Ep. 9: iPad 3 is the loneliest number
Ep. 9: iPad 3 is the loneliest number

Ep. 9: iPad 3 is the loneliest number

It's to -- November 22 2011 and luckily rumor that I'm Emily Dreyfuss and I'm -- Levy and welcome to the web's coolest tech gambling show maybe it's. Only tech -- links -- I haven't done any research to confirm I think we should definitely go ahead -- solves the number one Internet suite ambling down one. In the -- Internet tech gambling gently aperture in the world. Universe yeah I'm just gonna go hadn't of all time of all time if anyone wants to throw down in claim that title -- right NS -- argue who's gonna argue with us. But show me some -- -- the kings or queens. The accident my mom's birthday September. 18. Media -- -- access the and parents ultimately was my birthday on Saturday and as a president for. Aging and being one year cost to my own -- is. I am now currently winning. Rumor has it again -- now is believe it and so in one fell swoop and -- -- To point -- I went from having to on the next show possibly embarrassment on front of you by trying to wrap. Live on the Internet which I know you'll want to disease. To suddenly somehow getting three lucky guesses right last week and now on eating and I think it was because I was sent. And I need -- -- my right minds and -- -- decided that Spinal Tap was gonna show up at this new. On events you guys -- -- didn't -- believe she'd -- that went when this happened and found that wasn't there I was like. Spinal -- not being -- means I -- appoint an agreement like I do not think so I would not have said that and we canceling -- to roll tape rolls back the tape and there I was -- the dumbest thing I think it's -- and -- -- be at the Google music in general was the other thing I said that all four. -- music labels -- says that Google was going to -- design all for Google health is the Amazon music and as the group -- -- yeah -- -- block out it was -- although -- it was announced last week. -- -- -- -- Google was going to manage to sign all four major record labels to deals with Google music and I was like. -- a little blue moon. And then we -- people as it was as the event was coming up it was flake who won more legal Marlene how big -- -- median home and then I and then I was like are ready marking my name and number on the board and then the sudden. She didn't happen in -- I see you're counting your eggs and chickens came home to -- that's exactly what you're not very good at -- and -- he is. Back don't you -- leave it if you're. So anyway so now once again I'm losing hired he wore a banana suit so now we have to think -- I -- -- key. -- I guess I'm sorry and I am zealots of sore loser and gloating when I apologize. Like commodities on. You're here come off and if so rather like -- -- come so the other thing that I -- musing on the Twitter war that we your established a couple weeks ago. But that in the weeds it's discovered this thing called clout which is your arbitrary. Social status in an arbitrary man. And I happen to be winning. At least some when he it's a good thing. On yes they are -- something. And I also I was winning Twitter bio -- -- now two days ago an inquiry and wrote a story for CNET. My first and last time it -- can choose from an -- -- -- But her story did so well that now she's only behind by a one. 1416. Points via UV is to be it. Even thirty points that I -- -- and -- follow you're coming up. Very fast pass so I gotta do some -- and I don't know how to pimp my plow is improving whatever that is and and a that's -- and I think it means your mover and shaker a three man -- 53 clout points. 53 arbitrary number. -- -- -- -- -- -- Excited that is averaging. Getting -- our -- gonna complain ruled that. Voice -- this week we got a -- now -- an hour later. I don't remember it was -- the but note I was asked. -- -- and obvious watching rumor has it being. Green -- something about a song. And just like to know just what you guys know that. Editor and actually used. The course of that song in one of his songs. -- That's pretty much all I have to say I can't thank you -- board following me on Twitter. -- -- I know many gives himself a -- -- It's like an excuse me please let me on the board and I guess I just got a caller. Just put -- on them right now I -- probably -- and now at the toll has but that does somebody was talk. About was -- because. I toy soldier my favorite -- This is an exe that's on the Eminem sample -- I only know it from Eminem. I highly doubt this is the first CD that I -- as -- quick -- -- So I basically gave Eminem the -- yeah -- the song if dieters with Internet and Amazon sell anyway things still in for the phone -- things are being. A super -- and for being coherent particularly -- -- message in the end we love -- -- Collins will play it. Making Internet famous -- totally make sure you -- -- cellular connection CT area via. Our -- and now let it. -- -- to the actual point at the number one tech gambling show in the universe -- -- the river's. So -- the first -- that's been very big this week in the last couple days which. You know it just came out yesterday and unsanitary. Is that -- spot. Is building its own phone it's partnering with HT -- build its own. Phone. And I -- all things digital is reporting that the social networking companies working with a cell phone manufacturer to build which which. Is HTC. We've been. -- this -- rumor first. Emerged about a year ago but and it died when all those phones came out -- by -- as HTC status Bentley. When he took a picture of something a little feast it was like did you want to -- -- -- -- Just I didn't think my little FaceBook button and that's gonna remind you to do something with this on most Angelina alone on the planet so that phone -- I mean -- I'm not an. So and so the phone will be based on a map according to the rumor. The phone will be based on a modified version of -- trade which has been tweaked by Facebook's that -- certain that its services are deeply integrated. Citing citing unnamed source and pours drinks water abstinence and -- and that little water. -- if you think you know whenever someone cites unnamed sources we take a drink but -- -- the Taliban cells can drink soda or water and finance is a good moment for me to just mention. I want to give -- shout out my friend John who is serving our nation boldly in the army and he wanted need to get. So would you so that when we would drink we would drinks in -- honored him at ease and stationed in Korea. And John I have been trying to find so you can't find it -- it will pull iTunes fields and maybe this week and we have a you know we have authority be coming at me -- -- zero and that's a -- -- to -- now. Did you get that sin is -- it the -- Phone is code named. Buffy -- laid -- -- vampire slayer and I read another story from all things digital that the reason it's called that. Is because it was originally code named on social layer. Or slay I know but then it sounded so hard core and mean and -- ball hanging there like your social phone and in so many people who don't mind let's Buffy in stat which is a little bit and a more polite. So I am mr. -- -- loves that idea. The blue led that Joss Wheaton -- -- -- so this story makes sense to me because I think FaceBook wants to be. In your face all the time all -- in your business trying to infiltrate your clients. With the timeline with your news -- with the ticker with everything how -- so I can only imagine that their next. Step is to look -- -- You know incorporate themselves into a funny I think it makes sense too because Smartphones are now sort of like the extension of self. There was a story in -- times yesterday -- was kind of like. From the older generation time at the younger generation about how we just don't ever leave our Smartphones and -- -- that is with us always -- and when you do you feel -- Yeah and and -- it said like. Quoting this man. She sleeps with his Smartphone and it was like ha a ha that's a ridiculous. But honestly I sleep with my Smartphone plugged -- next night and -- and -- -- -- -- -- getting email on an Islamic government really important account and are probably -- bring -- -- Undoubtedly it's. I think that like our Smartphones we kind of see -- as our -- -- they are. The hub of -- And a social life that's how we get text messages I ends emails. Phone calls that -- -- -- did not about it and it's also where we get -- of those were re read I mean I don't like reading on small screen like that I do it when I'm on the bus an important line when I'm in an elevator with people that -- -- -- -- -- -- spam saved from awkwardness. You know -- is that I did I -- -- -- Street and lake and there's people who are like asking me to sign up for their -- certainly have peace -- and I'm like oh sorry and texting oh god yeah. Okay nobody talks on the phone anymore so you -- here I am currently client yeah but I think -- -- and wants to be that as well especially now would like all the services. They have been announcements -- -- -- featuring it in all the services they announcing they wanna be your hand sphere want you to be -- I am -- IM client. Wanna be your gaming hub in -- your social -- -- -- way you can if you video chat yet they want their Paper. -- on FaceBook rape like Lincoln as -- -- were PayPal he outlet I don't get about the -- -- found is that they think that that. FaceBook apps that exists like for the iPhone for windows -- haven't for Android. Are pretty robustly -- do you know when you upload a picture. When you take a picture you don't need a group linking -- to tell you to upload it to FaceBook like if -- -- -- really easy it's really easy that some you know apps have you can just do it automatically or. You know I guess how Twitter is now integrated in app IOS where you can -- picture and then you can writer emailing -- it. Send it to FaceBook send it to Twitter lake is also. Incorporated are ready what is the benefit of that all FaceBook phone I just don't know what they're gonna do with -- that's gonna make it. Any better than you know -- are needed just not for. Our generation we were first generation Smartphone users -- -- for the people who are little beyond us who have had these books as they weren't high school. More -- and they -- with his attorney -- had -- at the whole time. They're just getting their first serious Smartphone now -- may be that this has -- great what I. Form my mom who still has a flip phone but is an avid baseball that's the thing is that is that may -- it's not a Smart -- necessarily maybe it's just. Like that it's only Smart features are its -- -- integration so it's an -- may be a low end. Our budget phone wrapper how funny -- were not -- FaceBook integration. I'm not sure I just can't see it competing with. Smartphones vary -- -- -- that was -- -- you know -- -- the kin when night came out. -- you know and one. In his studio and it lasted for twelve unit -- like 37 days acting now and then and so that lake. Was targeted -- you know at a younger generation. It was a bit cheaper and -- -- -- whatever social networking as its. Supposed to be its core so maybe FaceBook is is yet and and it targeting the same the same people those kids. So any -- speaking of fountains. Says -- next Rimmer is also kind of related is on -- about the Amazon Kindle sound and 2012. If -- possibility so and what's funny about this is that last month. On cnet's David Carnoy wrote a story that was -- Will Amazon produce in a phone I think cell and this is just his -- got he was like you just looking at all other product announcements and all things just came out he was like I prophecy that it would make sense -- Kindle -- only you can heat you know is. On the act tablet e-book reader so he is like super in Amazon's face like he knows what's going on yet and he. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Because now everywhere you -- doing it all -- did this so -- super interesting. So he you know predicted that Amazon was gonna do this and now all these rumors are coming so according to a note from city group. -- -- -- -- -- -- All things digital -- is Digital's like all over it good job mean so -- -- -- is believed to be currently working. With well known manufacturer Foxconn whom -- -- ones you. Interest and to develop a Smart -- it's pleaded to be released in the fourth quarter of 2012. So buy -- next holiday season. You might see an Amazon in -- phone. At city said -- believes the Smartphone will cost Amazon between 150 dollars and 170 dollars to build this found so they're not. They're clearly not going to be making a profit on the phone itself. And but the idea would Amazon and in all -- on other devices is that the profit is made because. The devices they -- send users so much Amazon. That you -- lands on you buy ebooks by everything men and rates so that that it's been down -- streams not profit at any rate and so the product itself. Is not making any money in fact they're selling -- at -- loss. Yeah and actually I think the reason why this would make sense is that there are so many people in the world who. Are you don't wanna spend hundreds of dollars on a Smartphone like this HTC resound has just announced and I kind of want it seems awesome. It's gonna be 300 dollars after -- after you sign a contract. And will be amazing amount -- -- on phones that Amazon actually has the money behind it and the clout the actual cloud. I don't know as -- cloud idea injured big big generate at score if it. They have they have so much power and money behind them and such a cushion of profit from everyone coming to Amazon.com that they can afford to sell the phone. Actually at a loss for every single one probably. And eventually may be habit for free which would be did then he would be working right. -- penny -- we're never went out when they make you do for yourself well. And here's the problem that now what I see as being a problem with that yes they have money from like Amazon.com. Itself. Rate but I think if they're using this phone as a funneled to there products. Rates so that Amazon marketplace and whatever. People who. How Smartphones are necessarily buying apps that you you know tablet kind of apps like movies or. Books are ever because it's pretty hard to -- second stop on a four inch. Or three and a -- and I first heard -- -- like what are they gonna make it an. Phone and then the idea that we're going to be reading books on our -- yeah don't make any sense because it's so annoying to read anything that small mean even the foreign Smartphone screens it's annoying to read great and so it's not. Kindle fire I mean a Kindle fire is is a tablet which you know it's a little bit easier to read stuff on but let alone it's hard -- says. I guess and push people to buy apps for something that's based on a tablet -- so am. Tell me if maybe -- Maybe this would be the start of -- on starting a whole new focus on other mobile apps that are more Smartphone based mean -- And I mean. I guess. No rights and media people -- -- -- in my -- you know rain is is such -- shopping hub. And it would be kinda neat it's a phone had such -- shopping integration that you could. -- -- from -- -- -- easy and it's about 1080 can single handedly save our economy. -- -- Amazon please please track. If the device is sold at 150 dollars it's obviously not gonna be high and -- not so may really you know like FaceBook -- that we're just talking about may be. It'll be you know for a low and found that targeted at a younger or who knows what's demographic -- -- mobile market is super crowded with -- -- phones. And dead classes and you know how how would this phone outlast. -- -- I actually think that this phone is more likely in the FaceBook phone because that these phones seems so unnecessary and so does this actually seem quite unnecessary. But it -- on. Can afford. To do it to -- -- just try to take the risk yeah especially because they're already making so many so much hardware which FaceBook isn't. Over FaceBook to make a phone would be suddenly then going into hardware spirit which they have no experience -- which is much more Everest. But Amazon is now making. A round of -- rate and it can kind of just you know it's it's all sort of the same thing. Not entitlement and Jonathon -- it shrink it down and put a Smartphone screen on it. Instead of. Thing about it is that. Tablets are targeted at a specific market at a market has cash to spare you know but everybody has a -- -- -- mean even if you don't have any despair you. Most likely have a cell phone even if it's you know very low and the honor and yeah so you know people buying the tablet have. So much many disparate -- -- their buying a thousand apps for their tablet. For it to run for its -- you just buying a 150 dollar phone and you're not necessarily needing apps today you know for it and they're losing money insider know how long how long this thing last. But if you don't mean it for their bottom line and it's a slate -- here you know we have an offering another option exactly and maybe maybe it's worth it to -- and maybe that's what they're banking on. Now -- Right now let's get to the -- I -- always that I always always easy want to hammer. I am going to preface this rumor by saying. This morning in CNET offices people were very casually throwing around phrases like well -- next iPad is definitely coming out ninety days. True I can't name my source seniors are I don't I don't even saying that why did they -- meanwhile overnight and this -- -- let me say. -- she -- hills. -- You know our writer Brooke was last name in the -- Brothers. Rather friction who used -- -- is now analyst and he told -- others that he believes the iPad three might already be in production. Which it jibes with so crazy to think you and her ray because as we had heard like they were gonna have to work -- the Chinese New Year. On in January to get a brightness -- -- -- shutting down yeah editors who is another like ramping up now it's a -- we've heard that it's already in production. But so just so you guys this is some people are saying maybe you should not buy that iPad two during holiday season. Because iPad three is actually so and it. We discuss on the show that it might come out in March but then that would be not in time for the new 86 chip. Which is coming out in June so maybe would be although march follows their spring release -- -- -- that's -- -- -- and how exactly it that's and many other thing is that. This -- saying -- it'll be released in spring doesn't necessarily mean you'd be able to put your hands on it and give it to your wife as a present in the spring. It means Apple's gonna stand on stage and say. IPad -- is a thing. Ray is that their animated about -- they would announce it and I would not be able to get -- out. Okay so now let's get to the latest rumor got it right I'm so sick of iPad three rumor that there are giants and iPhone 5 rumors of yesteryear of the one I don't have an appetite iPad three rumors because like only just got an iPad two I was like on a late adopters getting you're already looking to your next tablet -- out -- so much I just I'm -- -- -- -- I don't want iPad three legislate because I love -- I had so much -- he does is interesting but again make it better deposited me because I already possessed a fan -- public thing is it took me years. To get a tablet at all and it's might only Apple product I have I have PCs and Microsoft and Dell and everything else would and an Android phone but. And I really want -- Android tablet -- one of those you've only tried. She'd give the Android tablets -- a chance and then in the end after playing with them -- like. Enemy iPad my home now with the typical give give give an iPad -- hump yet this holiday season and it's of the latest rumor is coming from IE lounge. Citing its most reliable source so this is an unnamed source but they're letting us know that. It is their most reliable source should you think that this is the editor's grandpa not because of how do you find the most reliable source -- Who is fairly benign uses this is our most -- And explain Hillary -- A -- I told what to say. The -- dinner last night and -- have a lot of albums. -- -- -- I lounge citing its most reliable source claims that the next iPad will be. And at -- time slightly. Thicker new. Oh my mind our whole show was a far it's got all we I have ever known is crumbling. In -- day and not -- be rendered but no. -- is back. -- Maryland and relevant I have stepped up big and. You don't yet know but here written spoiler company -- -- sticker it's gonna be. Point seven millimeters thicker rate which is -- their patents in measure -- says I think it is measurable but not measurable -- -- The amendment and the -- of this rumor is so it is that the iPad three will be slightly thicker in order to accommodate the new. Dual panel back light. I -- to they're having to incorporate in order to create the retina like display that they basically have to put up or they feel that they have to put -- iPad three. In order to improve the resolution even iPad two has great resolution. -- progress people he can't stop the train. Than the second part of rumor is that the next iPhone. IPhone 5 this is my favorite rumor. Well because we're back at iPhone 5 rumors what does this. Guy -- -- No impact -- -- time -- -- -- -- time machine is very complex high -- today. IPhone 5 we will be all metal. And -- The four inch screen. Well what's funny about all metal thing was wasn't first iPhone on -- I -- -- on the -- but the -- was metal. -- -- and you could make -- come back. It'll be Apple it would be Apple and this -- exactly contrary to -- last week which was that a couple weeks ago which was that -- anyone meat eating it was thicker than iPad they were. It -- except for Apple -- -- -- -- yet and yet so agreeable and makes no sense but it's probably true. And so have we discussed there are so many rumors that the iPad three will boasted. Toolbar backlight in order to meet the retina like display possible. And that that is so difficult for manufacturers to figure out they've been it's like in this conundrum -- the trying to figure out how to make that possible. So this rumor is suggesting that. It's it it actually needs to have -- earth. In order that to happen. First for the found. I know -- iPad three app in order to have for an iPad three have a retina like display dot. I actually don't care I don't I don't care yeah let it be thicker whenever I had a banner I think it was in an iPad -- iPod -- already present when that. And the other rumors about iphone's hype if -- saying that any metal. And edit them -- screen we had already heard those exact room like when you're having. -- rumor roundups and rumors for iPhone 5 -- and number of hits from those two were already on just -- I'm seeing so great so when the iPhone -- came out and it wasn't iPhone 5 and it wasn't it didn't look very much differ or any different at all and iPhone four. Then now all of the news. Rumors can be records -- -- because it didn't come true yet. So we could just talk about it for -- it until the iPhone 5 comes out and has any of these things we can talk about all the things at my house all day long all of from July till now it's saying the iPhone 5 comes out -- it -- it's not all metal and it only is weren't saying welcome the iPhone six -- Already have an article about her and everything so like that it if it does go back to all metal on the little burden. All metal design. I like that because I think that's so terrified of dropping my iPhone because it shatters I've seen so many with a shattered screen and oh yeah -- out shouted back. Edit -- -- at the part of it is metal then instead of being shattered it'll just dense. Or when covered that counts from an idea failure if I need a flexible phones followed in -- -- -- -- Ball every service priest he is a Mason and I want I actually would like and in the -- in our -- EB EI case manufacturers will be so sad about this on the phone because they won't be as necessary. Not very many people questions is on their on their other I. Used to have an all metal phone it was an LG guys my god when I first started working at CNET and I had this little. With sleek. LG flip phone oh my god it was but. All the whole thing was metals still gorgeous the buttons or some -- -- and pushing them so much fun and put them. And like my first Friday at CNET we always have Eagles on -- together as a team. I said -- -- an Apple and its link does -- -- audio playing ping on and on like yours out Smartphone that if you never as you so nice but Bonnie actually. In the back of my issues like season. I can't believe I can't believe she'd get her. Now I can you imagine a world and in my phone. I look at an excerpt lists to this next rumor has two sides we're going to present you with both sides of the argument. There is the -- And then there is the people that the rumors -- out. Rebutting the rumor completely -- but just because they -- but it does not mean at all but it is not true which is why we're gonna present you with both sites. Please tell please start I would present you with -- please began citing sources from the upstream. Supply chain. -- -- -- -- Did you times reports that Dell Acer and Asus. I learned all -- -- ace use no -- okay I want it to be Asus but it's not it's Asus says that the -- John Falcone. Tehran Iran. -- don't know life you know fine if you're watching -- you know you're not check -- and you're watching -- -- -- renowned Nina weather -- is also -- -- -- you can say I just but I have been instructed when I hate when I do that today on CNET videos for CNET TV. They always like all stunt again -- -- actually the Asus. They don't have axe why I don't Nowak who I -- running I I didn't -- and it was not Russian. Apparently. Apparently not restroom was -- urgent. On the -- did you times is reporting that Acer Asus and -- Are going to be going out of the tablet market by 2012. That these three PC maker's plans concede the entire tablet market to Apple Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Crazy so crazy reasons for this rumor completely obvious and not is that -- hundred tablets. Haven't -- a real and tablet -- yes some people buy Android tablet I -- even have a friend who owns zoom. Hi I I know people who have that each. HP is actually the number two tablet manufacturer America based on sales this year because of the fire sales -- -- -- does. It -- for. -- you're not alone are crying and and even though some people are buying Android tablet -- -- they're not there there are so many of them and -- are not competing with the iPad actually. And big game changer. That was just announced last two weeks ago and have then that it. -- on Kindle fire and the Barnes & Noble. And nook tablet and that is because these things. Don't directly -- iPad because they -- half the price. Or -- -- -- ironing at their own thing in what they are as we said earlier. Is sort of a portal to the robust content catalog of those companies Amazon Barnes & Noble and in the tablet world this makes sense because those companies are selling ebooks videos TV shows. And that's EU and a tablet is an -- an entertainment device -- Kindle fire and the nook tablet in particular our entertainment -- can also get your email on all that on their but the focus is to entertain yourself. -- Just regular old PC manufacturers can't compete on price the -- that Amazon Barnes and can't because they can't subsidize the price because the whole. Profit for them is in the sale of the device you by the touchpad and whatever profit margin they have price that is the whole profit. Whereas for Amazon and Barnes & Noble just beginning of the profit in fact they take a loss because the so trust -- gonna use there altered Android. To get to their market and make tons and tons -- seizes your gonna buy a whole season Jeff. You're gonna buy this and that and this match your iTunes or through an airliner were never exactly and -- -- -- in -- of the device you're gonna continue giving them money. Whereas when you buy a Dell tablet when you Chinese or tablet you buy an. -- only -- money right and the -- wet which I also can afford to make each. And those of those -- -- Android tablets are they running their own -- those -- Android tablets rate you only had a different interface with HP touchpad right at that was such a mass anyway and and we really lost it came out this week. 3.3. The lean -- dollars on that and number. Which is crazy because they really try it -- they tried to have their own OS they tried to compete with you know it didn't. Yeah -- webos was not that doesn't matter it didn't matter didn't matter. And I guess and then the other one is rims -- playbook. Which is I think a little bit more business oriented -- yeah maybe it's on its own category and windows eight. Windows eight is about to be very tablet friendly. Read on and so it's possible that there could be some great tab I mean Microsoft is really gearing up. Offered this as another OS alternative and hopefully. Dell hasn't traction because we -- actually looks awesome book is Windows 7 was already starting because it how to -- you know a lot of touch screen app capabilities and an ever so it's like there are -- kind of you know I'm not track so it just makes sense that they're just moving far it only -- a little bit because for Microsoft it just a little bit behind you know a great -- you know started releasing missing three years -- -- -- and iPad is now has so much of the market -- -- -- even if they're new interface -- their new OS is fabulous. It's just like they're constantly playing game of catch up that might be impossible at this point -- -- real quick -- in the chatroom posted a YouTube video for how to announce -- access. Was I correct. -- -- In these years and that's why that's William thinks that you feel I mean -- -- -- atomic Asus but Jesus. -- This -- Asus a eight assists -- Asus repeats once again Asus. To Asus. -- Asus Asus. -- could open up the about it. Could you got it a day and is it is it -- that -- incidents on her husband. And let -- -- basis and songs I. Okay no not with a list that -- and -- not not on. The packets and go back to the. -- -- -- we're gonna beat it into the ground but did you times' source also notes. That although iPad two is seeing strong demand from customers the -- -- the iPad two were lower than those of the iPad which means that may be. When. The desire for tablet is kind of dying. Everyone who wanted them has them and it's not gonna continue to grow as what Digi times -- which is another reason why Dell. Aces and there. Should cut their losses at this point. Now makes sense right on it we are all hurting me -- understands now for the rebuttal in this statement. This says. You know what's my name in another statement that they're already at home actually it's not a big. Thing they seriously it's. -- basis said. We're not taxing Android tablet business GE's OMG got oh my god how can you even see this rumor what I love about this is not only did they say I absolutely not they got a dig at Digi times. -- spokesman Gary -- said as usual the rumors and reports from Digi times are incorrect. Not push you man all I did -- I had noticed and I can't -- -- -- on the -- -- -- that you're doing a better. Later chimed in -- at the same thing. Viral disease signs and talking that I got as -- he said -- -- on. -- And I wanna note that there rebuttals not backed up any numbers and any profit he -- any profit so they were just like it would run now. This isn't happening and I wanna I wanna just -- and point out that. There's a lot of -- -- why if you are going to. -- -- down one of the major things you've been making -- if you're going to do like get rid of local component of your business. You wouldn't want anyone to know that until -- happen. Did you don't want your shareholders to freak out -- and start selling all -- shares and yeah yeah so this isn't the norm. Kind of rumor where like whether it's -- or not they just say we don't comment on rumors it's actually like in the interest of their. Bottom line for the rest of the year to make sure people don't think this is happening regularly -- -- and goodbye cruel world did you times as bright. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- John we believe that -- -- it pains me to leave -- -- hearing of course they have to CNET. But I hope that this rumor isn't true I really hope that they stay in the tablet game. If anything silly provide some competition because if -- risen you know. There just another in that. Android tablet game that -- is competing with itself competing with the Kindle competing with you know an iPad -- -- If these guys abandon ship. IPad would listen cost 7000 dollars and it. And his latest -- -- iPad will cost 7000 dollars and then the -- suggestion of this -- times report. Is that the heavily subsidized tablets from Amazon and Barnes & Noble will eventually be free. Well as an and it would be maybe you should usually serious it -- maybe. 800 dollar I had read -- -- -- in your pocket. And the Carnegie looks -- the free Kindle fire with ads -- Yeah exactly and that he writes so I don't know I hope this rumor is false. Because I'd like competition in the market that really doesn't like an opera -- -- I don't want. IPad to have every -- Apple at everything not I love Apple as much as you do if not more what kind of probable to revolutionaries use you know you'll be. Using Apple will be to -- in the is there will be that would percents yeah. You didn't want or need tablets in the mining camps which also us -- now about my tablet on credit. I love it but moon. Item and how that thing is grooming machines through this. RE -- -- almost running at a time -- -- so sorry let us continue with a rumor that actually we talked about a couple weeks ago I think it was on an episode TO. Is that I was on -- -- -- as you were in Chile. And you entrusted sharing to -- make. -- bets for youngest mystique -- because I think you BB hate that she added this idea I actually I approved of every other -- -- -- this and I hate. Let me even admitted it -- -- and who went with that the next Xbox will launch in 2012. To take on the Wii U we. So not site you know so and and I I said no that it would come -- 201418. And illogical and insurance -- they -- thinks it'll happen next year so citing sources. I don't even if they're anonymous or committee -- -- sources. The UK's -- -- says that. Microsoft has RE provided major studios with target boxes that featured the -- specs as Xbox 360s successor. And should hand over the first developer kits by the end of December. And based on that timetable publication sources say. Microsoft. Should be able to get the new console on store shelves by the end of 2012. And if this is. So if this happens then -- it will. Be unveiled at CES. Wow in January. So that is coming up that's like in two months from now so this rumor is really -- ramping up the production of that of Xbox. 720 year -- it's gonna be out. -- -- -- once you and I quoted Michael packed -- from when -- security you know I loved when I love him so if you something you know about it -- that he am speaking to the site it's called industry gamers. He believes that this -- silly. That instead he thinks Microsoft is going to release an updated version of Xbox-360. That -- not include support for windows -- it makes more sense. Yeah I think. Am he says those rumors are silly but that's. I actually he dismisses so Microsoft is selling a ton of Xbox 360s and they won't replace the existing one until sales Begin to slow. So I guess you know that make sense mean it's also jibes with something I cannot treatments -- honest I spoke to a person who'd spoken to a person Microsoft. But the idea. Now this happened a person -- person. There -- spoken to a person Microsoft and heat when I said oh my god it's unlikely. That a new Xbox amount doesn't twelve his brain basically melted and he said of course that's. Well Sharon vaknin when she voted for you send that will probably cap and I'm on record and say that if it does happen and Sharon will gotten coming up -- I might concede the point. But I don't think we'll be fair of me -- it when in my heart of hearts I really don't act. Well we'll be having learned that a year per every year epic got so at first I was gonna -- out and Butte lake I have no loyalty is to myself. I -- one of the -- and feeling it act 2012 but Emma my boyfriend Michael -- And think about it. And I'm gonna stick to my parents and I think he's right and in 2012. Is so soon. As 2012 counties are in our time machine forward and times cities -- -- -- anything but at what customers -- him up before the showdown I think that you know if -- -- really trying to compete with the EU. Then they don't need to because the Wii U is just now catching anything that itself you -- you doesn't have anything special except for it finally gives the Wii HD graphics. You know what has a touch screen thing just neat. -- -- -- -- -- -- They won game aren't we -- -- to the betting and then got to see -- anytime you make any Black Friday predictions -- -- yap adding a withstood the bad. Stamp it out fan and I am sorry but get ready -- -- do you think if they spokesman is gonna now. The speed and ice in a -- ICC. Always -- opposite me in and I -- -- -- incident but didn't open and afterward bananas to find it the Amazon you know. -- I think an Amazon apps and iPad three sector. I'm so over the iPad three. It's acts and -- now. I is iPhone 5 going to be metal now. Seeing now is gonna have flat screen yes -- -- -- man. He is Asus Dell out of the tablet game. On I'm gonna say yes to that. The long term rumors I don't know when we're gonna get a point and I now and then is the Xbox 720 an app and in 2012. I get even -- unless now. Let's tells us. That's not even for her notes too they. Eyes. I already paying you a Paper and ruinous piece of Paper has been hesitant about an -- old eating tablet -- -- Pathetic are voting on this tablet specific. It that this tablet is gonna have the old eighth 2012 Paper is gonna be huge I -- an Asus isn't gonna develop a Paper. Tablets. -- Ing and okay so my prediction for Black Friday. Is that TVs and -- teller. But it's great. If you wanna know why I have some reasoning that it -- -- -- -- -- I think. It's because people haven't bought TVs in a couple of years because they had a TV if they bought the flat screens and it first came out. And they haven't needed by anyone -- their -- trees are still doing great and all of the enhancements TVs lately 3-D thinner bezel LED -- law had not been enough to encourage him to spend 12100 dollars on something that they really really really don't need. But TV manufactures have made Sony TVs that actually there are serious. Deep cut. Slashed prices this year. I think people are waiting in line full of tryptophan after -- on a Turkey on Thanksgiving and they're freezing cold because they line up of for an. They're gonna -- other from the as their new gaming rig I knew this thing that and then when they're delirious. Hungary cold. And they are about to pay -- by and they see that this actually stunningly gorgeous the end translucent Basil LED television is only 249 dollars. They're gonna be like whatever is is all going on my credit card anyways and I want that's exactly right and their gonna buy it because it well yes -- and why not I also believe that's gonna happen because I would be that person I do not need anything besides you're not -- and like -- you're gonna come home with like six -- I'm already in debt and I love and my TV is already totally fine except for that sometimes I feel bad about it because it's 720. HD. It's got this huge -- Basil it's really small don't feel -- I guess -- care -- it works it totally organized table in the minority on this I am so grateful that I have a television -- -- I don't have cable yeah so you don't over the air free you don't need it. Francis and as a Angelina. Very ready for my predict yes I think tablets are gonna be the big one little big seller in -- I'll tablets all the time even. Apple is having a Black Friday deal Apple through her -- on sale. For anything even if it's gonna be like eight dollars off if I think as I don't think iPhone is gonna be in the sale but it ink tab that iPad is going to be in the sale. Mac books are going to be in the -- so anyways I think tablets is at the weighted down. This is what I'm buying on Black Friday I'm gonna finally get an -- -- sixty. -- -- An Xbox-360. Bundle -- Steer I'm -- You might well I don't math. You take an hour and is -- I'm gonna buy it its comes with two games. And comes with headsets like a nerd out on my couch and could turn nerd out failure geek out and -- -- and -- -- and it ends. I -- -- is Black Friday when you're supposed to buy gifts for other people yes and we're just sorry about all the things are gonna -- I actually am gonna buy gifts on Black Friday and I'm gonna say this -- in my -- not watching -- if you are watching. This is -- did it again next week. And my little brother is currently in college and he does not have a computer because his computer was old that it crashed and burned it's hard drive died and its mother board. Exploded in -- in on itself and so I am going to buy him. Computers I think that's a great idea not expensive wanna -- -- college student who probably a year -- a little out again and again like a a little bit better than -- that look like a core I three original ship. Dell most likely. I think that's a great I don't and he better doing it teens with our rates -- guys think so cameras as it. Two didn't actually Wear Green might have -- of kansans in Wii still winning us next week is -- last. We of the month. And sent the following edged out a Mexican -- nineteen practice so in two weeks she is what I shot to win losing which I don't mean. A whole other rumors that we talked about today are -- and inferred until 2000 -- So I'm so you can next week we're gonna have to have them of the bad about them and can't -- I'm actually the winner in my fifth at not to happen. So anyway so will have to come up with something embarrassing for me now. -- -- which -- probably well. But I have -- Yeah a lot of how our guys -- plus Twitter at Emily Dreyfuss extreme -- -- Stephen Beecham and thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next week stay -- for if.

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