Short Take: Frontier, Akamai form alliance

Frontier GlobalCenter, the Web hosting unit of Frontier Communications, and Akamai, an online content distribution company, have formed a partnership in which Frontier will use the Akamai FreeFlow caching system. Frontier is using Akamai's products in three of its Media Distribution Centers, or regional Web hosting sites. Caching services, such as Akamai and Inktomi, allow Web content to be stored locally, speeding Net access by keeping content closer to end users.

Frontier GlobalCenter, the Web hosting unit of Frontier Communications, and Akamai, an online content distribution company, have formed a partnership in which Frontier will use the Akamai FreeFlow caching system. Frontier is using Akamai's products in three of its Media Distribution Centers, or regional Web hosting sites. Caching services, such as Akamai and Inktomi, allow Web content to be stored locally, speeding Net access by keeping content closer to end users.