Dialed In #170: Playing with the PlayBook (podcast)
Dialed In #170: Playing with the PlayBook (podcast)

Dialed In #170: Playing with the PlayBook (podcast)

Well welcome to dial then -- -- itself on podcasted -- Wednesday march or April 20. And now I can Germany in the studio in San Francisco with of course the colon and call and Jessica and I -- I'm forced -- -- our producer. And bodies on joining us this week we actually miss out -- money for two weeks and -- She -- name special management comment which is I've been -- company -- copies. So -- product shows a different conferences and they do it individually instantly they'd just have a much of people banners showing gadgets and -- -- get a chance to look at the Samsung -- the -- Samsung Finesse which was announced last week to talk about that unfortunately I can't look at the official spending now it was a pre production. And a -- look at and -- couldn't take photos and and bogon -- video I came with on the importance that came -- the little camera and ready to do what others say hi and here is that turning -- in my hand but I'm. Was able to -- that. But she will have hands on on later and we'll go to the phone. But we don't have a lot talk about today imports. Which -- It. And it. And an -- running as a an -- -- indications. But it'll all be filling in for her and yet you thought your New York content and a playing a -- upon able to Jessica. And I don't know if I'm Jessica. And -- just go -- -- yards enough. Oakmont could just -- be -- new York and she well be. Guy in New York office since -- will -- their usual argument -- I don't try to get out of connected it. And -- -- -- Potentially. -- straight to the news is to lead off we are gonna talk about Sprint's new found that they announced last Friday. I was mentioning -- -- -- took place here in San Francisco at the commonwealth club which is. -- private organization that brings in a lot of politicians and industry leaders and all kinds of people celebrities are kinds of people do active. Either speeches -- talks during our conversation turbulence -- -- -- evenings ago. Yet has he Sprint's CEO are keen to talk about Sprint's green efforts. Not only there founder. Of the ways you can recycle your phone he talked about the campus actually -- campus and Overland Park, Kansas. Which it into -- sort of looks -- -- college campus that screen and corporate news actually being is actually powered by wind. -- -- -- -- And he then he -- it was a weird speech because in between going green and actually he started off with this other topic he went to bash the TN TT mobile merger. Since kind of going back our great leader and an eighty and I was weird because you hear agreeing -- I mean I knew going in there he would talk about the AT&T team -- can you would -- -- print bikinis and very very clear that. They do not approve this merger they don't want it it's gonna cut down competition and -- As an almost -- first thing when -- competition will be stifled growth will be stifled in wireless and additional would jeopardize. And I don't want when you connect to the two topics to advantaged. If it happens if this murderous and even green initiatives will become a testament to human unknowns. Contractor. But. On -- they're not really happy about this merger. You guys. -- mean makes sense what's -- not to be pleased about it yet you'll beat that date. And you yes you can see AT&T and Verizon -- I mean you can see where Verizon's not released on the activity. Well we have CD -- we have our own phones and we have the pattern network. Quote unquote and and we're going to -- we're gonna be fine but Sprint's the one really has the most to lose from the small things have. You can see whether it makes Android apps. But the replenish which is a -- that sprint announced. It is and other eco friendly phone. We've seen a few days and Tesco has reviewed the last batch of these eco friendly -- were gathered at the Samsung evergreen via stick with Allen. And there is. Intensity to -- uprising. I don't remember that the intensity 30 this -- three times and that is of the few enjoy -- -- I yes -- -- -- -- children began its and it is unusual in usual cover reasons. It so it is Android it has -- It has -- -- display are pretty scripts are QWERTY keyboard. Which I looked at it as a -- looked -- a content photos and it seemed a little cramped but. -- -- -- for most important did you megapixel camera Wi-Fi Bluetooth and support for micro SD cards it also has. Sprint IT. And -- but I can't it has a green ID pack which is course that he and harnesses. You throughout -- -- ID pack is sort of identity for iPhone you can change around for a while papers and out of I'm it was really funny because. Jessica came up with as -- -- the title your blog lets you view from 1980s that -- Delaware yeah right although blu wearable crap where somebody's -- yet -- where SpinRite is really funny -- during has -- speech he said. -- -- -- -- -- -- Blogs that are competitors are they just may blow where we make really good phones -- -- -- I had to tweet went -- spontaneity. Grade because the whole thing with sprint ideas that they updated it in future versions and then also on a couple of the phones -- -- had it. I've tried it -- and down a little bed and tweak it so you still can't. Do the future you know that I want. Lynch's basically when you're gonna ninety packed you choose it and you're getting everything you don't get to cherry pick what she won its time. You know part and parcel you get the entire pack that was created by the -- publisher you and you can't change it after the fact going in through settings and un Apple like thing and deleting and uninstalling one by one and you in the meantime you have to install everything and sometimes it takes. Little while -- And I'm not a sprint -- He found will be 49 dollar for -- -- 99 with service and it'll become -- Onyx black Arctic -- -- an -- pink will be competitive gaming. -- mentioned the sound like half frozen yogurt and it does it if it does good. And they're gonna knock they're gonna learn my -- to department dollars. Interesting I guess only for this -- that's one thing there. -- actually that makes the thirty dollar solar charging attachment a little bit more portable yeah and this is actually you've seen we've seen solar panel -- before there's a Samsung blue earth you know it's the to the telephone. And I think the solar back I and I don't think they make a huge amount of difference they seen to be more -- keep the batteries somewhat current Linux when you're using it rather than. Which in London but with this phone you can get 29 dollars you can get a -- -- -- back overseas -- take -- when it comes about. Replace it with this new back cover that solar panels and charge -- So. That's the rumpled and fixture yes. And and Samsung also made a very small announcement that it was bringing the Samsung. Restore. Virtual -- departments. Yeah so -- those -- second announcement. They are any and the restore. Different version link and all these -- -- colors like lime green. I am for sprint and now it's coming skewed their prepaid Virgin Mobile brand with a little bit more subdued color scheme. It just looks like it's gonna be exactly the -- -- and as it was before. Except you know the packaging there's more my 88% recycling all that anti -- -- -- -- means. Less plastic masks. Than it did before. It yes it can use that basically think about -- so many eighty dollars without a contract. And it's already available but its -- models with memories of them away and -- content. As that scan then and -- -- ultraviolet lighting for. It's the open -- -- -- -- and technical. Consultant Tom. So that visiting -- on Friday with Sprint's hands. And we also have the Blackberry Playbook. Which. Came out we had a review it and it's about you section that total power it up but it was being drama yesterday. That one of the apps that you can get with which -- with -- which is called the it's the -- Blackberry bridge. -- so what this is -- allows you to it's a way that you can. Hookup in the -- -- You look at the Blackberry Playbook since it doesn't really have. Disseminated in email client. So you have to connect your phone. Yet and it and the only way to launch a new ways that you need you need essentially Blackberry he'd get to emailing calendar and and especially with that payments -- -- and via the phone's all of your. Contacts in calendar and he now. Is in silent away on the phones added in the -- -- -- in the play with ideas of a security -- Him and -- delayed unit and as a Blackberry bridge setting in the playbook -- -- it and and then and on on your Blackberry fun. You sort of scanned the Q article the partnered -- if the camera in and you just automatically automatically and push unit. Two it's the Blackberry app world. Page funded -- pretty bridge -- -- -- felt okay. So in this way you did that was because most phones don't have to -- suffering -- excessive since. It just came out of that and the public -- not so. However as I'm sure you you're about to say is that. All of the carriers Sprint's Verizon T-Mobile. They were able to you download -- Blackberry branched off that arm of app world. However eighteenth users were not. I tried this on our store on -- question we had -- lack. And desolate -- something like application is not available for your device might. And that the McCain says that says. You know so I'm a unit of the -- and basically compared with eighteen -- that -- you got it nice that they say they aren't. -- -- -- -- AT&T -- percent AT&T did respond making the first peoples will a lot of people try to use -- -- them smarter use them to -- where can. There's lot of speculation that was going on and Viacom. So AT&T'S. Spokesman Mark Siegel -- we talked to that I'm. He had said that they are testaments. And he wouldn't comment whether AT&T group was preventing the -- from being downloaded as a way to prevent users from tethering device several. The conspiracy theory here is that. AT&T doesn't want you to tether for free basically. Yet the because that's the unique feature of the bridge app tethering is that it because -- tethering with the Blackberry. Because even if you don't have a tethering plan you -- to be able to do. -- I guess. You know if you can do with an iPhone over an Android when you you do have played on -- -- -- is creating a little network yet elegant and backward between your playback and your black. It's perfect yet exactly. So we civil space Mexico said we're working with rim to opt for the bridge. The -- After eighteen to customers we've on -- only just received -- testing anatomy true to the power grid experience to our customers. I like weakening -- back the blame lol yeah I thought now. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It's a little little -- because everyone else had it. Three and the problem in the united you only one you can use an on the sprint Blackberry yet I act I I tried to that the sprint of the maker of 3-D -- -- hadn't. In -- just fine. No problems so I think I wanna have a assassin a little segment -- power accounts were just go over eighteen. On -- NN and then whatever it is like AT&T has done that week whether it's blocking the forgy on the matrix currently. Linus PV house them -- do you know what I'm talking about now they've got the logo -- basically souped up AT&T logo gave it some horns. The -- -- work. And -- legalize it and that I think we need to start incorporating that Internet. The -- mean the death star. That's study asking that that image is a -- and you know and you know we are -- -- the ground into red magenta there's not really name for -- That's -- grave risk to humans in comet dust arms. I don't wanna use -- nickname sort of and you know paying by the weather -- star announced a new phones a good idea sounds like a. If EP if you aren't AT&T you have a blank paying use have a playbook applicants I need by August cut you can you cut connects -- -- that treats you platelet. The beef also make crackberry dot com and that is little optimistic he could to get -- -- -- -- -- -- You do then just select it select the download -- -- -- software directly from the vehicle website you can download it. Similar ground and -- weird thank you work around but it's the only way to do that right now before. A lot AT&T no we -- AT&T to get it the page software. It's just it's it's really his goodness. This is just another way where. And this this is another way where and devices able to do something and I can manufacture process and the carrier substance that's when I when I can -- -- expand its weakness. When -- -- whenever I mean I -- I do. I do wish that and this -- and sneaky -- of AT&T'S and you know its -- problems Sprint's problem and it's unfortunate that rim. And maybe they did I don't know it just seems like rim didn't. Kind of do their homework and sanity to encode them carriers -- -- what -- you -- marketer of but he didn't what you what do you think of it let's -- -- to -- -- contested. So -- -- -- But that's a -- bridge -- -- the pilot so it's gonna compliments by a couple new pieces of news announced is that Motorola is domain. The Droid -- I can tell summer -- -- -- -- yes. So this was one of the big devices that we sides CT any violence yes -- he has yet. This is the it was when our nominees for best of phone CS -- -- of winning an award but amendment called is very big on -- device. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Embryonic just because you didn't have to put -- -- on it yet I mean -- -- an -- to Verizon Verizon -- -- So we end this is one of the -- -- -- phones from CS that we still haven't heard of a delay earned a we actually have seen -- we haven't seen a launch date for hands and while I. They say was bringing yet and then it was -- -- or her dad because she's so on commerce and Wall Street Journal talk to a Motorola spokeswoman yesterday and said the -- motive was to -- the Droid until the summer so -- can incorporate several announcements that'll make for quote an even better and better consumer experience. Between two. Well known authority supposed to -- for -- means. Yes. News. Yeah Riddick and being -- hopefully hopefully build at least the 2.3 unit because -- -- -- -- -- into right. So hopefully about you know due in July -- -- it becomes not just the specs were so bad right now dual core yet. Ordeal team for pre entry into QHD display and sound pretty nice plan and it just looks but the really -- looking phone in the beginning to upgrade to women out at -- price means -- -- -- That. And we -- -- saying yeah Steve video playback. Supports. And -- ended the delay is disappointing but it does beat a rumor that was all that was mentioned last week on Howard forms that. Some. Person on our forms claims that aren't actually scrapped plans -- organic and he -- -- -- So anyway and and that would have arrived from next year and another device so that would be back. So but here it's not -- being delayed hopefully we'll see it. -- the recorder -- looks like it's time for -- right now so hopefully that's what state. I get these devices out the door otherwise -- just big. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Press conferences where the rhythmic flashing lights and -- -- boom you know well and you know thunderbolts and all that and my music -- just. It makes them so ridiculous -- and explain if I'm a Verizon customer -- like. Scanlon get a and the ball you know like -- -- why am -- waiting for -- for something. Certainly -- What is under ladies and gentlemen from patent segment of the have you ever seen an herbal. Now you know what -- business. Interesting Agassi had to see. An innovative semantic and in not done anything -- under the well but this is apparently an unwelcome. And welcome to meteorologist today -- -- to -- Thought about Hampshire and -- play -- -- public license. Plate and -- mark on flies on I. -- -- -- -- -- -- Why he adds -- and at the -- You can -- and the message here. As in mute -- young -- what's the flame wars but they're gonna get all the man who cares under. A massacre. The -- Yet it's funny music music across. The tablet. It's aimed at smiling you know -- quietly and think the signing of the day to -- -- on in the mean right. I still. Had -- and I still can't imagine that I -- the summit and realize it's -- and -- -- -- -- So that's just -- technique they're gonna have been fewer fulfillment her that might be another segment we needed relief if it doesn't mean it like this. -- really dramatic music like them on from Jessica. Guys here. All the so. Not a -- from actually this good news because this phone has announced its -- and in the Cisco weeks ago. And it's so yet what is -- called. The T-Mobile T connect haven't -- put it in the union action has to seat here annually but yeah it's that this is a very. -- -- -- So it has a dual core Nvidia tegra keep necessary note all beef explicit right yes mobile -- -- plants. Four G network in eight megapixel -- -- can map. For -- Olympic -- megapixel -- And I think many did it for Android sense is that becomes that the stock -- Android nothing -- no relays -- skins or anything like that. And I think that's part of why it's so -- -- be in HD video that was really keen on it is issue bank. Outputs as well so. -- and we'll get that Mars. Necessitates. -- Saturday -- And lastly we have the and by here at the -- it's almost week. That we have ACC. -- is working to bring parts of its -- -- right -- the devices. So course sense interface HTC sense user experiences. And you -- -- actually it's easy for a long time but they do you put it on a monitor Android phones and indeed pull most people on insane at least people in the room and it's if it sounds that's probably the least offensive user. Custom user -- -- Yeah I like it. So. But it is. News. -- You it is they are bringing it to. Some previous devices and we -- that we aren't getting a lot of details about what that's gonna be. Census conical it is a nice way -- just numbering thing together so we'll see -- would have a place. And some devices. So if you're used to -- actually for them and will take -- shall. We can use them. -- And we're back -- Mac for our big reviews actually lot of time to talk about this we can reduce and the co leaders off. With a phone that she absolutely sure significant and can you can say is a fair characterization. You know it's very -- -- -- he writes Yankee. IB solid he's eighty phones and happiness and with some suggestion that those content should infancy -- that yes it's ST yes. To see today -- And how do I started -- -- but this this I thought was really one of the best I decide which like that the four inch IPS display. And I found a spot in line that will be -- -- expert. -- I can't display unit is very impressive even if the blacks may not be as eat as in -- Saint but the colors to -- colorful very crisp images of rock. You know and just overall -- -- it looks me did. And then the back of it nice smooth matte finish the answer it's very solid. They -- -- polished feel drop. And I am the dual core processor does make a difference its belief as -- is it in the human unity government he found that it has Bonnie has been saying. A lot of some of the dual core for -- to a court -- -- authorities think she doesn't -- if -- -- -- -- -- -- you you did you -- I would say it's. A big difference if you just -- simple task right now. Going through menus -- right back. But -- of watching -- -- -- of just skipping through different parts of video are launching apps in particular it is to collect very memory intensive apps. It does does that job really quickly you really like -- officially. Com and if it does have all this. But -- -- to use it in -- -- part. And that photo -- -- -- I could've been better. LED flash is not that -- is in the world but you know it's it does pretty good at what it is. Am one of those one of those situations -- because it does is it eight negative and that means edit and I -- episode. But overall number of decent -- -- he has yet. And yes he -- he mobile is it just keep plants and four G network which is really good and we got their act and got around. Four megabytes per second on average is not know fourteen point -- -- that the theoretical maximum price. Found that -- -- found most impressive -- dual core it has all of these features on it. And that life was very impressive but I use is over the weekend -- went to use depends on for the cherry -- -- the limited uses now. -- -- between those and I didn't and a battery polite I would see Indian attack round you know it's yours and screen in the processor and yeah that's gonna. Well made and power -- -- aren't dumping by its. It was it was really. It was really. I thought you -- all it is going high it would just be the battery -- -- But it's been duly elected to -- typical regulars. And baggage charge only -- the -- And you -- You -- it may be sophisticated -- transferred yeah I -- and war toys just a it's not -- it's a really good -- many good features performance was great. -- but it is that. -- -- -- -- -- That I IMAX equipment so Greg -- and -- I. We'll grounds IA -- into Hagan is good because you know sometimes you we we got these shows we -- we really -- him and the found -- actually comes out then it's either. -- -- -- Well I think adding -- tricks. Lived up to actually I mean that the probably Beatrice was that the four G speeds -- The HP please PHP SP account -- win a better life with great interest and also that top doc you Abbott yeah definitely -- concept certainly -- anything that the and also the key part of the package and that's the key is around 200 dollars with a two year contract and apparently there isn't any better reasonable prize what it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- We can be -- because they implement -- two. And Jessica took a look at the galaxy yes another line Samsung galaxy will prevail. Before idea that I apparently need a new pet here and I have been corrected by -- a listener tower -- the thunderbolt apparently is the thing to do my humor for Frist. According to dictionary.com. How to people on an escalator to get to the top and stopped to look at him out there want to duplicate. And and and -- criminals behind them -- announcement and it. There is apparently a flash of lightning with accompanying thunder at the same time. And they think that probably in the sense it is used as the third that definition on dictionary.com -- would be something very destructive. Terrible severe sudden are startling some may be destructive that disrupt. -- Stereo although the battery life may be terrible severe startling. But anyway I think -- the thunderbolt is the pain. From recruitment. I did so because they think Alex. So this plan actually surprised me because I thought it'd be cookie cutter -- every other Samsung galaxy phones and anti a lot of it really plasticky. And it's not I don't know I didn't bring it didn't buy it it's actually it's kind of square shaped. And it looks more like an iPhone four and plans than the -- around but leave shape. A look I really like that I love the way that it -- -- kind of hands. That when I called infinity pool -- fact on the screen. -- top and bottom are kind of rounded and this really kind of glossy certain material that covers everything that sort of unify is all parts of the screen and makes it feel like one thing and and I donors to a -- I found that are really visually appealing phone. And it's also pretty inexpensive it's for boost mobile it qualifies for that -- -- of shrinkage plan. -- basically after -- -- -- your monthly -- -- non consecutive payments you can get your bill through as low as 35 dollars and each. In -- group at six on time payments. Knocks it down about five dollars so so that's really great and it's a good smart phone. And you know the battery life is an awesome but it's got everything that you mean -- Android 2.2 you only thing it doesn't have is hot spot. So -- turn that off call quality was intact -- Donation mention that one of the reasons its turn it off probably it's just to keep it inexpensive that's kind of what they're known for him and said that they hired and yeah and buy it other than that I found everything really reliable and when I think it comes -- Android phones. Hardware really is one adult only differentiator. And lets you kind of add your own things but -- of -- injury -- also. It doesn't have a custom -- diet doesn't -- a lot of related apps really testing him fall. And half of those are related to your -- to count anyway so I think if you're looking for this kind of phone. And no camera quality isn't great but it's it's fine you know again and if you're leaking from its kind of fun with this kind of price then. This is a phone that you might not mind tearing in your pocket and showing off to people and I certainly wouldn't mind pocketing as well it's -- 180 dollars without a contract. And with that fifty dollar and that you can eventually knocked down to about 35 dollars a month so I think it's pretty good feel good night. Gotta agree with you right treatment just a brother to -- and -- I didn't infirmary. Have been a creek on the prepaid carrier did have a really nice feel -- helps a little premium data again to them. But -- -- -- galaxy -- it's nice to see. Boosts branch accountable Clinton can in some consumers. Than -- have reviewed the sidekick. T-Mobile psychic for Chee soon T-Mobile is -- psychic is back in sword in a way and on in -- danger -- don't have. They don't have quite the same design as used to but. It is the I actually like this function is pretty positive about it hands I saw actually a lot of lot of other reviewers were pretty positive about the -- as well who. So she thought it how to grow a really nice is so it does have a touch screen what you -- -- -- on previous sidekicks. Non it has aberrant an Android has a great it's like him have enhanced messaging features the quick call -- -- good camera. Of course this is a -- so -- -- and on about she said the user interface -- -- every one. And -- I don't know that I'm you -- haven't seen this -- -- you. No I just don't look at them than me. But. Because its site -- me PM I don't know that the on the I aim and she pretty impressed by -- life not just because the -- but it looks pretty did. And no you can't have it -- -- a brand of phone a -- you've been having tricky minefield it's because of the legacy of the sticky keyboard announced ended this it's. -- surprisingly slim. In the camera but the on the site there -- -- notes to get. You don't have design you don't have that -- that the swivels yeah I don't have that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'd it does slide -- more like the T-Mobile site at -- -- like the sidekick slide which is this senator view that it's. You just you -- -- -- -- -- it's kind of moves up in the talks up the details of the sidekick has traditionally aimed for sort of a younger audience what about with this when do you think that they've kind of upgraded it made it more in -- -- the mass -- You know I think it's probably still going to be a little bit more specialized. Certainly it's got and it's -- pink products have. -- and it's magenta and yet it's. Many young and hip I feel is what they're trying to Italian you know it has to -- popped -- saying he comes in red -- If religion does what -- -- vision -- that we're seeing Hannah to the teacher says in his -- is it listening aside and you know -- some into the that's bad you have good I get its the other four G network you have Wi-Fi. You have Bluetooth and GPS. And also comes with a -- -- for T-Mobile TV service even get. -- on demand TV it was -- in the future. And it does have you can get in and get things like double twist so it actually has it's a well rounded -- something. Actually kind of funny -- on illnesses that you compare events. -- -- -- We -- also targeted for it pretty much the same audience and it can really tenant on the down it wasn't quite a smart phone. And had a lot of features a lot immediate -- of the when Microsoft I would appeal to you people a certain demographic an inch group. And this -- -- kind of offers you everything it's very premium rain everything on -- offering. And yeah but -- agreements until -- Text featured in -- chain management of context and out a mass texts news. So it's very texting focus beach you would expect that in protecting the likeness -- so you know overall I think current -- owners. The debate these and then you you new -- to the beacon of intrigued by it as well. So it's good to receive a second -- and looks like and Samsung -- can actually to some good with so Ecstasy. We do have a couple tablets to talk about the first one is the Blackberry Playbook. I know that just gonna cost and a lot of -- device wallop them take this one item I looked at a briefly a couple occasions ninety in my thoughts where. I was a pretty display in the video quality was great there are some. The reviews are viscerally -- you have a lot of people say that it was. They sort of rusted out it was half the eight. And it wasn't as great but. It Donald bell who reviewed this like some things about it and really -- the browser especially was gonna talking about it to -- a seven inch screen analyst. -- -- cramps it's better points. There are some Ina ignore -- problems with the playback Donald touched on those line and a -- will -- her ideas as well. I I also take the play back home with me for the weekend. And I it was at partying and I kind of tried using now does -- mean entertainment in their own device. We are -- YouTube videos and -- them attacking that music in a banana at play that and Donald -- about the browser is absolutely -- that it is a nice browser. However on the screen was just so small that it -- election really difficult on -- you -- I come one I kept having to examine and then. Or else -- in and play in their tapping roulette and but I actually get my -- I get something else I have an adult. Yeah -- I am I really want and that in and out which answerable column would but. I I wanna -- experience the browser was not quite. Enough but the -- is a really beautiful device and there are. Other issues with -- here and I'm just kind of sticking my head because I want this device to sick feeling I wanted to have an idea than. IQ minds about the size of the I -- The problem is that if I think it's a Greek side. Portable -- and signal reportedly keeping your pocket but the appearance is very -- -- absolutely feels really nice and you know it just advocate agreed but it -- they looked in need of -- -- in that. But you're right that surfing the web on it. As -- that. Tiny bit of difference in terms of selecting something yet it just -- even -- browser has great render in its its part agree. In a fidelity as a browser yet -- the -- about selecting the right link it to doesn't quite do it especially with. -- I love the browser. I love the browser that the flash implementation is amazing that -- to please video right in the browser and only open up a separate app ethnic Annika. They'll pick ups you know if those grade but -- perfect and with it and that the button. The button okay yeah. -- -- -- An eighth so the playbook has its talent has the powers -- screen lock button on the very top. And so sunken in and keep -- long body of the theme that it's a food typical electric. That several attempts to -- its offensive -- -- -- committed to look at the complaint. And of course the main problem I think everybody has in the labor is that. It's a Blackberry device shouldn't -- come -- email right from the very start the guy you having the tethering at me. Just. Year. You can I'm me and I know they say -- go on the browser to -- the Gmail. You know -- It's a Blackberry but has had done an extra stuff you want extras that yet the unique -- I mean. Some added -- -- just you press that button it opens it for you rather than. Having CU save the bookmark or end go to your history no browser and do it and don't be so bad because their argument is if -- -- browser never if everybody -- industry is talking about. Web apps vs native apps than ever web apps are you know if if your browser like Google -- -- with that fear for decades and like everybody else think that that's the way that the future is moving. Then it is I think a valid argument to say every day -- security's so important eyes and see this major segment you know of our demographic that were willing. To push free did you webmail. It would be really nice as these cynical there's just an easier way to get there and honestly they did state that -- -- coming up with the need if you now pound -- leader down to rent out that this is a Microsoft problem this is the problem unique to you need to come out with -- -- -- product out. Uniting clinic promise and it's coming it's coming just -- a little bit by now. And then -- we promise. -- on being sorry. -- well I mean I. I wouldn't necessarily not buy it but I think I would wait and I would want to -- the curtain and parting with. Yeah I would also wait to see wait until the compliment the Android emulation. Soft practice deceived that works out well -- and in exactly how that -- I mean that it could be really cool. And another thing that I was another thing and I towns and governments in -- review that is the gestures the authority is and I it was -- I was down -- -- -- target studio -- retarded protects our photos to read the news and reviews we are shooting the echo in a couple of things and I was posing for the times it was my my -- was my hands used to these few pictures but one that the playbook. You're -- modeling -- we're trying to go back between different screens like it into the city to show that accordion and go back to the home screen and I couldn't. Figure out how to do it how does Intel looked -- -- just terrorist. We had to back home and swiping. Going up and -- all over the place I think like about it says that it does have a logic it's basically it means the -- -- webos and I don't think it's an means more complicated than web so absurdity here webos in and to iPhone argument there are -- argument. That it's not completely into. However I don't think it's hard. But it does have a learning yet and there's a learning curve there and it's -- of people are going to look past. It. I -- I don't mind that logic structure now. So. That's the playbook. And I think it you know we we. Don't give a good review so different check it out and then the next for its tablet we looked at this week was the T-Mobile she slate. So this was we saw this for this was first announced it. What we mentioned at CES -- don't think they've really had a -- and -- it -- and it Barcelona yet we had a mobile world congress and down it was LG Optimus pad which is the same thing. But the big story about this found in -- this tablet is that it has the 3-D camera. Camera so to camera -- -- on the back in silicon shoot the 3-D video and then you can watch it hands. You know it was ticket party is yes you could take -- a party so I think we thought all along that the 3-D stuff was. Venture -- it was -- -- it was mean it doesn't define the experience certainly. But Eric Franklin checked out this device and he. Like the forty's apart like the streaming feature -- -- does have honeycomb. And it is a good he really ranked it as the good the best option for Android tablet shoppers who even zoom in about it that. -- was the Galaxy Tab there was -- And that's regardless of the three being silly -- -- I think what's really. I thought it was kind of -- bought on boxing identities latency the company that the tablet to count the cables and -- The bottom Japan. I've -- in the -- that's. Then and I think it's probably the first becomes depressed urban residents -- the -- -- deficit. We'll also survey the paper it did real -- -- like an eclipse glasses that -- you know and a -- dollars something it. And I was kind -- So this I YouTube -- glass and this is isn't like -- not enough phones we this is not glasses for me yet so beauties of us -- And you know -- -- Eric talks a lot about 3-D and he was disappointed with its full implementation. And -- Again I haven't you -- so I can't say I I -- really comment on whether I think it's displayed in non but I think the 3-D itself as one of those. It's issued a define the device and units and one or two of -- -- just isn't that cool yeah and I just it gimmicky right now. -- and I wouldn't buy this because the three day if it had it I think could be. Okay it's a nice bonus byte I. -- treatment is strange to think it was fun for a few minutes of but I can imagine. Hey let's see if the family parties and online and on your -- -- every line in -- -- and. A -- and let's talk about the pricing of this thing oh yes there's no contract price for the -- -- is 700. And rude and -- and call if you want to your plan commitment it's 600 in heat is. -- but. Minute and about -- need it comes down to 530. Dollars -- ill feed pricey. So. And you can't get it why I only had to get it -- might. Become sick planned. -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I think is -- about iPad and and are there six pricing options when it all comes down -- it yeah well -- two carriers yeah well there are multiple carriers and and in the life my only option. You know only optional colors here option you really want to go. Yeah so that pricing it's gonna be a big -- and in this. So good to see -- -- to -- an -- probably get is the evo four G. -- -- -- you William again naturally opens became the HT -- fire yes it's. So are those -- -- as we also are some stuff coming up we have a couple of interest in phones that we've seen we -- -- this year. Lou is a company and tusk actually visited the booths in the company you're probably never heard it is. They're they're based on a Miami. And they just started main manufacturing. Handsets mostly feature phones back in 2009. And distribute almost exclusively to Latin American countries. Although there is some indication that they're going to try it's you turn their efforts more in the US and we were able -- fine a couple of handsets through an online distributor. So -- -- -- Scotland and I've got line in my mind is the tango it's world phone into raid 2.2 you. Reminds me down. Featured messaging phones it's called the -- speed. Even not to messaging phone if it is and explicitly if -- -- -- has Wi-Fi -- A lot of people who and it got their bidding battle now what about -- -- -- -- and affluent. That's interesting. Yeah and about their front -- that I usually I I guess -- -- I learned and I really was nowhere is that. In -- at the US structure about I'm familiar with his. Really different you know the way that we have subsidies and yes carrier contract lot of other countries just -- it down enough that -- candidates got their three year contract and I may just recently infinite -- out but and yes I -- Latin -- it's it's much more like though -- model and also in the UK -- you can just go into a store. And pick up -- -- -- see pay -- Hugo. And you might pick your phone based on the style. More than other things and there a lot of inexpensive. Prepaid options -- -- so I think with a lot of use phones. Either very colorful. They're very lifestyle oriented a lot of them have music on and it's a collective talents like wow this is -- -- freshen -- and I realize it's only because I'm looking at something neon and you know. They colored in a different way but they invite it has been sounding an iron trophies and in fact they're not getting -- -- -- there it's. Not gonna -- -- -- -- as I know that's. But its its interest -- -- And then it. Just Leo look -- found that it's -- by Samsung but it is marketed under National Geographic name that you can use for Oakland apartment. Yeah it's really -- of thinking and I held my hand and I mean immediately -- -- -- that's on importance. Now. But it will Jessica -- police found under the brilliant. I admit that if kind of -- candy bar shape and really reggaeton pop Phoenix the screen that small -- and it's kind of cool and it comes with all sorts of world a doctor's travel adapters and converters and -- and things like that. Now it really means business. -- -- look at those and the -- and we'll -- to -- questions but first. I have an American Tokyo as updated as recently. About -- them horse that's. Going to be -- -- -- not his rhetoric talking yet but skeptical try to sneak down at Churchill Downs and maybe in its name in ended up on earth -- -- -- com. Yeah you -- to enter -- a parent guidance currently. It's currently. Popular. And so a -- count contenders. -- -- -- Triple Crown -- -- and is that. Top three or -- top contenders. Fishko dial in writing a lot riding on -- source. That I have one reader in on Lawrence the this is from. -- Has a couple points one is. -- iTunes -- that Jessica was. Coming -- -- -- amounts will work to crack. And he says to please have someone -- in -- the submission to get -- them. All and all that's. And then -- tech Brian technical announcement in -- tuna and Kim hourly -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Brown think scanning and yes and you wanna give -- shout outs at James -- top reviewers and we agree with mr. And for signing up the question is do you review Bluetooth headsets as discussion because he -- English amusement -- and if possible request. We can always talk about. And the shuttle which it had that does is it we have so many phones and they tend to take -- over its and you know -- Think it's a dime a dozen of you very few of them then I -- and that's. And a call does a good job of reviewing all the crazy ones that. You voice commands and try anything crystal clear technology am and so. To show -- we can without claimants -- those when -- come along. Yet -- -- I mean everybody into Bluetooth headset it seems like so. And I'm by anyone an -- -- question. Not this week coconut with me. Look -- -- that will be our show will be back next week to the corner will be here. Just go the American -- will be pumping millions millions on non. -- Virginian president of normally so it just go. -- line from New York it's just good -- have. So thanks much for joining us everybody and we have -- the show in a few problems with -- -- today. Those specs and we do we don't think you well you can always sinister questions that dialed in at cnet.com. -- -- -- We can read them on the air you can also send a are you leave a voicemail and -- -- 6 what am I gonna dial them. Dot cnet.com to read dialed in blog post are cellphone news plus the every show we can listen to -- -- Thanks again and we'll -- -- next week I -- -- bank.

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