Ep. 1291: The Playboy app: It's just for the articles
Ep. 1291: The Playboy app: It's just for the articles

Ep. 1291: The Playboy app: It's just for the articles

August 13 2010 -- -- now I'm -- -- on -- sun Hollywood welcome to buzz out loud CNET podcast of indeterminate length of episode 12191. It is I believe -- described it -- In his Twitter. Before the show -- -- its pithy little lawsuit Friday. He hasn't taken a backseat we see big lawsuit Friday look at certain third noted -- Keep -- it is freaky Friday is good data file a lawsuit I think. I don't know that there's a lot of them happening although not all the lawsuits are talking about -- actually filed believe it or not but this one is Oracle has filed suit against Google claiming. From -- Based on job which was developed by sun while Eric Schmidt now -- Google was still there. -- -- him with myself here. Oracle which bought son is saying that they own the patents to the core of Java which is at the -- Android. Therefore they're going to serve suit on Google Google said they haven't yet seen -- -- equipment -- and an Oracle rep wouldn't comment so they're basically playing this out in the press at the moment. Can't wait this the other thing developed a they have part filed the suit -- -- -- -- but Google apparently haven't seen it yet. In addition to patent violations Oracle also claiming copyright infringement thing that Java code is copyrighted and Oracle believes that Google has used it. Without any kind of license. The kicker in the lawsuit is -- -- assertion according to -- that Google. As -- in reduced cost and materially -- and contributed to the infringing acts of others. By encouraging others you've cut -- to -- what could become derivative works because of course Android is open source. And -- manufacturers and developers aren't in there and and there -- and there of them putting layers over top of Android and other kind of thing like it's become this this snowball. Effects -- -- and patent thing. After an animation will will certainly it's becoming Sobel of successive four for the open operating system for Android and for Java and you know I just have to say that. If this lawsuit has merit or not I don't know but certainly Java had enough time. To become a mobile powerhouse and -- did not -- -- yes so this is kind of like okay well this figure how to make money from -- I know. Will sue based on it as opposed actually making products that work. I mean -- make products that work but they didn't it never became the right once one run anywhere thing that it was envisioned to be because it -- a million times and all the different handsets. They they basically been sitting on it and it. With them sitting on now other companies have you know a -- of -- that. Use some of the Java language and now that's kind of their way of making money -- that they did with Microsoft X rated you know they did they had filed a suit I don't know how many years ago was that talented -- to get settled but it -- Merom -- around a billion dollars so when sun policy Microsoft's easy lot of parallels. Here and its its. This is how -- sun is making money off. This and yet and Microsoft ended up dropping Java and then developing their -- of these C sharp language and after paying a billion dollars -- million -- yeah exactly I mean there's so there's no question that like. Written you know. Regardless of what sun could have done better -- what Oracle could have made out of job but if it's true. That Google's been kind of just to locking technology without. Without the licensing it. There is precedent for them losing and losing big. -- will be interesting. Yeah also in addition to requesting monetary compensation as the arrogant a little like. It might just be sword rattling but Oracle is also asking that all copies of Java related work be impounded and destroyed or otherwise reasonably disposed album of the globe so we're wondering -- okay so are they if it's found that -- that Android uses Java code does that mean that Oracle would like Android too. I'm here disappeared yeah -- -- are -- gonna bring got to -- -- -- -- of well let's keep in mind who is the the lawyer behind the suit it's none other than David Boies. The guy who sued Microsoft. Last time. Yeah yeah you've also got to look at the and I don't worse than I mean when you think I scored a massive victory -- and -- thought I billion dollars plus abandonment of the code base. Like -- to develop a new coding language continue their mobile development and if that. If that kind of thing happens with standard Android -- in -- much better but now that Microsoft -- then even some -- in terms of mobile operating system development of they have to start over from scratch. You know what I think happened a lot loads of money that they'll and other and I personally so this is how this is how Oracle is going to profit from sun -- giant man and it's sad but. You know it's actually not bad monetary strategy -- you know -- -- have nearby sun. -- -- to sometimes think the timing might be a little curious because just recently now in the past few months. They're gonna always reports on Android is now you know the number one selling mobile OS -- on -- platforms so. Obviously they've been looking at this for awhile they've just been essentially -- waiting in the wings before they wanted to take action on this whole thing. Yeah well that's the way you do a patent -- IP lawsuit -- you wait for the your target to become successful they have money -- based on your code and anything that's actually our money thank you very much of it that's. Thank you did our jobs we so appreciate you raising all that money for -- in other news today -- Google is standing behind. Its network neutrality proposal -- joint proposal with Verizon and in fact has put up a blog post. Entitled facts about our network neutrality policy proposal addressing what it calls various myths that have been propagating on the inter webs of such as the -- That Google has quote sold out. On network neutrality that this proposal represented a step backwards for the open Internet and that it would eliminate network neutrality over wireless. Which is interesting. -- the it's an -- -- position it does make the argument more complicated and interest thing to go through this and hear what how Google back that up. I'm not fully convinced. My I don't think mayor very many people are to be clear about this. But it is good to see that that it is interesting to see Google's position on this I think look guys we we didn't sell -- we we want. Net neutrality. Although we had to give up they did this basically says. We did have to give up on wireless then because the developing area -- you know the government's gonna be watching it and we trust the government to watch it congress -- people watch the live is a obviously the wireless market is more competitive than wireline. Given the consumers that we have more than just two providers to choose from. I mean that's what we said but it's also it it I don't know that Google necessarily. They don't. Do a very good job of actually countering that argument that it would eliminate net neutrality of her wirelessly they basically say well dad would but here's why. And if I for awhile it's a very interesting I just think it's an interest in position for them because they're they're they're sort of putting out this. That they are this big -- and in public but it's really not much of an event pretty weak link it basically says the exact same thing that the proposal does and -- -- have restate that right and you cut almost wanna say. Why are you bothering to actually really funny headline on techcrunch and it was like you know what -- -- -- just -- the Gordon gecko -- so you just. Own it it can eloquently that we were talking about Verizon potentially crippling tethered and that tethering on the -- because they want to charge -- not related to type your. If you -- if you just and it to raise money. If it's about you -- your green -- own it. This is you know Dylan is -- -- that I don't try to pretend that we're raw. Don't try to pretend everyone has misunderstood you ever have misunderstood I think that it would eliminate network neutrality -- wireless all of would do is eliminate network in front of be given. So it's been a -- Why why -- it's gotta make them look jerked. -- Well. Yes but -- -- dedicating four paragraphs explain their position makes them feel. I guess but it's important to Google feel better with -- -- happy alien happy with amber at. I don't know how Google feels about it but there is actually a net neutrality protests happening yet starts a new headquartered really a -- extreme but -- -- -- you guys down. Well it's extreme in that I believe a lot of people are gonna go to the party. Yeah. Exactly do restraints to be fair it's I actually we have -- presents them with the camera crew so if it becomes -- -- you know people innings of the time put the back of it we'll have people -- photographing it. But I really kind of don't think that's gonna happen. And I think it's actually very good that I'm all for -- people are protesting in the streets or parking -- or whatever. About net neutrality even if that their somewhat misguided even I don't know exactly what during the fact that this makes the argument public that this gets on TV and it's like wait a minute Google's doing something we don't understand maybe we should learn about it not an Apple Leona. Funny and they might understand it perfectly well actually now I think that despite Google's attempts to kind of cloudy in the issue -- thing in. We're trying to avoid excessive regulation and -- -- The I think that protecting net neutrality on future -- is really important and I think if you will get it is good that it is enough of a mainstream issue. That it that people -- of worthy of protesting in protecting yeah I can tell and as we this is probably the smartest group of protesters might come across yet thing -- I help so I -- exactly it's not I don't think that these are just you know your your average bring through her. Whatsoever -- I don't know. -- in -- the newspaper stamped. I we're gonna take a quick break when we come back organ -- market it'll lawsuits including one against the HP board of directors. The first but almost certainly not the last lawsuit on behalf of the shareholder has been filed against HP board in connection to the ouster. Of former CEO Mark -- a Connecticut law firm representing HP shareholder Brockton contributory retirement system. Has sued and accused the board of fiduciary a breach of fiduciary duty -- love for. Yeah. That's really -- -- -- and resorts -- on this thing fiduciary duties they fiduciary. And how can children -- -- -- interestingly they didn't. They're not necessarily suing saying you shouldn't have. Pulled the trigger fired him -- saying you didn't notify us that there was an investigation. Right so if you're a big shareholder of HP and you watch the value of your stock plummet because the CEO is being kicked out. And you know darn well they've been working on that ouster for a while you think well as a shareholder. I'm entitled to know what's going on in my company thank you very much I do own a piece of it. And they should have told us. Before they -- nine billion dollars in market capitalization from the company. Seems like fair argument although are you allowed to tell that's your mother's behalf of the UW border on insider trading even alert them that there's something going on it can really negatively impact than if you do you have -- it has to be public so that how do you say publicly. With out causing -- nine billion -- and you know market. You know the clock our company right that we're looking at ousting as the yield four. -- padding expense reports or whatever or they. They could possibly have. Actually. Made it less severe than what it seems like -- they had rolled the -- out -- we're conducting an investigation like we're looking into open. Allegations of an -- -- -- not -- -- out. But we're looking into -- that they're probably -- been a temporary drop in order recovered to the -- in I don't actually think they could have mitigated. The severity of the price the stock price drop if they had rolled out the news. A little bit more slowly it's possible shareholders have a reasonable argument in I don't even easier duty is a super complicated you should have in the -- -- giving HP advice is that whatever their PR company what it says yes get that guy out there. Well that was my method are you know about out like nothing in that they -- Yeah -- any act at the same time like about idea I'm I'm curious how much weight loss it has because. Shirt this person's now that you know where this retirement. Financial organization is is mad that they -- running lot of money -- Howell. How do you in any company whether it's -- or not. How often have we seen someone warned that they're -- -- the CEO an unknown number now it never -- yeah. And this is the way businesses but HP is a special case here because they have such a checkered history of ethical violations. Don't know I don't know even say they aren't they are not -- even if they are great -- I mean evil they are but. I mean you're you're still not gonna be like we're looking into ethical violations are -- I've never heard from any company amber. Need more before an announcement but also we've never I don't movement can't remember the last -- -- heard of a successful CEO. Getting bounced out over what -- saying is a what would be in them and anyone else a minor ethical violation yeah. So. I think it's will be the first of many -- It will be the first -- and -- and -- come up with it I mean what they're really not about it -- you'd fire this guy who matters actress Jessica Iran not to mention money which and so when it's really about you're right what do what it's really -- -- you shouldn't have fired him. Wrecked the or we don't think you should -- you know that we still unsettling elevation -- -- not happened yet they're not happy about. I am happy because I hope that this is a good precedent Cox is bringing Cox Communications. Is bringing its video on demand library to Tivo as far as I know this is the first time that a cable operator and MSO. Has actually offered on demand services over Tivo and not their in house -- that's been like the biggest problem. If you have at Comcast Tivo. That the thing you have to give up anything they always say as. And while you're not gonna get the video on. And an old days when it was only just like History Channel from CNET stuff but -- really matter with -- but now video on Amanda off certainly you can get -- much programming. And now you could actually -- -- Cox Communications didn't. -- -- what's yet the Mikey mentioned kind of that the main thing about this is you have to be -- Cox customer personal right in order to take advantage of this on your Tivo -- And also there has partnership where it's -- is actually kind of promoting the Tivo premiere and they're off though also I mean right they're offering. Installs. Of the present DVRs they're they're making the targeted for you they're making this and -- I'm into their sucked into the cable locks yeah which is great and this is what we always -- it -- keep on I have a Tivo box one of you know direct. Cable card boxes on -- and Comcast and it's great but I don't get the video on demand now I will say that. This is kind of deal with Tivo should've been making -- -- let -- years ago and they haven't been able to because the cable companies didn't want people on the middle but nowadays with. Amazon streaming and Netflix and stuff like that you don't really need video on demand. As much as used to so this might be a little late -- -- I -- -- it is a -- -- included -- I mean you're paying extra for Netflix and -- -- -- those Amazon on demand movies and and everything in the video on demand members including your cable subscription. Though it actually. On of basically free content that is on demand and ethical -- -- -- -- elementary music shows they. Netflix and Amazon I mean that's stuff that like and how much are movies and TV shows from way back but this is like stuff that made canal like three days ago and I feel like if if Tivo is able to cut is -- that that's the point is that Tivo should've been cutting these totally -- and we never Anderson Mike why can't you. But this is the thing it would keep the Tivo in the game because you could say then you have on demand which is -- huge. Argument against Tivo I think this. And. But you also have all of the cruelty on demand features like Amazon Netflix streaming which are you do -- all there and -- that's dump those those little you know crappy DVRs and on Tivo DVRs. And just get Comcast etc. to adopt Tivo via is -- novel idea you know convergence of services that everybody wants in one box that's so weird that's an anomaly. Ten year old that's an idea of god figured well why didn't happen. -- -- -- -- That news about Tivo Twitter -- is about Twitter know good about Tivo bad news about Twitter with its search history. Apparently is dwindling. And it is now even it used to be that the huge search with -- -- and history went back several months now it's down to four. Days basically useless but Tivo is a -- -- -- everything. Are two and about -- Twitter is and I think it's -- -- -- I think manatees swim for it quit -- -- tell -- we're talking about the micro blogging whatever it is it. It is Twitter is a really good. -- answer engine if you have a question about such and such you go on Twitter and see somebody answered at a couple weeks a month or two ago and now it's like the last four days basically useless all low. As you know Twitter is being indexed by other people like. Google and The Library of Congress but I can Twitter do to themselves this is -- appealed -- a one allocate the resources to store those small little messages. And that's a lot of indexing man I mean -- -- all but still that's really way I. It seems like it's sort of use -- the it seemed like it is the usual Twitter problem right which is they have a core infrastructure issue yeah so let you know they're they're storing tweet what is it they're storing tweet in MySQL. They recently dropped a plan to move to contender within the system open -- -- but in some thought that it could have improved the -- perform and. I think they just don't they actually don't have a data storage infrastructure that will allow them to store and retrieval had -- answer are they even though they've bot as search company. Now wait a minute -- they simply not indexing -- archive of -- early Mac only there'll usually equal tweet which will be really scary if if they were relying on that The Library of Congress to keep the archival Twitter is going back. If they're not keeping amendment that weird if you like those -- hurling them -- would be dying. I think they're probably keeping them and probably keeping them in and not very comfortable database they're locking them to you can still find them through rule yeah you can still have right okay good so that it is not -- -- to -- Matt Harris chimed in on the dealt with by the late. Twitter has not confirmed that they're only keeping about -- -- this is just what people are assuming based on the search results that they've been able to -- Matt Harris. From -- that answer your question of the search index history we don't publish that information. The size of the index fluctuate based on the number of -- being made. Which means the more tweaks there are the shorter the indexed period which means selected more really a mutual if you put your users don't care alliance semis -- -- -- search is now now now we're working through improved iteration in the third conduct and improve the relevance than there is all they that's just. -- out to be fair Twitter has been a problem keeping -- -- site up period. So I don't imagine the -- front line resources. Search index. I think they are missing an opportunity though if they don't realize how important they -- especially in light of you know people -- imports saying that Twitter search is insanely usable and useful comparison to search on Google -- I know I actually go to Twitter search a lot to do research shows like really every time I manuals and. Everything I do whenever I'm gonna want that these sort of an -- -- that I and like actually notice the might like. -- -- -- the result was worthless when and I can never find old stuff that I -- and I wanted to get back and I remember right and -- -- a lot of things. It's not the time that -- use researchers find out what's happening right that's. Now I would that's I was gonna say like the media some more of the thing that -- that -- -- that although we use it differently maybe the average person or the larger the larger -- Twitter search users are really just looking for that immediate result and that's why they've scaled back on a -- -- because of the transit they've -- not from our own personal behaviors but the general fish. Oh yeah -- he said Molly they're missing a tremendous opportunity because there's a lot of not necessarily. Now relevant information that also it's Twitter that would be useful across. -- -- -- -- Yeah so hopefully they're they're aware of that there's nothing right now. Let light reflect that they've got plenty of other infrastructure they aren't happy to work on your own right though -- that are in the -- People. All knew that I know electoral wealth that's been in tech headlines today. -- and even. Microsoft is set to launch the I. XP now -- not be able -- -- Vista and seven only so far or by the time it comes out when those eight. And it will. Reduced interface. To use the you know pre cool turn less Chrome. Less of the -- like crap around the edges so you can get into it as that people Microsoft first thing. The browser is the theater the play is everything else and we want the theater to receipts of the content. -- -- At all blob of up a lot of it flowery style -- -- and I'm just if you look amazing how does he -- can be thinner and lighter and faster and faster and partly like -- -- and a new drum -- attention at that are that are -- will seek. -- I mean it and wildly -- no just kidding rim is apparently holding a conference call today I believe this morning. -- for customers and government officials to talk about privacy they say that they will provide an update on media reports discussing -- in government who wish to monitor Blackberry services or have special access. To our services there are also reports. That rim has reassured India according to a source. That India much like Saudi Arabia will be able to get access the yes this we're gonna. Tokyo this incredibly valuable and secure database of information that goes among -- -- users will be open to the government. Is what they're saying they'll be able to get in there which which. That so people get to keep their blackberries but now they know that the government -- -- -- Yeah now I mean what is this their own governments -- -- limits and of Blackberry servers rate. Yet -- this. Protesters say I -- yeah. I TV which is the British broadcaster according to reports has consulted lawyers. Over rumors that Apple is thinking and renaming its Apple TV product ITV. The Mir says that. The -- reports this that I TV -- consulting. Lawyers and the mood at the broadcaster is quotes. Furious capital laugh the say that again with here the whole hello Clinton hello -- coming my way I'm -- Both me and -- -- person that I TV is an extremely strong brand and a household name in the game it's true. Establishment of -- Leo we highly value our intellectual property rights. And -- large number of registered trademark from all the ITV name and our logos -- but if you look at the logo or or kind of what they have registered it's an all actually their logos all lower case -- still I am registered is all upper case. You know TV is lower -- high upper -- and Apple could take on Cisco for the iPhone I don't know they can make and the -- they -- they didn't even own the rights -- they -- hello mark my words Apple is reportedly doing well -- all visits and there's diligently -- -- until it's changed the -- -- -- how many billions of dollars -- they have in -- -- the -- whole life yeah it's better to apologize and ask permission and like -- bullet and pay for -- I mean. I could -- I was so astonished. Because leading up to the iPhone announcement it was like when they don't write the inhabitants in agreement let's -- and -- and Steve Jobs that there and he was like. And we are calling it. IPhone did is -- -- real life but. Well it's been built to be fair the difference between iPhone and I TV is that. IPhone wasn't the household you know and -- wouldn't -- Leo it -- have registered for our little wasn't a big product. I TV is an actual big network again guarantee they're not -- -- bad because. Because then you're probably 50% less lunatic -- they are now that I'm Fellini like I think you've -- and we'll return -- -- ego mania. There's gonna him off and I TV's gonna -- like you know it's a hardware product not a lot of network solution and -- like article. Data noted aren't with -- thank you million dollars in kicker news today with awesome news for fans of the articles. Oh my gosh I love this so I feel a little -- -- on everyone knows about how Apple is really control in about what can and it cannot appear on their app store. And porn and no nudity is one of -- strict policies well. You guys can now gut check out Playboy's. IPad app and they talk about how everyone reads Playboy for just the articles. And in this case it is just going on here. -- -- -- because of Steve just for the because of the anti porn stance on the on the in the app store. The Playboy app will not have the nudie -- -- just that the article that is like. Perfect the -- That that's perfect for someone whose release -- -- -- looking -- -- was articles here here's the other thing you know the thing about digital magazines everyone's hoping it's like this more interactive media experience. Well on the someone who purchased the Playboy. App found a 32 clip of an interview with the -- but that's about it. -- does just an in -- 32 interview they have -- already California line Android. -- the worst thing about it is it's the same price as our friends at the print version that gets you all the nudie -- oh really for 99 old -- -- nine. Or safari came -- go to my favorite was safari exactly the best thing that just shows that goes it goes to show you that today the value pornography on the unit has been driven to zero but the value that content is still -- -- -- economics of content and a tendency that's absolutely I think had been. We have the -- retailer the anti movie trailer and now we have an important feature is not an actual movie but and often trailer. Florida Twitter movie. And it is -- -- area it explores the founding of everyone's favorite 140 character social network. Opening with a street doesn't -- today. Computers whose apart but right now but -- -- -- this and that that they have the tune of magnitude better. Of course it. Now I think we really don't worry about the the -- -- -- -- Six grade movies and unity I wanted more this way -- -- still. I actually laughed more than it -- but -- Right. He has done. And -- it. A. -- the service that does that with. Us here. -- -- -- They'll. And the Illinois. The tiny tiny Kevin Rose eight you know it really is -- interests -- it's. Yeah I'm not. And now. Plus it makes -- -- but. Yeah -- Learn -- keys -- yeah. But I -- Friends in the past. -- -- -- -- -- It charges I would like to respond. -- -- -- -- -- Yeah. -- and it's and I. I'm glad planet. It's just -- it goes well it's well well done it's fun. I love it there's I love the Internet because. I love there are parodies of trailers about movies about the Internet on the Internet. Paris Paris kind of method that's become that whole. Trailer has become like a framework for parity. That's great then that I can we put an excellent. What does an excellent going to be seen actually movie average who don't. I think he did commands and the other -- do it do do -- -- -- -- I ran -- or -- -- view shooting follows that 1806 Olympics do you think create our caller today has. -- a bit of a correction and Google would control. -- as -- love the show. The right I beg to differ are actually using the -- slide right now with T-Mobile. That has drag it. Dictation audit. And it works really well like being sent text messages while I'm driving. Using the dragon dictation and -- -- if this will -- -- nicely -- works right. There it. I will switch. -- -- -- It's nice to keep the spinning as they do it Google speech to text -- amazing. -- -- -- -- Like text you know -- voice text composition -- mountain out of an bliss text message it even can pick obviously Maia Leo. -- -- -- Where my comment came from and I recognizes that of a product was Google Voice transcribing incoming voicemails and getting them hilariously wrong. Not -- not voice control not you know single nation dictation app your phone -- -- -- Face you know -- from the microphone so if that works great I'm all for yet this thing totally work. We got an email from -- every -- -- very interest -- little point she says that Starbucks just broker an end run around net neutrality with a bonus material with Wi-Fi access and store. She's referring to this and this new thing where on on Starbucks private Wi-Fi networks after stores. You can get exclusive content that can only get in the stores now. Were we not in the middle of this big net neutrality debate be like oh that's -- cool and smart Starbucks but considering that were talking about. Skating content and and preventing content from being on some networks while it is on others it raises an interesting question is this actually. A bad thing to do in an era of net neutrality. Since that. Yet it's like it because it becomes a question of is this one of those private network -- when he here Schmidt talked so much about the public Internet. You do start to wonder are these the types of private network they're gonna start bringing -- even if we have little local or network -- have -- individualized -- content that'll open that already exists doesn't and I mean if you go and -- ire of some of these stores you know stores they have a certain type of their catalogue available -- side. The story that yeah -- right until it's not a net neutrality present because it's not on the Internet. And it's a private network. And you're going in there and the Internet is already free. Via a I don't have to want -- -- -- store. The campaign for the Internet plus a bunch a little private networks and you know it's not really net neutrality question but it does make you wonder like how many. What the future of private networks I think it's don't have -- you know what it does it does make me. Worry about is. Over reaching regulations that could make a perfectly sensible thing like this illegal. If not written here well -- we -- have of those yet in -- left out of them. That's and -- wireless is exempt. And prior and future future services area. Clayton from a plumber than on yesterday's statement in the -- I asked I OS four point no point to which fixes the nasty PD FX -- -- jailbreak new dot com. What no one mentioned is that older iPhone and iPod Touch users are still vulnerable my wife brought the iPhone two G and she's not eligible for Iowa beyond three -- one -- three leaving her device. Wide open to -- I'm sure that most of us -- no longer using functional device but I would imagine there -- enough that it be worth Apple issuing a fix. Even if it's just something like I like that there -- three now -- not forced to pick the home with united features luckily though the dev team. Yeah their team which is not affiliated anyway issued a patch for devices that aren't eligible for Apple's spec thought -- thanks for protecting -- hacker group. -- -- From Apple they are here for someone if -- sounding Apple aperture. Nice and I just because -- my my old iPhone three I haven't upgraded pilots for because why would I. Don't and right but now I don't have to yeah as a reason we did it once Apple upgrades and operating system for the iPhone it stops idea on the previous once -- -- any patches or medium build. It's over there's reason we needed to to tell people how to downgrade their older devices back to three yet -- so bad. On Q our Blackberry results and opened -- week of Blackberry messenger question. Lately I can barely even remember it now I remember now let's take any look at the Friday question which listed Sebastian get a new -- news but what is that of it was about that he had the who he wrote in that it crazy women would throw blasted a hole right through Gregory -- -- -- hang out where I'll get mutate. All the ballot votes of pointed to the best in finding -- new bar evening and Kevin Mac had -- about. -- -- The bass is just living the wild need to lighten your typical Blackberry user unbreakable glass in this case is the best solution cramp its Albertine anissina giving him blah blah -- -- -- Unbreakable glass what I think is what they -- it. -- and Sebastian himself actually also road and did it as the esteemed Sebastian. I should have some opinion in the vote although finding new women would be more financially feasible having an unbreakable foot would be quite versatile. Help the Netherlands when. Next time. I -- Monday we asked you what is your favorite Jody Fisher movie -- -- of course -- the women who brought marker and nothing. Them it was big thirty way but -- bump. She needs a -- easy -- body of influence -- and intimidated so that's session. So then obviously I am -- this stuff right like Alexander is that -- that I never seen any -- did not -- line. And bonus -- got a -- and find Landry you're -- that I know about the real one but they really need her to make the Hurt Locker. I get -- process. -- -- Tuesday may edit your own copter -- copter -- for personal use what would that be. He meant legacy. I would use the copter about -- -- the neighbors nonstop barking dog dollar or -- neighbors themselves for not doing something about the dog. Copper pot with laser attachment do you need -- -- rig that. The talk about doesn't come with the -- I think -- -- up I think Mac and that's an add on after market the next if you make magazine probably. Probably seriously. And then and then of course the ever practical me -- says that the traffic Islamic -- Problems -- found that it was that was as exciting as it it's not surprising given a recent study -- like you know I don't really an excellent may -- may actually that many people that's submitted on cargo and a video camera you have made my mistakes and keep it clean before you -- the -- that -- well you don't really yet outlook the problem -- Take -- next -- share well I hear for the accident on Wednesday we asked Amazon is building other devices what do you think those might be. Joseph -- -- -- -- adopt couple tablet with a browser that plays Amazon DOD and streams TV and what an app. Plays one click buying of the products that thank you get these notes cool -- -- -- -- for this could be a window into the future AJ also -- -- -- -- -- -- -- does that play audio. You know taking the obvious -- without one. All and identify. You could I don't out of it. Thursday we asked I TV might introduce an app store to its landscape what app would you like access to on your TV. -- says an app called what's -- name. An up or you can pause live TV and all of a person's face and it will find a person who know -- confirmation I think it should be renamed though than that I had caddy that I any -- and -- dieting and look and operate there yeah right okay. Gave also writes in and says CNET TV -- bloom also really acoustic -- style channels for Netflix and LB TV twit etc. And Richard said. BBM on my TV. I'm very message he just did that and route put yeah clearly her probably Rowell Rowell. -- We love and other we'll have another Blackberry question for you on Monday because they realize that sometimes we get the whole writing reading -- the words can -- Friday and then ask another question. On Monday night if there's Monday through Thursday -- wait for that. If you -- all of their responses and the story is that we talked about on today's show you can buy an -- blog BOL dot cnet.com along with all of the ways to contact us. Our email address is buzz at cnet.com and as I mentioned earlier on Amber's 106 Olympics -- -- three days. That's the -- and that's a -- -- having and we can't ever and it's.

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Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 2 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1588: Loved the show (Part 1 of 2)

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1587: Buzz Out Loud is Dangerously Delicious

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1587: Buzz Out Loud is Dangerously Delicious

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1585: Girls just wanna Pinterest

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 2 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 2 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 1 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1584: BOL special coverage: iPad announcement Part 1 of 2

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1582: The Dickensian drama of the music services world

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