Ep. 1287: Giant angry Earth fart
Ep. 1287: Giant angry Earth fart

Ep. 1287: Giant angry Earth fart

It's Monday August 19 doesn't. And I didn't know primary human Veronica Belmont I am Molly Wood and welcome to buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length -- Episode 12187. Where we have spent the entire weekend watching the steamy -- -- CEO scandal unfold. In recent memory. How seriously there's soft core porn. Yeah do we really have to cover this story absolutely. Are. Oh yeah did the new managed okay -- -- on Friday just in case you missed the whole story on Friday. HP CEO resign and it was like Friday afternoon as the news cycle. They announced that he was stepping down it was the result of a sexual harassment scandal but then HP issued a statement basically said. He didn't violate any sexual harassment code of conduct. Statutes but he violated business -- business ethics code and that kind of came out that he had liked. Falsified some expense reports related to this affair but then -- also that they weren't having an affair. And that's it isn't it over the weekend it -- got for easier and crazier than -- she was revealed to be the soft core porn actress and then heat. Started denying everything that the board was saying about him. And it's just awesome. It board seem like way more angry then and this this warrants in a way. You wouldn't think I mean I mean it's a big deal but currently -- CEO out and the big deal I mean it was it was -- non physical relationship. And he patted his expense reports which two things about this is as -- first of all. And I can kind of understand if somebody fakes accounting thing and is the Olympic champion of that is a big problem. Yeah everybody does -- secondly. This guy can afford to fly anybody anywhere on his own dime so -- something about this that rings really. Bizarre thing we -- I would say yeah stories is via -- I think -- -- flat out false I totally agree I mean there's just no way and I hate to sound jaded but there's no way in this day and age that a CEO. Especially an unbelievably. Successful CE -- -- doubled their stock priced. He managed to put the whole Carly Fiorina scandal behind the HP can get the company back on track there's no way he goes down for this especially after she came out -- basically said look. I settled with him and I wasn't going to see it. Yeah I just think -- but this wasn't gonna -- alone in his some big. Giants. And maybe how they made -- not blow up and -- -- -- heat you know he gets like a twelve and a half million dollar settlement plus stock. And I settlement Clinton then a go relevant parachute yet on parachute. It's been really let go all -- paste it. Yeah and I just think I think totally fascinating and yeah hoping that she's gone on you can still see. The woman's name is is Jody Fisher not -- -- -- -- here. The big -- -- tired to think -- you can still see here on Cinemax apparently and her job though where they met she was a contract with our what kind of -- She chooses an actress and salesperson and apparently a breeder that you go to these high end HP again events and basically -- -- -- -- our -- paid for partly out of ten dollars an event now. I I know why it's rare HX I know how to make it into that really. Anyway. What evidence in her statement she. Also said that they weren't sleeping together that -- that they managed it. Non cash settlement. I just can't and then he is sort of starting to grumble -- the public in and indicate that maybe he does not agree with the board on -- one and I have to wonder. What really it's going on here because I'm if I'm an HP shareholder there was a story this -- -- that this departure has now cost them. All told would include severance. The various -- and the -- the drop in stock price. That shareholders that lost ten billion dollars in this deal and by all accounts a very successful CEO and I just cannot believe that that's others. Story does not add up the shareholders -- are obviously because you know of the money lots of shareholders arts themed it's like okay so he patted you -- the -- but look at my Spock writes in okay. I would rather pay him you know give them 50000 dollars to -- whoever is around the country in the private jet but my stock is going up. It is a punishment seems very on balance it seems it seems like -- manager yeah. The teacher it's not gonna hello -- it is something that they wanted him out for an assist their good excuse as the hidden variable but I can't get out what it could possibly speed because he's done so well -- can't be palm. -- -- -- -- -- -- They might be made any -- Tom was saying on -- yesterday that he and he read an analysis for somebody suggested that. It is that this is sort of an HP way. Collateral damage thing that that it might have been a cultural thing where there were entrenched interests inside HP who didn't maybe agree with the latest at stake in the company maybe they didn't agree with the palm acquisition who knows. And that they were basically just looking for their opening yeah that they're still powerful enough to bring down a really successful CEO if they just don't like you know. How he rolls but that makes it sound so. Unbelievably -- Yeah especially after HP's all these terrible the terrible scandal would be texting scandal and even think they'd learn even with a big golden parachute like he's getting its act and your career on that -- yeah if successful career to go out panel again. Gleaming bald disgrace it with these ads -- meeting not even that warranted with the -- have -- -- -- radar wasn't even -- and reputation line isn't gonna be hard for him to mess. That's by the way to -- not ever work again design which is but I argue that becomes a question of. Yeah he'll become a venture capitalist -- -- -- and yeah yeah he is. Movies for Cinemax and I don't know where you know break -- -- a couple -- -- fury goes Nokia. People don't ever actually like get rid of -- yeah they can totally get the -- and snapped him up. Actually that would be a good idea make -- I'll get it as my -- -- and then think about -- at exactly you know why yes -- you're gonna blow it will take. He is not a herd is not the only executive out this week actually it also emerged over the weekend that is a mark mark paper master advanced -- -- -- and -- name. Nothing funny to me. Especially she was like the computer hardware guy at Apple's -- Has left reports suggest that he was ousted and that internally he was known as the antenna -- guy. -- I because you kind of in charge of the hardware and engineering although. I just had a -- stuff. And not a good title to have Apple. -- -- the antenna guy -- -- it. I think don't you think that's probably retroactive title as as -- -- -- out of the company. Let me yeah and -- Manhattan. -- -- -- All of the stories that are coming out is that he was a cultural misfit at the company and that jobs didn't really. Trust him or rely on him yeah I knew about the antenna problems anyway. Nonetheless decided with -- phone out and scapegoat paper -- which -- but so of the -- almost like HP case you know they finally find a reason to believe outside companies may be ideal they don't completely gel with the -- it company it does although in this case if the story is factually accurate though -- were reading and that paper master was the guy who was responsible for the external antenna and knew about the problems then. I have to say is getting it out it's gotta -- -- go god go. You've got a hold an atom I don't -- -- will more than just that was a career. Imagine Steve Jobs being your direct manager and home heating human. And like what would be like to go to work every day and have Steve Jobs just be like yeah I don't like this gang I don't like him I want -- out. If you really know -- -- there that staff meetings giving it -- in mainland Catholic it is not like according PI bald Netflix all like an hour yeah. Steve Jobs from -- title though. It's interesting of The Wall Street Journal is saying that -- -- -- quoting anonymous sources inside Apple saying that he had as is that lost the confidence of Steve Jobs months earlier. That he wasn't he didn't have the type of creative thinking but then on top of everything else. He was responsible for the antenna and what -- is causing them sorrow white iPhone delay code it -- China that that was basically the straw. That's fun at app that did not want to know a great way to freak -- an Apple employee just on the street to be seasonally with the white ice on the walk up to -- so an Apple. And then for a second they can't figure out how you know that and then you're like -- have a -- -- And is there anything that happened over real I haven't -- that yes I've seen in the wild -- not -- This never the guy in my neighborhood and we totally -- now -- really it was really fun. So -- loves. So the in the Apple employees -- the the internal pain beta testers I guess -- right got to make a little iphones work for Larry. Yet did you happen to see a little Verizon's picture at the bond now I had not it was as Mac they. And in fact I'm -- now we're gonna take a quick break and when we come back -- -- speculate on on what the white iPhone. Okay so speaking of rumors. Of Apple rumors Verizon eggs in the news again apparently the iPhone rumors are true -- according techcrunch -- -- -- iPhone is coming in January and they did this. By analyzing. Supply chains stuff -- yeah that's right. -- now they're they're saying that they have evidence that Qualcomm is producing. TDMA chips for Apple in such quantity is that they can only assume it is going to mean -- -- -- Okay although I remain sceptical well. I remain skeptical about right because I've been saying all language of course -- gonna get the iPhone and I think they are but I do not think they're going to get a purist TDMA iPhone I just cannot imagine why Apple would do that's -- is basically dead technology at this one yet they're particularly LTE iPhone. For Verizon. But I don't think that -- you know I don't think they're gonna bunch -- -- MA only chips. I think -- LT iPhone makes a lot of sense although the network is and -- -- and remember that when. The first iPhone came out it was using old -- carrier technology as well I mean Apple lags when putting out. -- -- -- -- -- -- They have to do LTV you're right they can't just announced the only phone out -- -- those ridiculous at the time when they came out with the original -- -- -- -- Mary -- and everyone was like. -- and people still bought it yeah -- And -- and -- might do like a -- scheduled technology chip as he emailed to. Yeah that are now -- -- -- exodus will gonna be like if this happens the -- accident well. A fatal it would be you I predict it would be very -- if not for the fact that everybody on eight and he just upgraded. Now -- this locked into another two year contract so yeah -- a great guy no drills ever is it worth it may probably cover -- India have if you're -- if you don't caveat if you're attempt to corner yes. Yes yes if you're -- a good service and I I paid dearly terminations it AT&T with a smile on my -- because -- was paying a high was the rolling away a hundred dollars a month. On service that did not functional my house or -- -- so I think if you have that if the that much of a lack of service. Federal wires on nineteen to anyway but if you are you know I think it's totally -- -- to switch and I don't know that there will be. You know I can imagine like ten to 15%. Total switching rate but I think that iPhone sales skyrocket because of their -- studies that say that the main reason people give for not buying an iPhone. Is AT&T. Yeah twenty from clicking I think I think they would sell you know -- -- -- me. The technical. Content -- a look at one event even Gillian. It's like the river that will -- I am -- about it like you know what commie wanted to call me and its announcement -- not until then it its habitat we will. We -- -- we will. But in other news today Skype has filed for a 100 million dollar. I PO I'm very it's I'm very excited about this. -- Yeah really -- Skype is the largest international phone company in the world. -- and that's totally different it's not a phone company and and -- this happens make phone calls. I can't wait for this come out apparently in the filing -- all sorts of tips as to how will be making money with. Video conferencing and multi party calling it may be a little bit on the -- side for consumers. They've got deals with carriers getting it built into TVs and stuff like that. What a recovery for a company that remember eBay bought yeah which would mean absolutely no evidence that managed -- managed to extract itself again from eBay after that and now -- looking at an IPO although. The hundred -- -- IPO is less money than was. That it took to buy the rights to the technology to let -- go IPO. Media. I guess that is little pencil -- of -- acquired by eBay think yeah look at that kind of slowed him down. And you're right -- actually -- like they really have turned it around it's pretty remarkable see what they've done and that they didn't just die a slow death inside eBay's really is really credit -- them. And they -- buried at private equity Q1 point nine billion. That it. I -- and -- briefing now. I know anyway. I just I do I love the I love the business I mean the product is really cool everybody likes -- but I just of the business not keeps growing and taken over the world. Act I just I I want to secede builds into devices though that's the thing I really wants it built into the iPhone which of course will never happen. But you need you get opponents suspect -- And done. And that -- local. No there are Skype phone -- by -- by a Verizon phone you buy it he mobile phone and at some devices you you can get Skype never -- I. This is the biggest threat to the entrenched. Hmm cellular -- -- sorry telephone industry that there is it's. And finally and -- the last time we saw a telephone company go public. It animals than for a button and yeah and this was totally different so if they fight it with a -- wasn't working in the industry -- -- while I can't wait to buy the stock just. To be part of this history. Well and I think that started having a lot of money can. I mean look where the record we can't -- eliminate it and I but it yeah I definitely we I I recommend all of you as a totally eight. Not even remotely qualified financial advice -- hooked up until -- I I well I better. Where people you know are freaked out by the Google Maps -- that -- the driving around and they. What the model that easily -- yeah -- group let's come up with the all new plan to take your picture from the sky super silently and secrets new bids it. It's -- drones yeah hey better than stuff. That look at those guys now remember the parrot AR drone that was sought CES in January -- which is now shipping apparently. This is of the industrial version not different company -- the same kind of quad rotor concept. This company called micro drone which is German company and Google's buying these things the test them out. With cameras on the bottom and GPS -- of course to figure out who has illegal swimming -- Which is the latest thing that's pretty. I wanna. Make it -- -- it -- -- and I think in my ability to automatically ethnic in my front yard and now I can do in my backyard. Latest -- and so route. I don't mean cool what. This is the end of sunbathing as we know how we're all gonna end up and those are not okay I airline -- there are just I taking pictures of my. Now now. Two things about this I have to say first of all although Google is experimenting with this they not only have to experiment the technology they're gonna after the legal wrangling because. Flying. Unmanned box around over civilized inhabited areas is not necessarily legal. So -- thank goodness they have some work to do and secondly I'm gonna get rich because I am going into the business of providing camouflaged. Visual camouflage but -- transparent parts to go over your backyard and Paul. You don't -- -- Tanzania it that's my business cloaking devices. -- -- as an -- we need we got the Sunday to bounce you because they want to be really secretive about it yeah and I'm sure Google hasn't in the lab. Yet the clip -- -- that technology. Is not cool from a from a other -- is on -- -- and best buy has apparently come out or orbit. -- for the right to. Which is a not very surprising 199 dollars next year activation that's the price of 99 without. That's that the standard price for good Smartphone these days as an -- 199 -- two years of your life. But you guys -- I feel like. Yes definitely a little keyboard Jason now now I don't want -- good to I don't need to keyboard. I don't need the hardware keyboard I never -- on this rather have a -- that's true actually prepared. One element good bit and he -- From Panama for the keyboard we can't be if keyboards why haven't any iPhone accessory manufacturers come -- the case that has a built in keyboard could you don't need it that's what if you wanted -- one. If you wanted one and a surprise north -- yet must slide out keyboard built into a case they can do it technically yeah. Why not. The question. -- independent cool to have that option is so -- they do but I haven't seen and I would like feeling that you know jobs would hate that. And oh yeah thank you Steve Jobs would never go for that -- of paper masters next business and Steny you can't go for and I mean it's. Because tried to go academic enhancement. And he stopped third party manufacturers and creating the -- -- -- he got that power and I mean if you can stop anyone for selling them thank. They could rewrite we -- guys -- he sold anywhere good right because every -- elders. He can stop it from being sold anywhere but online because they have the -- authorized retailer thing button. And so you know if you can stop that. Its distribution and he does have that power serving -- enough its interest in your right that is as he's ever seen -- -- today I'm just curious ugliness human whispered you know. And then Nichols yeah. We'll put. A half the -- you young they're young other iPhone. -- and -- didn't the Skype -- could be just. It really is that this type just like the worst thing ever -- -- and they didn't we just spent about two and oh yeah relay. Hello. -- -- Aren't aware that all these nice things but meanwhile the Internet -- the -- like. We've been watching -- -- like watching a content it has. Are right I'll get this so the other thing that you can get on the iPhone though now is flash although you have to average over and phone. And until I guess this morning yesterday it was an eight step rather convoluted process but there is. -- flash for Joe Burton puts out it's not Adobe right. But you can do it and when you load up a page -- has flash on the flash upload to pause that doesn't suck -- all the system resources and played anecdotes. So is moto and other sources have ways to do this and I think it's worth tracking Josh has a jail broken iPad with flash on it I'm gonna we're gonna check and it isn't it called. Brash trash -- yes that's FR AT and get it's -- When you look brash. -- you get it -- love that it's called -- did you think the strong bad reference. And on this on potent the sound of Google it down. Everybody can limit the student and everybody boot things looked okay. A fact that -- The -- -- protect yep we have a sense and a and oh -- below Veronica and issued in -- and it looks to me exactly. God Leon. So Mozilla is taking a page from Google Chrome and it's going to make. Firefox so it updates silently in the background when nobody's looking just like Chrome does. You know Chrome and that's like nine update today sometimes it seems like -- -- and his security update its efforts super duper major update it just does it all by itself in the background so you. More quickly computer you come back -- a new version of Chrome doesn't restart after it no it automatically you know it just loads instead next time you restart this new version doesn't say anything. It just updates itself and I don't know if the up -- anything stealthy way yet and I don't know -- the update with Chrome I I don't know it's don't know which way it goes it if it. If you get it when you restart it -- just manages somehow to restart in the background and outlook yet there. There have been times actually with Firefox right left the browser open I can of the computer later that has a new -- the new version has been that downloaded installed -- restarting that will still be an option but you'll be able to on and on what the default will be and I on windows only so part thank. We will be able to say just. Update my fire automatically. Which for security purposes is really good although again if there's a bad update you can find yourself right heap of trouble in town but how often does that happens mostly with -- antivirus apps and -- also. And I'm not so much it. There I really think it's gonna make. I think it's a Firefox a lot more usable in some ways because -- -- I mean. You know you know that I'm obsessed with -- speed and then Firefox with extra knowing that would always -- like Firefox is installing your updates and will started -- ninety minutes. Yeah yeah. -- -- -- -- The other thing it does do is and makes. The entire universe of installed versions of installed. Browsers basically all the same. So. Everybody knows when they're writing for browser what is out there in the field I mean it's not a 100% but it increases it brings a level up of the -- face. Aimed less at the same -- -- -- and yeah that's what potential downside of going -- could be the add on compatibility. You have an add on that doesn't work with the upgraded version. And they'll -- -- -- yeah her -- just. -- hopefully Evelyn had Aliyev well this isn't. Yeah -- just all right. Would be good to -- in science and science -- today. Ray and looks like we have finally we fix that -- Bermuda Triangle thing we figured it out -- out -- chicken. Came before the day get them triceratops apparently didn't exist and we outlet we know what the deal is now -- the Bermuda Triangle finally. It is giant bubbles of natural gas. Bubbling up from the sea floor changing the composition the density of water was basically if you float over one of these bubbles you sink like a rock and affect these bubbles can be so big. That they escape. From as the -- up -- the top of the -- -- -- -- -- they go into the atmosphere and if you're an airplane going through -- then the air density in the oxygen content changes and you can no longer live -- us and you say yes this is spreading through fanatic at this theory has been around forward decades as far as when I heard this a long time ago -- -- -- he probably the top -- and I guess that's an area. Yes some computer geeks figured out the shape of the area where these bubbles -- coming from. And they're fairly convinced that there's a slots in -- blossoms that's shaped. Region of the C. -- what it what she lozenge all walls and it looks like a -- to -- -- they said right here I had never gonna say that word again I cannot. -- -- -- -- I -- -- like lima bean made -- looks like the Vicks cough drop in the -- slides and can play a Vicks cough get a big via the middle. 00. Boy yeah. I want that additional -- -- Gotta say. I take back closeted and now we move I'm sorry it's okay -- Canada we're. And -- -- I'm stuck with -- British beards as well and apparently these. -- Bubble to -- are like they know because they they also think that that's let you know there's. That's a whole conspiracy theory well extreme science theory that the BP oil spills and disrupting methane bubbles underneath the surface of the ocean and that if we're gonna happen extinction level of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Methane -- not meet I don't know -- methane -- a giant angry earth part that it. -- -- -- -- -- But how residents trying to get us for years and years and now the ocean won't be the one who didn't take us out here is the solution at best the earth his real name is actually that's the -- -- -- I and gassing. So we do -- Nelson. Do you now think. You -- the gas giant but it's. In the twelve year old boy -- about our -- Matthew water. That you order right -- says they just heard you talking about the Apple try before you buy story from 95 Mac I'm the developer easy books. And I had a huge jump in downloads by setting the price to free and offering enhancements to the -- to purchase in app. For me it's really working people can download the free version trying to fully and only pay if they decide it suits them. The problem with this though is the referral fees anyone who links to the Apple Store for the app receives a percentage of zero. Which is not that attractive there -- any credit given to people linking to an -- and then go on to purchase the -- in. Purchased it in -- with revenue to Apple. This is that this is actually -- well actually so we got the slightly wrong we're talking about the new try before you buy I think it it it is a collection of free app the can upgrade. -- app which is good this is the way things are supposed to be enough for trial where it's only good for you Apple. And that's -- it. Day all right I had someone else I. Now because I am obviously to -- Okay that's the specs on and it. Hello everyone I have one thing to add to the whole net neutrality debate that was going on in try to -- Wanna be more difficult as wireless improves for the carriers to claim limited -- since. -- example from the carriers themselves look at sprint and the they marked the hot spot between themselves by saying that while there's -- -- -- three G bandwidth if you how forgy it's only can. The only other thing I had to say was that Bryan police version of -- sorry. But Frankel Lee's vision of different content on different Internet providers like cable TV scared -- -- -- -- out of me you know consumer anywhere it wants that's not in Northern Virginia. And men. But isn't dismissal we were saying -- the other day that the carriers. Will increased their wireless -- with and then cry. -- with poverty. All along. I mean they have they have a real scarcity now begin -- they are not their infrastructure is not aren't wired networks but. They also have an -- that they will continue to exaggerate that scarcity as long as they possibly can have been. -- -- -- Yeah it's an -- doesn't present -- that this is. Earlier I'm gonna go ahead here on -- -- uses Lindsay. -- Blackberry users I'm gonna question for and is probably question that you know the answer to because. Let's face it everybody's seen it -- fisherman here and you're -- have him maybe you haven't. Yeah -- dividend notepad yeah Jodie Foster -- Fisher Fisher a big difference Skoda kind of contact go back to the HP -- beating in the show. Tell us Blackberry users what is your favorite -- yeah series just. Check out her entire catalog and I and DP atletico via Blackberry messenger some of the comment. Eighteen and over to you. That's his act but you can scan through maybe maybe the best able to Nadia. Our pin is 24523. -- six. There you go. I can't wait to hear the answer I don't know Morgan -- on responsiveness and I have a really good feeling. If you want to know more information about the show you and I hit deal -- cnet.com of course Veronica you've got a million different things. Right now I did a couple RA I am I'm currently hosting core -- the PlayStation network we have a new episode coming out tomorrow on the PlayStation store. Tekzilla Revision 3 new -- that every Thursday around 6 PM Pacific time. And of course the Tekzilla -- is heightened following -- -- Veronica Belmont dot com which -- need to update and on Twitter I am Veronica. For -- a possible. Oh and the sword and laser third laser dot comic of a Levittown. You put that on your side as well. No. I don't think he's so much for coming home got to have yeah yeah I was -- in studio could see you. But I don't think you guys and Molly have a good trip of New York by -- thank you I'll be out let's see if there's -- effective. -- -- -- Whilst I just fired Jason off the top and you might as well -- -- exit. Thanks including -- what am I gonna do in my life it's I'm gonna oddities. -- -- And -- -- with either reporter and they hire your heart reports on Google and thank god was wanted to provide an independent contractor -- -- to -- -- didn't listen and --

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