Dialed In #199: We'll miss you, Nicole
Dialed In #199: We'll miss you, Nicole

Dialed In #199: We'll miss you, Nicole

And then everybody we got our eyes are ears on HTC resound. We contemplate crazy concept phones we bring in a special -- -- on in the show. It's styled -- and today is Monday November 14 I'm today's has to basketball court joined in San Francisco by Nicole Lee and technical producer Steven -- him. -- -- Another is beautiful Monday. Beautiful November Monday it is actually pretty beautiful it is well I spent the week as you -- -- in New York -- CNET -- them which was. We have the room full of all sorts of -- and gadgets like TV is then. In and gaming systems cameras phones everything you can think -- we have -- talks. And it's really -- and meeting of CNET fan so I met some of you guys -- -- listening right now. And it was just really awesome I -- a lot of phone advice. It's been given -- -- -- -- pretty -- there are a couple pictures. Actually we did debate to some buzz out loud and that they where selling things like roku boxes and where we are seemingly has you down a dollar any thing we are selling like CNET specific like special features than any month since there there are a lot of giveaway of their land and apparently get food truck out I -- -- -- -- There's two trillion track appeared different track is critical because it's free just McCain and then. There are suites I think it was another -- -- as well but not -- I thought -- -- and you went inside and got a ticket. Am I -- out with Bridget Carey which was coolant and Adobe was doing the school sponsored photo shoot so we had fun with a little statue of liberating. And IA got onstage to talk with Molly Wood about Smartphones and then also -- a little advice to ask. Where is that for lunch time and have it right now -- -- But it was it was really great it was great meaning everyone in it is interesting to me just what the kinds of questions work. So there are some people -- CNET fans coming to ask specific questions and then there were some people who just -- marked an off the street. So this really nice -- spent parents are a lot of questions does -- -- that there are also a lot of questions about the three Manger brazen and that's says Samsung galaxy nexus of course and the motor. The RAZR -- -- -- which he reviewed -- and you also reviewed the third and HTC resound with the Z because it's cool. Yes yeah that's how to tighten its food but dispelled with -- -- HTC was on the beat the big deal of course is that it's the first US bound to. -- that limit the beats audio technology and that's the technology has. -- -- did beats I do with it because it has beats headphones and an intense heat. To camp out yet but this is that the -- -- about needed doctor drew a round. Designed -- parents -- that he says that. He says the hippos right in his comes -- so the idea is that you plug in the beats idea headphones into the phone and you recognized a hit sent immediately. Annual when you start playing -- music. From the music player for example automatically. Start -- to -- algorithm. And you can enable or disable and then you can meet this as what is essentially does is it boosts the audio qualities that it's louder it's rounder at the beast is deeper. On its that's really a big difference actually when you when you really listen to it. Is definitely very clear however I sort of gave it to our audio editor Donald -- list for his opinion. And he was saying how light that hits it hits it seems a little bit flimsy. And he was saying that of this and -- -- -- and part of it. In rules on the part -- -- but that. Why in meets then -- -- but. Like right here and it lets you right here -- it seems that it's liable to I think. Like right there yeah -- and he was saying like under normal and Tarrant -- police yet breaking and so on its own meaning it had that they are usually -- 12880. Accidents when there may -- be like seventy bucks -- saying it's not the quality that the doctor did that seem kind of quality that you right at -- and it probably do you got for pricing probably pulpit as probably the reason why. And the sound quality usually -- -- comfortable in the years definitely couple steps up what you would find in the box right deathly -- did better -- -- iPhone and iPod -- -- -- But it's it's it's it's -- better than that and the quality is pretty did. But he was saying -- I don't get -- test because of beats. Get it because it's a nice bonus something else this would equal about the phone but shouldn't you -- -- it may be what tips you over yet exactly. Because -- -- at some very cool what is four GL TE on insulin point five gigahertz dual core processor. The screen is gorgeous screen looks really -- consistency in the video here but it's a four point three inch. Seven to -- Eight TU resignation I was in New York when uncle -- as I came in this morning with that it was like well it's great I mean that the screen is really amazing this release Chris -- -- is really vivid. And I think it's -- -- his. It is not just cheaper LCDs super LCD to be interesting to see how the galaxy nexus yet animal lead and displays assists in -- -- -- are gonna be keeping us around for a definite what other us out I mean. I it's really great -- -- -- -- HTC sense UISOMESTC's. Sense UI can be your habit -- depending on. Which SATA the Android value beauty tip to tip in I -- -- HTC sense prison or not. But I like it actually he makes an additional lot easier if you -- -- -- -- for example. And that the applications are you mean you can't you do get some sound Milan which is pretty normal Verizon -- -- personally. But I think notifying you needed to HTC watch and -- -- HTC's video rental. Service. And I am so overall a really good let me ask you that's what's bad about it. Why why wouldn't -- about that. The case of passing camera as the myTouch -- slightly unity Jessica. End and -- camera that the photo qualities kid I wouldn't say if that's -- -- -- -- -- Some quality as the myTouch -- -- with a low light photos color accuracy since submitted to opt out. You know -- for from the add photos and -- -- -- -- a little crisper little a little crisper brighter. But you know. This kind of nitpicking I analyst I wanna say because you know it it is very shopping is very pianist is that -- those. Asked you know you should be good because of that the we that the camera is. And call quality was not the past there was this -- -- like. Distort -- at the ask him. Surprised by that action it is a Verizon bonus I was expecting to get right -- and Verizon network it usually does pretty well yeah and it means it. -- loud and clear enough but just scratch he. Not the -- call on its. And overall mean overall that I really like it is -- -- and here's the million dollar question right here's the federal out looking at next next site to side by side by side -- panic what the big differences. I'll sign it and I just didn't yet it's like and thirty seconds or something. Would you say that the big differences of people are coming to view an instant and believe -- And they were saying that I'm definitely getting Verizon is -- between means -- you -- -- -- microphone right now button and let's pretend that the Motorola draperies -- -- still 111. Dollars and eleven in Seattle on 11911. Definitely like a limited time launch -- but if -- overall -- after about -- London and her -- -- -- wanted to present conflict what -- that the tipping -- for each time you know -- biggest -- -- content into Virginia and side by side. And this seems bigger because of the wider bezel and it is -- -- wider. A couple of big business that this is in terms of our instance of -- and -- this is super thin Moses and his -- super bulky. It is. Uses the depth anyway I'm in Madrid resident aliens sharper looking at the start looking phone in the desiring bits of the design elements of a -- to sharpen them to stay -- In that sense. On the display I display on the HTC -- -- and launch a progress of the 720 Ph.D. resolution. Does it mean this is that either discuss this is totally depends on -- -- and what it but as Allen is is a QHDQ esteem -- am glad to Begin but it doesn't quite complexity. -- -- the quarter HD vs the full -- And camera quality with -- in favor of the resounding impact -- quality -- the united resound. I'll call quality -- party. -- -- is so. Subject -- and I fear -- and regular where you are in months in the way it writes about an instant Cisco anyway -- -- -- these funds in the same plane yet on the same network. So I think that's a pretty good indication of how bought either. I would say that the call -- and reason was definitely much better at Motorola phones continue to call and say. And it's how to say. Mean they're very similar kinds of hands on what you want out of the phone down. -- in them that I think. Against Motorola moto blur of HTC sense you know one of those things as -- right yeah. So I -- -- Jessica yeah you decide I decided. And I went by and a but they're they're. Actually let's let's continue talking about -- TC and -- phone. Basically. So does HTC happened to beat and turns. I -- -- you know. Is back and get their phones and didn't so we know that earbuds are definitely a step above but they're still locked to be for audio files -- want absolutely the best. Write -- -- mean that's basically what does that. Conclusion laws was that. If you -- real audio file you really care about music you have you -- -- you have you have the quality ones already. So these are -- in between I would sit in the -- people who don't care about it he can even be Carolyn. Right. So maybe that's sort of the that the target audience at the beats audio market. -- you do you want that louder sound -- upstart differentiation for HTC. It may be -- that's all of -- -- because right now let's remember it. In two to three phones have beats audio -- T phones in Europe and one phone in the eulogy system resound and the rest of the other phones don't have each item in it. -- seems to be -- a niche market so far. A principal I think -- -- kind of comes down like a fashion -- the key opponent actually option. Just so immune to the brand bringing -- -- HTC resound has black and -- accidents on America. So -- -- -- -- -- an eternity in the in here get her to take -- the bad knee and -- the inside of the phone is red. He's right and it says red Jerry similar to Holland -- joining try incredible legs it's was exactly the same as that. Yes percent of design in and out there he is that -- that is it brand consciousness brand awareness. If -- -- Dr. -- Dele current cards and you'll get it -- -- also be used at touch sensitive buttons are -- in imagine currently -- on the -- -- I mean these are tiny little -- ring around the camera ahead there so I mean these colleges nice -- attention right to have that design element to them. So. Another thing. So then it. Heard RAZR is super super secret that night and -- basically it astronomy meeting of like phones is like Wii for Bentley is the -- -- -- news. Sharp right on is it too thin and we actually had a -- story this week that will help media -- its new product Apple help -- get even thinner and it is not be migrants them. These. How does that even work on it is its custody and it's like about. You know. Is depicted at least that mr. and an Nvidia right now I'm -- -- Ethan yes it's a micro center assist it in my -- as a smaller then that gas at about half the size and micro -- is about half the -- -- -- -- So the nano will be half the size of the mechanism is that is that what is seeing less than half an inch around in this twelve by nine millimeters to about 30% smaller than the micro sim and and is about 15%. So what this means is that it's possible for phones to get even even banner rang up all the components as history. And -- -- Now I think it's very interesting and how to make the gimme the phones -- item from -- smaller. I'm yet to meet a -- reason is as thin as I -- -- -- what it was I was -- have a microphone to -- it's pretty. Difficult -- -- -- -- you know -- have something to do -- -- dad doesn't really can't -- your hand -- field edges there -- yeah and -- it it's it's almost two and a holistic sense does it just feels very -- debilitating and but I mean -- its its good because it's very durable because of -- -- backing them which is -- -- today at the durability of the absence and then. But we'll see what these new nanos in phones rights to -- production they're gonna get standardized and soul you know. The and of the year through the European telecommunications. Standard institution. On and I had basically you know the talk of the town is this is kind of but for Apple because they already use the micro such emotion and not just and that I had the Nokia leukemia 800 and -- windows and has a micro -- imminent so last week. I wasn't sure what about slot was -- autos and my pre SP -- -- -- is migrating in my some thinning in a -- -- known about the sim slot well. Why they haven't given me in my. So I was ensured that there but I'll bet I did actually get my percent I was able to test -- yes so that the real lack I was thinking it was a Simpson because most Windows Phone and says he'll let -- It'll with a Mike Lewis right and and of course -- -- -- -- -- and right and option buttons 88 that would happen should it knows weight the size of a normal -- I know I was really. Isn't something like that -- and my -- -- -- and Nokia -- as -- -- and other -- and so that's -- -- interest and and -- There you know I -- if if this makes the sim cards smaller in the sim card slot smaller. Then would there be a chance of hiring a bigger -- -- So maybe could fit in a bigger battery and -- just because you haven't let SP staff absolutely. Did -- you know more cameras and mortars and a sense and it's something. That took their stuff. Clean I mean everything has struck an error with that in my -- Everything -- the -- the more you can put their org -- -- lightning found. It you know there are other bulk your -- that we might like to drink iconic and the HTC -- LA. -- -- -- -- But what is sometimes better or some interesting things you can do with your -- -- And basically. On Internet and fun article about the Nokia -- concept phone. And this is just wacky. When it loses its flights. Just like me am I don't know what it is act -- queue up a picture of except for -- -- -- -- watching the video. It basically is a phone that has a display on all four sites. On the man it's like not a screen it seriously and all touch phone it's like the material surrounding it is -- You can -- lake widgets on the back maybe -- -- flash -- -- nasty and so confusing to me. The entire thing it's a touch screen antibodies attach yeah exactly. And is dubbed denotes a gem because precious stones at several sites -- its multi -- that he might have like your ticker on side of the found. Wow you know you could have the map and you know read -- -- no physical buttons on the phone gestures are used to -- -- apps. So you can think you can draws -- launched Canada. Can drag and drop icons and a menu of apps. This kind of bizarre to me yet and there's -- video. I was down at -- on the bottom IC exactly. So I -- this is basically Nokia's senior design manager came up with a concept and -- -- it's just. Because gonna watch the videos -- basically like there's a front displays side display is backed display and it looks really. Interesting. And eyes it looks like it would be computing this phone wouldn't be for everyone does the name -- -- -- let me -- Alexander -- issues due on May be dependent on how they design it. Yeah. Accidental calls and data so all is necessary for those who are watching the video they're basically icons marching along the -- -- -- -- can -- -- I dropped it on as an upfront about it anyway. And there are like touch screens. From the top and side air as. App for like music player in every actor scholarly EU alleged tapping something accidentally. I -- need to do that -- exactly did. -- -- I don't know the way around that -- haven't -- have a gesture before evening again. Or they're just so deliberate like if I -- you know because you -- delicate camera flash zone. It ends -- table yeah see that's a good idea of I -- I think it would not wacky things like this because app Howell. Other innovative you know that's how. Stuff -- invented it. Yen and there is actually another concept that just came -- this morning and it was a projector -- clients up. -- so instead of the phone being all science. It uses at Pico projector which -- you already see it seems some of those rethink some of them. I've seen a lot of -- and continue -- nub at it this one is basically saying that you can projects like -- for collaboration new project the contents of your phone. On CU. And surface like -- deaths -- and then. You can sort of like conference somebody else is doing the same. And possibly even like drag and drop between now and very like collaborations -- collaboration site you're using different software -- I don't really know how they would do not -- this is south is -- in the -- a -- on just Pico projector into it right there he's projecting the phone and onto the screen and dragging things around on the the projection. Yes exactly and -- yes it's crazy that's crazy. And it really interest -- -- but again it's something that's maybe you like a little bit. -- I think it's very promising him in the teaches is coming the first thing I went through my head was. You need to be in a dark room. By Kevin looking at these pictures and lots of late sneezing and Justin because totally live beta it didn't attic and debated demonstration is the -- -- -- brightening that -- death. An interesting so it's likely many film projection -- need to check. So. I don't know and AppleTV avenue lake crazy concept that you -- -- see in about. Am that's -- insisting question that you just remind me there. I'm gonna give you second about it again. That is going to -- our question that we have to those -- you are listening right in and tell us what kind of new functionality would you like to in the Smart. -- -- -- -- -- I don't know all about his cool and I have to think about it you maybe I'll come up with by an Internet -- you into the -- I think we can have like yeah I camera flash like. In candidate and Zoolander and -- the really -- and ET really -- your finger in an error. -- -- I am I honestly at minus Ian Smart -- last few decades. -- -- the meeting to be recharged. -- disease like -- full battery life -- -- may work out that either that -- how about lake over the air charging. Interesting eat eat -- And we have seen on phones right there's -- of this panel yet sensitive company about like. Does that that's a bit to have it last for a long time. It's an idea so there you got it so we are going to have a short break and amber and come back with more headlines. Spammers use and later its special test. What did. Welcome back to you -- and and it's time for some headlinenews. First of all we've got the Kindle fire from Amazon which is. 200 dollar tablet. That and Donald bell has reviewed these should definitely go check out his -- and has awesome screen shots but he tech. Other definitely pluses and minus says but I can bottom line is that it is a good cheap tablet and most of -- is. -- tablets are -- yes it's a good alternative essentially. And -- still we have sprint locking down iPhone four and sentenced. As Sprint Nextel wants to make sure its iPhone four -- customers are going to stick with it and because of that it is locking down. It's as sim card for use with Spain next now me not is not all that sprint has done. They've also unveiled this morning for low cost mobile broadband plans. That there are hoping will help kind of kick start sales of some of their other devices including tablet prices range from about twenty dollars to about eighty dollars. I should mention the -- story earlier customers in good standing for -- ninety days to request -- -- sim unlocked. For international use leopard dock -- -- it's. So I rims DB expose me abandon the classic bulb look. No but that's what people liked about the Blackberry Bold. The keyboard the keyboard iconic Blackberry Bold look may be going do we off the dinosaurs once Research in Motion introduces is -- -- of next generation Smartphones. He direct the new decision RS is called a -- -- -- it would use -- -- screen aspect -- as the playbook tablet. And -- roughly once he -- soon. HTC and the means time is going to push its tablet. By unveiling a -- or tablet and that is expected for mobile world congress in February. We arid you know that Nvidia for example it has -- to be launching the tegra three chip and that is a Quad Core chip. And next some -- -- bit of CE ST ESP is even know they're still months away he miles away never to early -- -- Tim and I CES news. If the -- -- CES set to Begin just humans from today. It's a perfect time to -- speculation on what might -- we might see in Las Vegas. And that remittances Nokia and Windows Phone 7. Thank you might come -- with a new Nokia food. In January yes probably one that we've already seen before and -- as a -- me 800 version for and it will likely launch with eighteen. -- And Nextel we just used as Cayman. I T-Mobile and Google are hosting an event this Wednesday. With a -- performances by a and it's -- -- Maroon 5. Must Iran aims -- south we have. Three and that's Los Angeles is Los Angeles I'm sure what it's about -- -- the concerts and kind of music aren't you know they they do have Google music -- there's -- tie -- -- that T-Mobile phone. It's gonna be a Google music. Special Google music announcement and we are gonna do a special episode of buzz out loud at 2 PM on Wednesday to tune in for -- we're gonna -- -- low carbon at last head. Blew -- and I have to do you -- and then say Amazon. Announced the Galaxy Tab eight point nine but its four G. LTE enabled up from eighteen and this expect that in the first -- -- GL TE for eighteenth he -- the first four G tablet. For AT&T like that tenth Samsung -- out yet the tenth -- galaxy tablet and and is a point I not template -- some point something that everybody does -- My point was a good addition there should be some sort of -- can have its. Well I -- there. That's. So there you go up and speaking of AT&T and four GL TE and -- -- actually each reviewed one of eighteen Hughes forgy LTE phones and and I take HTT vivid and -- take the Samsung galaxy ST skyrocket. And the big thing about them the four GL TE. We were not able to test the -- We don't do any -- testing in any of the markets where this is live so we will have to come back with those tests but in the meantime. I can't give you my impressions of the -- -- that it which I have. In my bag of phones this is what it -- to have actually impact all the boxes I literally brought a bag of power drivers -- -- any national. A question mentioned that -- the other eighteen TL TE tablet was the jetstream and use. That. And so this is basic meaning HTC -- at speeding up right now and I don't close their when I took it out of the box and I think a pretty much did a double take because -- like eight this is from HTC. For example do you have the from the shipping date of the -- right -- -- yeah and its processor in the -- adding. -- -- -- -- If I also. Have an opinion -- alpha HTC a means -- -- you. Ways and so often it all three of them are HTC -- -- yes and right then I don't know if you can now what I'm. It basically the build quality as it's really impressive announcement -- the things HTC is known for. So that keep you conceive. And an IV and it just eating poultry phones into the hands of Saddam and the hand they're resound and amaze four G have very similar setup high -- So very solid people -- Tony see the -- quality in those he phones. It has a matte finish very -- and nice Sheen to their -- especially out lots of metal on this with an intimately hot metal but what does have -- me -- -- design element and -- -- actually. But. Right it's super -- since last idea here is metal like a rebate and metal back -- Friday but it doesn't leave with especially. Financial ice when it did when recitals like this is this to play -- -- -- all this looks like one of those super prosecute and sound like us aren't trying to be on and without a lot of refinements. And the phone itself I really can't complain. It's 200 dollars and it kind of has all the high end specs that you would line it's got a front facing camera. In -- and that's that's actually pretty -- at IE mostly took a lot of pictures around New York could lose. And -- I thought it did a good job. You know it did a good job it's got a low light sensor. That elevator and our hotel is insane and and I was like super hit the titles of placing a big way if you're -- may make arrows that viruses and -- -- is covered in others would like the lower accidents varied. But anyway elevator pitch black. W neon lighting in you couldn't even see the numbers you have pressed -- to turn on the -- uses a little flashlight you that I can reach my Clark. I take a picture inside. Elevator and -- -- I'll I'll find it but basically it looks just like a paneled elevator yeah and now I want -- government. A but it looks like -- plain old elevators I thought about it a good job and then everything else just kind of worked pretty well enough I think call quality in my house and it wasn't black gray and -- But. For everything else you know it was fast it's got a lot of storage and pictures were glad. Everything that you -- -- in the phone except for. The build itself yeah -- I like that's a reason that it's a little be cheaper and 200 dollars OK on does not suit which. It's not super duper cheap but I was thinking maybe with -- he is now I'd -- -- I have more premium -- seeing them and so maybe that's way to keep it more affordable I wouldn't not get a phone in and I don't know if it's fair for me. To hold HTC to such high standards just because that's when it. We've gotten from -- but I definitely wouldn't wanna encourage them to keep making phones that look like this because it's it's just not part of -- Kennedy an item because that's the many papers but -- -- -- -- opposite. At a very good phone -- Host screen quality. Until point five inch to each steaming at this it is -- it's not. Absent I mean not gonna be as amazing as the mountain but it's it's written. -- -- -- So I review the Samsung galaxy S to use skyrocket. And that isn't a little bit more expensive and -- -- -- 250 dollars descent 200 dollars. He has a similar sized screen for point by an inch super and -- -- -- however some of the different that. Isn't it -- a 480 by 800 resolution so it's not she reached -- but. Because the super amoled looks really sharp really gorgeous in real enemies in price very similar account -- -- -- -- -- Simpson got -- -- excuse. Devices it's important is pretty similar to they get access to. Content in general on -- has yet to dual core processors you have your NFC chip even. Comes apart if it is finished and a 220 -- -- it megapixel camera 1080 Ph.D. video two megapixel front -- weren't. -- ports deal and also. Almost exactly it's almost exactly like a galaxy as -- out is the consummate the AT&T but it -- of the smartest person -- he. A T-Mobile version -- the unlocked and get access to write death so. The big difference here is really the eighteen TO TVs again I was not a -- able to test -- sentence -- -- because we don't get it EA just yet. And -- -- singing in my reviewed that. If you live in an area that gets. AT&T four GL TE handset I think skyrocket is an amazing -- It's an amazing phone with -- really great design you really great features and it's pretty much guaranteed to get updated Q and it. Exactly -- known as contaminants at. Absolutely so I think it's a really good at what I think its -- -- would -- compared to the HTC it is popular little. That her death just because you know the desert and I prefer the download gas prices and number 250 certificate got a small brain -- fact that the design feels more solid in that the display is -- in the prosecution but because of the -- am acting -- -- -- in -- -- -- absent -- -- -- it's a really gorgeous looking to -- comes down to again as kind of which imprints in do you prefer. Yet the Samsung TouchWiz and HT -- acts essentially. And hosting if you don't live in a four GL TE live -- -- -- -- -- Depending on how you feel about your trip maybe travel a lot to four GL -- and am about I don't know. But even -- -- you just get the sounds and -- tip because if this in film. But you don't get LTE. So my friend actually just did get the skyrocket as she -- lives outside of an LTE area that she's she her reasoning was it's going to -- Right so if that's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The difference is it has -- plus and LTE right. I think we just get asked is it worth -- -- about Apple what -- like the I accidentally. On my reasoning was to get the right now share do you get it. But I think -- it LTE becomes a sentence is -- -- be and you LTE. Wouldn't be too which might be better when else right so I'm sort of like a little bit sketchy about that if you can't wait for LTE -- for it and get the phone that comes out with it. There's gonna be about a phone. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Wise words from Apple only has that. Let's answer reader email and I sent us a lot of email and are going to be able Q answer everything but we will answer sun so the first question comes from Jerry. It says howdy do you think there'll be news on a sequel to the Samsung sidekick four G anytime soon perhaps -- he acts. Well -- the psychic RG came out pretty recently so I wouldn't expects one any time. Real -- not because it sort of seems like -- franchise that they want a carry on and keep going if T-Mobile gets acquired I'm not sure what AT&T would do with the franchise is but there'll definitely -- phones similar. If you're talking about. You know phones with -- slide out keyboards. Maybe not quite at the Zion. It seems like -- production of slowing down a little bit. As people kind of move more towards touch screens but there are still phones coming out -- -- or -- -- they think every carrier wants to have. A couple keyboard and phones just give consumers aren't always be some keyboard phones Motorola -- and Hampshire -- -- -- -- -- with the -- -- I don't know if you'll keep the slight tightening the rules he bought out we're eighteen do you mean. I mean that acts as a team LOX yeah slimy analysts see about the psyche -- in -- -- might -- -- that might be an old name I don't know what I mean is -- -- part of that. Their -- as I guess it also depends how well yeah -- -- could always retired and pull out a new name an editing error. Different audiences that actually leads into your next question friends -- and. Who says up time first special guest will get to this question what. Our special guest is -- deep -- and -- on -- dying. -- -- you have you had. It opens the way. And we haven't gotten to yet. -- -- -- -- -- Every landing and bringing -- some -- learns. Handing me a little KE. My my -- -- pack and are specially does funny -- is no happy to be an oxidant -- She has tried combine some trees and funny deep hanging out with us only answer questions and I can explain why I have all these cards yes -- -- it. -- I'm Bonnie just like you better than she -- -- below along. Its path. Iowa physically question can see it was -- -- iPhone four desperately wants physical keyboard. And read that the Blackberry 93. The only -- -- navigation to -- confirm if there's a release state and what the navigation options are for Blackberry. In navigation options and -- -- bringing flowers now I would yeah it is a T-Mobile does have Italian apps party -- to tap that app. And -- on of the Blackberry phones. Verizon and Verizon is easy navigating president easy now you don't the and since then -- sound data -- import it into Friday's super and I can be quite -- not Billiton is not -- -- and rate the and you ever viewed some of the other. Blackberry Verizon plans to do that humans right so have you reviewed this Kirby out and anger you pull up the parable I'm very very knowledgeable is very did acting -- of the -- -- -- -- if you wanna get that very menuing. That would be the one to get. The current I have the society is smaller lighter me and -- level for -- -- which is good if you want that kind of phone. -- -- doesn't have to kind of processing power. So there you go hope that helps and our final question on. Is from bill who owns a Motorola entry to global. Who does not need constant access to the email -- to the web -- like -- save a thirty dollar monthly data charge from Verizon. And is interested in buying a cheap. Phone with no data and then disabling by continuing to use the Motorola -- to global on Wi-Fi to check in. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Motorola and Droid two global I don't know. Indeed that without having to be -- -- as -- -- -- I think it depends also where you are if you wanna break. Your data plan if you're still gonna be paying an early termination fee. If -- up for any -- you've satisfied your two year contract you can buy it just like a flip phone then unreleased phone that doesn't require data and then I mean you party paid -- it every two level you won't be able to make any calls on it but. I don't think anything stopping you from turning it on Wi-Fi. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- At the -- Or. So it actually laugh track. Not to hold -- back again and again. And dies. And -- -- in the -- looked. I -- Why do you have these flowers out. Loud I am not in the evening. As. In fact that yeah -- if you. With. Hey that's a run came in second Nvidia -- -- -- term. You guys figure it out. Yet comes out I'll be leaving scene and then his alone be -- podcasts. All. Attendees at -- to be honest yeah. Cold comfort and -- it adds an -- always welcome here yeah I can tell almost innocent he's against -- you have me. Tell -- what you're doing well I'll be introduced there are and you contribution. In them that -- -- -- in Petaluma California wrongly in the near. But I'm I'll be doing that and you wanna see you agree that two of -- -- Energy you need your dose of -- yes there have you -- doesn't use. -- want to be able. All -- podcast. You don't have to sacrifice. As well watch CNET too. Hot I -- -- we have because you know lots of good. Dixon's -- and -- primarily and it though. -- -- -- Seven just to let you know -- its name that the dialed in podcast will goes wrong yes honey bunny will make regular appearances audience going to view covers the -- -- -- next weeks and you get your money yet. Jessica will be here and we will have a new cellphone reviewers darting in and December cents a I don't know -- to ensure that day. As a get a lot of stuff to Collins is posted by we will and I -- itself and here and then it will happen either. Sorry a second his cellphone review or even ran -- the years ago. You'll see new blood new faces -- I'm an old blood -- And -- -- -- -- and I -- missing a coal gas and saying hi to panic and in your honor -- has prepared announcing not. -- So the calls though -- I've known you for a little while and I admire your dedication to your work and it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm Nicole Lee yes it does it edited -- cnet.com. And this is a first look at -- heat mobile. -- back. -- -- Acting eat is -- problem. I'll one point two million -- wow. I know now. -- at cnet.com. Couldn't even see 101000 ISP 2000. Found the victim -- I think it's -- all the Android phones coming out. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Missing a call with good luck ends. IMac and C is of course -- -- have a -- -- immigrants and a. And -- sender island Nepal mailed -- -- -- it. -- voice man many think that it is -- But I only continued their accounts the blog -- filed in at CNET dot comet and all of their podcast at podcast dot. Cnet.com. And I will post a picture of -- reactions it's beautiful and touching farewell my face is red. -- -- -- -- -- Again thank you guys so much it was it's it is dotted park doesn't run on my favorite times -- -- didn't say the president. It is not as of -- the very beginning -- -- -- almost to an episodes ago. Data and hands -- -- hundredth episode. Well though our pre Thanksgiving. -- So check in with us next week. Will be sad and you will be -- we'll try to carrion and can fill you might have closed it again. I got a -- -- -- -- -- and my heartland but not content. Our pain and on that out as the -- and not Lee Nicole we -- -- See if doctors. -- -- -- --

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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode
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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone
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Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

Dialed In #216: All about ETFS (early termination fees)
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Dialed In #216: All about ETFS (early termination fees)

Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey
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Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey

Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'
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Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'

Dialed In #213: Wrapping up Mobile World Congress, not wires (podcast)
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Dialed In #213: Wrapping up Mobile World Congress, not wires (podcast)

Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins
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Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins

Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown
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Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown

Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note
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Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note

Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak
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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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