like a dollar Giuliani G four cube kind of money we -- -- about a -- and -- and I'll tell you -- have not putting my own money down on. The day tablet computer Donald live dead you're dead. Wrong with the between Lenovo of course after thinkpad they -- let pad -- Are you kidding me. It looks like yet we have no specs that I know of no it's gonna be rolled out on top of the year that means -- yes. So will be covering this thing first week of of January -- -- winner of the seven or ten. -- -- it's under 500 dollars. Don't press the play book and I actually didn't think that there was a way to make -- On here Jupiter have always you better go on here -- -- stupid things that might call it live patent that. Or maybe -- -- had. Or leap pad is it that they they don't think of it as a French abomination to them anything and Lenovo that I was a little look bad and they have no idea what this means in the world they're gonna launch -- into. Live bed and the -- so look for that -- video coming out -- -- yet they would -- -- finally they step then because they made -- -- and laptops thinkpad and other screwed. Now they have because they can't call it what they -- -- -- to be a thinkpad. Home because I am gonna work -- that would be cool you can call -- pad that's on the some guy made it. It holiday what it is Lenovo -- in the hope -- some. Nova pad lit tech lit Alley in nova -- -- super cancer -- -- -- noble pad -- you -- Lit it and that's on the drug two was -- -- -- Let's face it the best -- -- they've clearly did that out because that we will least give them that and we will move on and by the Villanova we're still waiting a year in now offer that convertible tablet laptop you showed us last year's -- general both the matter seriously the IdeaPad U one you want. That never happened rights -- -- big vapor. And jerk -- -- into cricket -- Weight limits or I'm. -- It rare piece of Apple history will go on sale later this month Christie's is going to auction Apple's first product that Apple -- and I know -- -- on November 23 Egypt's. They say could go for an estimated 162240000. Dollars but the key is -- pointed out is what. That's got all the coolest stuff -- it like that original packaging. The -- that -- -- -- packaging comes with return address of Steve Jobs as parents out. -- can -- -- circuit board I couldn't care less I'm getting on the box and -- note from Steve Jobs and stuff. The auction actually also going to include a -- for machine. Which I think something cool and then for Monica -- So they get this the provenance is always the fascinating part of an auction and they don't say where it's in the body copied here. Where it's been all these years and a basement somewhere -- from the estate of Steve job -- here we are letter signed by Apple technical support specialist John. And -- wonder it was in his collections -- -- salted away against them to raise it up only thirty to fifty and insistent. Total invoice for some -- 41 dollars dated back in December of 76. That's like 5000 dollars that yet. For a machine that it now -- -- -- panel and had to use aside. -- -- this machine didn't really have much and there is an -- of most people couldn't actually get him to turn on. Did you view it I know are abide even -- has -- great just told me yesterday it's coming back in shocking news today. -- -- -- is no more. Also. Apparently if you believe. Blatant plants. And. Instead of sticking to your confused again like you should be a mystery missile. Has had everyone over Southern California in -- days ago -- Has been identified by an amateurs -- as US Airways flight 808 course obviously hadn't checked the flight records right. Yeah why would that when that -- -- what they've they've they've that we don't and I got that we don't know and then they were like -- -- not only is yet okay so let's go back to the image does yet that's the trajectory that airliners today. They goes straight up just so everybody moments there the whole thing there is a whole there's a site that that analyzes contrail -- a a lot of times they look vertical when they're not it just depends on your perspective your on the right this is coming -- you. But deal -- may have been a million reasons why this was an airplane but it the -- doesn't tell me that it's an airplane why they're from amateurs and may augur. Who was a plant yeah -- plan from the government -- continues totally it just continues -- totally. -- that's ever wicked let's -- you gadget. And -- and -- it sounds pretty good fit into them. -- -- speed camera of your life a bit of speed cameras in the US we have red light cameras I think Google we have in this country and in Europe and -- And faster but lots of -- -- in speed cameras in Europe this one it is. This is all in one -- not jumping for the worst day driving ever. Three cameras and an infrared monitor it and filters beating Kentucky wearing your seat can tell if you have a phone -- -- -- -- And it can tell if you're tailgating or exactly what distance -- driving behind someone else at what speed AM. It can assess road conditions to decide yes the speed -- 25 but in these conditions you should have been driving slowly and -- -- it to EU for all of cities. Unbelievable you get this -- of tickets mailed to you. By driving by this damn thing they're testing and that Finland and I don't love it obviously but no I knew I do like -- it -- ticket people for tailgating. Because -- you. That's no fun. What's that it's it's and everything else that's -- -- what -- and in -- they can also and it just -- in the US they also can -- your -- to check for insurance that on the -- So -- five potential tickets written wow. I've -- running by the terrible and have no doubt -- to -- interface but. I document. What unpaid but -- -- -- tailgating and again -- tightened to email you the citation I not do that this has been renewed. No gains root. And dangerous. Theory I think there should be more to -- that -- maybe not from the degree Canada mystery -- within my camera of -- we were -- at the big version of -- gonna have it compact and cop car roof mounted so it's not like it's gonna be -- Or not -- that that the company. I do -- however our next gadget which is. How did nobody think of -- Intel now. All zip up earbuds. To Leo Dick Button looks great because what's the worst thing about your budget is the tank entangle the -- -- Manager trying to untangle and you always take off the little jail but it lose it at Yankee Matt Wright gone. -- you have one now and out so great love how this does it. I have a bad feeling about this working more than like ten times really. -- work forever not really. -- these -- like a plastic diapers cheap zipper and zippers are great until they have something in their way and this is basically a wire in the way of the -- looking to look at -- look at our video version it's like there's this tiny little channel the court to feed through. And guarantees more frustration accord to be -- -- channel -- is no record it felt that together. So the part okay so the last part is we're just comes out into the firewire camera Elvin it's gonna horse that that's hanging down and it's open at least teeth. I don't know gonna hurt if you if -- -- -- -- give double. Forty dollars it's great for that story that you took out which was Amazon's -- on not getting them. Have we covered. -- -- update has been I really Aaron like the best story ever writing me -- have noticed that -- is stocking -- percent of total hard for the holidays. Highly mercenary but not better than this Sony's -- it's. Gift of the year done I -- I would edit my profile right now -- -- Humor me because you -- you know they should really they -- announce a desperate -- because I think the -- is super cool but I think that you you know about -- -- -- much it is it's 200 built 200 -- and we need and then he one point nine. 99. 99 ideally are one great -- Sony's next reunited and but -- are the less street let's think it's gonna close -- -- street that would be number one. But to have basically a prime time on demand TV in the dash alone other stuff that it does most of what I think doesn't print with a lot of crowd the average person the go why don't know what this apps we -- -- -- you're talking about. -- say well try it it you can push these you can just touch the screen -- pull up. TV -- Once you paper. And and adapts you had the best reason. Oh yeah just for the bathroom it's happened to you. -- right -- the velcro that bad boy of of the tell our expert thanks for pin in that went to me just say I appreciate you put -- -- company gets -- lot of comments I -- I don't know must -- TV upstairs and saying hey wait a minute I mean if you already have -- plus her everything else. Then and you can use it across the by then I think it's an interesting addition to have bitten plus delete command apartment they've got to get that price cut if they do that and this thing is a hundred dollars street. I'm I do think that the -- is super under the dash is -- I think it's really I hated jump but I love this. I love the dash I I almost bought it as I -- outlook spotted as my alarm clock and then you know my whole Internet can I do that thing -- -- I I. Kill the alarm clock and then I get the phone and -- -- email and it goes all just on the one little thing in the weather in the traffic and love that -- that it was 200 dollars. And the little clock radio with -- -- Right though world of difference vigil at the same price point -- the Sony price points is it's gotta be holding -- and then make a velcro mount for the bathroom. That's horrible -- to places -- ago. Bathroom in car and the the poor man's rear seat entertainment system for second row -- actually yes now he's thankful that's cool for the is that it's kind of with a little with a little Wi-Fi it's fairly it's not -- -- is that. As it could be at that weight design not -- the portability it is -- and I love this thing stuff they think I'm gonna sorry I'm loving I think -- -- -- at the -- potential smash uh huh. Aren't -- it let's move -- -- my favorite story of the day we're gonna skip ahead a little bit to the number one story possibly of the week -- or the year. Ever Dick Van Dyke yes. Rescued. And feed him after falling asleep on his surfboard by friendly porpoises. Well die and world that they were being humorous stories of this are now -- -- -- this today this is that. Of the deep space where I of the year so there's several angles to this for well it's -- -- texture and here you wondering good enough now be what we tell you about it number one. He's 84 years old. Number 20. He goes out and -- certain man. I have this right. And he's out there for ever and falls asleep. -- -- -- -- Number three the the porpoises push him back to the beach. What. Instead this is a meta story it's for the -- -- -- the story is how high is Dick Van -- -- -- I've I woke up out of sight of land that the 84 year old actor told reporters and that's that's now metaphorical -- and I know that at all either I don't -- oh yeah and drug. All the time but I love Dick van indictment stated that trigger I started paddling with the swelled and I've started seeing being -- me around me and I thought. I'm dead. But he said they turned out to be purposes. And they -- to be a couple of inches lower it's not on her now. -- Right friendly dolphins have David swimmers and all the time so we're just merging two things that are. Quite surprising. Into one thing that absolutely unbelievable. To and I -- by the porpoises and really without him moon. And that happened. Yes the text or it's got so I choose to believe it that's the best thing ever never -- app out you know what -- I can do any malware just ending on that story. Because that I'm a lot the world know got to -- -- down regardless of I don't want the world to -- now. But often -- that is friendly porpoises rescuing Dick -- and I after he fell asleep on its airport at the at the age of 84. Everyone this weekend if you got have a little low little Dick Van -- experience go watch your favorite Dick Van -- television show or movie are. Highly recommend the almost them find the -- -- Willie from 1964. I dare you I know this crowd. Someone's gonna fight it they give me a copy. I lay down the -- who can get a copy -- -- -- all of a big VHS. Never released on any physical form factor but I believe in you. Talk to you Monday -- -- up to 35 seconds streets -- a studio 94105. Maybe get have a little discussion in our forums about where to find that he can by no link to our -- in our comment thanks -- -- -- -- -- cnet.com you can. Email us the name of the -- shop where you think that they might be located reliability filmed -- buzz this cnet.com and you can call us up. -- -- -- -- -- Blazes thoughtful -- talking about and I felony and instant film they. You'd think -- happy weekend ability.

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