Ep. 27: The best Android Tablet yet
Ep. 27: The best Android Tablet yet

Ep. 27: The best Android Tablet yet

Should you -- the nexus as we take a bite of gingerbread and the best interests heavily yet all that more coming up on this week's edition of -- that was weekly for Thursday December ninth 28 and I'm just -- as long against those. Senior -- editor Antuan Goodwin. And of course -- -- the in the empty seats that had been. Is it -- producer today. Welcome. As for joining me. In a lot of good news this week yet modular and highlighting -- Hard to keep track of everything. Com so let's jump right into via meet he. Android stories with the introduction. Big surprise every monitor of the next assess. That this -- There's been rumors about this for I don't know how long -- the introduction of the Nexus One. Yet something like that -- more specifically. -- almost about a month at that point maybe half a month. That specifically that. Great to have been hearing details about the nexus two for a long time of a -- think. This maybe a one point was the phone the was called nexus two but. Now we know that the -- test -- out from Samsung. In -- jointly developed with Google. I'm and it's not in other there are doing this differently than they did the next one and -- -- it directly. But it's also not to be sold by carrier it sold through best. In the US and through car phone warehouse and and the UK the comes in liquidated name there but yeah it. Little competed. But let's run you down to have our first impressions and -- -- can determine if they actually haven't -- -- -- -- -- -- You know first of all the big deal with this phone -- sensitive being built by -- He is that. He would run stock indirect and you know that is what Google's really -- -- especially with gingerbread. Because they have but enough to call this the show where we clearance -- nonstop. Huddled. The you know because they want people to run the stock Android because of all of fragmentation and delays and upgrades that. You know customizing your version of -- causes I don't know that -- equals solve any thing you know they will continue to. To really push this. So the phone itself. Has a couple sort of unique features it has a curved design. -- concave -- exposed to make it more comfortable to hold against your face. -- that the credit to -- the curve is -- not very mum. Pronounced and actually it is really notice much of a difference at all he -- does have a marketing gimmick. In the curvature of the back of the phone is actually do a lot more pronounced than anything on Brent kind of got this weird old received almost like. Although I think the people called into reverse chin in the bottom of the phone where it's actually a little bit. Speaker at the bottom as far as we look at the -- pollen is at the top rated. And and that may make it easier to to hold but he added. Really understand other. Having a concave screen in the first place. I think -- -- even if there was concave it would just be. So slight. Through preflight. It just seems like guess that they were -- have to wait and see how percent of beam you know long term use wise. -- says the plastic -- systems this plan was thrown attracts fingerprints like crazy that's pretty standard remotes. Phones that it views maybe not the iphones -- -- -- Polonia who -- Italy -- screen. -- but most phones have an issue. So it doesn't have. Gave navigation track ball. -- Makes for sort of more awkward navigation. Especially if you're used the keyboard -- -- the Nexus One. What else. We events and it has the -- -- experience and has a super amber led display. I'm -- get into details of gingerbread and second that obviously this has you know gingerbread on -- first phone that has an. Who knows when the next phone -- -- be upgraded so. At this point is is your only choice you want -- -- phone. I'm and it has near field communication so we talked about -- -- to go and outages -- have the ability to use of wireless believe. You know -- equipped scam. Some kind of radio broadcaster radio chip to get information from your -- -- can be used to. To pay winter can be used to. Go buy a billboard and sort of get more information it's kind of like the take care rose version of the Q are -- almost. Yet -- something like that the demonstration that I've seen they can have this. But -- -- -- a card. That would have some information on and you -- your phone up against it -- it take you to a YouTube video -- is more information about the ginger -- create what they -- showing. The launch of the phone. So you'd see something like that maybe year in. You -- you -- in the maul each to Calvin Klein and that of scanning the cure our community to -- -- near the billboard in YouTube's -- he had. In video form or something like that there. So it seems that Steve and I mean you no -- -- have grown a lot bigger and a lot faster than a lot of people thought they would. That you know -- that you'd just need a camera for near field communication actually need to -- -- limits -- that specifically. Nothing you considered build and software. So. We'll have to wait and see how. How well that catches on. But not everything is good at the but the next assess. Should we have led you to believe that. On the Google but on the -- -- I was -- -- post from. Scott Webster where he outlines these six things not to -- -- about open access. So let's run through that first and I know that that Antuan. Passionate about the fresh yeah go ahead -- the advantages victimized every time among the so complaining about storage. But the next Vista and have a maker of the expansion. Now pretty much every Android phone at this point has had some sort of micro SD card for your your your. Large. Numerous storage uses so. The idea being that if you're tired of the sixteen gigs or -- -- -- -- proposed by 32 gate card. And -- -- that in there and get more capacity now the fifth -- of S. Doesn't have that it has sixteen megabyte -- -- -- gigabytes of memory total but -- internal non removable. And the gingerbread OS. Has sort of function that allows it to carve out a bit of that fifteen gigabytes and treated like a regular injury phone would use an SD card but -- not an actual. -- -- So here's the unit thinking about buying a nexus sets and and you know popping in a 32 gig of later you know who if the -- because you can get it right there into gigs rate. EM and your -- -- Cardin and you know having a lot of data you're kind of stuck -- -- Yes I mean it really anti user phone I think for 80% of people -- will not be a problem all -- think there are. The other 20% like you were using it you know for. Music and watching HD video and you just have a lot of data on their but I think. Most people probably don't end up having -- -- -- -- it's more -- Theoretical. -- -- over the theoretical complain a lot about not being able to swap the micro SD card and I haven't -- micro SD card -- -- and I just gonna deal with the fact that sixteen gave in and manage. My memory accordingly. In the -- like that idea that he was the bragging point and ahead of my iPhone friend. There -- -- like if I ever get tired of this fact go out and buy something effort that any dollars and have double the memory. I think -- a -- -- a bigger problem with most phone manufactures actually did nasty heart rate so I want just be like a camera where it can take a bunch pictures and -- the current out stick in my. Desktop or laptop and just -- pictures or view them or edit them from there but. Most -- -- in phones are like under the battery yeah I got the case and it's really just not a removable thing that. There have been a couple of issues -- in a couple situations where are being able to pop that card out -- actually Steve me a lot of time. For example. With that really related injury and teeth but you know they're critical time -- -- had to pull the card on my phone open to. A camera. Credit you know -- needed emergency card in that case and having that ability to. The -- they -- functional like that with again -- the bragging point. You know -- that the prisoner within the purview of an iPhone can do that and I think the date been my entry -- off the united -- to -- that -- An -- that's -- knowing well that doesn't bug me as much as the next one here. The nexus has has no way I'll -- the notifications. So what we meant that as a little LE delay that links to tell you have new mail Lawrence mass or whatever might be and I used -- Non stop at the camera actually addicted this late. Is costly tech uniforms played on -- new mail new passages. In a lot of -- -- -- allowing you to customize the color -- apathy can have a program in late for Twitter and you know no need to pick up my phone he tweets but then -- yellow light could mean. -- an email from work but I need to look at. Exactly. And India a of course the phone still be an ivory so still have those notification but the thing about nearly. So if you walk away from your phone do you do something you come back you can just look at it. Units sitting on your desk in know there's a -- it's waiting for you without having to -- been disturbed everywhere around you every ten minutes. Ray yet -- it also -- battery right and that turn on the screen every time -- you have something exactly in the screen of the biggest draw. On the battery in the entire. -- -- -- -- and I think that here is the biggest bummer for me at all of these six of the next one is five megapixel camera. And -- think you're gonna nit -- at this point there you know the it and it. -- and -- and article that he would really like you know something that's an eight point one megapixel camera like. You know HTC in -- -- in -- Motorola phones and or even the Sony Ericsson -- period extends. But -- -- pixels on a phone is. Still a lot of megapixels. I wrote about the megapixels and an -- that Santa's look at that Droid phone what does that. Three or. The point that something -- that it's garbage. Yet iMac camera -- garbage compared to you know. The original iPhone is like one megapixel -- took much better pictures exactly and -- mean to be honest like 90% -- -- the -- -- going to be. Reduced in size for the web anyway. It is I'm megapixels is enough to print like -- -- hand. Link if you're taking a picture to -- you're gonna blow it up to poster size you probably do it wrong anyway if you're -- -- if he said it has a garbage camera. I would give them. I'm an attitude and of Mercury -- And -- the next region is no HDMI output ordeal and -- and basically. You know the phone these days continue HD video pretty easily. And a lot of phone Booth -- has been you -- some sort of an HDMI. Out particulates you can attach the phone to. A -- can watch the HD video on a bigger screen or shake your digital photos with your friends -- Letterman of the crowd around a little or its screen. Or ideal native couple wireless version of that same thing that allowed to talk to even more kinds of devices. -- -- -- -- have any of that so. The few wanna watch an HD video with -- Everybody is gonna have to crowd around and look at that. The adrenaline display but if that's the only way the video's coming out. Can they fix the DOD donated software though I don't know at the hardware and I'm not entirely certain. Well. I don't know a little bomber and give this one. The next that a single core processor. Is -- saying hey isn't there yet are we have dual core processors yet why would you release phones today that only as a single core. Then -- content on -- element here. Yet he Yang if he could've waited -- -- -- that is kind of appoint -- all his nitpick here or most of them. So not that might -- he won enough though -- do you want but besides that. This is clearly a 2010 phone and out of 2011 phone look -- that you know it's maybe coming out a little too late in sort of the life cycle. Phones. You know it's -- of -- the end of an era of a single core. New four G phone. Then I -- Also this is gonna VD reference phone. And -- for the next iteration of injury that kind of how. All the software that was developed into when he and with kind of developed to the Nexus One derailment this one then they would either run better than nor pretty unit on every other phone. And I think that -- -- next year. When when. The nexus -- is the reference phone too which software is being developed and -- -- and when your dual core phones come out next year than those just run better. But it you know this kind of like the bar that's been -- and then he would want to build phones after that that are. Better than or even have more more features and then more power to -- -- -- Right so minimum. Requirement phone essentially exactly that mean it's it's still gonna be a very powerful I mean processor and at uses it is. Gonna be speedy yet I mean it's not taken away from what it is -- he's a pretty high bar has been sent -- the next generation but still just a bar. -- So let's take a look at what is actually in this phone in terms the OS to gingerbread was released. It's only currently available on this phone. -- -- pretty cool stuff in there. Just a dual core who's been on -- times did a rundown of what's inside junior Brad on the astronauts' dialogue -- the -- going to. -- first off it has its. More gaming features. Direct access to open GL -- and audio. And it takes advantage of the gyroscope. -- -- -- basically allowing game developers to sort of created slicker more faster -- games maybe some of these features are aimed for the PlayStation phone -- Also offers developers. Ability to do what calls via sip of business and -- -- the right he protocol it's pretty much when the main standards that there. And there's -- lottery is that Google Voice would allow you to make calls via sip as wealthy -- Use your phone. To make and receive calls. With Google Voice not over you know regular phone lines. Or using your cellular minutes but actually just over the Internet. That would be -- And add support for web them video which is schools. Video compression standard America it is to compete with the HT 64. Personally I don't think that they know there are an integral part of that's. Another discussion. -- So as we talk about the added near field communications into gingerbread and he -- hardware export this. Is built in -- and you have the best feature. The best -- what -- that. Updated text selection for copy and -- the anybody their reasoning for bone try to select text using your finger tip. News fitted to complete pain in the butt -- -- and only release phones that have sort of track pad for -- for -- that can accurately isolate exactly take that you need. The new -- -- literary game that is like. The at times how quickly you can select to give them. Text India. Of a very -- game on either but -- -- select the word planning though as it'd be like was that I think edited. Lubricant on the third pro -- you type to kill zombies but it keeps you -- their type of hospital feel like after that -- -- collection. Yet -- that the view we have updated take Fletcher can be paid and a new keyboard that's gonna support. A new virtual keyboard. There's gonna support things like multi touch and and also be a little bit more accurate you know like the route by spacing in. Edited Q were looks for -- the copy and paste is huge I can't tell you how many times that wanted to throw it one of the window because it couldn't copy what I wanted I -- it basically has made me. As -- of copy something go to my computer to finish that he milk. Or whatever it happens to be. Yeah a lot of times it's just after the copy lake you know the entire stint in the new just delete the words in front of and behind what you're doing and to -- -- try to copy and Heath. The same thing over and over again in the -- the tech Republican or. Right afterward than there's also a new -- update to the killer feature for phones that have front facing camera -- the -- -- you can now lets you record video from the front camera and -- of the -- and -- -- -- back and forth between those like. But if like -- -- and red -- whenever I can do and real time of the in this respect for a while you're recording. Don't know that -- -- As with pattern of what -- wanted to record from the front is Amber's is that without a thought portrait. The -- here are still definitely digital on the screen video blogs yeah video blogs as well. Low quality video books and Africa today that lead to sacrifice the quality for the -- -- -- -- -- -- One thing that's kind of cool I don't know if it actually would work very well and -- see it is. With the new keyword you can actually do make -- -- switched to voice vote to make -- tax correction. -- -- points out. Some other things in here -- as a new download manager. Thanks him for updates which is probably a good thing is the -- it's handled now -- Orally at best tickets sometimes say they choose to download it. You know ten update though want from the phone grinds to a halt as it has to -- -- simultaneously. You. It seems like it will limit that -- one -- two at a time. We have the talked about the support for webcam video -- -- -- -- his -- for VP eight video. They Edison new power management that closes CPU -- apps. -- -- Deals and here we're within its as easy as the APS the corporate and there's we are talking of the terrorist group and -- -- of gravity and barometer. Below -- a barometer. I don't know bizarrely. Snicker at local weather and -- play music while what you need -- brother -- Well against rejoin your phone to do everything on it -- -- and I'm gonna figure something. I'm sure there'll be some pretty cool in the case. And gravity. A passport for gravity was I mean like in a sense that here on alarm is falling on the moon. -- and I understood community with constant. Who -- determine the you're. Unit the -- combination with the gyroscope I would. Material to -- movement and actor walkman treat it two -- Maybe somebody decides they wanna send an -- -- and space. Like Ethiopia. Earlier in the Nexus One without Treo and now we have support for work and -- relative the but that. Tech company G forces that are applied against you when your -- -- answer fighter pilots can use this. Yeah we're -- -- prosperity. Games and something. At at its core -- the nexus -- there's basically a very specialized. Samsung. Member of the galaxy at Amylin and we got the news about. Well -- now with the rest of those as well and I say with area. Take away like it -- funny thing that they've actually shipped three million galaxy yes Smartphones. Since the launch. And efforts on -- -- been able to -- a million. The galaxy yet have. -- yeah -- -- that's pretty impressive. -- fine I read somewhere that -- in this story that they had to take him. One of the top if not the top places in the US has Smartphone manufacturers. Released recently been. It doesn't stores but certainly they have. -- Samsung S strategy has really paid off you know I think they really tried to simplify. The product line. Which has been a big problem and -- -- world and then I think you know its work and but it's not just Samsung it's not a lot of phones and it's actually. Everybody -- So according to a tweet from. Andy Rubin the -- did. The intra division at Google they are now activating over 300000 phones that day which equates to 9000800. Phones per month. So that according to the last numbers from Steve Jobs which has 270000. -- west devices today. For a day. You know hundred may have pulled ahead here. We don't have a new update number -- Weston also these are totally apples to apples -- who only counts of official and derided. Devices and they're not -- -- Any sort of things that aren't phones. Such as -- Sampson tab. -- the Archos tablet or anything like that whereas Apple is. Catching anything that runs IOS their beliefs that I the iPod Touch. So it's not completely apples to apples very clearly we have -- sort of -- connect rates here. It's funny how they keep won an upbeat one -- each other in -- the numbers just keep getting more and more ridiculously large. And I gotta release have a handle -- -- how many potential Smartphone buyers are but -- mean at some point you're activating nine million phones a month. Are you gonna ran out of people's health growth -- -- if not -- if you blow it by -- cloned -- we. Talk that some shocking number last week were it was like 70% of people in the US still absent feature found on Smartphones that seems like there's a huge amount of people left -- to -- As -- especially in irrationally. Where Sony people around it's -- Symbian based feature phones. As a lot of room for growth there. Internationally as well it's a lot of these prepaid phones though a lot of -- -- mom grandma and -- -- you know Lander is getting big and prepaid world. So I think then -- the a lot of a lot more growth happening in the hundred world there. And speaking of growth V. Use of mobile data by Android users has been growing and growing and growing. Com so that according to a recent study from network management -- -- The -- so. Android users are use the most of -- some of any other Smartphone users. So they -- -- to stand -- couple different categories. An underage users. Have higher usage -- both iPhone three G and four users they looked at Samsung galaxy. Users for example. Typically upload 126%. More -- -- iPhone three users -- an HTC desire users download 41% more data than iPhone three G users -- So that is the -- more. You know I think we have a couple. Theories for this one. That I have this as. It is kind of at this point a different. Set of users I think -- users window or a lot more tech so there is doing a lot more on their phone. Some of it may have to do with the networks. Obviously. Com there's been problems with AT&T network the sole provider of iphones. So that maybe you just can't get. -- month's data to your phone as you can with an Android phone. I'm gonna take a lot of iPhone users and of using Wi-Fi and a lot of -- users just use their data or as it works -- this study. I believe did not look at what I use it Packard who have account for the different patient years. And my theory is that kind of -- -- that. Among iPhone users and I guess even an Apple there's more of a focus on local historic data. In the iPhone is is very easy to get. Your music onto an iPhone -- easy to get a movie onto the iPhone. As you can download the things on your computer using the iTunes software and sync them over USB is not really -- need to do. Of for a lot of -- that's not need to do a lot of pulling down of loosen media palm over that data connection verses on the -- though there is no kind of centralized. Like iTunes have repository of being able to download local data your computer and -- can be done but stiff. Not really built and -- -- at least anecdotally with the people that I know a lot of people I. Ask about. How they use their phones you know the end of doing things like using a lot more pandora. For listening to their music or watch a lot more YouTube video of birth is downloading trailers on their computer and sync in the -- Way yeah and I think that's definitely true that that is a great point about. How people are using the phone. That it'll be it's teensy when I found on resonance that number -- not yet or when they come out with the -- equivalent. Such as Winamp. Very. And I mean -- ever bring the double twist and I mean again they actually just you know the really cool update that allows wireless syncing and make them a really good kind of iTunes competitor I mean it did in a lot of ways that software is better than iTunes but again it's subject to go out your -- -- and -- -- -- media her entry phone. Which at Apple and that means -- pick up her injury prone than somebody would have to tell her to -- double twist. It winters which you plug your phone -- it wouldn't automatically prompter to download double twist now. Wreck that seems like an inch barrier for manufacturers to differentiate themselves -- shipping one of those who have with the phone -- -- one point one of the manufacturers was kind of thing you know when you secure entry of phone home download double -- liquid -- was when it was the may have been. And -- mobile. There was also. One that came up to urinate frequently touted originally from Motorola but of such a pizza junk I'm learned nothing and it was he just never even opened with TV accuses TD. And -- in the -- worth keeping an answer. -- -- offer may have downloaded from their site. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- coming up after the break we're gonna talk about he best Android tablet ever. That we've seen so far. -- will be right back. Molly -- and practically inviting you to join us for the 2010 edition of cnet's holiday help desk that happens every Monday at 1 PM Pacific 4 PM eastern starting November 22. It's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift -- as we take your live calls and we feel your emails in fact when. Send us an email right now holiday helped -- at cnet.com and along with the rest of cnet's editors will point you to the right product at the right -- Holiday help desk Mondays at 1 PM Pacific time starting November 22 at cnet.com slash life. Welcome back so -- feel like this week Andy Rubin and a -- show for us pretty much so I was thinking that right came -- via. Thanks -- you've -- come on the show next week in just you know. Let's hear from the horse's mouth or as. Handwritten me likes to call him the godfather. -- -- -- right. Doesn't -- like the godfather type. Soon this week. Andy was at. The and -- say this -- books pretty hot to me. -- -- it looks like he's serious contender. In the tablet wars of course it's not -- yet mrs. This is very early look at it there's no dates for when it would come out probably will be officially announced I guess some time. You know early next year maybe it's the S com. But it has a lot of cool features. You know first evolved it has -- display so -- -- same size as the iPad. -- dual core one gigahertz tegra two processor dual cameras a front facing camera. And support for the Verizon LTE network. So pretty. Nice feature -- there. This kind of like the nexus asks is can be there're also a reference tablet they. -- are working really closely and you really emphasize this with sort of all the different parties involved. They took our approach is that some with Apple where they picked their partners. And then build a lead devised to develop the next OS known so that developers every day -- working to come have -- -- working on that are. It's sitting on a desk bound to the partners again we've mentioned Fries and as the carrier Motorola's actually built in hardware and Nvidia is powering. The you know chips that it. Here are -- the rumored -- concluded that -- -- lifted. You know right now it's just the mystery Motorola and running -- -- honeycomb rate but the -- names on the list include Motorola sting -- -- -- Motorola Everett. My favorite Motorola moto had. Moto pad -- because they do anything except for a -- -- gamma pad in the derivative. They -- the RAZR tablet. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Openly and with but it -- an -- well they have the rim playbook. That doesn't open. Well the rim and on the -- the -- Media facility that's here like this coming -- for the iPad to -- Oh we haven't -- on the at -- Q there's been rumors of late march of next year is -- -- matters it's gonna be announced it is definitely this will come out I rule. Say almost for sure before. -- this will be announced almost for sure before it -- -- The iPad. -- -- -- -- -- -- I think they'll be -- -- the same time around CS I think this it'll come out first I would guess this'll amount went February. And when we think that that's gonna come out my June -- July. Maybe with them in a little well there's only been one initiative to his schedule -- nonetheless would amount I -- -- accident and -- no idea. But I I think there's a -- first. I think then it's gotta be imminent for them to have actually show it this detailed this in depth. And it's a really good -- of hi ray as photos. Of this. There were taken out at the conference and I don't know I think -- it looks really nice business and rounded corners and the screen looks really ged. As part of his little demo. He also showed off the new Google Maps right. No. Google Maps for mobile five -- it probably gonna be that mean this is the fifth version and it. Basically. Looks kind of the same at first. But there are some really serious kind of underlying changes. For example leave it the previous versions basically kind of -- -- and when you would like Zuma the map you'd see the map can popular eating at tiles on its neighbors and switches over to a raster based -- -- -- -- vector based graphics. So that basically the data for the -- takes up. A lot less space so it -- who stream off of the cloud a lot -- There threat vector based graphics just. You know -- 102 tutorial are sort of all based on mathematical equation raised yet actually story every pixel in what -- is so if the points for the corners of the buildings instead of the actual ingredient in a bit of information about the brick on the building -- -- -- kind of thing -- you know instead of taking up. You know a couple of -- megabits for the map data for certain area will be reduced to a couple he'll -- the ability to do. Keep the points. The -- of that is that the maps actually -- life after they should run a lot faster on hardware like you know the the of the Nvidia processor that's gonna be in the new Motorola had. And and also in -- of the newer phones. You also get 3-D map data here so you'll be able to use like multi touch to easily zoom in and now also kind of -- down on the ground in and -- it Munich and that. We really change your perspective and he gives a demo of that in the the moto pad demo abrasive tilts back and forth and it has a really cool perspective right now that that's not even the cool thing. What schools -- the coolest thing if offline caching. Because that's the biggest problem with cloud based maps is that once you lose your connection you lose your maps. And so because there's so little data that have to be sent over the of the connection now. -- leave it actually -- a large amount of the map around where you walk so you for example losers signal or go into a subway tunnel. And you'd need to have -- routes your trip you'll be able to do that without having to go back on reconnect. And that's actually. One of my biggest problems with any sort of place. Streaming from the cloud for to map services that you know when you. -- in the mountains or a -- you know group group tunnel into. A different part of the town and -- been a lot of time underground you don't really actually to keep your -- then. Can be initiative -- -- -- that. That's pretty exciting what his error. Her release state. Soon soon fade soon and then also it'll gonna be in beta -- yet and in even -- -- pretty much come to any phone that's newer than the original Motorola Droid all the features won't be now for example the Nexus One doesn't really have. Some sort of processing power to handle the multi touch like zooming of 3-D -- so hopefully won't get that feature. Where is there is actually a list that we published on cnet.com of the phones that'll definitely -- ample experience. Cool well. -- -- sad about that I really liked the idea of having offline access to those in -- we talked at a couple. -- recently -- used that are paid apps that Willie download -- of the entire map if they. Three is better read only better you yeah homes and so -- he finished yet the news this week. LG is teaming up is a really changed in her at thank. -- VMware. To. Do virtualization on their phones. When I need -- the exact clones that is watt thanks for asking and well. T I think he's case here seems a lot is a lot of people carry around two -- -- -- care -- -- -- apparently phones but that the different there. A lot of people carry around their work phone and their home phone has. The work phone is Blackberry and it's free round of correspond to security and has their work phone number and and they have their home phone number. Benevolent fund stuff and lot of people have been trying to solve this problems sprint have there. They announce -- ETA Cameron was called the side the users to point battery that -- -- -- different. Environments for work and home from. But that is what VMware's trying to do your -- -- have entirely different instances of your phone. For work and home. That were basically VM so that you would. They could have different phone numbers and different calendars -- -- -- be distinctly different so if your work needs to really sick here. You're -- to your corporate I T departments as you need to have password and you need to do this -- the other thing. No problem but that's -- limited to this one BM and -- every -- -- -- no password magnet. In all sorts of indecent is opposed and also it's crazy things going -- the you know the thing. No I -- gonna use its -- That that thing you notes to these. This interesting. That the the idea of carrying two phones around and one and they can pull it off. It will likely be very cool I think it'll -- you really think -- -- -- -- to -- event you actually know a lot of people who carry around an iPhone and a Blackberry and Android and a Blackberry. Because there. Office requires you know. You know -- the security of one sort of phone. And not the other and so the -- to be able to combine. You know maybe not in a Blackberry Android phone into one but it only to injury phones with different. -- -- -- very. Discrete from one another very cool. Yet definitely -- merely -- fifteen and see how this plays out what people and of doing with net. You know might be good for development or -- means it can run your apps and a little -- -- and crashes. You'd be okay. First up Google books at Google announced this is not specifically and entertain. There is Lander component to this CE book reader as those any bookstore. And to have apps for -- iPhone -- -- web apps. Status of each -- five days so it's really you know it it's pretty can parable policy to the Kindle app. It just gives you another choice and others -- in a Google. Like generated return like Amazon is trying to be everywhere possible. And you know this is competing bookstores so people are gonna have their preferences. Similar early reviews -- -- it's nice but it's a little slower. And slightly -- here from the Amazon. App. One thing I -- in -- -- it didn't on my phone support both portrait and landscape mode it only only did portrait. -- Amazon. Would actually rotate. But of -- that it does this syncing between devices and stuff like. So. In the next thing is Comcast released a free -- -- -- for. -- -- -- And this is actually gonna tie into their -- -- service that -- do to do things. Like access your home voice mail on from the app. With your Android phone you'll be able to synchronize your address book. And and also programming manager DVR recordings those routes to places a that -- -- -- -- -- on the night and you go -- like edit program written but at the winner there. -- that remotely managing the path the other wedded to the minute to -- they put that put it bulletin the -- -- to get the top. It is that you're with built ninth the UVRs with -- deal about. I think that's the winner of the new apps this week though I personally think that winner of a new apps the suite is the seven -- -- via. Because if you're driving around in your like hey where can I get that cherries -- be. This is the app for you not only does tell you where it'll closes 7-Eleven is it tells you. What flavors they have -- that. Pacific 7-Eleven. And that is important. That's very important I don't know how they get that data and but the resolution on the -- movement. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yet it's -- apparently it also remember of the east European nation reward program will keep track of -- -- -- -- codes and that you browse purchased items from their reward store. The fact there is a thirteen nations -- program -- a little odd to me. -- you not Unita members now. I'm not. On a platinum member. Aren't so this app is actually one that -- was really excited about the Plantronics. Conference call out. Which is I am totally forgotten the name of with -- that was called. But when it actually does is skiing you install it it scans your calendar. It's called Plantronics instant meeting and will find all the conference called numbers the having -- calendar and then to review one touch access to. Allow them enter codes and passwords. Without them having to do all so. Here in the car -- -- -- a conference call it really handles all that with one parent has posted getting into enactment. How ever however I'd try this on five different conference call in my. Calendar in -- worked on none of them well he tracked them did to test burn to death earth. You yeah running genuine. -- -- -- know they do damage deaths. Thankfully that. -- I love the idea would be great if they actually have this. You know it didn't work so maybe maybe in the next version. And finally some late breaking news courtesy of -- dual core. Email a CT exactly so they have a Arabic -- Canada's priority inbox feature and they had a in the last Gmail update four and -- But apparently it's a lot better now. I guess it. But she used as a better should display of that. Complexity can even -- a dvd for notification and your phone depending on if you got priority mail -- is just you know. Whatever non priority -- -- please -- -- more of an emphasis on that just basically trying to get people. To use it. -- it mean if it is the end of the previous version that I voiced. The I don't think it's kind of brought to the forefront. Because they cannot start to focus on more of making email smarter. And deciding what emails are important where you are not and puts it in. The little more prominent positioning -- -- So they also make some changes. To the U -- -- around -- Which is in the replying buttons at least for me the current version Oracle's own and -- awkward and -- to use. That against the veteran. Com so check that out thanks for sending that in Jessica. -- on too he may know as -- get an email from. Someone whose name and imposed an air. -- that. He says hey it. -- -- this -- actually from Lifehacker hand and when act as an add on to -- but it turns out in the marketplace marketplace. Actually works with. -- who search who lean and that basically means that instead of a plus or minus a point that the failure -- so. It's really hard for me to find stuff -- market a lot times you get to the our results. -- -- considered exclude. Certain. Things they don't -- an example they've given -- you could search for. You know. -- You know a lot of times will be themes for something so. -- sent for example -- that's mass app that I used tickets are her hands and then put a minus themes he wouldn't get all the teams were. Minus fonts you wouldn't get all the fonts use that the particular app. I guess his -- says -- do as well. Great I mean like for example if you -- currently there's. There's angry very for -- there is an Angry Birds like active wallpaper and you can dude you wanna do through the lake and -- birds minus wallpaper and it would eliminate. That one. -- that -- like to use is that there are a couple of other kind of undocumented operator that she can use. The one that -- -- uses that the pub operator though it it. At the beginning of your search kind of like how in Gmail you can do cite pole in -- input a specific site to limit your search to just that fight. You can use the pub operator. To limit to a specific publisher so if you're looking for Google Maps and you want to go straight to Google's Google Maps not. Google Maps third party application ready to do that ten dollars via the -- -- coal and Google. And then maps and it'll take you straight to Google through maps or if you're looking again for Angry -- you can -- of rubio. Angry Birds and it'll take you straight to the actual Angry Birds that not all of the -- one. Or an Angry Birds -- -- that -- five dollars. A record I don't know if the -- but I. -- that does by the way they have cheap videos on the site for free. It here yet they do you -- -- -- about Karachi walkers now they have walked you're an idiot I've never -- of course. -- all right -- of that does it for this week. He have email. Such as predictions for -- -- eleven you can send them to enter an analyst at cnet.com. To follow us on -- -- Android atlas for this show and all sorts of crazy awesome Android news watches every week Thursday to PM Pacific cnet.com slash lives. -- of -- cnet.com slash Android atlas. That'll do it thanks for joining us. -- though we'll see you next week.

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