Apple is bringing iOS and Mac apps together (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 115)
Apple is bringing iOS and Mac apps together (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 115)

Apple is bringing iOS and Mac apps together (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 115)

[MUSIC] Hello everybody on the Internet, my name is Stephen Beacham, producer of the Apple Byte Extra Crunchy podcast. With your host, Mr. Brian Tong. What's up, everybody? Welcome to the show, it's Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, we keep it extra munchy. Our complementary piece To our weekly show. You know how it is. It's everything good and bad inside the world of Apple it's just a lot more in-depth. And before we start the show, because people like to chime in when they're watching live, we got to give props to Orlando in Orlando. Orlando in Orlando said hi. [LAUGH] Orlando is hanging out in Orlando right now? Orlando in Orlando says, what's up? [LAUGH] All right, This is episode 115 again, you can call us to be a part of the show. We actually got a lot of calls, but some where like, really hard to hear so- Yeah. We're not gonna play them, and some were just really long and made no sense whatsoever. So remember, keep it tight, think about what you're gonna say before you say it because I think that helps. Like, just grab your thoughts together before you call in. Make some notes. All right, the number. Yeah make some notes, like some bullet points even. [LAUGH] 1-800-616-2638 that is the number to call. Again, we want to remind you that this is the last show of the year. We'll be back in about a month, so The good thing is not much crazy Apple news happens during this whole CES break but maybe there will we don't know. We wont be here. We're you going to go on vacation Beach? I'm going to L.A. for like five days. Going to hit Universal Studios. Dude do you know that's like two blocks from me. Is it really? Yes. Well that's awesome. We need to talk. I'm going to go back to the bay area though. You're going to be in the bay. Nice. I'm gonna be in the band. Yeah, I'm stoked. So all right. I'm stoked. Anyways, enjoy the time with your loved ones, friends, families or yourself this break, but we will be gone for a month. But let's jump into the stories. Really, the lead story this week is coming to us from Bloomberg. I don't know this gave me an Aero Beach, here we go, here's the headline from Bloomberg, Mark German and company. All those friends over there. Apple plans a combined iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps to create one user experience. Wow! Here we go! Can anyone say Microsoft? [LAUGH] They had to do this, man, cuz [UNKNOWN] And kinda drop what you're doing. We've got some eye rolls already being posted [LAUGH] In the comments, but here we go Apple's aim is to let developers expand IOS apps to Mac computers. I'm kinda laughing inside a little bit. Now here's the thing, here's some of the strategy behind it and we'll kind of talk and break it down. Apple's customers in the past have complained that some of these Mac App Store apps, they kind of get the short end of the stick. They're not as in-depth. Developers, if you're gonna pick between app store and Mac store, you're gonna go app store first. You're not even gonna care about the Mac store as much. But at the same time, there's some developers who have been able to make a nice little niche In the Mac store because there's not as much love there. This is what's gonna happen. We've always talked about like will Apple make a laptop with touch capability on a screen or an iMAC with touch. This is the first step to getting there. Yeah. Building apps that work for both iOS, iPhone, iPad and Mac at the same time. In addition to that the belief is that these apps will not only work with a touch interface, but they will be made to work with a mouse as well. A click and point mouse. Nice. So according to this report, starting as early as next year, software developers will be able to design a single application that works with a touch screen or mouse or track pad, depding on whether it's running on the iPhone iMac hardware. That's according to people familiar with the matter and this is directly from Bloomberg's report. Currently developers must design two different apps, what we've talked about. One for iOS, one for the Mac Store, that's not as efficient. And then also, by unifying these apps, they could help iOS and Mac OS kind of evolve and grow as one. Look, this is literally what Microsoft has been pushing Universal apps that work both on, even games, let's talk about XBOX games. That's the big one, yeah. XBOX One games, such as Cuphead, Forza 7, and I think Gears of War 4, at least off the top of my head. Those are three titles That work both on the console, but if you're a Windows 10 owner you can directly download those apps, games, and play them, I can play them on a surface with a bluetooth controller. Yeah, that's the key is the games. That's everything. If they're going to be moving into AR and VR and all that stuff they got to get on board with the games. So, this is all about this universal app. Apple is developing this strategy as kind of the next major iOS and Mac OS updates that will be announced next year. It's code, the project is code named marzipan according to their sources. [LAUGH] Marzipan is that sweet almondy. Yeah, it's an almond like, paste for cakes. Yeah, it's an almond paste that I love. Feels good, which also brings back one of my favorite Ben & Jerry ice cream flavors, did any of you ever have Mission To Marzipan back in the day? Do you know what I'm talking about? No, I don't. Okay, it was this amazing like, almond cookies and then like, that sweet almond marzipan swirls in it. It was ridiculous, and they got rid of it and it's been gone for like, seven or eight years, and I don't know what they're doing, but they should bring it back. This is a side request in case anyone from Ben and Jerry's is listening to this podcast. So they are calling it Marzipan, like that seems like an Android thing, how they name everything after food [SOUND], candy or something? [LAUGH] Right? Dang beach. We had Kit Kat. What do we have now? What's the new age app for android? So the secret project that is no longer a secret Marsapan is planned as a multi year effort. It's going to start rolling out to developers as Early as next year and will most definitely, according to this report, be announced at the Annual Developers Conference in the summer. This is also what I found kind of interesting to funny. You have to rewind a little bit back in time, but there was a point in time, specifically, and Apple has always said If you've looked historically when they have been approached specifically about bringing the two worlds together. They've outright said that iOS is a separate experience from MAC OS. They offer different, Benefits and all of us are saying, dude, just make an Apple version of the Surface Pro and it'll be sick, right. Yeah. I mean a lot of people have been wanting that but instead they've actually gone over to the Surface Pro because you can do so many more things. You can use desktop based apps and run this other you know use as a tab as well. So remember we made fun of this in the show years ago Tim Cook had argued that he kind of used this comparison, and this was his quote. You can converge a toaster and a refrigerator, but those things are probably not going to be pleasing to the user, he said this in 2012. Craig Federighi also called the blending of iOS and Mac OS A compromise, really. A compromise, that's an ugly word [LAUGH]. I'm still on it. I gotta say something though about, I don't have a Microsoft Surface, but I have a Windows 10 laptop touchscreen. And I completely avoid all the tile Applications, you know what I mean? Like the applications that are optimized for both a laptop and a Microsoft surface? I avoid those. I just want the PC ones. They are always kind of limited, and they look crappy, so I think Microsoft can definitely do a better job. Of integrating those into all of their you know, all their laptops and tablets, but I do avoid them. So if Apple could do it better, then I'd be all on board, and it's definitely gonna be all about the games. Are people that are watching and listening right now, are you guys on board with this? I just want to see your yes or your no's, your thumbs up or thumbs down. I think what's also interesting, and we'll kind of get the pulse of everybody. What's also interesting is, by opening this gateway to allow iOS apps to be ported to or made for also Mac. I think you're gonna see two things. You're gonna get a flood of garbage [LAUGH]. You're going to get a flood of garbage, but like in any situation with developers that care, You will. There will be developers like for example Affinity Photo. Not infinity, not infinity or, Affinity Photo. It was just awarded one of the the best, Apps of the year. Really my favorite app on the iPad Pro giving me complete Photoshop control with a pen stylus on an iPad. It does work cross platform with the Mac based desktop app. But those are good examples of developers that you'll want them to make an app that crosses over both iOS and MacOS. So It will always come down to developer. Who is going to make the quality stuff that's gonna come over? Would you like to play a few games on your Mac once in awhile, while you shooting a breeze? Wouldn't you? Yeah, for sure. That is going to be the biggest deal. Also, stuff like using Spotify. If you are used to using it a certain way on your phone all the time, And then you have to go and use it on a desktop and you're actually like, using the website interface and stuff. It's always so much different and kind of a more of a pain in the **** you know? Yeah. So, it would be nice to be able to just use the app on your computer as you would on your phone you know, it just makes sense. Yeah, I think this was an inevitable move for Apple, it was just one of those things where users are like, when are you going to actually do this? And we're gonna see how this transition happens. I see people with thumbs up, some people are like yeah okay, maybe, we'll see how it shakes out. But it is, I think knowing Apple and someone makes a great point here. Castor bee, are they gonna still sensor conservative apps? Or are they going to really curate and only approve certain apps that will go That'll kind of be a part of this now new iOS Mac OS platform, cuz Apple likes to control their platform more than anyone else. It'll probably be more stringent, like more rules cuz it has to meet the guidelines for both the laptop and the tablets and the phone. So it's probably gonna be a lot more difficult for developers, actually. Yeah Navine Kumar's just saying put IOS apps on a Mac already. Yeah. Hell yeah. He's like just do it. I think there's some great examples where that would help everyone out. Again right now, we've talked about this, this is the most fragmented Apple's operating systems have ever been when you have different hardware doing different things with different devices. Even from something like an iPhone 8 to an iPhone 10, to an iPad. Those are IOS devices that all use IOS in three different ways, it's time to bring it together. So I think it's a really fascinating story and I think that this is a classic thing where Apple will be so stubborn about saying we're not gonna do this. We'll never gonna do this, this is not gonna be how it is. And then four of five year later They decide to do it. And then the general consumer's going to say my gosh Apple made IOS apps for the Mac now. It's like no dude. I know my desktop's going to be messy man because I have a ton of apps on my phone so my whole desktop's just going to be covered in apps. We're gonna have to figure out a way to organize that in a cool way, you know. Somewhere Sacha and Adella is smiling and kind of like half smirk giggling. That's the head of Microsoft like [LAUGH] Apple. Okay Apple. All right, just some kind of updates with the iPhone 10. The iPhone 10 Plus should help kind of aid in Apple's new push for OLED displays according to some reports, here. Apple is now, or sorry, excuse me, Samsung Display is now at a 90% yield rate for producing OLED screens, and what does that really mean? Earlier in the year, as Apple was ramping up to build the iPhone 10s, they were only able to get about a 60% yield rate of actual displays that could be used in these phones. It bumped up to 80% later this year. It now believes it's up to 90%, so they're able to churn through these a lot faster and more efficiently. According to a report from The Investor, Samsung Display will end up supplying Apple with somewhere between 180 and 200 million flexible OLED displays for the iPhone in 2018. That's up from an estimated 50 million from this year. So that's a big jump. Also, let's be honest. There's a lot more time. We've had this kind of last quarter of 2017 versus a full year in 2018. Also the general thinking is that a big amount of these OLEDs will also go towards the iPhone X plus or whatever they call it, right, just the larger iPhone display that's expected to be a 6.4 inch OLED, just that big size. iPhone 10 ultimately to kind of diversify their lineup even more. But that is something we're expecting to see next year sometime. Just a whole lot more of OLED and there is no comment on Apple's dependence and if they're still really gonna start producing the OLEDs out of their own factories or work with some of these other companies. There hasn't been a sign yet that they've been successfully been able to flip that switch on. But they'll definitely need it. So get ready, more OLEDs for the iPhone. Now here's a story about the iPhone that has been getting probably the most buzz over the past week. I'm not sure if you heard about it or read about it, but it kinda started on Reddit. A user posted how basically the performance on their old iPhone 6S seemed like Really slow once they had updated the operating system. And they're wondering like, what is going on? And so, what they did, is they actually replaced their battery in their phone, and then they ran another geek. They first did an original geek bench score on their kind of worn down battery Running the latest operating system. I think it was IOS 11 or 11.2. And they're like, I'm getting weak scores, a single core score of 1466 and a multi core score of 2512. Okay, so then they put in a new battery. And much to their surprise, but also what they had thought. The performance on their phone jumped up significantly. Single core score of 2526. Which is almost double. And a multi core of 4456. Which is almost double. Now forget about the numbers. The performance of the phones were actually just a lot better. ALmost twice as fast. So what did Geek Bench do? Geek Bench wanted to analyze and see is there really a correlation between The operating systems and how they deal with power management. So Geekbench took the iPhone's success and ran their test and basically they're looking for Geekbench performance scores. They have an iPhone success running in 10.2 and basically the general scores hit on that high 2,500 mark score but as they started getting Updating the OS on this phone to check its performance levels and what the geek bench scores were getting. You start to see a broader range of scores anywhere from 1,000 to 2500. Okay? So, you see this deviation that not all these phones are performing at their highest rate as you update your phone. Now they did the same thing with the iPhone 7. It wasn't as drastic, but again, as they updated the operating system, literally the power management and performance is different. They saw similar spikes in iOS 11.2 on the iPhone 7, as they did with iOS 11.2 on the 6S. And so now everyone is saying, what is going on? What is really happening here? Now, clearly batteries do age over time. And one of the issues if you don't remember, Apple had released a software update, I think it was like 10.2.1. And that was because peoples phones were actually, specifically I think 6 and 6Ss, were randomly shutting down when they were around 30% battery. Do you remember that? Yeah, yeah, I remember a story about that, yeah. So this is kind of an explanation what happened. This is according to the Geek Bench story and a quote from Reddit. Many iPhone 6s device were shutting down unexpectedly even after the battery replacement program because degraded batteries last much less and end up with lower voltage Apple's solution was to scale down CPU performance. Again, this doesn't solve anything and it is a bad experience. Your phone is actually slower, but it's better than having your device shut down at around a 40%, 30% battery juice life when you need it the most. [LAUGH] That's such a compromise right there. It is, right? And ultimately it's not A good option. No. Is it better than a shutdown? Yes, but people have started to kind of figure this out and put the pieces together. So if you're experiencing some of these issues, we just wanna talk about it. It is a very kind of like In depth, almost insider baseball what is happening to iPhone 6's and 6s's, specifically as you update the operating system. How many times have you heard people after two years; and lo and behold, this is the two year mark, my phone is feeling slow It's almost like an old wives' tale at this point. Two year's is up, Apple's throttling me now, I have to go get a new phone. It's almost like an inside joke that a lot of us say to each other. Not even people in the tech field, just random consumers, they feel that. Everyone kinda feels that. And to my point, I've always told people if you have a phone that's two years old don't update to the latest operating system. So, part of this is clearly the way that it deals the power management, when there's a lower voltage coming from the batteries because these batteries are worn out. Instead of shutting down the phone they're gonna scale down the performance. So, this is just something to know Apple hasn't confirmed this. Apple hasn't responded to this. But now at least you have a legitimate benchmarking site that is testing these out and showing that this does happen in both the iPhone 6S and an iPhone 7 as you update the software to the phones. It's a bummer, man. So just something- You would think like updating to the latest would make your phone faster and improve it. Like that's what everyone wants to think, but. I mean I feel like in the past, sometimes did but old in general, most of the time, when you're running a more advanced OS on hardware that, look Apple is always going to prioritize the newest phone with the newest software, and then they'll go to the phone one year lower, and then the phone two years lower. It's, and you can only squeeze out so much from those, from that phone when it's a two year old phone. I mean, there's a lot of advancements that happened in that time. So, I get that. It may not perform as well. But I just tell people don't update your OS if you're one of those phones, just don't do it. If it's more than two years. If you're on the two year window, don't do it. Okay. If it's at the two year point, basically, or the two phone cycle, just don't do it. [LAUGH] And I think that this is gonna gain even more steam as more people talk about this. As it becomes more of a mainstream story, and it's starting to get there. People aren't going to be happy about this, but at the same time, what can you do other than like, is somebody gonna file you know, is someone gonna file a lawsuit against Apple or a- A class action? Yeah, a class action lawsuit. I mean, who knows. It's possible, I mean you know, it's totally possible, cuz people are feeling like they're getting throttled. Like, AT&T. Throttles me when I get to 22 gigs a month or something, but I have unlimited data. So they're saying, we're gonna start throttling you after you reach 16 gigs or something. And I'm like, well, that's not unlimited. I'm paying for unlimited data and you're throttling me. So why are you slowing me down you know, and it's upsetting, you know? It's upsetting. Where people are upset, people are only gonna get more upset listening to this, I feel like. Yeah, yeah, well the have a right to, you know? All right, I'll get you a little more upset if you want. AirPods, they are out, Apple is official out. Sold out of AirPods- Wow. Until January of next year. So I know Beats, that was probably like, the gift that would keep giving for you, but if you go to the Apple online store, if you even go to choose to pick up AirPods, at least with Apple retail, you might find them like at, BestBuy and other places or Target or something, you might find them. Right now through Apple, AirPods are out until January. Which then leads to our next story, when will the next next AirPods come out? According to Ming-Chi Kuo, and this just makes logical sense to all of us here. According to Ming-Chi Kuo from DigiTimes, Apple is expected to release an upgrade to the AirPods in the second half of 2018. That pretty much put this upgrade about two years out. Like I said when they first came out, they don't need to upgrade this every year. They need to catch up with even selling them. They're a really, really, really good product. They're not great yet. They can be better. They still blip out on me when I'm out on the street. The sound once in a while will cut out and you're like what the hell was that? It just does happen. And I want more, better touch controls in them. Do we really have to keep the like, the Q tip look? Like, do we have to? [LAUGH] Do we really have to do that still? Yeah, get rid of that. They're gonna keep that. They're gonna keep. I think, this is just what it's gonna be for awhile. So, anyways, expect that sometime in late 2018. We all are also still expecting the The- guy, why does it slip my mind? Is it AirPower, that pad that I keep on making fun of? Yeah, yeah, I think it's called AirPower, yeah yeah yeah. Air Power! That's expected to come out some time next year. Here's the other thing I wanna bring up that I realized about the AirPower pad. It's a wireless charging pad, it charges your phone, your Air Pods with the new updated case, and your Apple Watch. But If you're someone who has an Apple- basically, if you have an Apple Watch that has like the sporty rubber band that can actually come apart in two, or some of the leather bands, you're gonna be able to lay that flat. But if you're someone who has something like, the metal link watch band? Yeah. Some of the classier ones that actually can't flatten out, you're not gonna be able to use The air powered maxi pad with it. That's a bummer man. Those other bands are way more expensive too and have all kinds of built in functionality so that is a bummer. It's so stupid because, not stupid for them but stupid that I didn't even think about it because I saw the picture I'm like cool I'll be able to Charge all three devices and pay $200 for that. [LAUGH] It's like all right fine I will try it out but I can't even my phone I have that classy stealing burn on it. It wont I cant use that. So it has absolutely have to sit completely flat on that thing men. Has to sit flat on that thing. Dot they have like Special Op watch one like probably not but, if they had one that was like a watch holder kind of thing, that will be kinda cool. I mean there's company that makes stuffs like that yeah So, i was like you go to select the band, i ain't going to select the band off Aah But i think the metal link stays like in a chain, you have to like break it apart it's a lot of work Okay Guess what before holiday season because we told them we were gone for a month, no one wanted to sponsor the show so we're gonna end it right now, just kidding. Alright let's get to more stories this week, this is kind of the ongoing battle between Apple and Amazon. This is finally like a little kumbaya moment for both Apple and Amazon Amazon says Prime Video, the actual prime video app had the most first week downloads of any Apple TV app ever. Wow. Amazon Prime Video, there's so much demand according to an Apple. This is according to Amazon's spokesperson. It had the most first week downloads of any app in the history of tvOS. That's [UNKNOWN] I believe that. Yeah, yeah. I believe that. That's great. Totally free. I don't know how many of you jumped onboard and just got it because it works for both the Amazon TV 4K. What is that music? This is kumbaya. I chose the wrong version of kumbaya. [LAUGH] I'm like we're getting an instrumental guitars all of sudden. I wanted play the kumbaya moment for these two but you know I found the wrong version, it works. So Amazon Prime video app number one top most downloaded in the first week in the history of TV OS. Which then of course now that Apple and Amazon are on good terms The Apple TV is now finally back on sale on Amazon. Remember- Yeah, that's right, yeah. Much like Amazon is having this beef with Google where YouTube is no longer can be streamed on Amazon devices. Amazon's like, **** you! We're taking off the Google Home and Chrome tasks from Amazon. At least Apple and Amazon has squashed their beef. So you can now get an Apple TV on Amazon, but they're out of stock. [LAUGH] They've already sold out, right? They're out of stock. Wow. Just letting you know. In other words, just quickly, for the holidays for some AppleTV 4K bundles. Apple is doing that on their I guess, should I call it their iTunes store? Or just on their movie store you can now get different bundles, great 4K bundles like Transformers, all five movies. No thanks. [LAUGH] I was curious just to be, okay, what 4K models? They have the Hunger Game bundles, they have. Other 4K1s. They even have something like action adventure where they put together like, the accountant, Argo, and into the storm. But as I was curious, I looked up the Transformers package deal that they have going right now, and three of the five movies were rated below 20% rotten tomatoe One of them was a 35, and then the very first one was at a 50, 57. Wow, I wonder if they based the prices off those ratings, those movie ratings. Okay, we'll give you some 20% rated videos for free, and all the higher rated ones- Yeah, I'm looking at these deals. Maybe the best deal is I'm gonna say for drama, for $25 Life of Pi, The Martian, and Revenant. Yeah, that's what I'm looking at, too. Those are actually legit movies. Yeah, I haven't seen The Revenant, but the other two. Sony Pictures, for $20 they got Bad Boys, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and The Professional. That's kind of a dope deal. Yeah, yeah, that is. I'm just listing off stuff. Sci Fi Fantasy, Blade Runner, I Am Legend, that might be cool. Totally worth it. Let's jump over to games and apps. Just some quick notes before we end up this holiday season. If you thought Pokemon Go was dead, I feel like it's dead, but they're trying to bring it back. And what they're doing now exclusively on the iPhone, because the iPhone now has AR Kit involved in it. Pokemon Go is calling this an AR+ mode, again powered by Apple's AR Kit. Now what makes this different Is that before you know, you would use the ARKit mode in Pokemon Go and you'd see the character there and it would just like stay there and run around. So now the characters are actually anchored to the ground. You can go up close to them so that they'll increase in size. You can get an idea of the size of the Pokemon, like Pikachu is not the same, As who knows? Who do I like? Charizard, Charizard. Charizard's a good one, Charizard's a good one, yeah. I like- Squirtle? Kyogre, yeah, Squirtle's a cute one. [LAUGH] So anyways. It anchors the actual character there. You can move around them. But they also say if you get too close to some of them, or kind of like surprise them, they'll run away. But it keeps it locked in the space. So, there's a video clip you guys can check out. Check out cnet, gotta go and check it out, it's fun, whatever. Can you kick them? That's what I want to know. I don't think you can kick them. No? No, not at all. The other game that is worth checking out, it's kind of hard to deal with, but it's called, Rainbrow, have you seen this game? No. Kinda getting some buzz. Rainbrow? Rainbrow is this game where. Think of it as like a jumping game where you're just kind of jumping up different ledges and trying to avoid things flying in it. But you use your eyebrows. You jump up. [LAUGH] And then you do a frown, move down, and then you keep your face normal to keep it in place. I did find this very difficult to move down, cuz, when you frown, It tends to jump down more than one notch. [LAUGH] So it makes it hard. But when you used your eyebrows up, you get a little up and it definitely jumps accurately. [LAUGH] It's called Rainbrow. It's fun to watch people play. It's called Rainbrow. I'm telling you. This is like for the kids, for the family. You gotta get this game. I know Gil Cabrera is downloading this right now. He's like, Rainbrow, I want it. I'm on it, I already know you Gil. My kids would love that game, that's hilarious. I'm telling you man! The other cool app that just dropped a little update, I'm a big user of the Shazam for IOS finally is getting Offline mode, so what that means is if you have a poor or crappy internet connection, you can still use Shazam and then once you get an internet connection, it would then send the data later on and then tell you the songs that you heard because i hate it when i wanna hear a song and i have bad internet, It won't work. That's cool. So it keeps a record of songs you've listened to, just while you're walking through your life. Not through your life. And then it'll email you later, or? You have to prompt it. You have to prompt it. You still have to prompt it. That's pretty cool though. But it'll most likely, at least while it's listening in the now, record that song snippet. And then upload it later on. Which is cool. That is cool. and then for holiday season, just a little deal deal action for you guys and gals, iTunes there's a hundred dollar gift card that you can get for eighty five bucks using the code iTunes15. And it will be in a emailed delivered iTunes gift card from Amazon, in case you want to jump on that. I don't know, I just, we don't do deals that often, but I saw that and I'm like this is useful like [UNKNOWN] It's a great last minute gift. Save 15 bucks. Yeah, it's totally personal. It's an email, totally personal. [LAUGH] It's cool dude. I'm all about the deals, man. I don't know. I mean I'm all about the deals. It's just real personal. [LAUGH] Here honey, here's a virtual iTunes gift card, I got 15% off. Yeah. I know my wife would be stoked because she's a big music person so she would be stoked. I got $80, $100 to spend on some music, nice. Jump on that, jump on that. All right and before we go, just to end the show, this is like, the last story before we get to our calls. Apple's newest Mac, the MacPro, the trashcan Mac today, as of today, it turned four years old. That's amazing, I've only seen like three of them in the while, dude. I mean, we invested in them and then people like, got pretty sick of them pretty fast. Yeah, I like. I don't see anybody using them at all, ever. So wow, it's four years old. It was technically December 19th was it's birthday. But I think it's gonna, when we look back in time, it's gonna be one of the black eyes. Cuz it also it's black eyes from Apple's history because also they didn't upgrade or do anything with it for four years, and then Their idea of a pro computer became the iMAC pro and now they're gonna give us a modular MAC. And five years after this and after doing nothing with it, it's pretty bad, it's pretty bad strategy wise. Yeah. And again, the thing that will always live in infamy, when they release this MAC pro, Phil Schuller walked out on stage all cocky and he said, Can't innovate, my ****. Did he say that? [LAUGH] Yeah, cuz it kinda came as a surprise in the keynote. And then he strutted on stage after they showed the cool promo videos. I can't innovate, my ****, and everyone started laughing. And it's like, hm, I probably shouldn't have said that. [LAUGH] Probably shouldn't have said that. That's a misstep. Hindsight's 20/20 though, hindsight's 20/20. Bababooey would have called that a big misstep in Apple's history. All right, should we get to the calls? Let's do some calls. Thank you guys all for calling, we had a bunch and we narrowed it down to, I think, five, four. Four, five, something like that. Yeah, so here we go. [BLANK_AUDIO] I turned up the wrong fader, hang on. [INAUDIBLE] Wrong fader, my bad. Hey guys, Matt from Grand Ridge, Illinois. Yeah, I was just curious about iPhones with the new 5G network that is coming out. Any updates on that? Thanks. Love your show, bye. 5G! So, the first thing to make it very clear is because of Apple's decisions. Their current iPhone 10s that you have will not support 5G networks. Or at least get those, excuse me, optimal 5G speeds that are expected to come out. I think realistically we're gonna start seeing, I think T-Mobile per say, might be pushing it. But it's not gonna happen really any time soon. It's probably gonna happen sometime, we might see 5G networks starting rolling out maybe late 2018. It won't be anything prevalent where all carriers will be up to 5G speeds. Honestly, I'm gonna say somewhere around Geez, late 2019, 2020? It's gonna take some time to get here, so yeah, sure, your iPhone will work better but when a 5G network is gonna be available sometime most likely in 2018, you probably want a phone that is capable to do that. And the iPhone X is not one of them. Actually, any of the iPhones is not one of them, so. It's something to look out for. It's still taking it's time. It's not going to be like a switch that's flipped on and all of sudden we're going to see it in a month or two. It's still going to be a while but we're expecting to at least see at lease one of the carriers go for it by the end of 2018. So we'll see that actually does happen. I remember the first time they turned on 4G. That was a pretty big deal. 4G LTE, baby. It was so much faster. Game changer. Yep, okay next call, here we go. Beach and Tong, what's going on? This is Colin from Atlanta again. And I'd just like to call in and ask your opinion. Do you think Apple will release their own home kit certified Home security camera system either just one single camera or maybe an array of cameras in 2018. Love the show. Thanks guys. Bye. Will they do that? Probably I'm gonna say no, not next year. They don't do camera stuff ever, really. I've never seen an Apple webcam or anything like that. They did have, do you remember they have the FaceTime camera that was a silver cylinder that you could get in addition to your iMac years ago? It was a thing you mount on your iMac? Yeah, Yeah, I had called that. It actually looked pretty dope, I still have it at my apartment. Is it widescreen, HD widescreen, everything? I feel like it was 720p cam at the time, it wasn't HD. It wasn't 1080p, it wasn't super fancy. It actually might have not been 720p, it might have been 480p. It was a long time ago. It was a long time ago, but they did put out a web cam. Honestly, I don't want Apple to make a security cam. And the reason being is they need to freaking focus. [LAUGH] They need to stop making new crap and make their bread and butter really good. They're doing too much stuff. Just slow your role a little bit, I'm not telling them that out of all the people in this world to say, stay in your lane, I'm just saying, you have so many things going on, just try and tighten that up a little bit man, just tighten it up. Remember, we used to say that about Google too, we'd be like, Google's doing so much stuff, they would like, launch. Three of the same product and the same product launch [LAUGH]. Now, it's like Apple is doing the same thing. You can tell. You can tell like, Apple is doing so many different things. Like, they're, the focus of the quality and the focus that used to be there just isn't there anymore. It's just a fact- And there's also moving too, moving is hard. They're moving into the new campus. I'm not gonna use that as an excuse. [LAUGH] They moved two miles, if that. [LAUGH] If that, and it's all fancy and stuff. They should be motivated to be like, we're gonna make this good so we don't look stupid right now. That's what they gotta focus on. Cool, all right, and I think this guy had a follow up real quick. Let's see. Also, this is [UNKNOWN] again. Tong, where did you get that shirt? That is pretty dope. All right, bye. [LAUGH] This one? I think he's talking about last week. And I didn't even remember what I wore, but I had to look it up. Although I hope he thinks this shirt is dope too. But it was this reddish camo shirt from G-Star RAW. [LAUGH] I just gave out all my secrets, guys, all my secrets. G-Star RAW, nice. Yeah. [LAUGH] Okay. I don't know, why are we talking about clothes? [LAUGH] I don't know, they always wanna know about your clothes, and that's cool. Okay, Last call, here we go. What's cracka-lackin, [UNKNOWN] and Tom? This is Tyler from Hot-lanta, so I got a couple things here. One, I've got the iPhone X or iPhone 10, and I I really, really like it. [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN] battery life is actually a lot better than what I expected. And that's even when using Google Maps and so forth [UNKNOWN]. Anyway, I'm really liking the camera as well, it's definitely a great phone and so forth. But my main thing was about the Apple Watch, Two things. One, do you feel like that the Apple watch will ever get Spotify or Pandora, for streaming services? Okay, that was my first question. Second question is, does anybody know how to turn off explicit lyrics on the Apple radio? All right, just wanna ask that question. Just got done working out at the gym and I just didn't like all the cussing, everything like that. It's just my personal preference, anyway. It's freedom. Freedom! I'm pretty positive that you can turn off the explicit lyrics on Apple Music in The settings, let's see here. Yeah, I think so too. Like I'm almost positive, I remember that being an actual like, option. Now you know, you can turn off let's see here, I'm gonna, because we're just hanging out right now, turn off. Yeah you have to go into the settings of Apple Music's app specifically. Scroll to the allowed content section. And then you can turn explicit content off. Right. You have to confirm it by entering in your passcode but you can do it directly from the settings in the app. Cool. That's helpful. And then what was his other question? Spotify and other services. And then Pandora, yeah. I wish they did. But because you can do it from your phone, I feel Apple is like hey, we're already letting you do these other music services on your phone. Please, I wish they could. But right now, with the Apple Watch, the only music service. That they're promoting to operate on it is Apple Music. If you pay for a subscription, you can stream specifically from the watch over LTE, which is awesome. That's the only reason I flirted with the idea of getting the Apple Music, but I don't expect them to put any other third-party services. To stream directly from the Watch and only from the Watch. I just don't think they continue to be more locked down than ever and I just, I wish they did but I don't see it happening. Really that's a bomber, they're not letting any people build third party music Apps for the Apple Watch, that's Well they, you can but they're I'm talking about using it specifically with just LTE on the watch itself. I see, okay. Right now Apple music is that app, I'm like 99% sure, so if I'm wrong someone should correct me, but I know that they have. Watch versions of the app, but it's pulling from the phone, not from just the watch specifically. Yeah, cuz what was their sales pitch? Like two million songs in your watch or something like that, right. So they can improve that number a little bit. [LAUGH] All your music apps in your watch. Okay. That's it man. Are we? Is this it? That's it, 2017 is almost done. It's a wrap, I can't, honestly. [LAUGH] I know, right? [LAUGH] I'm not gonna lie. Crazy year. So anyways, everyone, thanks so much for listening and just helping build this podcast to make it what it is. We continue to get more viewers, more subscribers and we continue to get more sponsors from it so I think it's a win win across the board and it's all thanks to you so. I think from myself and Beach I don't know if you have any other words Beach but definitely thank you to everybody. We're so grateful. Yeah thanks everyone. We had a really awesome year and we'll be back to do it again next year. Yeah late January I think we're coming back so. Late Jan. Look for us at CES. And Detroit Auto Show, that's where I'm gonna be in the next couple of weeks. Yawsas. Yawsas/s. Me too, me too. Yeah. Okay everybody. Thank you so much for listening again. Have a great holidays. Enjoy the time off. Be safe and until next year, 2018, we will see you then, peace. [MUSIC] [MUSIC]

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