Ep. 1463: Imagine the Earth wrapped in Honey
Ep. 1463: Imagine the Earth wrapped in Honey

Ep. 1463: Imagine the Earth wrapped in Honey

Pullout he sees our name bios 2011 my -- Stephen -- cells. I'm Darren -- -- well. I think it's a little -- this he had Bryant's all -- -- the buzz out loud is cnet's podcast that it's permanently happy cinco denial everybody we. We were being culturally and says that though we did -- -- you know we started to show up the pre feel a little bit of three amigos action. In a little bit them -- -- book let my little butter cup as a isn't that -- the class the death of -- -- -- out of gas but you -- we did we did -- birthday to all of our you know. Listeners on X in this Spanish descent that we want to celebrate cinco -- -- -- -- -- nationally in the United States and in Mexico and most importantly. Don't get it makes public Mexico's Independence Day. Because that's it's -- data celebrate next inherited Mexican heritage and pride -- -- wanna give a -- to all of our listeners and celebrate with they. Now will be sentenced -- device treatments continent. While I that we celebrate independence for drinking all the time as an elegant. Yet. Bluntly it just like it that's with Canadians -- they've got the what -- it -- you for weekend early or. I hope -- -- Astro Mike in the projects like -- think the 24 but other called the Q4 weekend because up there and to force a case of beer. And I love that idea. IIS celebrated -- mile by -- fast cinco last night. Movie is -- and loved it. -- -- -- I was I want on my Mac that doesn't -- -- -- pretty sure it's a movie before was wasn't that the same as the fourth one. In -- it is in there partners in this active -- -- -- -- a formula that works right. If you if you -- the public to -- this is by far in my mind. The best one but you know we're gonna stop trying to pass by because we've got a lot of stories here and now we're gonna continue to -- -- More of the fallout and the developing story of the anonymous or potential. Anonymous hacked on the Sony PlayStation network anonymous came out today to deny their involvement in the PlayStation network credit -- that. They've released a statement that said if a legitimate and honest investigation a credit card that has conducted. Anonymous will not be found liable while we are distributed and centralized group our leadership does not condone credit card debt. We're concerned with erosion of privacy and fair use and the spread of corporate legalism and other things and you know it's not -- calling card team. Go after credit cards that hasn't been the case but Sony. Now in their letter to congress. In their statement and it's a pretty. On their servers -- was planted. During the attack and it was named anonymous. It's -- containing. The the phrase we are legion which is part of anonymous is trademark which is we are anonymous we are legion we do not forgive. We do not forget expect deaths. -- -- -- curious that whoever whether they were related to notice -- not just like that single line. It's almost like they were so they might have been trapped I had said this -- -- first -- that an honest does have to kind of take. Not direct responsibility but some responsibly for first of all getting hackers -- -- The PlayStation -- the try to take it -- it that draws attention from other people other data. They had -- anonymous have gotten together to view -- distributed denial of service attack against the Sony services and I denial of -- attack isn't. You know not to belittle the impact that has on a service when your hit by one. But it isn't necessarily that sophisticated. Really it's just. A you get a ton of people that use a lot of your resources and then you just can't serve up your regular users anymore. This is something completely different the that the breach in the stealing of the data. I just don't you note that I haven't seen that from are anonymous do something like this before. And it's it's in -- that. Although anonymous is not really a centralized -- -- they have many arms many. I don't wanna say kids and their parents bedroom and -- not let you know -- there is no central focus to them. And so for them to an -- to come out and respond with some sort of statement -- represented in the group. When let's be honest there a group of fragmented individuals yeah exactly it's it's. -- Sony Sony put on their name they're -- -- name. And then on the other hand you have a lot of gamers or users where now a little pissed that anonymous because you can imagine them just thinking there associated with this whole thing. Right well I mean you could imagine like one person that's involved to the anonymous. If we're to go in do something like this leave a calling card. Speaking on behalf of the rest of the group how -- -- how and on ops would feel about that. But I guess that's what happens when you have a you know a group like that. Just the dynamic of it. So Sony again. When they crafted their statement they did not outright saying. Anonymous was at the heart of the attack they. They alluded to the fact of their involvement and then when anonymous released their statement. They never outright claim that viewers the -- stealing the credit cards but he also -- it outright claim that they were part. Of the attention that was brought to the Sony PlayStation network so. -- -- Ultimately what do we want we want peers and to be back up and this story able for the most part probably go away after that point so. Yellow they're spending lots of money and time on you know really beefing up the network they've -- Many of red teams and and -- guys over there doing in all of the analysis all of the and all of that intrusion detection -- and -- this stuff anyway yeah so hopefully they come back in this is never an issue again. Yeah and also what other web sites having issues last passing you guys are -- with them -- service that is. A plug in that you can add -- your browser that sits in the right hand corner that manages all your passage there. Password through their own password management system very similar to one password -- -- passive use those who -- I definitely -- password. I did I did use that for quite a time but let it happen -- users who manages their -- to pass through to the service. They're being asked and forced by last passed to change their master password after the site noticed an issue. That are raised attention to the possibility of security breach. Right they saw an anomaly in the database -- they -- and they say they see anomalies and -- tropical of the time. But this one when they saw in their -- -- as well it kind of -- them into the that they had possibly. Identified a breach and -- the they've got -- see and -- saying we'd rather be paranoid and slightly inconvenient. And than you'd have to decent more sorry leader. And yeah I mean that's great that they're being proactive although it sounds like they're also done little bit overwhelmed by the amount of people that are trying to change -- last past password for the moment. -- set up a special system for you to be able do that but they're asking that. If you haven't been ask specifically by them to change your password to hold off until everybody else get the chance -- Now have a question for you when it -- Based on the community because I'm you know let's be honest I'm not around the hacking community as much what it what is there what are some of their main motivations. For doing these things we kind of understand anonymous is because. There you know their content. Think about this is a black hat okay there's is one place where everyone is storing and in encrypted form. Then all of her passwords for all of their site -- you wanna be security focus -- and be conscious and be like okay. I'm going to have a different password on every single study is Brian Tong use a different browser and every single site. -- I hate it almost. Okay. Okay so. So if you were to use a different one that -- its -- so many such we have to log into and there's no simple answer like FaceBook connector or. Going back a decade Microsoft passport or anything like that. So the idea that you'd have to remember all that passwords you eat you wanna give it to a trusted you know some people wanna give it to a trusted site. A trusted source like I -- for one password were here last past. And that's great because it it will automatically you know -- does in for you it makes easier -- that you only have one master password. Except -- -- having to just. Nullified the whole point of having a different password for every site if you have one master password. And of backing pact if if that database over last -- can be taken then well and they got everything. Why I mean I understand -- hackers hackers can -- in anything but what's really their motivation is it just for is it more for fun or just the challenge of it. It depends I think well there's different philosophies right you have anonymous that Tenet tries to associate their targeted attacks with. Some sort of I don't wanna -- social cause but if anyone's being you know held down -- Free speech is that it at the heart of the issue in certain cases. But the -- triangle after those organizations -- -- you know they went after PayPal because they were shutting down -- -- -- who is releasing information. Yet anonymous is kind of like your -- how activist if you will as much I hate the term but unit. The idea of the hacker is -- you don't penetrate the systems and and break that's stuffed in a responsible manner. To shed light to the you know vulnerabilities -- to developers exploit. But and then not necessarily for profit I mean sure you know it's fun. But. You know through responsible disclosure all of that the whole idea is never -- You know tell it to be malicious now that's not to say that the same techniques can't be used by what we liked call crackers. That do this stuff for whatever financial gain and there's plenty to be had especially when. -- -- you're going after a place where people will potentially keep the passwords for. He -- sensitive sites like banking sites and I you know corporate intranet where there is plenty of intellectual property of steel. In a hypnotic in the chat -- that they are digital -- but I think one thing that's you have to really be clear about is. The hacker term isn't. I'm necessarily a negative -- now not -- any of hackers that are. Actually working on behalf of companies and encryption said in you know vulnerabilities to light we've seen it and we call them we call -- security researchers and gotten -- -- actors that have paychecks yeah and out. Better -- did -- for -- for the goodwill yes. But -- you know so these things -- the Apple we're not. I think right now because on intrusions into networks and services -- so hot right now. That's it that's why weren't what coming this one as well ledges we -- -- also let customers of last -- be aware of what's happening so addicting that. Right because -- -- you know one of things that I'm noticing is that as -- hacks in warm or publicize these really sophisticated ones come to light. Which really you know makes you wonder how many will that never came to light right -- something like as sophisticated as stocks net. And then everybody now it -- when anybody get the data breach. Do you know they go on this like all my gosh you must've been like. You know ridiculously sophisticated hackers to our network is slow sixty -- you know. That's it's a trend that -- -- thing. Think that. There around the so we have so we'll see -- that one the one thing when you talk about how. How secure a note is yesterday when the house had a hearing on Sony's PlayStation network. What genes -- who's a professor of computer science are pretty. Said that on forums and boards there were people warning that Sony's networks were unpacked and had no firewall installed three months before the attack. Yeah that's that's not not that's outside the stormy there is -- -- to be like now we don't know we can't. MyTouch to let others are worried okay that's a story that happened many many times before it's like I went to the vendor. I told the news and secure they didn't listen to me or -- gavel fix that a year went by. Now -- hacker con and and given a talk on you know and that's a story that that happens over and over. So I'd hopefully so -- really Sony to get their stuff together but and it's definitely it's obviously opening a lot of eyes for a lot of companies out there now in a deal. That and a piqued my interest. FaceBook and Google are Moline the a Skype deal and this would be independently they're centrally concerned a tie with Skype after. The video web conference service delayed its initial public offering. That's according to sources with knowledge of the situation. -- -- -- -- -- Now. We've seen -- video chat is integrated itself -- in a variety of services but the Skype. I feel like. As you've seen platforms like facetime and bringing in quick Skype -- become less and less relevant really yummy meaning meaning. The whole video converts seen phenomena is now available in so many other platforms that's Skype. Has you know the whole international called being been able to use it as a patent as well I'm just and I feel like they're less and less relevant as they used to be not that they are no longer and but you a lot of people are due you know but since they the -- only. Since they were one of the first to do it really well and became synonymous with video conferencing for a lot of people. Don't you think that that still you know gives them the market share like you know even on. I was just watching an episode of thirty rock and I don't know NBC paid -- and were paid to say that literally. -- -- Skyping with would it was one of the other cast members on thirty rock and it's like. You know it's it's kind of in fact I've heard in a few other places where -- -- her Skype has has just become like regular term here. Skype Skype -- thing about them though is how how and if they're really. Really making money then because you have to companies like FaceBook who's still trying to figure out a revenue model. Aunts and Skype who still has yet to IPO it's been delayed and it maybe it has been delayed because companies are trying to debate on whether to scoop them up. There -- -- -- IPO is expected to raise them out. A billion dollars but I think just building in the if you take Skype and then just build in the video functionality of Skype into something like FaceBook -- Google platform. Will Google already had asked Google has actually an English I -- accelerate so. -- -- there is -- C Google wanting to purchase Skype is just the same way that they purchased YouTube you know when Google purchased YouTube there he had Google Video is just that YouTube was -- where everybody is. And how much of that YouTube stuff. You know do you think right now is the underlying technology. You know Google Video -- Google engineers in particular. So you would be interesting to see. In -- Google acquiring Skype. And and -- in agreeing that with Gmail platform there's already huge user base. And let's let's first let's remember also Skype. Was purchased by eBay and eBay did -- really know what to do with them -- that. Maybe they were trying to look at some sort of the immigration with -- -- deals but whatever they did too and how they acquired Skype they do they let them loose because it. Did you know what to do with them so I think a good point that's only some charities in might be good time for Skype to sell because as the market dynamics are changing yes this is really their -- -- -- The outbreak has really done what what exactly is that the Skype is offering that there isn't like you say with -- with the blatantly plug and all a look at. I mean is actually -- at this point it seems because. He noted what. And and the idea that -- Skype. You know needs to find that that revenue model yes I understand they need a revenue model but really they're operating costs have got to be super low because of just the fundamental way in which Skype works it's distributed you know I mean sure they've got a couple of servers and when I'm sure they have -- You know data center or whatever but it's not. Is how ridiculous because not every call is going through them they're not have to process all of that that data and all that video. So we'll see we'll see what happens with Skype but at least right now FaceBook and Google are looking at at them and -- -- smart. Mean they need to make a little cash on and connected. Our guys are gonna take a break -- we will be back will be -- about Intel's 3-D transistor of the future. And their processors and -- how they hope that'll help them gain some market share in mobile device. Welcome back to buzz out loud everybody brands -- here in the house Darren Kitchen -- -- Five Darren joining us today as those even beat -- run in the show as usual. Alright guys over and -- and over to Intel and yesterday they released their first 3-D transistor structure. But they're gonna be -- in a high volume production this is being called the structure itself has been called tri gate and will be the first to using chips manufactured with the 22 nanometer process. Their colosio's. At the moment. Process and it changed their completely flat but what they wanna do is to elevate. And create these vertical fins. That allow these and allow these chips to be of more low voltage chips smaller and faster to produce. And would help the and the -- performance in energy efficiency now this is. This is interesting more than anything because not only gaining performance and power consumption advantages but for them to evolves their chip design. And really try and make it a compelling reason for not only that. They pretty much for the most part have the desktop PC market locked down right but where they've struggled to make gains and gain ground. Is in the portable mold of mobile devices market that is exploding more than any other one. And arm is really where we're seeing the most of the growth -- those embedded devices as mobile devices. You know in fact I think we're even going to see you know Microsoft operating systems other than their phone ones. You know. Supporting the arm processor so if Intel route is going to you know is is gonna get in on this with something new they've got it you know make -- move now and this move is probably one of the biggest fundamental shifts in the way that silicon wafers has been -- I've seen in a long time -- mean we've seen. The drop down from 65 nanometers to whatever -- there is allow -- right. But but the idea that -- were actually right you -- we can come up with. A huge amount in new surface area. Like changing the layout of the chip in this 3-D chip is just phenomenal just you know how much more surface area gets so called -- thing. The transistors can be on the side and a top -- the other side he's got so many more pathways for the circuits and everything. I think it's gonna be beautiful and you can imagine they deflect growing give you enough. This is -- so it's if you look at a transistor there's this Canada's -- He was like up a walkway that the conducting channel that's always been flat but what they're now doing is ciresi -- conducting channel so you now have three sides. Tenet to stream through there on instead of -- -- -- -- now like. A rectangle or like a like a Lincoln along with -- with three sides that -- can use that to create extra energy flowing through. So we will see how this how discos and -- they really have become a with a compelling right now -- really attacked the mobile device I had an Apple may be looking at them as well they've been talking about that for awhile. The fact that they're gonna be able to make these 22 nanometer chips 37%. More power efficient but that's already like huge gains and if there's any -- that we need. It's in the power efficiency of these -- were already. -- -- We've got chips are run just about everything it's it's not it's not -- performance -- -- -- the battery life you know -- little mobile devices flake itself from that'll make it through day. Knowing -- costlier -- they -- at the point where I. Since I don't look at what these things can lead the power in anything these they still -- been tapped out yet. And that since until -- was tool two gigahertz so it's it's 22 gigahertz chips coming out tunis Smartphone is -- a -- oh. Not -- last half hour and typically come on you're gonna. That's Helio we'll keep our eyes on this but the platform is gonna be called ivy bridge and their first ivy ridge products will be introduced in their client and server products sometime. By 2012. But they wouldn't give any specific dates and eventually they're hoping to make their way in a smaller gadgets like tablets Smartphones and embedded devices. I think they they had said in their statement somewhere that they already have about 35. Products that plan to roll out with these chips portable products in the future of colors there were no dates given out we don't we're gonna -- -- Read -- their factories as well just to be able to produce these. Although it's interesting to see that it's only going to add that they can they claim two to 3% of the cost of production for each wafer near -- Now that's that's not too insignificant I was -- deluged. Increase in performance or power. But they get when -- Also the Wall Street Journal is launching their own at the WikiLeaks competitor they're -- it's safe house. Once the WikiLeaks model is kind of out there are a lot of journalism organizations -- Why are we doing something like that so Wall Street Journal as a builder safe house -- to secure uploading system percent dean. Newsworthy contracts. Correspondent emails financial records or databases. Out one of the reasons why people might wanna uses is also its offering an absolute security and anonymity. Because they designed it so once you send the product it doesn't track you back from where it is and also the B of vetting system now allow the -- documents to be stored on their computers with them with its connections in public in capital -- it'll be. Over time they'll. How does make those -- -- as well. -- war a lot of the WikiLeaks documents also going through walls feature -- with a New York time -- would -- WikiLeaks offered their documents accuse newspapers. Or specific outlets and so they can I had an agreement so that's -- New York Times is able to publish them as they -- they partnered up with certain outlets to get that information out. -- -- -- -- At the same time WikiLeaks. Which at least gets documents -- to them. From all different kinds sources but their their biggest break was really when the I don't I -- Brett was at Bradley with what's his name. -- Bradley was -- -- demanding Google real quick I'm sorry guys off the top my head but. I think it was office as -- name is his birth name is -- but -- -- like officer relegating when he. Gave that document to them for a when he took it off the USB drive -- you send it directly to them so Bradley manic and yes. I Clough have a brain I think it friendly and adding a digit no I have it sometimes you gotta dig -- this that there's a lot of corporate brain melting going on -- -- owls they -- see is if -- likely use the service. The Wall Street Journal it is it as it may be prominent destination site for this bad stuff I don't know. Or is a slate that CNN I journalism or whatever it's called you know I reporter I report yet as the -- that become that's you know just flooded with. -- you know and high quality -- on how much. -- employees of the tech Roland tech insiders really on you know. View while she it is as the place though Italy he's -- documents right sensitivity wanna. Also -- in a securities filing -- document had add new information released Barnes and Noble's. Looks like a plane to release their new. This is it's not often that -- gadget is that and a leaked by an SEC filing but they broke tradition. It revealed a new reader will become -- and they expect we make an announcement some time on me -- -- -- fourth. Some people are expected to be a whole new -- -- our own David Carnoy feels that might be a lower end -- curtain Tenet target the Amazon. Go right up with -- until to have a lower strictly. Verses the -- which is doing great. It gives you 39. Do you think -- they did a lower cost one saint. You know I think more than -- -- got to diversify rate the Amazon Kindle really only has one product I'm sure we'll see more in the future but if they can. Barnes and -- most compelling reason right now -- price point. Right for their talent so they can get whether it's not a tablet I mean it's got pro -- -- you know there's only certain apps but it's that's -- -- -- to -- okay runs Angry Birds so I guess that's the elephant Isidore. It has it is more guys got. -- as 1080 Angry -- yards out but it. It's it's definitely in my and we can all. We all debate let you know -- -- -- but it's is -- Cella will we'll see what happens and what comes out of that now. Following up here we have a lawsuit. As accusing Apple and others if they -- worker pay a while -- I remember we cover stories out there were of these agreements. Where they would companies would. And -- Doolittle handshake and said we will not add your employees to work for a cold call list. For poaching talent. From one company to another and you calvary lawsuit accuses Apple Google Adobe Systems insult other tech companies of violating antitrust laws by allegedly conspiring. The ex employee pay as Google's working out no solution -- no solicitation deals. With one another. Now this was filed. By a former Lucas employee Lucas -- -- -- can because he said he because of these agreements he lost an opportunity to earn or make more money anywhere from ten to 15% in you can. See his his argument has a little weight. I don't know if it's necessarily. Antitrust. -- but at the same time. When if you want to move and you know make a living do the best for you and companies are pretty much locking down the salaries and say don't don't talk to -- don't talk to RO employees. And these companies are benefiting greatly from the toppled they have right prevent them from leaving. But not only preventing them from leaving -- in the company you can't take in and you're not gonna pay you're gonna keep the promising its ilk. That that's of that -- that's the -- little -- gets tough position to be in in when everybody knows everybody in that sense Willis into it is this. Really -- started from Lucas films and Pixar. They were the ones that started this kind of relationship between two companies and then it expanded where Apple Adobe. Headed up had a similar agreement that Apple and Google -- agreement and Google had their own agreements with Intuit and Intel. Still possible see what happens it's obviously pending the litigation Lucas films -- says the claim is meritless. -- -- -- -- -- We also have the story here. That someone -- of one of our readers to send an -- to ask us about this. And here's the here's the email from Richard says -- -- -- and an AT&T broadband subscriber and would like to gripe about the way islets and iTunes updates are handled. And two iphones and iPad in the house that's in two different computers. That means every time there's an update about two gigs of data -- used for up to at least two gigs of data is used. Upper islands and another few hundred megs for iTunes just for two people. Why can't Apple do point updates in a way that would be easy on data -- people who may be under more restrictive caps. Well this email came in perfect timing with this story there's rumblings. Or rumors according to -- iMac that Apple and Verizon. Are plain -- in the future specifically with IOS five. Deliver over the air pilots updates to Verizon phones. This is not just doesn't mention AT&T -- -- -- any other carriers but specific to Apple. And Verizon and the biggest challenges. The an obvious and you get that file -- lot smaller the iTunes. -- delegates are like around 50600. Megs of something like that. -- their massive but an -- -- smaller though it the only way that they could get that same amount of patching. Done is is to do. Multiple smaller little incremental ones so you know than that add to hold another layer of complexity because every time you know -- you're not the all of the support. In a document you have to write all the support that. Pour into the -- you know that the call system and whatnot. So. You know it may be if they did like feature by feature. -- interesting though because. -- -- -- -- Yeah I could imagine huge fragmentation if you did click multiple small updates and -- hey what version of Iowa so you want is you know there's like big differences between each one. Sounds like a point update you're like -- I can't run the new Angry Birds because I. My point behind you know. I like I like the idea of over the air updates but there's a lot of problems and challenges that happened with and now. Apple's and a little more unique position because they only have one piece of hardware -- or one you know a universal kind of hardware piece that. They don't have to worry about all these different manufactures Android has had obviously -- windows phone seven has had issues with these updates but. I don't wanna be annoyed with companies -- -- all the time ray. He had like when when you're in when they were at when you're not yeah -- While I mean I've never had a and I'll work it's just that in -- routes that -- no more room I don't know if you're not saying that they work -- there's a slight update amend them getting features. -- -- every meal counts in the united may not affect you both -- -- -- night that some other people also you know you have data -- of the -- I'm I'm curious how small they can. The key will be how small can they really get these updates because it's -- people that are. What a two gig playing you're telling me that I know won't be anything like 600 games but in over their -- update it's not gonna be like order to -- So any anything's gonna keep you from happening to sync with iTunes I am a fan out I guess I'm an associate that just can't get that to work. It also it also would be nice is it would really make. To a certain degree something like the iPad. And you know an iPhone completely independent of -- having to use your computer. Yeah we'll see that's the thing that's always Jeremy crazies have you heard onto the airports and you see that kiosk the basket by best buy kiosk. You can imagine that diets like you know loaded right or just stupid and he's on a layover in his -- or maybe just lost his iPod Touch -- is like. I left my iPod Touch and the last plane. But I think a Wi-Fi here for free in the airport I just wanna get on downloads and Angry Birds got something to do on the next flight right -- over to best buy kiosk. It's a -- iPod Touch and then turn it on him what he -- -- you know. Icon at the thing saying -- -- to iTunes. So they gotta go back to the kiosk by computer now I mean like -- really. If it can be it can be brutal. I totally -- daily iPad you drop 500 dollars you're gonna want wants them to work you know that's that's -- like to play this in your computer no I don't want to. Also. So. I think I think you'd be a very nice I think most people are well would see that as a welcome addition. I've even read what -- Sina I think a lot of people like like the idea of it can mean it. All right also Apple's planning to release Mac OS-X lion. The -- the Mac apps -- that's -- sources and Apple insider. With the release -- Mac OS-X 710 point seven we've. Also seen in the beta builds developer builds of Mac -- -- how all their internal updates for the revisions of VoS had been rolled out. Directly through these on Mac -- sort. Again this is still the early OS but Apple is -- to see more and more to it. Less packaged it will they make a -- version of line of course they will but. This is just part of the whole -- digital distribution they have their apps or one -- it wouldn't. It may get so much easier to due to I don't wanna go to a store but alliance launched a marketing guy dressed like a lion a battle -- -- T shirts it. All about the digital distribution and you think about this it's been working for years for Linux why wouldn't it work -- -- four for Apple to ensure you can go. And he can get the desk honestly when you could how he could probably even update your OS -- bikes and app ticker yum and rpm or any of those just like. -- I want the latest version. And then it's like allocated -- Locked away for like yes it did not happen 45 plus any -- and -- to re compiling your kernel I don't know I bet you could spend that time to go on try to get a girlfriend had. That is it that is that it -- -- that is that is a really good point actually but back to the Apple thing and that's what I'm saying is that there's actually no reason why. That they couldn't and they should be in the should've been doing a long time -- in fact you know all of the major players. Should have been because -- think about those trees the industry's impressive stats and putting cardboard and yeah period. You could you could say should've but I think you know you it's part of just getting a lot of these things -- to a time and in behavior like getting people comfortable with just. The whole App Store model people are comfortable with downloading directly to -- you know -- -- not you and me but other people are more complex. All I get it I can just get this app like this -- now I'm willing to get my OS like this bill. LC the so you think it's a major shipping has already you know in the last five years we've been used to things like steam. You know educate your your video games like -- on mind you it's time -- gaelic super little bit different between like -- it's just an app you know I downloaded Angry Birds off the App Store but. Vs -- I updated my operating system online. I would say so. Firfer for the general user for the digital he's gonna say -- -- -- -- -- -- Linux Linux has had a lower carbon footprint in that regard it absolutely. Absolutely. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The guy and as much as eleven and translate -- I don't wanna be the guy that's you know gotta ask cable modem and -- -- Latvia you know exactly exactly. All right I'll also EA electronics arts looking into kind of jump on board with their switched. They're planned electronic arts announced that their over the coming years are gonna be transforming -- from a packaged goods company. To a fully integrated digital entertainment company as well. Properly offering something -- last steam. CEA get sit there like we don't need to make a whole bunch of plastic discs and here's -- just downloaded -- -- -- -- costs from not only production -- Yeah -- all that around they've changed the way that their investments repeat bout that previously their investments -- split like 9010 in favor of you know actually -- goods. And now they're saying it's closer to about 5050 between you know the packaged stuff they don't get -- game stop verses. You know -- download of the Xbox marketplace or whatever have you. And you know that all the next gen console have got to have I'm waiting for the next gen console that doesn't even have a disk drive you know. -- I did they've already started doing games on there actually isn't that the PS -- Hopefully at that now isn't so hot brother the app for a lot of reasons -- you can take your old games have -- -- new system. But the idea if -- it was a brand who had they launched the PSP from the get go. Like the go -- Then you know I could see that totally working -- It's going it's going to work eventually -- -- an era that pizza for for living room console and hand held of course yeah and you're also there's like. I don't think the gaming world yet. -- specially game stop once touches happen fast John Strickland bring in the channel is bringing up the phantom and that's -- -- -- back. Remember the fans no honestly no I don't it was like educate it was -- it was supposed to be this like console that was gonna revolutionize and bring PC gaming. And this is at the heart of what the best time -- PC gaming in early two thousands -- and that there is epic Lan parties and stuff and the phantom was gonna bring that experience your living room. And -- is this huge vapor -- console. That ended up having like. Critical controls where they have like your keyboard come on your lap and in this weird mouse then on -- whatever. But never came to fruition and the whole idea was exactly that that it would deliver all the content. -- online but then again you're seeing you know the same sort of thing right now with you know about online is where you're gonna want anything you know you just cannot hook up and subscribe -- play. -- -- I mean it works to a certain degree until like you want the new it until the newest games are available the same day that I find in the stores its. It's part part of this is getting the games exactly when you want them to I don't wanna -- for the game three months then do it digitally. I can see EA shifting to like 5050 digital packaged goods. But said there's too many places in the country where you're still going to have. That gets slow and and you know to lot of people probably still want that because there's too many issues when it comes to DRM. Where it's like wait what I'm not authorized to play this any more you know stuff like that servers down. -- how do you -- Our arrival we will be waited -- trees will be waiting for the official 100% digital transition -- let's go get some quick hits on you guys. Look out Apple yesterday released an IOS four point 3.3 update we're talking about. The update to fix some of those locations. Bugs. But anyways if you guys haven't haven't done it already you guys can connect. ITunes it's not over the air friends beacon plug in iTunes and you'll have the option to update your device it. Fixes some of those issues -- Muni. Log on -- or -- It's even -- application log on your device for more than. Seven days they've reduced that -- -- the -- the file as well as you will no longer have that file saved here iTunes back up. Nice -- now while the ipads dominance has been down just so slightly it's still holding the vast majority of the market share a Nielsen survey is reporting. The iPad carries 82% of the market split between their Wi-Fi only model at 43% and their three G model at 39%. All the competitors like. Samsung Dell and motor roll are sporting or three and 2% respectively. Nothing would the other reducing things to -- out of the survey was that the idea that 25% of tablet owners -- own portable game consoles are using those devices left us often. In -- purchasing their tablet so it seems like. The -- -- and eating into other things like e-book readers and laptops desktops and you know portable media players. Hopefully the -- for those other tablet manufacturers of with a number goes up a little more but it was like night it was -- I remember what it was just the tab out of iPad it was like. Now I need -- -- like mine. The tab just came out -- I've -- -- -- them. Also Google to -- -- all of soaring Google rivals for Nortel hands may mean a price copying. One billion dollars we had talked about in the past how Google was looking to acquire a variety something around 6000 patents and patent applications from Nortel. Now we're relevant to controls and licensing with wireless video technology and others for four G technology -- well there's a few more bidders. In the -- my Research in Motion is named as potentially one of them as well as RPX corporation has -- -- -- based patent buying firm. But is driving up the price there's been no resolution on who will actually wind -- -- -- but that's happening still as we speak. You've also heard about the the new Blackberry Bold 999930. With its sleek new Blackberry OS six point one I'm sorry I mean Blackberry OS seven. Now while we may be seeing an upcoming playbook to a ten inch version of the Blackberry Playbook. Sounds -- -- and hold your breath ever JK well. Alright guys so -- -- the quake hits we got a little gadget acted for you. Right is the soft rocker but as Stephen. You found this and I would like you to talk about your in this beautiful device yet found that's. It's really cool chaise lounges that solar powered -- -- alliance which will. Charge all of your gadgets -- you hang out on a link but an operator check that out. Eventually handle that think. I I think that the picture and the surrounding environment make it look really cool. Now in my backyard or front yard may -- not as cool but the design an idea really cool. I think -- rocks back and forth to which is pretty -- it does what it is only allow you to -- soft rock music that is that. You gotta Kenny G built in speaker and why it's a soft rocker that its kitty is -- like coupon for -- due to appear when I thought it up. Is that -- he does the insulation becomes your yard yet that's an outlet be that would be on knees saying. The critical -- could see myself listening to music and playing words with friends on the adult day. Like that -- is can they don't mention how much the pricing will be yet rate. Now. I know I haven't and -- -- that are the. Does this this gadget though it's at MIT's Killian court so it's designed. A what if it's designed by that a department that's like an -- and nineties brain trust over there and have all those awesome. Kind of innovations. And -- projects that they work on the part of -- they were responsible -- the what is it called an -- someone might know the chat room but. It's pretty much -- some of the hottest like cutting edge technologies that are com coming out of my MIT in the specific department they have on campus. -- right now we're gonna check out now some of our science news so -- -- Okay -- it's -- more than fifty years but NASA is proving that. Einstein was correct now Einstein obviously the father of the general theory of relativity but -- -- -- gravity probe B mission. Has confirmed two more predictions. So one of these was that they have this. These four ultra precise gyroscopes used by the gravity probe B. That measures the -- a fact of -- -- space -- time around gravitational body and frame dragging which is pretty much the amount. Of speeding -- to Apple's space in time with it -- -- as example think about it if you immersed the earth and honey. And of the planet rotates around and swirls you'd also see the honey how to manipulate. -- and swirl with it. So the GPB. It was point at a single star I am Pegasus while in orbit around earth NASA said that if the gravity had no effect on space on time. Old in the gyroscope on the GBP would -- the same direction indefinitely however when the researchers. Now that the gyroscopes experience small changes in speed direction. As Earth's gravity -- it -- it confirms Einstein's theories. And you are you laughing at -- Cecil thinking about the -- -- -- -- visual but that's a good -- I got totally you can say is -- messages and address it drags well rounded in nearby. I just. I thought I I find it amazing how like off the charts Einstein's mindless yet. And militants and -- it takes such a long time for them to confirm these theories with. Ridiculously precise instruments and tools -- these that there is rights and is like -- this is what's going on. Yes suggested in 1959 but in 04 gravity probe B was. This completed and then now now we know and you know -- really see about this is Sally ride -- in involved in this. Yeah those are injured fifty college students and up four dozen high school students. Along the way during the development of this project there are plenty of people involved so that that -- -- also very -- NASA. Is celebrating America's its release. Exploration. That. The godfather who put down his but. Or was in space Alan Shepard. ET may have been 23 days short of UDD editor in who is from -- But Al -- still -- celebrated the fiftieth anniversary is a trip into space became the first American. And second human to reach outer space and we actually had. An email from a one of our one of our buzzards who brighter -- he says this is from -- -- he said hey buzz -- -- He'd spent a show I've been listening since its early days of Veronica Belmont. I would not too -- with a stick with the cool moment in -- tech history. From one of my clients and I thought you might want to mention on today's -- well today made it is the fiftieth anniversary of Alan shepard's flight as the first US astronaut to go to space. If you decide to mention is on the show can give a shout out to the geeks who help make it possible. I worked with the team over IBM who back in 1961. Built computers that ran the Mercury mission 2000 -- is the 100 year anniversary of IBM and they're proud to been apart of such a cool historic moment. They see any -- that's from. Jordan one of our listeners. -- -- I can -- just thinking about this -- -- nine Mercury and Apollo missions and I hope that. There's still something like that inspiring the kids today like I was when those itty bitty. Definitely know they're they're trying to that there were -- congressman -- -- -- the space program like go back to the news although we're doing a lot of more amazing things. -- -- -- okay. Let's collect your feedback loop -- -- of Illinois -- -- have one. We no no no we don't we don't today but you know we actually only have one email at Solis is gonna be back -- -- -- write this email comes into us from map from Arkansas please guys keep on sinister voice mills. It'll we will play them there is -- kind of a level of quality that we need and we love you guys but just keep on -- -- in the number here. 10606263. But let's get to see now this one's from Matt from Arkansas paid by sellout to just FYI had a credit card -- use on Sony's PS and Ellis -- -- used by someone -- I received a call from he's asking me to confirm purge system. Blizzard of video games and purchasing it in blizzard. They merely blocked the transactions and told to contact my bank it was a democratic card called the bank and discovered -- had a one dollar charge a blizzard last week. And in three separate charges the blizzard -- 600 dollars this week I don't blizzard is but it never actually played any of -- games. The PS and was used for movies once or twice. All the money was credited back to me ought to do is go to the bank you get a -- credit -- I don't use a -- anywhere else online. I'm glad to have the vis a proper text on my card. -- I guess he just basically. Celebrating the fact that he was protected. I thought there was much -- it. God does great in a beacon on the movement of it is insisting that its new 600 -- -- It is insisting that his card was used to buy videogames that. And it's -- -- he's a little irony or got it all. -- old appear when Sony. Sent their response back to congress the senate at the end of day yesterday they had said that. At least according to their records none of the credit cards on their PS and and in working with credit card companies. Had been used for a fraudulent activities our direct. Who knows directly related to the PS and hack. But that's what Sony threw out there as but we've seen many outside a couple of little legalities here and there are able to -- enormous -- in jail cell. Who knows -- happy happy sores or Bahrain mister Whitman and I read that happy stories are okay. Alright guys that's gonna deal for this. Show today Daryn they succumbed to me now what that's that's a pleasure as usual -- -- vacation shall be back on Monday but we'll be back here on Friday which is tomorrow. Donald LB join us Wilson -- for the -- -- will also be joining us it'll be a good time Friday as usual so other than that you wanna see some. Yet you could tell that you gotta check out absent of Hak5 of -- particular tribe dot org that we got right now this one -- We -- USB key the boot off of -- bypasses any windows 32 bit 64 bit security. As well as a what I pineapple tools that FaceBook and Twitter -- path -- Can you get -- -- executives may be when it handed over to me and yup are a lot -- -- discrete in -- so there's an antenna hanging -- Alright guys oh we -- -- you guys well they attorney with us and excellence. That's kind of thing that -- -- have you.

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