Pokemon Go February 2022 events: Johto Tour, Lunar New Year and more

Here's a look at the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go this month.

Kevin Knezevic Former staff writer
Kevin has been covering video games and tech since 2010, with a particular focus on Nintendo and Pokemon. Squirtle is the best starter and nothing will convince him otherwise.
Kevin Knezevic
3 min read

A lot is happening in Pokemon Go this month.


February has arrived, and it's shaping up to be another busy month for Pokemon Go . A variety of activities are happening in the mobile game over the next few weeks, including the Pokemon Go Tour: Johto event, February's Community Day and a Lunar New Year celebration. Here are all the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go this month.

Monthly bonus

Pokemon Go players will be able to take advantage of a special in-game bonus in February. All month long, players will earn twice the usual amount of XP and increased Candy XL from hatching Pokemon eggs.

Research Breakthrough: Espurr

Pokemon Go is refreshing its Field Research tasks and rewards starting Feb. 1, and there will be a new Research Breakthrough encounter next month. Each time you achieve a Research Breakthrough in February, you'll earn a chance to catch the psychic Pokemon Espurr.

Research Breakthroughs are tied to stamps, which you can earn by completing Field Research tasks. You'll receive one stamp for the first task you complete each day, and you'll need to amass seven stamps in total to achieve a Research Breakthrough.

Legendary raids

A few legendary Pokemon are returning to five-star raids in February. Regirock will replace Regice from Feb. 1-9, with Registeel following from Feb. 9-16. After that, the DNA Pokemon Deoxys will return. Players will encounter a different form every few days for the remainder of the month, and there's a possibility each form can be shiny. You can see the full legendary raid schedule below:


  • Feb. 1-9


  • Feb. 9-16


  • Feb. 16-19: Normal Forme
  • Feb. 19-22: Attack Forme
  • Feb. 22-25: Defense Forme
  • Feb. 25 - March 1: Speed Forme

February Community Day


Pokemon Go's February Community Day takes place on Saturday, Feb. 12. Throughout the event, the grass/flying Pokemon Hoppip will be appearing in the wild more frequently than normal, and any that you evolve into Jumpluff before 7 p.m. local time will learn the Charged Attack Acrobatics. On top of that, you'll earn triple the usual amount of Stardust for catching Pokemon during the event.

Pokemon Go Tour: Johto


Pokemon Go is closing out its Season of Heritage with the Pokemon Go Tour: Johto, an event celebrating the original Pokemon Gold and Silver games. Players who purchase a virtual ticket for the event will be able to choose between Gold and Silver "versions" of the experience, with different Pokemon appearing in the wild depending on which you choose. A handful of legendary Pokemon from the Johto region will also return to raids as part of the event, and there will be in-person activities at select live venues on Feb. 27.

February Spotlight Hours

Every Tuesday evening from 6-7 p.m. local time, Pokemon Go features a different Pokemon and bonus as part of its weekly Spotlight Hour event. Here are the Spotlight Hours for February:

Feb. 1

  • Spotlight Pokemon: Litleo
  • Spotlight bonus: 2x evolution XP

Feb. 8

  • Spotlight Pokemon: Spritzee
  • Spotlight bonus: 2x catch Stardust

Feb. 15

  • Spotlight Pokemon: Koffing
  • Spotlight bonus: 2x catch XP

Feb. 22

  • Spotlight Pokemon: Voltorb
  • Spotlight bonus: 2x catch candy

Lunar New Year event


Pokemon Go's Lunar New Year celebration will return from Feb. 1-7. During the event, players will have their first chance to catch a shiny Litleo, as well as Hisuian Voltorb. On top of that, you'll have an increased chance to receive Lucky Pokemon in trades.

Valentine's Day event

Pokemon Go is celebrating Valentine's Day with a special event from Feb. 10-14. Few details are currently available, but the event will introduce a new fairy-type evolutionary line to the game, and there will be other themed activities.