Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583:  Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind
Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Buzz Out Loud Ep. 1583: Let Whurley, the evil genius, blow your mind

Today is Thursday march 1 2012 my name is Steven beach of I am -- -- and I am Hollywood welcome to buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode 151830. And we are super excited we have some daredevil guests at the top -- -- -- yet you guys. We're paying attention CES there's a lot of buzz around this company called chaotic -- who are showcasing their. Board of awesome -- so we decided not only are they going to talk about more of the awesome things are working on. Recently a video kind of -- -- doubt they're showcasing this connect enabled shopping cart. And the brain is the genius of the crazy minds behind it's a chaotic moon we everybody's were early and -- we were early. The -- before we start the show. Is this. Of is is do you have a last name as is like a prince -- gone on are you that they -- like your toe on his leg up is there something wanted to. I. Also see an exact time and that I don't know dead sexy you -- some -- turbulence like that. It's slowed down a six. He and -- how to handle it may and one -- -- -- username which is currently. And it was really like craziness -- and then it was like well this is -- the last thing. And years ago I just gave up fine. Use anything else because it hasn't -- So -- -- business card appropriately enough. Actually says wearily. Evil genius. I think -- I think it could probably safely say like evil genius plus daredevil. Evil gene on and on at least some of the videos that we've seen coming out of chaotic and tell us a little bit for those who don't know what and -- -- -- -- name we're talking about. Out what it is you guys do you at chaotic and. So look at that it is me pervasive computing companies -- -- and mobile salute. We did and a Palestinian maps did the daily for jobs and Murdoch it's -- species must listen this -- And -- king's vision -- last year which is -- Xbox titles to. You know I passed. Every -- I was like oh yeah and last year -- -- upward as arm -- insurance the last I -- he's just last week. I feel I noticed you gonna do things you can't be done it when -- wondering where you feature is the goal is how this -- machine. Start deliveries are showing how fast communities. And -- stage in an eight job you know -- -- And -- short time -- shorter budgets and bigger results. Now Phil. If held onto wave -- still do we we wanna talk to you filter -- your your big part of this puzzle to now. Fill one of the CS really launching guys at least into the solid -- people sorted. Trying to figure out who you guys are what is scouting and oh my gosh this board of awesome this is amazing. The connect obviously plays a big part in that first project. Was that when you came on board was -- one of the first things you're trying to -- was that the integration with the connector how we can use the -- the CPI's too early. You know elevate the -- what this device can do. Really we just wanted to see what we could do how far we could push it. Basically. The connect is -- is a sensor package and we wanted to see. We know what environment we can work we have what the the software and the -- together could do and just to be honest Apple. On -- -- looks a little so I don't I assume that I hope everybody watching this has seen the YouTube videos or some of the -- that we did but. It is it I mean literally we're talking about just at minimum the first thing we thought academy and was -- Microsoft Kinect controlled the state ordered. Which has a top speed of 32 miles an hour I -- it for like a grand total of eleven seconds before executive. Your money Tommy -- get Allah you know we we we both got about like what 1015 feet on that thing as well as -- shut it down get off. Where you're not answered for that kind of thing but so -- since then now there is a story that came -- this week about. The latest thing -- working how much is that I am the stocking shopping. And -- get what has got. Its its chances are you. Between. Us presence on its list based board which is the world's imagination which is -- only about power up your mind. -- so -- it will lead to greater your lineup. Know. -- notes aren't huge and I suddenly you know it didn't it blew my mind if you will -- -- now. It's pretty cool here's the headset here. -- that you that you discuss yeah that's it. A Gator head that -- -- School we have to talk about my control I mean really like where it's very believed. It. He. Does is. We need everybody said what did you know that the skateboard. And so we're -- about shortening the time between. The -- -- what -- thinking -- to you and all these control texts and believes it is we should use the -- -- that's. Actually convert brain waves and instructions for the and so I don't think that's motives are asking us there's this headset. And still has now that -- around and then I ask them late 48 hours and days. Picking things -- -- and I and special. Because all primary trigger and what was his ability -- -- where I because we actually how in his speech I'm just yesterday. And now -- -- in a forum yesterday and that. Random people were able to just hop on the pads are. And that's where they want to go and -- -- take them so so when you say that imagine where they wanna go. Is it a matter of the brain waves stimulating to the did device insane. Goal or -- saying go right goal. It's it's a matter of school for safety -- -- people we don't get it right with. Students shy about but it -- matter is you literally pick up. The distance and you kind of in that initial trial -- point. And the brain waves I you know are basically converted into -- instructions and -- -- -- On the board converts electrical signals -- much -- Outside of that its labels. Yes why is real quick really can connect it gets c'mon your second is control the show -- my brain wasting its. -- camera to. -- -- She yeah she has already obsessed and it should -- to -- finally to have and controls the basic -- until I know I. Outstanding -- so does -- -- reconfigure our entire studio -- -- and obviously. I'm gonna need implant. I think they'll flirt. So whirling and fill a -- we want to talk about obviously the whole grocery store concept. You guys did give us a little's you guys did little whisper that you know it to me SES but we we kept our -- bargains means anything against you we -- we do this any. And I'm you know what we are worried -- it's in there. It's an idea. That it into it was not you know the intercluster and a really during that even in -- -- so I. It surprised that the -- but you know it is you know it is out there now and so we want talks -- first. -- sun is very interesting we -- a lot of different products on. And new technologies human cases and one of those projects is this project at -- had been working out around shopping cart. And the idea. It is -- figure out everything from helping people with disabilities to -- You know making things harder to check out easier we just a whole list of -- wanted to do. And now a whole -- was kind enough. TU give us are and what you -- Is not the shopping cart that time we just -- actually is a hundred rubles more square double Decker car. So I'm you know there was a problem -- are part of that is because there are arrived on site around the hole needs in -- Doesn't -- cards -- the Green -- nudity and release. Very large car. And so I you -- -- where artists are -- that it works really well that cars for and basically the idea is this kind of print -- and -- -- and test out we needed sort of test. You can't just -- things that you can't just who collapsed so. We can contact with all -- -- -- across the company's flagship stores here obviously it will be customers' -- on a personal level. And -- yes and they were next to your shop our -- -- -- -- you know multiple times. I've tested out nearly it was nice well -- style and well -- sort discovered you know there's a lot of extra and you know reason. There's different inside or outside speakers owns a milestone it and you know there's a lot. Of continue to get it from there we just gets people's reactions to -- -- which is people are ready for this. Onions. Concerns about privacy we already an -- and validity is. You know -- whole -- does not. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Where you could program. You know shopping lists and things -- -- -- -- you can control. And you can share it with the shock her sharp partisanship and -- Just it's just you don't -- control of your unit and at all times I you know another concern was content -- only you know each other and that you know I think we've -- -- as well the important thing. Is how to do minute grocery store off and somebody comes out a little hearts are just so -- -- just for personal satisfaction. A program it's where the car as she missed out -- this wow -- So it's on the -- it's on the right side port. -- light and I humans. Let's talk about -- those other features that you kind of alluded to that you have a list that you can communicate with and with the -- not so it's not just about the -- sort of following you it's not just hands free operation and politeness. What is that what can you what else can you accomplish by sharing your shopping lists with the -- Enough features. Sure. Basically. All of this is coming from some of the work we've we've there was some of the company's. With. Being aware gluten free awareness with allergies and things like that so we -- that -- with the attempt was making sure that the card itself you know when it comes up and identifies with product against it also has access to all of that fine print that address books that tries to read and -- and this is stuff. So if you can if you indicate that you have a preference for gluten free which is part of the that the scenario that you see in the video it. Will notify you if the item actually has gluten in it and if it does you don't want that it will actually suggest. Different ought to options for you so instead of one of the problems with people with special dietary needs are our concerns. Is about -- -- elected and cannot put back into the small section of the of the store this lets them go anywhere in the store find exactly what they want and if they don't. -- what if they can't see what they want they can actually -- something similar to it and have via the card itself makes suggestions and help them find what they need. -- That's. You know -- free diet. You know there's a lot is just don't have. But people seem to Tiffany start that I used that they didn't mean this one's actions or and it -- the whole store full of items you know available to and so. That was kind of really nice -- people -- as accurate concerns and and work with them on a -- I -- open world so you would you know it's funny as you guys talk about this. As just as of matter of fact and after you guys -- like dropped some of the info what -- the table of weed literally our studios like. Oh my gosh and you guys keep on to an -- had blowing -- really only watching her our chatroom just be like. And he has been playing -- that for months -- totally over so what are the and so it actually. Does it really is this set up yes if you -- you know that was done. It a couple of people have -- it -- development is younger -- Three weeks now to us like that so this isn't the -- that's what we're trying to do lapses. These things that you see -- his -- means. Great -- is up there hello back. You know companies on cancer product that I ask -- Cycle or or -- -- you know people think it's ridiculously expensive. And none -- that's true we -- it was meets track and you eat and you -- technology and there's so many options things edible and what we're trying to you know the last show how. Faster and takes the concept in path from idea to concept for concept it to -- -- So a lot of people's opinions you know research dollars. Big Arnold the little -- -- it and we think it's actually RED. Adds we're. Medium -- RE EBD. Is where I actually liberties. -- Don't listen what are you thinking in terms of practical applications for -- Boston. The board itself but for you know obviously that kind of mind control -- -- picked. -- before -- -- -- -- -- We always talk about how do you perspective produces integrated computing -- you -- while. And as we kind of get did you guys -- yes this keyboard so this is the why weren't you know. Any shopping cart is the well the reason is its technology platform and two are identical with the exception of the -- systems. So it's Asus tablet running windows eight C can act is the same software programs we run is just. Has inverted I've gotta say I would actually like a shopping cart that goes 32 miles per hour to store. So if there's some way you guys. -- -- on that it's now up you know what an amazing things also is it mentioned in the demo of the shopping -- how it can refer to. A section in the grocery -- if he needed additional items on is this map to. How how does the I guess is -- mapped out. For you -- -- -- pulling data like there's the list of the items that are in aisle five and the connect and -- the system knows that and it suggests letters are actually a physical map that this. That the connect because -- -- camera can can detect and map out itself. So this has been working -- out you know grocery stores for a total geeks -- experts -- China. -- -- all these different there's different systems and different things. And so need was to test it first you Carmen Wilson sound and motion people walking people columns its Hawkins is nice listing that would be an opportunity -- -- we RS SDs she purchased. -- -- -- worst off. And so there are some. Navigation systems -- And systems companies out there so wouldn't stop talking and seamless and easy to how to do it possible -- are. I'm just you know how would you -- -- these analysts how things will swore out you know it's awful -- its target. I don't -- use the apps -- is. And so you have to houses that -- -- -- OR IE which was that he -- not -- does -- never really off its -- -- There's much he's right. Source. Unit -- in this price so it automatically. From companies it's really really cools prices -- All -- need you to -- -- On -- -- is -- tests were just happy. So you know probably not the stores -- Google apps for the store our -- up you know that's just the way it works yet. Three weeks kind. I would just curious -- Leo was in -- I've -- XXX. -- that is similarly. Tight little bit I -- you can do mesh mapping. If on the card stock here in the -- -- -- -- It's funny picnic that something is you can't use as you know be connected to use -- and type functions and -- -- -- excellent solutions on its he had no witnesses you know potentially you have the car you -- You might in the store policies -- -- to mask to about 850 is that each -- this -- and doesn't certainly telling world items -- and and those items in a news. These problems there are you know this this this kind of technology demonstration that is kind of scratch the surface of this. But there are some amazing benefits which -- you could contain column skiers put it makes it available TV praise of the car. And you could do the things tax treaty and everything or you can transfer to a Smartphone. And how our cards so. Really there's about twenty is -- -- -- technology perspective it really interest. And this problem. In the short term futures -- So now then further record -- you're not gonna tell me what. I think what you're gonna do with that brain wave control technology shifts just don't don't think I didn't notice that if that clever -- Here plants for the technology behind us. Its previous -- yet things that come up -- obviously. -- -- -- -- Last and everybody's in sight unseen world because -- Has never been on and on. Humans have -- that and debris they think about it and the first that you -- -- -- It's all. They've always laughing and that -- -- -- my gas guzzlers and video time in the order in so. So a lot of nations -- there's little applications. Where you may -- right now for solicitation program. In this is what we do with disabled people -- people with disabilities. I'm somebody you -- have grow as the company tremendously fast. Unbelievable success and I want it back so I don't you we don't worry you sponsored the -- and all hell would it. Make awareness tracking you know girls -- -- -- in the I don't ditch your armies had to account nuts and reach -- -- to -- all packed house tech equipment and any races. 2020. Miles per downtown. You -- our art was -- last action. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So we can't tell you -- -- -- as ours only has been reduced fees Medina in the past. It is -- -- -- -- -- -- The answer any limit like you get to the sulfur acts factory and later reduced even toxic -- -- and -- like oh actually were solving. -- -- -- -- I am I am hoping to come in -- guys in Austin during south by southwest and hopefully we'll have some more video of the stuff you're doing. I'm on the second version or until it looked further and eleven seconds TV is -- limited you're limited -- -- produces. They're -- and I'm there. I don't know. I. Discussed everything it gathered and -- here's the problem you are really product. We're gonna try at this week's us out is with that said -- -- each head and helmet law. So yeah that's -- -- -- really careful. Of course well actual prototype Google is working on route two in particular are actually -- -- into -- And so if we -- that -- closest foolish child out. Awesome guys always wanna say yeah it's real exciting to talk to you and see all the amazing things are working on and we will definitely take you up on your offer for you guys to come back -- -- have. New news -- and -- -- -- -- -- working on so there's still -- wearily these guys coming out chaotic Louis home. And just when it. We're doing a project alone so you need to ports you -- one in January in one scenario and carts and doing so we'll have -- every month. Find out about. -- say it's. Down drag -- practice in the at this site is chaotic moon dot com they are touted when studios and what will be talked and will be -- And we are gonna take a quick break when we come back of course we have all the tech news of the week. Google's privacy factor -- policies go into -- iPad three rumors you know we have to you. And windows eight plus in the best phone coming out of arsenal -- -- -- hands down. Probably. Welcome back to buzz out loud everyone we have recovered from our interview at the -- where does -- And of those guys we're gonna move on foods it's really hard not to refer those -- they're just they're really they're easy -- report. And -- -- let's move on though to the news the big news as a actually today. Is that Google's new privacy policies have gone into effect the ones that keep them are the ones that allow them to collect. And sort of monitor your web search history to share your information between all -- different properties to give you a better experience not -- better and better full range experience which I actually think -- X acute improperly some of it could give you a better experience. Although I'm not gonna lie -- and -- -- -- -- history today so this is is it interest -- -- -- because earlier I remember only talked about you -- you're okay with this but -- still went to delete your web history. I get your searches -- I -- I am okay with Google sharing that data that they already have. About me -- between the sites like that I use all of them for a reason I want them to be better integrated I think that's fine. I think web history is have a remarkably. Personal thing. Especially mean go look you know I think that they've made a pretty easy and slash history. You can go and look at your past history can kind of like -- and manipulated or you can just -- -- the whole thing. But I'm not it'll -- iGoogle. 50% of the -- that pop into my -- at any given moment to get out there giving up on a new just like. No didn't. And it ME and it's dirty things that Bryan says I don't understand that I did not it's only during the break by the way friends she's in her wondered about that -- but that's all right. But seriously he says -- sometimes I ideally yes so dense urban dictionary that was up. It's you know it's science bids I don't know whatever and and when you look at -- all in aggregate or my health's -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I -- know -- -- I -- -- Web history. I think is is the part for me that everybody needs to -- and -- so there. Are a few ways right people been writing and talking about. What are some of the ways that you guys can do if youths one -- try to avoid being a part of this because there's gonna be two camps one that is. Totally all for it may be XE three council and that's kind of in between let's get of the web -- or if you really wanna try. To avoid. Schools union privacy policy not be tracked in anyway she performed well guess what number one might be dole log -- to critical. -- don't log in and -- is if you really don't. Wanted to be a part of this the always have the choice either along and -- not even use the service anymore -- one of things people are suggesting is there are ways to. Acquire all the data that Google has and exported so that you can take it to another service if that something in. -- really aggressively wanted to. You can use another search engine. You can use another search engine to -- -- That Antarctic. You can turn it up there aren't that there are some you can temporarily pause. Your Google web history if you try it glacier at a meeting appointment tavern just now which is it's kind of brilliant marketing -- once it went and looked at my web history search history even though I deleted it. I still is like candy expo because if I've forgotten the results of whatever it was a -- -- -- kind of but -- you can pause it. At at certain times or you know you're gonna be like -- -- to be received in some tongs and it does make sure that Anthony's and get input output on the privacy mode is -- -- as at a time range you consent. You got up and cause -- -- -- -- into Google dot com slash history you can basically hit like pause it and then you can turn it back on when everyone. I mean it might be kind of annoying but it is a way you know so alien to deal with some of these things -- you don't find annoying actually is that. In -- neo mode I think that Google could go a long way toward making people feel better. If there in cod media windows did not log your web search and -- would -- you would think that would make sense that would make sense I was shot -- only the that I save all the -- and all the activity but don't savior when it. See that's why it. By default I would hope or think that -- you know would do that but it actually does. What -- what that. It does is keep you from being tracked basically but it doesn't. And -- makes of the real clear that this is only for people who have Gmail accounts right because I went and tried to turn off all my. History and there was nothing there that -- -- Gmail -- do you have a YouTube account. Do you have YouTube account but it didn't see that yet it's the right now it's -- it's collecting web history from Gmail accounts and -- So yet you don't have a Gmail account MIL my only my only Google accounts however work CBS interactive in the studio -- so. There's no history at all when he Miller using Hotmail OB OLE. -- all of school of the -- Yes that's almost raises another Soro we have Waylon in the -- -- right thing. And -- -- -- drive -- -- -- unleaded that is meant that experience actually a behind there's a startup called a bind which is actually really funny because I just yesterday interviewed a lawyer from behind for a story that I wrote about online privacy which you can -- -- pay. But they. There are a startup that does privacy tools they let you they have a sort of -- as closer thing get to one stop opt out for data brokers that do -- crazy scary collection about you which is columns -- But they -- is a tool called protected search right now it only works on Firefox it is a bummer because Firefox becomes less usable every single day. -- but they say they're working on other versions for other browsers so -- -- when you're using that. Extension basically of funnels you through kind of a middle -- so that Google can't -- data back to the -- -- Can -- hide your search what you're actually searching for requests of but it never in a can of stops that. That gap in the direct relationship in between. And then hides an -- in the middle market. And I lets you know that the market will provide. Also I mean. I do think that there are some some positive things that can amount of this nevertheless. In other parts of the world other countries with much stricter privacy laws than ours and we could take note. One of them is Japan authority Japanese authorities have written to Google saying. That it's possible. That this this new technique and their new policies could violate. Japanese data protect protection. Yet this is kind of falls on the heels of South Korea who was recently in investigating the possibility that the search giant was also violating -- their own laws there. On some it's the EU resulted in a still looking at the nation of Google merging all these platforms together and so. Across the world it seems like across the world people are more great about this area then in the US the actual governments are more worried about that is -- -- -- -- creating jobs and standing on Capitol Hill lobbying them constantly to make sure that actual you know privacy protections are not an act and which is also with the -- But it really -- it really -- comes on how much can you just Google you know and and how much do you want to an and if the services get better that's great web search -- -- in particular specially when you find yourself searching for things about health. All of that if it ever is made public -- if it can be scraped by data brokers. But you don't need that to be affecting whether he can get insurance in the future you know and I think web search history is something to be very careful -- All right all CI -- should be careful about what you hope for what you expect or what you might see. On -- the seventh. Its official Apple sent out -- invite I know everyone is like I know already. Apple sent out there invites for the marks of an iPad event that will BL Wednesday of next week. What I love about this more specifically. Is when peoples are part seeing the actual you know image imitations or it's it gets a little crazy. So we're showing you only summit on the -- video stream of the icon and -- you know of the picture of the calendar shows march 7. People mealy said oh my gosh that looks like twice the resolution. Of the previous calendar -- -- and even make gawker they were like this is the retina display hiding place like this then it's like we're gonna -- where is the home but you guys -- There's no home -- in that picture is actually pretty notable it it is semi notable but at the same time in. At the same time. People could argue. It could be just turned sideways -- which is I'm just saying I'm gonna be in around it could be either way we -- Really know there's rumblings that maybe they were gonna get rid of the home button like six months ago but -- -- followed up on it now all the -- this pictures like there is no home button. The parsing is just a blast mainly because they and then and touch -- is it's just -- new technology II -- on Twitter that my money was gonna. Touch screen like iMac or MacBook air and and little or another problem a little early and they -- and nobody on Twitter ever wants to have any fun at all the people -- used to well this is this is all I can tell you based on what I can say and it sounds really stupid for me to say this but my way -- varied. Direct contact says there will be. Another product announced at the event that is not an iPad product that is hardware software. That is not an iPad that it knows that from Apple -- known -- seen before. I can tell -- I'm right the Twitter haters gonna have a nice -- -- crow but. You know on -- we're not because it's so it's such an ambiguous statement pledging in -- obviously told me more but I -- I'm not gonna get my friend fired I don't five on the blog we're not gonna like. Center -- has but it has something to think about it it will there will be another product announced. We haven't seen. From Apple. -- -- Some actual iPad three rumors of course there are. Reports that it will have a retina display that it may have a -- bezel and that there might be three different cite three different devices. Three different models one of which could be on -- -- today of course there's reports -- -- you know there will be like a seven inch version. That whether or not it's gonna have LTE. And then some rumors coming out of China -- should be seventy to eighty dollars more expensive. Which is possible that has -- retina display can understand there were speculating that maybe they would keep iPad two in circulation does not stop making it and then make the iPad three the really premium model. Which is possible. -- here's what you guys can expect all right it's a week before the keynote we are gonna hear everything known to man. Unlike any rumor possible. Its camera is going to -- -- 42 megapixels each heart -- Nokia -- It's gonna be ridiculous but you know we're gonna ride with it now I you know there is another -- of their timeout rumors of not only with the street -- models right the iPad two would have eight gigs so -- lower entry model -- lower capacity. Lower price. And -- and I'm not I'm not gonna pretend like we know. All we can tell you is that we will be there ar CNET staff will be there and then we will be doing live buzz out -- coverage because -- -- because like it or not the world. Shuts down because I did change my flight officer and like I was supposed to be on a plane at 10 AM on Wednesday and their readers like I'll hang out -- -- now. -- -- gone I'm not gone gone way later that day in a -- -- so we will be doing live by them on coverage of you know from our live stream which is as you know like a lot more fun than just like to weblogs that we have built and -- Dad of those asking what time is -- sort of typically the keynote starts at ten -- it -- pride beyond around 93 edition 945 -- so just. Come and hang out with this then it'll be an extra bonus -- we look forward to seeing you. C don't you feel -- -- -- -- iPad three rumors you were all like -- and over it but now I get action. -- for yet. Cool story about -- -- threshold iPhone user. Who took AT&T to court said eat in this is not -- -- years traveling my data speeds and -- and -- 850 dollars Louisville death by a thousand -- -- It's yeah he made the claim that AT&T purposely slowed down his data speeds. Despite the fact you've subscribed to an unlimited data plan and everyone has been talking about -- he took -- to court the payout represents ten months of data on the carrier. For the remaining portion of his contract. -- -- -- got to wonder if people are gonna start trying to follow his lead. I think they. Probably well -- and I think that they showed a minute it. The way that AT&T has been manipulating and stayed at the way that they -- the way that all these carriers are essentially -- let's be honest about unlimited data. Is it's reprehensible it's arbitrary it's ridiculous and it comes on the heels of AT&T saying you know floating the idea and Barcelona like maybe we -- charge mobile app developers. For the data that their customers are gonna you know it's like they obviously paid for their customers' data. As they customers try to get around arbitrary and -- to load data caps that we're putting in place as we refuse to invest in our own -- infrastructure. It's funny because it seems like. AT&T is the company -- that always says those type of ludicrous things we need more spectrum. You know they're not they're not dealing with it the right way already know let's -- -- charging the mobile app developers are you kidding me. Moved -- discharge them on one end further -- you know I mean it really -- to go and innovative new business model to continue to make money from the fact that we are. I mean that lets their throttling service for everyone to some extent if they put in a tune like -- two gig or four gig -- like that's. Everybody is starting to realize that that is not enough for the media needs of the population they're just looking for more revenue because people are text messaging as much and using free messaging -- -- like. We need some more money -- We at those 1520 -- we -- -- make it up somehow. Somehow somehow someone. Averages anyway -- that was he was originally seeking 101000 dollars 1800 -- -- and I suspect it will be the last of those and a. The small claims court. Filings windows eight consumer preview also came out this week. Finally this is gonna answer it is actually its its Berry am. It there's been so much speculation about it they were talking about its image -- CES nobody really knew what it was gonna look like what is gonna do. And they debuted it in Barcelona which is kind of interest in -- -- world congress. -- really that we're showing off at Kennedy about really -- launch screen the start screen so to speak. Is very more of the metro interface -- all the demos that they've been showing. Really feature the touch aspect a lot more than the the mouse and click aspect which it is compatible with which it does allow you work in a desktop environment. But a lot of it is demos that the really how -- Is a fact that this is attached device this is a touch OS right it's it's it's everything but it they feature more on the -- side. Which isn't it that is very interesting because it doesn't it it. -- in the desktop experiencing if -- seeming like -- -- usher people get on the desktop because their windows users mega upgrade. One thing that you should note though. Is that windows eight on Intel. Is very unlike windows eight on arm so as your tablet shopping you may find some high interest in problems -- for example. If you were hoping to run Windows 7 apps and older. On your new windows eight tablet. You have to have an Intel based tablet and PC the architecture is not the same for the arm processors -- -- -- arm tablet you're only gonna be able to run those windows eight metro app. And assisting because -- their make the announcement. They -- really trying to -- that this works exactly the same on both platforms right you know this it's using the same code. It's got all look great and flow rate but they're still going to be. The you know for the -- products they use for the past he won't be able to Nestle's in the right way -- of Dick when does a consumer preview. For those you wanna play with the because I think it's definitely worth the message you have to check it out. -- you can download it. It's it's available to download so you guys can get your hands on -- in and see if you enjoy the windows eight experience ides. It just feels so much more tablet based and they really -- haven't shown. Kind of I guess you could say the kind of the Windows 7 desktop look but I do love the natural interface. The -- interface is beautiful I think that there's some I wrote a column recently about this and I think there's some problems with -- implementation mainly because like the metro apps will run on the desktop. There's that arm vs Intel problem. That set and then the you know at. I am hoping Microsoft has alluded to -- -- been rumors that they're gonna have a write once run anywhere interface for metro because right now if you right. A metro app for a tablet won't necessarily run on a phone and it won't necessarily run on Xbox even though they are all kind of look the same. So I think as they move that metro concept. From just Hispanics -- really an engineering platform. That it has a time -- And now a potential of the portal ecosystem -- Which is in a right now mountain line and -- like we're expecting the mountain line is gonna be. The it's the OS that will tie the whole ecosystem together with with the Mac -- as they can definitely. Be that yeah they just have some engineering set they've got to get them. And one of the cool things I do like about windows -- when you talk about the ecosystem and -- -- together is the fact that when you have an account with Microsoft you can literally log onto. Any windows -- based machine in your settings and preferences and you know they are they'll all be loaded there and you still have access the sky address -- it really is. Lever -- the cloud aspect of their sky drive integrated with their services been able to use it. On any windows -- based machine yet so that that's pretty slick -- that. Yeah I think its illegal we have a really good by the way I am. Debate. Like obviously these operating systems are far from final right now but -- at Jason Parker and Seth Rosenblatt and sort of a little -- point counterpoint. Already about windows eight vs OS-X mountain lion. And they go through some of these features which one has a more compelling ecosystem and how will the hardware impact the usage which went easier to adopt cloud integration stuff like that -- And it really is it -- the messages that yes it is very early to make a decision but it's worth talking about for sure where they stand right now. Yeah definitely and doing well we'll we'll check it out I think we're gonna have some videos that's seen about how to install the consumer PBT's. -- you be a little -- -- at a. The excellence. Act to react to keep things moving in here which -- cricket -- let's let's look at the. Are you laughing and creating -- thank. And I get in trouble for other jokes that's -- means you'll make huge public. -- -- -- -- -- -- This is not something a laugh about Molly you -- say let's get serious HP cuts Q 170 employees. From their web OS division answer of NL first of all I've got Wii this is according the -- we were all surprised. That there were actually. 270 employees still part of the webos division I was surprised that -- -- -- president I didn't lot of -- and expect that the vision was still so large but it does signal. I don't know how large they are overall if it really was in a 50% cut or not but. That doesn't bode well for any feature for level -- you know for webos is is being supported by HP and anyways you perform are they gonna release it to the public. I think this is them saying we're gonna make it we're gonna open source and so we don't need -- own people working on hope that that does make some sense even though it's brutal luckily there was a corresponding story recently in Lincoln and chronicle I think about how tech firms in -- discount are absolutely desperate for employees so hopefully. All these HP -- we'll have -- -- now. Webos is just sad story me into I don't I don't know if there ever gonna be able to turn it around two to even like a push like okay. -- -- -- Remotely like hey let's just get back to like acceptability. And it's hard it's hard to see got a feel like it's done like -- but the plan to open source that is basically -- -- -- -- without killing in. Pop foursome out him. -- that at the Wall Street Journal posted. A whole. Long hit piece untruthful. -- the mounting. Minuses and Google+ they called it a ghost town. And they pointed out that according to -- score at least. People are spending more time overall even though there aren't as many users necessarily users spend more time on MySpace. Then they spend on Google. -- overall. -- Sexy back is come -- back. MySpace has more user interactions and Google+. Justin Timberlake if that wasn't right. That's crazy. According -- -- gonna reveal -- users spend an average of three minutes. On Google+ in the entire month of January MySpace users served or eight minutes. That is just pathetic for both site itself. In a month. In a month are alien -- -- -- users who were using MySpace -- for a total of eight minutes exactly that's kind of a one time in terms of -- and over over the month. There was a story recently that -- grace abide by thirty days now -- know the average time that each user -- on MySpace during the month of January. Word of eight minutes for okay okay okay and once not like -- users and it totally. Didn't immediately to distort -- exit edit pipeline. -- went no no we did a story recently were like they were seeing -- million new users -- -- -- right -- has -- to -- -- their new music players. Then -- -- Timberlake ripped out. I think these numbers are a little. And I think the numbers are a little -- -- -- doesn't count mobile numbers like it's not I'm not sure they I think you should take this all the grain of -- Daniel term indefinitely wrote a little bit of a rebuttal. About this nevertheless though they talk to people at Zynga. Who said Google was a nice platform and it's been slow on the uptake with users. Possibly because users do different kinds of things on Google+ it's hard to say I mean I have definitely seen. And it. That there's an insane fire hose of traffic. On Google+ like the number of followers but I haven't Google+ is hilariously -- -- but. They're not engaged in most of the engagement -- I C -- Hulu -- -- people commenting like. -- You know what are you doing you a pretty -- it's not. And I just feels like -- -- you have a page on the open Internet and an open Internet just like people will. -- I think the other statement that they probably forgot to mentions in his comments were that known as plain are copied games on Google+ exactly they're not. 800 people arias at the same way because that city -- -- gotten our -- -- -- and I do I really don't I think people who are using Google+ or using an on the go I think they're activating it on their Android device not on the web. And so that doesn't show up income -- score. Results acting like it's just not I think the way that they're measuring and -- a little bit. It's maybe not is appropriate. And and people are not using Google+ the exact same way that they're using FaceBook you know so. If the expectation is they'll do all the identical things -- -- -- pleasing games. -- -- -- -- might but it I'm not sure it's an apples to apples comparison I think it was still figuring out the Google+ usage. I'm not necessarily defending -- -- saying that it's taking up but I think that this story was a little bit -- I'm figuring out my Google+ usage by not really using it at all. This site to be honest just like when you talk about the you know duplicating your efforts on both now -- I'm sorry I. Don't wanna do that I'm not I don't -- -- in the minority that are pending the repeating the same things on two networks. It's just too much trouble for the most part like we interact with Twitter -- -- that we do on FaceBook. And most people do Twitter FaceBook -- -- but we don't you know or let's say maybe Twitter and Google+ but Hulu plus and FaceBook are still. Similar. Issue -- -- we're trying to figure out what we really are gonna use Google+ for that. -- it's kind of like getting push to the -- right now. Yes I think it is but I also think there still isn't evolution to follow like what I'm I'm using Google+ now is -- come as a one to one replacement for the FaceBook and because there isn't as much engagement there -- have fan pages -- I'm the same. -- I know I agree but I mean I think. Yet it may be that but I'm talking about the evolution of Google+ and it may be that Google+ evolves to be really useful for brands in a way that you know like -- but yesterday they had this big marketing event they rolled out timeline for pages. They're saying we want you know brands are going to be able to have these beautiful into -- in. -- of experiences. That we're really gonna give them a way to advertise in like buying into the new speed. But it might thought it might turn out to Google+ is a better place for brands to be a better place for public figure to be because you get way more engagement. And I still do get a ton of comments on whatever I post on Google+. And you're immediately like. The big secret to me about Google+ is that is a dirt it's a main line is a hard line into Google's search results have you been worried about STO. Everything you post and I'm not you can watch it you post something on Google+ twenty seconds later you've got a -- news alert about -- -- -- about your business. And I think that that will probably prove really useful in the long run Google+ as -- may be a better outlet for. Like -- said companies and public figures then FaceBook. Any idea I mean I could see that on the flip side I would've imagined that you would start seen some sort attraction from brands already -- now. You did they haven't done anything major -- say that they've allowed those brands to come on board but we haven't we still haven't seen people really. Use it as the brand this nation maybe that's down the road via but also I think the fact that it can be able to search about benefits Google more than -- benefits us. I -- the whole Google+ are being able to search and be able to. You know use that data for I don't know how that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You know I'm I'm nothing to do anything -- by like hiding the -- -- let -- I don't think of everything and anything that post on my FaceBook fan page opened to. I don't usher and -- post a link to a column on Google+ it is instantly indexed. And and then thereby I would -- way more searchable. To -- does think that's the lake. -- that's why this should start paying attention that's why accurate all the podcasts shows on -- Google+ page design notes searchable people you're gonna find it later in in the future NASA in the future the future. Ten we'll see what the adults I should probably just like I should have just like everything -- that. Isn't -- to record this is not too late now we -- we can record you you can look at the recording images you know transcribed and say this is why Brian -- is wrong about a problem arises -- -- -- I don't era and I don't think either of the wrong -- line. Everybody there is -- version. We talk about the future and technology you don't know until happens and we don't know -- put it. So I. Think -- you know it's also love it it's amazing about the Internet. Interest seen a lot of traction with the ladies but as -- -- found a straight guy and you wanna talk about this lament. Yes of -- of the story yesterday about how interest is for -- -- is not for amendment hate interest felt like user -- Apple also excellent -- I think it's. But. They they they found this site called me interest it's. And it's very uninteresting it's it's of interest for men boom and compare and all year guy's column on that interests. But its -- interest -- interesting that there is but to -- stuff. So is this just a blog that people close to -- -- this you don't treat a profile this is a website that there -- two inches isn't -- -- right now I think -- -- -- at this group but there is a place you can log in and sign up and get involved and is gonna you know I. I got they have gentle mint dot com -- which is a wholesale described accurately by Geiger as a -- -- -- rip off of pages. Just like -- -- what else. Are -- are totally one of those things -- girls think it's for girls -- but I mean. Everyone thinks is for girls I mean it's it's the holding its for -- like how about this Volkswagen bug is for everyone know it's not. Because a little flower holder Canon David -- a feel like -- It might be more female -- -- the -- but this for everyone that I'm still not gonna get a -- -- but. See my problem is that now -- -- and pick -- And I am -- and -- -- an everyday guy is -- infected deer than. And -- I want meant to just man up met up men and get on pay interest because you know what I images in your stuff and if you're stab at school I will think that you were hot. So -- Have you seen the two devices that I've -- them -- Certain it won't was amounts it was kind of like a little Mickey Mouse record player in there and gentlemen. -- emphasis. -- -- -- -- -- Men not men -- and I interests don't know man up men don't get on interest don't interest to seriously tackled on the way to -- -- -- Don't get on mantra is that -- and -- a handle -- on interest and they'll do it. This -- -- implements them with. Alright guys you know we also love our -- there's been some amazing gadgets as we go we have a couple that we want to show now again this. I know everyone listening had it was an argument inspecting data only -- And it indicated it is candidate I take this out everywhere you can't escape that the light show right it's in art it's in the house and I put up a link that people can -- on my. Cool like -- pictures yet. But you know we've talked to the crew the as CEO -- who came here long before they like treatment had a form factor before -- -- getting neighbor major publicity that's how we -- -- -- that fuels a place to go for. Really cool first interviews like with -- -- Out just how -- when the same we we don't anonymous buzz out loud because we are on the cutting edge we're gonna stop talking about it so we'll still be on the -- That's just talking I saw was not having it anyways if you guys are familiar with the -- -- the light field camera. Takes pictures not at the highest resolution but still just the -- -- Creativity of living pictures people -- like it's flipping out about this stuff you can click on a point -- you can click -- -- -- face back there they go look at that. Is available now -- -- all over and the -- if you scroll if you -- the one pictured -- to the picture with the spikes. The -- to take -- -- -- so one of the cool features that they showed off now -- of the light show. Is this new deleted what they call creative mode and allies to take macro shots and so that you'll really be able people are like artists a -- of textures of things. I did the macro shot of this is like a leg of an action figure but you can click on each of the individual spikes. Are parts. Of the image -- -- -- -- I really think and a you know people are criticizing this yeah it's not a meeting -- yeah this is the first demo of the technology. It's -- they get better and better down the road but. Man for -- d.'s than I took a picture of a grapefruit rate and you could click on the different texture of the -- Of the -- -- but it is amazing yet it was in the console crazy. My food pictures taken me forever changed so long and -- a lack Viacom's C yeah oh yeah just a -- thing if you guys didn't know about like trailer FCC toward this thing apart. And there's a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip inside of this. I talked to like to people of course they smiled and so the only thing we can confirm. Is that there's a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip in here but that they're not gonna -- -- features they can deliver on yet but it's good to know that. This I'm not gonna say its future proof but it has a future for more features and capabilities and us it's a fun it's fine it's really it's really site -- we'd never see anything like this is what technology's all about it is I can't say it anymore. The idea of a revolution in digital imaging is so exciting because not only can we have these cool little cameras -- -- which is really not overall point like I can't wait until these are making their way into film cameras and -- -- what's gonna happen to your dvds in your extras. When you've got infinitely manipulate -- video. On. On the web or on a physical device like. Some nice that's a nice you're able to you know and answer them very well I think definitely aim manipulate up infinite three manipulate -- -- At school also -- -- things right this light field camera. Already by. And basically with a picture you take. You hold down the mouse -- let's -- you move the mouse in a circle. It you get about a five to ten degree. Angle on the items I mean it's. And you don't need three glasses are -- this is moving a picture and seen it from different angles it was. Bonkers it's pretty out of quick thing in the chat -- picture file size and individual picture to download -- computer. It's gonna take about sixteen megs per file its its own propriety file. When you export and upload it to -- servers -- that you can share on Twitter FaceBook. Those files are anywhere from 500 -- to one makes an -- small not very large and they're gonna at this moment they said their unlimited they're gonna -- some. A limited amount right now -- -- and is that gonna change the feature this and we'll see how the behavior is but. For the most part every photo you load right now you won't be tapped or anything like that so. To and that's one thing to note is that when you upload the photos they do after they live -- -- servers because -- her serves them up then in there. As essentially proprietary player yes sales of slightly and Flash -- -- -- -- and then you ten. Yet let's use our proprietary now but then you can export them to things like -- so the you can actually share a manipulate able file -- post on -- but people can still in in the Flash Player has elected to -- and that's that's the crazy thing like all my friends -- -- -- familiar with this. Michael how did you do that picture. Ray that's the that's the only OM GL and T yet it's -- it here I'm excited visa anybody -- pre ordered these they're supposedly starting to ship I have not gotten my. Dad. By government to agree now to -- -- -- -- domain. But they should be arriving I think -- you know the next heated yet of the pre ordered them to -- in the US Friday will. Peoples are receiving the first units and it'll trickle out I think internationally it's going to be a little different. But initially it's their companies guys out so this is -- no one I purchased my own just to let you know I'm not -- on the blue and I got the -- into. You did yeah because for me -- Littleton were enhanced address data and and I can handle before and an animal like. -- that this is not only gadget this week actually mobile world congress. 'cause it isn't -- delivered some interesting devices HTC one acts and Nokia had pure view. 41 megapixel phone but then now the -- has everybody -- and I got today. The -- -- the assumes pad -- this is bonkers. Get me anyway there's a series -- the people behind the transformer proud I am not which -- you know it was like the tablet that could easily come become a laptop. This this is pat on kind of takes the idea of the Motorola Atrix. Four G which could dock into a little laptop station. One step further because this can -- into an actual tablet. And then power a ten inch tablet. And also. A laptop -- For loses this is the ultimate transformers right -- This was -- amazing if they do everything. Phone what's crazy else's when you dock the kit and -- -- phone into the tablet. It uses the cameras on the phone as the camera for the tablet. About biologist -- -- -- it's so clever and many can use the the tablet or the laptop to make calls using integrated speakerphone or the Bluetooth headset. You don't want it here -- compact -- Brittany. Yet it's this is pretty slick and its its innovative I think it's a really clever way to address the fact -- -- -- can using their phone in some cases as their only device these days. And a physical video. And oh yeah it really good really hard to understand exactly the Kaduna and unfortunately they didn't show it. -- inside this thing so right now -- student pilot then again it is looks like a laptop for now that's the tablet there and -- -- on top of the keyboard. In in the back of the tablet you can -- the phone. It. -- you know accessories shouted as -- by the. You carefully said that in -- -- think is actually more or anything to them. And pending shipment. -- -- and for listeners -- we're showing the demo -- a hinge kind of opens up that fits the phone and and that's the -- pocket in the in the new of the tablet another in the dark about critical stuff. Love it all right Steven this is your time -- -- that you can't -- enough. Today. Okay cool so this is my video pick of the week or month as we -- -- That's what comes to us from the University of Pennsylvania general robotics automation sensing and perception lab. Otherwise known as grass to name you put all these great videos of quad copter. Robots doing its specific tasks that they program them to do cancer specific test that dressing in infinitely minimum -- he had been -- hello -- An imminent -- will -- specific tasks via -- a bit but. So this is just I -- that was in the that -- -- -- -- that has impressed and might have helped you actually probably. -- -- and again so this is a I'm more proof of of how we -- gonna be killed in the future by robots. From the sky death from above. This these guys made a video obviously but they -- they program these quad copter robots to perform the program ten of them to on the form in tandem. A song double 07 so check this out it's really interest thing. -- We can listen to them -- Have not seen it looks like be -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- They didn't like again with a bit of theory and and don't know what is nothing on the left side. And particularly -- adorable little -- -- the world full. Of for these. These guys look like about the size of -- how facilities can break quad doctors. The really small. Further proof that they're gonna be programmed to kill us all while -- -- really seriously can have a they can perform double 07. Together as a team and imagine now that he had -- people listening you guys gonna have to take -- -- but literally the individuals -- companies are either -- -- a key on the keyboard. Running like me you know a metal thing against like. No looks like a long extended heart percent or like on a symbol and draw animal that current. Studies -- -- -- The -- analysis. All my god and as a guitar that they need from it vendors they jedi and taverns that there appearing copies that's important through April. I was in -- and there's as little Asian. I love that to me and yet -- of -- I just need to be in the show notes -- please check it out but that mediums death and right here I Wii argument and we got voicemails. Go lower. Our first caller points out that Google doesn't even care about being fair. Hey -- crew. I was able opt out Microsoft and Google Apple byte where it. With that video coding and I think Google is still gonna be asking -- -- -- -- elders because. Microsoft is taking art dollars a agreed at great -- -- -- so. I think what they're really wanting is to get there aren't back. And probably dropped -- what you are quite dark restriction now that I throw it and keep up their work. What's -- there. -- -- We were talking about until I -- analysts have dialect as well. Us and also I just love that confident that -- -- their dislike. They're like -- better -- and did I love my five dollars five dollars twenty dollars a ring and a break even -- way. -- to do this this is knock this out to make it happen to forget about all the other companies involved crying out loud to good point. I and then we got we have to give this next music service -- view because it has so. Still many fans and Sony -- a lot of the evidence that this is our answer to the music service that we really. It Brian Molly and they have. Portland Portland voters. Out a subscription services. Or music. -- news. Nobody wants like Spotify -- -- streaming downloading purchasing an integrated -- everything but that -- windows own body being. Changing it does. But that. Epic -- Apple's. You can download stream. We purchase music you can believe. That they're Smart it would live. Doppler you -- Once I knew it could -- -- -- -- like listeners. That are like minded. Matter -- I you know -- Like this I mean I -- it like -- like. It anyway. Loved the show. But it about spot by -- at ninety. All you in and -- You can download. If they -- it goes on -- -- -- again how awesome it is but everyone always says that about the impasse and I have to say you know Microsoft should really do you. Make -- a -- yeah I -- less likely don't just limit it to the platform let Zune pass media ambassador. For the coolness of the windows platform by making an app ala Kindle. And Amazon. And well and because if I could subscribe to Zune pass and men have an app on my iPhone like that would be. Great might have to get my money and then maybe a bit like these really cool like how I really like my Kindle tamales and buy Kindle fire. Well the trick is with Zune pass though you can also buy music so they would have to limit the app to just be like a streaming app. Which would then limit the fact that their services more than that and because if you want to purchase songs right you can't do on IOS they limit you from that that's Apple's. They don't let you purchase songs through on another app so you can either go back to windows owner -- a no mean an Android phone on and on and -- -- -- The eight -- point sanitary and that it it's not -- you download -- active to discontinued the downloading part. Discontinued and Jim Beck says -- that's killing -- -- windows -- -- So I guess we'll. And I'm taking cool pictures with my -- streaming after me it's like if I just want the subscription part technically speedster. Yeah its -- pilots -- some email real quick have we have a heat we have. T-Mobile lovers and haters Jim savage writes in and says. Last week as a target about the fourth quarter T-Mobile customer defections and as a cause -- blamed it on them having iPhone. Really -- -- really it's not like the first iPhone just came out are you saying that T-Mobile customers only learned of the iPhone and Verizon and sprint picked it up. They're becoming more and more -- iPhone centric that the world does not revolve around Apple. It to that first part -- -- time and that it had on forest fails with seem to suggest that were -- -- -- it's as they found out about it but it's like may be AD indeed make up its service -- there. Areas -- they were locked into contracts or whatever like more availability leads to more demand. Yeah it's a combination of those things but you can't deny that the iPhone was part of that stuff yeah. -- and the capsule and -- also -- like how he was gonna leave until Ebenezer happy customers never had any. Problems with T-Mobile and he was happy that AT&T -- -- them but when his contract ends in March you'll be leaving. So they're gonna be no future in staying with a noble this because they seem intent on selling the company and that's an unknown -- -- -- -- -- -- buddy. Wants many galaxy note on sprint. In doing this and send out is the next email at the I'm taking your gonna appreciate the picture I took of you guys you know -- -- satellite to a picture they can post on your website name like uncle. At -- new again. And then I'll our second email here -- -- rights and -- all of the show also about T-Mobile. I've wanted to tell you all not to fret too much about T-Mobile app works for them since it came to being in 2002 -- almost every incarnation and change is always stayed the best place to working grow. There are so many people worked there since its beginnings and they are very proud. Of what we have done AT&T to -- -- us but we are coming back and we will be stronger 2012 is -- year just wait and see. And for those of you who don't know -- was the first and -- of. Long time the only wireless carrier to have its own unofficial fan site. Cameras and -- -- the tournament -- they would you want but we are loved and we will come back stronger then ever. Loyal to we -- -- and then and this is our. Independence Day. -- -- -- -- -- Tune. Our orgasms but that meant that random -- -- have. Done that now that's our show. And that's our show guys. You know we and -- who -- gets all the emails in the column. Whether we will do more of those concede this NG -- -- you think about of them we talked about the privacy stuff we talk a polite throw stuff. I mean there's a lot of you know differing opinions -- things -- there was -- -- -- think -- you guys can call us at Tripoli. 9900. CD any you know that's our -- -- that's not a. 806162638. Email as buzz at And the -- -- CNET. But -- you're only -- and please don't forget to join us next week Wednesday march 7 show will start. Live stream will go up about 9:45 AM Pacific time for live coverage of the Apple event and if you're going to be -- Austin. You do not want to miss our party. That's right check it out it that CNET -- and -- and heavy -- -- out how to -- the popularity of most vulnerable that though most are very those. -- that CNET SX SW 2012 dot event bright dot com to -- BP it's nice big venue we're gonna have dealt a spirit. Playing live at the party and then where Andy -- the night with and build an extremely -- most mathematics -- -- -- many members are you doing anything doors open at 9 PM and then will be doing interviews Brian and I'll be doing basically like newsmaker interviews from south by southwest will probably recorded episode of -- allow from the show. Up from our interview space were working out logistics and he -- -- but -- we'll let you know I think it can come and watch. -- its agony like a big -- broadcasting will probably do an Epson doesn't -- -- startups and some of the cool new ideas that are out there like. But -- -- -- the interview is that we're going to be posting are very cool we're talking to some really cool startups were talking to -- -- in the CEO of path. Will be asking about their recent. Problems will be visiting chaotic moon were interviewing my god does or doesn't -- -- Yes that's. -- brings like uncle chip or something that pulls out from his skin and -- I guys at that I thought coming up but after next week's nab -- -- -- -- this great turnout today yeah. -- itself. It's not diocese and see you guys.

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