The Hummer of laptop cases

The Hummer of laptop cases

Andrew Gruen
Andrew Gruen
is an intern who reviews products for CNET.com and CNET News.com.
Andrew Gruen
Some thought we were crazy when we on our Panasonic ToughBook 74. Others wished their laptop could withstand that kind of beating. For all of you out there who want a truly rugged notebook but aren't ready to upgrade, Slashgear has a review of the Otterbox Laptop Case. The company claims the case is strong enough to stand on and waterproof, so the guys at Slashgear tested that by jumping on the case and submerging it in a pool with a MacBook Pro inside (it survived). Overall they really liked the case, but at $170 and about 8 pounds, OtterBox is certainly not right for everyone.

Check out their review for a video of the unboxing and, of course, submerging the MacBook Pro.