Welcome to the new-look CNET UK!

Heading into our fourth year in business at CNET UK, we've spruced ourselves up with a smarter, more consistent look across the site. Let us know what you think!

Jason Jenkins Director of content / EMEA
Jason Jenkins is the director of content for CNET in EMEA. Based in London, he has been writing about technology since 1999 and was once thrown out of Regent's Park for testing the UK's first Segway.
Jason Jenkins
2 min read

We've been bringing you the very best technology reviews, news and blogs since 2005, and in preparation for our fourth year in business, we've decided to start 2009 with a brand-new look.

A few months ago we asked some of our super-users to come in and tell us what they did and didn't like. Based on this, we've come up with what we think is a much smarter-looking and more accessible site -- we hope you agree.

The first thing we've done is make search as quick and simple as possible -- the search bar is now in the same place and looks the same no matter where you are on the site.

The login and registration box has moved to the top right, so you'll be able to comment on our stories and videos, write a user review or post on our forums more easily than ever.

The navigation bar on the left in Reviews, Downloads and Prices has been overhauled too. The new design is cleaner, easier to read and offers direct access to a range of options.

To update our look we've introduced a new header across the site. The familiar CNET UK yellow has been replaced with a more cutting-edge black.

Each section has been given its own colour to aid navigation -- red for Crave, blue for Reviews, silver for Videos, yellow for Forums and green for Downloads, for example. We've also standardised the colour we use for links wherever possible.

As you may imagine, this has been a huge task, affecting every page of the site, so please do let us know if you see anything that looks wrong in this forum thread, along with any feedback you have on the design as a whole. Hopefully you'll like it as much as we do!

Update: If you are experiencing any problems with the new design, try clearing your browser cache. We've found this fixes 99% of all problems with the new look.