Palm Treo 700w one step closer to push e-mail

Palm Treo 700w one step closer to push e-mail

Bonnie Cha Former Editor
Bonnie Cha was a former chief correspondent for CNET Crave, covering every kind of tech toy imaginable (with a special obsession for robots and Star Wars-related stuff). When she's not scoping out stories, you can find her checking out live music or surfing in the chilly waters of Northern California.
Bonnie Cha

Today, Palm announced a software update that will enable Microsoft's Messaging and Security Feature Pack, which includes direct push technology, on the Palm Treo 700w. The free update is expected to be available later this month and offers features such as:

  • Direct push e-mail so that you automatically receive e-mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks wirelessly as soon as it arrives on Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (SP2)
  • Over-the-air lookup of a company's Exchange Global Address List
  • Added security features for IT administrators
  • The update will be available later this month as a free download from Palm's Web site or at http://dts.vzw.com; subsequent Treo 700w smart phones and future Windows-based Treos will already have the technology built into the devices. While Palm has a presence here at CTIA, it did not make any major product announcements (new Treos, that is).