Social media rallies to save Obamacare, one tweet at a time

Social Cues: Also trending on Facebook and Twitter are Ben Carson and "Better Call Saul."

Alfred Ng Senior Reporter / CNET News
Alfred Ng was a senior reporter for CNET News. He was raised in Brooklyn and previously worked on the New York Daily News's social media and breaking news teams.
Alfred Ng
3 min read

A late-night push to start the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, has people on Twitter fighting back Thursday.

On Facebook, people are excited for a new season of "Better Call Saul" and Woody Harrelson joining the Star Wars universe.

Social Cues is our look at what's trending across social media. Here's what people are talking about on Thursday:

#SaveACA: The Senate has taken its first step to kill off the Affordable Care Act, one of Donald Trump's promises during his presidential campaign. Overnight, senators pushed through a budget voting process where all they would need is a majority of votes to repeal Obamacare. They previously needed a supermajority with 60 votes. People responded on Twitter with the trending hashtag #SaveACA, rallying for citizens to contact their senators and demand they vote against repeal. Some people are also tweeting at their senators with the hashtag. Here is a script that Obamacare supporters are suggesting people use when they contact their representatives:

Better Call Saul: A hidden promo for season 3 of "Better Call Saul" features the return of antagonist Gus Fring. It's a commercial for Los Pollos Hermanos, the fast-food restaurant in "Breaking Bad" where meth cook Walter White meets the ruthless drug lord posing as a family-friendly manager. The unlisted YouTube clip has been spreading through word-of-mouth and snagged more than 533,000 views since it was posted Tuesday. The show was trending on Facebook as fans anticipate the return of the feared drug kingpin.