Streamload: a nice place to park your media

Streamload: a nice place to park your media

James Kim
Account in memoriam for the editor.
James Kim
Online media storage guru Streamload has just announced availability of its updated MediaMax 1.5 service and MediaMax XL application. It's a convenient place to store, back up, and share your photos, music, video, and other media files, and you get 25GB for free (250GB for $9.95 per month or 1,000GB for $29.95 per month).

Additional features include access to your files from any Web browser, hosting your files for public access, Windows/Mac/Linux compatibility, sharing files without any file size restrictions, and transcoding (recipient gets e-mail with a link to the file), as well as advanced auto backup and synchronization of data between computers. Look at the service as a locker for your data, accessible from any Web-connected computer or portable device. Stream video or music (won't work with DRMed files) or upload data on the go. I personally appreciate the easy-to-use GUI and the backup/sync system, as I rarely back up my personal data. Streamload is a nice community tool as well, since friends can subscribe to specific folders that stay in sync.

The people behind these "media lockers" believe you'll stream everything to and from your wireless portable device as oppossed to accessing it locally. Check out the useful MediaMax now.