Escape trendy iPod colors, stay on Bono's good side

Escape trendy iPod colors, stay on Bono's good side

Lindsey Turrentine EVP, Content and Audience
Lindsey Turrentine is executive vice president for content and audience. She has helped shape digital media since digital media was born.
Lindsey Turrentine
Oh yeah, and do good, too. Today, Apple snuck onto its store (but not without some speculation) a special edition, fire-engine red iPod Nano branded with the "PRODUCT(RED)" logo on the back. Apple donates $10 from each sale to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa as part of the (RED) campaign, which Bono and friends created "to engage the private sector in the fight against AIDS in Africa."

The red Nano seems to be no different from its 4GB pals (in pink, blue, green, and silver) and costs the same. And, dare I say this, it looks a lot hotter than the iPod U2 of yesteryear.