Apple, Samsung to explore solar power

According to a recent report from Korean tech industry website Digitimes, Apple and Samsung are two high-powered companies looking into using solar power in their products.

Joe Aimonetti MacFixIt Editor
Joe is a seasoned Mac veteran with years of experience on the platform. He reports on Macs, iPods, iPhones and anything else Apple sells. He even has worked in Apple retail stores. He's also a creative professional who knows how to use a Mac to get the job done.
Joe Aimonetti
2 min read


According to a recent report from Korean tech industry Web site Digitimes, Apple and Samsung are two high-powered companies looking into using solar power in their products.

"Samsung and Apple have been evaluating the possible niche market for solar-powered consumer products and considering the inclusion of Taiwan-based solar firms in their respective supply chains. However, according to Taiwan-based solar firms, these niche markets will need a longer time to develop."

Samsung already has a solar-enabled Netbook (shipping in August), though according to the report, industry experts tend to think that the consumer electronic sector is still not ready for solar in the short term.

While no Apple products use solar power (yet), the Cupertino computer maker did receive a patent for using solar cells to charge iPhone batteries.

"It specifically deals with converting the power from a solar panel to meet the power requirements of electronics. The system includes a voltage converter that ensures the available solar power can be converted and used to recharge batteries."

Screen capture by Martin LaMonica/CNET

Along the lines of solar-related patents, Apple also has a patent pending for a touch screen that captures sunlight. "The patent, which was filed in September 2008, also calls for the use of 'light channels' to direct light to a solar cell underneath a touch screen, potentially using a parabolic reflector."

Just as we all thought.

Apple is at the forefront of innovation when it comes to battery technology, so if there is any company out there that could figure out a way to get solar cells working efficiently (and cost effectively) in hand-held consumer electronics, I think it would be Apple.

Is solar the way of the future for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!