Octa-core BlackBerry reportedly in the works for 2015

Rumors for a new phone BlackBerry's working on include a super-charged processor and a debut a year away.

Jessica Dolcourt Senior Director, Commerce & Content Operations
Jessica Dolcourt is a passionate content strategist and veteran leader of CNET coverage. As Senior Director of Commerce & Content Operations, she leads a number of teams, including Commerce, How-To and Performance Optimization. Her CNET career began in 2006, testing desktop and mobile software for Download.com and CNET, including the first iPhone and Android apps and operating systems. She continued to review, report on and write a wide range of commentary and analysis on all things phones, with an emphasis on iPhone and Samsung. Jessica was one of the first people in the world to test, review and report on foldable phones and 5G wireless speeds. Jessica began leading CNET's How-To section for tips and FAQs in 2019, guiding coverage of topics ranging from personal finance to phones and home. She holds an MA with Distinction from the University of Warwick (UK).
Expertise Content strategy | Team leadership | Audience engagement | Tips and FAQs | iPhone | Samsung | Android | iOS
Jessica Dolcourt
BlackBerry Z30
The BlackBerry Z30, released without much fanfare, is the latest device we've seen from the ailing phone-maker. Sarah Tew/CNET

A new rumor of an unreleased BlackBerry smartphone is picking up steam on Monday, with BlackBerry-watcher site N4BB claiming that the struggling device-maker is working on a phone with an octa-core processor by the summer of 2015.

The mystery phone will apparently use Qualcomm's eight-core Snapdragon MSM8994 chipset, which relies on 64-bit architecture to attain it's up-to-2.5GHz speeds per core.

In the meantime, we're already seeing our first eight-core Android smartphones cropping up, and Apple has set the tone for 64-bit mobile computing with its iPhone 5S.

BlackBerry fans shouldn't have to wait until 2015 to see a new device. Rumors are building of a quad-core phone code-named Ontario, which runs on Qualcomm's Snapdragon 800 chip.

With BlackBerry's future so uncertain, all we can do is watch and wait.