viewmy.tv in really good IPTV service shocker

We've just stumbled across a lovely new Web portal that gives you access to over 700 global TV channels for the charming price of absolutely nothing at all

Rory Reid

We've just stumbled across a lovely new Web portal that gives you access to hundreds of global TV channels for free. viewmy.tv aggregates over 700 stations, including BBC News 24, ITV, MTV and ESPN.

The service is different to sites such as YouTube, as it offers proper live TV instead of short clips. There's also an element of social networking, as you can leave comments about your favourite stations, chat live with fellow square-eyes and generally share your experience with anyone who'll listen.

It's possible to view the individual URL for each channel, so you can embed stations directly into your own Web site or blog, or to watch them via a mobile phone. Gadgets and Widgets are also planned, so you'll soon be able to watch TV on your PC or Mac desktop.

The service is completely free as it uses an ad-based business model -- you don't even need to create an account to start watching. viewmy.tv monitors the stream quality for availability bit rate and buffer time -- if channels don't meet the standard they're discontinued.

Picture quality was watchable in our experience, as was the choice of programming. We've just wasted half the morning watching a woman being mauled by a killer whale on 'LOL TV', before flicking to Al Jazeera for some light relief.

IPTV is the frickin' future -- we'll bet our back teeth on it. Forget all that over-the-air, satellite nonsense: by the year 3015 we'll all be leeching television via the Internet. -Rory Reid