Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said to launch mobile startup

Word has it that a new mobile company called Jelly is coming into fruition.

Dara Kerr Former senior reporter
Dara Kerr was a senior reporter for CNET covering the on-demand economy and tech culture. She grew up in Colorado, went to school in New York City and can never remember how to pronounce gif.
Dara Kerr
Biz Stone. The Obvious Corporation

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone is rumored to be adding a new mobile company to his line of startups, according to AllThingsD.

Apparently the name of the new company is Jelly and it will most likely be a product featured on smartphones and tablets. According to AllThingsD, Stone has already hired a handful of people to work on the Jelly team.

After leaving Twitter, Stone partnered with another Twitter co-founder Evan Williams and former Twitter product chief Jason Goldman to work on an incubator called The Obvious Corporation. Using Obvious funding the trio has launched other startups, including Lift, Branch, and Medium. According to AllThingsD, Obvious will most likely invest in Jelly also.