Ep. 1323: Google getting even more instant
Ep. 1323: Google getting even more instant

Ep. 1323: Google getting even more instant

-- -- And -- -- doesn't I'm Darren Kitchen I'd -- it and welcome to by the -- -- podcast of indeterminate length episode thirteen 23 now brought you live streaming HD programming and are now. The driver itself my first HD show I know you've been -- but this is my -- HD shows well it is yeah I would they'll create the let's do -- you were built for HD speaking of improved definition sort of Google is testing or. Experimenting with. Full page previews in search results as if Google instant wasn't in your face enough it is. This is pretty -- I think this. When this come to so and what will happen is when you search on Google -- -- result and then on the right hand side. Instead of -- And interest in what in the right hand side you'll see a bigger than a thumbnail the left them full size image. Of the page as you cursor over. Yes and you know what it kind of does that I think that supposedly the new Twitter has I don't know haven't gotten a new interface but it does it definitely has that -- two thirds kind of thing going on on the right. But it looks like it's just a pop -- so I don't think that's going to replace the ads in fact in the screen -- you can see. That at the top of the results -- still have the sponsored links. A bright and then the and this pop up here is obviously over that so yet doesn't replace the act so when you mouse over -- keyboard over -- Google -- Eric is awesome awesome -- -- now. You'll get your preview this. This changes. SEO and I think this forces people to do better content so they get the click. This is good for content or whatever really love about is in the screen shots that we're seeing here in the article is that when you hover over. A search results you get. An image of the page but not only that but it actually puts in an orange box around the text that has -- the context of your your search -- there. And then. Blows it up so that you can actually read it. Just glancing at the screen shot and so you -- -- so you can see how important the page you're going to. -- your content is right I how hide his papers up like yeah I think that saves a ton of time in searches I I've been in the habit for a long time. Hit the query and then just you know middle clicking on the first five. And then just control tab you know go to the next job. And glance at the mall and controlled a beat it like now that's not it that's not it may he'll come back that one controlled and just you know. So go through like five or ten results real quick and this is gonna say -- it's an out and even after load that page now. I'm sure some would say it's not may not be happy about not getting no they -- -- and they won't be happy at all but because. They'll lose the that the clicks of guys like you were I live near anybody who just click to see what what is I wonder what it is this takes the -- -- But like I said I think this is really good for content because -- forces people to do web pages. That are worth clicking up. A removing the wonder how dare you suggest the Google would. -- -- -- -- And I think -- adds to it your your right and in fact did we I think even called this Q when did the Google instant first came out to the next thing that would just take it to the next level. Is if it were just an and I just can kind of imagine like will. Just pulls down -- never ever really. -- are located just can't have -- expand but this is even better after. Say. -- little how to advice here I am using that dev build of Chrome on my he's the in my office. Which has -- instant baked into the the address bar so you just start typing and your page updates with search. That plus the keyboard shortcuts on the Google search results page. Have fundamentally changed and improved the speed with -- with with the use mobile it is unbelievably fast now is so cool and this just makes it better. I'm not that I'm like trying to be a fan -- here but I really here I've grown up I am Chrome but I really like the direction that school is going in just adding efficiency requires a little to re learning. But it it's the payback -- sold yet and -- not like it's 1995 anymore and we all have like slow you know down again systolic we couldn't open these pages but just so and it's just. Have a preview right there and what we've seen things like this similar -- the -- before with like thumbnails. This were to static thumbnails the fact that it's doing some didn't textual and actually like highlighting what it is that's relevant here worry. That's what makes it's so amazing to me. And I will -- you said -- people should go and check out chromium and chromium dot org and that's where they can get the -- build a from a chicken that's actually is your -- just. Google. Chrome to have built with the easier -- -- go Lincoln it'll reinstall over the top -- -- -- you -- okay him. -- I get. With -- with Google Chrome you can get either the regular built with the super stable debated bill bill with a little less stable or the -- -- or even what's called the canary bill which is forget about it. I think you're a developer. But I use the dead building's good enough and economic struck back. Anyway in other I think. Rather important world changing news PayPal. Is adding the feature that we've heard about some banks are doing now we can take a picture of a -- somebody has written to you and that money goes into your -- But PayPal owned by either. Is rolling this out so if you write me -- check. You can get this on the iPhone -- now you're on me check I just take a picture with my PayPal app and it -- my PayPal account at the deposit. Yes and it's going to take six days to deposit. Exactly yeah and and it's. -- and it's going to -- -- bank -- it's going to PayPal which is not classified as the bank in the United States isn't it because they do play the I know pay interest. Now PayPal is -- license money transfer on a state by state basis. So the -- they conform to the same rules and regular some of the same. Rules and regulations. That the rest of financial industry has to specifically. Regulation. But I don't believe that FDIC. I'm not sure. Nonetheless. Two things about -- first of all it's -- that is actually it's incredibly it is that you're a teacher so you're your money is slow now known to see men and you know it just I'm on the on the -- still investigating. Glancing at it but yes -- it's it's not a bank though right is well anyway but. If people are going -- People do treat PayPal -- that like the bank because you -- -- -- keep money deposited there and it's easy to get out. Announced incredibly easy would impact it easier to take a check and put it into your PayPal account. -- it is still walk down to the ATM and put it in there because really if you take picture with your phone all of the your -- -- you have USAA they have an iPhone -- right will do this right and if you're not lucky enough to be a member of USA a you can. -- -- Great -- has that except unfortunately they have a 3000 dollar limit on -- -- Well darn though people or threatening 9000 objects -- I mean if you get large checks if you're (%expletive) rent money or something -- -- -- house Republicans have anyway the thing is who we do we do active you did mention this again the six day. Approval process is float that is time when PayPal eBay has your money and is earning interest on it and you don't and so. That that's a pretty good deal event that's to me because raven croft and -- says that the that'll give it requires a checked it sixties to clear. I haven't noticed that my. Financial industries like I don't know but I mean into a -- before you're it is what is 11 AM here now and so they probably -- -- the money. You know -- good work on PayPal -- only good for your bank knows it so they front you the money if you walked into you know with some new bank. On and immediately tried -- isn't cash to 101000 dollar check with the you know and it's unclear but if you have 30000 dollars on account already -- you give them have by the military but they sure. That that -- the risk. Anyway this is. This is gonna funnel lot of money PayPal offers -- guarantee you and hill and right and I'm looking forward to the first -- cute as I think I'll check I think PayPal I think. And sadly there until the rest of the banks get their act together and start -- it's iPhone you know -- -- -- YouTube so badly I. Yeah and I'm looking forward in fact I need a new bank I need to back out here mine is regional back in Virginia. And you -- tenement production is the first thing I'm looking at is -- Kate so who's app is the best. You know and it's like -- and and reviewing like bank America verses whenever. If -- Anyway look -- announced he and public money to PayPal and will have more and tech news that we come back. Now we reported a while ago about violet blue's link shorten -- service -- got el wire -- Violet blue. Put the shortened -- -- that with sex positive. So you could be any link in there and it would be shortened into TV -- -- dot LY turns out to be Libya. Which has a fairly strict moral code out the what goes on to their country's web sites and they've taken down simply because it violates there Islamic Sharia law. Calling into question this stability and the safety of other sites using -- -- like. It. Right we'll -- short URLs but this is going to impact this could potentially impact that Lee or -- or many other dot LY sites. That our user generated content because you don't please what goes up there and -- -- Nick and I see -- LY which is the domain name service registrar -- there seems to think that they can extend it. They're reach beyond you know just registering domain but also what domain what. With the with the content is on this site right right. And -- -- trouble here because on her site she's got a bare arm -- -- there. But that plus well I live -- bear arms so -- true but that plus what she's linking to of course came into. Under scrutiny and she got booted -- -- It's gonna -- this is what happens when you put your business out into the hands of -- Another country another guilty. Right I mean different codes of laws and code moral moral codes that are I was. -- isn't fascinated when we started seeing these. No that oh wise that will -- the dot US is in us but. But you know like delicious and all of these that -- the funny your elves and as Twitter made. You -- shortening. Even more prevalent in I thought it was interesting that you know is all these different countries where you can maybe spells something right -- -- and you had any impact nick. And I Hugo why the the domain registrar. In the -- is saying that they're actually reserving. Domains of four letters each torture for for their -- citizens. Really you know -- of course twitters own is what he got TO which is Colombia and republic of Columbia. -- -- -- not command well. I wonder if -- owns what who owns dot. LY dot com because they could just do it dot LY dot COM. And I. Reward -- sad thing to do it the okay here's what's scary if that lead disappears will consider all of those links and then all of a sudden looks like -- -- across the board get. Broken for people that you links to this -- -- shortening service and that's that's why. He should consider you'll sorting stuff temporary and. Or to an -- -- nobody's mount hardly anybody does and you're absolutely right those services are put. They and they add a link of -- they add a eight a link of unreliability in the middle of the whole thing they're not library the public's their. The -- yeah. Anyway speaking of temporary gains. Intemperate failures Microsoft's Internet Explorer has finally fallen below 50% the worldwide market for the first time. According to a story on it's according to stat counter. One of many many many operations -- Looking at things like. Who owns what in terms of market share it says the -- -- I. 49 point 87% in September. Firefox at 31 and a half percent and Google's Chrome was rising. It tripled from about three point 69% September 211 point 5% in September of this year in 20092010. This is kind of a milestone to have IE fall below the majority share. Definitely I mean as somebody who put on a Firefox one point -- release party back in 2004 I am just heart warmed to to see IE lose this much market share and it's not anti Microsoft thing. It's a we needed more competition in the marketplace and this is great because that means that -- Chrome is has like nearly tripled this here. And you know third brand newcomer. And Firefox is doing great with nearly 30% or somewhere around there so and a -- maybe you'll even see little opera love your cent. You'll be resurgence there. Urine and adorable dreamer I but where an adorable yes but. And so -- opera. Now in order to keep. Cutest. That stop the slide -- -- market share for IE Microsoft is trying to get. Being and stuff out there. -- -- you can't beat him. I am so there may be -- he is dead of being is not they're not given up on being. Firefox has just announced that they are adding. Being as they search option to the Firefox for search bar it's still defaults to Google there -- some stories going around that they're going to change the -- -- not. -- -- -- -- -- Yahoo! is second place Yahoo! which mostly is -- now but still the keeping Yahoo! separate Yahoo!'s second place and being as a third choice he can change your Firefox search. To being -- instead of a Google search now the thing about this it's important. Is that. In order for Microsoft to Mike's -- -- the search hits these referrals from far but they pay. This is costing Microsoft money to keep being up there. So there and and Mike's up it wouldn't the most in the. Page views as well and they've got is -- bucks of the big bowling or whatever president on the other week yeah. So paying the users and you know paying the of browsers anyway that they can get on your desktop. -- So would you change. And -- -- Firefox both being would be just feels kinda weird doesn't I don't know another Google's got that link hover over preview thing then. The -- so you're just you're stuck your -- up to. I'm a Chrome off on the Google pop I didn't I like I -- -- the innovation is accident that's that's what content to go where the innovation. Would you consider an Android phone. The candy bar phone with a keyboard innovation is it 00 you know if it's. Because there is one now yeah -- ask. -- about -- for a I don't that this may not be the first one but it looks like a pretty serious phones called the Motorola draw it row. Which is coming to where's -- coming. No word on the carrier right now I I don't see the -- anyway it's it's an Android phone with a keyboard. And it's not for -- -- -- we're -- may be one of the first with candy bar orientation that a slight -- yes that. If well I loved what he had the right does with a slide out -- -- coming to Verizon it oh well you know what. Here's the thing. Love at first -- in appalled at this article we saw the picture I need to read anything I was like I am in love. Detroit -- my new girlfriend. That's -- up the I'd love to the Blackberry -- could type so fast on the Blackberry keyboard I like the Android operating system. The Reuters a little clunky and other honeymoons over I was -- code word to and at the same time when the boy genius report came -- leaking. The -- and so on to the new Android phones the toward pro was in -- to literally go away -- -- skipping Android two modes is pro thing. And -- I will be first in my confidence and needed it's got it's got -- one gigahertz or map processor and 512 megs of ram. Two gigs of internal. Another eight gigs this looks like he's digital and and and calling it pro I think is appropriate and the thing -- you know -- is a phone that and a -- would love. This is definitely a Blackberry. Well is it it's. And it's via Blackberry killer yet -- wouldn't you know it looks like a Blackberry and it looks like vindictiveness -- but -- -- Meteoric electric. -- -- anyway come soon apparently be public hiked up to 37 words a minute and some tests. -- -- -- from iPhone just cannot accurately my Blackberry but I loved it. Now. Android continues to make strides you know it's apparently become the most popular operating system. Four Smartphones in the US among recent buyers. The latest data from Nielsen now showing that Android is an act. 32%. Blackberry is drop down 26 and in the iphones at 25. Percent these numbers -- in this chart bullet I've got 26% below toward piper yeah well what what is it from here is from Nielsen -- a second just a little think this is from Nielsen statistics company yet has got 25. Above 26. Now right now I don't trust the story. -- -- system grafting area among. Yes -- but it look at the graph you know they they say that Eric. Between February and April. Google's market share rose from 15% to 26 and then -- had their next jump up here in between July and August from twenty to thirty -- And you look at the trend of iPhone saying stagnant and it. Rand coming down it's like where did they all the they'll get to meet around 30% and then mountain and then you know Windows Mobile and I try. Tried -- -- on for dear life. -- will see how Windows Mobile does but this is that this is a trend this is an Android. Turned its Android a year what amber it has -- -- will almost a hundred devices of ammonia so an outside every carrier right. The got about. Like a couple dozen rim devices and what are -- three iphones. When I don't know if Apple cares. It is for Apple and what matters is is the app from the developers and and the music infrastructure in the right yeah although in the bank regardless and now what's next com. Oh yes so T-Mobile speaking of good news good Android news T-Mobile has made Wi-Fi calling on the Android an official part of some of their phones. So with these new phones. You will now be able to if you're gonna Wi-Fi hot spot but don't have three G coverage -- you'll be able to make a phone call over Wi-Fi and unlike using Skype or something like that. If your phone number -- opponent. Yet it's really cool yeah. Why don't the other carriers do AT and he needs this -- badly especially because -- actually. Kind of already sort of allows it with their hotspots their what they call it their extender thing sudden they're micro -- that this is just unlike any could be just like at a Starbucks on Wi-Fi. And you don't have cell signal they can still make a call because you've got into it you know again I mean in the end a free Internet -- not just packets anyway so why not free international -- And yet but it's not. The team mobile is they get it they they do I mean they they seem to be -- of all the carriers. Least afraid -- cannibalizing their their cellular minutes it's always the little carriers and yet you know order if your T-Mobile and and your virgin America is that that -- the cool stuff like death Newton. A hand this is something we -- its -- coming. The connect manuals for the connector beginning to leak out and that is great picture and -- -- of how to set up your room for connect button and it says basically to move your couch and all furniture. Six to eight feet away. From your television in all directions. Except behind audio -- in the box in front of you open space in front of your TV have to be. Eight by eight. If you look at the -- though it EU could. Sure it looks like the person is pushing the coffee table away. How are you sure they're not gonna really cool dance move where the got to grab the table I mean but it is just the leaked photo from from the manual. It's connect they got a bunch of great inside and you're right of course now as usual. That's definitely it I think -- the coffee -- might actually be an important part of doing some immediately a giant step -- the thing idea I you know I see this stuff and we talked about this before it it just it makes me think that this is a product. The connect with you know wave your arms around -- around in -- to control that the game. That was designed for the mega mansion -- and the great -- Arab and everybody's downsizing now most places in the world don't have houses that have that much -- And space especially like that like Japan -- -- console gaming. Right I'm proud I know what's gonna. 78. -- -- put -- -- that and you know it in video gaming is important you're just gonna have to re engineer your house got to move. I mean look at that we got flail around and and not knock stuff covert so you just -- have to. Here's our senior living space. Priorities people -- we're talking about a video game here. Yes. Speaking of video games we've seen pictures now of Sony's Google TV remote controller which looks suspiciously like of video game. That has got some terrible. The growth hormone disorder. This remote for the Google TV device from Sony has to. The patents that directional pad at the top button and I sure understand what it means -- keypad -- I mean I understand the keyboard but I don't. It's go to game gaming device rise. Actually are those -- that's the look -- one of them is enabled at the one on the right it looks like it's got a -- -- back menu and something else but in fact yeah those are the same four buttons that you see at the bottom of every. Android device. Makes me wonder. You know well Google tedium and just afraid -- that this this device for here is what makes me afraid that. Google TV is Apple TV -- Android is iPhone. Well of course I mean Google is run by engineers the products do everything. But they just they don't have the maniacal focus on simplification that Apple does now will. -- I hate Apple for -- you look like an iPhone you look at an iPhone it's got one button yes you look at an Android here we've got eighty buttons. Yeah okay I think. And the square touchpad. And which makes perfect sense yes well what we're circular navigation. Yes so that's as agent to servers on the phone but I don't need to do that on my on my television so this that Apple TV remote has five buttons this -- but actually it's not it's really a circle with a little circle inside of them but it -- Yeah so whether or not this scares people away from the Sony Google TV we'll see I don't think it helps any. I don't think it's gonna demo well and all these buttons and the guys coming over to download it at -- that's by the quoted despite no way to know that when knowing -- I didn't -- long as there's an Android app to control your Google TV. -- -- That yet they're they're gonna be -- real big. Today at noon Logitech is announcing rolling out the review -- Google TV set top box and -- stuff going on today -- we're also in new as we speak there is a FaceBook press conference going on right now we're live blogging it. -- -- -- But -- couple people down -- live blogging. What is it about. I have not -- obviously. And it will answer we'll have the ability -- calendar MRI tomorrow it's yeah. Okay so we have been covering for awhile the the -- planet that the planet that's tightly locked -- doesn't rotate please by the UNG right -- we'll go when did we or so ago and we're gonna might take awhile to go and I are gonna be on that flight. There are conflicting reports as to how long it will take to get there however. Some are people are saying it will take longer to get there. It's what twenty light years away. And only twenty light years away from how could that be now give me -- but didn't give me a number likely. How many how many. Weeks 180000 years 180000 I'm gonna live that equipment and -- probably not so much it however if you have -- up with current propulsion technology right. Gonna go there today we're gonna go there tomorrow hopefully between now and moral -- something better if you can manage to capture. And 5% of the sun's output for just 12 -- you can collect enough energy to get there you listening. Reactive propulsion. In. Only about six years time -- it so be six years you twenty years -- -- back here on earth. But twenty years twenty years to us only six years you can -- twenty years or is just million daily thing you're gonna age six years. Yet. But you need to capture. Metric crap and -- believes that technical term of energy from the sun. 25 jewels. Yeah I think that is actually how you spell crap -- yeah. And that ship will have to be carrying fuel 530 times as much mass at the shipping cargo itself. Let me look at -- but basically gigantic string into or -- commander gas tank is limited -- So from schools -- just -- a rocket to earth than than than earth that way that are a little bit more energy maybe maybe we can get into lower the moon basement 990. There ego that that was. One there if that's different there. Are right we have a voice mail today. From Tom talking about unlimited data plan might want to check out. Hey but through its time and Minnesota. I can't believe online. Buzz out loud he didn't mention. 25 dollars for unlimited in Detroit the data with that virgin mobile -- along -- intercept. Seems to me that unlimited data and most any other carrier is at least sixty box so. Kinda. -- and you missed that. Love that show. Thank you for that we checked and then Verizon that it does in fact look like you can urgent. Virgin sorry that you can get a phone it's a 23250. Dollar phone people reporting different prices with unlimited data for thirty bucks. And illicit on the -- -- buddy -- -- on the set as the 250 dollar device but yet. There price plans start at 25 dollars for 300 minutes and unlimited text Haiti now elected stuff and and all the way up forty and 64 unlimited everything yet including I mean this -- -- if you if you if you use data more than voice. Such a deal -- I had beer -- what's all this is pretty damn good -- you know what I thought looked high and low on their website. And I can't find that little asterisk that says we -- unlimited data as five gigabytes. This just -- this is breaking out of -- -- I don't know the accuracy of the story but we're seeing now and thanks ballistic in the chat room on The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple plans to begin mass producing a new iPhone by the end of 2010 that would allow Verizon Wireless to sell the Smartphone. Early next year. Verizon iPhone coming. According to the journal we have no more data than that we've been -- talking about this obviously for very long time but apparently it is coming and we'll see -- early next year bear interest -- Right and sorry -- -- -- president girlfriend that's with. Maybe you'd be right and I -- -- iPhone with keyboard Indo. -- tiny keyboard. We will obviously reporting on that later today on news.com and tomorrow buzz out loud that you get a lot to -- around tomorrow's gonna be a great show and great show -- I'm so upset doesn't knock via an episode 1337. What I'm going I don't really -- -- -- we did it without you. It turns out and and those -- not privy to this 1337. Is -- speak for leaked. No really lead -- relief you -- currently. So so -- -- have to wait for episode 31337. For. Oh -- yet it's episode 31000 on there. Count me in. Yeah yeah yeah and at the right. And to then -- the numbers anyway. Emails -- -- to us response to condescending -- there are other ways to track your browsing habits with out cookies. Steve Gibson covered this in security -- -- -- now a few episodes ago things like which routes you run. The browser add -- -- lack of add on. Even a browser Noah Adams installed and they -- -- conceit. Info about your PC like screen resolution other variables. Like fonts for example can easily be discovered the accuracy of the info is pretty high and the ability to predict the same PC -- with minor changes to signature it was in the high 90% range. Also your IP address and give away your location and -- using proxy -- -- flash cookies are becoming a problem. With the number of -- they'll browsers the likelihood of two or more users the having the same exact set of add -- is very low. My point is that you may think clearing your cookies are using cut need to -- covering your tracks of -- are always engineering new ways to track. Yes they may not have your name with the info gathered but they have your PC's signature. You really do not need a name two markets that the person. Based on -- signature they can maintain a database of what you have done on the -- at that point. -- -- -- using a service like Tor the onion routers in which case you always changing what your exit node is you have a different IP address of it and it'll website. But like you said there are still other signatures that identify what you for a withdrawal -- -- mask the signature of your browser now add -- -- In fact I mean I guess if you wanted to go as far as to the install a couple of plug -- to it to clear up Firefox you can make it look like you're. Using a different browser every time you -- a web page because it's just. The the agent data that you're sending. But there are plenty of interest -- tricks that what's it can -- to. To take a look at that the profile every computer your screen resolution things like and -- You there's a it's a really nifty dammit here's goes on and where security researcher. Showed how they -- brute force your browser history based on the they've icons that you have from other web sites. -- -- -- And finally. For you. Right Wayne weights and -- -- as though. Why are you guys so -- of the new boxes coming out seems like Xbox PS3 in all the other web enabled TVs -- essentially the same thing. I feel like boxes are getting a ton of attention while they're not offering revolution in TV viewing. None -- that point you can do a lot of the stuff we're talking about with the Apple TV or -- -- -- review or whatever with. And Xbox. But it's also fragmented because you know there's several services that we all want. You know whether -- -- plots or Netflix or ends on demand and there isn't just one box that does it all gracefully at the moment. At but all it also isn't the bigger picture telling us that we're not interested in cable television -- -- Oh and ultimatums down here we all wanna cut out port -- -- on that pretty soon. Plus of course you've got Apple when it comes to product like Apple launched a review they're selling it as a set top box went when they market the Xbox they're selling of the game. And they can't -- you know. Final battle the wants. That now that Sony Google -- any Google TV just the way that the remotes laid out you know there's going to be at least nibbles. Answers oh yeah they'll be gained one with a monkey in -- in -- different cities of the premiums in an average. Prudent and just gonna be tough on them on them. That is our show for today -- their permanent. As -- pleasure you can get showed us and below that cnet.com you can drop us an email at buzz at cnet.com -- -- voicemail 806162638. It's 800. Six when sixty and -- -- I'll be back again tomorrow with Donald bell. Now Molly will be back on Monday. And you guys can check out a lot about -- brute forcing and controlling your computer over text message is. -- -- -- -- Thanks everyone but.

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