Dialed In: LIVE!
Dialed In: LIVE!

Dialed In: LIVE!

Hello and welcome to style than -- itself on podcasts today is Wednesday November there. And turn. And but we are having a very very special show for three reasons. The first is that it is the 150. Episode -- -- yeah so we've had in the Vatican. I mean how are handled okay astronauts say that is -- -- and we're glad about that. The second reason is that -- is here in San Francisco. And we. -- -- -- -- -- We welcome finding good. -- politics he's not inanimate trying to -- not -- Hollinger. A real person she's not a disembodied voice and -- is not and small piece of the landscape and night Lou maybe in an incident this. So yes that we -- money. And then Henry's got within reason. Then somebody's. Pain -- yeah. -- of the Jessica oh so suddenly and that's that's. If -- -- advocate for your in -- Oh says -- -- and putting quotes that because I'm she -- her birthday tomorrow. Yeah so it's. -- You and she would be Merom are yourselves -- So yeah we're gonna test this idea it's nice to have the whole crew here. We're very excited -- gain some. -- -- -- Chilly San Francisco with him take it if it's you -- you can. Leading. Thing. At least that should be set them it didn't sleep in the marathon day yeah it -- mentioned that. They we have a lot going on so of course I'm -- I'm here responding and Jessica and the call and -- Gonzales our producer extraordinary it's -- always been. Very as it camera and -- -- and yes. We have negative opinion and the veto graciously gave up personally -- -- programs. Anyway so we have on the bits -- resonates at -- policies and burn yourself on releases and of course Samsung news. Doing its best to just slap everyone else to the ground with new phones and we'll get to that the second. But first we'd like to run over a couple things that could there actually one -- it could be happening tomorrow. The rumored to -- which not a few days ago is that gingerbread will -- -- of the -- on November 11. It. It to Japan of course is the latest update to the entry operating system it is -- -- 2.3. And a couple weeks ago when did a Google put a big giant -- -- want with a -- -- -- The Clarence. So malicious. Adamant that it is that the curriculum and mentioned again and it -- -- planning and might be out tomorrow we're gonna well and I think it's that STK about -- -- -- And it was Arafat we don't have a ton of feature we don't have would know exactly what to expect from -- -- operating -- -- -- a couple of -- Diet person next tock is when we might see or win. So when we're -- -- -- that actually has and and of course the nexus to his one room one phone might be debuted. Today we heard that might be Sony Ericsson experience. And so not -- but will be watching to see it to interpret -- Community arts and entertainment they what they want -- -- -- found here it's gonna be focusing more than that it. Actually mean and it. If it -- it. He points out that -- Enemy has to -- in line with leave it. Yeah and and because they're involved you know conversations about Christian difference between for your three point -- grade and exactly and but it's -- -- yet. In a customized interfaces like manufacturers but she he found -- -- from sprint -- -- with all that different he has not necessarily respond to do business wants him. But second Asmara and on a related note iPhone -- -- -- -- might be out Friday summer mergers so. That is we'll check that out and Tony on the new features -- and these sorts that we. Are starting tomorrow also is the Motorola -- -- are actually just yesterday on mr. -- actually maybe -- today. And I think that's from from a tomorrow he'll put the dates yet this blog was written on Monday's settlement yesterday the Detroit for -- Motorola -- -- pro. Pre orders started this of the device with -- -- It's sort of there. -- -- -- And -- bloated Blackberry it looks like -- little like Blackberry -- has a lot more as more intense. Security features. So this going to be Verizon -- friends and yeah right -- And it will launch on November 18 -- and you know the -- -- -- 180 -- -- So I wanted to after and a dollar -- read it in to your country -- If you wanna check out a little more about the -- a doctorate protocol to the video -- day ago. We'll get a review when it comes out of -- phones is one of the complaint Android is it doesn't security features. The body went to a big event on Monday. It was not the next an -- and think of it yeah. I'm trying to hype it up here I additives it should not shut down thinking. I'm in Edison the -- Samsung continuance. As a new found interest in this on -- And it's their latest that out at phone and it's coming to Verizon. And it's unique -- that it has this with the college ticker display says -- my screen on the bottom it's one point eight inches and -- -- partner Amylin. But basically and you can turn to -- on the ticker display not the whole display and to -- -- updates from social networks there RSS feeds. And the idea being -- you don't have to wake up your whole phone did TVs notification that it associated messages. Things like that so this second displays physically separated -- yes this is just a volatile. Gap where it it the touch sensitive but -- an expert you know Andrew -- will show up. But it and -- has -- sensor technology -- peek at the very bottom of the found it'll -- -- that ticker display and center of things now. We got a chance to see and it's a really nice Sony Unita has all elements of account -- theories. Graham -- screening tucked Madeleine gigahertz hummingbird path affairs. It's ready -- two point one will be able to keep -- -- I'm still trying to figure out -- this. Would be useful as Marita kind of a novelty item -- on to end all look we have this extra display. Can I can -- a case for it if he just -- quick update on you know. News Dyer what's going on -- social networks and things like that that -- a whole lot and then we can bad. This plan is gonna be available for. And Adobe 200 with a two year contract and after you don't -- me me. And only need a thing to think it is the distracting you think it's not distracting I mean it's it's not on unless you turn you know -- I think it does. Illuminate if you do you have a new method for something like that its interest -- -- I don't think there's hundreds of ours had a notification problem Mary they always have that are at -- most of multiple things mean anything it's not my notification problem its iPhone aren't pretty small -- that this would definitely bring similar to the surface. You served. Yeah right in the bar no it is is within the whole message he'd -- make -- you union message. Music again and message when she -- it'll lines actual application into the bigger screen mean you know read the phone -- -- -- Another thing is if you're watching a video on a bigger screen incoming -- comes in. It actually -- the video and then -- little ticker displayed in. Take the phone collar. UPD Andy -- and you can also control the music player with it and you know you've got this kind of multitasking. And a sign that says that little strip of the screen also am -- -- I on the talent yet. It's -- -- I mean it's a very nice -- In there and then the -- at thicker but you know when Helen its -- banner. There can -- plasticky feeling that I am -- huge fan on certain period lately. Now. I think Tennessee it may at may be -- some time to get used initially that ceiling over time getting used -- This small little -- this again is getting use is fair -- I placement might be a little funny like I would love something like that if it were in the middle of -- sunscreen. Quite enough accurate copies I -- a copy actually -- even you know. But just some part of the screen not might activate it without waking up the entire display it would probably be a lot harder and yeah I think infineon and a -- -- -- colliding. At the top -- because they think. I would actually chemical and -- -- -- granite and so every pretty much every phone -- has the lead at the top in yeah one of the carrier logos that the timing Avian -- logo at the bottom. And then the speaker usually right there. I I wonder if it is about just how. They prefer to make the phone or is there some sort of legal. And innately payment for that. Regulation. You know my and my guess -- -- yeah it's from a discussed developed and then district there haven't. Because everybody's eyes -- go towards the center. And continue on so we should ever remodeled since -- know they'll be a very each team from them you mean can -- some ways. Are we also know that the first -- first windows phone seven devices are on sale. You can animal. Again on it they land until Monday and land actually you know -- and -- Johnson had some follow up stories. You know -- in the US haven't fairly and on -- -- -- acting to street had a report but it's. -- confirmed by back after that they they sold -- think about 40000 unit. So far how many did the can sell. Now it might get -- and that. Visited I later on sale of the focus -- -- around. It's an -- and 6713. Okay answer to you from -- he can't -- oh yeah. And -- to leave this one T-Mobile and one AT&T ranked the Delray it delving you perfect people and they declined -- -- In TT. It and in the sprint. Pros now come here won't -- and it means. But you know there can also report from international -- -- and selling out so yeah. We'll have to -- -- -- -- the. Well -- and -- -- if AM if they had Shanahan apparently there's one library and other Asia expert -- in. Return. I don't see it analogy. So yet have missed trying to get its exposure and well I I wish -- success and it's actually an example of him. Get them and you know -- -- -- I mean you are standing in people cautious. Their interest in it because the very first and -- and with that you -- and and I think almost everyone agrees the first. And it was -- came with -- -- it -- at all preachy so any rain. And this is the very first windows phone seven devices and it. We give it for a christianity yet device right think he gives me hope for a second generation to generation -- they will improve yeah and and we are you know there's gonna. Released an updated eight when he yeah bring you -- teachers and staff. -- So they are now on sale so content. I'm gonna stores actually -- -- it's -- explicitly again and some aren't so there is making a -- The iPhone -- section of the windows from a two. Yeah. Tomorrow citrus is now has pricing and availability the Motorola citrus is the device we -- -- -- -- here where Motorola dropped. Fibers experience what I if I. So this addresses -- mean two in Africa and eighteen team Verizon lam over essence tells what's the Pentagon. Yeah so I guess this is they're building in a coup for the Android phone because it's been between 5% -- human. And it can be seen yet are the -- -- when he 5% that's nothing I now. Yes in I don't have -- at 70% ahead. But yet it -- an Android which is why it's. And it's a bill for fifty dollars each makes it that it and you're able. Style -- agency and client has EV DO. -- At the inch display mimic the parent all of that usually keep it -- fine -- It does look pretty basic I think at it's I didn't mentioning it it's it he. Key -- rubble and it. -- -- Now the other one -- -- it was when -- -- it's Latin America was the spice. Bag you couldn't ask for it. -- just in the spice makes upset and that his face it it sounds like him. Yes another phone -- -- to -- Terry it was the LG optimist he and that's for T-Mobile and that is now for free you get it now. Immune -- -- -- an idea in the U three dollars and delete key right and he mobile -- with -- lot of dollars in the eighteenth and it. Get -- black ranges up in the heat or. A nude scenes -- an -- evil. The Burgundy in eighteen and if -- at the eighty dollars each. But don't really care about Hillary you just -- in -- and I didn't need ftp speaking at the contact. -- -- -- And I didn't really know until you take this time yeah is at the but if you're quite -- -- -- hundred dollars annually and be able to get it for two years very. They should like add an optimist he handset -- -- point you and and -- -- -- -- it. Says. It. And your regular program yet and I hadn't yet so what -- Which is not time and an end to point you -- I thought. It'd still be a great deal for thirty. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now in it is less than that -- the -- Today yet entry functionality for her for either of us to 300 to -- -- that's pretty again -- -- -- prices to deal yet then. I'm a Colo put up a pretty good quiz -- -- -- just went on went silent phone keyboard do you prefer. In and she -- and one with a physical keyboards only I like he's that I can actually press. They next option is virtual -- it's only the touch screen is just fine with me in the last race with but it really care about the keyboard style. What -- on what was what was number one choice. Neck and neck for a long time like the minute -- checked this whole line up the first few days inaccurately -- election anti us. -- -- T shirts for -- but SF today. It and the cookie -- -- out at 49% in 37% in what he -- yet can't. Section Andy -- -- comments in -- -- aimed at -- -- but they they want both the testing and that the physical action. But additional. Turns on them but do wanted to vote -- one of the keyboard like longer longer text messages in which -- apparently short. These short notes. It's an interesting but it does seem that people seem to indicate that if -- what do you think. -- you -- Virtual -- what technology has improved so much if so why -- -- -- completion. I I don't I don't miss it you know and I understand what would you want it because -- -- -- like a physical feel in the hand unity and he didn't do it it's it's more. More natural to type on this keyboard but. -- -- using it and currently using I I just fuel. It's even faster at times using the using ethnic asking -- -- adamantly anything I think also depends I think their a lot of people who think that they're gonna -- for the physical keyboard. And then when they've spent some time in the virtual keyboard they're realizing that they kidney -- have yet and yet it really matter to me -- and -- you think you know. I I don't really have -- -- And I and I have an iPod Touch and and that that it -- -- you -- and it. -- agency. Actually it was an expert in quite that much for the physical this is agreement seven virtual keyboards are -- I know -- all of that didn't try that that actually all the -- -- -- Diana. So our users like to -- theme and they can -- -- and keep it. Samsung. Of course is I sort of likes -- just a lot of new phones they have come out with the zeal which takes us back couple years ago to use something called alias two. That had. Okay this says lead device that is unique -- -- you've -- -- Steve who. We actually do have several people -- you have that and -- -- the hands on but this is -- dual hinge. Phone that means you can flip it up. And you can also flip it sideways to reveal a pretty keeper does actually just one keyboard -- those buttons they don't look like buttons in the picture but they are. And so does the physical keyboard and -- -- keypad and it's sort of depending which mood -- in it's from portrait or landscape the letters. When you're in horizontal -- and then when you're in vertical mode you actually get an alphanumeric keypad and then symbols will pop up. Apparently well so -- It you know -- -- -- -- or do I actually thought it worked pretty well it was definitely unique and I haven't seen before and it was a good use of the space. It -- a little bit of learning -- just because. -- sort of had to remember that. Something wasn't going to be there all the time. It was pretty good to plant to politics and getting used to that I -- twelve some of the -- -- that's gonna -- Skype mobile on it that'll be cool. And different two megapixel camera and and is available to -- eastern tomorrow for about eighty dollars after a fifty dollar mail in rebate. And this will be and -- it could be in the -- -- technology we used to see that some -- awhile ago was like. With -- and 93 to. Jenn yeah Jenn has and you -- but it can't quite yet I am and so this'll be it's the same thing but I do like -- You can open one way to -- vehemently -- chemical. When you swivel ours phones like that would do -- Samsung also came out -- the -- Samsung on tour which -- program. It noon and it's for masterpiece yes sir it looks and brains yeah it only have VGA cameras you're looking -- -- really simple phone here. And it's got -- -- -- MetroPCS. Apps that you won't be completely left in the dark about fifty dollars without a contract. That's because and -- and a contract so. You won't have to pay anything else beyond. To convert the some -- -- -- that Samsung solstice. Which is yet another symptom on the -- AT&T. And Simpson likes of sequels these days -- a lot of those and this is basically an original solstice so what's gone on with this phone. We just got an an office today and like that then from what I can tell holding in in my hands it looks a little bit cheap and -- -- but it's thirty bucks. And it's got this touch screen three inch touch screen. And the TouchWiz interface two megapixel camera. Them expendable man marine and AT&T music and radio in addition to -- TV so features why is it's not. Completely entry level -- there -- -- things on there. And and -- -- it's gonna be about thirty dollars. In the eighteenth and it's available -- you boom -- percent. And thus peace and is -- just who wins in explored. We'll question we issue in -- -- around Wednesday was whether. Android phones have hardware -- -- hardware requirements that would Google says okay you're an -- from what -- the actual hardware requirements what -- the specifications and phone must have you know not outside of software so she went -- and talked a little about that put together very interest -- chart comparing Android and windows phone seven and -- your biggest takeaways from that. Well it turns out that there are minimum requirements that they're incredibly minimum they're so that that they they really let. They handset manufacturers do almost anything they want. Google -- a lot of her suggestions urging UTU clinic a little bit higher. And then asked for what it has to have when we compare about the seemingly -- those -- -- but also has kind of the same handset manufacturers. Making phones for it. Out operating system you can just see a huge divergence and and windows -- -- is as much more premium from the tech go and I think that's also because they're starting over from scratch and we'll see you create a level of quality an appeal. And -- -- openness. Sort of let's. These really entry level zero dollar ten dollar and thirty dollar phones come onto the market but at the same time the user experience is gonna be vastly different from the -- -- -- continue -- -- her example so. One thing that was really interesting to me though is that an Android one point six. You had to you have Wi-Fi capability and that. Is no longer necessary you just have to have some sort of data on it and that the -- -- Not have to be write only one point six violence. Yet now -- because these documents at night that's for one point 01 point I had. Me. Dissension in the that when -- process required for windows -- seven but there's not anything. Over her camera and put up a. I mean most of -- marketing -- -- stones and -- to -- a little adrenaline is definitely 600 M in them. How menu and back functions available on time available and they don't have to be hardware. They see -- totally possible. No product no ambient light -- north radio no proximity sensor required. Rain so what that does -- as it makes it possible to manufacturers are really inexpensive. That's still have a lot of the entry capability is limit your contact back and and I think it's good to have that would be minimal like that to allow for the free and Draper -- didn't. In and -- it just seven moves the featured phone market. Almost little less interest in because -- are so cheap and affordable now. -- picking on me just makes it just makes. The market. My interest in reduced use Smartphone buyers strip but on the other hand if you have a really bad experience and your -- has check in for better than your sat in -- -- -- we at consumer education is not -- on safari yet and maybe I don't know if there was -- -- Google's best interests. In terms of volume and revenue -- yes and terms of creating a premium experience. That. -- copy their interest me I press suffers implant immunity. Really -- like what Microsoft's done I 91 when they said you know were really restrict -- -- OEMs and content providers can you know customize the software the windows phone seven software you know they were seeking McDonnell let's name. But now I can. Kind of appreciate that you know there's that whole fragmentation problems with Android and the different path to new highs and do you think -- You know you're -- giddiness you experience with windows phone seven regardless of his -- damn man now. I I think it depends you know if you Google it. -- Google's Android team is finding that they're getting huge headaches -- that's an if updates. Continue to break. And if users complain -- and then move away from an -- and then I could see them sort of tightening up. Those minimum requirements or maybe tightening them up for entry through -- now re -- -- out and that in the meantime if it doesn't hurt their bottom line if the problems are few and for between it and if they're still getting the -- them which is definitely absolutely what's happening with a week after week -- -- after -- Then they have no incentive to change yeah. Yeah. That's the entry program so I just mention pieces -- Steve. It whether or something. Like that you're gonna -- it actually hasn't yet. Onto our he has -- -- that we have a short break. Whatever practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gifts here as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact when -- Send us an email right now to holiday helped -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right right. Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 20 seconds at cnet.com slash life. And we're back. So you have a question about -- -- have to ask Charlotte is now in Samsung M 360 is the first review through united it's but post today. It is a basic fun I was introduced the -- ago few days ago Bruce for sprint. -- -- -- for basic phone for making calls it does the job he has a really user friendly design with a very nice basis tactile keypad and navigation array. It has couple accessibility features make it has the voice over where as you navigate over features -- -- Menu options -- read out what it is so it's messages from our calendars -- great people that. Need -- kind of thing also has four speaker independent voice talent it worked pretty well you can. Train your voice if you want but you don't have to you as Bluetooth one megabit one point three megapixel camera -- call code is pretty good. Did have some. -- it did have some little bit distortion on the speaker phone that's not uncommon now is speakerphone was actually pretty loud so we welcome. It is the M 360 from sprint says that review culturally -- -- new phone for calling it's not one. In a -- to the Motorola -- which is 800 it's rugged. It's. Is -- law says it's quote unquote life from and I think. And it does mean that is with this water resistant in its impact resistant is it that the glasses made out of from Corning in the -- classic as it's very sturdy. That they do they do say it's not as it's not as a top at the Motorola I one. But that's the while you opinion toss it around -- back in business not it's not that is the -- you ravine in the it's on him phones but it is pitting brother when Android on an initiative in and -- point one. I did -- have Wi-Fi calling. 11 of the few T-Mobile plus to have Wi-Fi -- -- -- call. A maple cost -- -- the instinct. It has the enhancement of that -- -- -- that a few resizing. Vivid detail which beauty and I am -- you like that you can dig it the -- forest -- -- from another account. But you know that's just what you do beat this that this phone he detected deceptive senate -- it. It's and it's been nice is it lets them -- -- -- -- -- -- main nice. The point seven inch LV MB -- -- very -- the size. Called quad as -- ged and animal right and I liked it in my only being is that you know. That -- blur Connie have to activated you have to use that you'd like you have to sign up for it essentially. It is not always my favorite thing but it's -- hundred dollars with a New Year's was in. There that's the defiant. You can spot runner on an animal lives in yeah you can and. -- a -- took a look at the rim Blackberry pearl three G 9100. That's still. The rim about us and ask them like when asked -- relief but how iPhone -- and if it was two years ago. It was the -- -- in April let. I think that at which apparently -- yeah the minute -- -- -- -- -- viewed that as a last. -- the last -- before this wildly out on the matter is yes did you hit it. The flip it up and now we're back to shirts okay. When you think that your -- on -- So this is also the first clinical apparel without the don't rule -- -- this is that this is that of the updated it to the more modern optical untouched as it's not really. Time you know it was -- Karol -- went -- apparel and they -- mutiny but they had they do have the -- type keyboard. We mentioned not for everybody. That means -- -- two characters. Per key. You really like it used to be -- -- owner and you've department say yes. The -- like gigabyte and -- eight -- -- -- it really -- to -- against but again it's you know it's. Personal preference -- will but he liked and that it does have Wi-Fi GPS -- apart which the it is -- did not have Tiki in I have GPS and that has both. You went to make -- -- the camera into -- OS -- eight. But it is availability list six making no if the new Blackberry operating system no less -- -- -- on the -- yeah yeah. And I think and the compact he used on the style I really like this allows I think you it would it was never -- smaller -- well. The tipping the -- Oh I really like it you know -- that this the form factor is definitely me. From the I do like because you'd get the full Blackberry but in -- smaller and smaller compact. A design which I think it's important to some so I think that's lane of I mean the pro did really well I remember only what time when. You -- is riding the bus or something that everybody would. Had a pearl and I think it's because of that into -- programs to change the color of the actual pearl of the -- had a -- thinking hey I think he can -- requires you to use a Blackberry and you want like this violence. Compact Blackberry. You don't mind your techie -- like I apparel is it's a perfectly fine -- mean corporates. Unique as if they get on that by functionality in the smaller more compact than in -- final -- -- color gradient that got a little ads. With a bit more style of the great unit. It's the bill for a 150 dollars to and you -- it has -- -- Under the HT CHE seven. Yes though this is -- Mobil's first windows phone seven device and need to -- that. It's distinct and that has the largest display on a windows from -- -- nice it's four point three inches WV GA. I was a little disc plan it's very much like the HT THD two which was also from T-Mobile what was -- -- -- mobile. Six point five and the agency did carry over a lot of the hardware. From their site and would like to see in the -- a bit. More of an improvement are upgrades and -- screen. So it's not as vibrant -- sharp as some of the latest Smartphones. Such as Samsung -- here theories. So the screen looks little dawn that processor it's one gigahertz and -- second processor but it's not the next generation. Process and you've got smaller battery for the size of the device it's 1230. And -- you know I think some other phones are running 15100. Batteries so does little displaying but -- -- you know I think it plays very well with windows phone seven you know especially with the multimedia capabilities and on the gaming inspects the screen is they create. It's available now for -- 200 house with. Mailing me the ethylene -- I would say. You know if he if you want extra screen on stated that lead to it's that -- -- it worked really well and -- for apartments -- it. Better. Overall device is its infant focus if you're gonna go to witness until there's a really different and you can animate him to. Now. It's -- me it's basically screen. An idea at the beginning -- everything that you thought this was about I I yeah I thought that to you wear and tear that thing you can the gas well now agree and I'm giving you price often. Check out play yet you're totally right I was most excited about -- -- -- fan but then. The more I've played it might and then to HD two with -- and then yeah. But unsound if you're not familiar with it sees you -- you -- I could be excited about I think -- debate Friday eighty I mean yeah I mean. For -- I have had the benefit of looking at these and -- different devices and and the differences but acting. Over on mine it extends kind of cool of the -- and scary now especially with this means even went -- Well at least in the compass for sound so yes yes you -- -- an exit and entry then we timing of the galaxy yes it series completed form -- US carriers with the Samsung has felt basically and me it's essentially and. The Samsung -- neat four Bryson -- the design is the same -- -- -- the super and led screen that's just gorgeous. And fortunately -- -- You know restricted to being -- this is using Google search. It can also -- -- -- hot spot for US cellular and airplane static 25 dollars per month. And has a five gigabyte. Data cap and if you go bad it's been five cents kind of -- But it you know basically just comes preloaded with the number -- via US cellular services they picked her own. Mantilla expecting that when it's called and you're navigator which is powered by Helen have -- -- get a I think it edges out -- HTC desire it's just a tad with a screen and has it has the same camera around but I think it takes better pictures. But. Yeah they have been solid injured -- -- then I would say. You know it might come down if you're cheating between the HTC desire in the -- as an academic and dented. User interface and design preferences. And I think is one has the sense and again -- on an add on has HTTP and then -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Just cuts the two found sweet disease T agent was the first one from entropy CSI. Did not like the and I wanna I like. Yeah and demanding -- and. There you have a. Not begin -- spent this is a I got and it's -- its slim and actually them bother me at all it -- innocent definitely some links perks to it and the screen looks fine I I like the little clock and her face Simon and the back has a soft touch cover I just found -- really constricted. Navigation -- it was really constricting. And I did a static on an uncomfortable -- years especially the circular navigation toggle and I -- years so if you're a larger hands I -- it could be just the way about it fit my hands in particular that I did not connect. I did little benefit dial pad -- -- And those are kind of scaled and -- if they were relieved the depressed really responsive and that call quality also isn't very -- And my callers did not have a good time and I didn't have a great time speaking with in the inner that the current union now. -- -- -- -- -- Yeah and it gala and so it's just -- it everything else symmetric -- of the line up I would recommend other phones first and there are other phones that cost. And this is -- -- -- dollars. There are some land -- costs only a little bit more about how. A lot more to offer I think most users. And fortunately balance has -- activated since dental court's stamp of approval didn't think about important to you. You're gonna name it does not make -- happen for you maybe call quality isn't going to be an issue in your area and if you want -- -- that's just for example that on the phone and everything else. This could still be your -- it's not my phone. And -- -- -- -- agents to. Be and -- last one is we have today is the Samsung evergreen. It is -- -- Jessica and modernize 70%. Yeah -- looked -- your Lamoriello Ellen Anderson for any virus -- nice Montana. And the box -- 80%. -- consumer -- This cereals and it's printed with soy ink fair a one -- scenario you know what's the deal with saying it's not petroleum based and the only deal with -- and basically but it does -- are gonna try. Not a problem in this case I did like the fan and actually and it's it's a basic messaging -- got a pretty keyboard it's not touch screen. And -- and scientists especially compared -- they agents are AZT. And everything seemed to really roomy and really comfortable is -- have the same kind of responsiveness. In at the dial -- and a comfortable life on the -- keyboard to be really responsive as well. And it was just it was -- easy to -- sometimes on these tall phones. And where the key word spread all the way out to that edges with a little bit -- for me personally this planet I think quiz. A little bit shorter but it -- -- -- says. And there are some soft keys on the side and I found that to be -- really natural use as opposed to having -- -- -- as part of the screen -- soft keys on either side of space bar. And and then just in terms of the other services inspect -- cool little bit of a step up it's not totally rock bottom. Hands am I feel really comfortable. Recommending -- -- somebody who wants this kind of green messaging to I have. And you can feel good about the earth well that's. -- -- -- So we're quite a few phones coming out for review. Among them are the Samsung solstice to -- since -- -- -- Treo. The Samsung SGH a nine -- 197 which is ago from preteen teen Sampson and the LC octane fitness. And I don't generate -- messaging phone rang yes a the algae -- -- which is another from that has the anti. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You go to the markers and yes yes -- thing. I have just a couple equator questions including one that's an audit of performances let's hope -- -- -- personal. -- -- -- I was called full body. Unnamed but abroad you called West Palm Beach -- I would like to give me a Blackberry. But we want to put it seems like -- of the black bears been that the -- -- have allowed negative things -- about. What would be the best Blackberry -- to -- it or. What will be a bit small want old on the market because I'm looking to get -- -- -- -- although. Like Blackberry but -- read -- a negative things about. So could you tell me please spotting what would be the best one for me to get it but did not get a Blackberry. Thank you -- tried to be -- but it doesn't seem to be working thank you. Okay so anything Brian Blackberry here -- -- here billing of Blackberry and would see the torch and then -- Korean style you mean that amendment. You know the phone with a -- you mention was the whole touch being clicking grade. I think if if you're comfortable with the touch -- may be that much would be -- that it is. You perform on the clam shells. He wanted to in this that'll be better equipment -- Yes. And as far as they're Smartphones and so the -- on Verizon. If -- on Verizon had -- for the saying the jury act is probably one in their top. I would -- -- name but I know lot of Cuba problems with the fact that it. -- of being third -- indecent or around. For that van I would think victory act but that doesn't by the EU the essence of -- -- -- a -- device it's really fast very. Well designed phones now -- -- this is the negative things that people -- about that I you know it's one of those -- you compare it to end guys that this idea to compare it is an act like anything comes up -- is the yeah yeah. To their credit and gave me an a lot of good improvements with analysts that you know -- now. The web browser was when -- -- things about my days in the ink and mean. Yeah I could stand some more improvements but it it's come a long way you. It's totally personal search is on and that. I know its its its kind a simple thing but I am of its universal search on the -- area. And I just think we're with the towards that towards towards today and I get it yeah I significant -- I mean we were disappointed with some of the specs -- and some of some about the appointment was. In -- justice based around our expectations -- the momentum of the market. I am because none diagonally yeah -- don't buy it. Random I mean I actually really like the vertical -- -- word highlight it screens and it's totally doable and I think it's I mean if if your -- -- -- on black area I think I haven't really an anti -- and I just did even if I don't know I'll put on a Blackberry its silicon -- I'm not well I hope that helps him -- Serve -- -- hopefully it's working now bomblets. I had a question from a phone message that -- brings -- come on him -- the phone numbers so. It was from 305 -- and I think -- Miami so and personally I message that -- in the in the name but -- -- talking about you're talking about. Smartphones it's our ratings and was looking at. Trying to get smart from a -- -- rating and one eye surgery -- -- listener that. Smartphones are not necessarily have a higher Sar rating just because of being a smart phone. And so -- system and you should if you're concerned about that just look for Smartphone with a lower sorry that you want -- don't think that because its mark on attire. And always if you're concerned about that. Just. Don't keep the phone right next -- you -- year calling and texting and using data. There are many things you can do. You know when it -- the phone next year I would sleep with it under your pillow I wouldn't. Keep it next to you earlier you know right -- using texting or anything like that that and you can Texans have a call which uses less power so. Don't think that it's a smart phone -- -- hires are and it's one about the Samsung -- couple years old now should you buy it even though it's outdated. And it is being phased out I still think it's a good phone. I wouldn't worry about it necessarily mean. Obsolete or anything like that but certainly had a piece of animation is so big -- this is have passed in this industry that if you have. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Nobody -- anything. I think impression is the way. And I tested it a couple years ago I liked it is just kind of is on its way out but some -- reason not to buy. But at. A -- of a brief. Comment here's someone had detected by a sense and reality and Verizon let's say then. He couldn't use wondering know what's up the sense of reality and I can't be -- going to find it to an. No longer on Verizon's let's say. So even though the phone was released like -- -- -- of this year I don't think it's available anymore. Act actually contact -- -- emailing Verizon knew they wouldn't say anything to me. And -- -- the sense and reality is available. One. Thing. And then and then there's when in the -- that it from -- thing right I mean you factories in in general. And you know a lot of that is. For them to -- differing -- Derek devices from other manufactures. Just candy give it a different -- You know that can away each he does it -- and and stand out from others now. And it's just become as so many enter it turns out there it's just become really difficult to make some of the -- stand out right -- was just one way to get it you know. Okay well I think -- so anonymous. Anything humans and opinions. -- -- -- Okay well thank you from for joining us we will be back. Of course next -- on -- You know -- You buy thank you for joining us for her -- show for bunnies San Francisco Vincent -- and for just. Maybe Arnold is so we'll just replay the segment of you sitting here -- -- goes to. Well that's what this particular over the cardboard cut out and I haven't moved just -- -- -- hello and I am finding it. Anyway thanks for joining us everyone and we'll see you next week. -- -- --

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