Upload Facebook photos from your iPhone

Upload Facebook photos from your iPhone

Ben Wilson

pxPipe.com is a new photo uploading service for the iPhone with the primary purpose of allowing users to upload photos directly from the device to their Facebook accounts -- a functionality omission in Facbook's otherwise superb iPhone-optimized site, detailed last week.

We gave the service a quick test run, and it work fairly well if a bit awkwardly at first. After signing up at pxPipe.com, you're prompted to login to your Facebook account. After that, a special email adddress (@pxpipe.com) will be created. Any photos emailed to this account will show up in your Facebook account. It's best to add this email address to your iPhone's contacts list, after which you can simply tap on the share button in the lower left corner of the Camera or Photos applications, select the newly added email address and send away.

Feedback? info@iphoneatlas.com.