Google takes on Apple with the Pixel 2/2XL, Pixel Buds and Google Home Max (ABEC, Ep. 104)
Google takes on Apple with the Pixel 2/2XL, Pixel Buds and Google Home Max (ABEC, Ep. 104)

Google takes on Apple with the Pixel 2/2XL, Pixel Buds and Google Home Max (ABEC, Ep. 104)

[MUSIC] Good afternoon everybody. My name is Stephen Beecham producer of the Apple Byte Extra Crunchy Podcast, with your host Mr. Brian Tong. What's up everybody. Welcome to the show. It is episode. One four, Apple Bite extra crunchy. Keeping it extra munchy with you here, in studio, in the flesh. In the flesh. Yes. This is an Apply Bite show, but there was a Google event this weekend. We will talk about some of that stuff that dropped. But We're here in the live show. And let's be honest. The flow is just better when we're in the same room. It's always better. It's way better, it sounds better. It sounds way better. People complain about the sound. It sounds so good, it sounds so good. So anyways, everybody, welcome. Thank you so much for listening in as usually. We are at episode 104. We love how you guys and gals continue to call in and be a part of this show, the number to call us at, 1800-616-2638. I'm gonna give you time to add that to your phone. Lock it in. Pick it up, 1800-616- 2638. I said that very slow. I don't do that all the time. You guys and gals call, tell us who you are, where you're from, and get your points, your comments. We love it. We've also had people kind of respond and follow up with tips or information. It just makes our show whole, and we just want to say thank you so much. We also I think from both myself and Steven, wanted to just quickly say how lucky We get to do this show and how we feel, because we know there's a lot of crazy stuff happening in this world, Vegas, Puerto Rico, recovery in Florida, Houston, in the SOuth East Asia areas, they been flooded as well. Sometimes these things are forgotten, but we get to talk about tech, man. Yeah. We get to talk about tech and rant and rave about this stuff and have fun doing it. And so we just want to offer a little perspective here. Yeah, thank you guys all for watching, tuning in every week. It's awesome. So thank you, and I think you guys and gals all kinda also, I think we're able to kinda escape some of this stuff. Through tech, so let's get into the show. And really to kick things off, we did wanna bring kind of this day in history for the Apple world today as of at least this Thursday of the show. Which most of you will hear this after Thursday, is the sixth anniversary Of the death of Steve Jobs. Believe it or not. Six years, man.>>Six years on October the fifth. Tim Cook, also today just posted a little tweet saying remembering Steve today, still with us, still inspiring us, using a quote from SJ "Make something wonderful and put it out there." Yeah. So that was words from Tim Cook, the successor to Steve Jobs, and just kind of a note, just something to think about and obviously around this time, we're talking about the 10th anniversary of the iPhone. But what happened this week was that Google had their own keynote and they dropped a lot of stuff and really aimed directly At Apple, I don't know if you could feel that during the keynote Vich. There are plenty of jabs at Apple during the keynote man. A little bob and weave jab jab here, up and under. So what we want to do is kinda talk about A few of the things that they put out there and how it does compare with some of the things that Apple has out there. Google announced their new Pixel 2 phones. They announced their new Google Home Max, Google Home Mini. They put out a Pixel Book. They put out their own wireless ear buds. Just what we like to call a cornucopia. Of products. So, I thought it was actually a really impressive keynote, and it had different vide, Apple's keynotes are starting to feel a little stale, like it's the same style and delivery and stuff Yeah and Google's like, they had, I'm not saying you need a live DJ to make a keynote exciting But it did add some flavor to it, don't you think? Yeah, the live DJ's were cool. And they were playing on tablets. It was cool. It was cool. So let's forget about the presentation, let's talk about the actual products. The first one that stuck out to me the most had to be Google's Home Max. This is their home smart speaker. It's a large size speaker, larger than the home pod. But why did it stick out for me. Look it has two woofers, its larger in size, it has the Google Assistant. So if we're talking about Google Assistant versus Siri we know, come on, Google Assistant is a better product right now although Siri has gone better. Google Assistant is just a better product. Yeah. All right in addition you can stand it you can lay it down sideways. You can stand it up vertically if you wanted to. You can pair them to have two speakers side-by-side, much like they're encouraging people to do with a HomePod. The price point is a little more. It's $399, but I loved how it looked. To me, fabric is the new black. [LAUGH] Everything we're seeing is fabric-covered. Yeah. Speakers, home audio system assistant, Amazon dropped a bunch of stuff last week. They had a bunch of fabric covered stuff. Google has their own fabric covered speaker. It looks great. It looks a little more but when I saw what it could do and just the, you could, the size of it It's honestly going to be a better product stand alone versus Apple's. I gotta admit when I saw Diplo had two of them for his DJ setup I was kinda jealous, like I want that setup That right It looked cool Like come on you're not gonna put two big fabric marshmallows on the side of your DJ table No, no You know what I mean Yeah exactly It's doesn't look and There is a certain design, aesthetic that is Apple going for. Let's even forget about how they look although look is very important. The tech inside is better on the Google Home Mac. I thought that was something that surprised me. The presentation was really nice. It does also have the ability to detect the room that youre in an automatically adjust. That was kind of a big feature that Apple was pulling for. And the other thing that I think that we have to pay attention to is Apple still looks like it's going to be specific to the Apple Music service, which is great if you use it. But typically, in Android fashion, they've been able to be compatible with lots of services right out of the gate. And I'm not saying, yeah, you can always pair your phone to these Bluetooth speakers and control them from their individual apps But it's different when you can talk to the speaker directly and say, use Spotify to play this playlist. You know. Yeah, yeah. The Echo does that stuff too. Yep. Which is cool, you can play Spotify, Pandora, there's a bunch. Radio, all kinds. And Google is kind of launching with a lot of those same partners too, they had TuneIn Pandora, or I don't know if they had Pandora. There had to be a Spotify and stuff like that. So it's cool and then just YouTube in general, music on YouTube. There's every song almost in the world [LAUGH] is on YouTube somehow. Yeah. So. So it's really interesting that they threw their hat into the table and it really does look like a better product out of the gates. Okay, let's keep on moving down the line. I think you have to talk about the Pixel 2 phone Specifically, what is it gonna be matched up against? The Pixel2 XL is going to be matched up with the iPhone X, or [LAUGH] iPhone ten. iPhone ten. iPhone ten, Say iPhone Phone 10. Visually, I think the phone looks fine. There's no way it competes in design with the actual iPhone 10. There's just no way it can do that based on the design. I'm not even I'm not even a big it's gotta be bezel-less, it's gotta be bezel-less. It's a nice design, but the iPhone 10 looks better. Do you agree? I agree, when I first saw it I was like, it looks kinda like a cookie or something. It had like a Christmas cookie or just I do like the little colored buttons on the side, the brightly colored, but that's just a little flashy thing. But yeah, the iPhone definitely looks a lot more slick and a lot more futuristic. Yeah it's gonna look like, especially with that notch that I love to much. [LAUGH] That's right. But from a standpoint of just tech inside, look the iPhone is going to be faster, the iPhone screen is going to be better So when you talk about in general the hardware, the iPhone has the edge, but this is what Google has done now two years in a row, where does it excel? It excels with it's, in three things actually, it's voice assistant, it excels with its camera And it Excels with kind of his new unique software features. Like when Google started their keynote, they talked about how now these days phones are all about the same when it comes to hardware. I'm gonna be like yeah, sure. To a certain degree. But it's coming down to now, software features that you bring to the table, that work with the hardware. And it's really funny to hear Google say that, because this is Really where Apple's bread and butter was years ago. Mixing hardware and software together to deliver cool unique solutions. I think that from the software side, Apple hasn't felt like it's really changed too much last year. Giving us many new things that we're like whoa. But when we saw the keynote for the Google Pixel 2 phone line, we've seen another kind of these, but squeezing to prompt the assistant, having the screen always on and actually having the phone be always listening to be able to show you songs that it hears directly on the screen without you having to unlock it at all. Always on Shazaam on your screen. I thought that was actually really cool. I thought that was really cool too. Yeah, you know. Really cool. Real big focus on artists, musical artists what was awesome. Be able to find music easier. Circling a guy's picture, and it shows you his album and all his social networks and stuff. That's pretty cool. So they're just little bells and whistles. Look, none of this is gonna stop People that are listening here. From completely jumping over, like, I saw that phone, and I said to myself, Man wish I could leave the ecosystem to give this a true shot. Maybe I just have to go a full week with a pixel two. And just talk about it. I think that would be good. Since we work here. You know, we use Google Docs. So, we kinda in that whole, Google ecosystem. And that's one thing they need to improve big time because Google Drive and Google Sheets and stuff like that, they don't work very good on the iOS app or anything or like on a phone app in general. So that's something they need to improve and they have me because I use Google Docs a lot. They have me there But like just not other places. It's weird. It's and I actually think it's in a weird way I think it's kinda deliberate. You think so? Cos they want it to be They want you it's not that they're drastically different but it is easy I only use honestly I really only use Google Docs for me On either a tablet, or computer, I don't use it on my phone. Yeah, I mean I use it on my phone, but I can only just read stuff Yeah I can't edit a spreadsheet on my phone, or something. I can it just takes a lot of effort It's hard, yeah. Yeah, it's just not as small. So, we have that, but the main thing here right The camera quality is what sticks out. I'm only bringing this up, not to brag about the google pixel two. Because, let's be honest at the end of the day I am going to get an iPhone x. I will probably get a pixel two for my work phone. But, [UNKNOWN] has come out with the latest results of the camera performance that are kind of Defacto reference site for camera performance in a smart phone. So when the iPhone 8 came out it was rated the best performing camera that DxOMark has ever seen. The Note 8 came out and it was rated overall because they rate photo and video separately. Overall the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 was rated equal to the iPhone 8 Plus, at a ranking score of 94. That factors in photo performance, and video performance. And if I recall right, I believe the Note 8 might have had an edge in photo, but its video performance was so low, that it fell out at a 94 Well the DxOMark score for the Google Pixel 2 which is a single lens camera, this is not a dual lens camera, came in at 98. Yeah, that's crazy man. So they said they couldn't use any more superlatives to describe how good the video and photo functionality of this phone was. And so you've got to think okay, well the iPhone 10 is coming out Where does the iPhone X fit in all these? It has a dual lens, it has more technology packed into the actual, there's actual processing power and custom silicon in the iPhone X to aid in this camera capabilities. I'm really curious where will the iPhone X fall? Will it Hit a 99. Will it tie or will it be below? Because, we talk about the best camera right now at this day, Google's Pixel Two has the best camera on the market and its a single lens camera. It still does portrait mode because it has a dual pixel sensor that allows it to detect foreground from background, its not a dual lens but has a dual pixel sensor. So, I'm just really curious, when the iPhone 10 comes out, where it's gonna fall. Yeah, yeah. Where will it end up? Apple guys are scheming right now. How do we get our score up, guys? I've heard people- Payola. Just kidding. [LAUGH] Yeah, right? I've heard people say, I want the phone, here's the thing. I've heard people here, I won't name names Say I want the phone with the best camera. That's the phone that I'm gonna get but then when it comes down to it, I've never seen them have the phone with the best camera. Yeah. Right? Cuz they're extremely expensive. They might say it in this room, but I always say back it up, put your money down. Your own bread and butter, not a loan or from the companies. Put down your own money and that'll tell me if you really follow through with that statement right? And so it is, it shows the power of the ecosystem, Google may have the best camera in the market, but do you think that half of users that say, I will buy the best, the phone with the best camera are gonna jump over to the Pixel 2? Not yet. I don't think so. Not yet Not everyone, a lot of people don't even care, we're not all professional photographers out Setting our apertures and stuff. So I don't think a lot of people care. They just want a phone that's gonna be fast, easy to use and reliable, basically. Yep, so it's just, ultimately it's a great offering from the phone. It has unique software and has the best camera in the market. That was very cool. We also saw Google kind of try and take on Apple with the wireless earbuds segment. I thought it was probably the most exciting when we talk about. Look, I think now these days we really aren't wowed by hardware as much as we are with software features. We aren't. We just aren't. So they showed off their Google Pixel Buds. $159, same price as AirPods. But what do they have? Sure they have a wire that connects the two, but it has instant live on-the-spot translation. They showed this crazy demo of these two people talking to each other, one with the Pixel buds in, speaking English, and I think what was the other person doing, where they speaking- I think they were- Was it Danish, or- Yeah. Is it Germany, German? I thought it was German. Might have been German. Yeah, but- So they were speaking German. We're just making up stuff. [LAUGH] And it was a realtime translation between the two people, we had our own editors on sight. Sean Hollister was speaking Japanese to Lexi [UNKNOWN] who was speaking English And it was translating real time. One person had the ear, the Pixel buds and the other one had the phone. I just thought that was awesome. And it's fast too. I was shocked at how fast it was. It seemed like such a seamless- A second or two. It was such a natural conversation they were having. So I was like, that is incredible. Yeah, it was pretty amazing. So But again, those are cool things that as tech lovers whether you're Apple or Google or Samsung wherever you are, you've got to be like dang, that was impressive. So- Everyone in the chat room is saying Swedish. So we both were wrong, Swedish. It was Swedish? It wasn't Germanish. No it wasn't Germanish or Danish, Swedish. Sweet. Yes. Sweet. Shout out to the sounds in Sweden. What's up. Sweet. So, I think a lot of people were- I don't care where you're from, that was just impressive. They have more touch controls and they have a prompt to the Good Assistant. They may not be as, actually I don't know, I think technically, they do look a little better but they do have a cord connecting them so I do wear air pods. I do have the q-tips coming out of my ears. I still think they look ridiculous, I will never stop saying that. The cable's a safety measure though too. They come out of your ears, they're going to stay on your head. It's true. So they also put that out. I'm not going to dig too much into the Pixelbook. I thought the Pixelbook was really cool, but it wasn't a standout for me only because It's a two in one convertible laptop with a touch screen, with a pen, Apple obviously has stuck to their guns of saying, we just wanna give you a touch bar which everyone that I talked to now after using it over time has said it's lame. Every single person, when I first saw it My gut instinct was I'm not gonna use that. You're only forced to use it to change the volume, which you have to go into the setting, and then you have to do do two taps just to get to the volume change. It has no haptic feedback, there's just too much stuff, I don't know, I don't think it has changed anything in my workflow, and most people will agree. I feel like 99% of people say yeah, the touch part was a miss. Yeah, definitely. I haven't heard anyone say, I love it, it's great. I'm sure we'll get some calls or emails now. It's fine if you love it. I want to know. But a lot of people said they loved it in the first week. And then afterwards, after they got over the hype, they're like, I don't even use this thing. And you have to give a lot of these products a little time and breathing room. Look at what happens after Apple has a keynote and people are in the room right after the keynote. They are sucking Apple's you know what. And it's like, come on. It's just right there. You don't know all the devil in the details yet. You haven't used it for like a week. And you're just like [SOUND] like There's great products. The Apple Watch Series 3 LTE, if you use it to its max, when I say that in that ideal situation for an hour where you're working out and you wanna get your phone and your text, it is an amazing product. But not everyone does that and if you don't, it's probably not for you. But for me, I think it's pretty amazing to me. Cool. Cuz of how, it always comes down to now, these days, how you use the product. So, The Pixel Book, 999. The MacBook, Apple's only offering that's around that price range is 999 for the MacBook But, this is where it comes down to it. Chrome OS on the pixel book is like a web browser. It's doo doo, right? It's not doo doo, it's a very lightweight operating system. Hey, you do email and you do web browsing, and some basic photo editing. That's about it. That was like the big drawback because what people were Yeah, their good for school, this Pixelbook is the design and the functionality is nice, but if you, if I can't run any high end apps what soever on it, it does nothing for me. So, it's funny someone threw out the comment like, You might complain about how Apple over prices things, but they would never charge $999 for a laptop that's just a web browser. [LAUGH] And that was funny. That's a good one. Because a MacBook era 999, it may not be the most powerful machine, but you can still do pretty much anything that a laptop Actually does. So, we'll see how it all shakes out but that was just kind of some of the breakdown. I thought that overall, Google as they've kind of taken over and used a little identity of what Apple has done. Controlling hardware and software, you can see how it is positively Changing the direction of the company from a product standpoint. Yeah. Like, they're starting to get mature, and coming out with some really cool stuff, and Apple should be aware. Apple is going to sell more, Apple will most likely Sell more Home Pods versus Google's Home Max. But I think the Google Home Max is a better product. Like, that happens a lot in the industry. The whole thing yesterday just felt cohesive. Like, even down to the colors of all their products. They're all the same colors, from the head set to the Google Home pod, the Google Home speakers. You know just it all felt very cohesive like here's our line of stuff for this year, it was cool. It was very good so kudos to them and best of luck. We'll see that if there are people at, I had no idea people had issues getting the original Pixel XL. Really. I had no idea how hard it was. I got it like the first week and I was like, this is dope. Yeah, I'm clueless on that. For my work phone, that is. Okay. Let's kind of move and groove along. This is a little update to let you all know what's happening kind of outside of the Apple world. There was a recent vulnerability in MacOS X High Sierra that we talked about how someone could put nefarious code and be able to access your passwords and whatnot. There's actually another vulnerability that was just updated recently as of I believe today. Apple released a supplemental update to macOS High Sierra actually 10.1.3 macOS High Sierra 10.13. It's the first update to the operating system that was released to the public. Now this update comes about a week after the initial release of macOS High Sierra This will basically support and cover a software vulnerability that will expose the passwords of encrypted Apple file system volumes in just pure plain text through the disk utility app. So they threw out the supplemental patch that is out there. I suggest if you have High Sierra you definitely go and get this. This does not address The last vulnerability we talked about but that's more you have to know the code to actually activate it and the ex NSA hacker who was able to figure this out has made Apple aware of it and they're gonna work on a fix. There's not like he's gonna publish that code and say, hey this is how you can get into everyone's computer. But at least this new recent Key chain vulnerability has been patched with this new update. So just the little things like to know. Like, okay, maybe you should get on that. In addition, that iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus we talked about this kind of crackling noise that happened to some users when they're on phone calls. That has been updated with 11 point o point two, that was just recently released if you have seen that or not. The thing though that I still can't figure, not figure out, I just don't know, my battery is still getting destroyed by ios 11. I remember in past ios's that after about a week they said it was optimizing the system and what not. But I, my battery is so crap in iOS 11. They haven't addressed a specific update to that and that's really what they need to do. Are they actually following your location or something cuz sometimes like after you do this big updates it defaults some of your apps back on to following your location around I've checked most of them, I think the most disconcerting this is I was on a plane ride that was only 45 minutes, I had my phone in airplane mode, I was only playing music and I had the screen off, and I was literally flying probably 40, 45 minutes tops, so I was coming over here, That's a quick flight. My phone used 20% of my battery doing that. Just listening to music? Yes, with airplane mode on- [LAUGH] That's insane. For roughly 40 minutes. That's never happened before. Yeah. That has never happened before in the entire time I've ever used my phone. And so I was like dang, I find myself in normal use Looking down at my phone around three or four o'clock and it's already down to like 30, 40%. That never happened before either. Usually you can listen to the music app for hours and hours, and it would take 2% off your battery. [CROSSTALK] That's what I'm saying. It's crazy. It's significantly different. I know people are still experiencing this. Some people are not, but a lot of people are. So we just need to call out Apple and be like, are you going to give us the software update or not? Get on that already. We're waiting for you guys to just Dress it, and people on a 6 and a 6s are just like hating life right now still. I haven't updated because I've been hearing all these problems. I'm still rolling with ten. I think it's super smart. I think you are the smartest person in this room. [LAUGH] Thanks. There have been more reports also with the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus. This is not a widespread issue but it is happening to a small Group of them and they are increasing. Right now I think there's only been five or six documented cases that we know about that people have come forward with. But what is happening potentially, Apple is aware of this and looking into it. Something is going on with a select few or maybe a specific batch of lithium ion batteries. Man. Whereas it It is causing whether, it doesn't look like it's necessarily heat, but it might be related to that. Or when the battery is actually charging, it has been shown in different cases where the actual iPhone 8 Pluses, the metal is bursting open because of this. Yeah, that sounds like the Note, the last Note problem. Sounds similar. At least they are not setting on fire. Yeah they are not exploding and setting on fire. But there are multiple pictures of iPhone 8+'s. Sometimes people have opened them up from the package and they've arrived like this burst open. One gentleman plugged it in overnight and then it burst open. But there's something with a specific batch of batteries. That is causing them to swell and burst open, this iPhone 8 Plus phone. So I just wanted to let you all know, I wanted to just let you all be aware of it. This is not a Battery-gate or anything unlike iOS 11, that's Battery-gate right there. [LAUGH] I'm more than comfortable calling that Battery-gate. That's funny. That's just poo poo. My 3GS did that What happened? Way back in the day. But I had already had it for like two or three years. It swelled? It was pretty old. Yeah. It swelled up. I had it turned off for awhile cause it was just giving me a lot of problems. It wouldn't charge, this and that. Then I plugged it in one day and it just expanded in front of me and exploded. You know, it didn't explode, burst into flame. But it opened. It opened up, yeah. Damn! Same way, like this did. That was a 3GS. But I'd already owned it If you're, for two or three years, been using it a lot. I didn't really think anything of it. I just threw it away or I recycled it. Never underestimate the power of batteries. Yeah. Batteries are dangerous dude. They're kind of crazy. They power a mini computer in your pocket. That's just all. That's just all they do, right? Yeah. Apple has released Watch OS 4.0.1. I'm loving this one. This is the fix to the issue where when you're connected to your phone and then Then you're looking for LTE outside of your phone. The ability for it to switch or not get hung up on public Wi-Fi networks, where it would cause the Apple Watch to basically not connect to anything temporarily or for a good stretch of time, which is what I experienced in my review a lot because I was hanging out with my girlfriend, and sometimes you'd have full signal. And I would have none, and I would be like, what is going on here, and it's because of that issue. According to them they have fixed this with 4.0.1, it's an update, you guys and gals can do it right now. It's obviously through your phone, through the Apple Watch app Yeah, I'm more than happy about the battery life on this Apple watch. Seriously, it's bomb. That's nice. Just in normal use it is great, whether I have my phone with me or whether I don't. And then also the Nike watch version of the Apple watch 3 is in stores now, so in case some of you are waiting for that, you like that. Nike integration with their app and also like basically you get like exclusive watch faces with it from that are part of Nike, and then it comes with a Nike watch band. It's very similar to what happened with the Series 2, those are out there in stores no so you guys can check it out. See if you're down with that. I thought it was gonna be the black and green color. That was last years, Steven B Jones. That's cool, yeah. I'm sorry. You can buy that band, though, for 50 bucks if you want. I don't want that green one, thanks. [LAUGH] Okay, I'm gonna tell you guys and gals, I'm gonna tell y'all, why do I keep on saying guys and gals today? I'm gonna tell you guys The ladies and gentleman's, a pro tip. Look, there are, if you go Ebay, seriously I tried this out to see, maybe this is really jank or not. They have replacement Apple watch bands And Apple charges 50 bucks for theirs. You can literally get them and I held them side by side, I close my eyes, I like felt the material, the thickness, the actual on them. They're like ten bucks on Ebay. Ooh yeah, I'm looking at the one of 125 right here- I mean those are metal ones [CROSSTALK] but it's like they're are rubber. If you type it like Apple watch rubber, like 42 millimeter, you I'm just not gonna go to the Apple Store and buy a $50 rubber band anymore. I'm going to go on eBay and get them. There's manufacturers, clearly they're being shipped in from China, they're replacement bands. They're so Yeah, it's that top one, that top one right there. Yeah, rubber soft. You know, these things literally cost pennies on the dollar to make. The bolt is literally exactly like what. I held up an expensive one side by side. That's cool man It's totally worth it. So I'm gonna get all colored up now. Yeah, they do all kinds of holiday deals too, man. [LAUGH] So get it at a discount. Look out for your holiday deals. Who wants to talk about, everyone wants to talk about iPhone 10. [CROSSTALK] Don't you wanna talk about iPhone 10? I can't wait to just See one, hold one- I know. And just see what it's like. And use it and be annoyed that it takes longer to unlock my phone than it does today. [LAUGH] The iPhone X, Apple has received FCC approval ahead of its October 27 preorder date. So what this really means is it's gone through a variety of requisite tests that it needs to pass To allow it to be cleared for sale, the good news is that it cleared that. FCC's like, "thumbs up". The iPhone 10 we know, we've heard the stories about the production levels of how their expected to be lower, how it's going to be hard to get. I'd really think this is going to be a super. Hard phone to get this year. Yeah, yeah, it's looking like that. There's just no way there's not. Another really fun report we know we have our friend Ming Chi Quo who's with KJI Securities. He put out this report about specifically the True depth camera, right, this is that whole array on the top. I think a lot of Apple fans are trying to really sell themselves on this and say, it's what makes the iPhone unique from others. And I'm like, bro, just get over yourself, it doesn't look good. But fine, let's forget that, I'm not going to get in a debate about that I would like to over the phone with someone, because you're just crazy. But the true depth camera, we know it has all these sensors. A flood illuminator, a proximity sensor, an infrared camera, ambient light sensor. The technology in it, and the way it actually scans your face is unlike anything that is on the market today. It is outright more advanced than what Samsung has. Shunichi Kuo, after looking at the functionality and the user experience, came out with a report that claims it would take probably about two and a half years, one to two and a half years, for competitors to catch up with what Apple has. Wow. It's interesting. Again this is if they want to replicate this TrueDepth sensor which I kind of laugh at because they have a finger print sensor and it works just fine. Like it's still faster to do a finger print sensor. The other thing though right, this TrueDepth sensor is front facing. I think the detail that people aren't really thinking about is that it will also take roughly Year to two and a half years for Android to use emojis. True. This is one of the top three features that Apple pitched to us about the iPhone 10. [LAUGH]. Exclusively on the iPhone 10. Yeah. I think when Android comes out with it they're gonna call them Andramogies. [LAUGH] I made that up. That's good. No, it's not funny. Patent it, patent it right here. Andramogies right now? Yeah, prior artwork. So if someone has a Lawsuit we can say, no. What's the date today? October 5th. [LAUGHS] HOLD UP, which collective started the iPhone X revolution. Dude, I'm going to be texting you, like we have a lawsuit Brian, they just called it android-mojis. [LAUGHS] [LAUGH] Dude, I'm serious. First it's iPhone X, now it's Andromojis, they need to hire us already. Yeah, what's up. We're just, just hire us for coming up with two names. Yeah. Seriously. Or at least, copyright infringement. Come on, come on, come on. We have a lawsuit. Another thing going on with the Apple world, Apple employees are testing Apple pay cash internally in iOS11.1, so the 11.1 beta is out right now. So what they're is, internally they're giving employees basically kind of like how you have access to the beta with like a special certificate for your phone. They're giving employees the certificate that gives them access to the pay-to-pay. It's found in the messages app where we can send money to another Apple user. It has not been rolled out to anyone publicly in any form of public beta, but they have, according to a user in Mac Rumors, it has been confirmed that This is being tested by Apple. You know, it's Apple's Venmo. I can't wait for this man. I think a lot of people are gonna use it. It's gonna make a lot of things a lot easier. I think if you, I don't know. I can't even recall exactly, but if all you, you know what, instead of actually having to use an Apple Pay app on the bottom bar in messages, I think that if you have someone's name and you just type in a dollar amount. And it instantly will prompt you, if you wanna send it, put your fingerprint on, or scan your face. [LAUGH] For Apple Pay to send it. I don't want to take an extra step to go to the Apple pay to pay app on the bottom, underneath my messages, I just want to type in an amount and then send it. Yeah. That would make me use it more than Venmo because it just Quicker. Totally. You know how there's all these little. I don't know man. I don't know how you think about that. I totally agree. You know how there's little buttons here. A little camera button and stuff like that. There just needs to be a dollar sign button. Hit that, type in who you want it to go to, type in the amount, boom. That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about. Another story here, Samsung. According to the Wall Street Journal, a report by them in partnership with Counterpoint Technology. Samsung is expected to earn 4 billion more, making iPhone X parts compared to Galaxy S 8 parts. Wow. So this is because Apple is such a huge customer, right? That's crazy. [LAUGH] When you put in those terms, it's really crazy, so This analysis was put together by Counterpoint Technology on behalf of the Wall Street Journal. They use the prediction based on projected sales in the first 20 months after new phones go on sale. That would be November 3rd for the iPhone 10. That's because this is the ideal window when people tend to buy a new phone, those first 20 months. Now they said Counterpoint expects Apple will sell 130 million iPhone 10 units earning Samsung about $110 on each unit through the summer of 2000 19, okay, again Apple is expect to sell 130 million units. The Galaxy S8 is expected to sell around 50 million units. Man. Now they are earning more from the S8 because of the prices of the components, but just from that pure sheer number. The iPhone 10 is expected to bring them $4 billion. I thought another cool point that was mentioned in here is that Samsung executives as when they talk about this, let's say they're in a business meeting and you pull out a phone And it's not a Samsung phone, it's an iPhone, and they're totally okay with it because. I was gonna say. They consider iPhones their best client. In the report it says Samsung employees often refer to Apple with code names. One of the most popular. Is LO, short for lovely opponent. [LAUGH] that's funny man I was gonna say- What up LO? Like they get a $110 for every iPhone they sell. That's like why doesn't Samsung help Apple sell iPhones then. [LAUGH] Put them on their website. [CROSSTALK] ad or something. Yeah do something. On behalf of our LO. Low. Low. Low. Low. Low. Low. Man. We got, like, apple bottom jeans. [LAUGH] That's funny, man. Notes with the curves. I don't I don't know, they should just do some marketing thing. I'm sure they see long lines at the Apple Store, they're like, we're gonna cash in this time. That's a song right there, man. [LAUGH] We just got a song right there. That's easy. I love it though, low. Lovely opponents. Sounds good. I'm gonna use that Next time I'm on the court I'm like what up Lo? [LAUGH] The guy is going to be like what, what are you talking about? You know, lovely opponent. Then he's going to be like what. He's going to be like I'm going to kick yo **** on the court. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Alright, this is a fun story. Unfortunately it literally expired overnight. Apple is known to do this, but just a couple days ago If you asked Siri, what is the national anthem of Bulgaria? The song that came up as a recommendation and a direct link to that song was Despacito.. Despacito? Despacito, you know the song. Siri says the national anthem of Bulgaria is Despacito And when in fact, it is Mila Rodino. It was, we have the evidence, [LAUGH] The visual evidence. This was originally found on Reddit. It started to spread like wildfire. CNet put up an article. We tested it yesterday, and then as of this morning it was changed, Fixed it. Correctly. Apple's been known to do this. That's funny man. Because You know how everyone's calling the iPhone X, iPhone X. I mean, people are still calling it the iPhone X. Yeah. The general population is calling it the iPhone X. I specifically asked Siri just for fun, hey how do I pre-order the iPhone X? When you ask it the proper way, Siri used the Roman numeral X Yes.>> And she would respond, "this is how you order the iPhone X". And I was ready, we've set up our cameras to do this skit about it, and me just being "I told you it was X I told you" [LAUGH] and that, because it worked the day before, that morning they had literally fixed it. Wow that's funny.>> Because you know, that's just- Yeah>> like when Siri tells you it's X, it's like I knew it. I knew it. That makes me feel sorry for the Siri engineers cuz you know they're getting a phone call at like midnight. They're brushing their teeth. They're like, crap, I gotta fix some Bulgaria National Anthem. Man, okay, I'll do it. So Apple is listening. Apple is paying attention to what's going on here with Siri. They are, dude. They totally are. That means that they're a little concerned, it seems like. Totally. I really didn't want the IPhone X/IPhone 10 part. I wanted that mini skit so bad. That's a bummer. You know, that's gold. That's a mini gold joke. Well through the magic of editing we could probably still [LAUGH] You probably could, but it would be very, but then people would try and be like, dude it doesn't work, what are you talking about. Then you'd be getting a bad apple. I would get a bad apple. You would get the bad apple. I would get a bad apple. Alright. Guys everybody called in, we love it so much. Again, if you want to be a part of the show 1-800-616 2638 is the number to call. We narrowed it down obviously, to a few, so I think we're just gonna jump into them. Yeah man, thank you guys all for calling. And here we go, here's the number one caller of the day. Hey Brian and Beach, this is Kenny from Texas, love the show. I'm kinda curious to hear what your Thoughts on the four different iPhone 10 models. How would you rank them in order of demand? I've heard different people have different opinions as far as which model, what size, and color combination will be the most in demand. So how would you rank the four different models in order of demand? Love the show. Take care, bye. Man, this is, so he wants me to rank the four iPhone 10s specifically. So we know that they come in two colors, and they come in two sizes, okay? So, okay, I'm going to pick my carrier. There's Silver or Space Gray. To me, the Space Grays are going to have a higher, people are going to want those more just because. It just looks better. Yeah. With the black. It's also kind of like the classic Apple iPhone color. Totally. So let's just throw it out here Silver 64 is most definitely going to be the least popular then, quite honestly, I'm going to lean-- it depends on how many Apple makes. Are you saying which one sells out first, or which one sells the most? Because they're probably going to produce more 64GB models than they can keep up to produce 256GB models, there's like a shortage Of flash memory going around, so I think that will make it harder as well. I'm gonna say this, silver 64, black 64, silver 256, black 256, if you went in order from which sells out first. But if you said which is the most popular, I'd go silver, silver, black, black. See I interpreted this question completely different. [LAUGH] I though he was saying each iPhone SE- But then he said iPhone Xs Yeah he said iPhone Xs, so I was thinking like SE, 8, 8 Plus, X. Well that would be easy, it would be SC8 a+ 10 [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Is that anything? But remember the SC was like a really popular one, remember? True. It like sold>> I'm just messing around. like gangbusters. I guess I'm saying which ones I would want in the order. Yea, yea. But without a doubt, black 256 will be the hardest one to get, in my opinion. Totally. That's where I'm at. Yea, the big one. I am disappointed there was no signature color I think it's just because they couldn't get it done in time and I think that we'll see a third color sometime in the next six months. Yeah, they tend to do that with the 5C or whatever it was. Where's rose gold? Rose gold! Where's rose? I want the rose. I would not be opposed to a rose gold phone Neither would I. But the black just looks so much better. Yeah. It just looks complete. Im gonna slap a dope case on it. Cool. Sorry. Next call. I'm looking at the website. You're all looking at- I'm shopping. I'm shopping. I know Apple store has that power. [CROSSTALK] This looks real good right now. Okay, here we go, next question. Hi Gary, this is Jennifer from Oklahoma calling back. I had called last week, you were right. My other question is about the Apple Watch LTE or the regular 3. If I'm not planning on using it for a cellphone right now, but Is it possible to use it and not put it on a plan? And then maybe later put it on a plan when I find I wanna use it for voice calls. So, anyways those are my questions. Thanks so much. Take care, bye. What up Jennifer? The answer to that is yes, you can. When you setup your Apple watch to your phone for the first time It asks you specifically. There's a panel that asks you if you want to set it up for cellular or not. You can skip that step. The only thing that I'm not sure about is if you want to reactivate that cellular step, I don't know if it's actually in the settings of the app or you might have to Potentially I don't think so, kind of refresher Apple Watch from start and go through that process. I just don't know if there's just this shortcut to be like, okay, now I wanna turn on cellular. The other thing that I do wanna bring up is and I mentioned this in my review, if you are someone who was on a grandfathered data plan, almost all of those, and I'm talking about a plan that's Easily five years old or more. Mine was like eight, nine, ten. I've had the same data plan forever because I wasn't trying to pay more. They're gonna ask you to upgrade to some sort of a modern plan. These are the words that they used with me. [LAUGH] For a modern device to work with it. They said their system had no way of attaching a new Apple watch LTE to an old data plan, which means You're gonna have t pay more for data plan in addition to $10 more for the Apple watch to work to work on it. So there's finance here that Apple just made it say, okay, $10 more to go on your plan. Uh-uh, they told me $20 more, so what I did was I went to customer service. I went to this [UNKNOWN] AT&T called customer loyalty. I looked at all the plans. I found out how much data I typically use right now, period and I found a plan that technically it is a semi unlimited it was called I think Mobile Share Advantage is the name of the plan, but I was able to get 20 gigs, and then once I hit 20 gigs it throttles down the speed which I'm like fine. But I only had to pay five more dollars for this new plan instead of the initial $20 they were telling me to. Then you add on the 10. So really I'm paying $15 more than I used to. But at least I'm not paying $30 more. And Okay, so that's just if you want the watch, right? So you had to get a whole new plan for your phone too. Yeah, I had to get a whole new data plan. Man, see right there they lost me. A modern plan for a modern device. It's called BS. We just want more money. Yeah, they lost me right there man. I will not upgrade cuz I'm a grandfather. Big time. And I'm telling you, most of you, here's the thing. You've got to really be able to commit, and are the type of person who will use your watch when you're working out, without a phone. If you don't do that I really don't thing there's any reason to buy the Series 3 watch LTE version. I think if you just go from a original Apple watch and you're a fan, and you wanna get the third gen, it's gonna be a great upgrade cuz of the speed, and performance, and the Siri. But don't get the LTE version if you're someone that doesn't work out. It serves no purpose. Other than okay fine. I'm going to go to the grocery store and I'm going to be gone away from my phone but you're typically going to have your phone with you when you go to the grocery store. Yeah. It's a really specific use case you've got to figure out if it's worth it before you do that. It was worth it for me and I'm. Very happy because that's what I wanted my watch to do. And 20 gigs, I'd blow through 20 gigs like boom, fast. Do you what your monthly is about? Like 30 maybe, something like that. Cuz I'm streaming constantly, constant stream. I'm actually around 16 per month they told me. Really? I get to 16 Halfway through the month. And then they start sending them into texts that they're gonna start throttling me Dang. After I get to 20 or something. And I do notice the slowness, and I'm like you're throttling me. You better use that work WiFi more Beach. [LAUGH] I do I do. You gotta get on that work WiFi more. Yeah. If it works. Yep. If it works. [LAUGH] Yeah, that's true too. There's so many times when I turn off the work wi-fi. I'm like this is crap.>> I know, it's terrible. This is crap. Blocking me from Ticket Master again. Forget y'all. Yeah. Alright, next call. Hey guys. Fred from Jersey. Quick question. You see all the technology they put in with facial recognition, do you really think that the under the screen fingerprint ID was ever in the works? And, second question, do you think that it will see it in the next generation of iPhones? Thanks guys. Love the show. I think that if they can get it right it will be in the next I-phone. That's why I feel like this is like an I-phone 9.5. There are multiple reports and evidence that they absolutely were trying to put it. Put it in this phone. They already have multiple patents over the years that have shown that they've been, they already have the patents for finger print sensing through a screen, without a physical button. So I, there's no way they weren't working on it, but again we have to look at the industry as a whole, Samsung had a problem with it I believe it's Qualcomm. The company that says they will have an under the fingerprint screen sensor ready to go by I think mid to end of 2018. You've gotta imagine that Apple is working on their own, so combine all that I hope that they get it done by next year because I think it could be a really powerful combination depending on what you use facial scanning for versus what you use your fingerprint for and how they can compliment each other. I think you can do some really cool things if both of those things are there. You know I think that was the goal quite honestly. And for whatever reason I think Apple, although they tried and tested it, just from a pure aesthetics reason, they were not willing to put a finger-print sensor on the rear of the phone. And I wish they did, it has never bothered Bothered me. It has never bothered me. People are like put it on the Apple logo. Well, it's not that easy. And have the Apple logo light up. Make the Apple logo be a [UNKNOWN] the lights up and then takes you off into space. Yeah, that's not going to happen. But.. That's what they did with the pixel. It's on the back, right? Yeah, it's on the perfect spot. It's It's fine. I really feel like LG was the first company that did this, if I recall right. I feel like it was LG that was the very first one that.. Put that fingerprint sensor on the back. And when you pick up the phone it's totally there it's not that bad it's. I feel like the way their hand actually grabs the phone in general your fingerprint is there same amount of time your fingerprint moves down to push on the bottom of the front screen so. I do expect it next year I just hope that they can get it done. Alright next call. Hey Beech and Tong this is Alex all the way from the East cost. Did we already hear that guy? I don't know keep playing him. Sorry. Hey Beech and Tong this is Alex all the way from the East coast here in Miami. I just wanted to give a quick comment. Something that Beech said on the last episode about The lightning port not being connected really well to the iPhone and being really loose. Same thing happened to my iPhone 6 and what I found out was lint stuck inside that little port inside the phone. So I went in there real carefully with a little toothpick. You'd be surprised how much lint I got out of there. And then once I tried the lightning cord back in there, bam it was stuck on really good. Wouldn't get any of those connections and then the whole not charging issue and whatnot, so anyway, just wanted to give that old but still good tip to you guys. Maybe it works, hopefully it does All right guys, love the show, take care. Yeah, baby. I had a lot of people tweet me about that on your behalf. Yeah, me too. Did you try the-- I haven't had time, but I'm going to try it, and I'll, maybe I'll take some pictures of my lint if I pull some out. This is lint! This place is lint! We're all lint, man! This is so lint! Yeah. All right. But yeah, that makes sense. It in my pocket all the time so I'm sure there's lint from my pants and whatever. Your hoodies. Yeah. Your little soft little sweaters and vests. I've had this thing for like two and a half years now. All your sweater vests. Yeah It's all linty in your sweater vest. [LAUGH] My sweater vest? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Your sweater vests, I said it. I don't wear any sweater vests. Cardigans. Your Patagonia d-bag vest. No, I'm just kidding. I've got my Roadshow jacket here. I'm sorry I'm not trying to offend our listeners, but the Patagonia vest on top of a Baby blue, collared, poplin shirt is the biggest d-bag thing I've ever, it's just horrible. Just stop it guys. Just stop it already. [LAUGH] That's funny. Although someone would insult my hair just as easily, so. But I'm just saying stop that already. I hate that, it's the worst! Yeah. Okay, let's move on. Next call, last call. For alcohol, here we go. Hey, guys, this is Ricky from Dallas, Texas. I just want to mention about the low power for the iOS Lemon. What I've been doing is I've just been putting my phone in low power mode. And its been working just fine. So I don't have to really worry about that. So, if that helps anybody, there you go. Low power mode. Yeah man, but like when you're in low power mode, you can't do like nearly half the stuff. It's like. You lose a lot of stuff, like notifications. Okay, here. Let me read this all. I mean it's saying that you, My man, you are totally right. You can even do things like turn off certain locations. I think locations services on certain apps. I think the biggest one is if you want to reduce the fetch on your email. Yeah. Instead of it doing real time, make it do every half hour, unless You really gotta get that. Actually, you should be careful because all these stupid, not stupid, all these Instagram museums are so hot right now, like the color museum, the ice cream museum. [LAUGH] 29 rooms, look them all up, okay. Yeah. Their tickets are so hard to get that they'll send you an email when the tickets are available. Really? [CROSSTALK] Ice cream one. But what do they have to do with Instagram. It's like they're visually just like dope rooms whether the color factory or color museum. I do see people Instagramming those places all the time. That's what I'm saying. So their rooms basically made for the Instagram generation. It's for the IG. It's like You're so cool, you went to another Instagram museum. Great, congratulations. I'm in a pit full of balls, jumping in the pit. Guess what? I'm the 35th person with a yellow pit ball picture. Congratulations. Boomerang. I'm boomeranging that. [LAUGH] All right, yeah exactly. Boomerang, IG Facebook, Twitter. All right, low power. But let me just break down everything you'll lose if you go into low power mode. I've only gone to low power mode when it was like 10% and I knew it was gonna be out for a long time. I'm like, I just hope this gets me through, but it doesn't. Low power mode temporarily reduces power consumption until you can fully charge your iPhone. When this is on mail fetch Hey Siri, background app re, dude it just set off my Siri. [LAUGH] Dammit, blank Siri, background app refresh, automatic downloads and some visual effects are reduced or turned off. Okay, so notifications still work then? Well, background app refresh- Background app refresh, yeah. Is typically kind of tied to it. Automatic download, yeah, no, it's just. I mean, Mail Fetch is, yeah. It's like living with a cast on, kind of. He's like, I'm just gonna wear a cast, it'll be fine. Or you could get an Apple Watch LTE- [LAUGH] For $400, and then pay $10 a month, and update your plan And just gouged up the you know what. There's solutions out there, guys. There's always a solution. Yeah, some tough, tough, tough solutions. A bunch of first world solutions. Bunch of first world solutions. All right, man, that's it? That's it, man, yep. Okay, everybody, thank you so much for being a part of the show. Again, if you want to call us and get interactive with us it's. What's the phone number again? 1-800-616- Two, six, three, ocho. Three ocho, call us everybody. All right, that's it for this week, we will be back next week. Thanks so much. Beecham you're the man, [CROSSTALK] Awesome having you here as always. I'll be back in two weeks Two weeks Okay good, good, good So we'll do it again Sweet All right Beats and Tongs signing off. Take care, be safe everybody peace. [MUSIC]

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