Ep. 1303: Web Exclusive
Ep. 1303: Web Exclusive

Ep. 1303: Web Exclusive

Hello everybody. It was interesting to see. Who you log in on and oh yeah piracy unused second view is -- this computer last. And I'm Veronica. All nameless you know that I just -- -- -- of the -- We're recognized. Except -- but -- -- or next there. You coordinate -- here and into their maps and. And it mysterious chords. Speaking out. If you guys been using the new priority inbox in Gmail yeah all -- is another cool it but yes. Just -- turned it on yesterday -- still getting to know it. I do know it by its first name though -- print -- yeah. There were no by Florida good name date of George through and I. Did it knew instantly that I would love it instant instant word of -- -- hello president instant. So start counting. And that means you -- -- something to do. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I can't come up and it's yesterday with come typical song about illuminate is that on Monday but -- -- ingredients that. Mean. Mean there's gotta be an instant -- Oh -- still -- -- other instances that instant mean. If we put up the Google extreme you -- -- complex Google. While -- -- or news two's it's a weird thing on YouTube dot com slash who vote in vertical travel not available at all instant karma. Era Obama. To haul it I think all that from actually program it says -- -- -- It's the content from PA okay so Google's still on in stands it's a predicate messenger. Click on on Google's drive is -- -- say messenger oh that's you can't cheat with Google scribe instant no deposit. -- -- access instant site instant online payday message hash. And there's more. -- what happens when you click those. -- alluring. -- Not tomorrow -- single from wired there -- doing here -- to those already in where it -- -- I just haven't across cut into law judgment -- Then instant approval this is the gives the camera sorry it's seen about everybody's postures. Why do they do that I -- -- people still Barnicle and. So do we know that -- was there anything else since -- McGrath. Probably to the -- -- comes live blog has both the good good stuff. Q1 theory play of this in a way that is actually. It's still on you know -- log in thing. The thing and what they'll -- if it goes with the thing. You can replay the -- They -- at the snake video link in. -- -- -- -- This -- video yet but that it the last possible picker mean so -- it's like in it's connected to like the machine it. It is the machine will nobody flake it got a cable that comes up its tail and a trail. You have gotten. I hope can -- interesting question. -- -- -- Shouldn't do that people -- -- stream. -- -- -- By the way. The New York. Times Sunday magazine has the profile William Shatner and that is. He leery house. And I never knew the guy. I mean I didn't I guess I have watch not Boston Legal to its -- ought to buy -- year. -- Do I care about the road not taken now -- -- fallen off a cliff here this. Yeah he's great. -- -- This warning held an earthquake last week -- there was one. Well again -- -- -- a a minor one but okay if the report something you have you haven't been here long enough to be through -- -- -- -- I I was laying in bed in it. Kind of -- you know I was still don't know like I'm not getting up I'm just gonna FaceBook -- -- that and then get up you were in bed at 11 in the morning. It was a Saturday. It's different -- than others wonder in the work -- while ago it. But it it was what it is like -- was at a dump truck outside. It was an -- I can't tell. Then when you like but acting or actually dump -- outside the little ones do big ones are unmistakable -- you never experienced an earthquake. Yeah I -- -- got a lot to look forward now. He's an expert and I've ever really -- in my time in the area I can't say that I've experienced like crazy. Little ones. Occasional ones but the biggest one ever experienced was actually place. Yeah. It's a lot younger. Kids -- it's a lot larger. You not -- but I'm really experiencing it as if nothing falls down a break not really there when I close it yeah they like what happened in -- in the yet. Accord just summed it up it's as if you can't tell that it's not worth asking. -- -- More instant stuff and think yeah. There's no -- at this we're not streaming our hello auditing and it. -- I've. Yet earthquakes are exciting. Exciting and new but they're also yeah I I've been through an -- and now my own house we can skip on an earthquake he. I had not have the eyes and I never expected earthquake insurance is ridiculously expensive and it's better just put the money to sheer walls. What is Google analog devices when that on the -- And walls. And -- -- cooling analog devices to speed -- dangers. Opposition. Candidate then I thought it would be the way to capitalize made it look like it was a new products. From Google but we're calling it analogue device since -- -- it. It like that that's great it's either -- Google began their cute smart for a how -- -- try Google try to do I try doing instantly get search that does things just tried tried doing instant search and accuracy. Okay where is the trial of the things -- -- -- -- -- But area -- and a few -- Day. I totally -- for the entire page I know. Lake. You know what's really interesting. I FU I my future online if you see if you aptly enough I must have. -- we that it worked the -- wallpaper. I was absolutely you people that like boom in native and now when I type it like it goes away wallpaper -- -- -- -- paper. At the cute little boat that doing under the the favorite -- the your kid in my -- you should he's adorable -- We're told me there's no other word that starts -- the PC. For. CUK. That network. We do so yeah yeah war or we could go over to -- -- organs -- reading random fuchsia city. Now. -- -- That action pull -- your system and keeps the -- refuse that you you don't know -- yes okay that's actually no it never I'm setting it yourself. At USF do you use CH a site -- right -- Wikipedia right but if you see. Exactly. C you know FUSC. Its future. -- That should come up what you -- yeah he. Oh cool you prudence. None -- it if they don't have a problem with the other naughty words -- and it doesn't amend them. -- trying to haul. This is like that the -- but the here is that public actually care workers have just let's start. I think we're already and they block. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not supersize its not not. Fund size small that renamed medium and as they like to do it via fast food Charlotte don't forget we've got a voicemail you and -- that now. You give that up hello and -- love that voice man at the end ideally the religious detached. Oh and I'm doing is seen it to the rescue and forty minutes on what to do with an old iPhone. And into an iPod. Don't ruin it oh sorry but this only in -- upload it right. The earth from those -- -- they're watching live this will be at the end which normally don't please these -- but he. It backed citizens and so skinny I was going to leave your voice my iPhone does it to -- ankle. Locally. And it -- You'll yeah we're out. -- nearly pollutes -- yeah yeah. -- -- related I think he's done it in you wouldn't it yeah I don't color you trying to reach. AT&T. Which how about ahead you're gonna Lebanon is that would that you're gonna love and an instant the it and love it in an instant -- philosophy carnation instant breakfast. I'm going right now. Yeah Angelo or. You go and. Me. Mine what now obviously -- you can be yeah. End it. And in the and yeah. It looks good. I love this I want I want this for my. The Google docs that I have for the scripts -- -- -- I'm. From behavior pattern -- -- when I say it with me at amber and read and I know grants the Indians this program it. If at a regular sugar and this goes -- extra -- and -- -- it dvds video. But from the tracking in all of that stuff -- And you can for the most part you can sometimes pelican ninety's video but -- feel like in the digital era if he's so much less. Public -- distinct hue and and and then the way that things are present I don't know -- cause we're seeing the transition now in video resolutions and you see things go from ST HD what you you'll see -- okay and that's believe that you'll you'll see -- EST but with everything needs to going forward are you gonna tell what was made -- -- -- fifteen and bringing it in when he when he five treaty. Television and and television -- and then promote culture emotional vision. Yeah so you're gonna watch something I don't -- Everywhere I go straight appears or -- other modes and there's that little. Wires in and out of the heating district your perennial land and yeah yeah yeah you know that we deal -- -- -- he's totally yours down under. Emotionalism and now I think I thought about a most of it and I saw the other day I saw up. Oh yeah that you have you had never seen it before now I had all the first third of that movie I know this -- the -- story. It's like and we're here inundated. With in the theater watching and three you know what comes. Oh I mean in years 3-D glasses were -- enough that I could. In the now and am. Peso speaking of Justin Bieber -- -- -- -- Also who is this Justin -- kid how does he get his -- servers like what do you do. And it's and the it was a Nickelodeon there's music there's like that -- -- -- with the -- keeps kids these days. But anyways Thomas. Have you heard Justin Bieber slowed down 8800%. -- -- the buzz out loud being slowed down 800%. And -- And he didn't want -- -- I've ever curry writes all this song. He's gonna -- -- -- collector he's -- he's off composer I love I had an amazing interview with. And on. Some -- and those really really good and -- scores do. It it's the news media and but -- everything he does and that basically. It's -- I -- drums. What does -- do. And I don't know. Yeah I love actually quite -- -- is an incredible composed. And. That the colonial implement and that's and stuff who who calls you too can make figuring them. Well you'll be -- -- on -- I know you're gonna hear the ring but I don't know -- now. It's some 72 and five what you they're. People back and tell me now this is not recorded through live. -- and I can't -- is the what exclusive. I don't know yeah you actually and that element it's. It -- I -- -- I was gonna threaded dec rigged Google Earth is. For a long humans -- them. It's like the best thing ever did was with me on the republic but you for the across America trip that public and Cincinnati and I can detect this from that's like hey would you -- to go -- the roof of the tallest building that still under construction now in the city. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- across America dot com -- the world is a much friendlier place and people really -- it's not nearly as scary when you're a moron. As titillate that the -- thing with two or the other the I was doing it -- -- -- that the rapper guy and -- did you have to know -- what's he like. The -- yet. So I thought your party was great he's the we've got he's actually a real -- very -- -- for runs X and reverse engineering. And great part about it. Well another one -- sentiment -- in February. Naked with Marie and why marine -- whether. While -- you like -- 8000 dollars a month for a month. You and I think -- -- -- slots for -- to do. I'm exaggerating but but I mean it with it and there's no reasonable that -- and everything else in marina I don't know there's moderate I don't know. I know from city McMurray. But -- -- across Ireland dot com is registered as well. -- -- -- Yeah across Ireland have you that are going to do it -- -- did it talk about -- friendly and capable. Yet you or entirely operate at that we ran UK and Ireland and I and I didn't spend enough time Ireland. -- -- to do a dedicated trip just for Ireland but -- thinking now that it's actually cheaper for me to buy a motorcycle and European Union and leave it there. Because the price of renting one for ten days is the equivalent of buying one of Craig's list and the taxes -- like fifty pounds per year really like that so. You know. That's not yet ready what did you buy a motorcycle with mean UK will go together and -- -- all of Europe. And so attempting just do it at its clout yet I would look I know people had great experience and give anybody once come in fact restoring -- I've writers group in the Bay Area. I gotta get -- again and that's what might I just got one guest it is but again. The on the hawk the Atlantic city's new -- here separately just gonna like you just -- -- -- -- in the. I'm gonna buy -- know who -- let's see. For 0605. You wind up. I bet you didn't know that your government and read -- -- show I transposed a couple of the digits oh perfect yeah you're smart. On the and that you -- point six under they're a bit and if you did they might if you -- pay phones in the back of the book which is awesome. -- -- -- -- and to have your magazine and -- like that laughs page yeah public pay phones from around the world yes I love that they still do it. Oh man even after I got. Remember it after my FBI -- -- -- secure and well I still got that that book I still would go to you we should do -- -- orange and it does is long but. Which have been offered nothing to -- phone freak -- are you kidding me now we can read old text files we can build boxes. You know backed up. It did not show would be all about me learning how to do all this stuff -- it -- was that it would be more than Diggnation -- definitely -- drinking telling stories and then guests on like have Captain Crunch on them. Totally -- -- cynical the scene. And in the register domains right now. Yes -- brown I believe you go back to the Memorial Day episode from two years ago you hear all about all oh of our story was that the calling cards. Yes. And we actually sponsor a motorcyclist and you. He's -- like like all the stickers and stuff from one -- Hak5 stickers like area room on the bike in the making it eco -- -- that make 101000. -- -- Is -- 600 still around. Yeah this and I fact they they have a conference on a semi regular -- -- -- your gal I hope or Packers on an earth. -- All but -- unfortunately is not in its -- left it and then came back. And then the new department did. -- -- you do many of the easing. 1007. You know is it the seventh grades. I pretty -- wanna game I have -- -- through high school and then I had my FBI experience and then it was late. Though and seventeen I should probably just. Not the death clean -- -- act what did you -- Here's treatment equipment. The hair straightening a quick note to parents the kind -- -- company parents. You don't get up early eighties he yells at me she you know that if if you go to. Or class -- -- I believe yeah -- -- lower. -- -- -- -- -- -- There's there's a free directory and what he's three enactment of -- -- attacks there specifically he used it. Direct access to. Throw I was buddies with the -- nights in high school and we were. And poking around in the admin computer in and ego but that and I didn't. You'd more or gamma but he but he got busted -- yeah like up in English that -- like interrogating him like. You work your query is is -- GTE you know all the stuff that out of corporate espionage. And then like an alcoholic yet. He was -- -- school I was in middle school and this was at home and get the call from him like dude. -- and we boosted. And I believe they take -- his good friend well I didn't. I rushed to a pay phone. They do that nobody listening to the -- -- when I was when I was -- -- Which was very very long time ago. And the reason that might Powell was -- -- had left to do with that it actually did anything wrong. But rather they admit the administrators who -- new to this whole computer thing. Didn't know what to do the they had no idea they had no idea what security was I mean the the the student terminals. Where on the same. System as the great computers in this like this is obviously evil that suspend. Right and even though they were evaluating -- yeah yeah that that ignorance carried forward through the nineties. -- hopefully it's.

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