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10 Tips to Lower Your Risk of Hearing Loss

We're exposed to external factors that can damage our hearing daily. Try these tips to reduce your risk of hearing loss.

Hedy Phillips CNET Contributor
Hedy Phillips is a freelance lifestyle writer based in New York. While she's not writing on topics like living on a budget and tips for city dwelling, she can usually be found at a concert or sightseeing in a new city. Over the past 10 years, her bylines have appeared in a number of publications, including POPSUGAR, Hunker, and more.
Hedy Phillips
6 min read
Side profile of young woman with eyes closed listening to music over headphones.
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With more than 48 million Americans experiencing hearing loss, taking care of our ears is more important than ever. That means keeping up good ear hygiene, getting regular hearing tests and seeking help from medical professionals when needed. All of this combined can greatly improve your quality of life and ensure your ears are well cared for. Ahead, find out everything you need to know about doing just that.

Types of hearing loss and causes 

According to Johns Hopkins, the most common type of hearing loss is sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss happens when your inner ear or hearing nerve is damaged, resulting in a loss of hearing. It's common because this is the kind of hearing loss that happens with age, genetics or illness. Though it's not often fixable, it's usually alleviated with hearing aids. 

Another type of hearing loss is conductive hearing loss, which is often considered temporary due to blockage or minor injury. 

Common causes of hearing loss include:

  • Earwax blockage
  • Genetics
  • Loud noises
  • Some prescriptions
  • Head injuries
  • Illness
  • Infection
  • High blood pressure

Daily habits to protect your hearing

Making your ears a priority in your everyday life gives you a better chance at keeping your hearing loss at a minimum. Here are 10 simple tips for keeping your ears in tip-top shape.

Avoid prolonged exposure to loud noises 

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The Centers for Disease Control recommends avoiding loud noises for any prolonged period. That means wearing earplugs at concerts, keeping the TV volume at a moderate level at home, using quieter power tools and so on. 

One of the best things you can do for yourself is keep earplugs with you at all times so you can pop them in your ears whenever needed. And though you may think they'll hinder your experience at a movie or concert, you may be surprised to find that you'll still hear your show just fine -- and your ears will be much more protected. 

Maintain proper ear hygiene  

It's important to keep your ears clean and clear -- but it's even more important to clean them properly. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it is best to gently clean your ears with a warm washcloth on your finger. You can dab on a bit of soap as well, but whatever you do, avoid using cotton swabs, as these can damage the ear canal and eardrum. 

If you start to experience a buildup of earwax, rather than try to dig it out yourself, see a medical professional to properly clean your ears. By doing all of this, you're keeping your ears in tip-top shape, which contributes to better ear health.  

Tips for maintaining ear hygiene

  • Clean ears gently and avoid cotton swabs
  • Seek professional assistance for excessive earwax buildup
  • Wear sunscreen on your ears
  • Have your ears checked by a doctor regularly
Woman pulling a funny face while cleaning her ear with an earbud at home

The use of cotton swabs are not recommended for cleaning the ear canal.

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Beware of medication side effects 

Though it's rare, some medications can affect your hearing. Antibiotics are one of the most common medications linked to hearing loss, according to GoodRx. Drugs like azithromycin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, vancomycin, gentamicin and tobramycin have all shown signs of causing hearing loss. 

Water pills could also cause hearing loss, as they can affect the cochlea. Another is over-the-counter painkillers. You'd have to take them routinely, however, and in rather large amounts, so the risk is quite low. Lastly, opioids, erectile dysfunction medications and chemotherapy medications can all cause hearing loss in some cases.

If your doctor is prescribing you any medications here and you're either already at risk for hearing loss or have a concern about hearing loss, mention it while discussing prescription options. While the risk of hearing loss with prescription medication is low, it's not zero, and your concerns are valid and should be heard by your doctor. 

If you're experiencing new levels of hearing loss and are taking any of these medications, bring that up to your doctor to help diagnose why the hearing loss is happening.

Monitor chronic conditions that contribute to hearing loss 

Though hearing loss can be a result of simple old age or an injury, it can also result from a chronic condition like diabetes or high blood pressure. According to the National Institute on Aging, hearing loss as a result of aging can be linked to both diabetes and blood pressure, as both of those conditions are more prevalent in older people. Both diabetes and blood pressure can be managed. If you catch them early, you can hopefully avoid the hearing loss aspect of these health concerns. 

Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake 

Both smoking and drinking have negative effects on your ears and hearing. Consider it this way: You already know high blood pressure can cause hearing loss, and smoking and drinking can raise your blood pressure. Smoking or excessive drinking can lead to hypertension, which could, in turn, harm your hearing. Drinking also harms your brain, damaging the link to your ears and leading to hearing loss.

Exercise regularly 

Exercising is good for your overall health, including your ear health. By keeping your entire body in good shape -- including your heart and brain, which contribute to your ears' health -- you're giving your hearing a better chance of staying intact. 

Eat balanced diet 

Even your diet plays a role in your hearing. Some foods, especially those rich in vitamins and minerals, can help lower your risk of hearing loss or promote better hearing. Those foods include cantaloupe, citrus, eggs, pumpkin, and potatoes. All of these have nutrients that either promote ear health or help function a related body system that keeps your eyes working.

Practice mindfulness to reduce stress 

There is some research linking stress to hearing loss, according to Dr. Neil Sperling, M.D., the New York-based medical director of hearing healthcare and technologies at the Department of Otolaryngology, Lenox Hill Hospital. He wrote that your ears need proper blood flow to function at their best. When we're stressed, our blood flow is interrupted, which means that heightened stress situations could cause hearing loss. To alleviate your stress, practice a more mindful lifestyle by incorporating meditation into your day. It could be as easy as starting your day with a 10-minute meditation or doing a 15-minute yoga flow before bed to relax before sleep.

Know your family history 

Genetics plays a huge role in all the medical issues we deal with. If you have a family history of hearing loss, you might end up dealing with it at some point too. Talk to your family to find out what kind of medical concerns you can expect in your future, and then take that information to your doctor, so you have a plan for how to approach everything as it comes. For many things, you may be able to avoid it altogether simply because you were prepared.

Test regularly for hearing loss 

Audiologist examining male patient ear using otoscope
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No matter what, you should get your hearing tested regularly, even if you think you have perfect hearing. Part of good ear hygiene is getting those ears checked. Have your doctor check everything inside and out to ensure everything looks good and you're hearing everything you should. And if you're getting things checked regularly and you have a slight change in your hearing, you'll catch it earlier than if you aren't getting checked regularly.

What is too loud?

Sounds in the 70-decibel range are safe for your ears, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Prolonged exposure to anything 85 decibels and above is generally considered dangerous, so if possible, you should either try to avoid that noise level or protect your ears if you have to be exposed to it. Prolonged exposure to that noise level can certainly cause hearing loss.

Some examples of common decibel ratings:

  • Whispering: 30 dBA
  • Normal Conversation: 60 dBA
  • Alarm Clocks: 80 dBA
  • Lawnmowers: 80 to 100 dBA
  • Sports events: 94 to 110 dBA
  • Concerts: 110 dBA
  • Car Horns: 110 dBA
  • Sirens from emergency vehicles: 110 to 129 dBA
  • Fireworks: 140 to 160 dBA

Tips to protect your hearing during loud noises

Sometimes loud noises are unavoidable -- like if you're walking down the street when an ambulance blares or at an event with a loud announcement -- but you can protect your ears even when you're not expecting it.

  • Keep earplugs on hand at all times
  • Move away from the noise, if possible
  • Place your hands over your ears
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.