Ep. 1318: Aliens want our nukes
Ep. 1318: Aliens want our nukes

Ep. 1318: Aliens want our nukes

This -- this September thing. I'm that he doesn't alzheimer's field and Hollywood welcome to buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length that is episode thirteen eighteen. And we have a whole fascinating passel of tech news today starting went. V only slightly counter intuitive discovery that texting while driving bands. Have not resulted in a reduction in crashes. And even worse. There appears to be a flight -- -- them in the frequency of insurance claims. Filed as a result in three of the four states where they studied this is from the department of unintended consequences where apparently if you make texting while driving legal. -- -- Molly -- that many times and forceful secondly what what happens is in -- People get worried about being caught -- -- ever will be minutes that if texting like this and front -- -- that's where they're texting like this surreptitiously. And they hit people got so the law in addition to not being actually workable is making things worse by making people hide their. Illegal but -- -- force but illegal behavior exactly. Miracle I until unsafe yes it is still all of those things like it is still totally and they've and its pilots and -- it could appear but at least this is closer to a heads up display -- burying your head in your -- basically and and and -- and time Manhattan yeah it is the text messaging while driving has been banned in thirty states eleven them them were enacted this year. And it has they they insisted this institute what does -- which institute -- The highway loss data institute and the insurance institute for highway fifty -- and that in a perverse twist not only as -- -- have they. Not reduce crashes but they might actually -- what what I don't understand is how these this data's getting to the insurance companies that's the last thing that anybody will admit. In an -- in Iraq it's like oh yeah I was into texting the somebody sees that happened right or if they don't because now they're hiding how he looked like you asleep -- -- -- you know. The -- the institute did find that a lack of enforcement is the likely reason attracting bands are not reducing crashes although. -- -- the main reason is that especially younger users and to -- like laptop and 45%. Among eight of eighteen to 24 year olds reported that they text anyway in state that -- drivers from texting. Which is just shy of the 48% of drivers who reported texting and -- without -- Not to over analyze this but I I would bet that part of the reason that accidents based on texting -- driving has nothing to do with the laws even -- I'm sure this -- It not this is completely it. No it's just that more and more people RB getting the driving -- -- -- and become more and more a replacement for phone communication range so more more people -- -- that's more something you can't ignore because as part of your daily life. Therefore they're texting -- in addition to trying to hide their behavior. Because they think it's -- it caught. It is just our supposition that they were hiding that they were changing their behavior -- -- more dangerous than that that just seems logical but it's true that it may just be that more people are doing it and really. At this when I think it just comes down to a technologically need technological solutions to this technology problem because the behavior. Is not change I like you said the more people that's are driving the more they texting part of me really -- I think it has to be some combination of actual education and outreach like serious. Outreach campaigns but also. You know better. Speech to text and and driving mode I mean I called on -- -- Cellphone makers a few months ago to put bill driving mode into the car may get a hard switch on the outside of on the says. I'm in -- I'm driving and here's not a response. Them but make it easier for people -- have you know to have incentive to not tax I think that. Probably the best thing to do is is that. The campaign the communications campaign. More people of your friends who who die while texting and -- -- are less likely you are to do a type of thing yeah it was seat belts it wasn't actually. Illegal to drive without a seatbelt for a while until after -- -- for mandatory after their big. Push is to get people to wear them. You could actually get pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt for -- prolonged time here and there -- still and now finally finally there are very few people who don't wear -- Very few but it for a while after they -- -- that it. People -- warm in the long term education campaign torture. But I also think that that alone is probably not -- -- I mean it sort of you know. Some education campaigns work but I don't you know and just say no didn't they got to combine it I think where there's no reason we can't have better technology we -- -- -- -- Here -- give it to give people an easier way to let other people now like what -- -- in the car. Then again they get an auto response -- and in the car. The biggest problem is that you get an incoming text you'd like hard wired -- -- have a genetic response to that text isn't like. Yeah yeah it's like answering the phone which is only now finally getting out of our systems I don't answer because we have what's detecting. And again. Yeah. Okay and -- of ridiculous rules. Unenforceable rules goodness so you what would think that's. After it nationwide. Laughing and pointing and laughing I think that occurred after the -- -- National Association of Broadcasters ardently rolled out -- idea for mandatory FM radios. In cell phone. That they would. Don't let it go a little or retreat -- I -- it but now instead they have launched an awesome. New website Kabul radio rocks my phone -- taken it to not -- college taken it to -- and this streets and it's. Like a photograph through the little apps are Turkey like at least it says that -- onion -- At the bottom of the page but. It it implies that there are these gatekeepers. Who are keeping you from having -- light the -- radio that you mean and entertaining. And entertaining -- yes. -- -- -- -- -- It's a movie and so they think there's a movement. And radio fans -- asking why these cell phone gatekeepers. Are resistant to offering a free entertainment -- like -- all -- Cars and by the way here click iphone's -- At the public that the market has provided -- because capitalism in this regard. Tends to be working to get FM radios in the phones because people buy them -- if you -- -- -- like joined the movement -- -- yourself and -- here's how to do the super hard task of finding Amanda button -- radio -- up on like that it was twenty phone. On every carrier. That have FM radio built it. So what -- market insists on having an FM radio. Then they can go and find phone that has -- -- from radio and have so many people start demanding that -- -- put it in more from. And then the CEA put out. Press release yesterday. That said they did their own survey in response and maybe survey where 70% of consumers public answer I got -- and that server phone or radio and a phone. Not knowing that Batman like it would be the -- that law. To see -- that 70% of -- that consumers don't care about it and tuners. An 80%. Oppose making it mandatory to include one and Regan end up. With. Phones -- this kind of thing happens phones that are like cars with so many mandated features that. It's I mean in case the cars a -- to have to do with safety and with fuel economy but. Mandated technology like this it just it does not end well. It's it's just. Flat out doesn't make sense it this is just illogical -- dark especially since the market. Is doing what. The broadcasters actually one moment this is why don't get this at all that that the -- it if you force it down the manufactured throats. -- it will become bloated and unenforceable and -- be you know huge administrative costs and all that crap yeah but at the market is doing I don't get that if the market later. Four FM radios and cellphones was. Incredibly vociferous and then there would be a lot more phone loop with FM radios in them I mean maybe there is. I find is -- battling a -- stupid do you think we are. That there -- gonna believe this idea that there are people standing -- in the way of your god given right to have an FM radio and your phone but no well no sorry. It's a good -- but I know I will not allow it -- -- gatekeeper. And then he beat ouster of editing thing where if -- -- list to a link to a list of twenty phones across all US carriers. Like it's available. Everyone I just I I am truly. I feel like they lived in a little crazy town bunker and the only input aloud is there a reverberation of their own greeting count -- Well if you get the public to amplify your crazy town reverberations anything get congress the pay attention to it and you can get. -- -- -- -- -- Bills. And then -- -- -- the -- I would be pretty shocked if congress felt that if congress at. They were willing to impose this kind and it has some cute and it's no I don't know really I -- you have to admit the climate right now is is. Very -- a government regulation true very true. So I would be pretty surprised that somebody was willing to sign onto basically a lot that just keeps one -- alive by forcing other manufacturers to include panorama -- -- unnecessary hardware. I think in most -- this would be seen is anti business yeah. Yeah -- but it's propping up an old industry as well which is. Not very progressive. I just and -- he's and the technological sense -- you've gotta check out this website is outstanding and it looks super data. -- -- -- Boomtown has an exclusive today saying that FaceBook and Skype. Are preparing for a deep integration partnership this is actually pretty level to think that. Skype and -- would. An amateur -- I want this but it makes perfect sense. To be able to make Skype calls from within FaceBook people log into Skype. Using FaceBook connect with one of the things they're talking about Norton and it's a threat to Google Google Voice it's a threat to the telcos for -- -- -- already have the world's largest international phone carrier. You know you put that together with 500 million people on FaceBook then you've got a very serious telephony. Prop. Business here at eight it probably is the biggest -- -- -- for Skype yes. To get access to those 500 million users who would be using it you know deep in inside their -- product and now FaceBook has experimented with video chat before and company still uses it still out there yeah so but this this would obviously replace that -- Now and it's not like just the Skype. App it be FaceBook and Skype working together institute gigantic international communications. Powerhouses -- Wow I mean that I mean Google we like old yet it was pretty it if you're Google I think you're pretty nervous and very interesting especially -- -- the FaceBook polls are open. That equal that's happening to -- man. In other gadget news today that Nintendo 3-D S now has -- ship date. Does that you have children who have been jumping up and down constantly and Summers thing on the Canadian expert -- -- -- for content you're gonna have to find another president that our way to the next Christmas the F. It -- ship date. For Japan is February 20 -- The ship date for march and these are for Europe and the United -- and march. Now Nintendo is -- -- biggest game hardware manufacturer by quite along. Stretch I believe but this but things just looking of course with the Wii is four years old or something. Yet an antenna BS lineup is still pretty much -- the drug analysts and Alter and it's the top. But to release -- -- the follow -- product the advanced via the three via this one. In March -- does not mean it's -- is the Christmas -- And by the time the next Christmas comes around it'll be old news announced -- it's very peculiar timing plus it's 300 millionth. -- and. -- -- -- But I think actually that China. I would like to get rid of that old -- that the stars what they. This Christmas and this thing's gonna be backward compatible and you sales and you learn. There of the -- violet get an idea aside for nine and I'm -- it Zaire and then next year you gonna buy the new line and and the Christmas -- next -- you got -- and that. I don't maybe. But I mean it it it is a chance this Christmas. Too because nobody knows this practice coming via to drop the price on that what is that the DS -- I -- present that to something you know stopping double. And vendor of excited for the next you're picked -- York but just. Plus plastic keys in the chat room has says it has a good point and says how long was the Wii sold -- Nintendo's brilliant and generating -- and keeping that desire alive so maybe he they're going to launch it in March but it will be basically sold out until the following November when he can finally get it. -- are your kids for the holiday -- -- its true Nintendo is very good at managing that actually DDS devices have a really long. Shelf life I mean it's kind of a -- that they're missing the holiday season the reason I think it's a bit -- big problem for them is the iPod Touch. The iPod Touch that I think it's pretty dangerous to the DS right now it potentially. Although the numbers don't bear that out the iPod Touch as -- got a whole iPod line sold 10050 million units compared to the the Nintendo products -- which are way beyond that even though they're just games in the iPod -- more. -- -- iPhone. But yet it is a threat ultimately. -- -- jobs had some great I said in his last and a iPod announcement that iPod Touch with the number one device for mobile gaming now those those numbers were. Moon sketchy it. But he is saying look it's really growing that Apple controls much 50% market share and mobile gaming devices. Now that I'm sure includes the iPhone laden but still he's that he claimed that it was outselling the Sony PSP and the Nintendo DS combined. In terms of sales growth. It doesn't growth yes because as a new product this Arab in terms of actual numbers in terms of address the bull market for the developers who -- making games. At the battle I mean it's a battle and a -- can be and it'll be an interesting 1 it's true I am I am kind of sorry to hear that -- kimono. Absolutely but it's treaties on. Room and fitness teacher -- factory. Rim has been giving. What have been described as mixed messages on the operating system that will actually power the playbook we do we talked about doesn't that -- like what you know they didn't give a demo. Up on stage and so we said well what is the thing branding like what does -- because they don't about it that Unix architecture but. What's the LS and so. Rim has been kind of thing like it and it may eventually swap out the Blackberry OS with the software from Unix. Yeah there is powering the playbook. Yes so the that the controversy is is. -- going to replace the Blackberry the mobile phone OS with Unix yes and their over breakfast at the developer conference VP confirmed that the -- -- system. With that is in the playbook will be replacing electrical heat however it was not a top level VP and he probably shouldn't have opened his mouth. Because in the future follow up on that had said as has cast a lot of doubt on that statement. Which so there is no confirmation it is not a sure thing by far. That black where its gonna replace them the Merom is gonna replace the Blackberry OS with units however it is now cast into doubt. Right so nobody knows now at the moment what the future OS it's for the Blackberry however with removing -- units for the cap with -- -- think that. I mean that's why it's in doubt they didn't say one way or the other what the future the Blackberry OS it's. -- -- I mean they do have like basic now -- is new and fancy right screen capable and -- but it wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing in the world to move to the next generation -- It would be a pretty big changeup it would be a big deal -- -- although our audience would probably not let. The developer audience wouldn't you love it although maybe they're looking for something new and can exes you know. If there are real time OS yeah man and -- Blackberry anyway Jenn will will be -- banana. Even our official commencement of the playbook right now it. Yeah I know him Bustamante -- price. And -- and we ask you one rough time DS that we think ES comes out yeah -- -- -- it. And as long as announcing your new tablet is the new black Dell decided to get in the game as well saying that it -- seven inch tablet in the next few weeks. Which is actually remarkable usually when you you know announcer new tablets for -- music can be like sometimes when eleven from the next few weeks is. -- and they say -- ten inch tablet within six to twelve month and this is their Android Apple yeah. And they already have the streak right out on the market and that's actually has picked up. A pretty. Dedicated -- That's the five -- like -- have. The that that -- enormously even bigger then the Yugo. Yeah but cabinet curtains. I never thought that I never thought that the intermediate form factor with pickup you know we're not even be lucky if -- difference gonna do this got to work I wouldn't say it's taking -- We'll classified -- Device so that the street -- always kind of like in that weird no man's land and I wouldn't say it's a runaway success but that the people who. Have it really -- -- experienced -- other enough of them will say yeah. Though -- exact Mike Michael Dell said that Dell would -- a whole slew of new products in the next six departments including additional three inch or inch and ten inch devices and they're like. Planning to this roll out -- Dell -- And then I assume and rob read says that the our tipster extraordinary says that the seven inch is like seven in street. So that it would also potentially have phone capability I'm just completely confused we got you know windows Android the palm OS tablets which are finally coming out after eight. They say. 2011. Hopefully will be the year when the tablet confusion against the coalesced into some clarity it's gonna be raining tablets into those we're gonna be we're gonna go with palate a little flip. Gizmodo has an exclusive look at the plans for Steve Jobs is new house I don't know if you heard that the public against I think maybe we didn't -- -- -- but. That he so he's been in a years long battle with the city of Woodside and preservationists to be allowed to tear down his house them because of of the historic house. On his own property. And we talk about and actually we talked about how they have even offered to like move it piece by piece off of his property and then reassemble it tomorrow handling now -- -- command. So they finally gave them the go ahead should -- down and then Gizmodo got their hands on the blueprints for the new house and this I have to. Say it's just an architecture story rich guys how try to think he's gonna carried O'Neill 1920s mansion like -- -- -- Yeah build a bigger on with subterranean bunkers and all this -- -- No. You look at the plans which they have the floor plans for it looks like -- and -- warehouse it's it's gorgeous it's small it's very modest it's very simple. It that we will make an ethnic closets. It will I mean what -- need to -- to pulled from this. -- anyway it's a four bedroom with they extreme extraordinarily modest lay out. Very spare obviously not obviously but it looks like it's aligned with the property that -- Kind of an indoor outdoor house -- -- small bedrooms. It doesn't even have a bathroom for each bedroom. The master suite has its home bat there are three other bedrooms that have a shared bath. This is from one of the richest guys on the planet like and they say here is like Warren -- link -- as old house from a hundred years ago. -- it's beautiful to see what our tipster points out of the plans are subject to change because he had to submit some plan file. How to get permission to knock them online and -- -- -- But. If you know the reason I like the stories because that there's actually sounds -- and there's a plausibility to this yet. -- this is the guy who is like anti button and a designed -- -- Think that with the flexibility yes the extravagance for fluidity coming up doorknob to the stuff that's the -- No way added that he would ever built some big tacky. Make mention I don't hide this sounds a lot like him he would -- is then retrieved that is indoor outdoor that's probably mean that's somewhat modest and totally threw that out of it very -- -- him an -- has good -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Bill Gates builds a house with play. A trampoline room and hugging machine all the stuff and jobs just has this nice is then. You know bamboo floor thing I can totally see it didn't argue machines I'll I don't know know I -- -- remember wouldn't -- plausible as well I was working in Seattle and -- completed construction on his house and what's amazing part of the house yet all of us. Was that he had a key unit came -- I didn't. Really liked the first time anywhere -- -- -- -- it was like did you come up out of the thing you -- the -- gosh. Well you packeting you can now I notice I'm not -- machine. That's in the -- and secret layer basement. Super interesting story today going around about Google instant apparently -- the 2600. Publication which is -- -- the hackers zine. Has put together a list of words that are restricted by Google instant. Obviously. That list includes the usual suspects in terms of -- terrible words or violence there are porn like straight up pornography but. The CNN is pointing out that it's probably a PR nightmare because some of the -- the emissions are at best bewildering and at worst offensive. For example -- -- missions themselves your missions are like you -- example the word. The words bisexual and lesbian are among the restricted words so this means if you're on Google instant and you type in lesbian you get zero result -- -- results. That there will immediately stop delivering new results and you'll actually have to hit confirm and say yes you do really want to know something. That is in some way they -- related to bisexuals -- lesbian. And then and this -- really interesting right so Google said we do know from search. That from you know are kind of search data that most of the time when people type -- lesbian anti porn afterwards. Will -- them -- tech porn name Google but but so then. They don't -- when you type in lesbian man. Even though they know that the majority of their users are probably looking for lesbian Warren Moon the results they deliver an instant search are not part chemical approval this sort of like. I get I mean that make sense but. It doesn't it if they're not delivering what the user most likely want to just kind of the whole point of their algorithm it just becomes -- really grey area moon which is why we always say like you'd the last business you wanna be an -- -- censorship doesn't. As well pain every search engine has in -- Yeah every search engine has the states. It had varying degrees -- -- that you can turn off I -- go image search and give him. I'm too old -- had you know you have to turn off the safe. Search in order to see the results that your -- were looking for Brett why they're doing this here and over reacting to these words it's. And ridiculously warm and people type in lesbian porn and demand felt that just -- in let's in the just show them. Right then there's the thing about. Then what they're looking for -- look at -- has always been an annual any of the deal as a to have a predictive algorithm yeah they've always been trying to get and people. Look when people turn on the computer just assume they're looking for port and just give it to meanwhile we -- -- search for channel people but we're here -- -- the other thing I'd like now you're got an email to be hung up and lesbian thing but also includes like. But. It includes the word but apparently that is apparently and I haven't tried it if you do a Google ads in search for but. Ya gonna get that much dot com I wish I don't -- you better by the about it yet. Or not but it's good that they can on this team and they want. Him and it's just it's really interesting at sort of like. It's again unintended consequences like it's gonna open up a big can of worms that they're gonna try to control what -- what -- why have instant search if it's gonna have to break it starts what would you do you know and you know people are looking for stuff that -- not trial say. When he. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If it freezes for any reason. Then you cant click anything and then you just and spent that -- -- and nine cents Africa. Good news from Google though if you like me cannot stand -- threaded message view. They they apparently Google said that that number one feature request for Gmail -- the ability to turn threaded. Messaging off. And they have now finally granted. From on high. This ability Google has made enough option to turn off the features that okay that's good yeah aren't very conversations can turn off -- -- who -- A bit less who array at least according to -- oh yeah as the -- that all six Star Wars films will be really -- if -- magic up to thirty. Say we did see this coming however and -- moto -- -- really puts in this great sound effect. Okay I like exactly what happens our rooms and I think that's it. And not only are -- -- -- Natalie how many times have they -- re -- Star Wars now first they did they they clean it up and they put in new scenes and now did you mean much and now they're gonna do 3-D. Which is very difficult because of course they shot it on film the old fashioned way. Com and not only are they doing 3-D which. Forget the fact that I hate treaty because I can't see I'm bitter about it -- -- it's not so much I impose that it's like. Come on George is moving -- like that to begin with a first confirmed that that to begin with anyway and he started with episode one. -- the first 12 and three. Now well first what in the in the chronology equal one yet so we -- -- became even -- good ones. Until like you know twelve years from now parts weird yeah that that's just weird. I say if you own that catalog. Absolutely. You -- that way everything -- way you can be given away with a brief verbeek. Pre -- and pretty in -- -- -- -- I'm knack for BY -- you like come up with different ways to make money on -- little red bend over and over -- re read -- But I do think -- -- the -- Okay here's what here's what here's what he should do I will pay. My own but -- -- -- would -- -- George Lucas. 300 dollars for a license in perpetuity to all future upgrades of the Star Wars franchise. 300 dollars no way he would never take that. 500 dollars 200 dollars what do you think you would pay to get all future upgrades for the rest of their lives for you know as president some television I mean whatever look what would people -- what when he takes you -- -- like ten grand. As you've got a -- -- I did you get a relief when it comes with a baby camel Miami and now on and I would probably about maybe -- on this and the. And we talked for about it we gave we talked recently about how the HD CP master key was indeed legit. Now that code has been released to go crazy. -- -- -- Seeking get code and you can build into things and and do things that we'll get in deep trouble but. At least the code is open source and open. It's just -- and now it -- yet the I mean in some cases it may be just the thing you need to get your avatar dvd to plan your player and. Decoding with the block cipher stream cipher in hashing algorithms necessary to perform an HD CP handshake and to encrypt or secret video they say that the code right now isn't quite powerful enough to manage 1080. In a single core but with future enhancements and making -- multi -- and making me. The -- code more. On multi -- machines that you'll be able as well and it works is because that's the port and the code is being released open source there have been others were further optimize it and use it in their HTTP related projects now look for us to report next week -- the -- has indeed -- -- Newton new killer new killer they're gonna turn out -- all T shirts and. Okay so. -- our ongoing alien coverage. It is alien week about that we have reported first that we had appointed leader that the UN had appointed a point of contact for the aliens when -- -- -- at. Now the -- a contact has denied that tutorial that no one else can be reached for comment because they've all. Disappeared and -- -- the mother ship. And that stories started to look all the more plausible. And this week seven the former US airports pilots. Testified. That they had either seen UFOs personally. Descending on nuclear establishment of up to make -- -- like a -- -- Or had received related reports from their colleagues. This is all. Done done done little -- -- appeals to me like the that's stealth campaign for some ID five. For less than some movie and it doesn't that at the movie saying they've gotten all these air force retired -- are they were tired of its collective. Of their former hot seat okay all these guys who like barely making it on their air force pension and the like are all you have to do. -- he saw an alien no way you think it's for real. Total of the pilots have -- drive to blow it red glowing object and things that send beams down from thousands of feet above Robert Hastings the UFO researchers and. I believe in these gentlemen believe that this plan is being visited by being from another world who for whatever reason. I've taken an interest in the nuclear arms race which began at the end of World War II -- -- They care they want they want -- -- not destroy ourselves the apparently they're kind of picnic. When just looking cannery to schedule coming up my theory is wrong and why -- they Linus and nuke our planet when they need to comment harvest its resources -- -- While they didn't want us to protect their precious mines. We should killer -- to save them the trouble. No because then we would you know -- the natural resources. Maybe you'd like whatever that regularly so weird mineral or whatever and they don't want us to a new irradiated when they need to let the heal ourselves -- -- -- So -- just they'll take our -- the way mama don't then when it's at but leave us to basically without helping. Actually find peace just take away the work -- Okay fine -- -- a classic did not want to fill their time as well war that we have no weapons -- and a. A it. This time I say it's okay another -- guys so funny it's like all I think that the aliens believe that we are playing with fire. The -- possession and threatened use of nuclear weapons potentially threaten the human if the integrity of the planetary Barack. Is there more enlightened beings you know otherwise it enough and they don't want to -- ourselves because every life is precious. No. I think -- totally right that a lot of to have any done well this is there is the same thing that we hit that frankly all the nuclear powers due to all the emerging nuclear powers it's like home. You know this looks like earth is -- the aliens a siren. That is gonna stealth in and take out or nuclear reactors. Can. The science fiction I love alien we can -- out -- Every -- -- of them aren't there -- I under the voicemails that we have talked about crap -- and -- and the size of tablets and that we use the consumer are responding. First up Matt on the crap -- question. Markers and and sort of thirteen. You're talking -- the corporate and phone. -- sort of actually like the car where it comes yeah allegation is better than Google Maps. In it felt it was really get my this year before rising -- you know this year so. Submerged in an -- -- craft were whether they reap any place -- -- -- moment. -- -- No he bears out the study I was at 60% -- had that they don't mind the crap ware in fact some of the -- music. As the purchasing decision crap or VW look at that no and then we had a student -- -- anti the seven inch tablet movement. A boat cruises AJ the student from Minnesota. College and iPad yeah the playbook and got seven -- very. But one point where the and when -- -- nine point seven inch screen textbooks. Would work so much better on large -- state. Yeah one point five pounds a lot but -- compared to -- okay and textbooks that number doesn't sound so. Let's show. I I completely concur with that I was we're touring schools for my kid right now now he's and he's going to kindergarten next year and their kids and like first and second rate. Back packs that are bigger heavier than they are. And if -- had electronic books instead of these gigantic textbooks in the music and everyday you see that coming -- New Yorker a week or so ago where is the kid go to school. Followed by a pack -- with -- -- books yeah equipment malaria I mean you replace it with virtual electronic stuff and yeah -- my kids that I'm never send instant wave writer. Okay and -- I'm just sick and that was the argument behind the Kindle the -- to. But they can all of that film I think that thing like crazy while the Kindle Kindle is lighter and the screen is readable and it's -- so good we will probably be the case with the seven instruments do. Good point. Let you know what this is great -- we will have options. Yeah I mean Dell's giving it everything from three to -- and the only however you want the only promise that child chiropractors will go out of business that's a bomber yeah yeah. I onto your emails buzz at cnet.com and -- the first one. And we've been getting a lot of email about this -- started -- million dollars so here's some from majority Communist Party without a majority. Thirty dollars to watch a movie at home early at home web -- and so if this story just this does. Not die and I definitely people are lining up -- both sides there's they war brewing over whether it is worth it to pay thirty dollars or not -- what people really want. And people say they'll pay. They're more likely to pay if the if the viewing window is actually concurrent are the same time -- movies still in -- but we're not talking about that we're talking -- making it. After the after release just less -- Via almost everybody said. I guess maybe if it were they would be willing to pay that -- convenient if it were like day out yet to our even week which I you know that's true that may be worth -- -- Anyway blow your -- then he he he writes. Just thought let you know the iPad is coming to target stores attached to the copy of the notice the team members -- add in the email folder there and it's it's how to sell an -- -- that we will be carrying all six versions. And here's what you need to know if you're gonna be selling when these things. And it also says how many each store will be getting. Low traffic stores that we know analyze what evidence they which store -- but if you're low traffic sort between thirty I kept or sixty. Interest staying -- thank you guys for all of the tips keep them coming gathered it. -- -- -- -- -- High volume surged fifty -- eighty units that you will want to getting your target line in a while the iPad hardware is -- -- -- receive ample accessories. Of course which is that the market is the -- and this I mean so this had just been rumors that the iPad with coming to target that this would seem to. Can potentially confirmed the everyone keep those those cards and letters come -- stuff like that yes -- -- love it. James right and regarding fifth time in the emirates and -- Yahoo! messenger video and voice -- have been stripped out of the application for ages Yahoo! has a different version because there is a law against it in the UAE. Most people speculate that -- because the phone companies that want strangled and communications for profit for security and that your. Downloading it is -- as well but if you install -- non emirates version of Yahoo! lamb or download Skype -- -- the country it will work when you go back over. Though oddly enough Apple we -- into this little bit I mean its its own thing with the UAE -- so -- communications. Formats yeah. And and -- -- -- at the repressive regime like an. -- I -- and that but the restricting that right oh yeah maybe they're not movable meaning generally now. It's probably I think I think -- when you -- it was probably custom. That it with cultural yet been outdone that now I'm thinking it's not now I'm -- it security now. It. Based on this view if you'd like to put in your two cents we actually have comments on each episode that we posted a blog BOL dot cnet.com you can -- that there or you can email but at cnet.com or you can college that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We look forward to hearing from you. And by the way. Nice work men aged thirty -- connection -- -- -- what they're thinking called. I think that's --

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Buzz Out Loud: Comedian Aziz Ansari chats with CNET

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Buzz Out Loud: Comedian Aziz Ansari chats with CNET

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1587: Buzz Out Loud is Dangerously Delicious

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1587: Buzz Out Loud is Dangerously Delicious

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 2 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 2 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 1 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 1 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

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