iPhone SDK/1.1.4 leaker: "I was lying"

iPhone SDK/1.1.4 leaker: "I was lying"

Ben Wilson
2 min read

An iPhone developer who claimed he was working with Apple's yet-to-be-announced iPhone SDK (software development kit) and had access to the 1.1.4 software/firmware now says he was lying. In a post to a MacRumors thread, "Kelly" of Tiny-Code wrote:

"Tiny-Code never had any relations with Apple, Inc. or any other division of Apple. Never had the new firmware or any pre-SDK pack. Certainly never signed any NDA. I find it interesting that a simple joke on the front of a minor at best Installer.app repo can cause so many wakes. It is equivocally funny that a simple re-enforcement of the page by me posted earlier stating I had been 'reprimanded' by Apple could throw it even more into believability. To top it all off, a simple redirection of the domain to Apple's iPhone Developer center would cause so many theories as to why that is so when it was to just stop the 'where did it go' questions."

Kelly goes on to apologize to Apple, developers, and "everyone who defended (him)."

Last Friday, Tiny-Code posted a message to its site stating that the developer was "working with Apple and with their SDK (software development kit) for the next firmware release and SDK applications." The company subsequently pulled its repository of unofficial third-party iPhone software "for legality reasons" adding "you should see us soon on iTunes." The company also posted a message hinting at the forthcoming release of iPhone firmware/software 1.1.4. Tiny-Code previously maintained a collection of software for the iPhone, comprising fixes for other unofficial applications, including fixes that "reduce the chance that an old app won?t work with firmware 1.1.3 ."

The small firm's site then started redirecting to to Apple?s iPhone Dev Center site.

Over the weekend, we noted that Tiny-Code's redirection to Apple's site be an elaborate prank -- a notion that now seems confirmed.

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