Pangu iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak tool now available for Mac

Courtesy of Chinese hackers, the untethered jailbreak tool now supports the Mac and even displays its screens in English.

Lance Whitney Contributing Writer
Lance Whitney is a freelance technology writer and trainer and a former IT professional. He's written for Time, CNET, PCMag, and several other publications. He's the author of two tech books--one on Windows and another on LinkedIn.
Lance Whitney
2 min read

Pangu/Screenshot by Lance Whitney/CNET

A new untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 7.1.1 is expanding its horizons to more users.

Released almost a week ago by Chinese jailbreakers, the tool known as Pangu is designed to let you perform an untethered jailbreak on any device running iOS 7.1.1, including the iPhone 5S and iPad Air. An untethered jailbreak is considered the holy grail of jailbreaking as it does not require you to connect the device to your computer each time you restart it as does a tethered jailbreak.

Jailbreaking allows users to make modifications to Apple's iOS and to install apps not permitted through Apple's App store -- something the iPhone and iPad maker frowns upon.

But the initial version of Pangu was limited to Windows, and its interface was written in Chinese. Those two limitations have since been resolved, according to CultofMac. Pangu now offers an installation file for the Mac, so OS X users can join the party. The installation screens and interface also now display in English so the steps should be easier to follow for a lot more people.

Further, the initial release offered an option to install a Chinese third-party app store called 25PP. But that option is now disabled by default for English users, MacRumors said. Pangu does provide access to the official Cydia store where users can download and install apps unsanctioned by Apple.

However, Pangu is not without some controversy. Security expert and known jailbreaker Stefan Esser, aka i0n1c, lashed out at the tool last week, claiming that the developers stole some of his own exploits garnered through a recent video and training session. In a tweet, Esser called the Pangu developers "thieves" and wished "everyone of my followers who installed Pangu much fun with malware from China."

Though a jailbreak tool from China may raise red flags over possible malware infections, fellow jailbreaking expert iH8sn0w said the software does not have any "spyware" or malicious trails. Still, users will want to proceed with caution before using Pangu to jailbreak your favorite iPhone or iPad.