Windows 7 Service Pack 1: Move along, nothing to see here

Microsoft has revealed that the first service pack for Windows 7 is on the way, but claims it will only offer "minor updates"

Nick Hide Managing copy editor
Nick manages CNET's advice copy desk from Springfield, Virginia. He's worked at CNET since 2005.
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Nick Hide

Microsoft has revealed that the first service pack for Windows 7 is on the way, but claims it will only offer "minor updates". With the phrase 'service pack' having strong echoes of the massive revision of Windows XP SP2, Microsoft is desperate not to put people off buying into its latest operating system.

The software giant claims many of the included fixes will have already been pushed out over Windows Update, PC Pro reports. Microsoft, which announced the pack on its official blog, revealed that an upgraded Remote Desktop feature will be included too.

RemoteFX will allow "users to work remotely in a Windows Aero desktop environment, watch full-motion video, enjoy Silverlight animations, and run 3D applications -- all with the fidelity of a local-like performance when connecting over the LAN," according to Microsoft's Max Hermann, quoted by PC Pro.

Brandon LeBlanc, author of the offical announcement, said, "Windows 7 is ready for commercial deployments now and many industry experts have recommended that customers do not wait for SP1." He didn't give a date when SP1 is expected to arrive, but those aforementioned industry experts believe this autumn is likely.