Google Earth for iPhone: We're not worthy

Imagine being able to use Google Earth on your phone -- cool, huh? If you've got an iPhone or iPod touch you can stop imagining, because it's avaiable to download now

Andrew Lim

Some iPhone and iPod touch apps are pretty, some are useful and some are dumb, but the Google Earth iPhone app is just genius. Combining all the best features of Google Earth and the iPhone, Google has created something truly special.

Hardcore iPhone users will know that a similar service already existed, in the form of Earthscape, but it failed to deliver the full Google Earth experience. Enter Google Earth iPhone, which allows you to zoom in and out of our lovely planet by pinching the screen, tilt the iPhone to see 3D geographical images, search for your location via GPS and tap Wikipedia and Panoramio links for location-based information.

It's smooth, fast and delivers the same experience you'd expect from the desktop version. But rather than take our word for it, download it for free to your iPhone or iPod touch now and test it out for yourself, or watch the YouTube video below for a demonstration.