Ep. 1328: Molly predicts new PowerBooks!
Ep. 1328: Molly predicts new PowerBooks!

Ep. 1328: Molly predicts new PowerBooks!

It's -- just over thirteen. Clinton and the data can. Ivory film and I'm Darren Kitchen I'm -- -- -- about that allowed him -- podcast of indeterminate length it is episode thirteen hundred and when he -- you just heard Darren Kitchen is back with us welcome back back from the land of the crash motorcycle. -- -- Or whatever and you made it out of at that general alive that's a good idea to that in itself really I mean the -- -- -- -- later but. So -- all know a company known as. I also like lattice and so Darren had to pull a images are always -- impart out of his leg in -- in all Sean Connery August him because it. Two into the plastic. Enclosure and -- -- that -- to be made. We're glad you're with the fifth and one of our listeners Allah -- -- -- Took up my equipment with which you need to pull mango passion and he has one which he wants to give you here -- Here we have a picture AM picture it's -- 1980s Volvo 240 DL wagon and a which is that are actually I recommend for everybody -- an accident prompt if it did that tank yet. I was I'm quite comfortable on the -- there is perfect yet and not economical Batman it's open you know until here's the thing I wasn't going that's going through an intersection and in this and -- a tall -- Reading something incoherent about the DM CA -- -- the feline form in -- in her Volkswagen jet. You know it was clearly open thought clearly had and -- clearly I have spoiled your own argument here he put the picture of the offending vehicle on I understand -- I didn't really know that that 10 o'clock on the -- -- is in -- should -- -- this week with other unrelated incident and clearly all I'm saying is I apologize for every getting on Molly's. This is what happens might -- -- figures to. Money tonight area that like man my -- and yeah. I don't think so you bet we're gonna navigate Saturday because there and I think I and because that we are certain -- -- -- really. Good news -- finally the legitimately good news in the world. I -- it's I don't know what to say though news over the web was riveted last night if you were watching Twitter you know that the only damn thing anybody was talking about was the Chilean mine -- you were you watching -- I was let me never -- cannot pull myself away it was. -- I completely missed this I mean I must've been living under rock. They let it the day. They -- -- these guys have one by one with really long. -- in fact as we speak their they've rescued about half of them would have because -- escape pod which looks like the pot from that page and captain Kirk from enterprise and goes like. It takes fifteen minutes to -- half a mile. Yeah at the fastest no it's -- Yes that's crazy -- in this this narrow little -- -- it's really just fascinating to watch them and -- a little tube yet -- like you said it has to make it very long journey apparently did that sort of a deep breath even to get inside. Click it then it's seriously I -- getting these guys are minors and have been trapped underground for a month or otherwise like a cluster -- -- -- yeah. It looks terrifying the advice was just. Imagine your on the beach as you get into this little tube that goes through to half mile salt rock -- -- -- cool it was cool to watch and it was it was. Is CNN was streaming it live on the web they hadn't heard -- it a -- everybody and probably still do everybody was screaming it. And it was just kind of I was amazed to see how Herbie in all my Internet friends to shut down partner music and -- you so this is stream had they had a camera in the in the cave where they were trapped yeah so my first and minerals like with a sense -- -- the -- standing around waiting for something -- oh my god that's underground branch. All of that would be the miners -- -- rescue yeah yeah and NEC the pod descend from a hole in the ceiling. Two and in the -- that went to one of the guys gets in the middle -- -- -- really slow. Now apparently when they first were testing the the state system. The others like now. And there's still ongoing -- 33 from the got I think more than half of them out mountain. They would low they lowered the -- way down -- they stopped at twelve meters above the floor just make sure nobody -- him. Really ready yet and then the first thing they did the first person in that. Was a guy who went down into there hang with them and help -- talking about this whole thing. A paramedic or something and then the guys for coming up so there's -- actually in their voluntarily to help those guys out. He remarked while. It's only it's a great story and they were saying that they -- they were saving. The -- -- -- kind of they were saving some of the thickest. And weakest -- for -- The other which is unusual but they were the fourth -- -- -- coming out mainly because they wanted to make sure that I am. Nothing went wrong with the system -- initially and that the guys who were in the capsule should something go wrong were kind of strong -- and healthy enough to be able to deal with in their -- mostly and Elton -- yes they were -- mother was one guy who was sort of really spent more time just -- -- ensure they were in an assignment I mean they're gonna need -- -- and commitment but they -- the guys who came -- -- so the first -- come out their like they look like -- might be back and out through -- and it brought -- the -- that's -- years. It'll like heading -- the like the Chilean president standing there is accused camera that figured it was like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Good for the reverse moon landing and -- them. I'm Indiana tech news. Bad news for. Apple and you study comes up from square trade this week that says that iPhone for glass. Is 82%. More likely earth breaking 82% more often than iPhone 3GS department and. Now the story came out and if it looks like bad news for iPhone users because your iPhone -- the prices. 82% more likely to crack although we have to keep in mind -- the iPhone has. To panes of glass -- on the front and one on the back my -- And more yeah I'm an 82% more likely -- -- that iPhone for owners reported 82% right or damaged screens and performance. Compared to iPhone 3-D S and which does make sense because -- that the from the patent and everyone whatever and that -- you know when the first designed with the timelessness revealed applicable. I know that doesn't seem like a good idea. I don't -- I didn't and. All but it exacerbated apparently right by the the fact that some of the cases Apple's been -- -- possibility that some of the cases in the bumpers better than necessary for YouTube be able -- But -- on or actually cause hairline cracks. It then make it more likely to shattered -- -- right. Anyway that the the business that put these numbers out a square trade which is -- is that selling warranties. And here and there are there. So they make money from. Putting a number out and 82% sounds like really -- -- but it -- -- a real number so what the real numbers are three if you have an iPhone for. People that 20000 people surveyed there's a three point 9% breakage rate versus two point 1% on the iPhone 3GS which considering -- -- much glass. The two surfaces glass and that 82% more. So it's actually the numbers -- still fairly low but that 82% more is a a delta. And its way it just makes the sound much much worse -- -- -- definitely though it it has a higher overall failure rate the overall millinery that the low but certainly. There's there's some issues -- that the I would -- the front of five. -- Italy's right but did not like the iPhone make that back to them think they're gonna do elected to the -- -- -- -- -- the -- -- yeah and with good. Being with back it doesn't break -- -- down and then we outlet that -- and then. That Atlanta Silverbacks. It. And I mean now I don't think -- change it a lot but they Apple to be americorps that of the brick of aluminum. Problem that'll work for me actually in single vehicle -- -- should do -- -- and you'll public that in Canada but no lasted all of aluminum via. To be -- Apple has gotten way out ahead of this issue like they have been they -- preemptively started investigating whether the the number cases were content like crack it and -- point on like they actually. They do not want this. To go left in the in the -- in a way that the antenna that -- an -- -- Now if you feel like you know get -- patches that conflict that we -- the windshield. Right -- they're doing it for you nick strictly immediately get cracking in Somalia we will take that for pre when it wouldn't you right. Are you saying that the iPhone will never forgot -- man. Yeah yeah originally -- -- -- though. Meanwhile Apple says pay no attention to -- gate because we have new MacBook and new -- coming -- it's lighter cases. Which is not the bumper cases its lineup that a lot of it gets us anywhere well they still make those Mac things public computer to -- -- And yeah all those buttons those evil buttons -- with OS act. And whatnot -- -- so now Apple is actually holding an event. And usually don't usually OS-X its own special event that they is actually talk about it W -- -- that maybe it didn't need it. October 20. Apple be having back to the Mac. A special event where they attempt to reassert although there's that need -- invitations or dropped -- people and and I -- -- the have been apparently the new the new OS is going typical line. In the -- the where -- out there. And -- -- -- I don't know that I had an Arizona records and now -- is via. Enables -- new Mac and and I suspect -- power. Rebels -- MacBook MacBook evidently gonna. The MacBook and an -- it outlined -- and my tech reporter now. I'm giving them as drug. -- -- -- Power but I bet you'll have -- -- oh -- -- Though -- then it's coming out. The probably now to a -- won't see it for six months yeah yeah. Just enough to -- -- with Poland and the like it again I'm still waiting Iowa's -- are still -- pilots or where the for my -- that silly after a list and now with violence. Yeah emulation or just couple ports at both the factory like my rumor analytical -- the touch screen iMac at at that. Who -- surprise that they do another iMac and it's not as mean and the power -- MacBook well like I get that the the MacBook with me yet. The MacBook. Are at higher called. Long overdue for some repression -- and especially the the air. Which. Oh very very heart combines stores company with mine in anyway touch screen. No that's it that's that's Matt -- we're -- -- -- -- Like a screen -- because withdrawal arm -- -- that the only enemy and hair and I believe him. Yeah -- now that is now my official prediction MacBook Air screener know around that. Yeah -- the problematic at the Mac the pro to do all right from for the timing you don't need that in those at the moment then air the -- I think it's really -- -- parents around meant that no -- yet. Eight yet take that to the bank. The deal I we're -- -- And when we come back we're going to talk about the iPhone -- -- and all iPhone apps that you care about. The Amazon's new iPhone app now supports as -- the Amazon apps were not often and dangerous enough. It now supports bar code scanning city did you price compares them on the fly now there are. There are many other applications that support bar code scanning fact the new Google mobile app. Will do price look -- not just on bar codes but -- a box and it is staggeringly. Accurate and scary but the idea of the Amazon app having you tell you here's might -- my death scenario for best buy. You're -- best -- looking at this routers and it's like 89 dollars and you have you'll Amazon app and you boot loop on the bar code and you realize -- 75 dollars M in three days or overnight if you're a prime user and you buy it. And Amazon gets made best buy their sure. Hold it and always scared yeah and -- -- that in which you get your hands on time line and you get a 1 click click I am on it with the Android and the Amazon -- -- like hey I'm waiting for early two minutes electric and cumbersome than and it's like. The chimp and elegant five don't of that stuff right now -- Don but you're not think about it just click there and I've been using Google red laser in stores for prices look at the -- like. Now I Amazon and its replacement look up it's one of those save you from an impulse buy because shopping is recreational for a lot of people in this actually takes people from -- -- fewer you there yet. But it would give him from a letter nibbling at when he can. I want the satisfaction of having purchased it but -- don't necessarily want at this price and they don't need right now exactly what can wait two days I can still have the -- satisfaction of buying it. Because that little buy now button. -- you get the same -- -- -- whether to buy it now or you take that register understand the open people was all right speaking from a. And okay heading back and thought about it I hope it does and I actually opens commander at him because I'm right now it's iPod only -- -- -- because it really. I've been. You will happen you will have seen me at Costco. Doing that like standing there and grab a printer or whatever on the last -- burner and -- trying to find out if it is in fact that's right and -- -- I know amend a law and then have them with and I'm I'm but you know at this mean deal with with -- cameras coming to best buy no a lot of problems that was. You can -- like I don't want the people he's -- thing with this model numbers delicate and attack on into the nearly what is that model -- it's like that was the one that -- me sold it to be distributed by best -- yet -- sneaky the window probably begin to see more and more of an and it's currently the question -- firmware like -- you put -- but they did because they just. -- -- yeah yeah it. Movie -- Apple insider reporting that a Microsoft the Microsoft executive says that the Zune software is coming to the Mac. -- -- -- Really is all about telling Mac users. Of windows but haven't well isn't that people can still be counterculture you can use your Mac and they get -- windows -- cut off the Mac. I love quietly -- -- just -- like you know actor I'm in my I met a guy am at the World Bank actually with things like yesterday the Mac. And I understand -- economic and state we get that we year. In prison is a white collar really nice prison acme boot applicant pool and a it still -- yet -- you know the Mac experience than. But now you could be in jail but still have your little -- -- like your shift yeah you've got a problem -- very -- software is your ship you break my brain to make me think that the windows phone seven is your statement of being counterculture. Yeah you're actually there. You're you mean in I'm so cool I use windows. I -- come I seven X eight. I can't handle that -- -- -- -- seven Narnia no seriously though if you're like a Mac person yeah I mean. Step -- -- does -- Pretty. And. I as -- in fact they better analogy would be this is your kind over the. I'm I'm I'm. If they had their confirming that Mac users will be able to use -- on the Mac the thing with windows and an -- -- chance it could hang with all the cool kids all -- dot net developers you know at the parties they. But you could be like yeah yeah developers and vote if you go like it's true I have a power book I think that but you windows evidence. Now I know I -- I -- point -- you did I did quite well in America. I'd date is big news CEO would like you to know that means really sorry for everything -- happened previously with the other -- with -- it was not his fault and who's that that the. Daryn that New -- is coming back yeah. Video -- -- page from the old. From from the people trying to undo bad situations book though they're bringing back some. Old features in -- Namely the air but air -- particular where everybody was having where they brought back the upcoming section it was like the story can awaiting I don't know front page due. And that they're going to be bringing back that -- button restore all user profiles including comment and the mission history. They'll add filters and navigation for videos and images provided tool for users to apartment violations and the date the top news algorithm based on user feedback. And overall site. The -- like okay hypocrite but we're gonna go ahead do that it does but holy lord -- every one leave the site but dig. Can dig as as I saw headlines hammered big tries to apologize -- and -- You can't do they can't be like it did man who'd gone back to our rude to -- mile underground again and so righteously cool we used to be. It's out of the -- it a year it's past its past the prime past prime it's Amazon prime yet and -- -- I think that it I mean honestly I think -- it's now down to the extreme -- because they knew there was a huge. Traffic drop when they changed. They were using -- -- for aiming to inflate their traffic anyway and then when they got rid of the big frames and we're having real traffic numbers. There was a huge jump in traffic and then when they made these changes it was like everyone who is sort of a casual user does that amount. And I don't I don't know that I feed him coming back if they found an alternative now I read it is taking over predict my favorite -- pop -- Replaced. Digg with threaded in the number one aggregation spot yeah so that's the first thing -- see now -- -- and read it. -- well pretty awesome and can. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Government has to get that little underground. Yeah they were cool these to be cool. Now now that's changed he changed -- what happened to -- and -- so I grew up. It's a -- I would know what turned out it had that happen but if you're looking for an alternative and you didn't love read it FaceBook is. Taking sort of a little big like approach they are now introducing comment voting. And comment -- they it it's not a dislike button -- but it does allow you to up and down about other comments that you can just. Disagree so you can put this module now -- -- decade these and I I tried it and so when you click the up button that's like liking. And you can and unlike something but he put the down button there's no like and dislike it doesn't there's no sense of tons of dislike. It's like and unlike promote -- like it's like stop it if there's if there's any and it's like it's gentler it's especially confusing that's -- like -- of pitcher like you know my motorcycle -- car accident again what delights in -- -- -- I know I got some terrible you know it was -- -- it and also -- it. They don't need to be a while but this like -- not quite right either right. Because if it were just like in people wanted to say bummer but -- -- your payment that would make sense either. -- sympathy vote. I think that door to your buttons or people could actually type in damn thing like -- -- in here okay instead of like Hulu -- blatant but. Yeah that's a good generated anyway your enemies did like. I like it out at random amount of on the new out of not -- -- nearly but not. It is not yet I think available on the last -- -- -- -- will the new comment if the new comment plugging there's now there you can get it at that. But developers like you have to log in to get it if you're gonna be -- yeah. -- could log in with PayPal plug in a FaceBook all the time on it I like to log in here there and I'm promiscuous but my FaceBook pages. As pop on a whole bunch of different computers in public -- -- well lucky for you the FaceBook is now trying to protect your security doll. But again. In a new way they're doing this new thing it's called one time passwords where if you're on if you're being mr. -- -- does some Internet cafe annual log on FaceBook from their computer. You can have Facebook's into a one time password on your phone by at the mess and use that when you log on. And now it's okay had a key logger -- doesn't change my password you're right and that -- can be he logs on that that cafe machine. They can then log on again because that password expires immediately. So it's almost like two factor authentication except that it's not went but why not because it is because you'd have to be content into FaceBook and -- it only works you have your phone book. One doesn't. It's not required it's not changing my existing password okay and it's just giving me a temporary one Thatcher is going to expire and I need to initiate that from my -- that -- but. I'm not taking anything different into FaceBook other than a single pass where I am okay. And one and a half factor authentication. Of -- and it just makes more cumbersome but it just moves the security. From one insecure medium to another potentially insecure medium which -- -- So you know with this and I think while it's a step in the right direction of hey you should probably protected password when your all the -- And cyber -- is it's uploading and why not one -- -- -- You know Google hasn't treaties with their Google labs and actually have real two -- -- -- effect why isn't. But they just go ahead and as -- -- the whole thing anyway and you HTTP -- your -- -- and so it doesn't matter if your log in with a temporary password if everything's in plain text anyway. You know did. FaceBook -- to be you should hire -- you'll keep your guys that. Yeah totally other back to this in software have been reading with a link that the tavern has been posting while they were talking -- there was like to get out and the studio side -- -- that elegant and the tour apparently popular who is writing windows phone secrets has that on his blog. That the Apple insider report about losing suffered -- Mac is not true. He said he believes Microsoft will release a windows phone sync solution for the Mac that's not the Zune software. And not related to the Zune software but away for Mac users to transfer music photo and video content to and from the -- What -- they're note that not all -- but this news came about because somebody from Microsoft put it Twitter posting that there are gonna do some -- -- software. And then there was an oh and that Twitter post was removed and this whole story is based on. That -- post -- so let developers excited because syncing is so much fun. Entertainment and -- -- -- get hired to Phillips like iGoogle TV if Sony has released -- -- -- that Google TV out. The manufacturers -- come and a right Tony is the first announced -- actual television line. -- -- with built in Google TV starting at 599 dollars went -- and yet have the little. Super controller remote job ideally this -- -- -- well yeah actually you don't like that out -- -- it -- yes it does look like in the remote is actually almost bigger than the TV itself. Yeah. The 32 incher I think Las Vegas in that -- yeah. Really bigger than -- -- -- I get -- -- -- I don't LP got it thank you know you're right I'm sorry to say. It's only half as big the deviant. Now the eight so the 32 incher is 509 -- about the think the 46. Is thirteen 99 and it comes with the TV with the little built in which is kinda cool. If they keep updating -- TV -- ago. Yeah I am a little I mean like a Logitech. System is a little expensive. I'm wary of the built in technology into sort of -- like and the built in VCR or an in out like -- I don't want obsolete TV pack in -- technology backed Google and I think I mean you're you're definitely gonna get the -- I -- Whatever barely Sony around through it with facilities -- have to prove that again to do Johnson and already tweaked it a little bit it's not your Vanilla. Google TV -- a -- thousand dollars. -- fragmentation. And save us -- there you might. And actually got to say that even nice at least and it nine -- and pretty expensive I know I'm -- an expert point aren't LTV. -- for a gap in a while authorities think this thirteen 99 of 14100 bucks -- -- built -- really and you -- going get a decent X 700 dollar. 42 inch TV yet Pasco and then get the 300 dollar like checkbox next opponent and yet and hello Memphis -- of -- unit. You can -- keep the M. That the screen which should last you for five or ten years man. The -- segment which is I mean that market is in major -- -- now I would definitely recommend people keep separate. Yeah keep them separated that's actually -- varied looks at Telefonica -- -- it. So David Katzmaier actually says he thinks that the prices are relatively affordable but he agrees that he preferred and don't mind impact are being -- TV. He's the average viewer turn marathon with a summit and and I prefer -- Dell monitor -- features best in super TVs have only because those features. Can look painfully outdated in your greed which is -- -- hit the airwaves thing we were babbling about. -- If you look utterly -- underwrite efforts are made no -- not a horrible price and still Sony's. Yeah. Now I'm gonna be doing it and visiting Houston is back -- -- literally -- an Israeli bikinis and -- the elementary and healthy a start instrument. You don't -- when they never okay that's one you could you could always get another Google TV on the second -- and employ that into -- it hang on I -- boot up my TV into the first and Google thing and then. Connected to input threes wouldn't -- of the real one man -- -- think that they are attentive and now you've -- -- that land now I'm Selena. I think dual booting windows and Linux it's dangerous it is a TV or Daryn is there's something. -- isn't he isn't there and that's about it. Are right I'm sexy people that'll get to -- -- they have a look at it I would North Africa that hot percent Sony TV. -- related -- -- on your science news today. Every time we get all excited about equal sign thing and some other kind of among them I don't know that there are that bird act so planet the first habitable -- -- planet. That was apparently discovered. A few weeks back. Now reports from an actual planet meeting. Say that a second team of astronomers couldn't detect. The first -- planet and they think that may be with -- option I think that the basic Amanda these 51 G because Donald bell and I are total on the first play it you're gonna be really bummed when you get to that star and there ain't -- -- -- Or -- just a rock. All they have a camera I personally think though that the that the kind of that -- that damage control -- report in coming out to control worldwide panic in a lot global panic. And they don't want people trying to get the -- off -- rock. Because they like spirit that we got back plan -- we all know that they have reserved the act of planet for like the really rich people in the super smart people in you know like they're building are linking point two and they don't want they don't want the -- replica element back the planet that's another -- and there. -- -- -- Right they're all or alternatively you could be the scientific method or thought up from 24. Yet it could be that but hyper leopard frog is probably global conspiracy you're right at -- yet or or or the second team of astronomers are actually aliens from the actual planet that here on this information campaign. Her right yeah in nature that we don't start sending people to ruin their planet -- we -- All also very opt in way more plausible -- we're gonna have to send a probe and -- know 180000 years the current propulsion technology. It'll it'll come back I'll be juror on that's what via yeah. I onto the voice -- in getting the call at when he -- excellent sixty victory you should do yet and not. On that Apple -- worker purple. It most businesses in from Saint Paul. Commenting on the Apple logo contest I think we've all been duped I think it's -- -- -- -- Because arm. The pulled it out so quickly now I wanna go online and eloquent logo is an -- -- thinking about gap. And -- about I'd love to buy article that it. If that's again blacked out the New -- strategy that. New Coke sucks but remember old -- if you haven't tried and three years tried again and people actually go back to it I think aliens from the -- -- planet actually created the new gap logo as well part of that means a lot more so everybody probably a good idea is what they are the gap. I'm an -- you can email of the -- that cnet.com -- 27. About the semantics of the Chevy Volt power train and decided to read into it my perspective on -- I'm an engineer in the auto industry -- been very interested -- and abominable but as more information service that. I've -- to see how GM will sell very many of these but the price point of 41000 dollars there are multiple vehicles that achieve better results. Based on popular mechanics drive testing the -- got 33 miles on electric only and 334 miles per gallon on the gas engine. Plus the -- will require premium fuel alternatives in the belief the Ford Fiesta. Which by the way that yes that's 141000 dollars starting price 34 -- pronouncement the Prius that 23 grand for fifty mile per gallon combined. In my opinion why would you viable with still much more economical choices that are better for the environment them. Which is any good really good point brutal that -- It very good point I mean the volt does not -- most. Green or economical. Of you know via other electric cars out there however the one thing that this might not be taking into consideration -- short who is the subsidies both -- such is that GM gets to produce this thing from the Fed. And second is that -- that you get when you buy this thing which is current it's currently eligible for 7500 dollars in government kickbacks and all the you all the -- I know so I'm not sure if this is all taken into consideration. I'm sure it is I mean -- been at the base prices alone make an -- work out the appropriate for the 23000 based and that -- that 41008. But before any -- ticket back. Yeah I think I mean it's especially now that we know that -- -- cell is made possible selling point which is the all electric part. Not that that it basically also a hybrid that can -- while -- Hey why bother all right. Speaking -- well actually Jason from Pittsburgh -- that's -- that want to respond to your comments regarding the legal fees awarded in the student district in the school districts by case. I'm not sure you understand the costs of pursuing a case in court. And top of paying an attorney for her expertise in drafting a claim that won't get thrown out and they want Jeff to play a secretary a paralegal at least one expert witness -- that -- -- -- Taken defend depositions review rooms of school district -- I think they mean -- -- -- documents. Emails invoices all of which could take months of manpower. I would guess 300000 dollars what for overhead alone all of which is done to connect the dots throwing not only that report was aggrieved. But that they are entitled to compensation at the lawyer. I was impressed they got so much for these -- considering that there was no financial loss attributed to the district misconduct I mean really how much is -- teenagers embarrassment worth. I put out is which right up and actually that's the kicker for me that he thinks that but I would not it would not shock you know. It took 400000 dollars of manpower over eight months to get 100004. -- 100 dollars for these kids. Which I see the point if lot of work to do this but still begs the question of is it's really the -- distinction -- Yeah yeah exactly maybe -- -- down on blanket. Andrea the so called that that the threat in incident is an answer to -- question why is Google making robotic cars. If you had all the money in the world like Google does what would you do with it what would be a project with your attention and money he's got that are young enough to understand the money's not meant to just make money. I mean hopefully they haven't been corrupted to that degree yet. So cars that drive themselves to save us from ourselves as -- I approve there -- approved. Next world hunger please space travel that might solve overcrowding yes that pennies for money. No argument here. You know we started on a piano and organ and them the benefit apps if you have the money what better way to use it and help improve the world and I actually think that's. -- Google Earth I think they're just like this would be -- let's do it. Let's save the world and Google cars would read reds on the turns yeah that's right and you. There we go and tell it how much land -- don't like being evil is expensive -- not expensive like now know bring down -- -- nothing and now. Now post your positive thoughts and comments on our blog BL well that's cnet.com than with your emails about that -- -- dot com. And -- -- with happy that letting -- excellent take. You -- -- -- happy operator and only about half the operator that. I -- think everybody from both and that send well wishes my way you guys are tremendous and I really appreciate it. So yet guilt batsmen will do our and check out -- -- attacking about this week. -- -- Camp I haven't they -- everybody Wednesday to power about five.

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