Ep. 1286: The Pentagon wants its stuff back
Ep. 1286: The Pentagon wants its stuff back

Ep. 1286: The Pentagon wants its stuff back

It's Friday. -- Washington I'm Jason -- I refueling and I'm frankly I'm Hollywood bug and a buzz out loud in a podcast and intimately it's episode 12186. The show where you'd think -- never done it before. What's so and that we are we're back and net neutrality we're back. Is this story bigger photo anywhere and it shouldn't because -- really big it's fascinating so yesterday it's not a story just the first and figure out oh it's just aren't Italy or -- Berkshire it might be and it's reported story that -- it is a story. So the story -- you may recall from yesterday the New York Times reported basically that Google and Verizon were a week away from a deal that would enact the very dictionary definition of a tiered Internet in which was surprising. Who had a setting and upsetting Google and Verizon immediately. Denied the story they actually send that the New York Times got -- -- they continued to insist. That no such things happening however. They haven't Verizon has sadly yet we've been talking -- Google for eight months in the FCC all of a sudden called off backroom talks between ISPs and Google. And mentality day foundation or whatever they're -- basically saying -- talked to weren't happening they're not having any more accurate -- They're really not happening after -- you're kinda not getting anywhere and you know. We're gonna -- I mean -- Google and Brad Wright and -- let them. And I'm the whistling those talk today the -- -- in the first place really give the most fire to the credence of the story the Google and Verizon had to deal. Yet as ideology -- -- -- that is made a massive force what's called a saw what they wish they were talking in and then Schmidt said yesterday. What will you -- it's an all out what you define net neutrality -- Kind of putting the light of the fact that they weren't actually having discussions about net neutrality. He writes -- at the definition question. -- which my theory is. They're having plenty of talks about net neutrality it's is that what they're I suspect what they're agreeing on almost certainly is that they're gonna leave wired network salaam. Then those are gonna -- neutral because it's too big to try to -- of them but that they're going to let. Tell -- do whatever they want wireless. I think what they're negotiating basically you're hearing on wireless networks which will affect the future of wireless broadband but that there you know they're coming to some agreement public Kate -- somebody wrote -- -- -- that. He was actually you got the very I wrote this up -- Molly rant. Because it kind of Reading between -- -- -- met with clearly saying like look they're going to be times when we discriminate. Between certain kinds of traffic. Everyone is saying. There's some kind of arrangement and Bloomberg reported an arrangement for handling web traffic -- Wall Street Journal reported the same -- York times has not corrected story. There is obviously some agreement in the works but. Probably one but almost certainly while many. Meanwhile he genachowski. Just have captivated chair the FCC is really opposing fees for inner priority based -- of upholding the principle net neutrality. I wonder how much of that. Philosophy is going to be able to translate to wireless or if it will at all if you're seeing so much mergers -- wireless and almost -- over Internet -- testing he would say. That he's really opposed if we effectively -- -- -- -- wireless and then there's a collision. -- doesn't he doesn't right I -- you lost -- fifty loss that big case against Comcast which that you don't have the power to dangerous nationalities -- jurisdiction believe they have issues -- they tried to kind of go nuclear. Re regulate broadband. And then they try yet classified a third way which it was to reclassify those mobile services -- mobile broadband services -- as -- Which then ran into way more opposition and -- and I suspect they're gonna have to drop that too so I think that the FCC is effectively like. Without malls and -- they don't you know that really -- both genetically and intentionally if you well yes I mean. In two ways and I think that Google and Verizon are basically getting together to come up with a plan that will let kind of you know. Wireless broadband proceed. Really as the token is why I mean you think about it Verizon sprint. The other one -- they're holding all the cards they they are the ones who will or will not invest in their mobile broadband infrastructures. And if they don't want to because they don't want to be subject to the same like super annoying net neutrality restrictions that wired networks are subject you. Yeah and -- by that by that analysis the FCC saying. That we're not gonna host any more discussions about net neutrality -- it and removing themselves from the discussions is a capitulation. I think that they're saying look we don't wanna have private discussion committees that for the public dialogue but the other way to look at it is like we're chicken we're not getting involved in this anymore were out you guys figured out. Inject myself and my traditional role of the cigar smoking fat cat capitalist and say isn't it okay on the wireless side because of a lot more choice there than we do -- fixed line for now and we don't have that much for providers is one more than what we have even as of last year it's the competitions are no longer. And you talk about -- T-Mobile. Yeah the FCC is definitely pointed to wireless -- like the the only way to create actual competition and that's due to a certain extent. But if they are allowed to operate their networks as much as they you know in any form that they want they're allowed to tear them as they see fit their -- him in enforcement apps that they want. We're not gonna see. Cheaper broadband we're not gonna see reasonable data caps we're not gonna -- they have -- competition but I don't think that consumers in the short term. Are gonna get the kind of better service from wireless broadband that's -- that that is going to provide competition to wired. Who do we do is always gonna be a place for someone to do that. Some unpleasant -- -- was gonna be the T-Mobile of the sprint has come with a better offer ten leapfrogged the Verizon in the eighteenth but play this do you realize what -- what we're saying here are four of them -- finish -- that's true yeah but do you realize what you're saying here is that eventually this means that content providers and advertisers are going to have to pay. -- wireless carriers separately. And differently. To get their content out there were going to mean the idea of the open and universal Internet will die on wireless -- controversial or free. Not great now it'll be mining -- -- impacts transmission or does this impact the cost of content. It won't have -- -- you know I mean that on different networks we will get different content. It could mean that's always the case on any networks you get different content depending what to subscribe to on television on television but if you get on -- Internet you get the -- Right so the question is which of those is ethically right the cable model or the Internet model are we really entitled to an open pipe that seize all just repay for that. But that you could stop paying for sure you can stop paying for it I -- -- will be stuck here. That's a thank you well well I mean you know we've never had a problem with television not having everything pipe to every home on every possible provider I don't believe you William -- I think the president issue I -- I don't believe you can put the Internet back in the model and I'm not allocating. -- -- thing -- -- what's the ethical right here there is I don't think it's about ethics I think it's about the the idea of open content of universal content is out there and although. The wireless carriers may at some point start to end -- The fact by the -- Business operation here in the Internet and thing that you know. -- Google you you want this to run over Verizon Wireless pay pay for and duly paying Verizon less -- more than sprint etc. that are I think that'll that that would mean a non universal and then and I don't think that. The culture. Will stand for is how many in the bottle argument yes in the -- -- some way or another we will find a way to get a universal access to content over wireless and I just don't I don't know -- as a user I absolutely want that but on the other hand I don't know that I wanna force these companies to play by those rules. I don't know that they need deregulated I think you're right that at some point it it is a different -- I think what these guys are staying in the -- to Google like -- a different model were regulated differently we have actual scarcity. You know they will exaggerate they're on scarcity but they do have infrastructure scarcity of the -- -- on after we got. But as I think they're saying it's a different as a customer and set it up that way. I just think going forward. That yet you know you've got -- on the one hand saying the technological singularity is near we're gonna have access to all of the world's information in every language instantly you know and it's like well yeah. And lets you do permanent basis which is gonna drive you attic listeners he elsewhere there's another issue when and if we get to the point where wireless is that it is the main backbone and wired is the oddity which I don't know if that happens. This is a different argument also right now wireless is dessert. Wireline is right on -- but I think the plan is certainly the FTC with company hoping that wireless broadband would become a why that is wired will always be faster and most things most places where you get the Internet while he's. -- maybe don't -- wireless has a better last mile solution. Wired but they'll have wired and wireless is a better last month let will forever availability and determine what happened powers -- -- offers speed no -- -- there so people in rural or spend more on silent message -- like that and that's and a different issue of in terms of the speed -- in terms of cost per megabit wire is a better solution no it's not it depends. You know if in rural to. On for hours -- -- it -- take our the United States geography. We're reaching people who currently can't afford to run wires you know for ten miles under farmland wireless our own business thing is a -- -- argument for the remaining 20% to resist let's talk about the 80% were on right now. Two different arguments for us all the digital divide to rural America -- -- discussed. But I think this the idea at least from coming from the FCC has been at solving that -- it'll be available -- is yeah wireless. That no government debt that we'll get some spectrum and Leo iMac -- -- all -- over and we -- -- except for all of this. But it -- give me. Problem when wireless becomes dominant and indeed different yet but I think we're marching they're setting the precedent now on their -- what's going to happen -- you know they're -- president now offer tiered Internet that are really high prices for. Restricted data caps that will continue into. The the development of wireless that standard. -- get at the FCC remains ball -- etiquette -- about it but if they get the jurisdictional. Stuff they need they can make the rules different in the future they can say look you now have a dominant slice of the access are you must play by different rules wireless used to be. A trait now wireless is the backbone you gotta do things differently in agreement that will power to do that have a Google will be totally in terms Google will village government over what I thought oh I think -- -- -- president should be able -- say no they can't be tested. -- what Google would use Google will buy all the wireless sites these are the majority of them. And they will put all their stuff out there and Google will be the ones -- it could happen that Google's the ones to say you know what. All the Internet all wireless all the time will run -- god bless here you guys go and they will just running -- What else I would say your company would say given Google's heyday. Will what will come and go and if there's ever will they will they may I I'm the biggest bear in the would have -- L line yet Apple's even get a -- Powell I bought -- right now they've got five years left at the top but Google -- Google makes money from completely open Internet because they run the ads on the it'll work for them especially when -- the more mobile but they do the more they want to make sure that everybody has all the content -- -- the ads on it but that Apple doesn't have the market share at -- that group is now on a position to pay. I mean who can afford to pay for like you nobody priority access like nobody else can I don't think that there is committed to that prints anymore I think that there -- there. You write fully intending to sell wireless broadband -- Google isn't yes you're right Google can afford to pay anybody anything to console -- -- by Verizon if they want to. Like access -- think that's next week starting. I -- that was exciting we're gonna take -- have a -- and when we come back and we're gonna talk about the Pentagon and -- -- because. -- -- The Pentagon had -- -- enough has reached out to Wiki leaks in a demanding way -- said -- can we are stuck back. They probably got rid of the luddites in the government you know early part of this decade is still -- know what they're saying to the stuff I want the documents that they want the documents back and they also want them removed from the -- -- servers. This does Larry that's the key part yeah because we -- -- -- obviously. People know it's set up in a rather distributed way and the servers -- in Sweden rather where it's kind of difficult for the US government compel them to do anything. Yeah and we few weeks a needed. Expected Lee is saying world will think about it but basically now. But the other thing so that's that's hilarious threat like maybe it's just a posturing thing to clearly got some mail them too often pentagon Washington DC one double oh yeah force them. Please -- that back but the other thing that they've done which just seems absolutely ludicrous. Is that now the US military has Banda. Military personnel from visit king and. Look at language the language is really severe it's you well you'll come could come -- -- privacy aren't security policy violation if you look at Wiki geeks if you remember of the armed forces like your court martialed and they have -- -- -- all caps. Yep -- they they don't they don't want anybody looking at the stuff on their computers because they think if if you if the soldier. -- -- armed forces looks that we can -- -- on their computer could end up being leaked out two. Another computer which also what pays vindictive marrow but it means two things -- first of all we need to have our computers more secure so things only got exactly what they're saying is basically what that what -- reported this that. Everybody in the world can look at the with -- document except armed force. -- like that television can but we -- and it. This actually at at CNET means that on -- He'll pull someone I would think it's -- around 2002100. Everything with falling apart and you're that type of company in the area and -- -- They got a lot of stuff -- a lot of emails very damaging to morale and it was sort of leading to all this like. DOS been hiding in whatever and they they just suddenly became rebounding and blocked it it was the only. Like at CNET that was banned -- doesn't lot of little firewall no it's not no I don't think has now that's. Now they have nothing but idea and still get the problem by the way -- guys running that watch -- you're. With that thing where you can watch what you buy. -- -- forgot -- -- now I don't know I don't know it's sorry I forgot it's something where you basically you can who watch or your transactions now. Pretty scary I don't -- much more prosaic. Anyway I have a feeling that this is kind of similar like they don't necessarily want they're saying to their their personally but there's classified information enemy be above your pay grade and we don't want you to see it yeah it you know agree or disagree can kind of understand why they might say. This could this could completely destroy our military structure people targeting embarrassment in all we're trying to -- information. For whatever reason don't look at it didn't I don't know I mean I agree they have the tells -- -- CNN all that right now. And these. And -- but it does say on your own machine yeah personal public or government system. So that's their dictating -- you use the Internet period I think just on government here there and the military doesn't want anybody to see this information and their starting with their own employees. Which makes sense then jurisdiction over a better idea then also as in the case of -- company it could be damaging not just two in terms of secrets and operations. But seriously damaging to morale and from that perspective it kind of makes the synergies they don't look at it it's a -- Gujarat. -- -- -- -- -- -- what's the point this is that the and I think they elevate Wiki leaks to a much more substantial organization then they would like it to be. By doing this they just told all their personal including those who don't even know about this story there's a bunch of modern Tia. Wait what's this. Although you have to admit they have -- an advantage that a lot of other companies don't have because they're issuing this as an order. And actually having employees who are used to rattling orders exactly if you bosses -- I don't know what else can do Stevens doesn't have it jail really that we well the -- There's a theory that there I mean any job so little tail end of it and break up -- -- -- black -- I admire. And they. Anyway the this. What we can weeks of saying to -- what the government sank to a few weeks is them. A demand but it's not illegal. It's not legally compelling. Yet that's their method for pagan and or else via -- -- -- but we'll -- -- that also breaking today this is sort of -- still developing story but. That -- accusations flying that Apple has been mining app store submissions. For patent ideas specifically. That they filed a patent application. That is basically you know the drawings and the patent application are identical. To an app that was submitted to the app store. The app is called where to and its uses -- kind of a high -- to select what you want to. Apple patent that they use basically that app as an example now. At as the story has -- no shortcut to having cannot invent new artwork yet as as the story has developed we have learned that the diagram of -- to app is not what the patent is is actually about it's just a sample graphics to show us right. Something on the screen nonetheless -- it has started patenting apps yes they have -- So between that and this it. It's a very confusing message that Apple is sending -- developer -- because Apple did not talk to the where two guys effect where two guys but a proposed thing we're confused we don't know what to do we don't have Apple's resources we don't have their lawyers and anybody have a good lawyer send them -- -- pleased that we don't know what to do. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I think they know -- it's. It's not -- slash -- -- actually a useful. Service called peer to patent. Loses in cooperation with the USB key is that you're developing an app you can use your pad which opens it up like let's use the what patent applications may be in the process that could be related to -- up immediately get in there and -- and protect yourself from Apple and the plates and get lawyers and Google. You got venture capital Google spent -- -- also the government you have Hampton also hackers I don't know I think -- and Wallace moving and it did also dig. Protected -- we have now investigating claims that a -- all of conservative diggers. Have been systematically censoring hundreds of users doesn't -- website and thousands of stories from the site and -- even have a nickname. The -- patriots. Naturally they call themselves patriots what you are doing is going. Through all the liberal stories that Digg would otherwise be bumping up at that users of -- whether it be -- up. And burying them in a coordinated fashion to push the liberal stories downs of the conservative ones have a bigger chance the rising to the top. But that -- that would. But it probably but anyway they're trying to basically make I know -- is like. Just a bit political Everyman thing -- -- the web then that's not true. They're they're trying to turn dig into a conservative. -- conservatives towards and it's been working working very well thing that can betray the fact that I don't use it is this thumbs down thing and new device in the last few years -- know the idea the console -- a good thing. Positive recommendations on -- is the negative attraction thing you wish -- it's been there all you -- area that know what's never knew about. It's fascinating about this to me anyway is that the this story is going to become a moot point when the next version of -- comes out where all the recommendations that you see on your Digg homepage are personalized to you based on what you like. So the idea of a -- able to control the -- is all rights when it gets that filter it because -- becomes -- -- in the stopped working as well and it's not even really that it will be rendered without -- -- is moving that direction firstly because this isn't the first time that date has been -- -- mean people have been -- people made a sport out of gaming -- and pretty much the mayor -- editing this is not new trick here. It isn't -- -- is that it was concentrated way more organized yet I mean really remarkably. Effective in terms of sort of changing the tone camera raw camera says he's lookin' -- -- infinite thing. But he's really not has nothing to -- -- -- we're gonna throw -- thing and start over because I mean one of the reasons that they did personal thing with -- make it better so people wouldn't be able to game as they happen here right. A lot of us today to over Apple's supposedly opening a try before you buy section and the app store which if true would -- super cool it. Kind of download like a pay out and try it out I hate to break this to you. It's not so much that. They created a section where people who were developers -- create light free versions of their apps -- -- And put them all in one place. But they haven't yet created the thing where you can buy an app and then -- sell it or return it like you can on Android. So it's it's nice that Apple policy prevents that not a developer. Yeah I actually don't have the tools to even do -- -- -- and an active applicant the store I mean unfortunately it sounds like what they would do is this -- is late edition which if anything you are totally -- It we already have those like you get them -- and they don't work isn't. -- -- how light they have to be if Apple's gonna say they have to be light to a degree of being almost like demo where verses. Of I don't like versions give me a pretty good idea of deeper versions effort but demo versions there's a shockwave flash. Animation of what the program does you know to good use a computer analogy those are worthless. It's -- I I like the idea doesn't talking about that's a waste the time don't like the idea of say there's a twenty level game and you get two levels for free and if you want the other Kenya then you pay wrong analogy for me. You don't play games and grind of. That is base rate you forgot is the -- Actually have an adverse in nineteen machine Mateen but yeah -- -- my tuna. Its parent doesn't ninety's shareware Oliver again it out announced in -- nag you to upgrade and terrible but he -- apart from within the app that's the problem in the ballot. -- -- -- -- I mean now now the demo and -- are not sure there actually are in app purchases which do work but this isn't quite there yet from Apple needs to get to the point where they allow people to develop applications. Where you can operate in app and go from the light version to the full version. And if you don't like Virginians don't pay. And stop calling it try to -- -- -- -- and this is but they need this via its progress and. I onto the headlines a quick update on the Blackberry and the UAE -- hiring -- -- Saudi -- headset today as their deadline for turning -- leopard service. As expected they weren't able to go quite that -- but they apparently suspend. Maybe Blackberry messaging services -- while they went down only briefly Friday despite the the -- -- Button which again as we mentioned yesterday the entire -- government linking in the interview he started this in Saudi Arabia William from. And eleven -- -- is you -- that we're gonna turn off like October I think that in Nigeria part of the road Friday and then Lebanon and Internet community. That's the update that's the latest we don't exactly know what it's really going to be turn out there and if you're enough -- -- and -- messenger. If you candidate Arnold -- area is -- Microsoft is setting a record -- is. Pushing at a record setting patch Tuesday next week they're actually calling it massive patch Tuesday. Massive past. The other night ideological echo -- the patent and I'm sorry Microsoft is -- calling -- that the the CTO of accused security -- Wallace company Qualls calling package I think all things cool thing now my at least fourteen -- -- -- -- -- Bulletin an indie record number of bulletins -- account from both February 2010 and October 2 nine point one. If you look almighty XP SP two boxes only get a few at all like it -- less payload and you got stuck with well Windows 7 people that get a bunch. Dependent as we get a bunch IE gets CSI evokes is good if you access. That -- again about a -- expect. Only two but only two of the five critical windows update applied the newest operating system anyway. Get your updates on Tuesday today it's gonna be a bit but block out some time part of treatment in Vienna to set -- -- updates and go up and launch and couple -- So we talk lastly I think we added and user email thing like Google pretty there with who believe they just have to get some games and then they've got -- of the pieces in place to turn it on. Well it turns out they -- -- the -- they bought slide which these this is accompanied that was responsible for throwing sheep and FaceBook. Go Google and I don't have that really throwing cheap -- oh with. But you know Google needed Zynga and other witnesses and they -- though now they're now they really -- you have all the pieces in place and of Wikipedia and put him into one product in. -- -- -- Don't download -- buttons -- right ha ha. Totally I'll see if Google can understand the social web now they you know slide is a very socially -- company and they've -- -- -- or max left in who I give -- three weeks or Google before he tried to do something else. But. Hopefully it -- figured out because they really need it does Google get social. No honestly wave to go one -- -- bugs the start with that -- rice right. This is one of their great failing orca -- just three words might be a wasted -- It's only -- -- there. And -- get social. Now they really rock and and they don't seem to get integration mean that every company's problem I know and it's really hard problem to solve that they -- so many things so fast and easy integration that much harder yeah. And then lastly in headlined Iran shut down effect ready hate that -- and I can't deal it's still at an impasse really. Yes this on its Yoko -- but does let me about a thing like Adam -- anything's happening with that which -- that was don't hold your breath for anything she said with a laugh with the last laugh. Right probably more like a -- Considering with Yoko riot I don't get two fingers over -- but -- still. Anyway -- And finally today there's a funny story ever entertained and land dot com celebrating Google's biggest failures like you have to give Google credit. When they see that something in the working. They do do it -- -- quickly their outs but then it leads to a hilariously. Long list. Hilarious Google failures like dodge ball which I think is the one that -- -- to still mad about. And the there was such a win yeah guy to do you remember that Google had -- bag you're here now. While Google knows Google notebook it was it was a way to that text images or -- and -- online publicly shared with other than ever know that search Wiki. Weirdly little audio and other Google radio -- -- -- that Google Video had they not -- YouTube Google Video could've been a contender. And it really did anything with it well what you do that they had -- in mind all the way from the beginning and never develop video. Yeah. Google answers. In the early look bill would put a short distances tempered with -- still have live right -- -- the official failures how many of the ones that are currently on their ribbon of properties are also failures is dead men walking again. They point out that actually seems to be added to this with the Orkut which is apparently is a chicken and -- -- really in Brazil Google Knoll. Oh yeah that might challenger to Wikipedia gold -- formerly lines and the temperature and knowledge it was -- blow out. Up hey yeah I had an all in a well I've gotten Google side Wiki which lets anybody add comments to web site and mental health was a big buzz -- him now yeah they're gonna take on Microsoft and reorganize our medical records -- that's going. -- -- -- say about this is that all of all these products by a lot of the technology is the Google creates to build these products live on inside Google. In particular I think that's that's -- stay with waive the idea of federated messaging. Technologically and back and lives on and some of these technologies. They're still kicking in cycles just the user facing -- of them go away. They seeing it they're creating a mass of tangled up with legacy infrastructure from its Google may never escape -- they become -- -- -- cylinder that's what really look at it yes sir. Are they -- -- a bummer version more than stating that I can't figure Leo Leo of enabling technology that they need to he. It's like not smart that'll totally smart and other stuff shows up increasingly in search of honesty and that's true I guess these are all -- -- little labs and eventually -- the search. That's when -- need this Google now -- Google's Bob Hope oddly cute. I hardly amounts emails. Jason from Sydney Australia says those -- and some -- tonight who works from an Australian government. And a presentation which highlighted some technology which is being worked on for use a via current and future cell technology with video and -- -- apps. The use case given involved a large number of users gathering in a single location in this case portrait -- and distributing different videos via. You go to the races place your bet and break out your -- -- the unique video stream from a horse -- bet on and this is served to you from both the cell towers. And your fellow hunters but he'd -- interest that. I am interested in this -- message beat them. Because this is -- Sony at the north conservation story with the exciting because it based on what Molly wrote about. Band with wireless spam being scarce resource -- the technological way around it. It it I don't look at the except that it's only talked about yesterday with friends and the three strikes out he appears increasingly useless as they protocol and technology because people the it has basically the -- of the -- that is true of clarity and this is Austria. Yeah I as a -- -- yeah I'm gonna come out and literally and they don't. It might just -- -- -- at that point being that there may even have T -- no you're right but the point being seriously of their main fact -- technological solutions. To the wireless band width restriction from we have right now it's a good example that means is that protocols -- been -- them time to get totally. -- it is Friday. And you know what that means it is time for our Blackberry messenger result all week long we have throwing been throwing you nonsensical questions and hope that -- -- makes sense of them and and send -- funny messages. -- -- -- -- Right -- we got last Friday we asked what is the oldest browser that you actually currently used them. Jason ready and that intelligent but my Windows 7 machine have an issue with my windows 98 machine and couldn't shoot any other browser than the AOL five now. -- -- -- And then you make that a few people did say well all that the oldest browser they use it the Blackberry browser. Well. A lot of -- fixes yet it for you that's often in business them. I hope he has and we dogs got the same message we can't get you the pop up yeah out of -- we might -- be off the air shortly because we just. Out of Matt's got a few days ago I figured you guys gotta do and didn't mention it now we've got it got it -- and its pentium than it. Thanks for the -- CBS at the thought -- not the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And it Novell do that yet we have a takeover client inside of these machines -- a third from the right I usually -- like already here PCs right at this very moment there is failing our chances. -- -- On Monday we asked what scares you more -- -- prior to project vigilant and a secret that he does yeah. -- It was that project vigilant you may recall was semi a volunteer network of 600 people who are scanning IPs for personal data -- The government. What's scarier. It was it was -- surprising. Actually it was close. The word decent amount of votes for FaceBook but a little bit more -- the -- was given to use vigilant over -- but. Because with these but at least you can manage and delete your account foresee it right after brightness up they -- -- a whole new thing and beleaguered housing. Tuesday with -- what other technology would benefit from Corning unbreakable guerrilla glass. Anonymous -- in Blackberry and the court or anything Natalie Jones. Is there anything. She -- that's. Early last like life for the baby don't build things a little bubble blowing a bubble and guerrilla glass portables of all kinds. The -- in the. Apparently thought that says why that does so that every time a girl -- irrational or through drunk I'm not pulling laugh at my -- Wow he's living the life. And. Picking up different are -- -- -- -- wow. Jump right to an unbreakable glass houses the that we can all around them yeah. In -- them. And mark -- and I'm a video video I'll refer and have broken more than one ambulance and. And prequel that there would be in and be nice no more haven't put a stupid -- children every camera with -- huge profit margin for. Companies that don't really payment Wednesday Blackberry -- hot or not. Hot over not by 8221 ratio with 800. We couldn't swear everybody that of the Blackberry with this probably -- -- -- one wanna. Actually makes perfect sense they want Edison electric and then Buzz Report -- -- -- But department sympathetic if you're on it and and -- -- iPhone but -- you've been rockin' ambled I think it's not -- totally about it. Interesting though -- overnight and date -- point out that those that we're excited about it were not excited about AT&T'S they're like who's on the carrier I'd be really really -- those that weren't so stoked about it really -- -- -- six on their blackberries or others -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that -- -- -- -- -- -- And Thursday William -- Google Wave and if so. Why it was. Not surprisingly. I resounding no that's probably why Google killed it -- Chris that in this actually would have been a good used or I plan on using it in part with economic and deep ultra low price and agree use Cali style icons that are -- since apparently. I I -- my friend I easily. Right why it's easily two of whom or what are your friends. Yeah collectors of obscure things Sebastian with the girls -- during one of -- -- -- -- -- to -- Oh yeah yeah -- via via. Office and a sincere if it -- different bar. Because they'll go there are not equality -- and stumbled -- targeted at the foot of what they can withstand glass shards that is yeah. Yeah right. You're wearing doc Martins Macedonia he needs according unbreakable glass brought these class -- well but you may have some. The -- -- that with the nine I think that note what today's. Blackberry messenger question is should -- get a new bar and you put. Done then if your comment via Blackberry messenger are -- to import live TV -- fixed you can't. And find that can help fully written down -- blog Leo well that's CNET dot problem -- everything we talked about today you can email us that by the cnet.com and of course you can call us. 18061 think these -- create. The lovely and -- -- over the weekend by. -- -- -- -- Today's right -- When he -- is now. I've -- villains. My next I'm Brian Cooley. Yeah. And I use this anymore fingerprint comedy and has a degree comedy it's what is it like I'm doing timing. -- Boy I'm paying you we start over while apparently I'm gonna power through let. -- I elf fell apart like a -- amateurs. It what is this podcasting thing. Yeah I know Larry are you gonna do then I go okay -- -- there were already into it and I'm right and apparently am -- -- -- now we're gonna -- no idea -- my name you guys replied about the stuff. Aren't -- -- -- million well so -- really bad idea collected right up at about it she. Alright here we -- as long -- second -- but. But it's gonna be so much -- the second and just you wait -- Only -- to -- awesome Huckabee were asking if I doubt that could be worth it be better it's gonna sound rehearsed decree Friday I don't really rival that we oil on the show and the show might tell you never done it before. The idea okay but imagine like that one -- never this four yeah we can't do that he loves it we design isn't it right now he's giving huge -- -- people -- -- -- it. He's looking -- episode number going 1280. -- the latest -- -- And every -- good time that makes sense -- people. And it's easier I think that's here's.

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