Ep. 1317: Pay per punch
Ep. 1317: Pay per punch

Ep. 1317: Pay per punch

But -- Tuesday September 25 cents a minute of himself. I'm Brian sun Donald bell I'm Molly Wood and welcome to buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length -- episode thirteen 117. Rim paid off haven't elect to sleep to start over outline because those numbers -- -- kind. Ridiculous and now public amounts or -- just get this issue we party because -- 1317. That's -- have gotten so part. Party in Brian -- Ray add on yeah. And the Donald that the area because mine I am always think that when -- -- but especially today because we get to talk about. Of the playbook that can actually -- called the black Paterson can even when I was doing my little video for it kept getting hung up on the mean -- -- good name I. -- had told me I can't tell the noses have a weird name I don't you think though it's a little too masculine because of the playbook. You know they could've called it. The black book. Clue a little I was just in the -- them like they should call the black the weapons like hand alleviate cool man yeah I just I'm guessing because -- sounds like. And -- away -- why you would -- books album like playable. And have. But I black book sounds good luck if that's. I even more played by -- equipment -- that's kind of like -- wearing you know at the center operations like everything comes out of it -- that -- -- live. I'm the -- so I -- daily. -- -- and I select the name. And a nod to slap elegantly -- Frank tablet. Alright so they can bets on whether this it'll actually make it to the light of day. In like the market a little formal hello -- -- -- let's say that yes so you were there how does he really is it's late it's like super product that actually wasn't demonstrated. Onstage necessarily right and if and you didn't get an idea and there's no price. And we don't know how they're gonna -- -- or win or for how much or. This home media and I know that's the biggest problem -- -- they finally they trotted this thing out infected again recommend reading this and that's totally true like introducing your your soon to be some day tablet. Yeah that with no pricing -- should dated the -- black. -- can't let it all we are told to do it right. And then. It now you know and you also promised and is powered by unicorn syndicate -- just really gone like totally off the wall like it's powered ion processor you've never even seen before. Now harnesses the power of the moon. Well let us Disney got all the promises he can't -- -- -- the new plus and they might have lot of feeling because you were there like people were people. Impressive they were like well how realistic people were impressed I mean audience of like developed -- -- -- really -- like the sink their teeth into -- new platform anything to did develop for and knew -- ticket. You know more money he -- and I thank you you know there they're -- of course that it did this mean this new opportunity for them in about. Potentially six months or more drag that by the united I think it coming out as early 2001 via this -- certificate -- that touting how powerful the thing was. March April and I -- yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And html by capable browser it is flash compatible as a front facing and a rear facing cameras evidences multitasking to any multi -- has some work with HDMI. And USB ports like -- -- HDMI and I stupid -- I mean again what you said it's Canada U but it suspects that everyone wants in a -- little as a thing that's gonna come out. I don't know yeah and also like how important is it that it lasts for more than a few hours off its battery full. One -- -- now -- targets many many expect something else like that that's that's years you're making compromises -- kind of come out with that. The other half of the sounds I noticed when you look at the specs rob. How this is a -- will the other thing about those that it won't ship at first for the three -- forgy cellular antennas and I'll probably be better for power consumption. It's Wi-Fi only so it's not gonna be like -- searching for a cellular signal yet. But the other thing that's cool about that is that means it's nothing we tied to a carrier to Contra -- of one of the models at least -- -- if I right assuming that it exists. One of the models won't ship. Or will be Wi-Fi only at first right. The other thing that's antimatter is that it integrates with the Blackberry servers that Blackberry Enterprise Server so if you have a Blackberry. Then it will suck all the data and basically just think with your Blackberry so I thought it was a pretty clever way to. Keep enterprises. On black. Very and then give them it's kind of additional device doesn't incentive potentially but then the other part of that is who's gonna buy this who isn't already a Blackberry -- yeah now. And that is that's the OS right if they're really making it so that the only way you're going to be getting a lot of the Blackberry services like Batman messenger -- you now. I mean email support of his browser -- gonna be one thing I don't know how much that. All the features that they're -- opera think the Blackberry essential features of like email and calendar and and -- Tasks and all that stuff that year your Blackberry staff it would mean you don't have that compliment to it. Is this a tablet you're gonna buy as -- it in pattern and release -- something. What the -- I have to say though about the Blackberry -- and friends there. They're religiously linked to the whole BBN thing and they love their black Brandon -- first like we'll how many people actually use -- -- and workplace. I can't believe how many people use iPad in the workplace and to see them tanner -- in round holes yeah with and it's really not very good for -- and no we don't want -- and I noticed the size right at seven inches. Did it. You've played it yet hadn't seen this blood the played it side by side did it look more friendly to carry around if -- could you imagine seeing people's walking around with in the office. Yeah and it's the same dimensions and screen size is something like the galaxy tablet isn't the T seven inch tablets that are poised to come out. I mean the tab I would think it's gonna be out much -- yeah yeah but down. But yeah it's -- but it's also is a form factor that hasn't. In -- tried yet you know except for something it's kind of like. Kindle Lee in that then form the but it's the you know it's -- means he -- that people want tablet that in that in between space race to -- in your pocket. They'll speak you can actually get your pocket the five inch -- guys -- It's. It is it too small to uses like that are web browser and that delicate political analysts tolerate there was no -- on how -- even a demo once they had which is running a looped video. I'm showing -- the homes -- Now let's say that that's always questionable I put the -- -- -- -- because there was no demonstration there was no on screen demo -- of like what the operating system is or is going to look like and and -- it does -- -- not really even mention. The -- at all. Which anything I -- going to be some westernized version of Blackberry -- -- basics rather like what is and what is that running. You write you is like with -- QNX built. Greg you Lyonnais they have a guy up -- say shocking how powerful little was not showing any of copy at bay -- then this -- -- aside and look kind of web OS like where there -- kind of it's -- like Cover Flow of you'll be able to multi cast between different applications. And -- dock across the bottom -- the core apps again. Yeah who -- something that's skinned. Q and act like a public Unix them -- willow Republican candidates always wanting to see like his demo is that you know until someone actually -- -- -- -- you don't really get a sense of you know housing is really -- very well. This is definitely too I mean as with almost every other tablet competitor actually this is one that's coming the iPad from the side because they're certainly not -- even though they talked about how -- can do gaming -- -- yet they're clearly not positioning this as a consumer device that somebody is gonna buy instead of an iPad like they're definitely -- -- look this is an incentive for companies to stay on the Blackberry platform. Of their employees can use this at work and at home. And you know we hope that it will be a good compliment because I think they're just try to keep the Blackberry platform's strong enough -- -- -- -- compliment. Read has also like the whole tethering it's your Blackberry or an Internet connection yet that's try to keep people in the Blackberry world and as much as there is that 1080. S but it doesn't necessarily mean it's doomed to failure because there is an interesting report a couple of recent reports that indicate. That Blackberry may be growing just as fast as Android in terms of global web usage and a Blackberry users -- doubled their web presence in the last twelve months. They're probably all -- users now have usable browser. Because they say yeah -- The stats -- from -- on -- -- that the if these numbers are any indication maybe we shouldn't count rim out quite yet and rim is in fact. Reported to be working on other devices that now you know they've moved to the web -- -- -- their -- if you have major Smartphones are going to be a lot more. -- and that way and so it is possible that rim you know. Rim is I think -- -- Yeah I gotta be honest and I'm sure I'm pretty happy isn't in the tablets basis not just the ongoing kind of boring conversation between like an Android tablet and you know and and then iPad think. I mean there there should be a web OS patent down the line somewhere right yeah we hopes. -- it may be we have argued the that we got an email and I'm excited about -- thank you to everyone has been sending us like little insight tips I love and wanna keep. Encouraging that fan of show -- what's this what's this for the last thing unless you work as first famous fan and middleman and is left Michelle Yeoh and you works at a place. -- that apparently knew that I was able to get some hands on time with the HP slate 500 prototype. Very cool device Apple have to be scanned it be contacts and it's coming end of October. And I can't wait and so -- pass those along to Donald and Dan Ackerman Dan Ackerman -- it. And it's up CNET and -- -- -- these pictures does look nice potential leaked pictures of the H peacefully. But this looks to be sad though wins them and play yeah I was is the earliest one. Which I'm curious and I don't think it's happening and I can. An event like a party and and -- And I am in it looks very much like an -- I would think kind of you know yeah a similar type -- -- quite a bit thicker. As a means the whole Windows 7 chiseling it is like this is windows evidence completely translated to attest that it's it's not so yeah -- -- -- But it is -- -- looking -- right now when they have sort of started to sneak around the you know -- I think they confirmed that they're working however left to -- that though. Every every every other elements working on it felt like I. I'm working on -- -- to -- our our -- -- In other near that is not tablet related -- they apparently. According to techcrunch this is still in the rumor mill. Officially but techcrunch as we've gotten word that the official Google Voice application has already been approved. Or iPhone. And is on its way to the iPhone in the next few weeks. Yeah this is cause a lot like last week we talked about how Apple had changed its. Have a developer had a recurrence of what they were or their guidelines of what they were gonna allow this or not there to Google Voice app that got through and everyone was waiting for when is -- -- Google going to -- submitting to there's pushed through so it looks like it's going to happen. -- -- Now I'm excited Google Voice and have found them and and the iPod Touch had imagined him. Yeah yeah and photos global mobile and again that suddenly gaelic and thing him also in the rumor mill Goldman Sachs going out -- yeah. Again. I let -- and analysts really. You know saddle up and ride and let it let it all hang out here with the crazy predictions we does that saddling and. Meaning Omnia that you -- -- pay it within the next comparable in Iraq -- -- that they're dangerous it's not a good idea but unlike you do when you -- that cowboy or just get them. They governor I'd commando if you don't like. There is only hurt fire from both at the -- -- -- -- -- metaphors in it if it. You gotta double barreled into the big trade he predicted that Apple might be working -- -- iPad with a camera. -- actually the part of what can shocking with menu of -- -- that means I'm. Highly all of the highly in my the black but the played with unicorn like nine point seven millimeters iPad like thirteen point four millimeters. They gotta get better and they've got to be the thinnest device on the market -- if you actually Zelda that's gonna happen the iPod Touch now is almost them. Almost two dimension to it it's stupid edit conflict but he'll I think it's that you could slice people that they seriously -- it yes. Yet. -- Goldman Sachs. Yes good they're good point did you we're gonna land you get up settlers this the other thing would be the nine point seven -- iPad not necessarily the -- -- and they the analysts that that their checks found the -- seven inch project at -- have been finalized. It is unlikely to be launched ahead of the new nine point seven and iPad which would be then thinner and lighter with a camera. What's the what's -- random interesting note is that a couple my friends who no longer work for Apple over the birds would there there -- -- the year they told me just recently the original iPad. Mechanical concept that was out who was not the night -- and they said it was a seven inch originally really yeah which it was like -- that's that -- -- so Steve is like. Make it bigger I totally get behind them and -- -- -- -- sold on that form factor that you didn't have cut -- Alec if you big and heavy it's hard to find a person to accommodate it. And on the popular even emeritus of my gosh it's true I've gotten her through the stupid thing I think is a thing and they've already redesign a lot of these apps to take up the larger real estate of the of the ten inch screen when nine point seven screen get a rate is -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well at the same resolution hasn't changed there are still -- depends on usability as far as like the size. Now I don't think I. And if there's something be said for the fact that seven inch might be in that -- uncanny valley of usability feature paint if you write me can I feel like I tend to having. Yeah it's the okay they didn't yet have the it'd be starting to hurt my -- a lot that might be different engine problem a little effort into and I can that is an angry -- is I am like. I have actual wrist pain from -- because I've been reading all the time. I just -- in an image you gotta work on those eyes sensible totally yeah -- work on those eyes that just doesn't. And it purple -- McConnell. And that the boot into a -- bridge tunnel. So if I'm BT -- -- of tablets are gold dress them their cottage industry gold rush is app stores. Techcrunch also rumor and I mean reporting that -- really get that the -- about tech and -- got Vietnam right now other rumors today is that. Amazon may be close to launching its own app store. For Android not the same thing of Amazon's story can buy things from Amazon. But their own app store and this is this is like. You wonder what direction political and are they trying to maybe develop something on their -- because it would be. Just imagine on a phone -- device and the device you have the Android marketplace. Amazon marketplace. Verizon and Verizon all right all right I mean. But anyway later about is is devices that can't get the official. Google Android marketplace right now right -- I mean if if you wanna eat anyone can make. Andrea tablet right now but -- can't make an Android tablet that's blessed with the -- marketplace unless they get the seal of approval is Google linked him and live like a company that are both works around that is that they they make their own Archos. Tell -- -- -- that's kinda lame. Because they don't have that they don't have the power to like really -- developers and say hey instead of just the Google's or puppets again marks or two but someone like Amazon -- do that. You know also I think nobody can do is that if it if there's Amazon Android app store that can be installed on anything. That opens a doors for a lot more interesting. You need boutique product Android you know products letting developers might be. Little wary about is that there's a quote from and I guess I -- know -- it's -- so their terms but about how Amazon is gonna deal with developers. They saying quote we have sole discretion to determine all features and operations of this program. And is that the retail price and other terms on which we -- Which is totally -- -- on them out. Price fixing know it sounds very similar -- I concerned packet timing and I hope that -- actually Amazon's terms of service and not just. Old Apple and but it says will pay -- a royalty equal to the greater of 70% of the purchase price of 20% of the list price. That -- thirtieth standard they say that you cancel your app cheaper and other services meaning presumably other -- started. There's a 99 dollar fee to be a developer in the program. And it seems like they say if your app is available on other platforms -- to make sure it updated at the same time on Amazon's or that you do in any other store. It and the apps will have to be linked with Amazon to your -- Which means -- probably only work on Amazon approved device. That's a different kind of approval things like Amazon Android and I promise that my dream of their being and a visual alerts that are available for phones that -- it. That's -- idea entering on the side of my toaster. With that app store on it to them day watched that -- to sort Amazon mailer to Amazon. And Andrew -- -- That however that last bullet point lead into the partner rumored to this story that Amazon. Might be working on an Android tablet yeah that would follow the -- Android apps are which actually does them. If they paired together issue yeah a new version of the Kindle I mean that new Kindle could certainly be tablet and -- little else. Amazon more than any other company right now has the iTunes like media. You know to supply at tablet with it was more immediate talent that can rent movies download movies. You know get all of steam all that the music download music all that stuff yeah does -- we can really do that through an Amazon store. But she couldn't necessarily do that through -- admirable. That's actually just what we're saying it -- lacks the black rates currently lacks that app ecosystem and that media -- as an iTunes like paying any -- HP is gonna have the same problem you know. Whether it's web OS or Windows 7 meteorite Amazon's totally can back it up. So that's that's a pretty DC I think that the media a rumor. Although. And to complete the Amazon trifecta the company has launched Kindle for the web -- which is not necessarily just web based. -- -- at all it allows people to view and share both samples directly through their web browsers. This is really cool -- -- the almost essentially of their of viral tool that they're using to help solar looks more you know you say. Hey here's a book take up first chapter of someone checked it out and and they can go parts -- the whole look to the store that's cool. And I think that's pretty cool -- little. I cancel the unit and on tablet you don't really Michelle it it takes six in the taverns and I think I would love that and I'm like I think -- we can I think that. That could be it second it can all come together and hands -- Intel anyway I also like that and I -- There was a demo of a similar thing during the Blackberry presentation yesterday might have missed it because -- counseling. For the three has slowly letting it be great if you can think it'd be great I feel a lot of on Pepsi's disease even if we put it -- and there was a demo of like a more social book reading thing in -- -- a little bit. Now hopefully but I like the idea -- That the -- many readers I think do is they take away that social element of Reading and reading is -- Very social even though it's economists solitary. Activity -- -- -- sharing and I like the idea that you can share that means sharing simple when this -- -- and what they. At the Blackberry they would get attacked what -- time Alex how using the -- infrastructure someone's the about the -- They -- -- like ping -- and you could talk about the book you're reading through that through like the medium. I gotta be honest you guys -- and -- at. How how quickly realized notoriety I have my my editors can't come down the tablet that's they and every other -- -- played pretty sure Damon you know that that's how old medium yet about who we get the editors there and we -- -- We have -- lot of -- go and then there was the neat thing about black -- either because that was literally the only other comprehensible part of this. I'm hoping wrestling. And now I'm black and yesterday again now it's gonna be a lot more functional and he honestly put -- -- to open a thing as someone who like is not to me that -- -- with a Blackberry world this when they kept saying BBM people like it's as if -- can help but now I. It now now -- but I do think -- gonna come out like that. BBM face time -- People love that stuff I'd like I'd like you could just -- that someone but the medium users swear by now they really did -- really do. And now you can please come back and -- which is actually pretty cool I mean the ability to push but samples -- and music to each other photos it is really a pretty useful service. Anyway back to this little metal like element you can also -- -- -- tangent day. They -- it'll follow -- so and then in other like little wrap up news today it is now confirmed according to streaming media dot com that Hulu. Is coming to broke -- -- This is the thing we have all been waiting -- They haven't clarify for sure it'll be who -- free content or -- plus. We probably suspect it'll be live plants -- that's what they're doing on the you know like these mobile devices that one are you know set top boxes and things of that nature herself will no longer -- -- another another -- -- I gotta say. Broke through plus ten dollars a month for -- plus is. Basically I think enough to -- -- yeah I mean really that this is gonna now have almost everything he needed to interpret in CBS. That's all about somebody isn't yet -- that I'll edit that part out it will landowner who's who's physically and -- -- -- it later. I don't know. -- dedicated CVS. On little -- or something reports that we be -- separate thing Xena dedicated CBS for CBS who faces yet tests let. Underneath data again and I didn't I didn't hear -- -- out of the room right now save my job done. You get out of here I'll take until you'll have a template -- that the idea. -- a quick update to Mark Zuckerberg not at all mercenary 100 million dollar donation to the New Jersey school system. Newark mayor Cory Booker says he has raised forty million dollars -- private donors already. In his ongoing -- -- to get just a couple days later that's awesome though I gotta tell you I don't care how mercenary that. Donation may have been in the rigging hundred million dollar donation -- district and it's about me Matt and that is. Unease when the most under one New -- school district attorneys do you mean that's. Absolutely wonderful I can you -- imagine what a school district like I can do with. A 140 million dollars much less 200 million a lot of pencil shipments absolutely amazing and it's so impressive that that many people have been made them money into the unit I -- -- matched that. -- -- Okay in other techcrunch needs it -- one -- yesterday but it's not today evidently AOL. Has purchased techcrunch this is also whether any company -- -- weblogs. So they bought up you know Gizmodo and engadget. Gizmodo it was -- and gadget -- -- -- -- -- on the web -- That's a whole different. Like empire. That's gotta you know they're and they're all about Bynum blog -- and now they've they've purchased techcrunch sources say that they paid forty million dollars. Alley insider's speculating that 25 dollars 25 million -- and cash and the rest is an earn out. Them but they don't -- for them via techcrunch. It snapped up techcrunch and engadget now being you know part of part and -- also fail randomly fire and yet also with a crunch here. I haven't -- -- and of techcrunch. And sinking real I think there related I'd keep track. Anyway yes -- lot of doctor which is not owned by AOL though it actually produces surprising amount of original and it's interesting to me though what's gonna happen. With -- -- if he's gonna stay there Jason Calacanis the speculating entrance and inside -- but he was thing like. I don't know I don't know records and gonna make it because they can't really necessarily afford to keep hearing think these little -- -- But without him and I don't and and exactly exactly and a so we'll see you -- and that -- Interesting story and -- things. It's not the famous than just blanket list of like deeply that -- -- but it's related people you might wanna -- -- things are related to you. Now apparently they might sell loft space in that column. Yes so for example if you're like a big sports -- and maybe follow someone like. We'll Brian James or his friends maybe like -- Nike's gonna pop up as like a follow us via. Yeah tell you I'm gonna click on the. I'm I'm I'm actually not going to. If you can't fully with your paid for algorithm but that'd probably be -- -- on -- buying friends essentially. -- of executive in India it's kinda sad for me for companies that might be more advantageous right but bird could you imagine like an individual personality like more hours yeah. Yes. They're real this is well the word you know I mean it seems sort of spam email it but Brian -- -- out and you have to. Well -- just -- you know whatever that data will have -- decide how much they're gonna charge you know. How -- is really an -- to the bottom line yeah you know. No all of the ways that they eventually announced to make money are always so weird -- -- don't seem to involve any money making. Conflict in the make any money and I'm not really now I can see if organization. Yeah -- again. Well thing I'll tell you I'm feeling even laugh. -- bar -- -- get fired. Hollywood reporter is is is reporting. That and another Twitter feed has gotten -- CBS comedy deal now you may remember that to get our parent company. Timeline huh -- lovely with that because of -- handle. Made a show that -- -- that says Lehman as those whatever shat my dad says what we're gonna -- and -- is -- behind global show ninety vulnerable. Now following on the successful -- that comedy that's there already -- yours out there right now and I've heard about it. They're now doing they're doing it's they made -- -- deal. For her she don't tell Steve which is not actually that is not about those shoes. -- little -- on a Twitter feed stone tells the but it think they've. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But it but much like -- my -- I can't imagine. How it can turn Internet -- -- -- think you gotta get Shatner on YouTube in Asia -- any sound that's. In the -- it is. Also a laugh track is pretty -- in the need to be responsible. -- and before we get off the tech news and get into the daily news. Beat ourselves is let us know in the tower in the Hulu plus that also coming to Tivo premiere and Tivo it little announcement on Twitter oh yes that you go into premiere. -- That he likes you know I have state Tivo for a long time has been working its way toward becoming legitimate over the top solution I mean there you could potentially by Tivo HD and HD antenna and then use it on demand services especially now -- hoopla there I get -- came -- -- instinct an excellent to -- them coming and activate that double that thinking -- because I think it. Alone but that's. Okay yesterday we have the best -- of our lives and -- -- -- -- and we laughed and laughed and we just had the best story time reporting that that Madeleine Hofmann had been. Appointed as our leader to talk to -- when they came and asked to take them to the leader but it turns out -- not here. Yeah they'd say. They say. I don't think. I think it's a good idea. It and you know what sets off the herself. You know and she said it sounds really cool but I have to deny it of course you after that I -- Exactly a couple times over oil at night when they tried to follow up on the story -- out of the guardian reports that Adam. -- went and it -- of follow up on the story know they couldn't reach anyone. And -- -- -- the Royal Society knew nothing about -- United Nations referred all queries to the switchboard at. You'd know -- Indiana Ruth. This switch board number wasn't much help. However it just of that person unavailable. And then finally -- and I just switch it sounds like ruled an accident -- Switzerland and unless. Just like a week later to -- to go on believing -- -- Israel does tell everybody of the -- all hidden you can believe -- -- It's but let's it is -- -- -- and fill that. -- like you're an alien you're an alien. I mean she did -- it deny it got to have a contingency plan. -- hope so now. That's is get William Shatner Atherton handshake I think have a lot of contingency -- did aliens would be like oh my god -- got to enter Kathy. I bought it actually -- like only gods and the captain they let me go boom. When we Gooden and anyway. It's total yeah and let down. Also it turns out that when we started like go in through the emails and voicemails today -- -- you all did not. Not. Agree at all with our assessment that thirty dollars with few months to pay for. Out of theater movie -- As voiced quite outlined well anonymous many and many men -- Your voicemail. I think you guys are wrong about this deal with Disney and thirty dollars to see a movie think about mum -- had -- kids. Imagine a hundred bucks -- -- by depicted by the or everything else minute or walk medical the dinner. Plus if you watched millions all you -- all buttons so those nineteen trips to the -- -- -- mean everybody notices partly. Don't praying they'd be note ten million advocates around making noises that accurate records at thirty dollars sound like our in the middle. I. We know a lot of really -- heavy amounts to the same effect an I have to admit it think convincing argument. Today it's cheaper than taking it -- -- do you understand that yet but here's the thing. It's still double the cost of a dvd. So you could enjoy all of the benefit the movie studios will currently allow you to enjoy all of the -- they just laid out. By purchasing a dvd that costs you know what a target like fifteen dollars a night that -- -- Blu-ray went these days but it's not thirty. So. What they're still trying to do is get you to pay more for the pledged her. A shortened to release window and that release window. Only exists. Because their propping up that the and -- -- is an artificial price that is double what they charge you for a dvd and a 100% more than it would cost to torrent it. Apple would say yeah but I really don't and that's what -- nothing like I would have to -- against they give you what is torrent Mikey no no leg action movies any time that that. Mine finding me knows this is secretly torn to pull that the united yeah I have no idea what it's gonna not necessary and and they have not -- that -- same day. Like people that -- a new computer until we do that but what they're really things are shortened window -- I'm suggesting that -- -- like a month. And then it's not even a dvd replacement because you don't only rented. True but like at the same time now these days a look at my second dvds I wanna like this -- like I have all this. The -- there yeah how many times you actually -- Mueller again this the where this'll be really effective is obviously everyone voice their opinions about the whole family movie thing. But you know and also you could -- arguments the -- -- Coming up big advantages I don't when -- -- watch your fifteen dollar dvd or your award aren't slick or four dollar movie rental Birmingham -- I'm just saying I don't think. And totally understands they're not only scary movie you can dynamic they don't -- movie but isn't like they're just trying to charge you a premium price with that doesn't need to be -- right. Though I just don't want you to get fooled. There's all America. But it it does it sound like a good deal compared to going to the movies than it is but a dvd is still better deal and this is thirty dollars is the that they can like. Do you view this magical gift of a shorter window that they didn't. This is the perfect you have to impose in the first and also isn't really with this don't you stop I'll pay you to -- what -- mean the thing. I think it -- this and I. Actively punching -- in the face I don't know that that's a perfect that compares and -- it has get a good. Now that with and that's something else about like the inability to pause the contents do it possibly -- -- -- could be some other restrictions in there that aren't perfectly okay utterly now compatible it is happening to implement the movie. I know I it -- I think because honestly. I see my sister my -- -- -- they get lasers you know you don't go out as much. Is there any man I would I would probably I would -- I would do it I can tell you I would assemblywoman. Like I don't I no longer care as much about the window at all. I mean it's like you know I get that dvd and Netflix or I'll have it on him -- -- like whenever it happens that barely know what's -- -- I hate it. I don't tell us about eye catching up -- movies how I came out a year -- it anything that's -- a glass of the titans. -- that it out of three -- didn't make ago and now. Really the best argument for the thirty bucks that I have heard so far come from RJ who emailed us as -- you add but that cnet.com and basically here's the reason. Wow hey we today avoiding bed bugs may be a good reason to pay extra and -- and see a movie without -- -- -- movie -- New York movie -- -- the latest target of bad -- in infinitely until its -- clinical development. They're violent and here to -- -- -- that I couldn't wait that the I would pay an extra money parted oxidant home it's tough to enjoy a movie like ecstatic in the can provide yeah. I have. Oh look on the. I have Sara -- but we get that are then got another three now on out anti Oliver managing all of our overwhelm all -- were. For the thirty dollar they were area overwhelmingly like -- know what the -- listening by 80% meaning oh yeah I mean I think every email we got. Every email we got yesterday was about that topic most of them -- -- I would pay the thirty Becton -- -- into the to the. Dinner with mechanically I think there's a silent majority out there -- -- imperative. That they can't it's more like they are now. I mean. It's -- -- try to remember like it's sort of like you know you see that nice small well packaged bottle and the -- -- a big huge premium over the cost -- the cost -- absolutely higher than small package. They're packed their pricing this for convenience but it doesn't have to be that much okay it doesn't no real reason that we -- -- we don't do I'm with you don't get punched don't incidents and fix. What if someone not you cannot Catalina -- the maximum right now. It was empire not not because the -- -- I swear. Humanistic and all -- -- Portland on the brain. -- -- You can buy another link -- -- -- that we talked about today at our blog below about cnet.com and also helpfully lists all the way to contact us. But in case you're driving you can't go there right now you can -- that bug that cnet.com. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- FYI. Your call has some much higher likelihood of being played at it like around thirty seconds yeah it's just you know it we -- -- we don't even like talking for it -- that came around thirty seconds. -- -- -- You're -- and we will try to get John. Alright guys so we'll see you. -- --

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